Užice Airport terminal nears completion

Monday, April 18, 2016

The construction of Užice Ponikve Airport's new terminal building is nearing completion, with all work expected to be finalised within the next two weeks. The airport itself, located in western Serbia, plans to open its doors in September. "Technically, the airport will have the capacity to cater for aircraft such as the Boeing 737-300, however, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. We will go step by step. We are negotiating for the launch of commuter flights with small aircraft that have the capacity to seat up to thirty passengers. If there is demand for larger aircraft, we will work towards adapting the airport to handle such flights in cooperation with Belgrade Airport", General Manager Saša Savić said recently.


  1. Anonymous10:53

    izgradiše Ere terminal, a niko ni ne primeti. svaka čast

  2. Aerodromi Srbije ocigledno pocinju da se pokazuju i formalno. Bez obzira koliko godina odlagali sada vec cetiri godine staru ✈Moravu, evo Ponikve se dizu zahvaljujuci ucescu Zlatiborskog regiona, Sargana, Drvengrada, hocu reci vispernog, emotivnog, prakticnog, a iznad svega sposobnog Coveka koji se zove Kusturica sa Mokre Gore. Svi po deo i Ponikve Vaskrsnuse. Zaista premnogo je jos posla. Prvenstveno ciscenje smeca od vojnog arsenala. Da budu ljudi bezbedni, da se krecu slobodni. Osnovni deo je ociscen svakako. Ovaj terminal je drugacijeg izgleda i skromniji od ✈Morave. Ali ovo je tek pocetak. Uzicani su mnogo preduzimljiviji od Kraljevcana i Cacana. Izgleda da u dolini Morave, narodu je i delu politicara blize plovljenje na ''mucenici'' rakiji, nego ucesce u ozivljavanju ✈Morave. Ipak sve ima kraj. Pa tako i ''mucenica rakija''. Na srecu, aerodromi nemaju kraj. Tako ni Nis, ni Morava, ni Ponikve od ove godine su clanovi zajednice Aerodromi Srbije. Ponikve od Avgusta. Morava od septembra. Stvarno prolongiranje aktiviranja aerodrome je zavrseno. Bravo Uzicani. Cacani i Kraljevcani na vama je red. Bez rogobatne reci ''nazalost''. Rod✈

  3. Anonymous11:19

    Слатка мала зграда, чији трошак изградње није већи од пар стотина хиљада евра.

    Међутим, није довољно направити зграду и назвати је аеродромским терминалом. Да би то заиста и била потребно је у објекат унети пуно опреме која чини један терминал функционалним, а та опрема кошта неколико пута више него сама зграда и бојим се да ће се на тај део чекати као што се чека и са Моравом, јер за тај трошак пара нема.

    ДС је у својој кампањи отварао Мораву, из необразоване странке отварају Поникве, вероватно ће неким наредним изборима и Борски аеродром послужити као адут за изборну кампању

  4. I didnt even know they have been working on terminal building. And I considered myself fairly updated when it comes to aviation. What a fail.

    Anyway, thumbs up. It looks very decent from this standpoint.

  5. Anonymous12:53

    What a PR stunt...my God, Vucic became an expert in decievment. This is just a prefabricated building made from wood and glued together for election propaganda so Vucic can "open" one more thing. Such an insult for every aviation enthusiast in Serbia, i`m speechless. This is just a set for cameras.

    1. I 120% agree that this is a pre-election stunt, but are you certain that this is a pre-fabricated building? It seems like they just converted one of those small hangers which are used to house fighter jets on standby. Here is a picture:


    2. Anonymous17:58

      Please go vent your venom somewhere else. This is defintely not a PR stunt, as no one even knew that this airport is being built. Serbian air-travel industry is on fire. Last year we had one airport in Belgrade, with any sort of commercial traffic. Now we have 2, and 2 more that will be activated by year end. With results like this, Vucic can brag all he wants for PR and non PR purposes, because his government did a job well done and they deserve to be allowed to brag. If you still can't process, in all your bitterness, the good of this because you are a typical frustrated Serbian "negativac" with a big mouth and a low action potential, then use your opportunity this Sunday, and add your mark to your ilks sidelined political option, if it makes you feel any better.


    3. Anonymous21:32

      If you think there is no politics involved in this development then you are very naive Jack.
      Having said that the terminal looks quite decent. But will it be used?

  6. Anonymous12:57

    It looks really nice, but I think we all know that it won't work, they could eventually have charters during the winter with tourists. I highly doubt that UZX will see something like RyanAir or Wizz.

    1. Anonymous18:04

      They said that for Nis, they were saying it for Kraljevo. It's always the "it own't work" story. There's plenty of potential. The only thing holding the country back is the gloom and doom scepticism that Serbia is on par with Zimbabwe, and things can only get worse. Go grab a coffee and catch a wake up. Even the tourists to Serbia are making fun of you for constantly moaning about everything, even when there is no reason to moan about. Roll up your damn sleeves and create a better future. Don't just moan and be oxygen thieves. This airport is a step in that direction.

    2. Anonymous21:36

      I didn't know Zimbabwe was a gloom and doom country.

    3. Anonymous02:35

      @Anon at 6:04

      Potential means nothing without the plan. If the plan is to build the airport and the airlines will come, well that's not the plan. If the plan is go to the nearest bus station and count where most buses are bringing diaspora from to replace those bus lines with low cost airline, that's plan that makes money only for the LCCs.

  7. Anonymous21:35

    I didn't know Zimbabwe was a gloom and doom country.

    1. Anonymous13:38

      I'm not sure if you read news or have been to Zim. Doom and gloom is a conservative description to the situation there. I would call it cataclysmic.

  8. Marko21:53

    Only intellectually lazy person can belive mr Vucic.

  9. Anonymous01:13

    Dobro je. Bitno da nisu napisali Airport Ponikve :-)

  10. za ovaj terminal nisam cuo, nisam znao ni da ga grade, izgleda da su ga i politicari zaboravili ne secam se da je bilo svecano otvaranje. Ne znam da li ce nekada proraditi ali nema veze, zelim sve najbolje Uzicu i Zlatiboru.

  11. Purger12:34

    Užice imaju 60.000 stanovnika, županija (distrikt) Zlatibor 290.000. Sigurno bi tome gravitiralo stanovništvo jugoistočne Bosne (ostatak svakako gravitira Sarejevu, Tuzli i Beogradu) i sjeverozapadne Crne Gore (ostatak gravitira Podgorici), ništa iz Kosova (politika + velik aerodrom u Prištini) sve zajedno možda nekih 400.000 ljudi.

    Ono što je glavni problem je što je Ponikve
    - jako blizu Beogradu (tek 166 km) što znači da će gro putnika putovati preko BEG, nema realne šanse za otvaranje redovnih linija uz tako velik aerodrom toliko blizu

    - blizu Nišu (262 km) i Moravi (tek 88 km)

    E sad bez obzira što je investicija minijaturna, treba tu zaposlit ljude (osoblje na prihvatu, usluge, uprava, vatrogasci, carina, policija... ispod 40 ljudi nema šanse, a znavši Srbiju i prema primjeru Niša koji je imao 185 zaposlenika dok nije imao ni jednog putnika, to će biti preko 100 zaposlenika), treba plačat režije, nabavit opremu za prihvat zrakoplova i sigurnost (a to su milijuni EUR)...

    Imat 4 aerodroma u krugu 250 km i potpuno nezaposlen aerodrom na tek 88 km (koji nije imao ni jedan jedini let od otvaranja), onda stvarno moraš biti kreten da potrošiš i jednog eura, milijune da to opremiš minimalnom opremom, te stotine tisuća EUR za mjesečne troškove kada se to otvori. Iskreno, ako je investicija bila toliko mala (uz tolio veliku pistu i platformu) onda je trebalo otvorit Ponikve, a ne otvarat Moravu pa bi možda nešto i bilo od tog aerodroma (Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Užice + turizam u Vrnjačkoj banji).

    Ne vidim neke mogućnosti da tu krene LCC, a od par eventualnih letova LCC uz enormnu financijsku motivaciju (to mora biti još jače od niških 3 EUR po putniku da bi privuklo Wizz ili Ryan) + 20-tak charter letova godišnje (što je vrlo optimistično) nema kruha. Nemože to isplatiti troškve aerodroma. Uzmite da u Hrvatskoj profitabilni nisu ni Rijeka (daleko veći grad + velik turizam), jedva Pula (bitno veća + ogroman turizam + udaljenija od Zagreba), dok bitno veći Osijek (udaljeniji od ZAG) i turistički velik Brač koji je još na otoku, su debelo gubitaši.

    Ovaj projekt nakon što je otvorena Morava, je još veća glupost od same Morave! I onog tko je potrošio i EUR-a, a potrošit će još milijune EUR da to dovede na operativni nivo, treba ekzemplarno streljat nasred Terazija!


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