Zagreb Airport terminal photo update

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The construction of Zagreb Airport's new multi million euro terminal is progressing, with work to be completed in December this year and the opening set to take place in the first quarter of 2017, during the spring. Work on all escalators and elevators, as well as the construction and installation of the new baggage handling system has now been completed. Check-in desks and counters will be set up this month. Furthermore, by the end of June, the terminal will have a new security and CCTV system put into place. The commissioning phase, where all the equipment systems needed to operate the entire building are put through a series of rigorous testing procedures before it can be occupied, will take place in January. The project involves a total investment of 331 million euros, 243 million of which are being spent on the construction of the new terminal and 88 million for the maintenance of airport infrastructure over the entire period of the thirty-year concession, awarded to the French-led Zagreb Airport International Company (ZAIC). The terminal features eight air bridges and will have the capacity to handle 5.5 million passengers per year.


  1. Anonymous16:35

    Looking great, can't wait for the terminal to be finished!

  2. Anonymous09:06

    Бјутифул .. једино што мало квари овај стаклени склад су рогобатни затворени авио мостови. Могли су их бар делимично обложити стаклом да склад буде потпун

  3. JU520 BEGLAX09:07

    the day it opens I ll be there !!


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