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Eurocontrol revokes Bosnian regulator control over the country's airspace |
The Air Navigation Services Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHANSA) has said Eurocontrol has delayed the handover of its airspace above from air traffic control centres in Belgrade and Zagreb until further notice. The statement came to EX-YU Aviation News following reports the country has been revoked sovereignty over its skies. Bosnia and Herzegovina gained control of its airspace two months ago, which had previously been jointly administered by Serbia and Croatia from air traffic control centres in Belgrade and Zagreb respectively. Bosnia established BHANSA back in 2009, which took responsibility of airspace up to 32.500 feet in November last year. However, Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, says BHANSA is unable to undertake the “extremely complex work”, following meetings in December.
The Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA) and Croatia Control (45%) will retain control over Bosnia and Herzegovina’s upper, while "the Bosnian air traffic agency, BHANSA, will take over the terminal air traffic control to a certain level of flight operations, landing and takeoffs”, a Eurocontrol report, quoted by “Balkan Insight” says. It adds, “Most of the flight control will remain delegated to SMATSA and the Croatian air traffic control agencies". SMATSA will also collect all revenues from commercial flights over the country in its area of jurisdiction. Until 2007, Bosnian airspace was controlled by international peacekeeping forces that stayed in the country after the end of the 1992-95 war. Since then, Bosnia has had to pay Croatia and Serbia for air traffic navigation. As a result, the two countries collect fifteen million euros each year.
Eurocontrol’s decision will come as a setback to BHANSA. Seventeen air traffic controllers from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been trained in Belgrade in order to take up their positions at control centres in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. More than 23 million euros have been invested in the new air traffic control system in the country, most of which came from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Last year, the Minister for Transport and Communication of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Damir Hadžić, said, “This is a small step for the region, but a big one for Bosnia. We suffered big financial losses by using the services of our neighbours, but from now on the money will stay in our pockets. This is one of the most complex projects implemented in Bosnia”.
Now that's awkward
ReplyDeleteYay... more money for SMATSA I guess.
ReplyDeletezasto me to ne cudi?
ReplyDeleteМислим да би у тексту требало да стоји 10000 фита, или нешто друго, у делу где се каже да БХАНСА остаје задужена за полетања и слетања. Можда је лапсус због нивоа 100.
ReplyDeleteСрећан Бадњи дан и све најбоље!
Unbelievable. Must be some serious disadvantages in functioning if Eurocontrol decided to revoke its decision and hand back control to airspace to CCL and SMATSA after only two months. More on that:
What does Croatia gets if all the revenues go to SMATSA?
ReplyDeleteIt does not say SMATSA gets all revenue it says SMATSA gets revenue for area under its jurisdiction. It also says, "the two countries collect fifteen million euros each year"
DeletePurger would you recommend Air Serbia for flights from Zagreb ?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you just check the comments in yesterday's article...
DeleteAny other sources from this news than Balkan Insight? Cant find this news neither on Eurocontrol, nor in Bosnian or Serbian web portals.
DeleteHaha but that one also as a sourcehas Balkan Insight :)
DeleteBIRN is a reputable institution so you can trust them. They are far from being amateurs.
DeleteBIRN is a pretty respectable source. They managed to force the Serbian government to publish the transaction agreement with Etihad and actually published the agreement a few days before the government. I doubt EUROCONTROL is going to release a statement about BHANSA since its their failure as well. They have invested quite a lot in this project. BHANSA like most institutions in BiH is an absolute mess at the moment.
DeleteWhy an absolute mess?
DeleteCompletely expected knowing the fools that run BHANSA
Još jednom da pojasnim na svima lako razumljivom jeziku:
ReplyDeleteOvo o cemu govori Balkan Insight se odnosi na produzenje ugovora BHANSA sa SMATSA o kontroli gornjeg neba, jer se vec sada zna da obuka dodatnih kontrolora nece biti dovrsena do 13. novembra 2015. godine. I to pise u originalnom clanku Balkan Insighta, ali ne bas najjasnije, tako da je ocito ili greskom Google Translate ili namjernom greskom Ex-Yu aviation bloga sve protumaceno kao da se odnosi na srednji sloj.
Ne znam kakav google translate ali lepo kaze u originalnom clanku, kao i ovde, "The Bosnian air traffic agency, BHANSA, will take over the terminal air traffic control to a certain level of flight operations, landing and take-offs while most of the flight control will remain delegated to SMATSA and the Croatian air traffic control agencies,"
DeleteA i malo ti je glupo kao to "namjerna greska" kao neka vecita zrtva. Koliko citam ovde se clanci hvalospevi pisu o Sarajevskom aerodromu.
Ako pogledas cijeli tekst, gdje zbog greske ili nerazumijevanja novinara to nije izricto receno, jasno se vidi da se ugovor odnosi na produzenje statusa quo, gdje SMATSA kontrolise gornje nebo.
DeleteA ne da se radi o povratu u stanje prije 13.11.2014.
Jel zna neko koliko kosta vazdusni prelaz preko Srbije ili kako se to tacno zove.
ReplyDeleteHvala unapred :)
Računica zavisi od mnogo ulaznih varijabli koje se menjaju od leta do leta, tako da ne možeš da dobiješ fiksan cenovnik.
DeleteDali bi mi mogli reci cenu neku otprilike za 77W ili 380 bio bih vam mnogo zahvalan :)
DeleteHvala unapred
Veoma ugrubo i otprilike, oko 330 evra za prelet A380 u dužini od 200 kilometara. Za tačnu cifru moraš da znaš težinski faktor aviona kao i tačke ulaska/izlaska iz vazdušnog prostora. Imaš na Eurocontrol sajtu nekoliko primera kako se izvodi računica.
DeleteOT: A319 YU-APC has been at BEG hangar since Dec 31. Something serious?
ReplyDeleteNije nista opasno.:)
C check.
DeleteAre they able to perform a C-check on an Airbus at Jat Tehnika?
DeleteSeems like Air Serbia took all birds that were nearig C-check...and we were told that there were so much delays precisely because they were all going through C check.
DeleteJAT Tehnika can perform up to C Checks on the Airbus A320 family as well as the ATR 42/72. They can perform up to D checks on the Boeing 737 classic, Next Generation, and -200 series.
Interesting why then the rest was serviced @AUH. Oh well.
DeleteJat Tehnika can install onboard wifi equipment as well.
DeleteOnly two, ex-Etihad, birds were serviced in Abu Dhabi.
DeleteThanks for the precision.
nice project. Actually CV B747F landed 2013 already at Payerne and Duebendorf Military Airports
http://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/zivot/drustvo/let-za-rusiju-jeftinije-iz-hrvatske_555171.html Pa sto samo za Moskvu?!
ReplyDeleteMislim da Moskvu ova novinarka uzela samo kao prijmer I pokusala da napravi senzacionalisticku pricu od nicega.
DeleteNeka doda trošak odlaska i povratka iz Zagreba pa će da vidi koliko je jeftinije.
DeleteTako je i Austrian imao lude cene da je bilo jeftinije putovati preko Beča nego do Beča...
DeleteKoliko sam ja shvatio, solucija preko Zagreba je jeftinija za oko 13000 din, a gea turs ima povratne minibus vožnje (direktno od bilo kog mesta u Beogradu do ZG aerodroma i nazad) za 50 evra.
Vala, da je ušteda okruglo 100, i ja bih išao. Usput posetim neke prijatelje u Zagrebu i to je to.
A, znaci mogu da se kupe karte za Er Srbiju iz Zagreba za Moskvu, i naravno za jos mnogo drugih destinacja. A pre neki dan kad sam pricao da je Jutarnji zutilo, da Hrvatska Srbiji nije nista uskratila i da se karte mogu normalno kupiti bio sam kreten, sovinist, hejter itdi td. Bas me zanima hoce li bar neko od onih sto su me pljuvali da se izvini (retoricko pitanje-znam da nece) :) Svim normalnim pravoslavnima Srecan Bozic-Mir Bozji-Hristos se rodi!
DeleteKretenizam srpskih novinara je jednostavno bezgraničan. To nije moguće izmeriti.
DeletePa zna se kako je dosla do posla .
DeleteJa sam se smejao kad sam slusao RTV Dnevnik posto je gore lupila nego ja kad lupim nesto .
I'll agree with you that this is and always was a political not technical question. I have no knowledge of the issue first hand but somehow I doubt Republika Srpska politicians would rather give money to SMATSA and Crocontrol than take it themselves. Unless some of the money was sent back through secret channels and ended up in private pockets of course. This is just my guess of course. Another explanation would be that similar to some other joint bodies there was a fight where it would be located, who controls it etc. and unless some was in BL there was no deal. Again, pure guess on my part but second scenario seems more realistic to me.
ReplyDeleteJust the transitioning of a political body from entity to state level is a reason enough for those crazy serbs to revolt. As if we are in a state union, which we are not. Anyway it's been the same since '96, but what do you know...step by step Bosnia has overcome these issues, it can take some time, but we get what we want to at the end of the day. The same will happen with BHANSA. Cheers.
DeleteBeing one of those "crazy Serbs" as you call them, I wouldn't agree with your oppinion and the future prospect for rs and BiH as an union but we'll leave that conversation for some other day and forum. You are definitely entitled to your oppinion. Mir Božiji Hristos se Rodi.
DeleteMy friend, you need to read more carefully. Bosnia-Herzegovina is by its constitution not a state union. Second of all, I don't need to have a conversation with you about the future of my own country, your opinion is as much important in Bosnia as is someones from Turkey.As already mentioned, issues have been arrising since '96, but we've managed to overcome every and each one of them, which we will continue doing. Small rats are allways present, we've had them in 1992, 1996...we have them today...but they've become so small since then, that just opening a subject related to '92 and '96 is like trying to bring back someone from the dead.
DeleteMy family including myself lived in Sarajevo for at least 7 generations and still do. So it's my country too. Only problem our definitions or borders and future outlook differ greatly. But without going any further, we'll see what the future brings. All the best
DeleteAnd war was finished in 96 as far as I remember, that is almost 20 years. But even if we go by your year, what they were doing in BHATM for 8 years?
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing that so many people on this forum cannot wait for something "not working" in Bosnia to start straightaway with calls for secession and splitting the country in pieces...sad. They should remember recent unfortunate history of that country and remember that any calls for some unrealistic , dramatic changes in BiH will not end up peacefully
ReplyDeleteMaybe that should tell you something. There is a good portion of people who can't wait for the split to occur.
DeleteYes you are right - in Serbia that is
DeleteUhhh I don't think you are going to find very many people in RS who share your oppinion, in circle of my family and friends there is exactly zero of them. But I know in other parts of BiH that's hard to believe. Same way we Serbs thought of people who wanted to leave Yugoslavia in early nineties.
DeleteSame way people in Sandzak and Albanians in southern Serbia want secession from Serbia. Thats nothing new in this region :)
DeleteRaska is southern Serbia and no one but a few islamic extremists wants to seceed.