Belgrade Airport concession still possible

Serbian government undecided on Belgrade Airport’s future

The Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, has announced that a concession of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is still possible, over a month after he set an initial deadline to decide on the airport’s future development model. He noted that either a concession or a Public Private Partnership (PPP) is possible, adding that similar plans are being made for the country’s other commercial airports such as Niš Constantine the Great and Kraljevo’s Morava Airport. The statements mark a significant shift from previous plans which called for the creation of a state-run operator, which was to manage up to 25 of the country’s airports, among which were both Niš and Kraljevo. The enterprise was to be set up by April at the latest. The PM has so far only ruled out the sale of Belgrade Airport, which is one of Serbia’s most profitable state-owned companies.

Decisions on Belgrade Airport’s future have been muddled and dragged out since December 2013. In June last year, the Serbian government held talks with the Persian Gulf’s largest construction company, Arabtec Holding, to discuss a possible concession of Belgrade Airport. At the time, it was suggested for a twenty year concession to be offered to a foreign partner and a PPP model to be used to build a third terminal, for Air Serbia’s exclusive use, reconstruct Terminal 1 and build a second runway, a cargo centre and a nearby hotel. The investment was estimated to be worth one billion dollars. Several parties have previously expressed their interest in taking part in the concession. Among them were the Greek based Copelouzos Group, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the French concession and construction company Vinci.

With several deadlines come and gone, the airport has initiated a short-term investment cycle to expand capacity to 7.5 million passengers per year. It will invest forty million euros in upgrading and expanding its terminals by 2017. In a recent report by the World Economic Forum, Serbia was ranked 112th out of 144 countries in the world for quality of air traffic infrastructure, receiving a score of 3.5 (out of the highest possible 7). The ranking was compiled in the organisation’s 2014-2015 Global Competitiveness Index report. Despite slowing passenger growth, Belgrade Airport is confident it will continue to see its numbers rise in the coming future and its profits soar. It is on course to handle over five million passengers this year, with the record figure expected to be achieved by December.


  1. Why do they always insist of including Niš and Kraljevo airports with any potential deal.

    Much better to leave them under government control so nobody has a monopoly.

    1. Anonymous09:39

      Da hell are you talking about? Kraljevo airport was a political stunt and Niš was dead for years. Of course they should be included. Lot of money was invested into Kraljevo airport - should it go to waist now??? And I don't know about Bazel, but Wizz flights from Niš are always full. I flew from Malme to Niš and there were 180 pax on board. Serbia has much more potential and room for expansion when it comes to civil aviation.

    2. Anonymous12:15

      Not sure why Morava is not activated now. If INI is allowed to operate and poses no danger to AirSerbia and/or BEG, they should let Morava at least try.
      Does anyone know government'dls thinking on Morava. It doesn't make sense. Nis is the same distance (if not closer) from BEG compared to Kraljevo, Cacak, etc (time wise).

    3. Anonymous12:37

      Morava airport is absolutely unprepared and inadequate for any serious civil air traffic at the moment. There won't be regular flights from Morava for years.

    4. Anonymous12:43

      Anon at 12:37

      Could you please elaborate ?
      Could ATR or Q400 operate from Morava ?

    5. Anonymous13:09

      Can land, has landed - AT7, but not sure if certified for ops yet - apron was an issue I believe

    6. Anonymous13:35

      Does anyone know if there is an entity JP Aerodrom Morava or somwthing like that?
      Is there a person anywhere in the government (state or local) or any other place whose responsibility is to get the airport certified ( to start with) ?

    7. JATBEGMEL04:01

      KVO is not certified for civil operations. The airport is lacking the final touches to open, widening of the runway as well as the apron to allow 737/320 size ac to operate at the airport. I believe its current capacity is 1 ATR.

      INI didnt have flights (proper flights) because the management was crap in marketing the airport and approaching proper companies with proper offers to operate at the airport. Too much money was invested in the empty flights to TGD that stopped the moment cash subsidies stopped, instead of upgrading facilities or using the money as they do now in attracting proper and realistic companies to operate as we see now with Wizz. Nothing to do with Belgrade or Air Serbia.

      KVO is just another incomplete project in Serbia and it doesnt seem it will be completed in the near future. Just look at the way the government is slow to react with BEg, its a good enough indication, sadly.

    8. Anonymous10:12

      How difficult/expensive is it to certify it as int'l airport for ATR or similar aircrafts (cargo included), get IATA code (KVO) and put the airport on CA map. This way, there would be aome chance of civilian planes landing there.
      SNS could even claim points for cleaning up the mess left after DS gov't, unless they want it as reminder of pet project gone bad.


  2. Anonymous10:24

    The government has absolutely no plan or clear direction for the airport. It doesn't help that we have a pathological liar as PM. Everything he has said about the airport so far has turned out to be untrue and a fairy tale!

    1. Anonymous11:09


    2. Anonymous11:10

      Also doesn't help to have Sasa Vlaisavljevic as CEO

    3. Anonymous13:27


    4. Anonymous16:02


    5. Anonymous22:26


  3. Anonymous10:27

    "Serbia was ranked 112th out of 144 countries in the world for quality of air traffic " terrible but not surprising. Except for BEG no other airport even has ILS.

    1. Anonymous17:18

      In same ranking Croatia is 75th and Slovenia 71st

    2. Anonymous18:35

      What the heck has ILS to do with it? Do you even care to understand how the rating was done? Hundred or so businessman from their own country, in this case Serbia, rated how they feel about airport infrastructure in their own country and most of them have no clue what ILS is. It's extremely subjective and relative, that's why businessman from Montenegro rated and listed Montenegro way above Brazil. Really? Leaky tin box at TGD compared to say, new Terminal 3 at 40M pax/year GRU airport? Obrigado to local patriots in Montenegro!

    3. Anonymous18:36

      Gluposti ta poredjenja po svetu nemaju veze sa mozgom, rade ih interni koji pokusavaju da iskopaju podatke sa interneta.

    4. Anonymous00:13

      World Economic Forum!!!!!!

      Vi očito nemate ni najmanjeg pojma što je to, ali glavno da lupite samo zato da bi opravdali još jednu "urotu" i nepoštenje prema najbolje, najvećem...

    5. Anonymous00:36

      Sta je "lupljeno" u komentaru od 6:35? Pronadji jednu stvar gde je lupio. Nema veze sa urotom ili BEG, primer je za Crnu Goru i Brazil. Budi makar trezan kad komentarises.

    6. JATBEGMEL04:05


      GRU is a crappy airport just as is GIG. BEG terminal 2 as bad as it is is still much better than GRU.

    7. Anonymous23:10

      No, comparing GRU T3 and Podgorica. If you have atention deficit disorder I appologize, otherwise please don't drink and comment.

  4. Anonymous10:40

    I also flew Wizzair from Basel few days ago, and there was nearly no seat available. On the way back was packed!
    As for the terminal building I think Nis needs complete renovation or even brand new terminal, because the current one is awful! (yn)

  5. Anonymous11:08

    I would start focusing more on attracting new customers i.e new airlines. I fear we might seea decline in numbers this July. Definitely by October.

  6. Anonymous11:37

    Ako se secate koliko su se krili pregovori sa EY tako se i krije sad ko zna nesto zna ko je nebitan ne zna.
    I ponovo ne mojte za dzabe da vredjate ljude kad se oni jako trude da LYBE dobije koncesionara.

    1. Anonymous14:46

      A INI je taj koji treba da zna... Hahahha kao sto dolaze a330, kao sto etihad pojacava kapacitet na AUH-BEG...

    2. Anonymous14:53

      Sorry, INN-NS, but I find it very hard to believe that the same politicians who have already announced TATL flights countless times as if it were a done deal would suddenly be so secretive about a possible airport concession. Knowing Vučić, if there was even the slightest hint of an agreement by now, he would be all over the place with announcements and hints.

    3. Anonymous14:54

      G Gojkovic
      Pa nije samo do njega mozda ne zeli koncesionar to.

    4. Anonymous15:12

      @2:53 "dolazi 330 za nekoliko meseci"?! Zar nista nisi naucio od onog svog fijaska sa Kinom? A prodaja karata krece nedelju, dve ranije jel?

    5. Anonymous15:15

      Pa vi ne znate kad sta i zasto ja pricam ovaj put je ozbilnjo .
      A bilo je price za PEK cak je rekao i JATBEGMEL to .

    6. Anonymous17:44

      Gojkovic; +1 he's a Balkan politician, says it all.

    7. Anonymous18:06

      Pa nije samo do njega mozda ne zeli koncesionar to.

      Ovo je prvi put da se slažem sa INN-NS. Aerodrom će polako graditi sami ali su spremni da razgovaraju ako se jednog dana ponovo javi interes za koncesiju.

    8. Anonymous20:40

      @3:15 sta ti znaci vi ne znate kad sta i zasto ja pricam?! Imas vise licnosti?!

    9. Anonymous23:30

      Al'ovaj put ozbiljno! Hahahahahahahhahah

    10. JATBEGMEL04:11

      @ INN-SNS

      I said I had heard PEK as a RUMOUR and nothing more. I didnt confirm anything. My bad calculation was that EK will come to BEG and they recently denied it, which I accepted as bad information.

      The moment Saša Vlaisavljević came to BEG everything was clear that nothing much will come from BEG, just like nothing good came from him while he was in Jat.

  7. Anonymous14:23

    Naravno da trenutno imaju spori rast putnika kad su oterali sve loukostere. Er Srbija skoro ništa ne plaća a cene karata je digla u nebo. Lud zbunjenog

    1. Anonymous14:39

      Slažem se sa Vama da je kreiranje monopola katastrofa, ali iskreno cene Er Srbije nisu uopšte visoke, a često se održavaju promocije za određene destinacije.

    2. Anonymous14:56

      For a millionth time, Air Serbia is paying "nothing" because that's the State's part of the investment into the project.

    3. Anonymous18:19

      "oterali SVE loukostere"

      Dobro je što su za razliku od rasizma ovakve gluposti dozvoljene pravilima foruma pa je ova poruka preživela da se svi smejemo ljudskom neznanju (ili zlobi). Loukosteri Easyjet, Wizzair, Vueling, uskoro Germanwings lete za Beograd. Ne vredi sad reći "ali ne leti Ryanair, ili ne lete na 30 destinacija kao iz Budimpešte", glupost/zloba ostaju.

  8. Indirectly related to ex-YU but...

    In the first six months Aegean carried a total of 4,692,537 passengers (+15%).
    The airline carried 3,890,685 in Athens alone or 17% more than last year.

    No fanfare, no megalomania, not pretending to be a regional leader, no big announcements... but they get sh*t done.

    1. Anonymous15:27

      Polako ali sigurno A3 bezi sve vise i vise od ASL on ce biti najveci ne prijatelj kad krene za sve EX YU gradove da leti cudi me da nije do sada.
      Nazalost imaju dobar rast i porucenih nekoliko 320 Ceo.

    2. Anonymous15:48

      san nije bas dugo trajao ...

    3. Anonymous15:51

      Kakav san .

    4. Anonymous17:15

      kinesko-americka koprodukcija u srpsko-austrijskoj izvedbi

    5. Ананас18:40

      Не разуме он то, сувише је компликовано за њега.

  9. Anonymous15:46

    ljudi RADE, a ne daju izjave po novinama i televizijama.

    To je ogromna razlika prijatelji moji. Zato me ne cudi Agean u opste. Ovde kod nas je prioritet obezbediti i sacuvati svoju poziciju po svaku cenu, cak i ako pojma nemas o tom poslu.

  10. Anonymous16:01

    Well, there's no other news in Serbia today. Nobody started tog get worried about ISIS is targeting Serbia and the Balkans, even though they tried their best to stir people.....but he has to be on the news everyday.....there's nothing like the BEG and investment story.....for the 511 time.....and it's still all the same as last week.....and his "kum", what a great leader, what a great visionary! Like he stated last week "a leading airport in Europe".

    1. Anonymous18:30

      Vucic is an attention seeker. Says many things and maybe something will work. He is good for some comic relief.

    2. Anonymous18:04

      Hello Anonymous July 17, 2015 at 6:30 PM,

      I agree!

  11. Anonymous19:28

    1. Anonymous22:38

      Ok, enough, we got it.

    2. Anonymous23:09

      I wonder why people didn't post as often picture of the new SKP terminal when it was being built.

    3. We have seen this one already but keep the new pictures coming!

  12. Anonymous23:11

    Za svakog modernog i pragmatičnog domaćeg, balkanskog političara je nabolje izdati sve strancu i uzeti procenat.

    1. Anonymous00:28

      Glupost, tako se radi svuda po svetu, zar su balkanski politicari u Portugalu i na drugim kontinentima?

    2. Anonymous18:03

      Ako ne zna raditi posao, makni ga, ima ko zna. Problem je što Srbi nisu u stanju imati pozitivnu selekciju nego samo negativnu. To će ih na kraju koštati tako da će biti robovi u sopstvenoj zemlji. Sve će biti u vlasništvu stranaca.To je Milorad Dodik već uradio u Sprskoj. Nije ostao ni kamen na kamenu. Isto sve će vama uraditi Vučić. Živi bili pa vidjeli.

    3. Anonymous18:06

      Већ у власништву немате 49% Ер Србије, а ускоро нећете бити ни власници аеродрома.

    4. Anonymous23:04

      ...eto kao što Zagreb već sad nije u vlasništvu Hrvatske, a kako se priča uskoro ni OU. Isti k.

    5. Anonymous23:40

      Pa da ti kažem, ne može ni biti nikakve razlike izmedju BEG i ZAG, sve go lopov do lopova u vlasti u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji..

  13. Anonymous23:15

    Ekstra! Lep ce da bude.

  14. ✈Bezbroj puta ponovljeno, do sada ne neucinjeno. Umesto solution privatizacije glavne Srpske vazdusne luke u Beogradu, jos uvek dissolution, neodlucnost sta uraditi...?
    Privjtizujte, oslobodite privatnu inicijativu, povecajte, efikasnost. Oslobodite kompanije od drzavnog upravljanja. To isto vredi i za aerodrome Nisa, Kraljeva, Uzica. za pocetak. Iz suncanog toplog Kraljeva, kraj ✈MORAVE✈ Rodney & Team.

    1. Anonymous08:58

      Radovane, svi su za koncesiju ali nema nikakve potrebe da se tako složen posao prelama preko kolena, u nekoj žurbi..

    2. Dragi @Anon 8:58 AM
      Hvala Vam sto kazete da su svi za koncesiju. Svakako da je transformacija aerodrome kompleksan projekat sa mnogo odgovornosti... Medjutim, U ovoj zemlji studije, odluke, odobrenja, primena... traju toliko dugo da se prosto ispare, jer ''dark horses'' , ljudi koji ne prihvataju privatna ulaganja kroz svoje delovanje ''isparavaju'' napore koji su u svetu realnom doneli to sto jesu. Koliko je razvoja propalo u Otadzbini Srbiji zbog nekoncezusa medju ljudima... Za razliku od Vas, nisam strucan za detalje, Nebih zeleo ni mogao da se ukljucujem u rad eksperata... Jer gde je mnogo ''babica, deca se sa bruhom radjaju'' . Putujuci sirom sveta u zadnjih gotovo 50 godina, uporno, prvestveno u ovoj bransi (civilnoj avijaciji), posmatram uporedjujem pristupe, I egzekuciju donetih odluka... Srbija je pored svih briljantnih pojedinaca, sa relativno pristojnim potencijaom, zemlja opterecena prosloscu ideologije... Sada iz petnih zila su nastojanja da se vise ne ''otkriva topla voda'', nego prakticnost, sa realnoscu pristojno efikasno primenjivati potvrdjeno. Jedan malo sporedan primer me je povukao da pomenem. Gledajuci u proslih tri meseca gradnju mosta preko Kukove reke na Sidnejskom aerodromu su za oko 75 dana su postavili celu gornju konstrukciju, betonirali sest traka! Naravno prikljucci su u toku gradnje... Most takve duzine sa samo DVE trake, doduse dugacije konstrukcije, ovde u Kraljevu su gradili oko DVE ipo godine! Da ova dva mosta su razlicita konstruktivno, ali isto toliko organizacijom, efikasoscu, dinamikom, ODGOVORNOSCU, promisljenoscu. Bez ove osnove nema realnog rasta, napretka, realnog hleba, aerodrome. Pa ni transformisanog Aerodroma Nikola Tesla, vratima Otadzbine, ni Novih Krila Evrope koja su uspesno pocela da se ''raskriljuju'' u ovim uslovima... Hvala Vam sto ste me omenuli. Ujedno, oprostite, koliko sam nerazumljiv u shvatanju. Zelja nam ja zajednicka. Transformisana vazdusna luka Beograd, efikasno, kako racipnalno rade uapesno. Isto tako razvoj intra saobracaja sa aerodrome Nisa, Kraljeva, Uzica... U nadi za dobro Srpske civilne avijacije i Vas doprinos boljitku, ostajte s' Bogom.
      ✈Rodney✈ I zaljubljenici u aerodrome Srbije. ✈Kraljevo😊☀ Sydney✈.

    3. Anonymous20:06

      +1, this has been said over and over again. Exact same theme is being raised in the DBV discussion over air bridges.......

    4. Anonymous23:22

      No, not the same thing at all. Rodney is a superfan of BEG, yet first comment in DBV abused news about first airbridges at DBV to somehow dump on BEG.

      Superfan of ZAG would say at new terminal opening "great, awesome terminal, but when are 4 more airbridges coming"?

      Hater like the one in DBV thread would say "North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un got new terminal with airbridges built at Pyongyang before Zagreb, capitol of EU country with great tourist potential, hahahahaha!" See the difference?

  15. Anonymous01:38

    Dokle cemo slusati gluposti o privatnoj inicijativi u avio saobracaju kada je vecina velikih avio kompanija pod drzavnom zastitom i pomoci?

    1. Postovani Anon 1:38 AM
      Kako ste napisali, ''Dokle cemo slusati gluposti o privatnoj inicijativi''. Pa postovani, dotle dok se ne oslobode ''srpskog'' idola, gurua, velikog ''vodje'', koji je ''boktario'' Srbijom i sire dok ga nisu u glavama ''balsamovali''. Drzava nemoze da bude uspesan gazda u biznisu, bez zavlacenja ruku u dzep svih koji rade! Pa onda sa svojim ''kukuriku'' pomagalima obasipaju narod ''svetlom'' buducnoscu. Ponovo reci cu. Nikada drzava nemoze razvijati uspesno kompanije bez subvencija, monopola, netransparentnosti... Privatan biznis jeste superioran system u odnosu na drzavu. Pod uslovom da drzava se ne mesa, da zakon transparentno primenjuje, porez naplacuje... Bez namere u dalju polemiku a moze videti, porediti svedocenjem licnim, zelim vam svako dobro u realnom, ne prisilnom, Gospodine/Gospodjo. Prirodno, politicari ce odluciti stace. Ja, mozda jos poneko ostajem u nadi za puni razvoj najmanje cetiri aerodroma Srbije. To su Beogradski, Niski, Kraljevacki i Uzicki za sada. Koji model Vlada ce primeniti? Vide ce se. Prijatno leto i srecan let koje na letu. Tek sletoh da vam dobro zazelim. ✈Rodney & Team✈ Kraljevo✈Sydney✈.

    2. Anonymous17:32

      Ponudi svoje znanje i iskustvo Qantasu koji je prosle godine nagurao 2,5 milijardi gubitaka.

    3. Anonymous08:24

      Država može biti odličan vlasnik sredstava za proizvodnju.
      Samo treba biti Šved pa iskorijeniti i pomisao na korupciju.
      Uzmimo obrnutu situaciju, da su apsolutno sve firme privatne.
      E, sad pitam, a ko reguliše odnose medju tim firmama? Upravo država.
      Ako država odnosno taj birokratski aparat ne valja, ako se ne provode zakoni, onda ne mogu postojati ni privatne firme. Ako državni apart valja i sve je urdjeno, onda privatne firme koje stvaraju novu vrijednost mogu opstati.
      Ako je dakle država uredjena kao treba onda mogu postojati i državne firme.
      Što se mene tiče, najbolji sistem je kad postoje i državne i privatne firme, strogo kontrolisane u uredjenom sistemu.
      U Francuskoj je tako.
      Renault je u vlasništvu Francuske.
      Na Balkanu takav sistem ne može postojati medju svim ovim bagrovia koji su u vlast ušli da bi se nakrali i enormno obogatili.
      Zato na Balkanu nema ni privatnih firmi koje stvaraju novu vrijednost a ni državnih, jer nema uredjenog sistema, postoje samo kurve, fukare i budale i postoji sistem ko će se plasirati u vlast da ima otvorena sva vrata da krade odnoso otima koliko god hoće od svih ostalih.

    4. Anonymous15:03

      Na Balkanu ne može postojati nijedan sistem, samo haos i lopovluk. prevari, otmi...


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