Hybrid carrier Flydubai will commence flights between Dubai and Zagreb from December 2, taking the service over from its larger partner Emirates during the winter. It marks the first such cooperation between the two carriers which have been strengthening ties as of last year. Flydubai will maintain daily services to Zagreb with its Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft until March 30, 2019. Emirates will then resume operating the flights after the specified period. “The move will ensure that capacity is deployed to best serve customer demand by maximising the frequency for passengers during the winter season”, Emirates and Flydubai said in a statement.
During the winter months, flights will depart Dubai at 10.00 and arrive in Zagreb at 13.15, with the return flight leaving Zagreb at 14.30 and returning at 23.00. Flydubai's flights to Zagreb will depart from Emirates' Terminal 3 at Dubai Airport. Last winter season, Emirates maintained five weekly services between the two cities. On the other hand, Flydubai last operated flights to Zagreb during the winter of 2016/17, after which it terminated the route. The 162-seat B737 MAX aircraft features Flydubai’s new business class cabin which includes ten fully-flat 198cm (top to bottom) seats across three rows. The first and last rows are configured 2-2, but the middle row has just two “throne” seats. Furthermore, each seat features a 39.6cm HD 1080p screen. In economy, the Recaro CL3710 seats are fitted with 29.4cm HD screens.
The Flydubai service will be codeshared by Emirates. Both Dubai-based airlines currently offer passengers a number of travel options across their complementary networks, with codeshares to over ninety destinations and several more to follow. The partnership initially began with codeshare flights to 29 cities and this has quickly expanded. For bookings under the codeshare, Emirates passengers will receive complimentary meals and the Emirates checked baggage allowance on flights operated by Flydubai in both business and economy class. Within Croatia, the hybrid carrier currently maintains seasonal services between Dubai and Dubrovnik, launched earlier this year.
I did not expect that, seasonallity is so clear in our region, sad.
ReplyDeleteI was saying from the beginning EK should have launched DBV seasonal and that's it.
DeleteThey should have applied the MNE model where they fly to the capital in winter and to the coast in the summer except they could have possible used the wide-body to DBV/SPU in summer.
Delete@ Aerologic
DeleteZAG does great in the summer, and has small amounts of connecting pax (typically between 5-15) that will connect onwards to SPU and SJJ, even less to DBV. A lot of the pax on the route are actually from Slovenia as well. I don't think SPU would be able to handle the B77W very well at a time they are the most busiest.
That is not always representative as direct flights generate new demand. If that's the case then FZ should have simply flown to LJU instead. Mind you, both LO, TK and JU had more passengers from LJU than ZAG if I remember well.
DeleteFunny how you’re trying to spin the fact that Emirates is going seasonal and that Zagreb is the first seasonal destination in their network. Fact is ZAG is the smallest in their network and this was bound to happen.
DeleteHm, dakle 4 meseca će umesto Emiratesa leteti Fly Dubai. To nije baš kratak vremenski period i pokazuje da na toj liniji baš i ne cvetaju ruže. S druge strane, ovakva saradnja dva prevoznika nije ni loša i nagoveštava da ovakve opcije ostaju otvorene i za druge gradove-npr. Beograd i Sarajevo.
ReplyDeleteApsolutno se slazem. Ne zaboravimo svu onu histeriju oko otvaranja ove linije koja se pokazala danas da je mehur od sapunice, jednostavno neodrziva za zimske mesece a mozda cak i za letnje.
DeleteZanimljivo je da na ovu vest nema Purgerovog komentara. Pitam se da li i dalje misli da je uspostavljanje linije EK za ZAG i dalje vaznije nego projekat Air Serbije?
Jesi ti vidiop LF tijekom ljetnih mjeseci?
DeleteKomentatori iz Srbije danas pokazuju da nisu mnogo bolji od komentatora iz Hrvatske. Isto kao što na vest o ukidanju jedne JU linije odmah krenu komentari o nadolazećoj propasti, sad iz jedne sezonske redukcije aviona sa wide-body na narrow-body ispade da će EK ukinuti liniju. Strašno.
DeleteJa sam napisao "mozda cak i za letnje", ostaje da vidimo.
DeleteLF nije uvek pokazatelj uspesnosti odredjene linije, vec yield na tim letovima.
Ono sto je sigurno je da se linija nije razvila onako je EK ocekivao vec dolazi do smanjenja kapaciteta jer je traznja manja od ocekivane.
Kako nam je do sad predstavljano EK nije obicni avio prevoznik vec je njegovo uspostavljanje linije za ZAG vaznije od projekta Air Serbije. Danas kad je objavljeno da EK ukida svoje letova za ZAG tokom 4 zimska meseca odjednom to ispada obicna "sezonska redukcija".
Nije nego.
Oprosti, kakve veze ima Air Serbia sa ZAG i EK? Što uspoređuješ jabuke i kruške?
DeleteEK nema uskotrupne avione i logičnije je da pošalje FlyDubai tijekom zime nego poluprazne širokotrupce? To je praktički ista firma. I to nije redukcija, obzirom da je prošle zime letio 5pw, a tijekom veljače i manje.
I za yield se ne brinem, obzirom da su karte za Aziju sa EK uvjerljivo najskuplje, pored QR i TK.
Can somebody please finally explain WHAT is important for a success of a flight?
Deletewhen people start writing about LF, we are contradicted, that is not important.
well, what is, then?
somebody posted here the LF on EKs flight where both 1st and business class were well filled. so, if you can't earn money on the premium product of a flight, then, how do you earn money?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePa ok, na "možda čak i za letnje" neko može da dođe i napiše "a možda će i leti pojačati na 10 weekly". Oba "možda" imaju istu težinu.
Nije nama ništa "do sad predstavljano" nego je to jednom prilikom izjavio (čak bih rekao odvalio) Purger na TV-u. Svako ima pravo na lapsus, na kraju krajeva nije ni bitno. Svakom normalnom je jasno da je ulaganje Etihada u JU nekoliko stepenika iznad na skali bitnosti od bilo koje linije za bilo koji ex-YU aerodrom.
A ovo jeste obična sezonska redukcija u suštini. Leteo sam FlyDubai/Emirates kombinacijom pre neki dan i nema skoro nikakve razlike u usluzi ili kvalitetu. Jedino što na FlyDubai mora da se doplati IFE nešto sitno, tipa 8€, i nema jastuka/ćebeta.
food and IFE are not complementary in FZ vs. EK in economy class + FZ operates from T2, and EK from T3.
Delete(this will change for some routes from DEC. but its currently still the case)
Last anon, read the article. These flights will operate from T3 and if you buy your ticket through EK you get everything complementary.
Delete"if you buy your ticket through EK you get everything complementary."
DeleteNot IFE, only the meal.
Deleteja ne uporedjujem kruske i jabuke. To je izjava koju je dao Purger kad je uspostavljena EK linija za ZAG i ja je sad samo ponavljam.
Do sad ovde na forumu EK i FZ nisu predstavljene kao jedna firma pogotovo ne u kontekstu cinjenice da EK jedino u ZAG slece od cele ex-Yu i u sustini to i nisu iako su slicni. EK ima premimum product dok FZ to nije. Sa druge strane broj sedista koji se nudio prosle zime na EK je daleko veci nego sto ce se nuditi sledece zime sa FZ cak i sa 7pw.
Ti ako mislis da je ova promena dosla bez razloga - ok, moze i tako. Ja mislim da imaju problem sa popunjenoscu kabine i profitabilnoscu tokom zimskih meseci u ZAG i da je ovo definitivo downgrade.
Ja se ne bavim onim sto bi neko mogao da napise vec onim sto sam ja napisao. Ovo je sigurno pokazatelj da stvari ne teku u zeljenom pravcu i logicno je ocekivati da se nesto slicno desi i tokom letnjih meseci ako racunica ne bude pozitivna za EK.
Purger to "nije jednom izjavio na TV-u" vec je tu tvrdnju napisao u svom tekstu na specijalizovanom portalu i kasnije tu istu tvrdnju zestoko branio. To je sve samo ne lapsus.
@ anonymous 11am
DeleteI don't think BEG or SJJ will happen until the B787 arrives. The B777 is simply a massive increase in capacity compared to the B738, especially in the premium cabins.
DeletePa ti si video LF tokom zime pa i dalje tvrdis da je to normalno i da im super ide.
Koji glumci ovdje, za ne povjerovati.
DeletePopunjenost kabine je kroz većinu prijevoznika manje-više jednaka kroz najslabije mjesece u godini i - gle čuda - ne samo u Zagrebu, već i u Beogradu.
I čemu sva ta sjedišta koja su zimi zjapila poluprazna? Zašto ne slati uskotrupca i bolje ga popuniti? U tom slučaju ZAG nije ništa izgubio jer taj širokotrupac sigurno ne bi u jednoj veljači bio popunjen.
I ovo je još jedan dokaz da se cijelo vrijeme rajcalo na ideju da bi LF u ZAG mogao biti slab, pa da EK digne sidro i ode.
Opet - LF je tijekom godine, pogotovo ako se uzme da je prva - vrlo dobar.
Ali kada uzmeš komadić podatka, pa ga izvadiš iz konteksta i od njega napraviš senzaciju - nije ni čudo što su se, kako volite zvati - "hejteri" napalili.
Covece daj stabilizuj se. Koji se tacno delic izvodi iz konteksta? Cinjenica da EK ima jako losu popunjenost van sezone? Cinjenica da jedva mogu da napune 738 tokom januara,februara, marta...?
DeleteIsto tako, na osnovu kojih podataka tvrdis da BEG ima losu popunjenost? Molim te podeli to sa nama.
Sto se tice popunjenosti za ZAG mi smo dobili tacne cifre koje se poklapaju sa desavanjima na trzistu.
Ujedno, da te podsetim da smo svi mi koji smo tvrdili da je EK preambiciozno usao u ZAG nazvani hejterima ili da smo opsednuti EKom u Zagrebu. Evo nas danas u situaciji kada se ispostavilo da smo u pravu ali ti nas i dalje zoves hejterima. Po meni jedini hejter ovde si ti.
Mozda ti najvise smeta to sto ZAG manje vise cupka u mestu i u slucaju da se desi nesto kul to je uglavnom tokom letnjih meseci. EK iz DXB je trebalo da predstavlja prekretnicu ali vidimo da se sa time nije daleko doguralo.
Mozda je vreme da se ugledate na nas Srbe i da naucite nesto o tome kako se siri vazduhoplovna ponuda koja moze opstati tokom cele godine.
Bravo Hrvatska! :D
ReplyDeleteYet I was mercilessly attacked the other day when I said there were not enough passengers in winter.
ReplyDeletehurrah for Nemjee
Delete+1 nemjee
DeleteFlyDubai isto ima odlicnu uslugu, pogotovo sto salju 737MAX.
Delete@ nemjee
DeleteAnd I was attacked and threatened when I gave actual load information, yet it was perfectly fine for the couple who insisted the A380 is coming. The irony.
DeleteYes, I remember when you were posting those numbers, it was very nice of you. I guess emotions took the better of them since they didn't like the prospects of the route. This is not the end of the world, EK barely had 6.000 passengers in February this year, flydubai is perfect for this route during the slow winter months.
Nemjee, just curious, how many flyDubai pax BEG had in February? LF?
DeleteFebruary numbers are not yet for Belgrade. From what I heard they did well overall as Dubai is a popular holiday destination for Serbs in winter.
DeleteSorry, I don't get it, you have the data for ZAG but not for BEG?
DeleteSerbia only started giving its numbers to Eurocontrol from this year. That's why there are limited numbers available.
Delete"...From what I heard they did well overall as Dubai is a popular holiday destination for Serbs in winter." So, no actual numbers?
DeleteEven if you got the numbers, it still wouldn't be directly comparable to ZAG, which is what I presume you're trying to do.
DeleteAnon 19.46
DeleteExactly, as explained in my 19.37 post.
So they will offer about 500 seats less per week from December to March. Will be interesting to see if Flydubai increase capacity during the Christmas/NY period.
ReplyDeleteflydubai doesn't operate around those dates. Looks like EK will be flying those days to cater for demand. Same as some other dates too.
DeleteThat's a disaster, such an inconsistent product.
DeleteNot really. Although they differ the 737 MAX cabin is actually very nice. Both J and Y class.
DeleteWell there is only as much you can pull off from an airport handling 3 million passengers per year. Zagreb was the smallest airport in EK's network so this is just back to reality.
DeleteI did not see this happening. At least they did not cancel flights during winter ... for now.
DeleteGoes to show they couldn't create new passengers, they failed to stimulate demand.
DeleteIf EK is still flying during the holiday period then that's great but I am still surprised they have cut back because they were getting good numbers in first and business last winter so you would assume that they would have done better this winter.
DeleteMaybe it is the Korea Air effect??
@Q40023 July 2018 at 13:05
DeleteEmirates is doing well on the route to Zagreb, between April 1st and October 31st, LF is around 87%, between November 1st and March 31st, load factor is rather bad, 55% on average with Xmas time going back to around 85%.
Last 6 months of 2017, Emirates had 100k on Zagreb route, for comparison, Budapest had 228k. Emirates is competing with Qatar on the route so it'll be interesting if Qatar benefits from slight respite by Emirates. However, last year 1.5 million visitors from Australasia visited Croatia, 550k Zagreb. This year 1.75 million from these parts will visit Croatia, in 2020, up to 2.5 million are expected.
If Emirates was sending two A380 daily to Zagreb they'll barely dent the demand. Arrival or ANA, Hainan (next year) and Korean Air will make Zagreb more interesting place, I can see in 2020, several more carriers showing up in Zagreb , Singapore, EVA or Cathay Pacific, who knows. Zagreb has proven to be very successful in attracting major carriers across the globe, numbers are good for this year, 3.4 million projected. 3.75 million projection for next year. totally happy with that number.
I guess KE affected them a lot. Now we know why they increased ZAG to daily.
ReplyDeleteKE did not increase Zagreb to daily. It's three per week from September.
DeleteI meant EK from 5 to 7 weekly in winter.
DeleteProbably is linked to Korean and maybe they know something we don't like like ANA or a Chinese airline starting Zagreb soon. If that the case, will be interesting to see if they come back next year at all.
DeleteMaybe it's the reality effect.
DeleteI was telling this will happen.
ReplyDeleteTo su trebali napraviti cim su dogovor o suradnji postigli.
ReplyDelete777 je malo prevelik za napuniti u zimskim mjesecima na malom trzistu.
Nije to baš tako jednostavno, očigledno im je trebalo vremena. Nije slučajno da baš od 02.12. počinju FlyDubai letovi sa DXB T3 za BEG i druge odabrane destinacije.
DeleteLet’s be realistic - EK’s B777 was a huge surprise for Zg. Possibly, they will continue like this in a summer season. With BG functioning as a year round hub and with a new enthusiastic operator there, ZG cannot expect too much traffic in the following years, except maybe in summer.
ReplyDeleteI expect both FlyDubai and EK to discontinue the Zagreb route in Fall 2019. The market is too small, and with the rise of BEG traffic shifts there.
DeleteBG being the year round hub? And ZAG can't expect much traffic in the following year? Are you for real?
DeleteIgnore the troll @ 12:27.
DeleteStop trolling, flydubai if they are replacing Emirates in winter months is only temporary, until seasonality issue is no longer the problem. Zagreb will retain Emirates and they'll be flying to Zagreb daily from 31st of March.
DeleteAlso Belgrade isn't a hub, the hubs are airports that handle over 20 million passengers and have connections with every part of the world.
It's only temporary - you mean until they cut the line completely or until Turkey, Egypt and other destinations start again attracting travellers putting Croatia in blackwaters?
DeleteBelgrade has connections with every part of the world, unlike some. It has year-round connections to both North America and Asia which neither of two Zagreb have. A hub is defined not by passenger numbers but by a hub model and number of destinations served. Hope that makes it clear for you.
@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 13:59
DeleteNow you're just trolling, Belgrade is a small regional airport with little significance beyond Serbia. Stop grandstanding.
BEG is continuously growing both in terms of passenger numbers and the airlines that fly there. It is also a place that two airlines call their home. This year we are passing six million and we keep on growing, we keep on breaking records! Nothing can stop us now! Idemoo
DeleteAnon 15:17
DeleteIf BEG is just a small regional airport, what is ZAG?
@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 15:51
Both airports are about the same size and same importance, with tiny market.
Zagreb just got its new terminal, before that it had small warehouse where passengers where shoveled through, literally in no shape to handle more than 3 million passengers. The check in section was so small, as soon as there were 4-5 flights the Q was extending to local taxi ramp. And Zagreb often has 10-12 flights in peak hours.
So to repeat, both airports are small regional of little significance airports that cater for the local market. Belgrade has few more passengers but when you're so small, hardly matters.
Anything bellow 10 million passengers is a small airport.
Mid Size airports are between 10- and 20 million and large between 20 and 50 million, major hubs over 50 million passengers. Once Belgrade reaches 10 million passengers come back to me again, if it happens before 2030, I'd be very surprised.
"Both airports are about the same size"
DeleteIf ZAG had 5,3M and BEG had 3,2M, we would hear how they are not even close, but since it's the other way around - we hear "they are about the same". More like one is about 65% bigger than the other.
@Anonymous24 July 2018 at 00:55
DeleteNo, they're about the same size, Actually Zagreb airport is way bigger, more impressive terminal and loads of room for expansion. In terms of traffic, difference is negligible, as these things can change in mater of few years. If Belgrade had 12 million pax and Zagreb 3.5 million, that would be significant difference, as is now, there's none.
Also, Croatia has 6 airports, handling 11 million passengers. if Croatia had lets say only 3 airports, the difference would be stark, Zagreb would have handled at least half of all traffic. Anyhow, the old terminal was a stumbling block in airports growth, it was tiny, only 15500sqm, incapable of handling more than 5-6 flights at the time. Often in high season terminal handled 12 flights in peak hours, overwhelming the staff and capacity. Airport has only 730 staff,(perhaps 800 now) working in two shifts, so airport even now isn't capable of handling more than 7-8 flights per hour.
Staff shortage is a big problem , but airports wants to remain profitable so there's little chance airport will suddenly expand and increase number of staff.
Meant to say Zagreb airport terminal is way bigger than what is in Belgrade. In terms for passenger traffic Belgrade has several million more ...
Delete@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 15:42
You meant 12 million right ?
"they're about the same size, Actually Zagreb airport is way bigger"
DeleteJacques, it's has 65% more passengers. That's like saying difference is negligible between tiny FRA at 64M and ATL at 104M, that's also about 65% more!!!
"these things can change in mater of few years"
Yes they can, gap in passenger numbers between BEG and ZAG grew in 2017. It again grew in the first 6 months in 2018. Once Vinci takes over, builds a new runway and terminal it will grow even more. Things will certainly change in a matter of a few years, BEG is positioned to grow the gap even faster.
Anon, could you let EK know the new terminal is also available in winter months as they seem not to know. Hurry up because they are scheduling a downgrade this winter. I mean it must be a mistake that they decided to downgrade ZAG.
Delete@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 15:42
DeleteYou know, ZAG is growing as well.
BTW, don't forget your pom-poms.
Ja zaista ne razumem kako im je osam avio-mostova vece od 16.
Delete@Anonymous24 July 2018 at 02:33
DeleteWhen you compare Belgrade to Zagreb difference are small, when you compare mega airports difference can very, Belgrade will never attain results of one Munich or Vienna, so screaming out loud hey 65% difference, it ain't if the numbers are so small that barely registers.
Belgrade is small insignificant city and airport in region of Europe nobody gives a rats' arse. Nobody cares that Belgrade has 5.3 million pax in 2017 and might have 5.7 million in 2018, or 6.5 million in 2020, cause to most Belgrade doesn't even register, they can't even find it on the map.
Before you jump, same goes for Zagreb as well. However only difference is, Croatia is in the EU, NATO, and various other organizations Serbia won't be part of for a very long time or ever. One thing that goes Croatia's and Zagreb's way in getting all important numbers.
How will all those Kiwis and Aussies come now?
ReplyDeletekiwi i ausi dolazi amo during aussie-winters. capito?
DeleteNije se tako pricalo ovih meseci.
Delete@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 11:34
DeleteQatar airways, Turkish, emirates - via fly Dubai. via Singapore, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris, Munich,...
240 000 Aussie and 40 000 Kiwi visitors expected this year in Croatia, yippee!!!
And how many of those are actually people of Croatian descent?
Delete@"Anonymous24 July 2018 at 09:37
DeleteAnd how many of those are actually people of Croatian descent?"
probably none, however in your twisted head full of hate, it is 99.9999%.
This is the first route in Emirates' history that will operate seasonally with their equipment.
ReplyDeleteIf they return during the summer
DeleteEmirates are doing very well at Zagreb this summer regularly sending their 428 capacity 777-300 so it will be a big surprise if they don't return. Only way I see this happening is if Korean Air increases frequencies and another Asian based carrier launches flights from a market Emirates has been capitalising from.
Delete@ Q400
DeleteThe 2 class B773 was often in ZAG last year too. This isn't new.
KE will have a very limited impact in my opinion, especially in the winter. There is only soo much capacity it can offer considering the frequency, the fact its linked to ZRH during this period and the number of Koreans that visit Croatia each year. Next summer will be interesting to watch in this perspective.
EK also sees a lot of pax from other Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan, who generally travel in groups. Even if another Asian carrier launched ZAG, the 'damage' would still mostly be from the fact that EK is not very flexible with its fleet, which is where QR and TK have the advantage. I think the new IST will be the biggest problem to EK.
Yes but people like Frishki, Petar, Purger... always tell us that nothing affects ZAG because new market is always made out of nothing. This shows they are wrong. Let's see how Purger spins this on TangoSix and if he will update his notorious widebody table..
Delete@Nebojsa Popovic23 July 2018 at 12:46
DeleteTrolling now,
Emirates isn't going anywhere, you're jealous cause Emirates doesn't fly to Belgrade. Tough.
Emirates is probably also trolling by issuing this kind of news your ego does not want to hear. Emirates is going away from Zagreb for 4 winter months, that is a fact. We shall see about the summer
DeleteKeep your fingers crossed they drop ZAG altogether, Nebojša.
DeleteNo need for that. They will leave ZAG with or without my crossed fingers if summer business results show the same trend as those in winter
Delete@Nebojsa Popovic24 July 2018 at 10:21
DeleteDesperation kicking in, chance for Belgrade to take Emirates from Zagreb, lool, Emirates will be back in Zagreb, and the fact fly Dubai is sending 738 Max in months when there's little demand on the route can be seen as a positive. Also Zagreb numbers are good, 200k in 2018 projected. only issue is seasonality, which larger airports don't have to a such degree, when I say larger airports I mean airports such as Prague or Warsaw.
Belgrade is still small regional airport with few links, and national carrier that is heavily subsidies by the taxpayers.
This is like falling from very high without a casque or parachutte. Clearly it was the French PR pressure that took EK to Zagreb in the first place whilst its obvious the demand is on the coast. The second part was financed by Croatian goverment through subsidies making this a virtual route based on marketing and political will. Even like that they couldn't make it work and seem to be posting massive losses. Clearly a route up for review in Emirates network.
Delete@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 11:40
DeleteSo much trolling and lies. EU rules prevent Croatian government subsidizing anyone, article 107 of EU law!!! Inform yourself, before you start talking nonsense.
Yes and that's why they put subsidies as marketing.
DeleteWell in Serbia we do not have these laws, so he was applying the same to Croatia...
Delete@Anonymous23 July 2018 at 14:55
Delete"Yes and that's why they put subsidies as marketing."
No, Croatia can't give marketing money to anyone, it is still a state aid. If it did, don't you think Lufthansa or Ryan Air would scream to EU commission demanding investigation !!!
Croatia can't give out anything to anyone, no commercial entity can benefit from "marketing" unless won in open transparent competition.
Zagreb airport has incentives for new carriers, these incentives are not state aid as airport is managed by a 3rd party. Croatia through a tourism campaign can promote itself in various markets, which it has done, Ministry of tourism annually receives around 60-80 million kuna for promotion on various markets, that money has been increased by €8 million in 2019 and 2020, to account for new markets, Japan, China, S. Korea, Australia and ASEAN.
This again is allowed under EU rules as it promotes a country as a travel destination, or investment or commercial opportunity. However, no PR company can be given entire contract for all these markets, again everything has to be done in transparent way, each market different company.
Ouch. This is bad but good news for QR which was struggling since EK arrived. I wonder if winter numbers might be affected now.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what Petar has to say now as he was rooting for EK to make it.
ReplyDeleteSo BEG will have the most widebodies now? Well after summer naturally.
ReplyDeleteNot a big blow to ZAG because the MAX is a terrific plane, but a very big blow to cheerleaders here.
ReplyDeleteNow put it to Dubrovnik and this might actually work.
ReplyDeleteFZ and EK are basically the same company.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why a company from far or close sends widebody aircraft is not the overall capacity, but just upper class demand.
It is certain that Croatian diaspora in Australia and tourists from East are not frequent F/J/Y+ buyers,and they stick to Y. To pick up 300 pax of Y it is currently more lucrative to employ two narrowbody flights instead of a single widebody. Primarily because upper classes take more than a third of the widebody aircraft's floor area. In a narrow body it is some10-15%. Another reason is greater schedule flexibility.
Emirates is not a charity house so it was a matter time how long those flights would last if they're not making money.
ReplyDeletePitanje je hoće li se Emirates uopšte i vraćati u Zagreb od proleća 2019..
ReplyDeleteVjerovatno će prebaciti rutu u BEG.
Deletevrlo, vrlo upitno !
Deletehaha Frishki, good one.
DeleteFrishki, why not? BEG is much busier and can sustain flights to way more cities than Zagreb, just look at IKA or JFK.
DeleteSure it does. FRA, step aside, BEG is storming.
DeleteIKA? You have it only because you dropped the visa regime. Where were they when there were visas between Serbia and Iran? Right....
Also we have JFK / AUH because USA / UAE dropped visa regime with Serbia. Oh, wait...
DeleteOK, it took tourists some time to figure out the obvious that Zagreb is a one-day destination and the whole interesting stuff is on the coast. So better send the widebody to SPU or DBV, preferably only during the months of no wind and rain..
Now we know why FZ gave up on the idea of launching LJU this winter.
ReplyDeleteIt might still happen and both lines might be served by FZ.
DeleteThis means FZ is ignoring LJU completely. In other words; "YOU HAVE GOOPTI"
DeleteIt was all suspicious from a few months ago. First downgrading service, then reducing it during runway overhaul and then this ... replacing EK with a low cost airline? I guess EK got a bit overoptimistic here.
ReplyDeleteMost of the passengers they are flying to Zagreb in the front part of the aircraft come from Asia. They are at a competitive disadvantage with Korean Air launching Zagreb. I will be surprised if they completely cut Zagreb but if they do it will most likely be because another Asian airline launches Zagreb making it difficult to compete for the Asian first/business class market.
DeleteRemember they recently upgraded Zagreb winter opps to daily from 5 weekly so I think they know something we don't know yet.
DeleteThey knew it was going to be daily - Flydubai. It makes it easier to swallow.
DeleteSo I guess ZAG got saturated, too much demand all at once.
DeleteYes, ZAG is growing to 3,5 million Pax this year, despite airlines such as A3, TK, FZ, LH and others flying to other airports across the country. Out of the nearly 12 million passengers this year. ZAG got saturated. Croatia has to few citizens and too many nearby airport.
Deletetreba biti objektivan, ovo je realno.
ReplyDelete9mj. emiratesa uz 2daily qatara i ubrzo taj koren stize... potpisao bih odma prije 3 g da mi je netko ponudio navedeno.
a uz to postoje tracevi o "kini" ..
flyDubai is around 35% cheaper than Emirates, in quite winter months will be tough opponent to qatar!
DeleteNije 9 meseci Emiratesa, nego 8 meseci-Flydubai će leteti za Zg u decembru, januaru, februaru i martu..a možda i u ostalim mesecima-ko zna, ne sluti na dobro.
DeleteJok, nikako.
DeleteEmirates is restructuring and starting to utilize Flydubai equipment on routes subject to seasonality. Zagreb is the first, but won't be the last. Other destinations will follow in 2019.
ReplyDeleteI mean this was more than excpected. Firstly, EK flies to both BUD and VCE. Also, QR and TK agressively reduced their fares.
ReplyDeleteZAG is still a very small airport to handle continuous widebodies.
Just think, even OTP will struggle to fill the plane.
Anyway, FZ are doing well in OTP with 2 daily frequencies.
SOF will be increased to 5 weekly this winter although it was initially daily.
After all they face a competition with W6.
Maybe W6 should fly from DWC to ZAG.
At first glance one could think the re-shift for 4 months (or actually less if holiday season is excluded) makes sense from a business point of view now that both airlines serve similar markets from the same destination going after the same passenger stucture (more or less) and having announced a close cooperation to start this year - but there are clear downsides to this and I am not sure if EK management is sufficiently aware of these.
ReplyDeleteCustomers/passengers will be getting a different experience with the two airlines, their service (quality), cabin product and airplane quality (wide body with feeling of a large space inside versus narrow boday aircraft) and image all differ, too. Also they need to cope with unconsistent airline branding. Furthermore, it is strange that even during winter they would switch airlines (if confirmed) - it makes it appear to be a possibility, that also on any other dates they could switch between the airlines/fleets depending on demand which would be a desaster if one purchased an EK ticket on a 773 and gets a 738 (at least only the MAX will operate to ZAG).
It is likely quite a few passengers will look for certainty and decide not to book a doubtful EK/FZ ride.
This move would make sense only if Emirates BOUGHT FlyDubai and integrated their 738s into the EK fleet - but hardly like this with switching brands where one brand is a world-wide renowned premium brand and the other one a LCC.
Let's also not forget that after March it will be 4 weekly due to runway upgrades.
Delete@15:23 like in many other European cities as well
DeleteA B777 is a lot of metal to be plying the ZAG route in winter. Seems like a logical choice for Emirates subsidiary to take the winter months with a smaller B737. The arrival of Korean Air might also have something to do with this I suspect. Plenty of demand in the warmer months, will be more of a battle between EK, QR, TK and now KE in the quieter winter months I think.
ReplyDeleteThe 'issue' is that many on here have bragged how ZAG is far more premium than BEG because of EK. Seems like it's only seasonally, even if that.
DeleteJust as much there are ZAG braggers, that many are BEG ones.
DeleteWith less seats to DXB and not that many winter arrivals, what growth can we expect this winter?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they heard Garuda is buying OU so they got scared or they read on this blog that Singapore Airlines is launching ZAG so they reacted immediately.
ReplyDeleteI wouldnt be surprised to see a similar arrangement in Sarajevo with Emirates during summer and Flydubai during winter. Flights to Dubai from Sarajevo are insane in summer months :)
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe how much nationalism every damn news is bringing to this forum and these news.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it matter who is more right and who is less wrong?
As a Serb who lives outside of my motherland, I am cheering for Croats to have 2-3 daily widebody flights (EK + QR combine) to ZAG and Dubrovnik and for Beg to handle daily EK and QR widebodies as well.
Is it possible for us to wish better news each and every day for neighbors or we gonna stay forever in past?
So I will say this... Da Bog da EK and QR leteli sa sirokotrupcima za BEG i ZAG i Dubrovnik od sledeceg leta!
DeleteWhy not Etihad, they can also send a 777 or 787 sometimes, they already send two A320.
DeleteI like your support, please come back when Belgrade gets official Toronto service announcement. There could be a lot of negative comments and you will be needed to remind everyone "Why is it matter who is more right and who is less wrong?" But don't just dissapear that day!
@anon 01:02
DeleteHahah, great one!
ReplyDelete"...Zagreb is one of the major sources of passenger traffic for Dubai."
lol. reducing capacity is major success
DeleteThe problem is that Croatia depends on inbound traffic too heavily and there are too little outbound traffic. It’s not that common for ordinary Croatian to travel on long haul unfortunately. In order to sustain routes there must be healthy balance of inbound and outbound traffic. And also cargo demands. EK777 belly is pretty much empty except pax luggage. KE has nothing to do with this. ICN to ZAG departure time only enable a few routes to connect from other countries. And pax from Southeast Asia and India subcontinent where EK is strong do not choose to travel east to go to Europe. More than half of KE seats are sold to tour operators and the rest of the half for domestic FIT.
ReplyDeleteSeems they only have crew shortage for the Zagreb flight lol
DeleteEmirates ce se uskoro naci u velikim problemima, ako se vec nije nasao.
ReplyDeleteStruktura flote je krajnje nefexibilna a svjedocimo promjenama u zracnom prometu svakodnevno.
Finally the Gulf Carriers have to start making calculations..... good so!