The city of Novi Sad in Northern Serbia has approved plans to enable its sports airport to cater for scheduled international flights. The city's Urban Planning Office will draft the airport's development strategy over the next four months. The Novi Sad Air Club, which manages the city's Čenej Airport, said it is aiming for commercial flights to launch from 2020 onwards. "The airport would primarily serve low cost airlines, as well as charter and business traffic", the Air Club said. They added, "There is strong demand from the local community. However, we have to be realistic. We want to develop an airport which would be of regional importance. This means that passengers from Vojvodina [Serbia's northern province of which Novi Sad is the capital] no longer have to travel to Belgrade to reach Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Zagreb, Dubrovnik or Banja Luka".
The current sports and agriculture field in the village of Čenej boasts only a grass runway. Novi Sad is located just over ninety kilometres north of Belgrade, with travel by car taking less than an hour. The city's assembly has called for the construction of a "modern airport that would fulfil necessary requirements for the conduct of commercial air traffic". It further noted, "The airport should cater for scheduled flights, low cost carriers, charters and air taxi services". The Air Club noted that construction could start immediately as there are no issues over land rights and ownership, which has delayed numerous planned airport projects across the former Yugoslavia.
The development of Novi Sad's airport has been discussed for over three decades. In 1994, work on the airport's control tower began, however, the project was never completed. In 2004, the private charter airline Di Air, from Montenegro, operated a promotional service from Tivat to Novi Sad with some twenty passengers on board the L-410 Turbolet aircraft. According to a state study, out of all of the airports in Serbia, the one in Novi Sad has the fewest fog affected days. In 2012, the city's former administration commissioned the design of the airport's passenger terminal (pictured above).
Serbia currently boasts two so-called "ghost airports"- in Užice and Kraljevo - with new terminal buildings but no commercial flights. Earlier this month, the city of Čačak, in central Serbia, approved plans for the development of its own airport for business and charter traffic. Čačak's sports airport currently boasts a concrete runway, as well as a control tower.
This will never happen but if it does it will be really bad news for OSI... and even for TZL which will have to deal with BNX from October.
ReplyDeleteFFS man, you're such a troll, you and BNX can shovel it where sun never shines.
DeleteI don't see the point to this project at all. BEG is so close.
ReplyDeleteThere is no point especially not now when they are mercilessly cutting INI's wings off.
DeleteThere is point. To spend some public money on the project, make money for doing unnecessary construction and bit of propaganda to calm down public outrage about scandalous decision to stop progress of Nis airport.
DeleteMaybe they should first focus on enabling Kraljevo or Uzice which are sitting there done and ready.
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke, right?
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of money.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is like the tenth time they've hired someone to do the design, the planning. Someone is just filling their pockets.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Just petty corruption.
DeleteHow about they start by cleaning BEG toilets first. The airport is transforming itself into an important regional play with African standard toilets.
ReplyDeleteyes and they need to start adding gates at BEG. At this rate next summer there are going to be restrictions during rush-hour periods. Especially during the morning wave when you have both Wizz Air, Lufthansa, Montenegro Airlines and all sorts of charters.
DeleteBeen to BEG airport several times recently, toilets were spotless, what are you talking about?
DeleteI wanted to say the same. They also renovated all the toilets.
DeleteToilets are really in good condition. I wonder what was the goal you wanted to achieve by writing something like this
DeleteThree almost identical comments in 20 minutes on a topic that so far has only 30 comments. There was no need to write three comments buddy. ;)
DeleteBtw BEG put this sign at the entrance: Vi zasluzujete cist toalet. Znamo da je tesko pronaci cist toalet. Nas cilj je da vam omogucimo najvisi kvalitet usluge i zato se trudimo da odrzavamo ovaj toalet cistim.
Znamo da je tesko pronaci cist toalet? wtf
Not all toilets have been renovated but management is obviously working on it. They are not always clean but it is not terrible. I am always wondering who is selling them such a low quality paper for hand drying. Embarrassing for the airport and very marginal cost to make things better.
DeletePrimitivci. Secete drvece za brisanje ruku. Eh sto rimski aerodrom ima sredjene WCe. Podmetnes ruku kapne ti sapun pomeris malo ide topla voda i zavrsis u istom nizu na susacu.
DeleteNigde kapi prosute vode.
Тај систем имаш и у Београд... само у тржном центру Ушће. lol
DeleteToilets are not clean indeed. They also need reparation. There are even some doors with broken locks.
DeleteThis is complete nonsense and just a money laundering scheme by the corrupt Vojvodina authorities. Even Uzice and Kraljevo airports are of highly questionable purpose.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of money. How long does it take to drive from Novi Sad to Belgrade? 50 minutes or so? Come on.
ReplyDeleteNovi Sad jeste da je udaljen oko pola sata voznje auto putem od ANT Beograd, ali u buducnost ce imati aerodrom koji ce obsluzivati pored Novog Sada i Suboticu, Kikindu, Sombor, Zrenjanin... Taj bi aerodrom mogao imati godisnje oko pola miliona u regionalnom saobracaju. Sa avionima do sto putnika bi bio dobar centar u sistemu Aerodromi Srbije. gde su sada ubraja Nis operativan, kao i Morava i Ponikve zaklopljeni za sada. Verovatno ce i Sjenica aerodrom biti obnovljen. Sigurno je da ce u srednjorocnom vremenu i avio saobracaj drugacije izgledati nego sada. Verovatn da ce mnogi smatrati ovaj tekst neozbiljan. Ako privatan biznis i primena zakona bude nacin zivljenja u Srbiji, onda ce moj tekst se i ostvariti. Od mene ne zavisi. A od vas? Dobro pitanje...
Kings Park Sydney
Dragi Rodney, iz Vasih usta u Bozije usi!
DeleteRead the article regarding Maribor airport. It is answer to this megalomanic bullshit.
DeleteMaybe they want to make the low cost alternative to Belgrade.
ReplyDeleteAt this point it is really unnecessary. BEG is only about 70km away, 50 minute drive. There is really no demand, today BEG handles about 5.6 mil pax per year. Well under capacity for the airport. When that figure reaches close to 7-8 mil, then we can begin to talk about NS airport and Batajnica. Until then it is a waste of time even to mention it.
ReplyDeleteI would rather see the money invested in rail infrastructure, with priority given to a high speed rail from NS to BEG\.
This is a political project.
DeleteHardly. Same party in government in central government, Vojvodina government and Novi Sad assembly. And they have such a huge majority everywhere.
DeleteI can see it for private jets and business travelers, why not?
ReplyDeleteI love that Cacak has also decided to develop its own airport :D
ReplyDeleteI think we in Serbia need more "Ciudad Realish" airports like this one! It will help the growth of our construction bubble and it will add salt on our "enemies" wounds :-D
ReplyDeleteI hope they did the "business case". Two weeks ago Vucic said how Kraljevo can open but it needs a "biznis kejs". He repeated it ten times haha.
ReplyDeleteLOL, yes!
DeleteIt would make a lot more sense for Subotica to have an airport and not Novi Sad. That way it could take passengers from Budapest and Szeged besides serving the northern Serbian region. Novi Sad is very well connected to BEG.
ReplyDeleteHungary which has more than twice air traffic of Serbia has only two airports. The main issue an eventual airport in Vojvodina should solve is not taking pax from BEG or gaining few minutes to Novi Sad pax but stopping the outflow of Serbian passengers through Hungarian airports and reversing the trend.
But many people from Novi Sad and north of Novi Sad travel to Budapest to fly for less than in Belgrade. If Novi Sad really attracts LCC like Nis, no way anyone from Serbia would go to Budapest then. This airport would serve 2 million people that live in Vojvodina and some parts of Croatia, Romania and eventually south Hungary.
DeleteThat is what i'm saying. Hungary has a lot to congratulate Serbian pax for BUD passenger figures. Novi Sad is one hour away from Belgrade. Subotica on the other hand is right across the border from Szeged, second largest city in Hungary. Also Budapest is only two hours away.
DeleteLCC are already flying to BEG. IF you want to create a new catchment area Subotica is the only option.
I think people from Serbia only go to Budapest to catch a flight to destinations that are not offered from BEG. Especially to Spain, Portugal and so on.
DeletePlus there are many options from Timisoara.
DeleteTuzla and Zagreb for Canada on Air Transat and Asia on EK.
DeleteYes, Tuzla is a major LCC airport in the ex-YU region.
DeleteI know but how does that tie in with Zagreb.
DeleteNovi Sad is very well connected to BEG only if you go by car, but there is no direct public transport from NS to BEG and people without car have to take train or bus and change to public transport in Belgrade, which can take 2-3 hours in total (comparing to 50-60 minutes by car). Rail link from Zemun railway station to BEG is very important for passengers from Belgrade, Novi Sad and the rest of Serbia and I don't know why it is not included in concession.
DeleteOvde neki tesko lupetaju ceo dan. Bas nam nedostaje zeleznica.
Deleteno direct public transport from NS to BEG and people have to take train or bus and change to public transport in Belgrade, which can take 2-3 hours in total
DeleteЈој како лупаш! Минибус са климом вози од врата у НС до аеродрома за мање од сата и кошта 10 до 15 евра, исто толико кошта такси из неких делова Београда до аеродрома и траје скоро исто толико! Па од BVA или HHN до центра Париза и Франкфурта треба више! Јој докле више ових небулоза! Треба градити болнице и школе а не нови аеродром за аероклубаше.
Нигде нисам написао да треба градити нови аеродром на Ченеју већ 9-10 километара пруге од Земуна до аеродрома (што постоји и у урбанистичким плановима). Остатак пруге већ постоји и управо се реконструише па би за неколико година од Николе Тесле до Новог Сада могло да се стигне за пола сата.
DeleteЗнам да постоји минибус, али то није јавни превоз јер не постоји ред вожње, мора да се резервише место и не може да превезе већи број људи. Ако Французи мисле да озбиљније развију аеродром, пруга је свакако потребна инвестиција. Нормалан свет гради пруге до аеродрома јер су најпоузданији и најефикаснији начин да се људи доведу до аеродрома, а не да зивкају неке агенције, чекају сат времена друге путнике и још да их вози ко зна ко.
Не знам како неко може да упореди једини аеродром у Београду са нека два алтернативна аеродрома који имају мање путника и служе само за лоукостере.
Апсолутно се слажем. Железница на самом аеродрому је постала норма у развијеним земљама. Немци су у потпуности усавршили тај систем. Ево први Остријан укида летове за Линц а путнике преусмерава на аустријску железницу.
DeleteПроблем је у томе што ми немамо железничку инфраструктуру. Да је имамо цео регион би могли повезати са београдским аеродромом. Али тешко Балканца одвићи од аутобуса и минибуса.
По мени, стратешки треба развијати железницу у следећим смеровима:
1. Београд-Суботица је у фази реализације.
2. Провући крак од Новог Сада преко Вуковара до Осијека. Маса Хрвата већ користи београдски аеродром а директна линија би им сигурно одговарала. Наравно, питање је колико би било политичке воље код Хрвата да се овако нешто реализује.
3. Београд-Панчево-Вршац-Темишвар или да се иде другим смером преко Смедерева па на Ковин а онда други крак да се провуче до Пожаревца. Одатле се већ реновира пруга ка источној Србији.
4. Пруга ка Нишу је потребна, не само због аеродрома већ генерално.
5. Пруга ка Чачку одакле би се раздвајале пруге, једна за Ужице а друга за Краљево.
Наравно, ово би требало да буде стратешки план развоја за наредних 10 до 15 година. Као што рекох, тешко да ће бити ишта од овога јер нисмо способни да реализујемо много једноставније пројекте као што је изградња аутопута од Руме до Шапца па чак и Лознице. Али важно да се прича о аутопуту за Драч преко Приштине.
"strong demand from the local community"??? All 100 potential passengers? This is absolutely ridiculous. Subotica or Sombor would make sense but this??? Come on...
ReplyDeleteNovi Sad jeste da je udaljen oko pola sata voznje auto putem od ANT Beograd, ali u buducnost ce imati aerodrom koji ce obsluzivati pored Novog Sada i Suboticu, Kikindu, Sombor, Zrenjanin... Taj bi aerodrom mogao imati godisnje oko pola miliona u regionalnom saobracaju. Sa avionima do sto putnika bi bio dobar centar u sistemu Aerodromi Srbije. Gde se sada ubraja Nis operativan, kao i Morava i Ponikve zaklopljeni za sada. Verovatno ce i Sjenica aerodrom biti obnovljen. Sigurno je da ce u srednjorocnom vremenu i avio saobracaj drugacije izgledati nego sada. Verovatn da ce mnogi smatrati ovaj tekst neozbiljan. Ako privatan biznis i primena zakona, bude nacin zivljenja u Srbiji, onda ce moj tekst se i ostvariti. Od mene ne zavisi. A od vas? Dobro pitanje...
Kings Park Sydney
I like the rendering actually. Looks nice.
ReplyDeletePrazne price.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it has something to do with recent talks between Ryanair and Serbian government. Maybe Ryan wants an airport near BEG where they could open a base.
ReplyDeleteThey have Вршац and Батајница for that, no need to build a new one from scratch.
DeleteBatajnica would be good. It already has a control tower and 3 runways! It also has a rail link.
DeleteThis is excellent news!!!
ReplyDeleteIt can just be considered a second Belgrade North airport similar to Brussels South Charleroi.
BNA International and can apply the INI 3€ marvellous tax.
FR, U2 and W6 will immediately react.
As for JU, maybe operating charters to Egipat, Spain or Jordan could be a nice idea.
"...It can just be considered a second Belgrade North airport similar to Brussels South Charleroi...."
DeletePlease, stop.
A few years ago the government adopted an airport development plan. This is just following it.
ReplyDeleteWith VINCI taking over BEG the government will be able to focus on other airport developments.
ReplyDeleteIt was a big mistake not to include INI and Novi Sad in the concession package just like Greece did with Fraport.
DeleteShould that ever happened INI will never be what it is today.
+1 last anon.
DeleteGreece has more than 4 times the traffic of Serbia and Novi Sad is less than 100km away. Stop this nonsense.
DeleteIt is not nonsense. Rijeka and Pula are 100 km away, with excellent road connection, both Rijeka and Pula have less inhabitants than Novi Sad, not to mention Belgrade, majority of their tourists do not arrive by air they mostly come by car, diaspora exists, but not so big, probably the same as Vojvodina s, so If both RJK and PUY can be operational and even making some money, not a lot true, but not in a deep minus, why NS shouldn't be given a chance? Of course If feasibility studies planning project and similar serious staff has been done
DeleteMy wild guess would be maybe because both Pula and Rijeka are tourist destinations?
Deletefrishki and pozdrav iz Rijeke are one and the same guy.
DeleteYes, you've cracked the code.
No need for anyone to worry. This project will never get off the ground.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Another Trebinje or Bihac.
DeleteThe project in Bihać is actually moving ahead.
DeleteI just think that GoS wants to show to compete with BiH having already 4 airports and also to surpass Hungary having only 2 + 1 much smaller one in Héfiz.
ReplyDeleteI live in Novi Sad, travel frequently from BEG but I must say we don't need a local airport in this economic environment. We just need a decent public transport link to Belgrade Airport, reliable punctual rail service which would enable us to reach the airport quickly without use of personal cars and expensive parking at BEG.
ReplyDeleteCurrently we have to rely on taxis, vans or private arrangements.
I would much rather see Sombor Airport develop into civilian airfield able to accept ATRs. It takes 3 hours from Sombor or Subotica to reach BEG. If the officials want to expand BEG reach, that would be one beneficial use of public funds, despite its numerous shortcomings.
Još jedna krava muzara... ovaj put vojvođanska :)
ReplyDeleteOh my, here we go again with our politicians sweet nothings. As a Novosadjanin, I am strongly against building an airport here and I would like the money to be invested in a high-speed rail link to BEG rather than investing a s*!tload of money to build a ghost airport.
ReplyDeleteWho on earth would shift their operations from a 2M city like Belgrade to a 500k city of Novi Sad? Ah right, we want to build an airport for low-cost carriers in order to drag them away from overly expensive BEG.
Did anyone of these politicians check how low-cost airports like Beauvais, Skavsta, Memmingen, Hahn etc. were built? Every single one of them were former military bases.
Who has built an airport to focus on low-cost carriers? Ciudad Real! And we all know how that went...