Belgrade Airport takeover "within weeks"

The concession and construction company VINCI will officially take over Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport "within weeks", according to the French Ambassador to Serbia Frederic Mondoloni. The statement comes just two weeks after the concessionaire secured a 100 million euro loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, enabling it to close the financial construct of the 1.2 billion euro deal with the Serbian government signed eight months ago. The Ambassador said, "Everything is going according plan and we are moving forward, in line with the contract signed in March. The official takeover will take place in the coming weeks as stipulated by the contract". It is believed VINCI will officially begin its 25-year management of the airport upon the arrival of the French President, Emanuel Macron, to Belgrade on December 6.

VINCI said it will deliver the efficient upgrading of the airport within the first four years of the concession, which will include terminal refurbishment and expansion, the overhaul of the existing runway, construction of a temporary runway and the expansion of the taxiway system. It will utilise 980 million euros within the first four years of its concession contract. Of those, some 450 million euros will be paid to the Serbian government, while the remainder will be used for infrastructure development. VINCI noted that one of the major historical issues associated with the project is noise, due to the airport's proximity to residential areas. As one of the priority measures, it will be required to start immediate implementation of the Balanced Approach to aircraft noise management consistent with EU/ICAO requirements aimed at the reduction of noise impacts. Furthermore, it noted that the expansion project will be associated with limited land acquisition that will commence in five years.

Commenting on the planned investments, Ambassador Mondoloni said, "This is a great project where everybody wins. Serbia gets to keep the airport, whereas the French company gets to be the concessionaire for 25 years. A very nice project with over a billion euros worth of investments". Managers from VINCI are said to have already settled in at the airport and are currently further studying the business. General Manager Saša Vlaisavljević has confirmed he will resign from his post following the airport's takeover. VINCI is yet to name its management team for Belgrade Airport, however, its Serbian subsidiary - VINCI Airports Serbia - is being headed by Massimo Bruzzo, who previously served as the French company's Regional Head for Structured Finance, as well as the Project Director for Business Development.


  1. Anonymous09:01


  2. Anonymous09:02

    Will they present all their plans in December?

    1. Anonymous09:03

      More or less we already know their plans. They are even listed in the article.

    2. Anonymous09:14

      I assume they will hold some press conference and go into their plans in more detail.

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Too bad BEG just missed out on Vinci's first "international spotters day". Basically all their airports will allow enthusiasts airside access to take pics of incoming and departing aircraft. Next year then :)

    1. Anonymous09:13

      That's a nice initiative. Hope they organize it at BEG next year.

  4. Anonymous09:05

    "VINCI noted that one of the major historical issues associated with the project is noise"

    For the life of me, I don't think I have EVER heard noise was an issue or that anyone has ever complained about noise at BEG.

    1. there are houses maybe hundred meters from the fence of the airport.
      as far as i remember those houses are illegally built on agricultural land, but don't hold me 100% on that

    2. Anonymous09:23

      Same! And weren't most of the residential areas around the airport built illegally during the 1990s anyway?

    3. Anonymous09:34

      It was never properly articulated but there is huge problem for residents of Banovo Brdo and parts of Novi Beograd neighborhoods. On the final approach the noise is significant and airport operates 24/7. I am not talking about illigal dwellings next to the airport here.

    4. Anonymous09:45

      I live in Banovo Brdo, never heard anyone complain. Some landings are noisier than others, but it's far from a constant nuisance.

    5. BA88809:53

      Hope they do what LCY does. LOL.

      (And get rid of LCC flights at midnight)

    6. Anonymous10:01

      @anon 9:45
      I heard people complaining many times. You can even hear planes taking off over Belgrade city centre from time to time. It is nice sight but obviously noise pollution. Fortunately, there is a Northern approach to the airport which can be used so there would be no major problems during the night if that policy is strictly enforced.

    7. Anonymous10:26

      Jedini pravi problem su ruski Iljusini koji su nosili teret sa Surcina. Od njih se tresu i blokovi na NBG izvan njihove rute. Civilni ne moraju u toliki nizak prilazak aerodromu.

    8. Nemjee10:32

      These are silly comment, the noise from planes landing is not that bad. People pretend as if Belgrade is home to a bunch of Tu-154s and IL-86s.

      I live in an area that is overflown when planes take off. The 'noise' lasts literally a minute and is no nuisance.

      Anyway, noise should not become a limiting factor as Serbia benefits greatly from the airport and its air operations. The French are making an issue where there is none.

    9. Anonymous12:03

      Gospodin Tesic je vlasnik jedne od vecih privatnih aviokompanija sa Iljusinima. Lete nekada i iz Nis, ali uglavnom sa surcinskog direktno i nisko preko zgrada na Banovom Brdu nocu za Bliski Istok.

    10. Anonymous12:18

      There is obviously an issue and it will only get worse. Good they are addressing it.

    11. Anonymous12:19

      Is it that noisy when the planes pass through BEG city? This is the first time I hear this, so far.

    12. Anonymous12:55

      Naselje Banovo Brdo i Novi Beograd su izgradjeni mnogo posle izgradnje aerodroma Beograd tako da su svi oni koju su se tu useljavali svojevremeno jako dobro znali da ce iznad njihovih glava leteti avioni.

      Tad mi nije smetalo a izgleda da se sad bune pogotovo ako se uzme u obzir cinjenica da je velika vecina danasnjih aviona mnogo tisa nego sto je to bio slucaj osamdesetih i devedesetih godina proslog veka

    13. Anonymous17:00

      Banovo Brdo izgradjeno posle aerodroma...hehehehee

    14. Anonymous20:56

      Da, velika vecina naselja gde su zgrade jeste. Broj privatnih kuca napravljenih pre sezdesetih godina proslog veka je minimalan na

    15. Anonymous22:23

      Tesko lupanje lete preko banovog brda, dedinja i banjice. Titove rezidencije smanji svoj dozivljaj gazenja po ljudima.

    16. Belgrade is a major city, you should expect noise pollution

    17. Nemjee07:31

      Бањица? Том логиком додајмо и Смедерево, Гроцку, Инђију... већ када причамо глупости. На којој висини је авион када прелеће, рецимо, ВМА? Авиони се апсолутно не чују у том делу града.

      Једини којима може мало да смета су они који живе код Аде. Али опет, ако им не смета бука са језера или од хроничне гужве онда не видим зашто се жале на авионе.

    18. Nemjee07:33

      Управо сам погледао на FR24, Атр је био на неких 800-850 метара када је прелетао Бањицу.

    19. Anonymous09:35

      Ne cuje se kod VMA naravno. Cuje se na Banovom Brdu i manjem delu Novog Beograda. Hvala Bogu saobracaj raste ali se povecava i problem.

    20. kraspeed11:16

      U članku piše da su u pitanju EU/ICAO standardi koje aerodrom ne ispunjava, a ne žalbe stanovnika.
      Što se tiče buke, jedini problem su sovjetske skalamerije koje u sred noći nisko preleću naselja južno od aerodroma, što će verujem regulisati novi menadžment.

    21. Anonymous13:37


      Cа сваким даном, бука постаје све већа у Београду... :(

  5. Anonymous09:05

    Bravo France

  6. Anonymous09:06

    One new airline will announce flights to BEG next month too at the same time Vinci begins work.

    1. Anonymous09:08


    2. Anonymous09:18

      Looking forward to the new arrivals :)

    3. Anonymous09:21

      The first of many I hope.

    4. Anonymous12:49

      im pretty sure its going to be Malev. we learned today morning that they are actually stil flying. poz

    5. Anonymous12:50


    6. Anonymous12:53

      Malev prefers to fly to ZAG.
      MOL connection :)

    7. Anonymous12:58

      Some media published this morning that former Macedonian PM fled from Tirana to Budapest on board a Malev flight hahaha that's why he mentioned Malev

    8. Anonymous13:14

      I miss Malév. They used to have 2 daily flights to ZAG with their tiny Embraer 120.

    9. Only partly true. There was one period when Malev operated 3 daily to ZAG, with bigger planes, Fokker 70 for sure and CRJ's I think

  7. Anonymous09:07

    In terms of frequency upgrades next summer is already looking good but BEG needs new airlines, and I hope Vinci will do well in this area.

  8. Anonymous09:08

    It's important to note that Vinci also can't increase taxes for first few years or fire any staff.

  9. I heard today AirSerbia delagation is headed to Montreal and Toronto next week, wondering if they are announcing Canada expansion at the Vinci's take over ceremony ?

    1. Anonymous09:11

      That would be nice :)

    2. Anonymous09:19

      Montreal? Could it happen that they operate the route Belgrade-Toronto-Montreal?

    3. Anonymous09:21

      Wouldn't it make more sense to be operated BEG-YUL-YYZ?

    4. Anonymous10:07

      They could operate it as a triangle flight.

    5. Anonymous11:01

      If I remember well, Toronto is not really cheap airport to operate to/from. Having VFR traffic with notoriously low yields as primary customer base, stopover in Montreal would kill the flight. Montreal might work nonstop from Belgrade, if deemed viable at the first place.

      Rgds, Eight

  10. Anonymous09:10

    Exciting times coming for BEG :)

  11. Anonymous09:12

    It's good that they will build a runway which will be used while the other is inoperative because it requires a lot of work to the point that they would have to close the airport. This way, traffic will be unaffected.

    I'm glad that they plan to do this in the first four years.

  12. Anonymous09:13

    Waiting for the that guy to write "IF Vinci takes over BEG" lol.

    1. Anonymous09:17

      He will still say the same. The Serbian saying goes "Nada umire poslednja".

    2. Anonymous12:19

      See below :))))

  13. Anonymous09:13

    Makron dolazi 6. decembra u Srbiju i verovatno ce se tada obaviti primopredaja.Ocekivanja su velika,pa videcemo?

  14. Anonymous09:15

    Haha so small shareholders will not get their dividend for 2018. Had they waited just 2-3 more weeks until 2018 ended and took over on 1.1.2019 they would. Mean.

    1. Anonymous09:46

      Shhhh....they might attack you for this one :)
      However, as this is concession the part of the fee should be paid to all shareholders annually.

  15. Anonymous09:16

    Waiting to see all the hidden conditions that will surface once the agreement is published. Like what happened at ZAG.

    1. Anonymous09:18


    2. Anonymous09:25

      Why the negativity?

    3. Anonymous09:29

      Past experience.

    4. Anonymous09:38

      Because the transaction does not make business sense. There have to be some hidden clauses like in Zagreb case.

    5. Anonymous09:40

      One of them is that no other airport in Serbia can develop.

      Bye bye Nis.

    6. Nemjee10:27

      What's the big deal with Nis? They still haven't reached 500.000 passengers a year. When they do that then we can discuss about them reaching a million.

    7. Anonymous12:20

      Their growth is being prevented

    8. Anonymous13:00

      Many airlines actually have decreased capacities to Nis so reaching more than 500.000 is still not achievable.

      And 1 million? Not in a many years

    9. Anonymous13:27

      "Their growth is being prevented"

      Please list all the ways in which anyone in Serbia is preventing the growth of Niš.

    10. Anonymous17:03

      People running major LCCs are not stupid nor informed. They are very well aware of the fact that GoS promised to Vinci that it will prevent any serious competition. So sad. We were on a track to get a first Ryan base in Serbia.

    11. Nemjee17:40

      I am sorry but that is a silly statement especially when you take into consideration the fact LX said they might be adding more flights next summer. Reality is that these small regional airports have a natural cap, same way Tuzla is experiencing slower growth. There is only so much INI can do given the economic climate in the south.

    12. Anonymous17:46

      I think Niš can focus on attracting cargo carriers and transfer itself to a small DHL hub or even Amazon logistics. Turkish Cargo already has played a huge role in the airport.

    13. Anonymous09:37

      INI can easily go over 2 mil if Ryan air opens a base there + it is not allowed to operate from Belgrade. I am speaking of INI effectively becoming Belgrade South Airport (very long ride through).

  16. Anonymous09:22

    The main peace of the puzzle missing and what we don't know is if they will build a new terminal or not.

    1. Anonymous09:30


    2. Anonymous09:30

      BEG doesn’t need a new terminal in the next 4 years. Just work in expansion and efficiency of the existing one.

    3. Anonymous09:37

      They won't build it in the first 4 years.

    4. Nemjee10:28

      Yes, BEG doesn't need a new terminal as long as airlines schedule their departure times at 02.00 or 04.30. However the airport is full during the peak times which is when most airlines need the extra space. Not only airlines but passengers as well. Departure area is getting small and it needs more amenities.

    5. Anonymous11:00

      I don't see the need for a new terminal any time soon if they expand the existing ones. There are many airports handling significantly more traffic with just one terminal.

    6. all i saw were mentions of expansions, which should be enough

      hopefully they will do something with cargo terminal. although there is always risk that JU will cut JFK route and then cargo will fall after years of double digit growth

    7. Nemjee11:14

      Issue here is that when the current terminal was built, passenger structure was very different. Luggage sorting facility is not made for quick transfers but rather for arriving and departing passengers. Airside area is quite narrow and lacks space for more shops, cafes or whatever.

      I mean they just closed off the open space between two C gates to put another overpriced Dufry limiting the seating area.

      Just because BEG can handle more passengers with the current layout doesn't mean it should. Yes, the current terminal can be expanded but fundamental issues will remain.

  17. Anonymous09:24

    Personally I don't think they need to immediately start work on terminal refurbishment, at least not during first two years. The terminals are in good shape, especially with so much investment in last year. What they should focus on is attracting new airlines.

    1. Anonymous09:39

      Exactly. Extensive work had already been done by current management and financed by shareholders/citizens.

    2. Anonymous09:40

      Agree, especially since current capacity is 10 million per year.

    3. Anonymous09:42

      "financed by shareholders/citizens."

      Well who else is going to finance it? It is a state owned company. But it is also one of the most profitable in the country and gives back significant amounts of its profit each year to the state budget

    4. Anonymous09:45

      The proposed expansion (by current management) looked like this.

      Other proposal by previous airport management is also to build an additional floor above current one.

    5. Anonymous09:47

      That one proposed by the previous management was smart because it would completely separate arriving and departing passengers.

    6. Anonymous09:56

      Of course citizens/shareholders financed it. But there could have been different scenario. Once you decide to give airport for concession you stop all but essential maintenance and pay all the profit to shareholders.

    7. Anonymous10:08

      @9.45 This was the other proposal.

    8. Anonymous10:09

      @ 9.56

      I agree with you there. They probably fixed jobs for a few local companies because when Vinci comes there will no longer be any "burazerski ugovori".

    9. Anonymous10:20

      There will be but with French burazeri.

    10. Anonymous10:22

      True but I would rather have French burazeri do work on the airport then our burazeri because I've seen the result of their work.

    11. Anonymous10:25

      They will probably get Vinci Construction to do all infrastructure work. Vinci Construction has been involved in quite a few major projects in Serbia.

    12. Anonymous10:31

      Aha video si sta su napravili u Zagrebu jedan pristan za sirokotrupne avione. U Beogradu mogu 3 sirokotrupna i sada.

    13. Anonymous10:58

      I think we will get this C concourse expansion.

    14. Anonymous11:06

      Apart from building a new C concourse they can also build an extension to A concourse, like originally planned

  18. Anonymous09:41

    Am I allowed to post "if and when they take over" comment? xD

    1. Anonymous09:44

      My favorite is still that the take over is a "goodwill gesture towards Serbia" and a political deal :)

    2. Anonymous09:53

      All business deals over 100M anywhere involve politicians in one way or another.

  19. Anonymous09:50

    Looking at the photo, there is actually a lot of space the airport could expand. At both ends - T1 and T2.

    1. Pardon my French, but looking at the photo, there is no expansion needed at all - the airport looks ghostly deserted - only one plane parked and all bridges empty. I know of course it's probably off-peak time, and there are periods when everything is full, but why not trying filling in this times when airport is empty with foreign carriers, before spending money on expansion

    2. Anonymous15:41

      Pozdrav iz Rijeke I suggest they close the airport following your expert photo analysis. I mean why waste money.

    3. Nemjee15:42

      Because airlines chose the times they need, not the airport. For most that's between 06.00 and 07.30 in the morning, 11.00 to 14.00 and then from 16.00 to 19.30.

      In recent times some airlines have added flights during the slower times but it's still not enough. For example, easyJet's newly added TXL flights arrive and depart right during the peak noon wave. Same with Wizz Air- their average flight time is similar to that of JU so they always tend to arrive and depart at the same time.

      LH's third MUC flight arrives during the night wave (22.35) and departs with the morning one (06.30). Same with SU's third daily that was added at the beginning of the winter season.

      Some like Swiss, Tarom, Norwegian, Vueling, Turkish Airlines... operate during the slow times.

    4. About 7-8 years ago, between 10 and 12 AM, ZAG looked the same as this photo. Empty. Since then, they managed to fill this blank off-peak time with Qatar, Aeroflot, LOT, Eurowings, Norwegian. I was suggesting BEG should do the same, responding to the guy who started with "looking at the photo". I did not start with "looking at the photo". And btw. BEG was my base airport for 6 years and I love it as much as ZAG, RJK, DBV, or any other ex-yu airport. The only problem here are people blinded with hatry who don't understand that all people other than "their own" don't necesarilly hate BEG, INI or Air Serbia.

    5. Anonymous17:44

      Well hopefully one day BEG will catch up to ZAG. Lol..

      And the guy who said "looking at the photo" was referring to empty space at C and A concours. It has nothing to do with your mean spirited comment. Btw there is a good chunk of the terminal missing in this photo. But it's good you can draw conclusions on aircraft movement based on a photo.

    6. Nemjee17:48

      ...and in my comment I wrote to you that the situation in BEG is different as it seem most other airlines chose to add flights during peak times. Anyway, these quiet periods at BEG don't last long, maybe around 60 to 90 minutes in the morning and then at night.

      Even if BEG does eventually bring EK it would most likely operate at the same time as FZ which is, once again, during the busy period. That is why the airport needs to expand its facilities. They need to work around the needs of their customers, not the other way around.

      BEG did get lucky in recent times as Tarom flies in and out during the slow period. Next summer, two of three LX daily flights will be during the quiet time. JU added an evening departure to TGD, TK has its two daily flights when the airport is more or less empty but funnily enough, the additional four frequencies were supposed to be during the rush-hour. If IR comes back they will also be there outside the busy period same as Belavia.

      BEG's capacity is around 7 million while it's getting close to handling 6. Now it's the time to start preparing for the next phase of expansion.

  20. Anonymous09:51

    Does Vinci operate any other airport nearby?

    1. Anonymous10:05

      No, as far as I'm aware the closest are in France and Portugal.

  21. Tako blizu je istorijski dogadjaj. Prvi koncesionar aerodroma u Srbiji, VINCI Airports. Imacu priliku da sletim poslednji put u dolasku iz Sidneja prvog decembra. Nikola Tesla ce biti u drzavnom upravljanju do tada. Ali prvo uzletanje sa tog aerodroma za Sidnej bice o Vaskrsu. Toga puta ce VINCI biti upravnik. Kao i mnogi drugi, mnogo se radujem preobrazaju centralne vazdusne luke u Beogradu. Cvrsto verujem da ce se izgraditi platforma za posmatanje saobracaja od strane entuzijasta. Posle mnogo godina i obecanja, VINCI ce ostvariti dugogodisnju potrebu za ovim sadrzajem.
    Vremena razvoja u pravom smislu sa VINCI Airports dolaze.
    Pozdrav iz Sidneja, Rodney.

  22. Anonymous09:57

    Whatever happened to the deal between the Govt and Etihad, where Air Serbia was supposed to get its own dedicated terminal ? No one talks about it any more ... does it mean that Etihad have waived their right to it, or, have they been compensated by the Gov't to waive their right ?

    1. Anonymous10:03

      Most probably. JU was a very lucrative deal for them.

    2. Anonymous10:16

      Good question anonymous @9.57

      My guess is that the fact that everyone has gone quiet on this point, would suggest that a financial deal was done to make the issue go away.

    3. Anonymous17:13

      JU + Etihad generate less than 50% of traffic at the airport and share is falling every year. T1 is too small for them and T2 is too big.

  23. Anonymous10:10

    Great news for Vinci and BEG.

  24. Anonymous10:11

    I notice that there is no plans to build a cargo terminal. Belgrade has notable cargo traffic, and I believe the only airport in ex-Yu with scheduled cargo traffic by commercial airline operators (Etihad Cargo, Turkish Airlines Cargo). They could really branch out in this sector and do more.

    1. Anonymous10:15


    2. Anonymous13:04

      Actually BEG has the biggest cargo traffic in whole ex yu

    3. @An. 10:11

      Is DHL "commercial airline operator"? I ask because it has scheduled flights to ZAG on 757/767, which makes your statement kind of weird

    4. Nemjee15:45

      From what I know DHL operates BEG flights with their own metal (B734). Routing changes from time to time, I think now it's linked with BUD.

      FedEx uses Air Serbia flights from what I know (mostly to CDG), TNT uses Solinair to LJU and so on.

    5. Anonymous15:45

      I was referring to airlines that also engage in passenger flights but operate separate cargo flights. No need to get frustrated. Reading all your comments today, it seems you are very much.

    6. Nemjee15:46

    7. @An.15.45
      I am frustrated because I wrote BEG is NOT "the only airport in ex-yu with scheduled cargo traffic"? Did I say ZAG has more cargo traffic than BEG? No. Did I say something bad about BEG? No. I just wanted to correct the LIE that BEG is the only ex-yu airport with scheduled cargo traffic. If that is frustration, than yes, I admit, I am very much frustrated. But usually people who write lies instead of facts are those who have some kind of problems. Cheers!

    8. Anonymous17:48

      READ WHAT I WROTE before going on a rant. I didn't use the correct word. I know full well there are scheduled cargo flights across ex-Yu. There are in Ljubljana too, in Nis etc. I was reffering to what I wrote at 15.45.

      You are frustrated. All your comments are mostly rants or based on belittlment at least in topocs that are related sonehow to Serbia. Look at your comment about trafiic at BEG which you concluded based on a photo. Crazy.

    9. You are telling me to read what you wrote, and at the same time saying that you didn't use correct word. Well how the hell could I know what you meant and how can I read it if the word or words you used to write were not correct? That's about my frustration. And about "belittlment", I will ask you to read what I wrote, and to find one single word where I said something bad about BEG. I used correct words only. And actually that's about the frustration as well. But not mine. Cao!

  25. Anonymous10:17

    Easy Jet opened another base at a Vinci airport just a few months ago. In Nantes. I think it is their fourth base at a Vinci airport. I'm presuming Belgrade will come in 2020.

    1. Anonymous10:20
      "Ms Herrero noted that it was too early to say whether easyJet could open a base in the Serbian capital, noting that the airline will closely monitor the performance of its existing three routes before making such a decision. "Ask me this question in a year's time", Ms Herreo said. "

    2. Anonymous13:06

      It is for sure they plan it, but it would be not responsible talking about it at the moment when Vinci had not yet taken over BEG.

      Belgrade will surely become U2 base as the only one in ex Yugoslavia and it is actually a great news especially knowing it offers much better product than W6 or FR

    3. Anonymous17:19

      Anon 10:17 How many flights are expected from NTE-BEG?

  26. Anonymous10:19

    Can't wait for them to take over.

  27. Anonymous11:04

    Could we see LH also add a third daily from FRA? They are sending a lot of extra capacity these days.

    01.11-15.11 - 22 flights
    A321: 9x
    A320: 13x

    No A319 operated for over 2 weeks now. Also, night flight was mostly with Neo which has 180 seats.

    1. Anonymous11:11

      I don't think they have that plan for now. They are increasing Munich to three daily next summer.

    2. Anonymous11:18

      Strange since MUC has less capacity than FRA at the moment.

      OS and LO seem to be doing well. LO sends a mix of E95/75 and OS is sending A319/320 these days.

    3. Anonymous13:08

      Well actually it would be great if LH would increase FRA-BEG to 3 daily. Increased number of passengers and bigger birds in November that is usually the slowest month in a year after February proves it.

    4. Anonymous18:18

      Time for someone else to launch BEG FRA!!!!!

    5. Anonymous21:01


    6. Nemjee07:40

      Wizz Air has become useless in Belgrade. They missed so many opportunities to expand. They even missed a chance to launch Berlin before easyJet did it.

      I don't see them, or anyone else for that matter, launching FRA flights.

  28. Anonymous11:10

    There is a rumors that they will build a hotel at the existing site of Borik restaurant.

    1. Anonymous11:30

      Hope they don't shut up Borik :(

    2. Anonymous11:30

      That was supposed do be shut down, lol.

    3. Anonymous11:42

      That is a good location for a hotel.

  29. Anonymous11:14

    jos jedan promasaj,sav novac ide i strane banke,Srbija apsolutno nece nista da zaradi idu teska vremena i za Air serbia

    1. Anonymous11:41

      Kako Srbija nece nista da zaradi? Moze transakcija da se uradi prek ostrane banke, ali novac opet pripada R. Srbiji ...

    2. Anonymous17:18

      Hajde da sacekamo i vidimo za neku godinu koliki ce penali biti placeni iz raznih razloga koncesionaru.

  30. Anonymous11:29

    500 mil EUR in 5 years is a great investment.

    1. Anonymous12:22

      Funnelled back into French firms.

    2. Anonymous12:29

      I really don't see the sense of this concession and what would it bring to Serbia that Serbia couldn't have done itself.

      - There'll be no new runway (stupid 'temporary runway')
      Any example of that in the modern world?
      - There will be no new terminal (one is not needed for now to be honest)
      - Most importantly there'll be NO cargo terminal
      We often talk of passengers traffic but cargo traffic is the real measure of airport's importance
      - Rail link will be built by government
      - Other airports in Serbia limited in terms of development (frankly speaking Nis isn't reaching 1 million anytime soon regardless)

      We can also see the retreat of Hainan as a 'gesture' towards the fact Chinese weren't given the airport up for concession as it precisely coincides with the French takeover.

      So what are the French doing there per se?

    3. Anonymous12:33

      You actually don't know any of their plans. You know an outline of their short-term plans for the first 4 years. Why not wait a few more weeks when you get some more information before passing judgment?

    4. Anonymous12:42

      I think anon 12:29 is totally right.
      An important regional hub with no cargo terminal, nor rail link is like a house with no decoration.
      Besides, the Frenchies are not so famous like the Germans when it comes to airports.
      I frankly think Fraport would have been a much, much better option. Look how LJU is growing and not to mention the Greek and Bulgarian airports.
      Also, no second runway? If the airport aims to hit 12 million soon then a second one would make much sense.
      Rail and cargo are very important and Belgrade needs to concentrate on this.
      Charter: Also nothing mentioned by Vinci. Charter traffic is getting extremely popular in Serbia with more sunny destinations on the move.
      Air Serbia and its transfer: nothing mentioned with the collaboration with JU. JU is working hard on code shares and exploring new, profitable routes. Vinci must help them.

      Time will show.

    5. Anonymous12:44

      Well, usually the plans before concession are grander than the plans after. That is why i'm very doubtful.

    6. Anonymous12:46

      @12.42 Vinci said from day one they would work with Air Serbia, especially in them expanding their long haul network.

      Also no airport concessionaire in the world is required to build a rail link. It's not their job.

      @12.44 They pretty much haven't revealed anything.

    7. Anonymous12:57

      12:46, rail not required, yes...but it can be suggested and proposed.
      Imagine connecting Novi Sad and Niš with direct rail to the airport. This is good for the Serbian economy and also flow of goods and people.
      Or with those 500 million, build the metro from centar to airport even if it is 1 line and 8-10 stations as a start.

    8. Anonymous12:58

      The temporary runway nonsense should be banned from the plan.

    9. Anonymous12:59

      Why? You suggest they shut the airport instead. The current runway is in serious need of a complete overhaul. The only other way is the close the airport. This is a much better solution.

    10. Anonymous13:39

      How about building a normal runway?

    11. Anonymous13:40

      You still didn't answer my question where in the world such a thing exists.

    12. Anonymous13:41

      Where and how quickly you think that can happen? Where do you expect them to add a second runway within the airport's premises without requiring negotiations and land acquisition? Like I tell you, the existing runway is in urgent need of an upgrade.

    13. Anonymous13:41

      A temporary runway existed in Thessaloniki last year when they were reconstructing the runway.

    14. Anonymous14:19

      "THESSALONIKI, GREECE (AP) — Budget airline easyJet says runway maintenance work at the airport in Greece's second city of Thessaloniki is forcing it to reroute passengers through alternative airports until Dec. 21 at least.

      An easyJet statement says Thessaloniki flights will be operated through Athens airport until Dec. 6, and Kavala airport from Dec. 7-21. Bus links will be provided for Thessaloniki passengers.

      Thessaloniki airport's main runway is undergoing maintenance work, handled by the Greek government, through March 2018. The airline said Friday Thessaloniki's temporary runway poses risks "not acceptable" to easyJet.

      Thessaloniki officials say the runway works will harm key tourism revenues. Deputy Mayor Spyros Pengas told The Associated Press that the disruption will damage the city's reputation with travelers, and voiced hopes the works will finish on time."

    15. Anonymous14:24

      There is a big difference between BEG and SKG. Vinci does actually plan to build a new runway BUT it is temporary because after the current runway is refurbished they will remodel the temporary one into a taxiway. In Thessaloniki they just used a taxiway as a runway.

      There is no other way because there is no other place they can build a new permanent runway. At least not quickly.

    16. Anonymous14:27

      There is a whole area that was meant to be a second runway right from the start.

    17. Anonymous14:39

      Yes, that is a masterplan from 13 years ago. The only problem is that none of that land belongs to the airport. Vinci might build a new runway in 10 or 15 years but that would be enough for them to negotiate property issues. They do say they plan to start buying land around the airport in 5 years.

  31. Anonymous13:48

    dolaze teska vremena i finansiske zagube za Air Serbia,nema vise popust na aerodromske usluge u Beogradu za 25%

    1. Anonymous18:15

      I sami su rekli da će i uložiti u razvitak Er Srbije, pogotovo u razvitak long-haul letova, tako da se ne brini ti ništa, komšo


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