Air Serbia boosts regional operations amid Adria demise

Air Serbia will increase operations to a number of cities within its regional network in response to Adria Airways’ ongoing service suspension. The airline has revised its planned winter timetable over the past few days, which begins on October 27, to include extra frequencies to Ljubljana, Tirana, Skopje, Bucharest, Banja Luka, Podgorica and Thessaloniki. Services from Belgrade to the Slovenian capital will operate twice per day, up from eleven weekly last winter, while flights to Tirana will run nine times per week, resulting in an additional three weekly rotations. The carrier’s operations to Skopje (eight weekly), Bucharest (daily), Banja Luka (three weekly), Podgorica (nineteen weekly) and Thessaloniki (five weekly) will see an extra weekly service compared to the 2018/19 season.

During the busy holiday period, between mid-December and mid-January, Air Serbia will further strengthen its regional operations with a total of ten weekly flights to be maintained to Tirana and eight weekly to Bucharest. The airline previously scheduled additional winter frequencies to Venice and Larnaca as well, while it will continue to run its newly launched year-round operations from Belgrade to Barcelona, Cairo, Helsinki, Kiev, Krasnodar, Madrid and Rijeka. It will keep the same summer frequencies for most of the new routes over the winter as well. This coming season, Air Serbia will have an additional Airbus A319 aircraft at its disposal, enabling it to also maintain services from Niš Airport to eleven cities, among which is Ljubljana.

The Serbian carrier previously said it would be adding capacity onto routes formerly operated by Adria Airways. The airline has extended the sale of special fares for its Slovenian customers to a select number of destinations previously served by the Slovenian carrier. In a statement, the company said, “Air Serbia has enabled the Slovenian airline’s passengers to fly to their destinations of choice at rates lower than average for this time of year. Passengers who are at risk of having their travel plans partly or completely disrupted by the flight suspension, will be able to use Air Serbia’s network and fly to cities in the neighbouring region and Europe. Ticket prices for these flights, depending on the destination, will start from 74 euros for a return trip via Belgrade. Passengers can also opt for one-way tickets, at half the rate of a return ticket”. Destinations from Ljubljana included in the promotion are Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Podgorica, Tirana, Vienna, Zurich, Prague, Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris and Frankfurt. Air Serbia has increased capacity on its evening service between Belgrade and Ljubljana with immediate effect, with the airline deploying a mix of Boeing 737-300 and Airbus A319 aircraft instead of the usual ATR72 turboprop.


  1. Anonymous09:01

    They seem to have been very prepared for Adria's collapse. Very quick reaction. Good work.

    1. Anonymous09:47

      Yes they got new aircraft to run those new flights. That´s pretty good.

    2. Air Serbia will be the next EXYU Airline to bankrupt sooner or later.

    3. Anonymous20:28

      ^ maybe. But after your national carrier.

    4. They had a net profit since starting as Air Serbia in 2013. Air Serbia is probably the least likely EXYU airline to go bankrupt.

    5. Anonymous21:23

      Don't feed the troll.

    6. Anonymous07:23

      Love it. No more Mr. Niceguy pragmatism often associated with our naive politicians when dealing with our "friendly" neighbours. They've learnt a lot from their Arab partners.

    7. Anonymous08:36

      Absolutely, Serbia is finally fighting for its interests!

  2. Anonymous09:02

    Bravo Air Serbia!

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Fraport, 4k and Adria have handed over their market to Air Serbia and BEG.

    Congratulations to Air Serbia for spotting an opportunity and making the most of it. I guess it's still early for OU to react.

    1. Anonymous09:54

      Haha! Way too early for OU to react. Maybe by September 2021 they'll have a reflex reaction to this.

    2. Anonymous09:55

      From what I gathered OU is waiting to see if Adria will go bankrupt completely. By the time it's officially announced, it will be too late.

    3. Anonymous10:07

      Kroacia bi mozda i reagovala ali je u jako losem polozaju. U koiko im evropska komisija ne odobri drzavnu pomoc za 3 meseca im sledi bankrot.

    4. Anonymous10:26

      Please, just read last goverment statement for OU.. The Goverment has already approved money transaction for OU..

    5. Anonymous10:29

      But I am sure European Comission will have something to say...

  4. Bravo Air Serbia! Shame on you Croatia Airlines!

    1. Anonymous09:04

      What are you saying, it's still too early to react. :D

    2. Anonymous09:09

      Has OU not reacted even in SKP?!

    3. Anonymous09:17

      its too early

    4. Anonymous09:49

      Goes to show that Air Serbia´s aircraft utilisation is really bad. They have so much room in their aircraft utilisation. Not it shows that double the fleet with nearly same pax is something that JU can work on.

    5. Anonymous10:02

      Thats because they added a lot of night flights.

    6. Anonymous10:02

      That's the summer season ending. In summer their planes operate at full capacity.

    7. Anonymous10:06

      Also right now they only have charters to Turkey and Egypt which is why they have extra 733s for LJU.

    8. Flying to Slovenia is a waste of money, if Air Serbia can waste money on their only long haul flight to JFK they can do exact things with this Ljubljana route.

    9. Anonymous21:29

      Someone is really frustrated...yeah, it hurts

    10. Whose hurting? Come on ,it's Air Serbia,nothing to be jealous about.

    11. Anonymous13:18

      haha that's why you are hysterically posting nonsense on here? :D

    12. Anonymous13:19

      Your obsession with (Air) Serbia begs to differ.

    13. Anonymous13:20

      @ 21.29
      He is always frustrated. All his comments revolve around Serbia or Air Serbia being the worst. Thankfully he has the stellar Croatia Airlines.

  5. Anonymous09:06

    Their readiness is indeed impressive, Croatia airlines really missed a golden opportunity here.

    1. Anonymous10:31

      Croatia doe not have a single aicraft sit somewhere. They fly at full capacity.

    2. Anonymous10:35

      Full capacity you say

      OU average cabin load factor stood at 71.1%

  6. Anonymous09:07

    I work at Brnik and all I can say is that evening flight had a lot of passengers last two days. Incoming and outgoing.

    1. Anonymous09:09

      That's great to hear, I guess those rescue fares were a great move from JU. They went from Atr to 733 overnight.

  7. Anonymous09:08

    OU should have organised shuttle busses from Ljubljana to Zagreb or something. Really missed a good chance here to get some extra pax at very low cost to the airline.

  8. Anonymous09:10

    Da dodamo i Banja Luku,Larnaku,Podgoricu i Tel Aviv sa +1-nim letom u odnosu na proslu zimu.

  9. Anonymous09:11

    LH ce najverovatnije uvesti Air Dolomite na Brnik.

    1. Anonymous09:15

      Да али када? Скоро сви су већ одреаговали па чак и Монтенегро!

    2. Anonymous09:21

      To sto je uradio YM je simbolicno.
      Pravi kajmak je pokupila Air Serbia

    3. Anonymous09:23

      A koji su to svi koju su odreagovali?

    4. Anonymous09:24

      Трансавија је додала 5 лет у октобру.
      Ер Франс је удуплао летове за ову зиму, они су се први припремили за овај сценарио.
      Монтенегро је увео додатан лет.
      Лот је повећао Љубљану са 7 на 8 летова.
      Ер Србија увела два лета на дан.

    5. Anonymous09:29

      Valjda je jasno da nije LH briga za ostale uvesce im letove do njihovih aerodroma cim proglase bankrot.

    6. Anonymous09:31

      Kajmak? lol
      Svejedno više će "odbjeglih" LJU putnika imati VIE i ZAG nego što će biti dodano na 2 dnevna ASL leta...

    7. Anonymous09:35

      Не бих баш био сигуран, ЈУ је преко ноћи повећао Љубљану са Атр-а на 733. Сигурно то нису урадили јер није било додатне потражње. Беч није баш тако близу да се многима исплати. Док се довезу до Беча већ би стигли са ЈУ до крајњег одредишта.

    8. Anonymous09:41

      Da, kajmak - tako se kaze u Srbiji.

      Ta 2 dodatna JU dnevna leta su povecana sa ATR na A319 ili B733. Znaci bar 50 dodatnih putnika po letu ako ne i vise.

      A to koliko ce biti vise u Zagrebu videcemo. Nije mi poznato da je OU povecala kapacitete niti na jednoj svojoj liniji.

      Takodje nisu ponudili ni rescue fares a svi znamo da su cene par dana pred poletanje uvek najvece. Tako da sumnjam u konstataciju da ce ZAG i VIE imati vise "odbjeglih" putnika.

      A da bi putnici dosli u Zagreb moraju da voze 2 sata, prodju granicu, cekaju moguce zastoje na putu,plate benzin, plate parking itd. A preko Beograda se to sve izbegava.

      Dakle ja licno tu ne bih imao nikakvu dilemu.

    9. Anonymous09:49

      Пут до Загреба је 2 сата, лет до Београда траје 50 минута.

    10. Anonymous11:36

      Da li ovdje netko zaista misli da će putnici iz LJU ici u BRU preko BEG. Ili FRA ili PAR? I putovati 8h do FRA? Neće. Ići će u SKP, možda SJJ, ATH, ako bude dobra veza. Dakle, LH grupa će pokupiti svoje putnike, a nešto će se preliti na ZAG. OU nema trenutačno avion koji može pozicionirati u LJU. Barem ne u ljetnom redu letenja.

    11. Anonymous11:50

      Naravno da hoce za mnoge gradove. Pogotovo ako je cena dobra.
      A to ukljucuje dobre konekcije za koliko danas za ZRH, SOF, DBV, SKP, TIA, ATH, SKG, TIV, TGD, SJJ, CAI, SVO, BEY
      Sta mislis ko je ispunio JU B733 sto ide za LJU? Oni sto lete ili oni sto ne lete preko BEG?

      A cime ce LH pokupiti svoje putnike?
      Sa svojim avionima, Austrianom ili sa Swissom?

    12. Anonymous11:59

      Што се Ер Србије тиче, њима Франкфурт и Париз нису приоритети из Љубљане. Они су те карте понудили како би људи како тако стигли до крајњих одредишта.

      Што се ЈУ тиче, они из Љубљане јуре путнике ка следећим одредиштима: OTP, SOF, SJJ, SKP, TGD, TIA, DBV, SPU, TIA, SKG, ATH, BEY, TLV, LCA, CAI, KRR, SVO.

      Што се свих ових градова тиче ЈУ је и те како конкурентна из Љубљане а како нико из LH Group није успоставио летове велики број путника се опредељује за Ер Србију преко Београда.

      Нема логике да неки пословни човек путује друмом до Загреба да би ухватио лет за Скопље када му се више исплати да иде ваздухополовом преко Београда. Уз све то, Београд нуди неупоредиво више избора него Загреб а сви знамо да пословним људима флексибилност највише значи.

      Ово константно ниподаштавање Београд, Србије и Ер Србије постаје трагично посебно сада када JU и BEG постижу све боље резултате. Прекините да се брукате.

    13. Anonymous13:40

      Pa naravno da će LH uvesti svoje letove ili naći feedera. Pitanje je uopće da li su ovo JP slotovi ili LH. Mogu početi letjeti sutra. Slovenci neće ići u DBV, ZRH ili na zapad preko BEG. Na SVO će ići ako stave dumping cijene u odnosu na SU. JU ostaju balkanske rute koje su i tarifno osjetno jeftinije. Pravi kajmak su putnici (zbog cijena karata) za BRU, CPH, AMS, FRA itd.. Tender za službena putovanja i eventualni PSO neće Slovenija dati nekome van EU. Zaboravi.

    14. Anonymous18:11

      Зашто бих заборавио нешто што нисам ни споменуо? Ко је рекао да ће ЈУ добити тендер за тамо неке летове из Словеније? Чињеница је да је ЈУ већ пун за Словенију што значи да путника има. То само указује на твоју малициозност према Србији и њеном националном превознику.
      А што се Москве тиче, Аерофлот лети ТРИ пута на дан за Београд, ЈУ има 10 летова за Москву, имају кодове на летовима што значи да путници из Љубљане који долете са ЈУ до Београда имају много више избора него директно да иду из Љубљане за Москву.

      Примера ради, погледајмо ову успореду:

      LJU-BEG 20.45-22.05
      BEG-SVO 23.45-03.25 // BEG-SVO 00.45-04.35 *SU*

      LJU-SVO 12.50-17.00

      Дакле ако поредимо две опције, ова преко Београда је знатно боља пошто нуди цео дан у Словенији што ипак многима значи. Директан лет Аерофлотом је бесмислен јер немаш цео дан ни тамо ни вамо.

      Дакле није баш све у цени а мени је драго да ЈУ има то нешто више што нуди и путницима широм Хрватске и то са следећих аеродрома: Пула, Ријека, Задар, Сплит, Дубровник и Загреб.

      Поносим се тиме што су Хрвати, баш као и Словенци, препознали предности Ер Србије.

      Да поновим још једном за крај, све што си покушао да напишеш само доказује колико си вођен (негативним) емоцијама а не разумом. Ер Србија прераста у озбиљног регионалног играча и то изгледа многима смета.

    15. Anonymous20:58

      Poslovni ljudi iz Slovenije trebaju vezu za dopodnevne sastanke u zapadnoj Evropi. Dakle BRU MUC FRA AMS CDG ZUR. u ranim jutarnjim satima.
      Do sada iz LJU i ZAG sa odlascima između 7 i 9 i direktnim letovima.
      Maribor, Celje, N.Mesto su 1.5 h od Zag.
      Kakav let na istok do BEG i čekanje na (pos)podnevne veze nazad na zapad!??
      Preko BEG se splača na Balkan i istok.
      Iz ZAG ionako na Emiratima ili Qataru ili TK za Aziju i Afriku.

    16. Anonymous08:37

      Slovenian businesses do a lot of work with ex-YU so they need more than flights to Western Europe.

  10. Anonymous09:13

    Are they getting an extra ATR?

    1. Anonymous09:15

      My guess is that they will get it but for next summer like they got A319 this year.

    2. Anonymous09:16

      I'm thinking the same thing. To me it looks like they will lease an additional ATR.

    3. Anonymous09:17

      Their regional fleet (ie ATR) are operating at full capacity in winter so I think they will get earlier. We will see. Unless they extend Nordica wetlease?

    4. Anonymous09:23

      I think a lot of new flights to Tirana operate at night when they have free capacity. They need more of those early morning arrivals to BEG.

      12-4-6- 04.10-05.25
      -234567 15.00-16.16

    5. Anonymous09:24

      Remember guys that in winter JU operates 11 routes from Nis, not 12 like in summer. That free ups an aircraft for 3 weekly regional flights.

    6. Anonymous09:25

      Do they have any limitations when it comes to flying frequncies in TIA?

    7. Anonymous09:26

      Nope, there is an Open Skies Agreement in place.

    8. Anonymous09:34

      Open Sky between 2 non EU countries?

      I thought there was bilateral

    9. Anonymous09:50

      Well an open skies is a bilateral agreement.

    10. Anonymous10:05

      Open Sky says you can fly as much as you want to certain destination.

      Bilateral says which plane you are allowed use on certain route and how often

    11. Anonymous10:08

      No. A bilateral agreement means it's an agreement made between two parties. Open Skies defines what kind of bilateral agreement it is. You can have a bilateral agreement that liberalizes trade.

  11. Anonymous09:16

    Wow well done Air Serbia. Very aggressive but smart move.

  12. Anonymous09:17

    What's impressive is that this December they will have 10 flights to TIA while OS will have 12. In terms of connectivity JU is becoming extremely competitive.

    1. Anonymous15:28

      Not only that but OS will have 5 to ATH, JU will have 7.
      OS will have 3 to SKG, JU will have 5.

      JU is already ahead of OS in some markets.

  13. Anonymous09:20

    This is amazig job done by Air Serbia and all I can say is congratulations.

    They smelled that Adria will cease its operations and already prepared earlier the plan for taking over passengers from Slovenia. This what we see now is just the implementation of that plan.

    The decision routes planning to be moved from Abu Dhabi to Belgrade was more than correct. Now we see why.

  14. Anonymous09:28

    Can't wait for September numbers to come out. BEG will most definitely pass six million this year.

    1. Anonymous09:34

      There is no doubt about it

  15. Anonymous09:32

    Must say I'm really surprised by their quick reaction. I'm used to them being very slow to react like all other ex-Yu airlines. But this is quite good.

  16. Anonymous09:39

    Hats off. Good response.

  17. Anonymous09:42

    Regarding Skopje it’s pure symbolic what JU is doing. I hope OU keeps it’s afternoon departure. JP not only had transfer pax but also DHL shipped out freight on their machines on some days. They’ve made such a mess for them too. OU can fill the gap better because it’s more convenient to connect to Germany because of their multiple daily flights and besides that it is a *A which means business people who used JP frequently can collect miles on OU.

    1. Anonymous09:51

      So it makes more sense for them to connect on OU than OS? Lol

  18. Anonymous09:43

    Wake up Croatia Airlines! Wake up Jasmin!

    1. Anonymous09:51

      Yesterday was too early, today is too late

    2. Anonymous09:53

      While I'm not trying to defend OU by any means, people have to realise that all their aircraft are operating at full capacity. In winter they have one plane grounded on rotation which goes for mechanical checks so there is no room for them to add flights.

    3. Anonymous10:14

      That's great news for JU.

    4. Anonymous10:35

      Croatia should cancel some flights and destinations and pay tourists compensation instead of missing the historic chance of offering 79€ RT fares to Adria customers in the middle of high season.

    5. Anonymous10:36

      Air Serbia didn't cancel any flights or destinations.

    6. Anonymous10:38

      We had persons complaining here that rescue fares are too low
      We had persons complaining here that JU ticket LJU-BEG-FRA costs 400 EUR

      But actually they are complaining because JU took over great business in LJU

    7. Anonymous10:40

      How come they can add so many flights if they dont cancel anything?

    8. Anonymous10:42

      Because they added flights to Thessaloniki, Skopje and Tirana at midnight to connect onto morning flights in Belgrade and because they have an A319 additional aircraft. And because they have 2 spare B737s sitting on the tarmac in winter. That's how.

    9. Anonymous10:51

      * sorry not 2 but 3 B737s

    10. Anonymous10:59

      Anon 09:53, they don't have to send a plane to LJU, they could have offered bus transfers from LJU to ZAG for stranded JP passengers and offered them rescue fares for their flights which are already scheduled.

    11. Anonymous11:29

      You mean from PRN and TIA to ZAG The majority of Adria´s pax were transferring.

    12. An. 09.53
      Ever heard of adhoc lease? Ever heard OU has good cooperation with Trade Air? Aware TDR's F100 at tarmac in ZAG? Aware being EU they could have started ops in this way from LJU within hours, two days ago? But wait, why should we do it, if we make more debts taxpayers will cover it for us, and gosh children just started new school year, they need attention, who cares about some office in Buzin, and maybe my colleagues can do it, oh wait they are on sick leave, maybe office the other side of the corridor, ha they are just using their ID tickets for Mauritius now, well, who cares, maybe is even better like this, maybe miracle happens and Adria survives and we don't want them to be angry with us, so let's say we will react but it's too early. Makes me puke.

    13. Anonymous08:38

      Does Trade Air have any spare capacity? One plane is based in TLV and flies to BEG with its own code few times per week. I saw yesterday one Fokker is flying from Vienna, probably leased from OU to cover the loss of JP planes.

  19. BEG almost certainly 6 million this year.

    1. Anonymous10:15

      Gonna be an awesome September in terms of figures due to these extra pax. Go BEG! Go JU! Bravo Serbia!

  20. Anonymous09:57

    And just the other day I read how Purger said in Slovenian press that Croatia Airlines will benifit the most from Adria's collapse. Ok...

    1. Anonymous10:04

      He also said that EK coming to ZAG was the biggest event in ex-YU. And anyway we see now that almost everyone benefitted more, even YM added flights for the love of God.

    2. Anonymous10:06

      He said arrival of EK in ZAG was bigger than whole Air Serbia project.

      Now flyDubai flies during winter to ZAG and JU opens new destinations.

    3. Anonymous10:07

      Well there is still time until winter timetable, maybe OU responds who knows.

    4. Anonymous12:27

      He was the one who predict short 4K life in Adria, last year he predict Adria bankrupt in autumn 2019, in August he predict Adria collapse in September.

      In his article he said that Air Serbia and Croatia will benefit from Adria collapse. Quote:

      "profitirati će Croatia Airlines i Air Serbia, koji će preuzeti dio konektiranih putnike iz Skopja i Sarajeva, a Air Serbia i iz Podgorica i Tirane. Croatia bi tada preuzela i dobar dio putnika Središnje, Južne i Istočne Slovenije. No i druge strane kompanije vrlo brzo bi uletjele na mjesto Adrie. Kad jednom smrkne drugom svane. Iako će, i više od Croatie i Air Serbie, profitirati Austrian koji leti na svih 5 feeding aerodroma Adrie, ipak će Lufthansa najviše izgubiti u globalu."

      Of course if Croatia will sleep (as they usually do) they will benefit less than Air Serbia.

  21. Anonymous09:59

    Surprised SOF is not in the list. It was quite a successful route for JP. Guess SKP and TIA are more creditable though.

  22. Anonymous10:04

    Over 100 passengers from Belgrade to Ljubljana last night.

    1. Anonymous10:12


    2. Anonymous10:36

      Great, that is 30 more than usual :)

    3. Anonymous10:43

      On average JU had 42 passengers per flight in 2018 so it's slightly more than 30 :)

    4. Anonymous11:27

      Wow, that is 55% LF. Nice :)

    5. Anonymous12:02

      Actually 42/66 is 64%.

  23. Anonymous10:12

    JU maybe could have added two weekly flights to Mairbor.

    1. Anonymous10:19

      It would be too much.

      Adria was not successful in Maribor, Ryanair left Maribor quickly...

      I would personally like it but JU does not need that adventure - there are enough passengers in LJU :-)

    2. Anonymous10:37

      ICAO rules prohibit the use of words aviation, flight, air travel, aircraft in the same sentence with Maribor. :)

    3. Anonymous13:24

      I actually agree MBX makes sense for them, or maybe rather GRZ

  24. Anonymous10:13

    Well executed.

  25. Anonymous10:37

    I guess that OU is hoping that the southern half of Slovenia will simply drive to ZAG to fly. They maybe damn wrong because OU fares have not come down but even increased! People are ready to fly detours to save money. Also important transit markets like TIA, SKP, TGD are now lost for OU due to no reaction. All what OU head office seems to do twice a year is to copy/paste last seasons schedule and change the year on top. They really do not deserve to survive either!

    1. Anonymous10:41

      hahah, hahahahahahaha that is a good one :D

    2. Anonymous10:45

      They should have introduced TGD, PRN and TIA the moment JP started to struggle. Who knows why they didn't.

    3. Anonymous10:48

      It's maybe still too early :-)

    4. Anonymous10:59

      Yes they should have taken 2-3 A320 from TC and started those flights.

    5. Anonymous13:25

      No, but they could take over a few Dash Q8-400s from OS for ex.

  26. Стара прича. Док се једном не смркне, другом се не сване.
    Ер Србија је преузела иницијативу и узима део колач са аеродрома Јоже Пучник на Брнику. Професионално су реаговали и настављају у том правцу.
    Али са друге стране немање повећања флоте и број авиона
    за повећање рута и фрекфенција, јесте ограничење остварења аспирације националног превозиоцс Србије.
    На средњи и дуги период. Треба се надати да ће власник
    Компаније инвестирати у повећање флоте различитог капацитета, величине... Истина је да Београдски аеродром
    и Аеродроми Србије јесу добра платформа за експанзију
    Ер Србије по региону југо источне и централне Европе.
    Ускоро време ће показати колико ће се Ер Србија довољно и брже развијати.
    Што се Adria Airways tice , vec je receno. RIP. 😢
    Није ни прва ни последња. Када се сетим "сахране"
    Аустралијског Ansett Airlines. Bio sam i svedok u tom dogadjaju.
    Iz prolecnog Sidneja, Rodney Marinkovic. ✈🌐✈☺🔆✨🔅✈

  27. Anonymous11:46

    Please don't get carried away with positivism. There is nothing good in an airlines demise. I flew on Wednesday evening from LJU to BEG on JU195 and even-though it was a nice upgrade from ATR to 319, the plane was not not nearly full.

    I just can't be cheerful. I've seen Adria employees at Brnik, and have seen them last week, on Friday evening when things started to go from bad to worse (Charter to Rhodes delayed for 12 hours, JP people were dealing with catering for seriously delayed Paris flight... God knows what happened to those flights) and faces of those employees showed real emotions, scare, insecurity, loneliness, a bit of anger.

    At one hand, I fell assured that LJU will remain accessible and will not end up being dark hole in Europe in case Adria is killed-off, however I feel for all the JP employees families whose existence is at stake. Its people we are talking about, not planes and routes. All that while LH, 4K and Slovenian Government heavily fooled around. Shame on them.


    1. Anonymous12:00

      Wednesday was still too early JP passengers to be rescued by JU.

      It is not Air Serbia's fault that JP went belly up.

      There is no doubt there are a lot of problems JP employees are facing to, but Slovenian Government is responsible for these people. It is the right address for all the challenges JP employees are now experiencing

    2. Anonymous12:07

      Your flight had 106/144 passengers onboard, so some extra 50, 60 passengers.

    3. No, Slovenian goverment is not responsible for K4 or the future of ex-JP personel. I'm sad that JP went bust, but happy that there wont be any bailout. Well, for the last part, we'll just have to wait. So tired of companies crying "bailout me!". Bye Adria and tnx for everything.

  28. Anonymous12:04

    There is no single seat available on JU tomorrow's flight LJU-BEG

  29. Anonymous12:14

    What will happen to additional Air Serbia flights if some solution is found for Adria's survival?

    1. Anonymous12:32

      No one will book flights on JP now. JU is safe.

    2. Anonymous17:27

      Adria is bancrupt since tuesday ...
      Smell the coffee !

  30. Anonymous12:41

    I see JU is sending its A319 to SKP, I guess they are taking over JP passengers.

    1. Anonymous12:55

      Don't think so as the flight is good in both directions.

      BEG-SKP 0/111
      SKP-BEG 3/120

      Funny how OU said that it is still early to react to Slovenia, maybe first they need to find a way to fight JU in Croatia.


      BEG-SPU 2/110
      SPU-BEG 11/150

      Nice to see a full JU A320 in Split this late in September.

      Regards from Belgrade airport. ;)

    2. Anonymous17:31

      I never imagined SPU to be that good for JU!

  31. Anonymous17:54

    flying tonight's JU195 LJU-BEG and it's been upgraded from ATR to 733 (Aviolet!)

    1. Anonymous17:56

      Do you mind letting us know how many passengers there are on the flight? Are you flying to BEG or connecting?

      You could always make a trip report. :D

    2. Anonymous18:00

      sure, I'll get the count. but a trip report might be a bit far fetched :-)

      flying to BEG, although out of it again tomorrow on JU388 back "home" to London. planned routing... nothing connected to the Adria debacle!

    3. Anonymous18:16

      If you could be so kind then to let us know the loads on both flights. :D At least something when we won't get a trip report. :D

    4. Anonymous18:20

      I've had 5 pax on a JU387 before, and 11 pax and 12 pax. it's affectionately known as "ghost flight" at Heathrow. boarding completes in seconds....

      Once I did the Plusgrade to try out the Etihad business class seat, but felt bad after they informed me I was the only pax in business class... and they had to put an extra crew on board specially. Certainly the 85 EUR did not cover their additional costs!

      Going back JU388 is normally pretty full, although tomorrow is my first Saturday flight with the JU operated plane departing minutes earlier.

    5. Anonymous19:02

      Have a safe trip!

    6. Anonymous20:06


    7. Anonymous20:15

      Thank you. How was the flight? I guess JU got some extra 50 passengers tonight.

    8. Adam16:26

      Flight was OK, plane is very very run down. Typical JU crew rather than charter crew. Flight time around 20mins faster than normal which was nice.

      Just leaving on JU388, 32pax, much lighter than normal in this direction (but understandable with a twin flight 5 mins apart vs the weekday timing).

      Going to miss JU388/389 :-(

  32. Anonymous17:55

    On I see A319 was added on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Hopefully JP has a sales boom so that JU fills its A320 to LJU next week.

    1. Anonymous18:02

      actually there is a sign in LJU airport stating that JP issued tickets are NOT valid for travel on JU operated codeshare flights. So JP can have a sales boom, but it's not going to fill that plane :-)

  33. George Dedic19:47

    I'll pre-empt this by saying that I'm an Aussie Serb (now living in Bg) and in no way anti-JU, if anything I'd be more of a fanboy than a hater of JU.

    JU's continued success seems to me like a textbook case of circumstance. First and foremost, Belgrade is clearly now booming in terms of tourist arrivals which is very very evident. Sure, it's no Paris or Prague but the growth is tremendous if you compare it to say even 5 years ago. Serbia has become a tourist destination (ni kriva ni duzna so to speak) even in Aussie circles (it's not the hip and 'in' destination to visit in Europe, I can only imagine when it comes to other europeans) and who benefits the most from that do you think?

    Next, we have Turkey, Egypt & co back big time this summer, much cheaper than other mediterranean alternatives and with the average Serb still (to my great shock and amusement) going into an agency to book holidays, the outbound tourism to those destinations has exploded. 4-5 daily charters to Turkey and 2-3 to Egypt all summer long. They can't really drive there, so the charter flights are the only option really. Who benefits the most from that?

    OU is sleeping and has handed the Croatian market on a silver platter and just as JU finished its consolidation and the regional network has become pretty robust, Adria goes bust. Leaving JU as the only viable option for regional destinations like SKP, TIA, SOF, SJJ etc not to mention the well timed LJU-INI flights. Of course this happens right as we're coming out of the summer season into the slower months when they have some spare capacity as well. I mean come on!
    I'm not even going to go into the prime time slot that got handed to them at Heathrow all summer because of Etihad (if nothing else it really is a great promotion for them- a lot of my 'travelling' London friends noticed Air Serbia's flights and started looking into Belgrade as a destination).

    They did of course go through their consolidation and picked those new routes sensationally well, so that's credit to them but it looks like JU is laughing all the way to the bank this year, 'ni krivi ni duzni'.
    Can't say I'm upset about it :) Pozdrav svima!

    1. Anonymous19:51

      *** meant to say 'it's the hip and in destination' rather than 'not the hip and in' hahaha apologies

    2. Anonymous20:09

      George, great summary of Air Serbia success. Thank you!

    3. Anonymous20:20

      Just a small correction, JU had 7 daily to AYT on some days this summer, I think two or three times per week. Other days it was 4 or 5 to Antalya alone. On a daily basis, JU had between 10 and 20 charter flights to Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey and so on.

      By the way, Al Masria still flies to Belgrade. They have an early morning arrival to BEG and they still use their A332!

      JU has suffered a lot over the past 30 years. I am happy they are finally on the winning side. Good for them and good for their employees.

    4. George Dedic20:28

      Totally agree with the above re finally winning. It's so good to see and well overdue. Future really does look bright and after the LF this winter, I bet they'll be running to post those financial reports asap.

    5. Anonymous20:30

      Thankfully they will still be around to post them. Same can not be said with certainty for other national airlines in the region.

    6. Anonymous20:41

      Charters are really helpfull for Air Serbia, no wonder that they also now look after charters from Ljubljana .
      There is a multitude of charters no more going on with Adria, somebody has to fill that void.

      I can only imagine what a shitty situation those have that sit on some island and have booked a return flight with Adria ...

    7. Anonymous21:12

      You are not giving them full credit, really.
      Consolidation - yes, they did it and they had a lot of pressure because of it. Other airline in region just choose not to do it.
      They choose to develop regional network over the years - you say OU is sleeping
      Adria going bankrupt is happening at beginning of low season - everybody else also have spare capacity, why don't they use it
      Belgrade is becoming tourist hit - it wouldn't become hit if it wasn't connected anyway

    8. Anonymous21:14

      Interesting to see that charter season in Slovenia seems to be longer than in Serbia -
      there are a lot of charters scheduled with JP next week.

    9. Anonymous21:31

      Serbia has charter flights to Egypt the whole year. lol So how exactly is the charter season longer in Slovenia?

      JU has charter flights to Turkey until the end of October and Egypt until 20.11.

  34. Anonymous23:57

    LJU had only 4 more flights than INI today. lol

  35. Anonymous09:14

    Anyone know why there is a scheduled airBaltic flight from Riga to Belgrade today? It's a B733.


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