Serbia’s vice premier Božidar Đelić who is in St. Petersburg, Russia announced. after talks with Aeroflot CEO. great interest from the Russian carrier to purchase the 81 year old Serbian airline. Đelić stated it was important that such a large airline as Aeroflot is still interested in Jat “after the worsening situation in the global aviation market”. The two went through the steps which have been taken to resolve Jat’s ownership of its (soon to be independent) technical company “Jat Tehnika” and platforms at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport. Igor Levtin, Russia’s minister for transportation also attended the serious talks. The Russian airline has devised a seven year business plan for Jat which includes the development of Belgrade into a regional aviation hub and the purchase of smaller longer range aircraft rather than bigger short range aircraft. The privatisation of Serbia’s national airline will be the most important investment this year in Serbia. Iceland’s national airline Icelandair is also interested in JU however recent talks suggest that Jat may be sold to Aeroflot as early as September this year.
The precise share of the sale is yet unknown although it has been suggested that 49% will be owned by the Serbian Government, 50% by Aeroflot and 1% by an airline registered in the EU (this would be done so Jat could remain Serbia’s national airline).
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