On Wednesday October 29, the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina officially named Turkish Airlines as the new strategic partner of the national B&H Airlines marking the end to a successful privatisation. The media had reported earlier in the month that Turkish had won the bid, contested by another 2 companies. Transport and Communications Minister Nail Seckanović stated that "Turkish Airlines was ranked the best among those which submitted bids and we are starting negotiations on the contract details". Needing to be negotiated is the percentage of ownership Turkey’s national carrier will receive. The government of Bosnia is selling 49% however Turkish Airlines officials are pushing for a majority 51% stake in the airline. These details should be refined in the upcoming talks. Malaysia's Comintel Corporation and a Jordanian consortium that included Royal Jordanian Airlines were among companies that made binding bids. However the government gave the Jordanian consortium a mark of 32.20 (out of a possible 100) for the bid while Comintel was out ruled due to the fact that it did not deliver all necessary documentation. The Turkish carrier received a mark of 82.50. B&H Airlines has 2 passenger aircraft and controls a very small portion of the Bosnian aviation market. Turkish Airlines is obliged to provide at least one 100 seat aircraft to the Bosnian national carrier within the next few months.
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