Budapest delayed...until further notice

Malev will not gain a license to commence services to Belgrade despite its desires for many years. The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate rejected the Hungarian national carrier, yet again, due to the impact it could have on the struggling Serbian carrier Jat Airways. Malev is a major threat to Jat due to the fact that it could take over many Serbian passengers travelling to Western Europe as well as further abroad. Realising the success Malev could have on this line,
earlier this year it requested double daily flights from Budapest to Belgrade for the 2009 summer season. However it will have wait another year as Jat’s redevelopment is set to begin in February 2009 and the government does not wish to create further pressure for the airline. This also puts in doubt other airlines that requested licenses in order to commence flights to Belgrade – low-cost Wizz Air and Nikki. However there is some good news for the Serbian public. Croatia and Serbia are negotiating a free sky agreement which could see regular services restart between the two countries. Jat Airways operated seasonal flights for the first time this year, after 16 years, to Pula however the new agreement could also see Croatia Airlines in Belgrade. The Serbian Aviation Directorate is also negotiating with China for direct flights to recommence between the two countries after 8 years.
On Saturday Nebojša Starčević, former Jat CEO, was named as the head of the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate (that issues licenses to foreign airlines) starting January 2009.
Ali wizz air je hteo da leti iz spanije u beogradu (sa vaseg prvog clanaka), i jos nema letova jat airwaysa u spaniju, ne razumem kako ne bi mogli da dobije liscense za letove iz Madrida ili Barselone.
ReplyDeleteDokle ce vise da se stiti taj monopol propalog JAT-a. Kada ce vec jednom poceti da se primenjuje Sporazum o otvorenom nebu. Poptisali su ga pre tri godine, ako se nevaram, a nikako da dodje na glasanje u Skupstinu. Mislim da bi linija Air Nikki bila jako popularna za putnike iz Beca.
hvala za tvoj misljenje
ReplyDeleteo letovima iz kine; bio sam bas iznenaden da ucim da mozda cemo imati ovi letovi. je li ovo pravi vesti ili nesto sa kurira ili tako nesto? gde ste ucili/uzeli informaciju o tome ? da li ce da pocne ovi letovi sledece godine (2009?) i koja aviokompanija ce da leti iz koja grada u kini? puno hvala.
Informacija o vazdusnom ugovoru izmedju Kine i Srbije je potvrdio direktorat vazduhoplovstva. Medjutim to je samo ugovor koji otvara mogucnost uspostavljanja saobracaja. Da li ce neko hteti da zapocne sa letovima to je druga stvar.
ReplyDeleteThe article mentioned the possibility of a 'Free Sky Agreement' between Serbia and Croatia.
ReplyDeleteWould the author be able to expand on this interesting development (perhaps in a future post) listing possible destinations between various cities in either country, and even operations/frequencies by JAT in 1989/1990 to gauge possible passenger loads and opportunities (if this information is possible to attain!)??
I'm sure like others that read this post, it would provide a fascinating insight as to the possibilities for the future!
Many thanks for your splendid work.