The Macedonian Civil Aviation Agency (ACV), which had been in constant war with MAT Macedonian Airlines until it finally grounded the airline, has not confirmed whether Mat Airways registration papers had been handed inn but warns that any start up airline in Macedonia must have at least 51% of its shares owned by a Macedonian company. The ACV also says that when registration papers are handed inn a commission will have to rule whether r there is a connection between the defunct MAT and Mat Airways.
Reportedly, several former MAT employees are working on the new Mat Airways project. “It has not been decided when the airline will begin operations. Mat Airways is an independent airline and is not associated with MAT”, Čačkirov says.MAT Macedonian Airlines has still not begun bankruptcy proceedings. When this process commences it ill be determined who exactly will receive the airline’s property, including a Boeing B737-500. Mat Airways is the latest in a string of companies trying to register airlines in the country following the demise of MAT.
Mat Airways and Aeromak....hmmm, for months there isnt a Maceodnian airline and now there will be 2....
ReplyDeleteTo people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Sandzak and Albania, Bajram Šerif Mubarek Olsun!
ReplyDeleteFunny news, two national carriers? That sounds odd and I think both will end up bankrupt anytime soon after starting operations...
very interesting .....:)
ReplyDeletewell let's see what will be out of all this plans
Balkan people has lot's of ideas but implementaion is low :)
wish luck to enyone who try:)
Well if the deal between the serbian government and Marfin becomes reality, then I would think that there will be one airline surviving- the one made by Jat.
ReplyDelete@ EX-YU AVIATION:
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You've actually put something up that is very close to actual truth :-) Well done, finally.
As for AEROMAK - no chance...
ReplyDeleteSretan Bajram! Ne mogu a da ne primjetim da si nabrojao regione sa vecinskim muslimanskim zivljem, a sta je sa onima koji slave u dijelovima gdje nisu vecina! Lijepo je sto si cestitao, ali malo diskriminatorno ako cemo gledati na geografiju!
Srecno sa ovim planovima, uz nadu da ce konacno neko pametan da se nadje na trusnom Balkanu i da ekonomiju podigne na noge!
@ anonymous
ReplyDeleteif Marfin group buy into JAT, and with JAT to create Aeromak, that would technically make a Greek company in charge of a major Macedonian airline hahaha...
Srecan bajram svima...lepo provodite prazik uz porodicu i svi ko su ti najdraziji...
@ Anonymous
ReplyDeleteIzvini :)
Dobro, ćestitam Bajram svima onim koji se nalaze na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije i u cijelom svijetu! Lijepo se sprovedite!
PRN has a huge Market although it is not included in EU visa waiver because of huge KS albanians living abroad. Last year PRN hosted over 2 mil passangers. I live in Zurich and I cant wait to book with easy jet and stop paying over 500 EUR for a returned flight to PRN. I am happy for 200k Kosovars that live in Switzerland not to pay prices that are offered from kosovaairliens and airprishtina based on their mood. Last year I have used montenegro airlines PRN-TGD-ZRH and I got a very cheap ticket. I hope easy jet is ending this Mafia business from swiss and edelweiss selling tickets to PRN at higher price than JFK.