Belgrade losses Cimber Sterling and LOT

On the other hand, LOT Polish Airlines will also terminate its 5 weekly flights from Warsaw to Belgrade. The airline launched the service last year but has failed to attract too many passengers. The last flight will operate on October 28. As a result, Belgrade will no longer have a direct air link to the Polish capital.
So far this year, B&H Airlines has been the only scheduled carrier to cancel its flights to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and is soon be joined by Cimber and LOT. Scheduled airlines which began flights to Belgrade in 2011 are Olympic Airways, Croatia Airlines and airBaltic (the latter two on a seasonal summer basis). During the winter, Skywork Airlines will begin flights from Bern in Switzerland and a national carrier from Europe, which has previously never flown to the city, will announce its flights in the coming weeks.
It is very srange that not very many passengers flew from WAW-BEG with LOT as it used to be a very popular route. As for Cimber, I don't think they will be missed too much. They are a crap airline anyway
ReplyDeleteToo bad, I flew to WAW and embraer 195 was packed bothways, too bad for the route..
ReplyDeleteAs for the new european national carrier, I am really wondering which one will it be.
No competition for Copenhagen? Ha ha. What about WZZ Belgrade - Malmo? This is a typical line for diaspora visitors. They chose overpriced JAT? No!
ReplyDeleteLOT introduced connection to WAW only for transatlantic passengers. Obviously there is too strong competition.
^It says no direct competition as in no one else flies BEG-CPH.
ReplyDeleteSad to see these 2 go. As for the Euro national carrier, who could it be. The only airline coming to mind is Iberia, all others would be a bit farfetched to start flights to BEG.
The fact that Lot is dumping Belgrade comes as a shock to me. Their average loadfactor to Belgrade was around 60% and their numbers were slowly rising.
ReplyDeleteI guess that they need the E170 on a more profitable route.
Some of my best flights were on Lot's jungle jets from Belgrade.
I guess that the withdrawal of the E145 aircraft made it impossible for them to survive on the route.
I guess that there is celebration in Budapest and Prague now!
As for Cimber, I think this decision was catalyzed by the fact that they are being bought by a private company and merged with a few other Scandinavian carriers.
Actually do not forget that very often Azerbaijan is listed as a European country so it could indeed be AZAL. However, if it is Azal they this blog is retarded for mentioning it so many times and trying to build excitement over nothing.
Other possibilities include Iberia, Belavia, SN Brussels and Ukraine International Airlines.
It would be nice if British Midland (formerly BMI) started flights from London. They are part of the LH group, so their fixed costs in BEG would be lower due to an already big presence here.
ReplyDeleteOther options include TAP (although they codeshare with JK and OS on BEG routes), as well as IBERIA, KLM, and SN Brussels Airlines.
Also national carriers never flewn earlier are: Finnair, Aer Lingus, Luxair, Iceland Air, Malta Airways, Cyprus Airways
ReplyDeleteI don't give any chance to all of it. My first prediction is Brussels Airlines, and Iberia as second.
One should not forget that most of LOT's traffic is connecting to North America. They are reducing their NA frequencies this winter, but will bring them up for summer 2012. Btw, BEG - WAW is still up for summer 2012.
ReplyDeleteIn regards the national airline which will begin flights, I can’t reveal the name until the deal is signed, which should be at the very beginning of August. Although, it’s not AZAL as someone guessed.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 10:25
ReplyDeleteCyprus Airways never flew to Belgrade. Those flights were operated by Eurocypria which was a charter airline partially owned by Cyprus Airways.
Also for the rest, can you please enlighten us all when did Iceland Air operate flights into Belgrade?
Malta Airways does not exist, it's Air Malta.
As ex-Yu just mentioned an agreement has to be signed (apparently) which means that there is no open skies between the two countries. Since it's not AZAL then we can suppose that it's Belavia (?)
I guess it will be SN Airlines.
ReplyDeleteI also think it is belavia, since there has been a (promo) flight Minsk Belgrade a few months ago, and also there is a survey on Minsk airport regarding what routes from minsk are most needed and one of the options is Belgrade
ReplyDeleteBulgaria Air? Lux? Iberia? Libgus? Sas? Which ooone?:-)
ReplyDeleteSky Srpska! hahaha!
ReplyDeleteQuite a long time ago it was mentioned that Albanian Airlines would start flying to BEG.
ReplyDelete^ I was also hoping for Albanian Airlines flights to BEG, but I believe they have flown to Belgrade before..? Maybe Belle Air? There not too long ago was an agreement signed with Albania (Serbia) for visa lifting.
ReplyDeleteI believe a Ukraine airline is very possible, since Aerosvit pulled out because of "technical issues" and the loads were not that bad, and there was also the lifting of VISA requirements between Ukraine and Serbia.
There are quite a few airlines that everyone is expecting to fly to Belgrade soon.
Bulgaria Air would be a smart move since there is interest for Sofia - Beograd flights.
And how are flights WAW - BEG still up for next summer?
I think this is an advantage for JAT is it not? I would like to see JAT prosper with little competition which the carrier has monopolised many of its routes, maybe they can start a few weekly services to Warsaw with AT7 or 733.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah and the other day Cimber used their CRJ100 I believe on the Copenhagen - BEG route
ReplyDeleteWith the latest economic turmoils in numerous EU countries where debt crisis is spreading like a virus, and this US debt crash which will definetly impact Europe, I think we are by every day closely to new more tiny route cancellations, especially throughout our region here. We should prepare to read this kind of news more and more.
ReplyDeleteI would like I am completely wrong with this prediction.
Iberia already flew to Belgrade.
ReplyDeletePerhaps TAP? They never flew to Belgrade. They fly to ZG though...
it will be some shitty airline like
ReplyDeletebelavia or albanian or
coconut international airlines.
no quality at all and after a year with shitty load factor they will suspend the service.
maybe bananistan is also part of europe.
ReplyDeleteYou can see their summer schedule on Amadeus, and on their website.
So "dropping" of Belgrade is an error (or misinterpretation), I believe it is just becoming seasonal.
P.S. Iberia never flew BEG-MAD route. It was Jugoslovenski Aerotransport.
ReplyDelete@last anonymous
ReplyDeleteway to be positive. who said albanian, belavia is shitty? albanian for sure would bring good loads, many ppl from tirana now forced to take buses or transfer through other airports. not sure about belavia.
yeah LOT has good loads in summer, not so good ones in winter so it would make sence, but it would still make sence if they could keep maybe 2 weekly during winter.
^To the Anonymous before me :
ReplyDeleteI fear you are totally right!
It's Armavia
ReplyDelete@last anonymous
ReplyDeleteif this is true, very good because loads would be good, but how do you know?
Armavia?? Hmmm it would be good although unlikely. Now armenians are planning to compete with azerbaijanis :P Cute...
ReplyDeletecocunut airlines should be starting a belgrade and banja luka link, no?
ReplyDeleteWhy on Earth would Armavia launch flights to Belgrade?
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no demand between the two countries. I am sure that they have more important destinations to open than Belgrade.
Since it's not an EU country then my money is on Belavia.
Unless it's Kon Tiki Sky ;)
Then again it kinda makes sense for Belavia to inaugurate flights between the two countries. They are a state owned airline that doesn't really care about making a profit and they have the CRJs that could be used on the route.
ReplyDeleteHowever I wouldn't mind seeing their Tu-154 in Belgrade either.
The only question is what is happening with the visas? Do we need them for Belarus and do they need them for Serbia.
I'm not sure why you use word "dump" in every headline that describes how an airline plans to discontinue, cancel, or drop certain route. Word "dump" has many meanings in English, one of which is to defecate. There are better ways to write these headlines up. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI have my money on a Ukraine International Airlines :)
ReplyDelete*I think Belavia could be an option as trade between Serbia and Belarus is on the rise. For example, recently Belgrade city bought 83 new trolley busses from a Belarussian manufacturer. Could be a route with higher yields.
ReplyDelete* I doubt Albanian Airlines will come considering they are having problems with the 5 destinations they have already. They say they will open a route...and surprise, they dont.
* Bulgaria Air is an option for me as well, im surprised there isnt a direct BEG-SOF flights.
* I think the AZAL flights are random/ But then again, we did have Uzbekistan Airways so...
* Finnair would be an interesting addition to BEG, maybe some nice connections to the US, Asia and Scandinavia?
ReplyDeleteUzbekistan Airways can not be compared to Azerbaijan HY which will operate flights with A320family aircraft to Zurich via BEG. Uzbek flew to New York city with 763ER via BEG in accordance with the codeshare with JAT Airways at the time.
to american:
ReplyDeleteonly serious airlines discontinue
their services.
those airlines dumping their destinations
are therefore called shitty !
So much wrong info on this blog.
ReplyDeleteCimber is resuming operations in March:
LOT is resuming operations in March as well:
might it be Aero Lingus?
no alex ,it is belavia.
ReplyDeletebut their flights to belgrade wont
last for long.after three months of service they will get kicked out by
your president, the same he did with iran air and out of the same reasons.
it does not make a good impression in brussels and washington if serbia has any sort of too good relationship
with a country which is considered
an evil dictature.
it is a shame, because the co-
operation with the persians could have made belgrade to one of the most profitable airports in this part of europe.
you also have to make a difference between a people and their shitty fact most of the persians are wonderful people ,
i really like them.
Cimber ne odlazi iz Beograda
ReplyDelete20.07.2011 / Izvor:
Informacija, koja se pojavila u javnosti, da Cimber Sterling gasi liniju Kopenhagen - Beograd nije tačna. Ovo je našoj redakciji potvrdila Signe Thorup, direktorka komunikacija danske aviokompanije. Po njenim rečima linija Kopenhagen - Beograd postaje sezonska linija i ona će se realizovati tokom letnjeg reda letenja.
Iako će saobraćaj na ovoj liniji biti prekinut 29. avgusta, on će se nastaviti od 12. marta 2012. godine. Prilikom uvođenja dodatnog trećeg nedeljnog leta tokom ove letnje sezone medijska služba Cimber Sterling-a istakla je da na ovoj liniji veoma izražena sezonalnost i da je linija zabeležila veliki uspeh.
U međuvremenu je iz Beograda ka Malmeu poleteo i Wizz Air, koji na toj liniji beleži značajnu popunjenost. Ova činjenica mogla bi biti razlog za eventualni pad interesovanja putnika za let Cimber Sterlinga s obzirom da su dva aerodroma udaljena svega 40-tak kilometara i da pokrivaju isto gravitaciono područje.
Aviokompanija Cimber Sterling koja se u poslednje vreme bori sa finansijskim gubicima, primila je novčanu injekciju (oko 22 miliona evra) od ukrajinskog milionera Igora Kolomojskog čime je ovaj investitor postao najveći akcionar danskog avioprevoznika.
Ulasku novog kapitala u kompaniju prethodila je izjava upravnog odbora Cimber Sterlinga u kojoj se ističe da je prethodna zimska sezona bila pogubna za kompaniju koja je imala ogromne neplanirane troškove zbog cene goriva i smanjenog broja putnika. Procene odbora su bile da bi se pojavio rizik od prekida operacija tokom zime ako se ne reši problem sa kreditorima do tada.
Ujedno je Kolomojski preko svoje kompanije Mansvell Enterprises postao vlasnik dva mala švedska avioprevoznika: Skyways-a sa bazom u Stokholmu i City Airline-a sa bazom u Geteborgu. Namera Ukrajinca je da spajanjem tri kompanije (Cimber Sterling, City Airline i Skyway) stvori jedinstvenu skandinavsku (nordijsku) aviokompaniju koja će uspešno konkurisati sve jačem Norwergian Air Shuttle-u.
Технички Кимбер одлази из Београда али само за време зиме. Тако да је ова изјава делимично тачна.
ReplyDeleteШто се тиче њихове попуњености никада им није била тако висока. Чак и пре него што је Визер кренуо са летовима за Малме попуњеност је једва била 50%.
I actually think it will be Finnair. They are trying very hard to become Europe's hub for Asia flights, especially for passengers originating from Eastern Europe. AY had two new destinations, Ljubljana and Gdansk, added this summer.
ReplyDeleteSerbia does have demand for flights to Asia, especially China and SE Asia, such as Thailand or Singapore, and SU is at the moment taking vast majority of the passengers.
Oh please people,
ReplyDeletestop being ignorant! Belavia will
commence those shitty Flights.