Jat figures continue to rise

Compared to October 2010, the state carrier saw a 34% increase in the number of passengers travelling to and from Montenegro, 22% on Euro Mediterranean services and for the first time this year Jat also recorded passenger growth on charter flights. However, it should be noted that this growth stood only at 1%, aided by an increase in the number of charter flights operated during the month.
In the first ten months of the year, Jat handled a total of 1.063.725 passengers, an increase of 15% with an average cabin load factor of 70%. The airline has surpassed its 2010 end of year result. Driving the increase in passenger numbers, despite wide competition, are constant promotional ticket sales being offered by the carrier. While the promotions have generated more sales they are also expected to generate more financial losses come year’s end.
You can review all of Jat Airways’ results from this year in the table below.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 70.788 | ▲ 3 |
FEB | 67.635 | ▲ 24 |
MAR | 79.408 | ▲ 20 |
APR | 88.597 | ▲ 33 |
MAY | 96.466 | ▲ 17 |
JUN | 116.105 | ▲ 18 |
JUL | 156.508 | ▲ 8 |
AUG | 155.163 | ▲ 6 |
SEP | 125.431 | ▲ 18 |
OCT | 107.624 | ▲ 23 |
So in October 2010 they had an average lf of 50% or so?! Jesus that was low...
ReplyDeleteJat is not making huge losses because it is not making any money but rather because our lovely and very competent government is stealing from them.
Why is it, since JAT's passenger counts are increasing,while performng less flights ( which is productive), can they not attrat a buyer for the airline?
ReplyDelete@admin: do you also have monthly year-to-year financial results? I would be extremely happy if JAT's loses have not increased compared to the last year. Otherwise pax count increases as a result of promotions are completely meaningless...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for Jat, well done. Hopefully the good run continues. All the best from Australia
ReplyDeleteLufthansa is to launch a weekly Berlin-Dubrovnik flight next summer on board their A319
ReplyDeleteForgot to add they will be adding Berlin-Zagreb as well. Operated 4 times per week on board the A319.
ReplyDeleteLH3058 BER0700 – 0830ZAG 319 7
LH3058 BER1200 – 1330ZAG 319 135
LH3059 ZAG0910 – 1035BER 319 7
LH3059 ZAG1405 – 1530BER 319 135
Bravo Jat! I would expect better financial results this year for two simple reasons: 1) less flights were operated compared to last year, hence decreased operating costs, and 2) the cost of operating out of BEG is consistently decreasing.
ReplyDeleteHaving significantly better cabin load factors is a step in the right direction.
Even if LF is only bigger because of promotional prices..
ReplyDeleteIt is better to pay as taxpayer
for flights which are nearly full than half empty !
Also as first anonymous says ..Jat could have less losses if
government officials would not take so much out of it !
To Adriatic ,why no one buys Jat ?
If you buy Jat you also buy its debt !
So even if you buy Jat for 0$ you have to pay back debt to the debtors !
Imagine this are tens of millions !
nice to see pax figures are up. The low fares are not that bad, i mean its not totally low cost and dirt cheap airfares (last time i looked for a return BEG-VIE flight it was still a good 15.000 din.). I hope that they are at least breaking even and making some kind of profit from sales.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much in losses JAT will be operating. I can imagine that the ac, although have low cycles on them, are not cheap to maintain and to run. Also sad to see profitable destinations such as DXB being dumped. JAT should increase frequencies on its destinations in order to stay competitive and not randomly open and close destinations every season.
Also on the news is that former Aviogenex captain flying with JAT has been found flying without a license for the past several months.
LH also start Berlin to Zadar and Split
ReplyDelete@RS: BEG is decreasing costs but only to foreign airlines. In fact costs for Jat by BEG and the Serbo-Russian NIS are getting bigger and bigger
ReplyDelete@JATBEGMEL: The news Blic ran about the pilot turned out to be false. He has a license.
Well, it all depends how deep he passenger yield decreases. Let's say I have 60 pax on board with average fare of €150, it is better than 80 with €100.
ReplyDeleteSorry not to translate things from todays Air Arena, 1st regional air congress in Zagreb, but I am too tired after 10 hours
ReplyDeleteRazgovarao sam sa generalnim direktorom ZL Beograd. Covijek je nevjerovatan. Dao mi je svoj broj mobitela da u iducih par dana dodjem do njega u Beograd. Ukratko:
- Beograd se nece privatizirati, on nema potrebe za JPP ili koncesijom jer svoj razvoj moze pratiti vlastitim sredstvima
- godišnji profit je 20 milijuna EUR (Zagreb je imao prošle godine 2,8 milijuna EUR)
- rast im je oko 15% što je više nego regiji, u ovoj godini ce imati preko 3.100.000 putnika
- vece je povecanje putnika nego ono nakon ukidanja viza, sto je iznenadjujuce
- prosirenje terminala sa 6 zracnih mostova i pripadajuce stajanke kostat ce samo 12 milijuna EUR i "nisu mi jasne ove izjave mojih kolega o 100 milijuna EUR za nove terminale ili prosirenja"
- naplata ZL Beograd je 97%
- najbolja linija u regiji bila bi Beograd-Split o cemu mnogo razgovaramo sa direktorom Zracne luke Split g. Novakom
...iskreno se veselim odlasku u Beograd i intervjuu koji ce pokazati kako se vodi uspjesna zracna luka vlastitim sredstvima, znanjem i pamecu, bez potrebe za angaziranjem stranaca
ReplyDeletedrago mi je da si se oglasio po pitanju tog kongresa. Procitao sam negde da se odrzava ovih dana, ali nisam znao da li ce biti dostupne informacije sa kongresa nakon njegovog zavrsetka :)
ako i kad budes imao volje i vremena, napisi svoje utiske ovih dana :)
p.s. Is it true that AGX 732 is going to be scrapped? :(
OK but on Croatian:
ReplyDeleteNekoliko stvari o Croatia Airlinesu sa Air Arene
Tatalovic (Croatia Airlines): "Krecemo u resrukturaciju koja ce se zavrsiti do ozujka 2012."
Tatalovic: "Prema planu "Penjamo se na nulu" ovu godinu smo trebali završiti sa 7 milijuna EUR gubitka, no završiti cemo je sa 10 milijuna gubitka. Iduca, 2012. trebala bi biti "pozitivna nula" sto jos uvijek smatramo da ce se desiti, bez obzira na ekstra 3 milijuna ispod plana ove godine"
Tatalovic: "ove godine imamo povecanje putnika od 17%, sto znaci da cemo ostvariti rekord i prevesti 1.900.000 putnika. LF nam se povecao za 5,5 postotnih poena".
Tatalovic: "Sa Ryanairom se razgovaralo da otvori bazu u Hrvatskoj. Pod uvjetima kakve ima Ryanair u Hrvatskoj ja (CTN) nemam nikakvih problema prevesti isti broj putnika"
Mileta: "Necemo privatizirati Croatiju. Privatnik bi pod izgovorom profitabilnosti otpustio radnike, ukinuo linije, prestao biti 10. izvoznik po velicini, a to nije intres RH"
Peovic (izvan sluzbenog dijela, u poduzem razgovoru sa mnom osobno): "Kako mislite da rast od 14% nije moja zasluga, nego produkt cijenovne politike CTN-a koja je imala porast od 17%? Naravno da sam ja to izazvao dovodjenjem easyJeta koji je prisilio CTN na skidanje cijena, povecanje LF i broja putnika."
Pitao sam se odakle linija DBV-CDG-DBV. U Dubrovniku su otvorili Destination management company kojoj je za cilj razvoj Dubrovnika kao destinacije. Naime ponudili su turoperatorima iz Pariza Dubrovnik zimi, a na nacin da su nazicali od hotela, prijevoznika, zracne luke, bus-kompanija, restorana... nize cijene, otvorenost tijekom zime, te programe.
Rezultat = ZLD se odrekla aerodromskih taksi, CTN snizila cijene (kao i ostali) = dvije linije za CDG i to su svi letovi do 1.12. puni, tek nakon toga ima pokoji prazan aranzman.
Zbog toga ce tijekom zime otvoriti i letove prema Zurichu i Londonu. Vec su 4 tour-operatera prihvatili program. Kazu da to nisu uspjeli napraviti sa British Airwaysom, ali da su kod Croatije naisli na izuzetnu kooperativnost, te da je mogu maksimalno pohvaliti.
Peovic (direktor ZL Zagreb):
ReplyDelete"Zagreb kao hab nije samo investicija, business, nego i strateski infrastrukturalni objekt od posebnog interesa za Hrvatsku"
Do sada smo u Hrvatskoj izdvojili ili cemo izdvojiti
# ZL Dubrovnik
- 180 milijuna kn za fazu A i B
- 380 milijuna kn za fazu C iz pristupnih fondova EU
# ZL Split
- 90 milijuna kn za stajanku
# ZL Zadar
- u prošloj godini 10 milijuna kn za širenje terminala
- 250 milijuna kuna za proširenje piste na 3.200 metara i još jedno dodatno širenje terminala
# ZL Pula i ZL Rijeka
- ukupno 71 milijun kuna
# ZL Osijek
- 115 milijuna kuna za obnovu i podrzavanje otvorenost (citaj place, rezije i ostalo)
# kontrola leta
- 320 milijuna kuna za nadogradnju i modernizaciju sustava navodjenja
"CTN je 10. izvoznik po velicini u RH"
"82% putnika u/iz Hrvatske su stranci"
"U 12 mjesecu predstavit cemo novu, daleko moderniju stretegiju razvoja zracnog prometa RH, koja ce zamjeniti zastarjeli model"
Mileta: "Mi smo protiv prodaje CTN-a. Privatnik ima druge interese, on samo gleda na profit, i time ce se izgubiti radna mjesta, linije koje nisu profitabilne, a nama su bitne, CTN vise nece biti ogroman izvoznik"
Hvala na poduzem textu! :)
ReplyDelete@Purger...hvala na trudu!
ReplyDeleteWow...potpuno sam fasciniran cinjenicom da su 82% avio putnika iz/za Hrvatsku strani drzavljani!
I jos malo pregleda onog sto su rekli ostali:
ReplyDeletedirketor Aerodroma Crne Gore:
Prva faza investicije u TGD i TIV u vrijednosti 20 milijuna EUR nije sporna, za ostalo se jos nije odlucio model
zamjenik glavnog direktora TAV Makedonija (Ohrid i Skopje):
Do 2016. planiraju imati promet od 3.500.000 putnika. Ukupna investicija u SKP/OHR je 190 milijuna EUR, 15% profita ide Makedonskoj vladi
glavni direktor SJJ:
Dobili su kredit od 25 milijuna EUR od Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj i krecu u realicaziju projekta sirenja SJJ, za sada jos ne znaju na sto ce utrositi ta sredstva
glavni direktor LJU:
Razvoj ce se bazirati u fazama, kane na to utrositi 60 milijuna EUR. Osim novog terminala kane otvoriti i poslovnu zonu, te cargo city.
ReplyDeleteNicely summed up. I was there today too.
I howver still do think ZLZ needs some form of partnership model (concession).
ZLZ does not have the luxury to rely on its resources (which are btw way smaller in profits than BEG as you yourself pointed out) as Belgrade already has the 5 mil. pax capacity within existing infrastructure.
Belgrade has 420 full time employees. Zagreb has around 1000.
Zagreb all these years hasn't been "using its own brains" to invest in gradual expansion of the terminal, so now it has big job to do.
Zagreb isn't " a natural hub" as Belgrade, and as such needs a bigger player that if it wants a fair shot at trying the "hub concept".
What ZLZ was doing was accumulating profit (and please don't get me started with the land property mafia and their old airport master plan that predicted a totally unnecessary 2nd runway and massive land buyout according to that plan) and paid director Matković and other employees huge bonuses.
The building, inclusing all of the material property assets were gradually loosing its value due to the aging and very litle infrastructural changes were being done.
Maybe some were - OK, but at what pace and for how long more ? No f-ing LUXURY to wait until 2030, as the rest of the region and world is moving. And Zagreb in 2011 still has the old "stračara" of the building. SRAMOTA !
Uz dužno poštovanje prema kolegama iz Beograda, i svaka čast na rezultatima - po savjet nebih išao.
It is pretty simple to conclude why the infrastructure was there (since 1984) with the rest of the airports in Croatia and the rest of Ex YU do not, or at least haven't had such infrastructure updated and improved while still in Yugoslavia.
So, Please give me a break and support concession. It's our last train call.
Il će zadnja baba s kolačima proći, kao što ih je nekoliko već prošlo svih ovih godina.
Looking over the new articels (btw) at Aerosvijet, (there is a Aviation Business Arena recap on there too...) I have to share this :)
8P9442 from Zagreb with a Fokker100 today arriving in Belgrade? Also, Dubai flights begin today and I believe Paphos did yesterday :)
ReplyDeleteFor the Berlin-Zagreb double anonymous, i wish to inform you that you are a bit off-topic. I don't know if you noticed that the topic was about JAT, not Croatia. No need to say "Zagreb also bla bla bla". About the fact that they're increasing the Germany flights, that's of course no surprise, HR is just a German colony.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for all this great info, really appreciate and more of it would be welcome once you got rested :)
Does anybody know, why instead of 2 flights that depart almost at the same time from Belgrade to Moscow, Aeroflot do not replaces them with one single wide-body flight like A332?
ReplyDeleteАко је госн Радосављевић способан онда сам ја Мадона!
ReplyDeleteHe just seems like a competent person but he is not. The success of Belgrade airport lies in the fact that the wages of the employees are very low and that it is the only airport in the country (ok with the exception of Pristina).
Fees for airlines are much higher in Belgrade than in vast majority of European cities.
For God's sake, the guy didn't know who Singapore Airlines was...
Two flights for Moscow depart at the same time on BEGSVO, but if you take a look at SVOBEG then it is different. SU departs at noon time JU departs at 8 pm.
ReplyDelete@the german colony guy - BEEP OFF!
Greetings from Belgrade
Petar, very well said.
ReplyDeleteObviously, it is not enough just attend Air Arena, like some.
It also requires analytical skills and knowledge to understand all aspects of the aviation business in the region, as well as, historical implications.
It is also obvious that aviation business is growing accross ex yu area, as one of benefits of being out of reach of BEG rule.
@anonymous "No need to say "Zagreb also bla bla bla".
ReplyDeletePuhplease ... this happens on the forum all the time anyway. It's a news and why not mention it regardless under which topic.
It looks to me that Mr. Peovic is talking throw you Peter! This bullshit about ”The building, inclusing all of the material property assets were gradually loosing” was very well confuted and elaborated by document in Matkovic interview for Globus. And to find excuses for bed working in meantime is very easy. If somebody buy it. Unfortunately no one is buying this any more. Not employees, not unions, not media, not professionals and not even politicians.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, these are not two SU flights - one is JU, the other is SU, but they codeshare. SU has strange codeshare flight numbers, so you really can't tell it's not their metal. They are changing it though, in early 2012.
2nd to last anonymous:
ReplyDeleteall I CLEARLY know and have seen is that "stračara" hasn't changed since 1964, and now that Mr. Peović is pushing for a serious player who'll collaborate, on a basis of a partnership (which means concessioner has sets of obligations to fulfill), may help Zagreb reach its potential...now that he finally wants it, he's being sabbotaged.
The property looses it value graduall, due to amortization, if you don't invest into it. And I for certain am not blind.
I have travelled over 50 times across Atlantic, and had used over 50 different airports in the US and Europe. And never had I seen such of a shithole as we see in Zagreb.
Come on, give me a break, cover your ears and hush !
The point is that Zagreb airport has too powerful "sindikat mafia", are being overpaid, and don0t care about the wellfare of the airport, Zagreb city and Craotia as a country. They are happy with a status Quo - make profit, invoest none, get bonuses from profit and have 1.000 EURO average salary - and all this with CTN overpaying for bringing in 70% of traffic !!!
ReplyDeleteSpot on!
Croatia Airlines does not have 70% share in ZAG traffic, but some 62%!
ReplyDeleteWhy Mr. Peovic did not do something with huge number of employees. He is CEO for lot more than 2 years. What is excuse? Why Mr. Peovic did nothing to make “stracara” better exempt change signs which were just 4 years old, and buses less then 8 years old?!?!?!?! Why Mr. Peovic downsizes profit from 6 million EUR to just 2,8 million (for example BEG has 20 million in last year)? What Mr. Peovic did for Zagreb Airport exempt reconstruction of part of runway?
2nd to last anonymous - thank you.
ReplyDeletelast anonymous - In order to restructure the firm, Mr. Peović had to lower the parking slot prices, attracted more traffic (CTN had more air to breathe so they could afford lowering fares, that and were also forced due to healthy competition from Easyjet on routes to Paris and London).
In 2011 we already see improvements, profit is goin up by 40% compared to 2010.
As for the infrastructure, c'mon - get real. He's been there for only 2 years, while Matković was over 8.
Mr. Peović, in case that conession fails, actually has a plan to expand the current building (where the outdoor cafe is) and make that area check-in area. That will give LDZA another 5-6 yrs. of improvisation, as the new capacity will be able to handle up to 4 mil pax. The extra capacity is made possible due to that extension, as well as to the new system of scanning bags, as what he explained to me in person the other day. The bags will go faster, and people will take less time to check in. The current check in time is OK and personnel is acutally doing a good job with checking pax, but where they take too long is with bags (not their fault, but due to the old scanning system). So, he has plans to change that, in fact that is in a process of being changed as we speak.
The man also reconstructed the taxi area in these last 2 yrs + within months we'll see a new parking scheme in which more planes will fit.
That is something to show in 2 yrs. at least he has a passion to attempt to change things for better.
While the "sindikati mafia" is concerned with their 10%, no work and big bonuses.
So, give me a break !
Profit is going up by 40% with activation of Croatia Airlines bond of 5 million EUR. That is not money (and not also profit in same time), that is simple will to remunerate obligation. And different between “will to” and money on account is not just little one.
ReplyDeleteI give you a break, and new prime minister will also give you a break. For good!
The new prime minister will hopefully be responsible and at the very least will throughly revise the consession agreement, in the areas where is needed so as to conclude the best deal possible.
ReplyDeleteAbolition of the concession tender, in case that happens, will only show that we are nothing but a banana state, where strategy changes from one day to another, based on local policy.
I certainly hope the new government'll take time to follow through the negotiations and will not sabbotage the project.
As for Mr. Peović, he had already said he doesn't mind if he's taken out. Luckily for him, he's a man of experience, expertise, his services are recognized well beyond the borders of this banana state, and hence doesn't depend on some politician's mercy.
ReplyDeleteIf you dont like our "banana state"
then youre free to leave...
Bravo Anonimyous before Peter. Who hates Peovic:
ReplyDelete- workers
- unions
- politicians exempt Kalmeta (even Jasen Mesic as minister)
- experts from air traffic
- public opinion
- most of media
... but for sure he is the only one who is positiv in this situation!
to last 2 anonymous - I actually had lived outside of Croatia for 9 yrs. I think that our contry deserves better than to leave things to bunch of lazy, self-critical bunch of people.
ReplyDeleteI do not intend to fight on this forum, but all I am interested is progression and bettering our homeland's infrastructure. Our highways that were build 2001-2006 brought lots of competetive advantages in tourism (i come from that industry btw), and so I believe new terminal and strategic management will too: with lots of more jobs and opportunities for people !
All I am still seeing is a shithole of an airport and am interested in supporting whoever wants to see that change asap. That's why I support Mr. Peović because I believe he is out for that too.
Plus I'd frankly like to see Zagreb do better than most regional capital cities in Sout Eastern Europe.
Petar Izdajica :
ReplyDeleteWhen you want to help Croatia then leave and never come back !
I hope that you achieve nothing !
All you do is pissing on Croatia and its people...do you think we are all idiots ?
No country is perfect .
Look , why Croatia becomes member of EU and not some other countries i dont want to name ?
Because we are better than them !
Croatia is a born winner...the rest
can only lick our a..s!
So please dont spam every thread with your propaganda lies !
My criticism is directed towards disscussion on solving problems that are holding Croatia from reaching its full potential.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it that you propose regarding which part that I had wrote about? And who I am talking to anyway ?
Why would you think that I am "izdajica" ? Gee I also had no idea I embraced a propaganda program either.
You are mixing all kinds of issues here: EU membership, balance sheets of LDZA, Loss and Profit statements, your rage, self insecurity...
maybe I am talking to multiple people or one person with multiple personality disorder.
which one is it ? help me out here...