Hope for B&H as owners work out their differences

However, Nermin Nikšić, the Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, says the government will comply with its obligations towards both B&H and Turkish Airlines and voices his understanding for the Turks. “The Turkish state, government and people have special relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and its people. I am touched by the attention and respect the Turks have shown towards Bosnia, but unfortunately many Turkish investors have been played”, Nikšić says. The Prime Minister goes on to note, “I understand the position Turkish Airlines is in. It is the third airline in the world and certainly doesn’t have to bother with some Bosnian company which annually carries the number of passengers Turkish does in three days. We held a series of talks with our Turkish partner and it is clear they won’t be cheated”.
The Prime Minister reveals that the Bosnian government is responsible for financing two leased aircraft (ATR72s) and that the means will be found to fulfil these obligations. The government has so far payed half of the two million euros needed to finance the B&H fleet. “I honestly hope there won’t be any sudden turnaround in all of this and that we will be able to make all our payments in the coming period”, Nikšić says adding that the two aircraft won’t be taken out of the airline’s fleet. Currently one ATR72 is operating for B&H with the other in Germany for the past few months. Although officially the aircraft is undergoing maintenance, it is likely that necessary leasing payments were not made.
I don’t understand how a Prime Minister can say such demeaning things about his own national airline. No matter if it’s true or not he shouldn’t be saying such things about it.
ReplyDeleteIf Turkish side is right in this dispute, why they did send back their men to Turkey?And starte to work with new guys in B&H. And what is the background of this new management? After parneship how loosing became almost duble. They have not appointed right people for B&H. Good luck B&H, you really need luck.....
ReplyDeleteIts a shame how this Mr. Niksic is lowering himself
ReplyDeleteby crawling on his feet and licking the asses of the T.
He is not only embarassing himself but also the state by doing this.
I hope the Turks stay cool and make the right decisions!
Money can ruin a friendship...
and TKs purpose is to run a business!
ReplyDeleteTK again cancelled the second daily flight
to BEG...
There obviously is no demand for a second daily flight.
for now, but watch for the summer..
DeleteKako rece gosp. Niksic, mi necemo prevariti Turke ali ce Turci rasturiti nas na proste dijelove. Niksic se pravda a kod turaka odlaze na post diplomske studije iz podrucja varanja. Za koji dan nece biti BH Air , onda ce umjesto BH Telecom biti TurkCom, pa TurkPost, pa TurkVodaiKanalizacija, pa TAV Airport Sarajevo i na kraju TurkBascarsija !!!
ReplyDeleteJa Tursku volim ali na svoj nacin. Kod njih u biznisu se i otac vara a kamoli partner.
Ja nasoj kompaniji dajem jos 20 dana zivota sve do prvog jutarnjeg leta Sarajevo - Istanbul Turkish Airlines !