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B&H Airlines could operate some Air Serbia flights |
B&H Airlines and Air Serbia are taking steps to strengthen their cooperation which could see the Bosnian carrier operate some flights on behalf of its Serbian counterpart. The CEO of B&H Airlines, Amir Jažić, says the carrier could run some services to Montenegro and Macedonia instead of Air Serbia later this summer. B&H Airlines, which currently maintains flights to only four destinations, has two ATRs in its fleet. As a result, one of its aircraft is parked on the tarmac most of the time. On the other hand, the Serbian carrier is facing a shortage of regional aircraft. Air Serbia is also believed to be negotiating with Etihad Regional, which is to launch services to Belgrade next month, to operate some flights on its behalf, including new services to the Albanian capital Tirana.
B&H Airlines began its cooperation with the Serbian carrier late last year when the two signed a codeshare agreement which saw B&H launch four weekly flights to Belgrade, increasing to daily this summer. Mr. Jažić says B&H Airlines has the opportunity to expand onto other markets beyond its borders. “We are a very small market and we have to look for business elsewhere. This will be the case until a large company purchases B&H Airlines, which would be the best development for the company”, the airline’s CEO says.
Due to a surplus of aircraft, from today, B&H Airlines will commence charter operations to several cities in Italy including Pescara, Bari and Foggia. The flights will primarily cater for Christian pilgrims visiting the Medjugorje site near Mostar. In related news, on Wednesday, Air Serbia took delivery of its sixth Airbus A319 and its seventh Airbus jet overall. The aircraft, registered YU-APA, was previously operated by the Albanian airline Belle Air. Air Serbia is expected to take delivery of several other Airbus jets this summer, though their arrival has been somewhat delayed as they were intially expected in Belgrade in late March.
I agree with the CEOs comment that BH should look to expand elswehere. But also I think that while Bosna is a small market its full potential hasn't been used at all. You can't fly to a total of four cities and say "that's it" while you haven't even tried to operate flights to cities like Rome and Paris
ReplyDeleteAnd yet people kept on repeating how this cooperation will not yield to anything. I am happy Air B&H has found grounds to cooperate with Air Serbia. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
ReplyDeleteI guess the destination might be SKP as the airline did try to operate the route in the past. I am sure they can sell flights as SJJ-SKP via BEG.
One thing I can't understand is why they don't simply give the second Atr to JU. It's not like they desperately need it.
Well they can't just give the aircraft away. They are paying for its lease (they are not actually paying because they have huge debt but anyway) until 2016. After that the bank will take away their aircraft. They have to start planning now what they will do afterwards.
Deletei think they should pay to JU to take them over :-) then one of the old 733s can fly for JA, while JA's AT7s can fly for JU on certain routes
ReplyDeleteOT: Information about additional flights to Dubrovnik seems to be true. Flights are already in reservation system. I just check on AirSerbia site for june. Only one fligth will be 737 all other with aTR72.
ReplyDeleteAlso for Split there is one additional flight ,now it is 5 weekly and 3 of them are with 737.
I’m not a hater but I’m sorry to say that B&H is such a lost opportunity. First they chased out Turkish and now it is obvious the airline has no idea whatsoever what to do. I think they realized that this cooperation with Air Serbia/Etihad is their last chance to do something. As someone said they fly to practically nowhere. As we read yesterday they have the longest ATR route in the world – 3.30h to Copenhagen(!) that is just a nightmare in a turboprop. They are not competitive anywhere with those ATRs example being Istanbul where they are now cutting flights while Turkish and Pegasus take the entire cake. I think this is their last chance to wake up otherwise we will have another MAT on our hands (and MAT was miles ahead of B&H)
ReplyDeleteIt may be a lost oppurtunity, but this move serves for mutual interest.
DeleteBosnia has such a large diaspora market, I do not know why don't they take advantage of it.
OT: yesterday BEG-TLV flight had 104 and return 111 pax...
ReplyDeleteIt seems that this is becoming one of the best routes!
Nice!! if it was on time it would be awesame and have 200+ "guest" satisfied...like this due to the significan delay "guests" are left with mixed feelings .... overall perception: so so airline...
ReplyDeleteBH-Airlines in Macedonia? No thanks! Keep up the good work with AirSerbia in Skopje. BiH Airlines could only take some charters out of Ohrid but nothing more.
ReplyDelete... and why the hell not??
DeleteCause the macedonians are such an exclusive premium market, i guess it got them completely spoiled...
DeleteI think JU wanted to fly daily with A320 and plus daily with A319 to Skopje...
DeleteIn this case Macedonians are spoiled.
DeleteYou know what's funny , that all airlines in the region are working with each other except Croatia Airlines .This just shows that the Ceo ( Mr. Kucko) really has NO idea about the business what so ever .So next topic should be Croatia Airlines has new Ceo .Because this one is a joke to the Business World .We a Ceo like the one they have at present they won't attract any investors .Because he has 0000 business contacts .
ReplyDeleteThis is perfect solution for everybody. Win-win. Bravo Air Serbia. I am just sorry that Croatia airlines was so stupid not to use this when I suggest them in 2010 to start to collaborate with B&H Airlines and Montenegro on same way, for example
ReplyDeleteYM TGD 0615 - 0715 ZAG 0800 - 1130 DME 1220 - 1350 ZAG 1430 - 1520 TGD 1550 - 1640 ZAG 1730 - 1920 ATH 2000 - 2150 ZAG 2230 - 2320 TGD
JU SJJ 0620 - 0710 ZAG 0830 - 1030 SOF 1110 - 1310 ZAG 1430 - 1520 SJJ 1550 - 1640 ZAG 1755 - 1845 OTP 1945 - 2135 ZAG 2230 - 2320 SJJ
Eto Air Serbia radi ono što sam ja KAO IZUZETNO BITNO predlagao upravi Croatia Airlinesa 2010. Naime, Air Serbia nudi B&H Airlinesu da osim linije SJJ-BEG jedan (vječno parkiran i neiskorišten) avion leti za Air Serbiju regionalne linije. Spominju letove za Crnu Goru i Makedoniju.
DeleteŠto je tu dobro:
1. Vežeš malenu kompanijicu na sebe. I time si spriječio konkurenciju da učini isto.
2. Koristiš njihovu lokalnu logistiku i organizaciju (prodaja karta, održavanje, kompletan servis usluge, marketing...), što je daleko jeftinije po tebe, ali daješ i kruha partneru.
3. Koristiš njihove avione i posade za koje ne moraš investirati. Ova opcija u konačnici bude i jeftinija (posebno u Hrvatskom slučaju gdje su posade, ali i osiguranja i ostalo vezano uz avion daleko skuplji nego u Crnoj Gori ili BiH). Isti slučaj kao i Lufthansino korištenje jeftine Adrije za linije iz Prištine, Tirane, Verone, Lodza, Ljubljane.
4. Daš im kruha da i oni žive, ali si im istovremeno smanjio mogućnost vlastitog širenja pošto kapacitete koriste na tvoje linije bez rizika, umjesto na rizične i vrlo često neisplative vlastite "pokuse" u Europi.
5. Omogućuješ im linije sa 1stop koje inače ne bi mogli obnašati (npr. SJJ-BEG-SKP-BEG-SJJ)
6. Omogućuješ idealne konekcije SJJ na BEG i to bez potrebe noćenja JU aviona u SJJ, jer tamo baziran matični avion radi rotacije, pa i prvu jutarnju i posljednju večernju.
Isn' t the term fleet is "somewhat delayed" very polite? If I am not mistaken, Kondic had promised 8+2 A319/A320 by the end of March. Now we have 5+1 and 1+1 on the tarmac....with lots of old B733 flying around and really lots of delays. Can anybody how is "inside" tell us, why so many delays. There are several rumors, some telling us about BEG airport baggage system not capable to handle so many flights, check-in systems abroad creating chaos for transfer pax, so they have to stand in long queues in BEG, not to mention paperwork problems with different a/c....what's the point? I think that most of these problems were quite predictable and many forum writers warned about it months ago.....
ReplyDeleteI partially agree with you but there is a problem with the third party lessor which owns A6-SAA and A6-SAB and gave it longterm to Etihad. Air Serbia earned great money from penalties I heard, and its good that there are B733s, and its way better to travel on a B733 than to have your flight cancelled. Air Serbia are doing particularily hard to offer a good service, but there are lots of lazy commies and members of now underdog Dinkic's URS party employed at BEG and theyre ruining the airport system from the inside. There may also be sabotage activity on the political ground, causing those infamous delays of JU aircraft due to intentionally slow handling procedures. Just visit the flightradar website and click the BEG airport on the map, load earlier flights and you will realize that only AS flights are departing late. Click on other airports JU is flying to and you will see that JU flights leave foreign airports on time.
DeleteIt is clear that there are elements of sabotage and law breaching activity in what the airport administration is doing.
Some comments over the last few months already mentioned BEG airport as a potential bottleneck for Air Serbia. This is becoming more apparent as we get closer to summer. What happened to plans for foreign investor taking over the airport?
DeleteWhat will Aviogenex 737-200 do this summer?
ReplyDeleteGo on holiday. I hear 732's hate working in hot weather :)
DeleteIf BH airlines operates flights to Montenegro (on behalf of Air Serbia) this summer, I will definately fly with YM.
ReplyDeleteDoubt AS will cancel any of its daily jet flights to Montenegrin airports. JA`s AT72 will be used only for some seasonal scheduled flights. However i think that with YM you save 5 EUR per roundtrip compared to YU
DeleteBut you get a terrible product and useless FFP.
DeleteDear folks, i am glad to share with you that despite disgusting weather we're having an exceptional day here in Belgrade, here are some of Air Serbia figures:
ReplyDeleteLoads to BEG:
ARN - 108 pax (last night)
LJU - 43 pax
ZRH - 119 pax
PRG - 63 pax (38 connecting)
DUS - 112 pax
TXL - 120 pax
CDG - 119 pax
ARN - 121 pax
SVO - 129 pax
TLV - 114 pax
MXP - 122 pax
SVO - 95 pax
SKP - 48 pax
VIE - 62 pax
ZRH - 149 pax
SAW - 95 pax
SOF - 35 pax
CPH - 140 pax
Loads from BEG:
AUH - over 100 pax (last night)
LCA - 95 pax (last night)
LJU - 53 pax
AMS - 114 pax
FRA - 92 pax
CDG - 96 pax
BRU - 109 pax
TGD - 65 pax (1500kg of cargo)
CPH - 92 pax
STR - 93 pax
VIE - 55 pax
BUD - 36 pax
ZRH - 85 pax
FCO - 62 pax
SAW - 97 pax (15 from Milan, 6 from VIE, 5 from ZRH, 2 from LJU)
PRG - 48 pax
LHR - 127 (122 in economy, 5 in business)
AUH - 105 pax (Etihad)
Overall today 6600 passengers which is probably a record.
Great numbers. Are these all the filghts, I don't see BNX for example.
DeleteAre you sure for CPH-BEG 140 pax? Because it was operated with 737...
DeleteI guess that's the one with all economy high-density layout (YU-ANV), or maybe there were infants or it's mistype.
DeleteFrom what I remember BNX had 26 passengers on the way back and Tel Aviv 113.
DeleteBy the way, Podgorica flight with all that cargo had 105 (or so) passengers. There were 63 passengers on the evening Atr flight. :)
Ne bi bilo lose to za Bh Airlines da obavlja letove za manja Mesta iz Ex-Yu za Bg.
ReplyDeletePozdrav iz Novog Sada.
ReplyDeleteDa Azerbaijan Airlines mozda Leteti ovo Leto Baku-Beograd-New York JFK-Beograd-Baku.Sta mislite vi.
Novi Sad.
mislim da od toga nema nista, nece Etihad dozvoliti transatlantic letove drugim kompanijama. Sa druge strane J2 ima Airbus A340 koji mogu direktno iz Bakua leteti cak i za Los Angeles bez usputnih sletanja, kao i narudzbinu dva B787. Pritom zaboravljas da Srbija nema FAA IASA CAT1, dok je Azerbejdzan ima. Ipak realno je da ce biti direktnih letova izmedju Beograda i Bakua. Sto se nas tice, ako dobijemo ovu Kategoriju 1 u julu, pocece aktivnosti na najmu dva A330, najverovatnije serije 200 za pocetak, a mozda vec u Avgustu pocnu stopover letovi Jet Airwaysa iz BOM na JFK koji bi po prvobitnom planu trebali da koriste AUH kao stopover.
DeleteAli iako bi bio let Beograd-Baku, i to je dobro samo po sebi. Mnogo aerodroma u regionu nema direktnu vezu sa ovom (sve razvijenijom) drzavom.
DeleteSo could Air Serbia start flying to Baku before the Azerbaijan Airlines start operating that route.
DeleteBy my opinion, YU needs to add Baku, Dubai, Saint Petersburg, Ankara, Zagreb, Helsinki, Riga, Munich, Hamburg, Madrid, Barcelona and Dublin in their network. I understand that they will need at least one year to do that, but if they want to become a serious airline that's the way.
Your list of destinations would be the fastest way to see the airline go bankrupt. Who on earth is going to fly between Belgrade and Ankara or Belgrade to Baku and even Dubai which is less than 100 kilometres from Abu Dhabi where they already fly 7 days a wekk and where you have a bus service at the airport to Dubai. There is also absolutely no business or even diaspora connections between Serbia and Spain to sustain year long flights. Spanair tried and failed.
DeleteYou're talking shit. If there's no sufficient demand from Serbia to Spain on year-round level do you think that there is also no demand from: Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Ukraine in the future...? Get your facts right - Air Serbia is a transit airline, now flying to countries having huge population on the Iberian peninsula. A logic sequence after Bucharest and Sofia would definitely be Madrid. Same for Ankara and Baku towards the rest of Europe. Of course they couldn't fill a daily plane to Belgrade but the other destinations - yes. Have you seen today - PRG had 70% of connecting pax! So stop talking bullshit and learn something about aviation. This must have been the most stupid comment on this website in a long-time.
DeleteThis was posted some time ago:
@7:04PM - Spanair didn't fail in Belgrade, where they had great loads, A321 was the default equipment. They simply went bankrupt.
DeleteWriting that JU should fly to Dubai on top of daily Abu Dhabi and flying to an Etihad rival hub is the dumbest comment ever written. FYI Spanair started year round and then went seasonal
DeleteEtihad really needs that AUH-JFK flight operated by 9W, so I don't see how will 9W just switch from lucrative AUH stop to BEG.
DeleteSpanair was a low-cost airline, not benefiting from transit flows and based at the least practical geographical area in Europe to benefit from connecting traffic (the Iberian peninsula). So any comparison between Spanair and JU is out of mind.
Delete@10:32PM - Dubai is served via AUH, the guy didn't know it, not a big deal, at least he was trying to advance some IDEAS and not enforce his idiot CONCLUSIONS upon others such as you did, unsuccessfully.
DeleteAnonymous at 6:06
ReplyDeleteJeste mislili da ce mozda Jet Airways praviti stopover u Beogradu za letove za New York JFK.
B&H Airlines should try the routing SJJ - BEG - OHRID - BEG - SJJ .
ReplyDeleteThe Macedonian government would even subsidize the route,which would mean extra cash for B&H.
Ohrid needs direct flights to Belgrade,Sarajevo would be a nice addition.
If JU wants to increase regional capacity, why don't they lease more ATR 72 aircraft instead of dealing with B&H. Personally, I would be upset if I paid for a ticket with Air Serbia, and then I see B&H waiting for me at the gate.
ReplyDeleteCommon practice among airlines, they would say something like "operated by B&H" so you can make a decision before purchase.
DeleteWhy would you be upset?
DeleteThis is a common practice around the world.
Air Serbia delays are getting worse and worse, there is hardly any flight on time. For the last couple of days all flights to Greece were 1-3,5 hours late!!!! For heavens sake, what is going on?????
ReplyDeleteURS airport sabotaging the SNS airline...
DeleteWell, for one, all flights to Greece are operated by the A6 aircraft. I do not know if it is a coincidence or not but all those flights seem to be chronically delayed.
DeleteYesterday's mess happened because Athens and Thessaloniki were delayed (both A6) which caused so many delays in the evening. Some like Brussels lost their slot and had to wait for a new one, the one they got yesterday was at 18.40. Same with Amsterdam the other day.
Air Serbia A6 flights are sometimes so unprofessional regarding schedule. Remember last winter flights departed to DUS ended in CGN, all were A6. AS jumps in and now all the evening flights to DUS are on YU. I hope in near future they will resolve this issue as well
DeleteA6 ones are actually messing up the whole system. Athens and Thessaloniki are the main reason for all these delays in the evening. Such a shame. I hope something changes.