Wizz Air scales down Belgrade operations

"Sad day for passengers and tourism in Serbia", says Wizz Air

Wizz Air has announced plans to scale down its operations out of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport after its expenses at Serbia’s busiest airport were increased by 40%. In a press release, the low cost airline says Belgrade has become the most expensive airport in its destination network. Wizz Air will suspend its two weekly flights to Charleroi as well as its two weekly seasonal summer service to Sanderfjrod in Norway as of May 6. All passengers who have purchased tickets with the carrier for travel after the termination date will be issued a full refund.

Wizz Air will now serve ten destinations out of the Serbian capital but will cut down on existing frequencies. In addition, the no frills airline will move one of its two Airbus A320s based in Belgrade to Riga. Wizz Air’s Executive Vice President, John Stephenson said, “It is a sad day for passengers and tourism in Serbia. We believe low fares are beneficial to Serbia’s aviation industry, but, unfortunately, Belgrade Airport does not share that belief. As one of the most expensive airports in Europe, it should work to stimulate low cost travel instead of unfairly protecting Etihad/Air Serbia which aims to create a monopoly”. Mr. Stephenson adds that Wizz Air was hoping to boost its operations out of Belgrade and is ready to do so if “Belgrade Airport reduces its costs and becomes competitive with other cheaper airports in the region”.

Earlier this year the Serbian government launched an investigation into alleged benefits Wizz Air received from Belgrade Airport. Reportedly, it discounted passenger taxes, handling, landing and service fees for the low cost airline over the past three years. According to earlier media reports, Wizz Air saved 5.4 million euros at Belgrade Airport since 2011, including a 20% discount for using terminal one, a 45% discount on handling and infrastructure use, 30% reduction on landing, 100% discount on the use of air bridges, 30% reduction on parking and lighting, 45% off for night time handling and a 45% discount on using airport infrastructure at night time. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Wizz Air was recently informed it would have to pay service fees in full as is the case with other airlines operating from the airport.

Wizz Air booming in Skopje

Wizz Air is Serbia’s second busiest airline, handling 480.000 passengers to and from Belgrade Airport last year. In the first two months of 2014, Wizz Air welcomed just over 59.000 passengers on its flights to and from the Serbian capital, or an increase of 24% compared to the same period last year. In stark contrast, the low cost airline launched several new routes out of Skopje over the past few days, which now becomes its largest base in the former Yugoslavia.


  1. Anonymous09:04

    Izgledada su.... zWizznuli. :D

    1. SQ2609:38

      Nije neka steta, sad kad treba da plate kao i svi ostali sad se nesto bune... Od LCC jedino Easy Jet mi je nekako OK...

  2. Anonymous09:07

    Why don't they move to Zagreb or to Nis?

    1. Anonymous09:09

      Zagreb was hungry of low-cost airlines as i heard of.

    2. Anonymous12:12

      Nis will be good .

  3. Anonymous09:11

    If's funny and a huge fail exyu does not mention the main reason for such decision which are Government's Guidelines for air traffic "development" http://demo.paragraf.rs/WebParagrafDemo/?actid=119117

  4. Anonymous09:12

    Thats true go to Zagreb to replace Croatia Airlines as with the current Ceo Croatia Airlines will soon not be flying anymore.

    1. Anonymous09:48

      Wizzair was in Zagreb 5 years before Belgrade.

      But I do remember how Wizzair was welcome to Belgrade, it was the best company than, you all love it... and now? Hypocrites!

    2. Anonymous23:13

      I personally still love them, but not as much as I used to.
      I still think their presence is good competition wise, but...
      I don't love them that much since 2 years ago when they introduced that idiotic luggage policy, and started charging even for cabin luggage which even Ryanair doesn't do.
      That is the reason love faded away in my case, so I started loving Easyjet much more.
      As with all loves, they come and go by time, but that is not important in your "mine is bigger than yours-I did it first" philosophy, so never mind.
      Regards from one of the "hypocrites" from Belgrade.

  5. Anonymous09:15


    As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Wizz Air was recently informed it would have to pay service fees in full as is the case with other airlines operating from the airport.

    Ko ne zeli da razume,ne mora!!!

    P.S. Ne primecujem da BEG napustaju Pegasus,U2 ili Germanwings

    1. Anonymous09:49

      Polako, polako, istjerače njih neoJat! Nečeš morat dugo čekat.

    2. Anonymous13:07

      to je ta gastarbajtersko hrvatska pusta želja... A kažem gastarbajterska, pošto očito ne živiš u Hrvatskoj jer bi onda znao pravopis i upotrebu (uporabu) slova Ć i Č.

    3. Anonymous15:59

      Kaže netko tko je

      hrvatska napisao malim slovom umjesto Hrvatska

      uporabio pogrešan patež pa umjesto gasterbajterska Hrvatska napisao gasterbajtersko hrvatska

      ...mesti prvo pred svojim pragom.

    4. Prisvojni pridevi koji se zavrsavaju na -ski/-ska/-sko se po pravilu pisu malim slovom-dakle, obala Jadrana ali jadranska obala, granica Hrvatske ali hrvatska granica itd. Sa konstrukcijom gastarbajtersko-hrvatska pusta zelja je sve u redu u smislu padeza, omakla se greska u vidu izostavljanja crte.
      Toliko :-D

    5. Anonymous06:53

      Anonymous Hrvat, očigledno vam pravopis nije jača strana.

      U slučaju gore, "hrvatska (želja)" je pridjev. Pridjevi poput hrvatski/a/o srpski/a/o austrijski/a/o u našem se jeziku pišu malim slovom (za razliku od zapadnoj jezika čiji van je pravopis možda poznatiji).

  6. Anonymous09:17

    Putuj igumane...

  7. Aэrologic09:19

    How are they giving "Etihad/Air Serbia unfair protection" if Wizz Air was the only airline that was favoured by the discounts? Wouldn't the right wording be that so far the airport was actually protecting Wizz Air and not Air Serbia or some other airline?

    1. No. The right wording would be that so far the airport was allowing JAT/AirSERBIA to pay NOTHING for many MANY years.

      And please don't give me that "they are protecting national carrier" as AirSERBIA is not that any more.

      Bringing WizzAir to BEG was one of the best moves in decades.
      You, me and the rest of the travelling public are at loss here. Wizz is just going to move on to another airport where they are desperate to see them come (subsidised or not).

    2. Anonymous12:25

      @ SpaleApril 3, 2014 at 10:37 AM
      Unfortunately, it's not that BEG allows JAT/AirSERBIA not to pay. Hence BEG is state owned it has to follow Govt instructions. Two GM's who in previous tried to ground JU fleet or release bill of exchange were sucked immediately. The Govt is ruining both JU and BEG the latter because of JU for decades. BEG struggled so far but I'm afraid that the aim of the Govt Guidelines is to show BEG incapable and insolvent and to merge it with JU.

  8. Anonymous09:22


    1. Anonymous09:34

      I think they should ground the Wizz Air's aicraft until they pay the bills. I guess that's why they're hurrying to move one of the aircrafts out of the country.

    2. Anonymous09:39

      Fair and timely investigative reporting in Serbia, what a breath of fresh air.

  9. B773ETIHAD09:24

    It is time to build a new mega terminal at BEG. So no more discounts.

    1. Unbelievable how some people have misguided sense of patriotism.
      Go there with with a bucket and spade and start building your mega terminal.
      For us normal people, let us have a choice and pay tickets as cheap as possible.

      Actually, no, we should build another MEGA terminal for people like you and get them to pay for tickets ... 1 million dollars https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtnMpAH6I33PaY8BL2UNORCDXRuJjpEsrT659oSiyIsAAkZ_ohNQ

  10. Anonymous09:25

    As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Wizz Air was recently informed it would have to pay service fees in full as is the case with other airlines operating from the airport.


    Da ste stvarno nešto saznali, izveštavali bi o realnoj situaciji sa taksama i novom AIP-ju objavljenom sredniom marta koji je skrojen i daje maksimalne povlastici Air Serbia-i, a uskraćuje sve povlastice ostalima. BEG je sada jedini aerodrom gde nema beneficija za bazirane avione, a koje inače obično rastu u korak sa povećanjem broja putnika.

    Umesto toga, ajmo pričati o popustima koje je Wizz Air imao u skladu sa gorenavedenim, a uz to ćemo i prećutati da JAT nikad nije platio svoje dažbine,već su svi dugovi otpisani. Gornji članak je u skladu sa naručenim novinskim "vestima" od pre par meseci koji su služili kao uvod u novu situaciju.

    Sve u svemu, tendenciozan članak, ali nisam ništa manje ni očekivao od vas. Niste me razočarali, jednostavno takva je situacija na terenu, kao i momentalna strategija, gura se Air Serbia beneficijama šakom i kapom. Čestitam na izboru, pa ćemo videti koliko je to poverenje opravdano.

    Svima koji razmišljaju "eto im aerodrom u Nišu, Kraljevu, itd", ne znaju kako se alociraju nove rute i/ili avioni. Konkurencija nije lokalna već na nivou Evrope, a i šire. Ovaj avion, recimo, ide za Rigu. Ne nedostaju opcije, ne brinite. Jednostavno je, Beograd i Srbija gubi avion i to je to.

    Kad bi aerodrom Batajnica bio operativan, Wizz bi sigurno bio zainteresovan. Na žalost, to nije slučaj, a pitajte svoje političare zašto taj projekt ne mrda sa mesta godinama.

    Ko god misli da će easyJet biti zgodniji za Beograd i Air Srbiju, vara se, jer easyJetov segment puno bliži, pa će i kanibalizacija biti puno veća. Jedino što nisu odlučni i agresivni poput Wizz Air-a kad je u pitanju Balkan.

    Pozdrav Nemjee-u. Potpisujem se kao Anonymous jer nisam u položaju da otkrivam svoj identitet. Inače veoma retko postiram, a za dalju diskusiju sam dostupan privatno jer na žalost nemam previše vremena da bi diskutovao na javnom forumu. Pozdrav i prijatan dan.

    1. Anonymous09:53


      +1 i to veliki

    2. Anonymous09:56

      svaka čast.

    3. Anonymous09:57

      Napokon normalan i argumentiran komentar! Hvala!

    4. Anonymous10:24

      Mislim da će Vam se uskoro srušiti svet kada počnu istrage o malverzacijama na aerodromu koje predvodi rukovodstvo aerodroma zajedno sa svojim URS-om. Pozdrav.

    5. Anonymous12:20

      A sto ne kazes da je Batajnica i dalje vojni aerodrom i takodje Kraljevo, i da u aerodrom Ladjevce je neophodno jos veliko ulaganje.

      Nis je idealan za low cost aviokompanije.
      Nis ima svu mogucu operativnu funkcionalnost.
      To je jedini aerodrom, posle Beograda, koji ima status medjunarodnog aerodroma i ubraja se u primarnu mrezu aerodroma.

      Dakle Batajnica i Kraljevo, pa i Ponikve su posebne price. Dosta godina ima da prodje dok se neko seti da ulozi pare u skupu opremu.

  11. JU520 BEGLAX09:28

    Discounts made to LCC are repaid thru local citizen income taxes again. Somewhere the money has to come from

    1. SQ2609:45

      Yup exactly like that... And if you go and read comments on Serbian News Portals such as Blic or B92 most of these people will defend WiZZ even though they aren't that good LCC... But I don't see why wizz is complaining about prices as now they need to pay like everybody else on the airport...

    2. Anonymous09:51

      Not necessarily true, as from what we've read, JU hasn't paid any fees at all in the past period, and will unlikely pay any in the foreseeable future... talking about fair competition and tax payers money ;)

    3. Anonymous11:32

      not like everybody else on the airport. wizz told yesterday (novosti) that they should pay 31 euro per pax and Air Serbia only 17 euros. it is 14 euros less then Wizz and all other. The real question i who is privileged one? Also, Wizz Air save more than 5 mil. euro, but pay to the airport much more than that amount despite discounts. If they hadn't got discounts they would have never started to fly to Belgrade.(Novosti). But at the other hand Jat Airways never paid to airport used serviced and the total amount of more then 13 mil euros paid off. Also, Air Serbia did not pay one cent to the airport after the transformation (Ask anyone from the airport).

    4. Anonymous12:21

      This is huge!!! Huge...

      So, 33 EUR Wizzari, 17 EUR Air serbia?!?!?!?!?!? What is logic here?

      And Jat did not pay, and even Air Serbia does not pay now (6 months)?!?!?!?!

    5. Anonymous00:00

      Learn English bwfore start trolling here.

  12. Anonymous09:59

    What will happen to the BEG based crews?

    1. manish18:29

      ^ They will get fired.

    2. Anonymous23:34

      Nothing, will continue working as one plane stays in Belgrade base, they might cut the numbers of crew in worst case...

  13. Purger10:03

    Jat was not paying and now Serbia made this as public debt – so it is financial help to Air Serbia (not that Etihad take all debts and airport fee as well)

    Air Serbia has huge discount. Of course Belgrade is their base. But it is also Wizzair base.

    Air Serbia gets discounts also on number of passengers. Real number in 2014 will be 1,5 million passengers. In same time Wizzair real number would be 0,5 million (without this new cutting). So, how comes that Wizzair does not have any benefits, at least 33% of benefits like Air Serbia?

    If really everybody has to pay full amount, Air Serbia including, that it is fair deal, and Wizzair would not have any excuses. But when one company gets huge discount (Air Serbia), and company that 33% as big as that company gets no discount that is discrimination. If I would be in Wizzair shoes I would put Belgrade airport on court.

    And even blind man can see that it is protectionism of Air Serbia by owner (Republic of Serbia) which is in same time owner of Belgrade airport.

    The only looser here are passengers. That was seen before: dumping low fares, kick out biggest competition (Wizzair) and than put prices up to sky!

    1. Anonymous10:19


      Who benefits from this?
      - Air Serbia!

      Does Air Serbia have discounts?
      - Of course!

      On which criteria?
      - Number of passengers, base in Belgrade!

      And did Wizzair have 0,5 million passengers, what is 1/3 of Air Serbia number, and did Wizzair have base in Serbia?
      - Of course!

      One can see on this example who really manages Air Serbia. If that is Republic of Serbia for sure they will not work against passengers, their citizen.

    2. Anonymous10:25

      Pa ovo je totalna sramota . Dati beneficije Air Serbiji a ne dati istovrmeno benificije kompaniji koja ima pola miliona putnika godišnje . I tako Srbija štiti interese svojih građana ?

    3. Anonymous10:26

      The main problem is that Wizz Air was set up contrary to law because you can’t hire Serbian citizens and base aircraft in BEG without registering your company in Serbia. That way they avoided paying a whole lot of tax and did not have to follow Serbian policies and laws. How come there was Wizz Air Bulgaria (prior to them entering the EU) and Wizz Air Ukraine but there is no Wizz Air Serbia. Simple.

    4. Anonymous10:50

      Статус: Активно привредно друштво
      Матични број: 29502463
      Правна форма: Огранак страног правног лица
      Седиште: Општина: Београд-Сурчин | Место: Сурчин | Улица и број: Аеродром Никола Тесла Терминал 2
      Датум оснивања:10.01.2011
      ПИБ: 106900776

      Основни подаци из годишњег финансијског извештаја за 2012. годину
      износи у 000 динара
      запослени као цео број
      Назив податка Текућа година Претходна година
      Ukupna aktiva (AOP 024) 10.218 7.124
      od toga: Gubitak iznad visine kapitala (AOP 023) 9.624 6.095
      Ukupni kapital (AOP 101) 0 0
      od toga: Osnovni kapital (AOP 102) 0 0
      Nerasporedjeni dobitak (AOP 108) 0 0
      Gubitak do visine kapitala (AOP 109) 0 0
      Poslovni prihodi (AOP 201) 104.483 60.912
      Neto dobitak (AOP 229) 0 0
      Neto gubitak (AOP 230) 3.529 6.095
      Broj zaposlenih (AOP 605) 33 27

    5. Anonymous10:51

      There are 2 problems:

      - first by Open sky agreement any EU company can fly freely to Belgrade. What more when Wizzair comes that was deal blessed by government
      - second Wizzair pays taxes on employees, petrol, services and that ever they buy in Belgrade. But Air Serbia also does not pay any taxes for flying out of Serbia (that is service abroad on which you don't pay any taxes at all), and as we all know there are no domestic flights in Serbia, so there are no taxes on service (V.A.T. or how we call it PDV)

    6. Anonymous11:13

      @AnonymousApril 3, 2014 at 10:50 AM

      That is the registration of the Wizz Air office and you will find every airline which has an office in Belgrade registered. It is NOT the registration of the actual airline.

    7. Anonymous11:31

      Wizz shrinking can not be a bad thing for Serbia. Fares in Air Serbia are low and very afortable - especially business class.

      ...and as AS grows it will get more money to expand and more jobs will be iffered for Serbs.

    8. Anonymous11:31

      So, is it legal or not? Are there more companies like that in Serbia? Were their employees paying Serbian taxes, did they pay taxes on petrol, service, goods?

      And at the end how many planes Air Serbia have with UAE registration? Do they pay taxes, insurance etc. for them in Serbia?

    9. As I said yesterday you can’t have your cake and eat it too. What’s more important, jobs through domestic airline or more option, cheaper tickets (in this case low cost) for an average Serbian passenger? Obviously, government chose the former which kind of makes sense considering they own 51% of the company and unemployment is high. Now one can argue that by limiting competition you are limiting jobs in the long term but governments rarely look past 4 year election cycle, or 2-3 years in Serbia. Realistically speaking, government should get out of airline business but with stupid EU ownership limit you’ll never find Serbian to own 51% of AS

    10. Anonymous18:16

      The stupid thing is that Serbia follows slave-like EU-laws without being EU-member!
      Serbia truly deserves the title "land of the idiots".

  14. Anonymous13:05

    OT: Kosovan airspace is officially opening today after 15 years of closure.
    Control to be done by Hungarocontrol using M-NAV (Makedonska Navigacija) infrastructure.


    1. Anonymous13:08

      Apparently Macedonia stands to get a couple of million euros from extra overflights as a result of this.

  15. Anonymous13:06

    "Wizz shrinking can not be a bad thing for Serbia. Fares in Air Serbia are low and very afortable"

    Just wait 12-24 months. This tactic has been played out thousands of times in other countries and industries.

    Step 1: Manipulate the market, Dump prices to an clearly unaffordable and unsustainable level

    Step 2: Watch and wait as your competitors who actually play by the rules leave one by one...

    Step 3: Hike up prices

    I'll let you guess what step we are at :)

  16. Anonymous13:08

    we dont need wizz shizz airlines anymore, they rellied on subsidies, even bigger than former Jat Airways ever got. Once Ryanair decides to come and easyJet expands it traffic from BEG shizz may entirely leave. I dont understand all those people who moan over they reducing traffic.

    1. Anonymous13:55

      Jat did not have subsidies? They did not pay nothing, 13 million EUR debts! Thet is huge subsidies, much bigger than Wizzair one.

      Air Serbia today pay 17 EUR per pax. All others 33 EUR. So, is Air Serbia rellied on subsidies?

      Air Serbia didn't pay not 1 EUR since October? So.....????

    2. Anonymous14:06

      Ah but some here on this forum (they know who they are) try to convince us that discounts and subsidies are COMPLETELY different things. lol

    3. Anonymous18:21

      Easyjet will be the next to leave Belgrade.
      Ryanair will even never be allowed to come into Serbia.

    4. JATBEGMEL21:01

      Nobody answers as to how much money did JAT get from Wizz for the use of its terminal at BEG. After all, documents show that JAT is the owner of Terminal 1 if Im not mistaken. On top of this, JAT was being overcharged fees in BEG, as well on top with higher fuel prices etc. And its ironic to see that the landing fees at BEG is acceptable for easyJet, who btw have increased its offering in BEG, yet Wizz Air are having a fit.

    5. Anonymous21:05

      Actually, Wizz Air is surviving on subsidies which are coming from the US investment fund.

  17. Anonymous13:16

    As I am eager to seen Air Serbia contract, now I am even more eager to see Wizzair contract with BEG. Ok, JAT did not pay but why LH or some other airline had that benefits too? We should see from scratch...from registration in Serbia till all hidden contracts... I wish them to stay here. Without competition there is no quality. Just to mention that their statements are too pathetic.

  18. Anonymous13:17

    Hahaha the photo for this article is excellent :D Zdravo Beograde

  19. Anonymous13:28

    We moan because in the long term it will cause price increase. When MALEV (the Hungarian equivalent of JAT) went bust, Wizz increased prices nearly to MALEV's prices on routes where it had monopoly. This will happen in Serbia as well. I also think Air Serbia's prices right now are "promotional" prices just to restore consumer confidence and popularity in the company. If BEG is really so expensive then don't expect any major LLC activity. That is the reason why they don't operate flights to the major airports, but to secondary airports. In other countries LLCs usually use older or less well equipped terminals if no secondary airport is available. BEG should offer this. But I think the goal is just to drive more passengers to Air Serbia, to make it more successful. Which I can understand but again only common people will be the loosers, because they will have to pay more for the tickets. Or will travel to other airports in the region.

  20. Anonymous13:48

    Bazel: smanjenje sa 3 leta nedeljno na 2
    Ajndhoven: sa 5 letova na 4
    Geteborg: ostaju 3 leta nedeljno
    Dortmund: ostaju 3 leta nedeljno
    Larnaka: ostaju 2 leta nedeljno
    Luton: ostaju 4 leta nedeljno
    Malme: ostaju 4 leta nedeljno
    Memingen: smanjenje sa 3 na 2 leta nedeljno
    Pariz/Bove : smanjenje sa 4 na 3 leta nedeljno
    Stokholm: smanjenje sa 3 na 2 leta nedeljno

    Oslo i Brisel se ukidaju.

    Tako ce od maja izgledati Wizz-ov red letenja iz Beograda.

  21. Anonymous13:54

    i don't get it, what prices are high? here are prices of BEG services:

    it clearly says, pax tax is 15,3€ for T1. what is so high?

    1. Anonymous14:00

      New price list from end of March
      Wizzair and all others 33 EUR
      Air Serbia 17 EUR

    2. TThe EU will declare war on Serbia if thats true!
      Its clearly discrimination of European airlines.
      Wizzair should unite with LH against AS even if that would mean suspending landing rights to all European airlines!

    3. I mean landing rights to all European airports .

    4. Anonymous20:23

      What is 33 EUR? Airport taxes? Even if T2, it is a 66% increase from current price list - all carriers would protest such ripoff.

      Can anybody confirm what prices exactly changed and how much?

    5. Anonymous23:51

      Take it easy a bit...

  22. Anonymous14:06

    Where did people get the info about the 17eur tax??

  23. Anonymous14:50

    Evo vam vas wizzair cije su cene vec mesecima ovakve kao sto iznosim. Neka mi neko objasni njihovu loukost politiku... Da podsetim da je ovo cena za ranac, dakle bez ikakvog prtljaga. U slucaju da zelite da ponesete i prtljag sa sobom, cena se uvecava za 60e!!!!!! Ikskjuz mi... Ko zeli, mogu na kopi pejst i ostale destinacije.. Dakle, ja sam od onih koji im zele srecan odlazak sa beg aerodroma...

    Београд (BEG) → Париз Бове (BVA)

    W6 4045 30.4.2014 12:20 - 14:50

    1 Одрасла особа


    10.299,00 din

    Цена лета

    9.499,00 din

    Административна такса

    800,00 din

    Париз Бове (BVA) → Београд (BEG)

    W6 4046 4.5.2014 15:20 - 17:45

    1 Одрасла особа


    18.399,00 din

    Цена лета

    17.599,00 din

    Административна такса

    800,00 din
    Укупно у
    EUR 263,26 €

  24. Anonymous14:53

    Evo jos jedan primer, na primer.. Muka mi je od vizera, a o tome pisem vec 2 godine, kada su uveli katastrofalnu politiku prtljaga... Sram ih bilo.

    Београд (BEG) → Дортмунд (DTM)

    W6 4091 10.5.2014 5:20 - 7:30

    1 Одрасла особа


    12.599,00 din

    Цена лета

    11.799,00 din

    Административна такса

    800,00 din

    Дортмунд (DTM) → Београд (BEG)

    W6 4092 24.5.2014 7:55 - 10:00

    1 Одрасла особа


    10.299,00 din

    Цена лета

    9.499,00 din

    Административна такса

    800,00 din

    Укупно у

    210,05 €

    1. Anonymous15:06

      ja sam gledao BEG-LCA u junu. JU let izađe 26.000 RSD, a W6 29.000 sa sve prtljagom

    2. Anonymous19:31

      Wizz Air je dobra avio-kompanija dok god je ono od garderobe što ponesete na vama. Tako da ako želite da prođete jeftino sa Wizz-om najbolje bi bilo da se dobro naobučete.

    3. Čini mi se da neko ovde ne razume kako funkcionišu low cost kompanije, takođe ni da koristi time table. Nova politika prtljaga je u najmanju ruku velika neprijatnost ali i tako je mnogo povoljnije od legacy airliner-a. Ja sam lično više puta leteo za FCO u rasponu cena od 20-30EUR. I sada u Junu letim EasyJet-om za 33EUR.
      Ja sigurno žalim za Wizz-om jer se sećam da je 2010.god. ista destinacija JAT-om bila oko 350EUR ( s tom razlikom što je verovatno u pitanju bio CIA, ali takse bi tamo trebale da su manje ). Ja već sada ozbiljno razmišljam o Temišvaru ili čak Budimpešti kao polaznu tačku.

  25. Anonymous15:12

    Slazem se!Cena na liniji Beograd-Ajndhoven,sa polaskom 20. avgusta i povratkom 3 septembra je 200 evra,a ako poneses prtljag cena je skoro 280 evra!

    Cena za Pariz/Bove sa polaskom 15.septembra i povratkom 26. septembra je preko 200 evra a sa prljagom 260...

    Covek se zapita sta je tu low cost?

    1. Anonymous15:14

      Sve navedeno o cenama u Wizz airu je vrlo lako proverljivo na njihovom sajtu.Ukucajte datume i destinacije i videcete i sami...

  26. Anonymous15:44

    If these charges are true (17 vs. 33) EU will have something to say. I'm not a particular fan of EU, but it may be the only way to benefit the consumers. Otherwise, passengers will again su sibsidise 'national airline'.


  27. Anonymous16:41

    Dragi prijatelji Wizz air-a. Tvrdo verujem da je prema vasoj kompaniji Beogradski aerodrom Nikola Tesla bio i postupio prema vamsoj avio kompaniji veom darezljivo. S'obzirom da se okolnosti menjaju u smislu dolaska novih avio kompanija, rapidnom rastu Srpske avio kompanije AIR SERBIA, koje imaju pun servis i povecan broj dnevnih frekfrenci, a samim tim i aerodrom ce sluziti
    za full service airlines. Kao sto daleko na najveci broj glavnih aerodroma LC kompanije ne lete, vreme pokazuje da se i ANT Beograd priblizava donjem nivou srednjih aerodrome centralne i juzne Evrope. Dobra je prilika za Vizz air da pocne da koristi Niski I Kraljevacki...
    Jedno je sigurno. Ovi aerodromi dugo, dugo ocekuju svoje aktiviranje. Hoceli Vizz air prihvatiti, vreme ce pokazati. U svakom slucaju dobra sreca za VIZZ AIR.
    Rod. Marinkovic AME. Kraljevo / Sydney

    1. Anonymous08:33

      So many main airports in the region and Europe are used by low costs as well, I fail to see your point: Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, Milano, Rome, you name it...

  28. Anonymous17:08

    OT: drastičan pad Zagreba u martu, oko 10.000 putnika manje


  29. Anonymous18:04

    When Wizzair paid 50% less than the other airlines there is a big alternative to increasing prices for Wizzair :

    Let them all pay the same 50% LESS.
    LCCs are essential for the success of an airport.
    Belgrade simply has no future without them.

    Also if they leave BEG they do not simply stop to exist:They will move into direct neighbourship.
    Is it really the goal of the government to let people from Belgrade drive to Budapest or Tuzla to catch cheaper

  30. Anonymous20:16

    1. Wizz still operates from Belgrade. 29 flıghts per week.

    2. EasyJet, Norwegian, Pegasus and FlyDubai still operate from BEG. Unchanged.

    3. People will rush to Tuzla and Budapest because there are no more Wizz flights to Oslo (served by Norwegian for 100 euro roundtrip) and Brussels? How come they did not rush out of Serbia when Wizz cancelled Rome, Corfu, Rhodes...?

    4. Passengers from Serbia have much more serious things to worry about than Wizz.

  31. Anonymous20:55

    Ja zivim u Innsbrucku ovde zivi vise od 6600 Srba u Tirolu i nemogu svatiti da Air Srbija ne Leti ovde .
    Kad bi leteli Petkom i Nedeljom(ima vise od 6 Autobuskih Linija i uvek su skroz Pune,i jos 10 Kombi prevoznika.).Jel ima iko iz Air Srbije sto se neleti.Molio sam ih vise od 20 ali kazu da neznaju.
    Austriske Novine pisu zbog strajka Lufthanse izmedju Beca I Frankfurta.Voleo bih kad bi mo dali strucan savet sto nelete Pozdrav iz Novog Sada.

  32. Anonymous20:57

    Austriske Novine pisu zbog strajka Lufthanse izmedju Beca I Frankfurta leti Austrianov Boeing 777.

  33. Anonymous21:21

    appy Friday!
    U petak 4.aprila promotivne cene karata za putovanja od 5.aprila 31.maja 2014. ka 8 destinacija:
    - Podgorica, Tivat, Istanbul već od 81€
    - Sofija već od 89€
    - Budimpešta već od 94€
    - Štutgart već od 99€
    - Kopenhagen, Stokholm već od 129€
    Požurite jer broj mesta je ograničen.

    Conclusion>we dont need pizza airlines.

    1. Anonymous08:31

      You do. What keeps JU (and others) from increasing prices is the pressure from low cost competition. I haven't flown with W6 but I am happy for their presence, as they have lowered the prices of my tickets.

  34. Anonymous21:25

    Some here say that Easyjet expands in Belgrade.
    But why then they are cutting their flights to Milan - 50% ?
    Twice a week instead of four.
    I dont grasp it.

    1. They did NOT reduce MXP-BEG. It's still At 4 weekly level. I just checked. You should too.

    2. Anonymous22:16

      And you can easily book FCO/MXP/GVA for 60/70/70 euro with EasyJet.

    3. Anonymous00:46

      I have booked two tickets with them FCO-BEG 14.4 for 100e with luggage just yesterday! I hope that they increase their presence in BEG! Cheers..

  35. Anonymous21:40

    Is JU the only carrier that retreated from Kiev ?

    It is okay to cancel flights if the sale is going bad, but do not crap about "security issues", please.


    1. Anonymous22:51

      I guess the sale was bad so they canceled Kiev.
      I don't see any other reason.

    2. Anonymous04:03

      The only routes in the Former Soviet Union that have chance of becoming a success are Moscow and St Petersburg.

  36. Anonymous23:23

    Kijev je otkazan jer nema dovoljno aviona,ali pre svega nema dovoljno rezervacija,nema tranzitnih putnika,marketinska kampanja je bila ocajna i neprimetna.Trebalo je Ukrajini pristupiti mnogo pazljivije,ipak je to trziste koje je JAT odavno bacio u djubre,a povratak na mesto koje je prezasiceno letovima je jako tezak.

    Mozda se nesto promeni od zimskog reda letenja...

    1. Anonymous08:29

      That was clear from the beginning. The easiest is to blame it on the situation (both in Kiev and in Beirut), while ALL other companies (including SU in Kiev) keep flying normally.

  37. Anonymous00:03

    And who pays JU for using their hangars and terminal building? For years AB take money from JU for their property, also make money from other company's also from JAT property same thing for Jat tehnika they are using JU hangars etc....
    Now Terminal 1 again belongs to JU and off course that JU have cheaper handling because they now use their own....
    Wizz air have lover handling prices than national carrier for years and no one complain, now is problem that government don't want to spent money on the company that actually take all profit out of country....
    Everybody steals from JU no one ask why the company was near bankruptcy pay higher tax and handling, gas etc....
    State take everything from JU Hangars,Terminal,Fly academy, Hotels, Slots..... And everybody was good with that... Now when some one protecting interest of the company better then party gangsters all spit on them....

    It does not matter that wizz air company that all money pump out from the country take from are govrment 5.3m Eur and get everything cheaper then our company that employ our ppl and pay tax nad bills to our state....How much state budget gets from JU just from Taxes on salary's? Fuel? Electricity? How many ppl works indirectly just because of JU and taxes from thei salary? No one ask that only ask for losses and how many cash we spent to save JU....But when we spent budget money on Hungarian company that is ok....We are crazy country......

    1. JU hasn't paid money to BEG in years. Furthermore JU is not the owner of either terminals in BEG. This needs to be clarified once and for all.

      Repeat after me: JU is NOT the owner of either terminals of BEG.

    2. Anonymous14:15

      Ju is the owner of Terminal 1 so that is being clarified once for all.

      You can repeat the lie but it wont become truth.....

  38. Anonymous01:19

    OT : Instead B777-200 which normally operates the service, KoreanAir will be in ZAG on May 10 and 17 with B747-400

  39. Anonymous05:08

    Oh, horrors of horrors, Belgrade will lose flights to Charleroi and Sanderfjrod because this fleabag of a company won't pay the price for using facilities. Belgrade is an actual full-service international airport and an appropriate service fee structure. There is no reason to expect to use the facilities of such an airport at rates available at "Sanderfjrod". So, yes, oh, horrors, Serbs won't be able to jet nonstop to the metropolises of Charleroi and Sanderfjrod, and all these high-margin tourists who choose to fly out of Charleroi and Sanderfjrod (who would basically stay in a hostel and buy salami in a supermarket) will instead be headed to Riga. Good riddance I say. Personally I don't think that these cockroaches of companies (or quite frankly any companies) should ever be given a special treatment. If they want cheap they are welcome to Ladjevci or Nis. What is the serious difference between Nis and Sanderjfrod? Of course they are also welcome to a first-class airport like BEG if they are ready to pay for that. They should never be allowed to have their cake and eat it too - especially if we are the ones paying for the said cake!!!

  40. Anonymous10:20

    wizz was by far the worst low cost i have ever been on...even worse than ryan! before zagreb and nis, i think that osijek might benefit from that...would make sense imho...


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