Air Serbia overtakes Croatia Airlines

Air Serbia becomes the former Yugoslavia’s busiest airline

Air Serbia has dethroned Croatia Airlines to become the busiest carrier in the former Yugoslavia in the first quarter. In the first three months of the year, Air Serbia handled 368.389 passengers, an increase of 66.3% compared to the same period last year. On the other hand, Croatia Airlines welcomed 292.524 travellers on board its aircraft, a decrease of 6.5% on 2013. It is the first time in over a decade that Serbia’s national carrier has managed to outperform its Croatian rival. During the first three months, Air Serbia’s average cabin load factor stood at 58% (down six points) while Croatia Airlines did better with an average cabin occupancy rate of 60% (same as last year).

Croatia Airlines blames its performance so far in 2014 on its restructuring program which has seen the carrier cut 3% of its flights compared to last year. The airline also notes the ongoing recession in the country, high seasonality of the Croatian travel market and increased competition for its quarterly results. The Croatian carrier recorded 83.077 passenger on domestic flights (down 7%) while it handled 203.286 travellers on scheduled international services (down 8%) and a further 6.161 on international charter flights (up 117%). Croatia Airlines recorded healthier loads on its flights to Germany (+2.4%), the Netherlands (+3.9%), Austria (+3), Belgium (+43.9) and Macedonia (+1.4%) compared to last year. On the other hand, flights to Bosnia and Herzegovina (-0.7%), France (-24.9%), Italy (-16.1%), Switzerland (-10%) and the United Kingdom (-19.8%) all saw numbers contract.

Despite temporarily losing its status as the number one carrier in the former Yugoslavia, Croatia Airlines managed to decrease its losses in the first quarter. The airline recorded a net loss of 10.7 million euros compared to last year’s loss of 12.2 million euros. The airline spent most on flight operations, followed by maintenance and passenger services. The number of employees also decreased at the Croatian carrier from 1.041 last year to 973 by the end of March. With a busy summer season ahead, it remains to be seen whether Croatia Airlines can claw back passengers and retain its title as the busiest carrier in the EX-YU region by the end of the year.


  1. Anonymous09:09

    I think that OU will overtake JU in the summer but it would be interesting to see results in the end of the year. If JU loads improve and I'm sure they will they have a real shot of beating OU.

    1. OU certainly will awake in the summer, just like it does every year, but I doubt it will be able to overtake JU because JU is operating over 340 flights per week during the peak of summer, plus dozens of charters.

    2. Anonymous19:51

      Looks like the "state-of-the-art aircraft" (the Q400) didn't help.

  2. Anonymous09:20

    It seems as JU management somehow "controls" LF to maintain at 58% no matter what. :D.

    Good news for JU, looking forward to seeing BEG april figures.

  3. Anonymous09:26

    hehe I don't think so... I believe its because they are growing the fleet at the same time as their route network, that JU's load keeps hovering around this mark. I hope the summer shows a better lf.

  4. Anonymous09:33

    Croatia Airlines LF is bad. They shrunk the fleet and it is still 60%

  5. Anonymous09:33

    Well as long as Croatia Airlines keeps the Ceo(Mr.Kucko) they have now nothing will change it will only get worse
    .Funny Brussels +43% what passengers. No politicians and they fly with Dash .Remember Croatia Just entered the EU so not surprised.

    1. I don't believe those figures about BRU. It's strange because he closed the office in Amsterdam and suddenly a raise in pax at BRU and freight?? Common, we are not idiots. Flights on AMS are still the same even with growth.
      Those figures are made up.
      Because everything that comes from Kucko is a big lie!!
      I hope he will be fired before the summer. The sooner the better.

    2. Anonymous10:03

      I think OU is dead, Air Serbia is in much better position, more flights, more planes, one airport to handle (BEG), Croatia Airlines absolutely deserved it, stupid government that should be looking for investors, incapable CEO (Kucko), restructuring with no results,...

    3. Anonymous19:43

      OU is as good as dead. The French should better pack their buckets and go home.

    4. Anonymous19:47

      Zagreb won't need a better airport than it currently has.

    5. Anonymous20:02

      Anonymous 7:47 PM, it's not up to you to decide!

    6. Anonymous20:06

      No, it's up to the numbers to decide which have been - sorry to say - more than pathetic. Even the current terminal is seeing decrease in pax.

    7. Anonymous20:25

      Absolutely true, but if there's a current decrease, does it means Zagreb will never record growth again? With Croatia Airlines like this there won't be any growth soon, that's correct, but I'm an optimist, Croatia has potential, more than 6,300,000 passengers through Croatian airports in 2013, hopefully some growth this year!

  6. Anonymous09:38

    hteo sam ovo da uradim jos odavno, ali posto sam sinoc na 2 sajta iscitavao utiske korisnika letova er srbije, uglavnom stranaca koji ne preporucuju er srbiju nikako zbog OGROMNIH svakodnevnik od kako je nastala kasnjenja, evo izracunao sam kasnjenja samo tih 10ak jutarnjih polazaka u minutima: 379 minuta ukupno. Pri tom, svaki dan pratim, cisto da vidim sta se desava. ovo je zaista necuveno i muka mi je od onih koji to tolerisu ili im je svejedno.. na mesecnom nivou letovi er srbije kasne i po nekoliko dana, sto je katastrofalno. izbegavam je upravo zbog toga, ali kada nemam izbora, moram koristiti usluge er srbije. kao putnika me apsolutno ne zanima razlog, jednostavno ne zelim da koristim usluge er srbije, kompanije koja ima najveci broj kasnjenja u evropi. vrlo je jednostavno proveriti. i jos nesto, muka mi je od onih koji to toboze povezuju sa bezbednoscu aviona kao, ili tipa pa i ako kasni pola sata, svakako stize na vreme. er srbiji bi trebalo spakovati let beg-cdg u 5 sati.. sa poletanjem u 6:45, i sletanjem na cdg u 11:45. na taj nacin bar znas da neces zakasniti na neki interkontinentalni let koji je veoma brzo posle sletanja.. itd itd.. sramota.

    1. Anonymous10:09

      А који су то сајтови (у множини), хоћеш да поделиш са нама? Јако ме интересује. Јер на овом главном, Skytrax, утисци су потпуно другачији:

      ...осим ако се ослањаш на један једини review од свих осталих?
      Зато за, где је било највише 'trip reports' до сада верујем да ниси ни чуо. На бар има шта да се прати за разлику од неких где једва да има летова осим FRA/MUC...

    2. Drapšinac10:56

      Ne lupaj! Ima samo jedan negativan komentar od tipičnog korisnika LCC usluga iz Slovačke na Skytrax-u. Usredsredi se na neku laganiju tematiku, vazduhoplovstvo je isuviše složeno za tebe!

    3. JATBEGMEL12:02

      Ne razumem sto siris svoju mrznju ovde po blogu sa lazima. Sto ne nadjes sebi neki hobi umesto da bacis vreme kalkulisanje koliko je sati, minuti i sekundi celokupno kasnio Er Srbija na svojim polascima.

      I ne moras da koristis usluge Er Srbije, hvala bogu pa imas izbora pa izvoli.

    4. Anonymous17:34

      Pa to je vise od 6 sati na samo 10 polazaka. Auuuuu...

    5. Anonymous19:50

      Gledam i placem ahahahhah ajde sad reci nesto tako za ASL ahahah

  7. Abu Dabi Ju800 kasni svaki dan 1-2h. NECUVENO

    1. JATBEGMEL11:53

      Ne kasni svaki dan, leteo sam za AUH nedavno i sa kruzenjem nad AUH (zbog magle) smo sleteli ranije.

    2. Anonymous13:35

      Not true ... I flew on April 29 and it left on time and arrived into AUH 20 mins ahead of schedule ...

      Niko, why do you write such B.S. ? be exact/precise with your comments with specific examples and more credibility will be attached to your future comments ... Sweeping statements like the one you made, leave me thinking to which address can I send the bananas and peanuts to ....


      Yes, it arrived almost on time ONCE!

    4. Anonymous, it is you who is writing B.S. You have also nothing factual to say only that I am telling B.S? Well amazing! There is the report. Enjoy it.

    5. Anonymous23:08

      Leteo sam i ja sa AIR SERBIA u utorak 29 aprila. U Abu Dhabi nismo kasnili. Na aerodromu Beograd nisam primetio sekudanta koji stopuje polaske AIR SERBIA.kao zivotno opredeljenje.A319 je uredno poleteo sa punom satisfakcijom. Letevsi do sada 4.500 h. i na ovom predivnom letu u trajanju od 5 sati 15 minut po mojem secanju. To je bilo tacno prije7 dana, pa ovde u Sydney-u jos imam jet leg. Interesntni su ti sekundanti.. Vole da pomazu pa makar i u ponoc odbrojavali. Samo vi brojite,. dugo je do jutra..Ima jos neki avion koji samo ceka na sekundante. Uzivajte, zabava je besplatna. Ko na let srecan i udoban imao. Iz jesenjeg Sydney-a/Griffith-a svako dobro svima pa i brojacima ANT. Rodney Mainkovic, ANE.

    6. Anonymous23:28

      Rodeney my man, what was the load factor on your Air Serbia airport?

    7. Anonymous23:29

      * flight sorry

    8. Anonymous03:50

      Dear Anonymous, load factor on "my" Serbia airport, for your information, with
      my best will, I did spotted one friend of my, who yust0be work in Qantas same years ago. Naturally on board I was with
      me wife. At midnight in company we have happy flying to Abu Dhabi and beyond. People who counting time and people is above my capability. Sorry my dear sir. Let fly. Be happy! Don't worry. Greeting from Rodney, Son & Co. Sydney // Kraljevo.

  8. Anonymous10:52

    SVIMA DOBRO A NIKOME ZLO! Definitivno Er Srbija pocinje ozbiljno da se pozicionra u jugo-istocnoj Evropi. Ovim nacinom nacinom postavljanja strategije biznisa, maksimalne odgovornosti celokupnog tima AIR SERBIA. Na prvom mestu primena prema svojim gostima na letovima, sto sam se ponovo uverio prije nekoliko dana na letu za Abu Dhabi. Pun sam nade da ce nacionalna avio kompanija, AIR SERBIA uspeti da svoja krila siri po svetu postupno, odgovorno, sa postovanjem i empatiom prema svima. Isporucivanje kvaliteta kabine ce se veoma dobro puniti, pa aviioni nece sluzit da nose zastavu na trupu, nego pristojno pune kabine u ovim vremenima zestoke konkurencije. Mada ruku na srce nijdno vreme ne miluje. Umesto cestitik za uspeh za brzu transformacijui i trud, bicu vam gost na letovima, dolazecii i odlazeci iz Srbije. Vasa usluga i odnos prema nama koji letimo je nas izbor i lojalnost To je dil. Sto se tice ostalog I ostalih da ponovim dobru staru izreku. NAMA DOBRO I NIKOME ZLO! Mirno nebo i pune kabine ER SRBIJO. Ispod Juznog Krsta i SYDNEY-a ispod pozdravlja vas Rod. Marinkovic, AME. SYDNEY-Griffith.

  9. If authentic, statement that JU will fly direct to USA has way more credibility than some politician as it comes from Hogan:

    1. Anonymous13:19

      This is really nice cause it's the first time we here something concrete from people who actually are in head of Etihad/AirSerbia, not the politicians.

    2. Anonymous22:29

      This Hogan's statement (if authentic) is absolute proof of absolute control of Etihad over Air Serbia and big enough reason for European Comission to take steps against Air Serbia.

      Even more interesting, the statement is coming right in time when Alitalia negotiations results are to be published.

    3. Anonymous03:53

      Nah, statement about Air Serbia flights to the US were published recently by PM of Serbia, and essentially repeated by Hogan. Repeating PM's statement does constitute absolute nothing.

  10. Air Serbia will fly directly from BEG from the end of 2015. with is the fact i know from sources in one leasing company.....2 A330 for Air Serbia will be ready

  11. Anonymous12:09

    @ nice Dule, one question, A330-200 or 300 series?

  12. Anonymous12:22

    I hope this LF improves over the summer for JU. I also hope that they manage to reduce delays. Does anyone know why flights are late every day? Is it BEG or JU's fault?

    1. JATBEGMEL12:56

      Apparently both. Ive heard crew dont prepare the aircraft quickly enough for handover to ground staff, while baggage handlers are hopeless. The transfer of systems hasnt been the smoothest either hence the check in delays. Also the transition from Boeing to Airbus hasnt been the smoothest either. Aircraft have been gone on total refurbishment (cabin and galleys) with delays in documentation allowing it to start service for Air Serbia.

      The damage created by the former Jat management isnt easy to undo overnight and will take a fair bit of time to undo. I would think that when the EY team came to Belgrade to clean what was Jat, dusting the surface has unveiled a whole mess.

    2. There are many factors that are causing JU flights to be delayed from time to time. These days it's usually caused by transfer passengers which are coming from some flight which is delayed. This is usually the case with A6 operated flights.
      This morning, for example, the problem was that there weren't enough check-in counters so it took forever for passengers and their bags to be registered.

      Luggage sorting has been improved and it is no longer the main problem at BEG. The airport itself is refusing to employ more ramp workers which can be a challenge at times, most times actually, especially if you have a short rotation with both flights being full.

    3. Anonymous23:12

      If JU introduced online check-in, I guess that the check-in counter number would not be an issue at all.

  13. Replies
    1. Anonymous12:38

      nice. Etihad birds? :D

    2. Anonymous12:55

      Dusan, what happened with the A319LR (YU-APD and the other), will any of them join the fleet?

      What other a/c are supposed to arrive this summer?

    3. Chicago and Toronto...Sydney and Melbourne would be covered by EY

    4. YU-APD ( Kingfishsher) wont come, 2 more A319 would be ex XA-VOR fom Volaris and ex F-ORAJ, Belle air...YU-APB ( XA-VOR ) is painted but now is in MUC for reconfiguration

    5. Anonymous13:06

      Any knowledge why?

    6. Anonymous13:15

      @Dusan Thanks to respond about A330, my personal opinion is that they would need 3 and 2 planes :), in the case of failure on one of them, but OK

    7. Anonymous13:17

      *3 and no 2

    8. Anonymous13:31

      No, 2 is enough, in the case one fails.

    9. ORD shold just be the beginning. The next phase is YYZ and JFK, and those airports will be covered 1ith more than 12 weekly flights. There should also be PEK 3 times a week. Other than that, EY should start sending widebody planes to BEG once JU develops its short haul network and new lounge opens at BEG.and there should even be perhaps direct flights to Australia with landing at AUH.. That for they should need at least three wide body planes. It would almost certainly be 330-200s in two-class configuration.
      In 2016 JU would have the biggest amount of destinations in Eastern Europe including even Poland and its LOT, but excluding LCCs (as of today LOT has 49 destinations including four long haul ones, while Air Serbia have 41 without long haul)

    10. Anonymous15:11

      Utterly delusional

    11. JATBEGMEL15:33

      @ Miroslav

      The only way I see JU ever operating to Australia is IF Etihad is restricted by the billateral agreements of the UAE and Australia, as they are now, and need to expand existing services. But as for now, EY recently upgauged MEL to B77W and soon will go A380. Where JU fits in is that a possible sollution to overcome this problem is that JU operates the flights via AUH. JU crew would then operate the flight BEG-AUH and EY crew AUH-MEL/SYD/BNE to reduce costs (JU crew flying to Australia would result in a longer layover in Australia and AUH). The arrival/departure from AUH should then connect to the N. American destinations ex BEG, to maximise pax flow. But I highly doubt that JU will fly to Australia

    12. Anonymous22:43

      Greek, Cypriot, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Maltese DON'T have flights to the USA and Canada. All, or almost all, of those countries have hundreds of thousands of american tourists, don't need visas for the USA and/or Canada, they have NATO passenger flow, they have FAA cat1, some of them have, or had wide-bodied long-haul aircraft, all of them have smaller or bigger immigration communities in the USA&Canada, almost all of them have some kind of hub with some transit passengers, al of them are in some kind of alliance, cooperation or other airline partial ownership, and once again they DON'T have flights to the North America, yet Air Serbia will be the one which is the ONLY capable to do what all this other compamies are not able to.

      And such announcment is made by CEO of non-EU company, which is under accusation to have actual control over Air Serbia, which is currently investigated by European Comission.

      Mashallah !!!

    13. Drapšinac23:07

      AnonymousMay 5, 2014 at 10:43 PM
      It hurts you hard, I see! Take a medicine, it would hurt you more in next few years! Mashallah na kvadrat!

    14. Anonymous09:37

      @ 10:43 PM:

      You seem to have forgotten the part about the poorest nation in Europe. Shortage of Xanax today?

    15. Anonymous22:52

      Not shame to be poor, or sick, but it is shame to be stupid, and/or party bot, and insult and offend people who don't think the same as you do. Enjoy!

  14. Anonymous13:25

    Beirut is on the sale! Things are getting better and better for BEG and JU.

    1. Anonymous13:27

      Beirut tickets are for the sale *

      Sorry for my grammar

    2. Anonymous14:28

      Good connections for ZRH, CDG, VIE..

    3. Aэrologic19:50

      Excellent news but it is hard to tell which news is more beautiful today, the tremendous increase in pax or the Beirut route finally being launched (re: again on-sale), despite some people happily anticipating the contrary (read: Aviokarta).

      Beirut is one of the best cities in the world that i advise to everyone to visit.

    4. Its funny that I just wanted to say that! :-)
      One of my favorite cities on planet. The lifestyle, somehow, reminds me of Belgrade. My prediction was, when it was first announced, that Tel Aviv and Beirut are going to be routes with highest lf all of all new routes.
      Would love to see Cairo, Amman, Baghdad and Beijing, for instance, in future plans for expansion.

  15. This is not all good news for Air Serbia and the article actually exposes a worrying situation for Serbia’s national carrier.

    A little back of the envelope calculations and guesstimates based on the info supplied in the article comparing Air Serbia's finances to that of Croatia Airlines, you could conclude that the loses for Air Serbia for the first 3 months of this year alone are at least 20 million euro's.
    Adding that to the expected loses from the start of operations, one can assume Air Serbia is already in the rears in the tune of 30 million euro's at least, more likely 40 million and possibly even close to 50 million euro’s.
    Taking into consideration any of the added costs to Air Serbia, which Croatia Airlines either does not have or has less of, such as the refitting and painting of the fleet, extra costs for higher standard of service and catering they offer, outsourcing the maintenance of the fleet, training of the personnel including pilots, the discounted air fares by Air Serbia and the lower cabin load factor spread out over a larger but comparable fleet than that of Croatia Airlines, one can see how the loses could have easily mounted closes to 50 million euro’s since the start of operations.

    This is just a guesstimate on my behalf but you have to admit would be interesting to see the real state of the finances and how much they are prepared to go in the red before they expect to see a return.
    Air Serbia might become profitable in a few years but they are going to have a huge amount of debt to pay off when they do.

    1. Q400

      I really love your comments here, i know you were from Croatia but i must correct you in this mater of profit...James Hogan said that he expect Air Serbia would be profitable at the end of 2016. and i believe him....that is all, he is not Vucic

    2. Anonymous13:54

      Dude, you obviously ran out of space when doing your "back of the envelope calculations" ... Either that, or it was done in total darkness .. perhaps even both ...The only money that has been injected into the business since EY became involved, was a USD40m 'loan' facility provided by EY (back in August 2013), which has since been converted into equity. The Serbian Govt Treasury is like Mother Hubbard's cupboard - totally empty - so there have not been and will not be any funds forthcoming. No other cash has been provided by any other source, so how Pythagoras, is it possible that JU keeps on keeping on, in the absence of any further cash injections ? You can't be that dumb to realize that it can only be from its cash flow and other cash conservation/contract renegotiation initiatives ... Furthermore, the real measure of what progress they are making, is not a silly apples to oranges comparison of LF%, rather, how their RPKs have been growing against their ASKs. I would suggest that next time, you get yourself a much bigger envelope in which to undertake these back of the envelope exercises, as well as ensuring that you have plenty of bright light in the room when doing so....

    3. @ Dusan,

      Hogan is no a magician or a god, he is a business man and if you ever get involved in reading the financial reports and forecast of listed companies from around the world and see how many are actually correct, you might realise that they can be just as bad as politician.
      Re' your other point about me being Croatian, yeah you are right, Croatian Australian to be exact but with respect why does my observation than become somewhat less acceptable? Remembering I always said that this was a guess and possible conclusion.

    4. @ Anonymous 1:54 PM

      Considering RPKs and ASKs actually goes to show that my guesstimate could be the true that Air Serbia is losing lots of cash. Again, this is just based on a rough comparison between Air Serbia and Croatia Airlines from the financial info supplied in the article.
      Most of Croatia Airlines flights last a lot less on average compared to Air Serbia where they charge a fair bit more have more passengers on average and other a lot less in terms of costly service.

    5. Anonymous15:15

      Q400, you are NOT allowed, I repeat NOT allowed to say anything negative about JU (note I did not use AS like the experts on here do as it's Alaskans code) or Serbia. Serbia is the greatest country in the world with the best airline!!!!!

    6. Not really the best, but we are top 10, at least. And about the airline, JU (note that i'm not an expert either), they are working on a project with NASA to add Moon and Mars routes from BEG.
      On a more serious note, Air Serbia did spend a lot of money and I doubt at even reaching the positive zero. But i hope they'll prove me wrong.
      And Q400, I don't think Dusan meant anything bad, I think. He likes your comments :D

    7. Anonymous23:10

      I heard that the estimated loss for 2014 is about 30 million euros. They also expect to make a loss in 2015 (albeit smaller) and turn profitable in 2016.

    8. Anonymous00:05

      Hogan clearly said since the very beginning that he expects Air Serbia to become profitable in 2016,and with many investments needed for new start up it is only logical it will take two years for them to become profitable.

  16. Anonymous13:54

    OT: SPU figures for April - 79284 passengers, an increase of 16.5%

    1. Anonymous16:43

      Actually, it's an increase of 19,6 %!!!

    2. Anonymous17:40

      My bad!
      I divided April 2013 66279, and this April 79284...

  17. Anonymous14:24

    da li mi netko može pojasniti na koji način AS ostvaruje porast od 66,3% putnika? da li to znači da ima više putnika u tranzitu koji sa AS idu na druge destinacije ili su građani Srbije masovno počeli putovati avionom? mislim, zaista bi volio ako mi to netko može pojasniti... hvala svima unaprijed

    1. Anonymous14:34

      Logično je da učestvuje više faktora. Naravno, tranzitni putnici, a osim njih určunaj i putnike koji su sa drugih kompanija, recimo Austriana, prešli na JU; a sigurno ima i putnika koji su morali koristiti neke druge aerodrome, a sada mogu i BEG zahvaljujući proširenoj mreži i sl.

    2. Anonymous14:38

      Povecan broj operacija rezultuje povecanjem broja putnika.

      Cene su kao sto vidis damping, da ne kazem smesne, a postoji i odlican rezultat sto se tice tranzitnih putnika.

    3. Anonymous14:42

      Uostalom, pogledaj sta o konekcijama preko Beograda kaze B&H:

    4. Anonymous15:21

      SPU was a few thousand down in March due to Easter, but rocketed in April and this is "real growth" not just because of a later Easter this year. Just watch the summer figures....

    5. Anonymous15:51

      nemojte me krivo shvatiti ali iskreno ja u te podatke ne vjerujem, nisam neki stručnjak i pratim sve ovo kao totalni laik kojega ovakve stvari zanimaju ali mislim da svi podaci za AS su poprilično napuhani.

    6. @Anonymous at 3:51 PM

      Nema tu sta da se naduvava. Prolece 2013 je bila ocajna za JAT. Kompanija je bila u slicnoj situaciji u kojoj je danas OU. U medjuvremenu su uvedene nove destinacije (Prag, Pesta, Warsawa itd), na pojedinim starim destinacijama dupliran broj letova (Solun, Atina itd), letovi su prilagodjeni o/d putnicima, i cene su znatno povoljnije. Pa tako neko ko, recimo, zeli da leti za Tel Aviv iz Budimpeste, moze za prilicno dobru ceni da leti AirSerba-om preko BGa. A takvih i slicnih konekcija sada je jako puno. :)

    7. Anonymous18:22

      nekako se ne bih složio sa tobom, jer kad stavim u jedan od pretraživača letova ponudi mi let od Budimpešte do Telaviva povratnu kartu sa AS za 224 eura sa time da je dužina putovanja u odlasku 24 sata i 20 min a u povratku 25 sati i 20 min. dok isti taj let sa Wizz imam po cijeni od 120 eura i povratak sa ELAl i dužina putovanja u odlasku je 3 sata i 15 min a u povratku 3 sata i 20 min
      dakle ne drži vodu ni cijena AS niti povoljne konekcije iz BGD

    8. @Anonymous at 6:22 PM

      Ja sam pre dve nedelje gledao letove za TLV iz Beograda, i nisu mi odgovarale cene, te sam onda gledao iz Budimpeste. I prva opcija (i najjeftinija) mi je bila AirSerbiom preko Beograda. Sad sam ponovo gledao i opet je najjeftinija opcija (verovatno zavisi za koje datume si gledao). Ali istina, ima dugo cekanje u Beogradu. Elem, navedana ruta je bila samo primer. Mozes na skyscanner gledati i letove iz Skoplja, Soluna, Podgorice, Sarajeva, Ljubljane itd, i cesto izadje Air Serbia kao najjeftinija opcija. Evo novi primer Skopje - Berlin let osmog maja, a povratak 15tog.

    9. Aэrologic19:40

      El Al is 181$ (cheaper fare) but mostly around 211$. The flights are now operated by its low-cost subsidiary "Up!". Wizz Air has pretty much the same prices as Air Serbia (for an incomparable standard of service) which hovers around 240$. Air Serbia is 246$ for the same dates (22.05 - 10.06). Waiting times in BEG are about two and half hours each way (long waiting times?), with the trip taking about 6 hours in total.

    10. To je zato sto Budimpesta i Tel Aviv ne lete svaki dan u isto vreme. Nekim danima je konekcija super a nekim danima ne. U svakom slucaju, masa putnika iz Budimpeste ide za Grcku, ex-YU, Sofiju i Istanbul.

    11. Anonymous19:51

      Ako zivis u Sarajevu, Banjaluci, Ljubljani, Sofiji, i pozelis da odes u Moskvu, verovatnoca da ces izabrati AirSerbiju je 90% :).

      Ili ako uzmes Atina - Bec povratna. Ili Larnaka - Bec, ustedis od 70 do 100 evra.

      Ili npr Solun - Bec, tu Air Serbia ubedljivo sije sve druge solucije.

    12. Anonymous23:07

      Which is not good for the yields if you are aiming at cost conscious customers. Premium product at low prices is not a win win situation.

    13. Anonymous00:11

      Damping prices is ok in the beginning, good for pax, but fares will go up definitely once brand awareness campaign is over...

  18. Dubrovnik is up 12.7% too. The Easter effect.

    Zagreb and Belgrade numbers should be interesting. Zagreb because they need to record at least 5% growth to avoid a disastrous year and whats the go with Belgrade? They usually update the table at 1 minute into the new month with there impressive figures. Has growth slowed???

    1. Anonymous14:35

      I guess, it would be in accourdance with majority Serbian childish mentality

    2. Anonymous14:58

      Growth in BEG in April is 40%, Air Serbia 80%

    3. Nice,

      good for Belgrade!

      Hope Zagreb managed at least 4%

    4. Anonymous16:06

      Growth in Belgrade in April over 46%, to be published soon.

    5. Anonymous16:15

      That's just an absurd rate of growth.

    6. Anonymous21:14

      BEG growth in april is 46%,368171 pax,from the start of the year 1.153.467 pax,this is amazing

  19. Anonymous15:10

    I think that Air Serbia has absolutely no strategy on anything. Opening and closing routes randomly. Like BEY now opening just over 3 weeks before start of operations after it has been closed a while ago! Who do they expect to book after they advised the public, that all tickets will be refunded due to security reason in Lebanon? Flight running g late, later every day.....almost every single AUH, ATH, SKG flight heavily delayed causing total havoc with transit pax. I just wonder for how long Mr Hogan will watch this Kindergarden before he shows the yellow card to Mr. Kondic! The system breakdowns, the readiness of aircraft, the transit baggage handling, gate and staff availability, paper jungle for aircraft documentation, is no rocket science and should have been planned with much more accuracy and efficiency. I think that we will never learn about the real losses, since there seems to be backyard agreements with NIS (getting 50% discount on kerosene) and similar, which are nothing else but hidden subsidy. I estimate the real losses somewhere between 25-30 million € in 1Q14 if we would apply western accounting methods.

    1. Anonymous15:46

      Oh lol, you're completely delusional. Hogan himself said that this "kindergarten" will launch long haul in 2015-2016 which pretty much kills all of your arguments. Go estimate something else, maybe OU total yearly losses.

    2. Anonymous16:15

      And you better go online to and check out for the DISASTROUS punctuality.
      Btw. I am not interested in OU results. They are also catastrophic and the whole company is in a hopeless state. I am Serb and I am interested to see a professional, efficient, convenient and PROFITABLE Air Serbia!

    3. Anonymous23:46

      Ovo je avio biznis a ne Pijaca da se moze odma poslovati Dobikom.

    4. Insajder00:34

      Are you drunk or crazy? What are you talking about? Less whiskey next time!

  20. Anonymous15:45

    JU656 04 May Beg - SVO had 2 pax in business and 108 in Economy. Mostly transit pax.

  21. Anonymous16:57

    Insider info is that Air Serbia already looking for a330 that will fly renew Beijing flight and after that it will start North America flight at beginning of 2016....

    1. Anonymous17:58

      Pretty good plan if true.

    2. Aэrologic19:19

      They do need Eastern long-haul flights as well in order to feed and complement the Western ones, especially to places where the deviation makes perfect sense (much more than through Abu Dhabi).*

      The Air Serbia route map should definitely much more resemble the one of LOT on the long-term. Not sure if it'll still serve the highest number of destinations in Eastern Europe after Aeroflot, Ukraine International adding more and more flights with Erbil being the most recent addition to their network.

  22. Anonymous17:41

    My favorite text here is "yeah, they should buy 2 long haul aircrafts if one breaks down"... hahahhaha

    I see that wannabe experts here have a clue on what does long haul aircraft costs to operate. The most basic flight like BEG - JFK has to be 85%+ full on both direction to have a slightest profit...

    1. Anonymous18:19

      if there will be long haul, they leased the aircraft-s, and not BUY as you are a expert sooooooooo tell us: what will happen when one aircraft will be out of service( no matter why)?

  23. Anonymous18:18

    kasnjenje er srbije zakljucno sa letom za pariz u 17:10h = 861 minut! do kraja dana ostalo je jos 9 letova. znaci preko 1.000 minuta! tema je er srbija, pa treba spomenuti i kasnjenja.. prosto nema smisla da ne znamo da u jednom danu er srbija kasni pola dana..

    1. Anonymous18:27

      vec kad si precizan, kao kasnjenje se racuna vreme dolazka na cilj, tako da vec kad racunas ..........

    2. Anonymous18:42

      ahaaa.. e vidis to nisam znao. onda mi je tetka danas sigurno na vreme sletela u banja luku. bas cu je sada pozvati da vidim kako je prosao let.. hvala ti mnogo.

    3. Anonymous21:58

      Cekaj ti si dovoljno zaludan da sabiras minute kasnjenja. A ono "go get a life"..

    4. Anonymous22:53

      In next 6 weeks all be fixed. Watch it ;) there have been a bunch of constrains which are finally comes to the end

  24. OT:

    April numbers for BEG. +46% pax!

    1. Anonymous19:18

      1.153.467 pax

    2. Aэrologic19:29

      Today while having a walk around Kalemegdan i noticed a high number of foreign tourists, not only from Europe but from all over the world. The 'facial landscape' of people visiting Belgrade has changed dramatically. I met for example and had a chat with a man and a woman from Marocco, who came to Belgrade from Abu Dhabi as tourists. Belgrade is being heavily promoted while Air Serbia is gaining lot of popularity in the UAE, the men told me with a big smile that for him "Etihad and Air Serbia are one and the same". There were also many other couples and people from the Arab world. I also noticed many people with Air Serbia cabin luggage stickers, all around the center. Without exaggerating, i had the impression that about 50% of people in the Kalemegdan area were actually foreigners. That certainly supports the tremendous growth BEG has been experiencing recently.

    3. Anonymous19:34

      JU and BEG killing it.

    4. Aэrologic19:34

      For the first time the number of passenger increase (46%) has been higher than the increase in operations (39%) which is, while being symbolical, a landmark and highly positive result.

      In the meanwhile, BEG experienced a 41% growth in volume of cargo handled in April.

    5. Anonymous20:38

      Those walking Kalemegdan with handluggage with stickers are those waiting their hours delayed flights. Hahahahahahahha

    6. Anonymous20:45



    7. Anonymous23:24

      They are just eyeing prosperous "Beograd Na Vodi" project and imagining the Jamhiriya extending further than the Half Moon could ever reach...

    8. zoran01:21

      Kakvi ste vi ljudi koji prebrojavate minute kašnjenja ili kao neki eksperti pravite bilanse Kompanije koju ne znate kako funkcioniše? Kakve su to damping cene za koje odmah pronalazite i jeftinije tarife? Mi kao putnici želimo što više alternativa i što jeftiniji i udobniji prevoz, i to ovaj region dobija, bilo da je reč o JU ili JP ili OU (nadam se) ili bilo koji drugi igrač. Sa druge strane JU ne sme da bude sredstvo za lečenje nekih naših kompleksa jer i ne treba da ih imamo. Uspeh jednog komšije će uvek doneti i boljitak drugog a samo budale se smeju kad "komšiji crkne krava". I najzad zašto Srbija ne može da ima prekookeanske letove, jer zaboga to nemaju ni neke zemlje sličnih veličina i povoljnijih uslova putovanja ? Možda je cilj vezivanje letova za Indiju (preko Jet airways) jer je isti izgubio licencu za Ameriku, a možda i neki novi kanal za novu Etihad alijansu. pare mogu sve.

    9. Nikola08:39

      naš narod kaže: Dokon pop i jariće krsti, tako da ti je jasno kakvi su to ljudi

  25. Anonymous19:29

    which routes are doing bad for JU if their cabin occupancy is only 58!? For the most part I know a lot are doing well.: I wonder which ones aren't..?? Or is it just capacity has been increased so much it will take some time for pax to catch up? I guess we will see now in the summer.

    Congrats to JU being the cheapest airline for flights such as Paris - Beirut, Zurich - Beirut, Budapest - Beirut (from what I just looked up) and dozens more !!!

  26. Anonymous19:36

    So basicaly, "April u Beogradu" is better than Jun 2013 and a bit less good then July and August 2013.

    If every month in BEG would be have just the SAME amount of pax as did last year, BEG would have 3.84 million. HEY.

    And lines like Barca, Lisbon, Warsaw, Geneva (Etihad Regional), Sofia, Budapest, Beirut are either have not been launched or just recently been launched.

  27. Anonymous00:13

    Mashallah for Air Serbia! Ya Allah.
    A lot of love from Novi Pazar

  28. I am holding the 2014 updated schedule for Rijeka (Krk) airport. OU..better known as Croatian......has exactly per week to London!!! C3 better known or unknown as Trade Air...lets call it a cousin of OU has a Friday plane commuting between Osijek, Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, and Dubrovnik!! My question is..why the heck is there a large staffed Croatian sales office in downtown Rijeka??? For 1 flight a week from April to October??? talk about waste of cash, and last time I checked Rijeka is the 3rd largest Croatian city!!!
    Well at least we have "Autotrans!!" !!!


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