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Air Croatia to postpones flights until 2015 |
Air Croatia has postponed the launch of its flights until the summer of 2015. Services from Gothenburg to Zagreb, Zadar and Split were to begin tomorrow with a wet leased ČSA Czech Airlines Airbus A319. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Air Croatia, says, “Those flights have been postponed since May due to low amount of bookings and some technical problems connecting our booking system and flights to many of the major search engines, which made it too risky and difficult to sell only through our website. The routes that are shown on our website are for live testing with IATA and GDS and customers are not able to pay, just to make test bookings”.
However, Air Croatia says its booking numbers have picked up significantly over the past few weeks. “It is a little bit sad to see that we have 100+ bookings per day now when the flights have been postponed until next summer”, it says. Air Croatia also had plans to operate flights from the Swedish capital to Zagreb and Split. Furthermore, it intended to operate year long flights on a low cost basis. “Plans are to expand operations to all year round on Saturdays, once per week, from Gothenburg and Stockholm to Split and Zagreb in October”, it said in March.
In addition to the abovementioned routes, Air Croatia previously announced its plans to operate charters from Gothenburg to Dubrovnik and Pula. Furthermore, the Dutch based Denim Air was to fly smaller groups and charters from Sweden and Norway to Dubrovnik and Zadar on behalf of Air Croatia and the airline also intended to cooperate with another Croatian newcomer, Adriatic Skyways, on domestic flights within the country. Air Croatia also hoped to set up flights from Zagreb to Tel Aviv from June through to September as well as services from Southern Italy to Dubrovnik in cooperation with Italian tour operators. However, all of these plans will now have to wait another year.
hahahaha. Kroatovanje in full swing
ReplyDeleteLooks like grad Niš is putting some effort to make INI alive again. Some money is invested, soon ILS system will be installed and talks are held with Ryanair and one other low cost carrier
ReplyDeleteThat's nice. Source?
DeleteIs it something from this interview?
DeleteThe guy says he thinks low cost flights are gonna start in Autumn.
These people can't even sustain a seasonal charter flight and they think they can with a regular scheduled service ???? Pls send me some of whatever you have been smoking !!
DeleteIt puzzles me how Nis cannot make it happen when we have for example Tuzla flourishing in no time
Delete@ Anonymous 11:45 AM
DeleteFOR THE LAST TIME. Do not mix apples and pears (frogs and grandmothers)!!!
Since many of you guys still use those failed charters as an argument, I found a comment I made a couple of days ago on this blog.
Failed charters are not an argument!!!
I agree that it would be really hard to revive Nis, but I just have few remarks.
Charters and lets just say Zurich and Dortmund services target different people. Charters rely on the purchasing power of local population, and those are people would travel once a year.
Dortmund, Zurich and other lines would on the other hand, rely on diaspora who has quite bigger purchasing power and tends to travel more often than local population in southern Serbia. Plus on those flights you can add a small portion of local population who would visit their cousins and aunts and uncles. Charters do not have those, plus during the summer many people use buses and cars (Thessaloniki is quite fast to reach from Nis by car).
Of course, you need a lot of planning to do.
Like when there were Zurich flights, they were quite expensive (at least 300€).
Cherleori airport is the first destination I think they would open. I remeber few years after reconstruction I think in 2006 Ryanair wanted to fly from INI but the condition was for the city to install ILS and back then there were no money for it.
DeleteFew days ago airprot got 1.6mio RSD and talks are held with Belgrade Airport wich also wants to invest for some reason (purely political if you ask me). Deicing truck is supposed to be bought this summer as soon as ILS system is installed and Ryanair would start with its flights some day in september/october. First flights would be to Belgium
if FR starts flights, these are possible destinations: CRL, HHN, DTM, NYO, GSE and possibly BVA. also, they might consider LTN/STN.
Deleteand if you look at their destinations map, except PDV and SKG (which are 4:30 away) there is no other destination in INI catchment area (and by this I mean max 3 hrs drive)
Charleroi would be a jackpot!
DeleteEspecially since Wizz won't be flying there anymore.
I traveled with Lasta to Brussels (it was like in "Ko to tamo peva"), and 80% of the people there were from the south. Still, we got some education to do, our folks (Serbs and especially Roma people) should learn that you cannot just disassemble a bike and take it into the baggage section (they were literally doing that).
Too bad Wizz flies from Sofia, so INI could not attract people from Bulgaria.
I dont know... Ryanair can be much cheaper than Wizz a lot of the times.
DeleteWell yes, but I am afriad not enough cheaper for an average Bulgarian to travel and wait at the border cross.
DeleteBut let's just wait and see what will happen with the flights.
I was born and raised in the south... People will walk for 20 km if they have to just to save 10 euros...
ReplyDeleteAviokarta.net confirms that BEG will hit about 455.000 this month, or a growth of 30%.
If 30% growth continues, August will be around 573.000 passengers.
JU momentum is insane.
Delete2 million in the first six months!
DeleteСпиновање у корист аеродрома Никола Тесла. Као прво, морам признати да радови нису спроведени како треба јер неки делови код Ц5 излаза прокишњавају.
DeleteКао друго, не знам како је опслуживање багажа побољшано када долазећа сортирница (која је задужена за трансферни багаж) има само један рендген а управа аеродрома одбија да им набави савремену технологију као и да упосли још младића који ће да сортирају багаж пред поноћни шпиц. Како сада ствари стоје, доле раде само двојица који морају да сортирају сами цео долазећи пртљаг. Ту није само онај кој пристиже са десетак долазака Ер Сербије већ и страних авио компанија. Аеродром је постао једна од главних препрека Ер Сербијином развоју и надам се да ће држава у најкраћем року доделити концесију тако да може неко способан да води наш једини аеродром са потенцијалом.
пс што Авиокарта није споменула то како је површно одрађена реновација рулне стазе. Али нема везе, сви знамо да Авиокарта има доста утицајних пријатеља на аеродрому.
Велики поздрав од најуреног запосленог аеродрома Никола Тесла.
Ako je ovo istina, menadzment ekipa aerodroma i menadzment ekipa Er Srbije treba zajedno da se pojave u sortirnici oko ponocnog spica i vide situaciju svojim ocima. Nema lazi, nema prevare, sve bi se videlo.
DeleteА мислиш да они не знају? Потписан је уговор да аеродром мора да процесуира трансферни багаж у року од најмање 45 минута. Скоро сваки пут тај рок је пробијен и наравно нико на аеродрому не сноси одговорност.
DeleteАли све то нема везе докле год аеродром остаје заштићен а сва кривица је сваљена на Ер Сербију.
Nije valjda da i za ovo mora Vucic da se zove? Pa ne treba dve godine ili 100 miliona EUR da se resi problem!
DeleteThis is just hilarious.
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah. Each and every "airline" doing business with Denim Air fails (or does not ever start operating),
ReplyDeleteHow awesome !! Just beautiful .... I don't recall it ever happening before, that 2 'airlines' fail in the same week from the same country. I recall reading with great interest, comments from the other day after the first great hoax of Croatian aviation - 'Dalmatian' - quickly disappeared from our radar screens, that said, "but wait, Air Croatia is different. It has been in the planning since 2012 and it is backed by serious people'. If this is serious, I'd hate to see what isn't serious in Croatia .. In fact, it is backed by 'serious people" peddling the same shit as those people from Dalmatian. They are out to scam poor consumers who will swallow anything. People frm Croatia, let this be a lesson to you - do NOT buy tkts from any 'virtual' startup airline. You can moan and groan about the state of your national carrier, but for all its faults, it has been standing tall for 20 yrs and is REAL - not some hoax designed to rip people off. That said, I can't help but laugh at how all of this has happened ... Serbia may have invented 'Jatovanje" but Croatia has perfected it - BRAVO !!!
ReplyDeleteJatovanje - Croatian style !!
DeleteKroatovanje again, second airline to go bust within a week, looks like demand in Zagreb simply isn't there.
ReplyDeleteMlatu praznu slamu !!
DeleteKroatovanje full force.
ReplyDelete2015...i understand now why that guy was saying that 2015 will be "the year" for Zagreb and when we will see an explosion of pax...so this is all according to plan.
ReplyDeleteAir Croatia Fail
ReplyDeletehahahahha I was waiting for this comment!
DeleteWhat a troll are you :D
juče dalmatian, danas air cro, a sutra OU CTN
ReplyDeleteIm sorry for OT, but todays flight from Belgrade to Split by 733 is full until the last seat!!!!!! There is no even 1 empty seat!!!! Bravo JU!!!! Also on this flight there are Tonci Huljic and Hari Varesanovic :D
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly, there are no Croats to complain about talking about (Air) Serbia and not sticking to the topic! Hahahha
ReplyDeletehahhhahahhaha... true. :D
DeleteNOOOOOO! What a bad week for Air Serbia/Serbia haters. :(((((
It's Kurir though... I'll believe it when a serious journal reports it
DeleteKurir is the official newspaper of the current regime so who knows...
DeleteI guess Kurir was right! Kraspeed you should apologize to them!
DeleteI'm sorry Kurir. But screw that now, ASL to USA!
DeleteHas anyone noticed that Vucic uses the word fight a lot? He was 'fighting' for Sabac during the floods and now he'll 'fight' for NYC :)
kraspeed molim te nepravi se mnogo pametan.
DeleteI da letece za USA sa B77W.
On behalf of Kurir I accept your apologies...lol
DeleteAli kako cete bez moje pameti? Neko mora da gura ovu zajednicu prema napred ;-)
DeleteNedaj boze da ti vodis ASL propali bi ;) :P
Press Release – FAA Announces Aviation Safety Rating for the Republic of Serbia
ReplyDeleteFor Immediate Release
June 27, 2014
Contact: Alison Duquette or Les Dorr
Phone: (202) 267-3883
WASHINGTON- The U.S. Department of Transportation'sFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announcedthat the Republic of Serbia complies with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safetystandards and has been granted a Category 1 rating.
The Republic of Serbia has held a Category 2 rating since 2006. A Category 2 rating means a country either lacks laws or regulations necessary to oversee air carriers in accordance with minimum international standards, or that its civil aviation authority–equivalent to the FAA for aviation safety matters–is deficient in one or more areas, such as technical expertise, trained personnel, record-keeping or inspection procedures.
The Category 1 status announced today is based on a March 2014 FAA assessment of the safety oversight provided by the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia, and an FAA verification of necessary corrective actions during a follow on visit to the Republic of Serbia this month. A Category 1 rating means the country's civil aviation authority complies with ICAO standards. With the International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Category 1 rating, the Republic of Serbia's air carriers, which are able to secure the requisite FAA and DOT authority, can establish service to the United States and carry the code of U.S. carriers. The Republic of Serbia currently has no carriers providing service to the United States.
As part of the FAA's IASA program, the agency assesses the civil aviation authorities of all countries with air carriers that have applied to fly to the United States, currently conduct operations to the United States or participate in code sharing arrangements with U.S. partner airlines and makes that information available to the public. The assessments determine whether or not foreign civil aviation authorities are meeting ICAO safety standards, not FAA regulations.
In order to maintain a Category 1 rating, a country must adhere to the safety standards of ICAO, the United Nations' technical agency for aviation that establishes international standards and recommended practices for aircraft operations and maintenance. IASA information is posted at www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/iasa/.
Recent agreement with Turkey and this announcement are testament to dedicated effort and fundamental changes in Serbian aviation. This opens new opportunities for trade and is in mutual economic interest for both US and Serbia.
DeleteSerbian aviation's "positive rate of climb" is now confirmed! Good luck!
It is sad to see that Serbia has to play the 'catch up' game in the passing through laws regarding its aviation sector. The intention for the resumption of transatlantic opps has been there for years and it is only now, after 8 years that it has finalised. What I am pleased with this government is how it is finally doing something with Serbia's aviation sector which has been neglected for a long time. Progress has been made in the right direction and I hope it continues to go that path.
DeleteThis growth from BEG is fantastic and I hope more will be done to stimulate growth from other airports, to have INI and UZC recieving flights and KVO to finally be able to recieve flights.
Official source:
Gde su sad oni sto pricaju da SRB nikad nece da dobije CAT1.Da ASL nece da leti nikad za Ameriku:).
ReplyDeleteMora da placu za Propalim.
ZAG A333 visit on 27JUN
ReplyDeleteinbound passenger on A333 were 281 from IST. Outbound 80 passengers.
on the A319 same day inbound 109 Pax and outbound 110
so total TK Passenger Count in ZAG for 27JUN was 580
OMG Zagreb is on fire! I expect at 15% growth at the end of the year!
Shame for Air Croatia. Business model was interesting, I was hoping it would take off.
ReplyDeleteGreat news for Serbia. They should code share with AirBerlin immediately on US bound flights.
With Alitalia soon joining Etihad's family, would they keep S America destinations in the network or feed Etihad's flights to SA
Shame to see Air Croatia go, they seemed to be promising. What will be of that CSA ac that was supposed to be used?
ReplyDeleteBetter yet what's going to happen with. CSA flight to. Zagreb
ReplyDeleteOT: YU-APG entering service...heading to SVO
ReplyDeleteYU-APG just took off for Moscow!!!
ReplyDeleteSo thats 9th airbus for ASL. Anyone knows which one will be 10th, and when will it be in BEG?
DeleteToday keeps on getting better and better for Serbia. First Aviokarta.net confirmed that BEG will hit 450.000+ during June, then we got news about FAA giving Serbia Cat1, and now YU-APG enters service.
DeleteI only find it annoying when tourists act as though every single person is on vacation, and are oblivious to the fact that there are locals who have places to be and things to do, and are in a hurry to finish everything that needs to be done.Thanks for sharing the useful information.