Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo record growth

EX-YU capital cities see summer growth

The airports in Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo have all seen their passenger numbers improve in June compared to the same month last year. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport led the way, recording its busiest month on record. It saw 451.324 passengers pass through its doors, an impressive increase of 28.8% compared to June 2013. Results in other areas such as flight operations and handled cargo also improved. Nikola Tesla Airport recorded 5.602 arrivals and departures, up 28.7% on last year’s 4.354 flight operations. In addition, the airport handled 747.681 kilograms of cargo, up 20.3%. So far this year, Belgrade has welcomed 1.988.564 passengers, an increase of 32% compared to the same period last year.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN270.784 28.9
FEB232.061 33.8
MAR282.447 28.2
APR368.171 46.2
MAY383.773 27.5
JUN451.324 28.8

Zagreb Airport also put in a sound performance as it handled 243.984 travellers in June. The figure represents a 6.8% increase on last year. The result comes despite a 3.8% decrease in the number of operated flights to Zagreb. This is primarily because in late June 2013 the airport saw a significant number of flights carrying government officials and dignitaries to the Croatian capital to mark the country’s entry into the European Union on July 1. The amount of handled cargo is also down slightly. During the month, Zagreb welcomed its millionth passenger for the year, six days ahead of 2013. During the first half of 2014, Zagreb Airport handled 1.083.706 passengers, an increase of 2.1% on last year.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN135.758 2.6
MAR165.336 5.7
APR192.443 3.1
MAY217.775 5.9
JUN243.984 6.8

Finally, Sarajevo Airport has seen its passenger numbers rise 2.8% this June. The airport welcomed 74.976 travellers. The modest rise comes despite an 11% surge in the number of operated flights, which totalled 585. The amount of handled cargo also soared by 17%. “The passenger increase comes as a result of new routes as well as an increase in the number of charter flights over the summer season”, the airport said in a statement. It added, “Further growth is expected in the coming period and the airport anticipates handling close to 700.000 passengers by the end of the year, surpassing last year’s record figure of over 650.000 travellers”. In the first half of 2014, Sarajevo welcomed 320.438 passengers, an increase of 5.5%.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN36.114 8.0


  1. Anonymous09:41

    Good results for all. Imagine how well Sarajevo could be doing if it had a proper national airline.

  2. Anonymous09:49

    For Croatian people on this Blog

    1. Anonymous18:03

      come one, Jutarnji list sometimes comes up with really stupid stories, pits The Sun and Daily Fail to shame.

  3. Anonymous10:10

    INI; 273 days without a flight.

  4. JU520 BEGLAX10:16

    451000 is quite massiv. Wondering if they ll hit the 500k in Jul or Aug
    451:30=15033 daily pax:apx 19 hours ops=791
    Means all 15 min an a/c dep in average with a load of almost 100 pax. Same for arr.
    Bravo Belgrade and of course hats off to ZAG and SJJ as well

    1. Anonymous10:49

      Jos kad ASL pocne letove za KORD i ZBAA.
      Najvise bi voleo sa B787 :)

    2. Anonymous10:41

      Wonder if AirSerbia would make those fly on time :)))

  5. Anonymous11:44

    It woyld be nice to see a breakdown of how many passengers are transfer passengers compared to point to point.

  6. Purger12:18

    Vodi se rasprava na CAF-u vezano uz jučerašnju temu, pa i moj skroman doprinos (nema smisla popunjavati dalje jučerašnji post jer je pretrpan sa 200 komentara i uzašno spor radi toga).

    Dok je Wizz došao bili su presretni i kovali taj deal u zvijezde, i vjerovatno je politička vrhuška tražila od diše da to napravi, sve je bilo super. Wizz je bio najbolji na svijetu, izvukao je BEG dok je Jat bio na koljenima. A onda dolazi Vučić sa svojim projektom Air Serbije, drugačijim od DC-ovog Wizza. I prvo se ukinu sve privilegije drugim prijevoznicima (u prvom redu Wizzu), onda se smisli novi zakon kojim se privilegije daju samo Air Serbiji.

    E sad ni to nije OK. Znaš da se slažem sa tobom da treba pomagati nacionalnog prijevoznika, i to jako pomagati na sve načine. I ja sam prvi za to. Ali logika po kojoj

    1.300.000 putnika Air Serbija = 100% popusta
    500.000 putnika Wizzair = 0%
    300.000 putnika Lufthansa grupa (Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian, Germanwings) = 0%
    200.000 putnika Turkish = 0%

    ...ipak jest krajnje nepoštena, suprotna sa svim principima poslovanja, protekcionistička i ima za cilj stvaranje monopola. Pošten pristup bi bio:

    - popust na broj prevezenih putnika (daleko više bi dobila Air Serbija, manje Wizz, još manje ostali)
    - popust na broj linija i frekvencija (i opet daleko više bi dobila Air Serbija, nešto Wizza i LH grupa, nitko drugi ništa)
    - popust na novo pokrenute linije (i opet bi tu profitirala Air Serbija koja je otvorila 10 novih destinacija, nešto malo bi mogao dobiti Wizz)
    - popust na baziranje aviona (uz Air Serbiju tu bi dobio nešto samo Wizz, no daleko manje jer Air Serbija ima 18 aviona, a Wizz tek 2)
    - popust na sjedište firme u Srbiji (samo Air Serbija)
    - sudjelovanje BEG u podržavanju PSO umanjenjem troška zračne luke za PSO linije koje je odlučila Srbija (to bi za Air Serbiju mogle biti linije prema tamo gdje imaju dijasporu kao što su BNX, TGD, TIV i SJJ, eventualno SPU, ZAD i RJK)

    No, jednima dati da ne uplačuju niti dinara, a drugi moraju plačati maksimalni iznos je mnogo čak i za Sjevernu Koreju. Čudim se kompanijama da ne pokrenu sudske sporove ili traže zaštitu od Europske unije.

    1. Anonymous12:39

      Purger nemogu da tuze kad i oni kod Kuce svoje imaju zastite.
      Za ostata 10:)

    2. Purger13:20

      Imaju, ali po ovim principima po kojima sam napisao. A po istim tim principima nešto bi popusta dobio Wizz (bazirani avion, broj putnika, broj linija, nove linije), nešto Lufthansa (broj putnika, evenutalno nova linija), Turkish (broj putnika), i možda neki sitni popust još netko (Montenegro, Aeroflot, easyJet).

      I da se razumijemo i onda bi Air Serbija dobivala gro popusta, a ostali bitno manje, ali ne bi bilo da samo Air Serbija dobiva popust. To je nelegalno.

      Postoji i jedna vrst popust za koji Air Serbija ne bi mogla tražiti ostvarenje, a to je popust na letove izvan vršnog opterečenja (špice, tj. u valovima koji rade najveću gužvu na aerodromu), a to se obično koristi za LCC da ih se motivira da dolaze izvan valova nacionalnog prijevoznika, pa da se radnici i oprema razdjele ravnomjerno, a ne samo u vršnom opterečenju (naravno, uz izuzetak pokojeg JU chartera ili leta izvan špice, što je zanemarivo). No, ovo nije predmet naše rasprave ukoliko govorimo o "legalnom" pogodovanju nacionalnom prijevozniku.

    3. Anonymous13:23

      AF, BA, TK... have discounts in FRA, not just LH.
      LH, TK, BA, 4U have discounts in CDG not just AF.
      Lot of companies have discounts in LHR not just BA.

      etc. etc.

      How comes that in BEG just and only JU has dicount?

    4. Anonymous13:30

      Other airlines also have discounts at BEG. Read the regulations passed on December 30 2013

    5. Anonymous14:26

      No, that is not true. First of all they don't have most of discounts Air Serbia has, second discounts they have are disproportionate. On which chriteria JU can have 100% discount in landing and handling, and how much LH, TK, W6 and ohters have dicounts for landing and handling?

    6. Anonymous14:46

      I don't know how many times someone needs to say this but Air Serbia does not pay BEG airport for handling because it has its OWN handling company - Air Serbia Ground Handling Services - registered in the state registry as a separate entity. Other airlines flying to Belgrade have to use services provided by BEG Airport and have to pay for them.

    7. Anonymous15:29

      There isn't anything ilegal here. Air Serbia is getting government subsidies to help kickstart it. There is no law prohibiting this.

    8. Anonymous18:10

      Yes it is. If you want to become EU member you must act by EU law.

      If you will not you will not have any chance for closing transportation chapter and become member.

  7. Anonymous13:27

    Ocigledno je da Vlada na ovaj nacin otplacuje obaveze koje su prihvatili ugovorom sa Etihadom. Ako je vjerovati onom draft ugovoru, jedan od clanova je kao investiciju prepoznavao i smanjenje aerodromskih taksi i cjena goriva.

  8. Anonymous14:05

    Timisoara will have Charleroi flights (aviokarta). This will also affect Ryanairs future INI flights to this airport, since less Belgraders would go to INI and fly from there, but instead, they will go to Timisoara. Not the most of them of course, but some people yes...

    1. Anonymous14:27

      Ryanair in INI?????

    2. Anonymous16:26

      Nis authorities and Nis tourist organization chief said it will be someone who they were negotiating multiple times with (Ryanair), who were visiting each other (Charleroi), and which is tied with the situatuon that is going on at BEG (Wizz cut down flights to Charleroi).

    3. Anonymous21:26

      And also with another low cost airline from the same source

  9. Anonymous14:21

    Great growth. So, we agree that BEG will be the first to reach 5 million pax, and probably sooner rather than later. But which one will be the first to reach 10 million? You can bet it won't be any of these three. Will it be DBV? SPU? TIA perhaps?

    1. Anonymous14:24

      I think TIA numbers have been declining rapidly this year.

  10. AirCEO16:50

    Next one in the region to reach 10 mil is OTP.

  11. Anonymous16:55

    June at SPU 236.291 +3.5%
    This is small growth mostly due to strong performance in June '13, also this June had one Saturday less than June '13, and we all know how traffic is strong at SPU on that day...

  12. Anonymous17:26

    From what I can see on BEG airport website the Beirut flights by Air Serbia have been upgraded from airbus 319 to 320. Are the loads that good or is it lack of equipment?

    1. QR92120:32

      155 pax to BEY last night.

    2. Anonymous21:03

      no way, that means even the 8 business seats were full, cause I know that capacity of the airbus 320 is 155 seats. I suppose its because of Ramadan when muslims tend to travel more.
      btw how is Tel Aviv route doing?

    3. Anonymous10:45

      What JU wished for: 7pw * 128 pax (A319) = 896/week capacity
      What JU got: 5pw * 155 pax (A320) = 775/week capacity

      By upgrading to A320, they managed to squeeze in capacity of another A319.

    4. Anonymous10:49

      Btw, Beirut seems to be the most problematic route in terms of on time performance. Probably because of 0 O&D, and 100% transit pax.
      They should try to re-schedule this flight, to leave more time between flights because it's creating havoc in JU's timetable.

      JU 826 BEIRUT 23:40 (03.07.) 00:35 (04.07.) C2 Airbus A320 Airborne at 00:45
      JU 826 BEIRUT 23:40 (04.07.) 00:15 C5 Airbus A320 Airborne at 01:39

  13. Anonymous18:18

    do you have SKP info for June? Thanks

    1. Anonymous20:21

      ^Whats going on in Skopje? From what I understand Albanians are protesting against the sentence issued to 5 Albanian killers.

  14. Anonymous20:31

    For some unexplainable reason, 6% growth at ZAG seems more WOW than 30% growth at BEG...

    1. Anonymous20:35

      If it's unexplainable, try not to think so hard about it!

    2. Anonymous23:26

      "Fraternity & Unity" (don't like it, too)


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