Wizz Air confronts Air Serbia over Belgrade arrest

Wizz Air denies wrongdoing and attacks "wannabe monopolists"

The CEO of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Velimir Radosavljević, was arrested yesterday morning, accused of concluding a damaging agreement with low cost airline Wizz Air. Earlier this year the Serbian government launched an investigation into alleged benefits Wizz Air received from Belgrade Airport since opening its base there in 2011. Reportedly, the airport discounted passenger taxes, handling, landing and service fees for the low cost airline over the past three years. According to the investigation’s findings, Wizz Air saved 5.4 million euros at Belgrade Airport since 2011, including a 20% discount for using terminal one, a 45% discount on handling and infrastructure use, 30% reduction on landing, 100% discount on the use of air bridges, 30% reduction on parking and lighting, 45% off for night time handling and a 45% discount on using other airport infrastructure at night time. According to the Interior Ministry, the terms of the agreement were negotiated solely by Mr. Radosavljević and went against existing legislation at the time. On December 30, 2013, the government introduced terms and conditions under which airlines can be stimulated and receive benefits from Serbia’s busiest airport, however, they did not apply when Mr. Radosavljević made the agreement with the no frills airline. Wizz Air scaled back its operations from Belgrade in May after its benefits were suspended.

In a statement, the Interior Ministry says the airport’s CEO will be detained in custody for 48 hours. Mr. Radosavljević became the airport’s top man in 2009, replacing Bojan Krišto who resigned after it was revealed he paid out massive bonuses to himself and members of the management team following the airport’s sound financial results. Mr. Radosavljevič was previously Mr. Krišto’s deputy. In a similar fashion to his predecessor, Mr. Radosavljevič became CEO upon the nomination of the United Regions of Serbia party which failed to surpass the necessary 5% threshold to enter parliament at the recent March elections. Mr. Radosalvjević was last seen at a work related function at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon when, together with the Portuguese Ambassador to Serbia, he welcomed TAP Portugal as the airport’s latest customer.

Timeline of events (click to enlarge)

Wizz Air has responded angrily to yesterday’s allegations, denying any wrongdoing and labelling Air Serbia and Etihad Airways as “wannabe monopolists”. “Wizz Air rejects any suggestions of irregularities in connection with the commercial agreement it concluded between Belgrade Airport”, the airline’s spokesperson Daniel de Carvalho said. He added, “In contrast to the false allegations, Wizz Air passenger numbers at Belgrade Airport increased 800% between 2010 and 2013, while the airport’s total passenger numbers increased 31%, making Wizz Air the main driver of the airport’s growth. Unfortunately, Serbian passengers and tourists now have to stand aside while their choices gradually diminish as a result of a full fare ‘wannabe’ monopolist Etihad/Air Serbia. The unhealthy obsession of releasing false statements relating to the agreement between Wizz Air and Belgrade Airport comes at an ideal time, of course, when the takeover agreement is being investigated by the European Union and when the Commission for Control of State Aid revealed that Etihad/Air Serbia will use the non-transparent incentive scheme, which has been tailored to protect the Etihad/Air Serbia business model which is focused on transit passengers, so as to reduce airport taxes by 100% and thus allow this full fare airline to pay airport taxes to the amount of zero dinars”. Neither Air Serbia, nor Etihad, have responded to Wizz Air’s statement.

So far this year Belgrade Airport has seen record passenger numbers. The Serbian government has said it will give the airport up for concession this year. It has already held talks with two companies from the United Arab Emirates over the concession which entails the construction of a new terminal, runway, hotel and other related infrastructure.


  1. Anonymous09:04

    Will he also be charged for not charging ANY fees to Jat Airways and now AirSerbia? As far as I understand, Jat Airways has a debt of tens of millions of euros which will never be paid, it never transferred the airport service charged (paid by its customers) to BEG, nor is AirSerbia doing any better with payments, and it has been waived of many fees.

    1. Anonymous09:15

      Here come the predictable comments .... how boring .... The only thing that this proves - which Wizz Air conveniently refuses to acknowledge - is that their business model is not sustainable, relying solely on concessions ... if it is that bad, why are they continuing to fly to BEG ? The simple truth is that they were losing huge market share on the routes that they withdrew from, because they were unable to compete against a reinvigorated Serbian national airline - which mind you, is critical for Serbia, because of the direct and indirect employment it provides to the national economy. Oxford Economics has said that Air Serbia provides employment for some 21,000 Serbian citizens and contributes to 1.5% of the country's GDP. This is the story that is barely ever mentioned or spoken about ... that is the real benefit that a strong national carrier brings to the nation ...

    2. Anonymous09:31

      No air company can compete Air Serbia with 100% discount of air tax. That is why Swiss cut frequencies and Germanwings stop flying.

    3. Anonymous09:40

      Why then did TAP and Vueling start flying? Why did LOT increase frequencies? Why did Easyjet start new route to Rome? Maybe Swiss cuts frequencies because it is competing against Easyjet and Etihad on the same route?

    4. Anonymous09:50

      because they sighn contracts before this shame subventions. Just wait. Swiss, Germanwings and Wizzair is not end!

    5. Anonymous09:51

      Again since you can't read Why then did TAP and Vueling start flying? Why did LOT increase frequencies? Why did Easyjet start new route to Rome?

    6. Anonymous09:55

      just wait! EasyJet is still subvent, and TAP and LOT will leave BEG in notime.

    7. Anonymous10:01

      Sure. Just like Etihad's takeover was an april's fools joke, just like BEG was never going to record growth, just like BEG will never see longhaul flights. Don't know if you checked BEG's passenger numbers. And esyjet like any other airline can apply for subventions legally unlike Wizz Air. And you are the same troll writing "subvent" and "doter:,

    8. Anonymous10:03


      Friday, September 27, 2013
      Wizz Air to discontinue Belgrade - Oslo service

      Notice the DATE. They announced they were suspending flight to Oslo a long time ago and then they used it as an argument 6 months later

    9. Anonymous10:28

      And they suspend one route and you conclude something?

      No, it is not like Etihad takeover, BEG record growth etc. I never say so. But, it is like "wizz is in BEG because of potential and huge traffic not because of subventions".

      True is Serbia subvent Air Serbia hard and will make monopoly in BEG. That will be paid by tax payers and at the end will be very bad for us passengers.

    10. Anonymous10:43

      LOT,TAP I easyJet nece napustiti LYBE:)
      Bice i preko okeanskih letova iz BEG uskoro.
      Sto se nepovlace DLH ,AUA i QTR:)
      Mnogo se pravite pametni prvo pocistite svoje raspalo Dvoriste.

    11. Anonymous11:06

      Pa LH je već smanjila broj letova, a uskoro će i ostali.

    12. Anonymous11:09

      Po vasoj Hrvatskoj prici(osim Purgera) Beograd ce sve moguce Aviokompanije da napuste.I samo ce kompanije prijateljskih Zemalja ostati.
      Ocistite svoje raspalo Dvoriste.;)

    13. Anonymous11:25

      Nece sve, ali vecina hoce. Mnogo je brzo krenulo. Lufthansa (rezanje letova), Swiss (rezanje letova), Turkish (rezanje letova), Wizz (rezanje letova), Adrija (napuštanje), Germanwings (napuštanje). A tek je pola godine prošlo. Malo li je?

    14. Anonymous11:39

      Najnovija Vest zbog odlaska svih Kompanija iz Beograda, raste veiko interesovanje za letove iz Zagreb (Posto mi Srbi nemozemo da letimo vise iz BEG).Zbog toga su Rusija i Amerika stacionirale po 15 Space Shuttla za letove na Mesec iz Zagreba zbog velike Isplaljivosti (LF101%)
      A ja nisam verovao Hrvatskim analiticarima sa EX YU BLOGA :)

    15. Anonymous12:50

      Е стварно си сировина, мајке ми.

      Дечја посла. Јел може админ ограничити расправу на барем иоле одрасле особе? Или бар нека отвори подфорум "дечји вртић".

      Срамотиш нас све на овом форуму. Срамота бре.

    16. Anonymous13:11

      Ja nikog ne sramotim moram da branim svoj Aerodrom.

    17. Anonymous13:25

      Ljubomora je gadna Bolest.

    18. Anonymous13:46

      @AnonymousJuly 3, 2014 at 11:39 AM INN

      Zakaj ti upeljavas Hrvatsku i Zagreb u ovoaj kontekst, nema nikave veza sa kaj ide u Beogradu, to je tvoja ludnica i bum prosil da ne upetljavas nas u vase gluposti, imamo dovoljo nasih gluposti da nas brinu.

      Ali da ti isto velim, ako Air Serbia i Beogradska zracna luka imaju dobar odnos i i idem im dobro ne vidim razloga da se nesto promjeni tu, sve im najbolje tam, nek Air Serbia ima 90% svih putinka i letova is Beograda, to kaj se mene tice, naravno ne znam da li bi bilo bas najbolje za putnike u Srbiji ali kad se govori o velikom novcu ljudi su samo distrakcija. ;)

    19. Anonymous13:52

      Ne mislim ja na sve vas nego na te provokatore.
      I ja bi voleo da i CTN I ASL imaju porudzbine od po 15 A380;)

    20. Anonymous14:56

      dečec koji pokušavaš pisat na kajkavici da se ohladi jer ti baš i nejde.

      nema nikakve veze sa kaj ide u Beograd? = kaj bi tu "kaj" trebalo predstavljati

      "i bum prosil" = i bi prosil

      gluposti = bedastoće

      "da nas brinu" = da nas brineju

      "al da ti isto velim" = Još bi ti štel reči (ili povedati) ili ak baš hočeš reči "velim" onda "Velim ti još i"

      nema "dakanja" u kajkavici, to je srpski, pa rečenica "i ide im dobro ne vidim razloga da se nešto promijeni tu" = "i zato kaj im ide dobro tu se ništ ne treba menjati"

      "sve im najbolje tam" = nek im je tam sve najbolje

      velikom = velkom

      distrakcija = distrukcija

      ...fino si me nasmijal. Ovaj srbo-kajkavski je za ponoreti. No, baš si dečec INN! Lepo ti ljudi veliju, naj se sramotiti. Sramotiš celu svoju naciju, kaj ti to treba?

    21. Anonymous16:04

      @AnonymousJuly 3, 2014 at 2:56 PM

      a malo se ohladi, nisam ja INN,

      Nisam pisel/pisal na kajkavici, pisal sam na kak ja normalno pisem doma, na zagrebacki. ali moras mi oprostiti zivim u Hollandiji tak da malo sam zabopravil 100% kajakvicu, ja sam ti Purger, ne seljak iz Zaboka, ali zivim i radim u Hollandii ili Nizozemskoj, ne ja sam pola Nizozemac, pola Hrvat.

      A sad malo kaj sam napravil greske to I tamo, pa nisam zivil u Hrvatskoj dugo tak da mi moras malo dati ovdi,

      Da malo sam zafrkal ovdi tak.

      Brinu - normalo se veli tak u Zagrebu,
      Distrakcija - distraction, ometati nekog, zbuiniti
      Distrukcija - to destroy (ne isto) ;)

      dakanja ? nisam nikad cuo za to rijec.

      "ako Air Serbia i Beogradska zracna luka imaju dobar odnos i i idem im dobro ne vidim razloga da se nesto promjeni tu,"

      Ja ne pravim cinjenicu tu, ak im ide dobro, super za njih, nek nas ostave na miru, mi emamo sa njima nikaj tak da ne vidim razlog da nas spominju tam.

      Tak da malo moras gledati u context to je bilo napisano, nije znacilo kao cinjenica,.

    22. Anonymous16:49

      O Bože!

  2. I don't understand... what was the guy actually arrested for? Did he actually take bribes or do anything illegal?

    1. Anonymous09:17

      He gave away concessions which he was at the time, prohibited from being allowed to do ... Like everywhere, you have to work within the rules/laws - which he didn't and will now suffer the consequences for doing do

    2. Anonymous09:34

      So it was prohibited on that time, but they change law at the end of the year just because of Air Serbia/Etihad. How nice! And it was unmoral and not fair than but now it is OK. He is arrested because of something that is more than OK now.

      Balkane, Balkane, Balkane moj!

    3. Anonymous09:37

      Yes but the subsidies allowed today are much less than what Wizz Air got. I\m sure ex-YU wrote recently about what type of incentives airlines can get at BEG

    4. Anonymous09:43

      100% is less? What is more than 100%? One can just presume what other benefits Air Serbia gets from BEG.

    5. Anonymous09:44

      How do you know its 100%. You are taking the word of Wizz Air which until last year said they don't get any benefits at BEG. lol

    6. Anonymous09:52

      It was published several days ago by Serbian Agency for competition. So it is official information.

    7. Anonymous09:53

      Air Serbia gets what its shareholder ie. Govt of Serbia gives it .... Why is that so hard to grasp ?

    8. Anonymous09:56

      It was published in February. Then this site reported it and then everyone started quoting this report because no Serbian media reported it anywhere. If Wizz Air knew about the report they would have used it in their attacks on Air Serbia back in March when they were reducing flights. So now we know Wizz Air follows this blog ;) And there is a difference between handling fees and taxes. Air Serbia pays taxes but it doesn't pay handling because it has its own handling company.

    9. Anonymous10:10

      A lot of people read this blog. I can tell you from own knowledge that everyone at JU and BEG reads it. Delta also reads because they used this blog as a reference in their report about competition in Serbia.

    10. Anonymous10:30

      And Barak Obama also.

    11. Anonymous10:53

      Delta Airlines is a joke.

    12. Anonymous11:13

      Delta is a joke? 2nd the biggest company in the World?

      Congratulations! Delta is joke = Air Serbia is Nebeska kompanija. What is Delta comparing to Air Serbia? Nothing, joke! O Bože!

    13. Anonymous11:22

      Ja ne uporedjujem Deltu i Air Srbiju.
      I Delta nije 2 na svetu Dr Nauka nego 4 ;)
      I pitaj putnike sta misle o Delta Airlinessu.
      Delta is a joke comparing to LH,EK,EY i AF-KLM:

    14. Anonymous11:34

      Sine i opet ti djeliš epitete. Tišina i u pjesak se igrat. A kad školu završiš onda ćemo ti pustit da gledaš kako ozbiljni ljudi rade. Balavac šrmkavi i bezobrazni.

      By number of passengers
      1. American Airlines 194 millions pax
      2. Delta 165 million
      3. United 139 million
      4. Southwest 133 million
      5. Ryanair 81 million
      6. China Eastern 79 million
      7. Lufthansa 76 million
      8. China southern 64 million
      9. easyJet 61 million
      10. Air China 51 million

      by fleet
      1. American 1.537 planes
      2. United 1.265
      3. Delta 909
      4. Sotuhwest 676
      5. China Eastern 451

    15. Anonymous11:40

      INN dete, iritantan si, bre. Sjaši više keve ti.

    16. Anonymous11:48

      Anonymous at 11:34 AM
      1 hvala na uvredama =D
      2 a to by fleet Delta je 1
      Bolje se skolovati nego ostati primitivan;)

    17. Anonymous12:53

      Uvrede? Jel da se potpisujem sa Dr.Nauka? Šmrkavac nevaspitani

      Kako je by fleet Delta 2, ako American i United imaju daleko više aviona?

    18. Anonymous13:08

      1 si poceo sa Nebeska kompanija a ja takve osobe volim da provociram Istinom ;)
      Jesam smrkavac i sta sad,skolujem se da nebudem Primitivan kao neki

    19. A zasto onda sebi dajes za pravo da svima govoris da se 'neprave' pametni, a da sam to radis?
      Sto se tice flote, u potpunosti je u pravu. Zajedno mainline i regional aviona Delta ima manje od Americana (AA+US) i Uniteda (UA+CO)

    20. Anonymous14:33

      kraspeed ja se samo pravim tad pametan ako znam Materiju:)
      A pogresno sam napiso hteo sam By revenue je DLH

    21. Anonymous15:08

      and reveune is relevant date? Profit, fleet, miles per pax, number of passengers is not but revenua is? Kingfisher revenue was superhigh, but still the bancrupt? So?

      Дете си и немаш појма. Далеко си од тога да познајеш материју. Солиш памет и делиш пацке људима који познају материју, а ниси ни свестан колико појма немаш. Донекле је симпатично гледати како ниси свестан своје небулозе, али постаје напорно и иритирајуће. Није сведок Пријетељев тата који је статион менађер у ИНН. Убери, он је толико мали да не може да даје релевантне информације ни икакав суд.

      А то што се школујеш, је више него ОК. Браво за тебе! Али јави се кад се одшколујеш, па још мало радиш и скупиш искуства, па ћемо онда да разговарамо.

    22. Anonymous17:52

      Anonymous at 3:08 PM
      Otac od mog Druga je na visokoj funkciji u Austrianu, sedi u Becu.Ide na sastanke po Svetu.On sedi 3 kancelariju od Karstena Benza.
      By revenue je DLH prva raspitaj se prvo pa onda soli Pamet drugima.
      Necu da dopustim da drgi vredjaju sve sto se zove ASL i LYBE ;)

    23. Cime je on uopste solio pamet drugima? Rekao je da profit nije toliko bitan. Bitan je faktor i velicina flote, broj destinacija, putnika itd prema kojim se porede sa drugima.
      A ti, kad neko da i najmanju kritiku ASL i LYBE, ili bilo sta drugo, ukljucujuci i tvoj INN, shvatis kao licnu prozivku. Umesto da nadjes odgovarajuci protiv argument, ti krenes da vredjas bez ikakvog razloga. Evo danas si u raspravi o LYBE krenuo potpuno niotkuda da vredjas OU. Odrasti...

    24. Anonymous22:54

      kraspeed priznam jesam pretero, ali jel neki Srbin kad je O2 reko da napusta ZAG rekao da ce sad svi da napuste ZAG.
      Oni su odma krenuli da pricaju kako ce svi da odu iz BEG , da ASL ima Monopol (da ima Monopol nebi niko osim ASL leteo)
      Ajde odg jel i 1 srbin to radi kad neko napusta Zag:)
      + Ispada da Lazem da nzm Menedzera u OS.

    25. Anonymous01:52

      Dete de odrasti više pa da nas ne smaraš toliko.

      LH is not 1st but 2nd by revenue. And revenue is not profit. You can have high revenue (like Kingfisher) but without any profit at all. Even more with high revenue you can easily go to bancrupcy (like Kingfscher). Unfrortuantly that is reality in air trafic.

    26. Anonymous09:41

      Smaram zato sto branim ASL na koji ste vi ljubomorni ;)
      By revenue sam mozda gledao malo stariju Forbsovu listu.

  3. Anonymous09:36

    Why do you keep calling BEG serbia's busiest airport?

    Be honest, it is serbia's ONLY airport.

    1. Anonymous09:38

      Why do you keep being so boring? There are other international airports in Serbia.

    2. Anonymous09:44

      Not with any flights going to them, a airport without flights is not a airport. So thre are not any other operational airports in serbia. Why do you think it's boring to tell the truth?

    3. Anonymous09:46

      plural? airports?

      one that never had traffic and one that does not have traffic any more.

      On that way Varaždin and Ploče are Croatian international airports. OK in Ploče last plan landed 6 years ago, but still that is more traffic that Morava ever had.

    4. Anonymous09:49

      Look even if its Serbia's only airport the statement is true. It's Serbia's busiest airport. Instead of discussing the topic you bring up the same thing over and over again.

    5. Anonymous09:53

      So if you have one ugly doter it is the nicest one?

    6. Anonymous09:58

      Yes actually. Unfortunately judging by your language and arguments I don't think you have any nice intentions for a normal discussion. You just wanted to troll.

    7. Anonymous10:35

      Luckily you are international expert in judging and undisputed authority in designating one a troll

    8. Anonymous10:36

      OMG can't wait for INI fligts just because of you guys with that stupid "bussiest/only" remarks...

    9. Anon @10:35
      And luckily you are international expert in judging and undisputed authority in designating one an airport

    10. Anonymous10:53

      OMG, I can't believe you aren't already aware that Freebird already cancelled ALL their seasonal flights from INI this year.

      You will have a long, long wait . And BEG will still be the only functional airport in the country.

    11. Anonymous10:55

      Pa BEG ce imati ove godine vise putnika nego svi Hrvatski Aerodromi zajedno:)

    12. Anonymous10:58

      Yeah right! BEG will do over 6 million?

      That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

    13. Anonymous11:05

      Znas sta je jos smesnije kad spomenes nekom LH Manageru OU covek crkne od smeha :)

    14. Anonymous11:12

      I stand corrected.

      THAT is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

    15. Anonymous11:17

      Hrvatske zračne luke će ove godine imati preko 7 milijuna putnika. Molim te, objasni mi kojim čudom će BEG to dostići? Čovječe pa nije ni blizu, a hrvatski zračni promet i dalje raste (25% na 3,5 milijuna je manje nego 25% na 6,5 milijuna)

    16. Anonymous11:19

      Yeah, chartets are important, right.

      Okay, see you guys in september-october when flights from INI begin. :*

    17. Anonymous11:23

      What flights from INI? Are etihad going to run a 380 to toronto from there?

    18. Anonymous11:32

      Hrvatskih 8 Aerodroma ili koliko vec ce imati preko 7 Miliona putnika OK. Ali Beg sam ce imati preko 5 ja se nadam:

    19. Anonymous11:38

      Naravno. Ma ne preko 5, imat će bar 20 miliona. I to do novembra.

      Jesi li ti svestan, genije, da bi 5 miliona, trebalo da bude 50 odsto povečanja prema prošloj godine.

    20. Anonymous11:54

      Kolko ce ono Zagreb imati ove godine putnika;)
      A leto je pred nama mozda BEG dozivi 50%.
      A vi prvi uvek pocinjete, odma pricate kako ce sve zive kompanije otici iz LYBE.
      Niko od nas nije tako prico kad je EZY napustao Zagreb;)

    21. Anonymous12:01

      What difference does the numbers at Zag make? Croatia has 8 operational airports, serbia has 1.

      On national figures, serbia is lucky to get half the passenger numbers that Croatia has.

      And when the flights from China start in October Zagreb will leave belgrade in the dust...

    22. Anonymous12:10

      ahahahha Oce iz Kine ce da lete sa kojom Kompanijom i Avionom ni to se nezna da nece mozda Dalmatian sa A346
      A Gopodine zaboravljas da Air Srbija krece sa letovima za CHICAGO ;)

    23. Anonymous12:15

      Don't forget that the Chinese have 10 Billion to spend. They have announced flights and they have the cash and passengers to make it a success.

      Jat is still a busted ass carrier that has to beg it's Arab masters for everything, if you believe they will fly to Chicago, you probably also believe in Unicorns.

    24. Anonymous12:25

      Anonymous at 12:15 PM
      Videces za 1 godinu da ce da lete za Chicago.
      A bolje biti ass carrier nego Lufthansina K...a;)

    25. Anonymous12:35

      Really? you think it's better to be a pathetic busted ass carrier that has to beg their masters for cash.

      Than to be a member of the world's largest airline alliance, as well as a close operating relationship with one of the worlds oldest and respected carriers?

      Maybe etihad will fly belgrade - Chicago but serb air never will.

      I think you need to go and feed your Unicorn.

    26. zoran12:43

      If You're domestic traveler, for return flight, You would be count as 4 passengers ( two inbound and two outbound). So the real number of passengers should be divided by 2 for domestic flights. If CRO has half domestic passangers of 6 mill. last year that would be real 4.5 mill. If BEG this year reaches 4.5 mill. this year and continue increase with this digit next year it will rollover all Croatian by real passengers.

    27. Anonymous12:48

      LH Menedzera kad pitas za OU covek crkne od smeha i kaze kako ste nebitni u allianci.
      Imate li Kodove na letovima Singapur Airlinesa.
      Vi ste Lufthansina Marioneta
      Otac od mog Druga je Menedzer u OS i kaze kako je OU regionalni clan Star Alliance i nije bitna, samo se koristi.

    28. Anonymous12:59

      In domestic flights there is less than 200.000 pax. So don't be so happey about that theory.

      Istina OU nije bitna u Star Alliance. To nitko ne spori. No, još uvijek jest u alijansi, ima code-share sa nizom članova alinase, koristi usluge i osoblje Star Alliancea dilje Europe... nešto što niz kompanija može samo sanjati.

    29. Anonymous13:22

      Anonymous at 1:18 PM
      Svaka cast.
      Ali mi nesmemo nista da kazemo protiv nijih.
      Kad neke Kompanije napustaju ZAG ,niko od nas Srba ne pise po 50 komentara da OU ima Monopol- da ce svi napustiti Aerodrom Zagreb.
      A kad im uzvratis odma vredjaju.
      Ja cu uvek braniti svoj Aerodrom LYBE..

    30. Anonymous13:28

      Anonymous at 12:15 PM .... I can just see those Chinese passengers looking for the Chinese language page on Dalmatian and Air Croatia website - busting their nuts trying to get to Croatia ... Err, maybe not ... Sorry, i meant looking for the Chinese language page on the website of that other heavyweight airline of yours - Croatia Airlines. Wait, are they still around ?? I didn't check the news today ... Recent Croatian failures have been quite a common occurance, haven't they ? But don't worry, that other global heavyweight Garuda will save your emaciated airline ... C'mon people - why is it so hard to admit the fact that the state of your airline industry is a joke - barely there with barely a pulse and in the IC unit just waiting for the last rites ... If it wasn't for an influx of foreign carriers - incl AIR SERBIA - to save your summer season, you'd be screwed .... I wouldn't therefore be throwing too many stones at Air Serbia - given the parlous state of your airlines and airline industry. Air Serbia certainly isn't perfect, but it's going in the right direction and carrying more pax than all of the other ex-yu carriers combined ... And, what must be super hard for you to swallow, is the fact that Air Serbia has as its 49% shareholder, the world's most successful airline ... i can't imagine how painful it must be to look over the fence and to see that

    31. Anonymous15:14

      for now Air Serbi does not have more pax than Croatia Airlines, and to say that Adria, Croatia, Montenegro, Trade Air and Air Bosna have less pax combined than Air Serbia you should be ider blind, ider... OK let's stop here.

    32. Anonymous15:26

      Air Serbia has dethroned Croatia Airlines to become the busiest carrier in the former Yugoslavia in the first quarter. In the first three months of the year, Air Serbia handled 368.389 passengers, an increase of 66.3% compared to the same period last year. On the other hand, Croatia Airlines welcomed 292.524 travellers on board its aircraft, a decrease of 6.5% on 2013.

    33. Anonymous16:52

      So, we all know that CTN traffic in 2nd and 3rd Q is huge, you can not compare that to Q1 or Q4. So, we will see after Q3.

    34. Anonymous00:06

      No, we will see at the end of the year I guess ;)

  4. Anonymous09:41

    1. Wizz would never come to Belgrade if there were no subventions. When they came we can read here that it is the best thing can happened to Serbian air traffic. Wizz was welcome like domestic company.

    2. Than BEG CEO was national hero, made perfect job for Serbia. Today he is criminal. But in same time Air Serbia/Etihad can have 100% discount and that is not crime????

    And just one little thing. Let me remind you that, just 6 months ago, you assured us there are no subventions to Wizzair and, opposite of SKP, Wizz flies in BEG just because of financial interest and huge potential of BEG. Hahahahaha... And what will happen when Serbia will not have more money for subvention of Air Serbia. Companies quit BEG, and it will not be able to survive on zero money they get from Air Serbia.

    1. JATBEGMEL13:58


      Air Serbia doesnt pay ground handeling as it has its own company that does that called "Air Serbia Ground Services". Why should JU pay 2 companies to do 1 job?

      Air Serbia pays the airport taxes such as landing fees, as obviously Air Serbia doesnt have their own runway at BEG. Air Serbia doesnt get 100% discount, and neither did Jat. It was very obvious that they didnt because Jat had huge debts to the airport.

      While Wizz got heavy discounts by the airport, Jat was being overcharged!

      Also, Terminal 1 is the property of Air Serbia, do you think that Wizz pays Air Serbia anything for using it? Of course not! Air Serbia gets discounts because it has its facilities in BEG it uses, is the largest carrier at BEG, is based in BEG, is a Serbian airline paying taxes to the Republic of Serbia, employing Serbian nationals. Are you also saying that LH or BA dont get discounts at their home airports?

      Wizz Air with its base in Belgrade doesnt pay a single dinar in taxes to the Serbian state!

    2. Anonymous14:48

      Stop spamming around... T1 is not property of JU.

    3. Anonymous15:19

      In civilized countries you get discount buy number of passengers, routes, frequencies... Yes LH gets discount in FRA, but also in CDG, LHR, AMS.... because they have big numbers of pax and routes there. And that is normal. But to say that Air Serbia with 1,3 million pax can get 100% and Wizz with 500.000, or LH group with 300.000 nothing is not fair, and is against EU law. And you will learn that. On hard way.

    4. JATBEGMEL16:24

      @ Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 3:26 PM

      No transfer of property was ever made from Jat to BEG, making T1 property of JU. JP Aerodrom Beograd wasnt a company when JAT was and when the airport was built. Many airports were built by JAT.

      @ Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 3:19 PM

      JU doesnt get 100% discount, discussed many times. I think its that you either refuse to read other comments or just difficulty in comprehension. We can draw a picture if it helps, perhaps some colour pencils too.

      Jat was being heavily overcharged when Wizz was getting its discounts. That wasnt fair either considering even then Jat had the largest traffic numbers. Jat choosing to not pay is another story. That doesnt mean they were getting services for free, it became accumilated debt.

      Wizz shouldnt have gotten these discounts which is the whole point of this scandal.

    5. Anonymous16:59

      Jat had huge prices because they did not pay. One who does not pay must have high price. But at the end they pay nothing and Serbian tax payers pay for it.

      Subventions and privileges which Air Serbia has now are huge, much bigger than Wizz ever had. It is not comparable.

    6. Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 3:19 PM

      Can you please enlighten us what EU law you are referring to? I've asked the same question many times and never got a single response. I know that a lot of people think that in Balkans everything is wrong, governments are corrupt etc. and EU, US etc. are these democratic wonders that don't do any of these things. I can tell you with 100% assurance that in NA there is no such a law or regulation. In US and Canada FAA and Transport Canada look out for their own (this was proved numerous times). I'm not so sure about EU, maybe they are different. I highly doubt it but please let us know and I'll keep my mouth shut forever (please don’t cite here the EU assetion rules, these are not laws)

    7. Anonymous01:57

      This is covered under Articles 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

      Market dominance - Article 102 TFEU.

      State aid, control of direct and indirect aid given by Member States of the European Union to companies. Covered under Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which now supersedes the Treaty Establishing the European Community (TEC).[2] Article 107 of the TFEU is equivalent to Article 87 of the TEC.[

    8. Anonymous08:32

      idk if transfer of T1 was ever made or not, from what I know Belgrade Nikola Tesla JSC has signed both terminals as its own capital and that's end of story. Rest is all jat's spin..

  5. Anonymous09:41

    Major fail for Air Serbia PR for not responding to this attack from Wizz Air!

    1. Anonymous09:48

      Usualy one does not respond when one has no arguments.

    2. Anonymous09:58

      One doesn't normally reply to B.S. .. Why doesn't Wizz Air explain why they are still flying to BEG ? Kind of shooting a hole in your argument ... Ask that question of Wizz Air and see their reply. Either it is damaging to them and they withdraw completely, or it ...

    3. Anonymous10:40

      It would be stupid for them to redraw completely in first stage. Personally I would do the same because of passengers, sold tickets, possibility that public opinion will change politicians etc. Unfortunately in Serbia Vučić is the one who say what can be broadcast in TV and what cannot. So, I thing in near future we will have total cancelation of all Wizz flights.

    4. Anonymous10:46

      They just launched Larnaca and announced they will turn it into all year long flights. So your theory is wrong.

    5. Anonymous11:19

      Sure, and Ryanair and Wizz are not wellknown that they redraw in 2 days from bases that had more than 2 million passengers even whan thea annonce "huge plans" just several weeks before.

    6. Anonymous11:21

      Wizz use the same model as Ryanair, Fly to small second rate airports who will give them subsidies. It is not surprising that Wizz are pulling out of Beg.

    7. Anonymous15:21

      So BUD with 8 million pax is secondary airport compare to BEG with 3,5 million? Let me remind you that BUD is biggest base of Wizzair.

    8. Anonymous00:15

      Sure, once their CEO who was previously Malev's CEO, successfully brought Malev to bankruptcy by filing the lawsuit to EU Commission in order to get greater market share in BUD.

    9. Anonymous02:00

      Wizzair base, Ryanair, Germanwings, Vueling, Norwegian etc. flights were on BUD at least 10 years before MALEV bankruptcy.

  6. Anonymous09:53

    Ako se ovo dokaze pogresnim, bice to ogroman udarac za sve buduce investicije, znacajno ce da pogorsa atmosferu za ulaganja.

    Nijedna ozbiljna aviokompanija nece da bude predmet za politicka potkusurivanja... Sad na primer za 4 godine ako mozda dodju demokrate na vlast, mozda ce Etihad morati da se pravda.

    PR Wizza bi trebalo da se angazuje za objavu novih linija i baza, a ne da se pravda nekim politicarima za nesto... Ovo ne mirise na dobro...

  7. Anonymous10:43

    I have said here numerous times, that Mr. Hogan is a very clever man. The sheihk has no money to give away. Air Serbia cannot make any profits with its business model of hoovering passengers with dumping fares from all over Europe via BEG. Impossible! This was already tried by Baltic, CSA and Malev, the latter paying a high prize. That's where Airport Belgrade comes into the picture and probably also NIS (as the fuel deliverer). So, first you remove the management and with a political spin to justify.Next step will be to hand over the Airports to the Arabs. Air Serbia (subsidized by cheap kerosine and paying almost no taxes and fees) will be making profits on paper, while the aiport will be paying the bill. I am sure that then the Airport will be increasing the fees to other airlines leading to more of them fleeing like Swiss. This will drive fares up in the end and is very, very bad for tourism, diaspora visitors, business people etc.
    More and more I think it would have been better to privatize the Airport with a normal company joint venture like ADP, AENA, FRAport and similar and to have turned JAT into a small but smart niche carrier that is properly managed until a better investor is found.

    1. Anonymous10:52

      +1 brate, lepo si slozio pricu.

    2. Anonymous11:22

      +1 my point exactly

    3. Anonymous11:37

      +1 totaly agree

    4. Anonymous13:01

      +1 bravo!

    5. Anonymous13:38

      Dude, I didn't think that isolationist advocates still existed in the world today, but there you go - i have been proved wrong - you're it. You should pack up and move to North korea ... that's the panacea you are looking for ... your nirvana is over there ... go move there and you will find heaps of people that will buy into your views around countries cutting themselves off from trade and going it alone ... You're a genius of a human being - just preaching to the wrong crowd ...

    6. JATBEGMEL14:07

      Air Serbia has it cheaper in BEG as it has its facilities in BEG it uses. The price of fuel isnt affectecting the airport, it affects NIS. The airport doesnt produce the fuel, neither does it import it. For years Jat was being heavily overcharged, I didnt see you then complaining.

      The dumping of fares came in with the rebranding. Jat Airways had a VEEEERY bad reputation. The dumping of fares was to persuade pax to try out the improved airline, and it works. Month after month there are record amounts of pax travelling to BEG with JU. Transit pax travelling JU come up to around 40%. The fares dont always go dirt cheap, and will increase once the brand recognition settles in.

    7. Anonymous15:17

      JATBEG MEL - you are right, but our anonymous friend at 10.43am wants to create a North Korea here in Serbia ... there is no point in trying to rationalize with him, because as he says, he has already stated his views on many previous occasions .. so he is looking for an audience to convince us of the benefits of cutting of trade and bilateral ties with the world and going down the road of the North Korean isolationist path. he doesn't like trade and hates the prospect of outsiders investing in our assets ... seems he also has his band of comrades in close support, judging by the swift replies following his comment ... whatever ...

    8. Anonymous15:20

      malev, csa and baltic didnt have strong back like asl has. thats the first, the sexond, there are many european companies dumping the prices not because of number of pax but because of competiton. when u have 4 daily to zurich, of course that price will not be anymore 250e, but 150, 170e. look at lufthansa price from beg to fra (with direct asl), and to muc (without). and of course look at the prices to amsterdam, berlin, london, prague and paris.. its around 250e. and asl is full with passengers on those routes... I believe that asl is in totelly different position than malev and csa were. you will se in just a months or 1,2 years from now. I hope asl is going to be good company. why not. servise is great, ok, delays are still strong, but in a months everyhtin will be ok. i hope so and i am sure of it.

    9. Anonymous15:26

      Service is great? You did not mouve from BEG in your lifetime, didn't you?

    10. Anonymous15:33

      around 10 times per year, and as i can notice, u have some kind of problems.. so, move on and wish u a good rehabilitation!

    11. JATBEGMEL15:54

      @ Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 3:26 PM

      Service with JU is good and getting better. Onboard its great, on ground its improving, but is good and a drastic improvement to Jat. I think you havnt travelled with Air Serbia.

    12. Anonymous16:50

      "Analysis" of CSA and Malev without even mentioning LH Group? Major fail!

    13. Anonymous17:03

      I was, and service is not even near to Turkish, TAROM, Croatia, Lufthansa and Air France.

      Remember Purger review?

    14. Anonymous17:16

      OK, I wasn't clear enough. Air Serbia dumps fares BEYOND Belgrade. Just go to swoodoo.com and plan a virtual trip from FRA to TLV, ATH, or SKG and you will find fares of 250€ and below incl. taxes. These fares are insane and non sustainable , heavily cross subsidized by other fares incl. the high fares between Serbia and Montenegro. Secondly I am not favouring any closed version N Korean version of the airline and/or airport, I have cleary stated that the airport should be a j/venture with a foreign giant like FRAport, Aena od ADP and Air Serbia should be managed also as a j/venture with a foreign partner. I just don't think that Mr. Vucics best buddies Mr.Hogan or the sheiks are the best choice as there are too many fishy things going on. I think that there are too many "patriots" around here who lack ow natural IQ and / or knowledge of aviation business.

    15. JATBEGMEL18:07

      @ Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 5:03 PM

      Purgers review did lack some information but was an interesting read. Not all things he said was true.

      I flew with OU and for the flight from SPU to FCO all they served was a glass of water (only still water) and some dry sesame sticks. Jat Airways in its worst time offered a range of hot and cold drinks on a 25 minute flight to SJJ, which is 3 times shorter. Now SJJ sees this 'lunch pack' with a full bar service.

      LH offers less than what JU offers on its Euro-Med services. JU business is better than in LH, at least JU has a proper business class. TK offering is great, they have excellent catering. As for AF and RO, I dont know as I havnt flown with them yet.

      The only time Jat served only water was during the strikes when Jat Ketering refused to offer catering to Jat because of the accumulated debts (hint: Srdjan Radovanovic) Jat had towards Ketering.

    16. JATBEGMEL18:14

      @ Anonymous July 3, 2014 at 5:03 PM

      I remember purgers review, he had some good points, but not everything he said was true.

      JU service is much better to OU. My flight to FCO from SPU only had sesame sticks and a glass of water (only still). Even Jat had to SJJ a full bar service with a range of hot and cold drinks for a 25 minute flight, which is 3 times shorter than that to FCO. JU even now offers is lunch pack and full bar service to SJJ. And OU to FCO? crackers and a glass of water.

      As for LH, their Euro-Med service is not as good as JU, and on top of this, JU has a proper J class.

      TK is a good airline, catering is excellent.

      As for the rest, I havnt flown with them as of yet.

      The only valid points he made was of the delays and the lack of online check in from memory, to which no one can argue against.

    17. JATBEGMEL18:16

      sorry for the double post, i thought the first one never got posted.

  8. Anonymous11:39

    Kao i obicno. Tresla se gora rodio se mis. Postoje dokumenti. Postoji zakonska procedura, tuzioci, advokati , sudije i sud. Svak ce raditi svoj posao. Ako je bilo sta radjeno van propisa u tom vremenu, a prije primene novih propisa, sticice ga konsekvence. Ako nije, bice savest mirna, sto svako normalno ljudsko bice zeli. Sto se tice low cost avio prevoznika, ukljucujuci WIZZ AIR, bazicno prvilo da je uslov podjednak sa svima avio kompanijama koji koriste glavne aerodrome. To je pravilo u svim uredjenim drzavama. Vreme je da i Srbija pocne da se uklapa u taj system. U svetu se daju koncesije za niskobudzetne prevoznike na sekundarne aerodrome. To bi trebalo ucinit sto je moguce prije u Srbiji. Niski, Kraljevacki, a u buduce i Uzicki aerodromi bespomocno cekaju milost drzave, dolazak LC prevoznika... Na tim aerodromima usluge su siromasnije ali, mnogo povoljnije cene. Ko hoce sa Beogradskog da leti, platice sve kao svi ostali korisnici. Dali LC lete na LHR, CDG, FRA ... a da bi mogli platiti manje... Pa zasto onda lete na sekundarne aerodrome. Verujem da im je isplativ servis jedino sa sekundarnih aerodroma. Beograd sada nije sekundarni aerodrom. Nece ni biti. Ljudi mogu imati zlomisljenja koliko god zele. Sustinu menjati nemogu. Jedino sto ocekujem to je da u ovoj godini se nacne peti milon putnika na ANT BEOGRAD. Za ostalo veselitese. Dovoljno je ludi koj KNOW HOW. Za nas na blogu bice zabave. Pozdrav from "down under". Rodney Son & Co Sydney /// Kraljevo.

    1. Anonymous11:51

      U svim savremenim drzavama postoje popusti za nove linije koji traju i do tri godine od pocetka.

      U svim savremenih drzava ne postoji drzavna zastita monopolista prevazidjenog biznis modela.

      Vreme je da i Srbija uhvati korak.

    2. Anonymous13:11

      Da LCC lete na CDG (easyJet, jet2,Veuling...) i imaju negdje oko 15% prometa. I za FRA leti 10-tak LCC. I za LHR lete LCC, npr. Germanwings ima čak 6 linija.

      A što je sa Budimpeštom, Venecijom, Atenom, Berlinom, Amsterdamom...? Sve daleko veće zračne luke koje imaju više od 30% LCC prometa?

    3. "bazicno prvilo da je uslov podjednak sa svima avio kompanijama koji koriste glavne aerodrome. To je pravilo u svim uredjenim drzavama."

      Varas se... Sve vlade stite domaci komanije na ovaj ili onaj nacin. Na primjer Kanadska vlada ne dozvoljava EK vise od 3 leta sedmicno i tako stiti AC (cak nije ni njen shareholder vise)

    4. Anonymous13:47

      Pun sam vere da Srbija hvata korak. Zasto na Hitrow... nema ni low cost, ni linija. a o popustima...Ah my dear son... Tu je Luton... Kao sto izuzev ANT Beograd, Srbija ima kao sto znate Nis, Kraljevo... Mozete leteti na ove aerodrome sa povlascenim popustima i najpovoljnijim dilom. U suprotnom puna cena za primarni aerodrom kao sto je Beogradski. VIZZ AIR, druge niskobudzetne kompanije ce leteti sa manjih Srpskih aerodrome kada uvide da je to realno. Sa zaljenjem za velikim trzistem kao sto je ANT BEOGRAD. Naravno ukoliko imju racunicu. LC prevoznici su veoma korisni za putnike nize platezne moci, koji po prvilu lete sa manjih aerodrome oko metropola. Moj prvi let sa LC kompanijom South West je bio od Orlanda preko Nju Orleansa, Hjustona i Feniksa do Los Andjelesa prije 24 godine. Posle toga na vise mesta po svetu, ukljucujuci moju
      vazduhoplovnu Domovinu Australiju. U Srbiji ljudi i promene su veoma spore. Ipak stvari se pocinju menjati lagano. Nada zadnja umire. Bez vere i nade covek je mrtav. Bice LC u Srbiji. Svako dobro. Rodney Son & Co. Sydney /// Kraljevo.

    5. Anonymous15:32

      Rodnes, ajmo još jednom, vidim da te muci citanje cinjenica:
      - LCC lete na CDG (easyJet, jet2,Veuling...) i imaju negdje oko 15% prometa.

      - za FRA leti 10-tak LCC.

      - i za LHR lete LCC, npr. Germanwings ima čak 6 linija, iako postoji još 5 aerodroma na području Londona koji opskrbljuju London sa LCC. Kad spominješ LHR ima li BEG još koji aerodrom gdje mogu slijetati LCC?

      A što je sa Budimpeštom, Venecijom, Atenom, Berlinom, Amsterdamom...? Sve daleko veće zračne luke od BEG koje imaju više od 30% LCC prometa? Pa ne leti Wizz na Balaton umjesto na Budimpeštu, ili Vueling, Transavia, easyJet, Germanwings, Norwegian, jet2, flybe idr. na Roterdam umjesto na Amsterdam

    6. Anonymous16:19

      @ anon 3.32
      da, tacno je da lete i na CDG,FRA,......a sad te pitam, jel plate punu cenu ili imaju popuste na tim aerodromima? sto wizz ne leti na CDG,LHR ...pa leti na Luton,Paris-Beauvais,...? BEG im je skup? evo sanse za Nis-ali oni to nece, lepo im je u bg. :)

    7. Samo jedan put sam leteo Wizz-om,do Malmea i nazad, tada i nikad vise! To mucenje se ne da opisati!

    8. Anonymous17:05

      Hej, okani se gluposti. Wizz ima ogromnu bazu u Budimpešti. Koja je za Beograd gigant!

    9. Wizz je najgora LCC kompanija na svetu, the end of the story

    10. Anonymous00:27

      Since they introduced that stupid large/small cabin bag policy they became the worst LCC indeed. Even Rynair does not do that.

    11. Anonymous02:05

      You statemenst about Wizzair was totaly diferent just 6 months ago. Than it was so good, Serbian company, with Serbian crew, and no subvention because of perfect Belgrade business oportunities where Belgrade is the only airport in regiona that does not need to subvent Wizz.

  9. Anonymous12:27

    How dare they? They have been stealing from the airport with the help of this criminal CEO and now they are accusing Air Serbia of being of a monopoly? Unlike ZAG, per example, BEG has welcomed low-cost airlines even when JAT was doing bad. Let me remind you of a statement of the CEO of ZAG saying that he was loosing patience with CTN and that he would invite low-cost airlines to come to ZAG. Indirectly he admitted that they are protecting CTN from low-cost competition. So, Croatia can protect Croatia Airlines, but Serbia musn't protect Air Serbia?

    1. Anonymous13:14

      Because of that protection Wizz cancel Zagreb flghts, Germanwings cut frequencies and easyJet announce to leave. Really god protection! Of course you do know that Zagreb is in European Union and that this bullshit Air Serbia protection can not be done here by EU law?

    2. Anonymous16:28

      I am aware of your "EU law/standards" hipocrisy, I just posed a retorical question.

    3. Anonymous17:08

      EU is hypocrisy? Than you are mega hypocrate to beg for membership.

    4. Anonymous21:59

      Serbia has practically been conquered by the EU, so membership isn't really a choice. Airline alliances are a textbook example of a cartel which severely limits competition and is forbidden by law. Both CTN and DLH are a member of Star Alliance. So, when DLH dominated over a week JAT at BEG they didn't worry about ''free market principles'' but now when they feel a threat from Etihad in the form of Air Serbia, Air Berlin and Etihad Regional they have launched a "just struggle for the liberal economic ideology''. That is hypocrisy.

    5. Anonymous06:42

      Same story with South Stream and North Stream.

  10. Anonymous13:35

    OT: witch aircraft are in aviolet livrery? only YU-AND?

    1. Anonymous13:39

      Yes only YU-AND :)

    2. Anonymous13:53

      Thank you and do you know please what is hapenning with yu-apd? is there any plane that should arrive in Asl fleet?

    3. Anonymous14:22

      I really don t know:)

    4. Anonymous14:27

      YU-APD is in Shannon airport,source http://www.skyliner-aviation.de/regdb.main?LC=nav4

    5. JATBEGMEL14:37

      Rumour has it a former EY A319 will come to the JU fleet (i think A6-EID). They are however much older at 12 years I believe. Lets see what happens as the winter season approaches.

    6. No, it would be ex EI-LIR, 9,4 years old

    7. I have heared rumors that the 11th Airbus would be A320 and next year 3 more ATRs 72-500

    8. JATBEGMEL17:51

      @ Dusan

      I wasnt talking of YU-APD, but rather the 9th A319.

      The 3rd A320 wouldnt surprise me since 10 will one day replace the current fleet.

      I hope the ATR's do come, theyre badly needed.

    9. I see, didnt understand you at the first moment, sorry jatbegmail

    10. Admin, hvala, ovaj me progoni , pravi stalker, izvini sto sam bio prost

    11. Anonymous18:34

      Dusan, you bring this all on yourself ... if you make valuable contributions, then people can debate the merits of your arguments. BUT, if you continue to post mischievous comments and false information, then you need to be exposed for what you are ... you constantly hear rumours ... why is it that you are the only person who seems to be hearing his far greater share of rumours than anyone else ?? or, could it be that the 'rumours' are not really rumours at all, rather, stuff that you make up yourself and then post them here ?? I have also heard rumours about you, but i don't go posting them here or anywhere else ... maybe that's what i should do - start posting rumours about you and then you can see that nothing good comes of this sort of behavior.

      Admin, you also bear responsibility for this by allowing people like Dusan to post stuff knowing it not to be true ... yet you exercise total subjectivity around what you delete and what you allow. Of course, that is your right since it is your website. But, don't choose free speech selectively, it only serves to damage the credibility of an otherwise excellent website. You either let things go, or you delete them in their entirety ...

    12. Anonymous18:58

      Dude, chill out. Enough with threats.

    13. Anonymous21:23

      And when will yu-apd come?

  11. Can somebody please explain me in legal terms what “zloupotreba polozaja “really means. Hopefully there is a lawyer that follows this blog.

    Don’t get me wrong this guy is probably crook but what did he do wrong here I don’t understand. It seems to me that he signed a bad contract here (and even that is disputable). Sorry to break it to you but that doesn't make him a criminal, it makes him a bad manager. Now, it’s a different story if he personally made some money here. Than he can be prosecuted for bribery (as well as somebody at Wizz who gave him that money). Until they can prove that, they don’t have a case and this is just political marketing which is going to end in a lengthy court battle which and government paying damages to this guy.

    1. And before somebody starts arguing with me, he didn’t break any rules because at the time there wasn’t any. You can’t charge him based on the law that was enacted in Jan 2014 for acts committed in 2012. It doesn’t work that way. Also, the rule that deals with subsidies is not a law but more of a government policy, kind of like a company rules. As such, if you break them you lose a job, you don’t go to jail.

    2. JATBEGMEL14:15

      Serbia isnt a banana republic, but neither is it the worlds best democracy. Rules did exist before, and its with these rules he is being prosecuted.

    3. What rules? Please tell us, I really hope you are right.

      Also, was it a RULE like a government policy or a legislation (i.e. LAW). It makes a huge difference.

    4. JATBEGMEL14:32

      Do you honestly think that laws, rules and regulations is a new thing in Serbia?

      The question is whether these laws, rules and regulations were inforced. Thats a different story. It doesnt mean it never existed, rather never inforced.

      What law was enacted in January 2014?

    5. Anonymous14:59

      jat could you please answer his question? what rule did he break?

    6. JATBEGMEL15:26

      Below I mentioned that names of the laws and codes that regulate the prices at the airports as well as a thought of mine, so as to not repeat it, browse down please.

  12. Sorry I was referring to the Dec 30 terms and conditions and I don’t consider this a law, it’s more of a government policy. Enacting laws takes time, there is a procedure associated with it; I’m sure you know this as much as I do.

    To answer your question, I don't think the laws are a new thing in Serbia.

    I'm just saying that when he signed a contract with Wizz, I don’t think there was a law in Serbia that says you shouldn't be giving subsidies to Wizz or any other airline company. If that’s the case, than he is not doing anything wrong.

    1. there might be some other law that for example says that you MUST follow government policies or else... if that's the case and if such a law considers this a criminal offence than it's a different story.

    2. JATBEGMEL15:23

      There is the Serbian Air Traffic Law (Zakon o vazdusnom saobracaju) which regulates these prices of taxes through the Airport Regulations Code (Pravilnik o aerodromima) as well as the Licencing and Airport Usage Regulations (Pravilnik o izdavanju dozvole sa koriscenje aerodroma).

      I dont think its illegal for him to give subsidies to Wizz, but it was a damaging deal that not even Air Serbia is recieving today, and a misuse of his possition.

    3. It was just political spin. Dr Radosavljevic is from G17+ and he will spend 48 hours in police custody and would let free. So normal and predicted way to eliminate opponents and make concession of BEG faster.

    4. Anonymous16:02

      he exceeded his delegated level of authority. he was not authorized to approve any discounts to any airline, without BoD or Assembly approval. This he didn't obtain and instead, signed the deal without the appropriate approvals in hand and so yes, he's as guilty as sin .....

    5. We'll all see what comes from this at the end. I agree that he probably di something he wasn’t allowed to and that they should fire his ass long time ago. Did he do something criminal, as in break a law, I'm not so sure about. If it turns out to be just a political marketing than it's sad because it takes up precious court and prosecutor time battling something that has no chance of sticking. And we all know that there is enough crooks in Serbia that are waiting trials for a long long time. Plus on the top of it really doesn’t stick, he is going to sue the government for damages and who pays for that at the end - you guessed right, it’s the taxpayer.

      I thought that by winning majority in last elections SNS is not going to be doing these things. He did something wrong FIRE him and state publically why you did it if you have reasons to deter others for doing the same. Make sure he never gets another job in government sector and that’s it. It’s just as effective marketing wise if not even better.

    6. Anonymous17:11

      i don't agree ... if he did something wrong and it cost us - THE TAXPAYERS - money, then you don't just fire his ass, you make him bloody accountable and make an example of him so that others won't fuck around with other people's money, by exceeding their delegations and approval levels. In the commercial world, if you do this, it's called loss with malicious intent and has its obvious consequences ... Vucic and co are doing these things NOW precisely because no one gave a fuck about doing anything in the past about these sorts of behaviours. It was like, screw it, just sack the guy and move one. Ali dosta vise ovako - we need to tighten the screws not just with him but with every single public official who either didn't do his job properly, or intentionally fudged things so as to obtain personal gain .... shoot all of them, as they do in China - that's what i would do ... Harsh punishments are the strongest message for change and powerful deterrants to prevent others from doing similar things

    7. I agree with your basic notion that those who waste taxpayers money should go to jail 100%. The question here is how do you establish that this guy had a malicious intent at that time. He did maybe bend some corners and didn’t follow company rules by not consulting the board but unless he made some money out of how are you going to prove his intent. Here in Ontario, Canada, former government canceled two power plant contracts in order to win elections in those two ridings. When the dust settled the cost for this cancellation was $1.2 billion (yes billions, not millions). At the end of the day nobody went to jail, premier resigned and is now teaching economics at Harvard! Nobody even tried to take him to court because believe it or not he didn’t break any laws. He was perfectly within what his job is (to run the energy policy in this case). Now, the fact that this breaks every moral and ethical rule there is beside the point. Beats me but that’s how it is.

      All I am saying is that it would be far better if they spent little more time appointing competent professionals to run these companies for them. For me this is just marketing sorry.

  13. Nikola15:12

    čitajući kako se neki ovde svađaju mogu samo da zaključim da nije ni čudo što smo se raspali u onako krvavom ratu

  14. AirCEO15:38

    EX-YU Aviation, congrats on 2.000.000 visitors to your blog!

    1. 131 comments about nothing, so funny.....Congrats Admin! You are doing great job even you like to delete my posts...LOL

    2. Congratulations EX-YU Aviation on my behalf too! Reading your blog has become my daily ritual. I think I have been following this blog for almost 5 years and it's been always great to read the news as well the comments, especially the positive ones and stay in touch with the aviation industry in our region. Keep doing good job and thanks for tolerating all of us :)

    3. Nikola16:33

      same from me. i've been here for at least 5 years, and like Sam said, reading this blog is daily ritual

  15. Anonymous15:58

    EX-YU Av, for the second time in a few days - proper past tense of "pay" is "paid", not "payed".

  16. JATBEGMEL16:25

    Out of curiosity, when will the former CEO's of Jat Airways be arrested for their malpractises, distruction and corruption in the company!

    1. Da li je to onaj sto je iznajmio dve Bugarske sklopocije? Zaboravio sam mu ime.

    2. Anonymous17:14

      To bi bio onaj mucenik, Velja Vukasinovic ... a-u !!!!!!

    3. Anonymous22:45


  17. Anonymous17:28

    "subvent"? hahahahaha
    Kaze se "subsidize"!

    1. Anonymous18:43

      and I think you meant 'kaže' not kaze.

  18. Anonymous21:46

    AB je uzeo 9 Q400 naleasing

  19. AirCEO22:48

    Bill Franke has bigger problems with yet another failed IPO than Belgrade market woes. Look at the bigger picture.

    1. Anonymous09:35

      Finally a comment from someone who actually follows the industry.

      You think he was in favor of the IPO in the first place? Think again. ;-)

  20. Anonymous02:43

    The Croatians plan on travelling with spacecrafts LOL! btw this is not a joke
    SOURCE: http://www.jutarnji.hr/udbina-ce-biti-hrvatski-cape-canaveral/1203637/


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