Split Airport records strongest month on record |
Croatia’s three busiest airports have all put in a strong performance in July with Split Airport breaking new records. The country’s busiest airport, Zagreb, handled 260.783 passengers, an increase of 4.7% compared to the same month last year. As a result, Zagreb achieved its fourth consecutive month of passenger growth. The improved performance comes despite a decline in the number of flights operated to and from the airport. A total of 3.560 flight operations were recorded, down from 3.596 the year before. Overall, Zagreb Airport has handled 1.344.489 passengers so far this year, up 2.5% on the same period last year.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 135.758 | ▼ 2.6 |
FEB | 128.410 | ▲ 1.3 |
MAR | 165.336 | ▼ 5.7 |
APR | 192.443 | ▲ 3.1 |
MAY | 217.775 | ▲ 5.9 |
JUN | 243.984 | ▲ 6.8 |
JUL | 260.783 | ▲ 4.7 |
Over on the Croatian coast, Split Airport saw its busiest month on record. The airport welcomed an impressive 388.899 passengers in July. The result represents an increase of 15.8% compared to July 2013. On Saturday, the airport broke both its 24-hour passenger record, as well as the national record, handling 27.000 travellers in a single day. It recorded 220 arriving a departing jets flying to fifty destinations in 25 different countries. On Saturday, Mate Melvan, Split Airport’s Operations Director, said the airport is expected to handle its millionth passenger midway through this week, some seven days ahead of last year. Split Airport has welcomed 939.745 passengers through its doors so far this year, up 10.1% on 2013.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 26.044 | ▼ 4.2 |
FEB | 21.530 | ▼ 4.4 |
MAR | 27.580 | ▼ 16.8 |
APR | 79.284 | ▲ 19.6 |
MAY | 159.485 | ▲ 14.2 |
JUN | 236.921 | ▲ 3.5 |
JUL | 388.899 | ▲ 15.8 |
Dubrovnik Airport’s numbers were also on the up during July. The airport handled 303.993 travellers, an increase of 9.7% compared to the same month last year. It tops off a fourth month of consecutive passenger growth despite a slow start to the year. During the first seven months, Dubrovnik Airport saw 860.888 travellers pass through its doors, an increase of 4.5% on 2013. Meanwhile, in related news, budget airline Vueling has announced plans to operate special Christmas and New Year flights to Dubrovnik and Zagreb. The Spanish-based airline will operate two charter flights from Barcelona to Dubrovnik and a further five flights from Rome to Dubrovnik. In addition, the airline will run four flights between Barcelona and Zagreb during the holiday period.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 15.950 | ▼ 15.5 |
FEB | 14.423 | ▼ 15.9 |
MAR | 21.963 | ▼ 29.6 |
APR | 87.774 | ▲ 12.7 |
MAY | 181.898 | ▲ 2.3 |
JUN | 234.887 | ▲ 4.9 |
JUL | 303.993 | ▲ 9.7 |
Damn... go Split,go!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was telling people on this forum that in a couple of years this airport will become the busiest people were calling me stupid and disillusioned.
388.000+ passengers during the summer months is nothing. Next year the airport will handle more than 400.000 per month, for sure! :D
Busiest in Croatia that is.
DeleteSplit has real chances of overtaking Zagreb in a few years, starting 2017.
Delete@AnonymousAugust 6, 2014 at 11:56 AM
DeleteNo it doesn't, reason for Zagreb's rather poor performance is OU's own performance out of Zagreb, Zagreb is being sacrificed to meet needs of the Tourists along the coast, all the growth at Zagreb is generated by foreign carriers not OU.
From april next year OU should return to normal operations from Zagreb and this would yield in significant growths for Zagreb airport pax numbers , also OU plans to wet lease 3-4 aircraft over summer season to meet the demand for 2015 summer tourist season.
Split airport is only active during summer season with winters having no major flights for almost a decade now airport in winters between November and March had only 30 000 passengers, mainly due to OUs scheduled operations, same with Dubrovnik. Split Airport gets really busy between June and September with avrage of 300 000 pax for these 4 months but all other months Zagreb dominates in numbers.
Inn 2015 Zagreb airport will handle around 1.25 million passengers by foreign carriers and around 1.6 million by OU, with ratio of foreign carriers being at equilibrium around 2017, each handling around 1.75 million pax out of Zagreb.
Also new terminal at Split Airport won't increase significantly capacity as long as runway lacks taxiway that extends the entire length of the runway. Right now there are limited number of landing slots at Split airport I think around 20 max per hour, or 300 per day, with new taxiway that can be increased to 500.
If Split can maintain 12% growth this year and for the next few years, and if Zagreb only grows at 3%, Split could overtake Zagreb as early as 2019.
Delete@Aleksandar StojanovicAugust 7, 2014 at 12:01 AM
DeleteIf pigs could fly!
Zagreb's relative stagnation isn't due to Zagreb's ineptitude or lack of importance, Zagreb is by far most important regional business and commercial center, the forigen carriers are taking ever greater chunk of Zagreb pie, with 2013 figure of around 38%, this year this number will go up to 40%, and so on. Problem is OU, they've cut Zagreb to service the coast, result of which is fewer flights out of Zagreb. Basically OU still operates at reduced frequency but mostly out of Zagreb, in fact 95% affects Zagreb, coast hasn't been hit that much, other than winter schedule.
Foreign carriers are taking ever greater chunk of Zagreb airport traffic in 1990 when Zagreb airport handled around 1.9 million, foreign carriers had 64% market share, JAT only 36%, and it looks as if Foreign carriers will hit 1.2 million passengers this or at the latest next year, OU is expected to have 1.5 million at most this year and 1.6 million next year or figure OU had in 2010/11.
More foreign carriers arrive to Zagreb the larger share of the market they'll have, Lufthansa currently has around 10% of market share in Zagreb, arrival of SAS, KLM, Allitalia and Iberia going full service at Zagreb from 2015 should ensure good growth numbers among foreign carriers. KLM alone with 7 weekly flights will contribute greatly to Zagreb's diversity.
SAS should be announcing their Zagreb flights soon either this month or September. Allitalia too, but they've already said something about Zagreb.
Now only getting Brussels Airlines, LOT, Czech Airlines, Finnair (twice weekly service), Iberia committing to year round service and if possible keep EasyJet at Zagreb that would be something.
AnonymousAugust 7, 2014 at 1:29 AM,
DeleteI honestly can't figure out if you are uninformed, delusional, or simply a very effective troll.
It's such a major airport/city that it barely manages to pass the two
Deletemillion mark.
@Aleksandar StojanovicAugust 7, 2014 at 3:09 AM
DeleteYou are the biggest troll here, putting Croatia down at every opportunity and chance you get, and last paragraph was what I wished, not what is happening, but is likely to happen eventually. unlike your statements mine is at least plausible, much of what you say is disillusion nonsense.
Impressive numbers!!!
ReplyDeleteSplit ne može preko ove brojke, puca po šavovima. Subotnje snimke s Resnika jasno prikazuju da ne možeš bacit iglu u tu gužvu.
ReplyDeleteZadar je isto prešao brojku od 102345, a Pula je imala 94656, objavili su na svojoj face stranici. Svi su preko 10%
Moze itekako vise, a kad dode novi terminal, ljetni mjeseci ce biti preko 500k pax
DeleteNovi terminal u Splitu se počima graditi još ove jeseni. Nažalost ne znam koji je rok za izgradnju istog. Bilo bi zaista optimistično da bude završen do turističke sezone 2015.
Delete@AnonymousAugust 6, 2014 at 4:25 PM
Deletegradnaj ce bititi doversena do 2017 turisiticke sezone, znaci 3 godine.
Na radiju sam jednom prilikom slušao kako sa novim terminalom ide i projekt prigradskog vlaka i to od Trogira preko ZL Kaštela i dalje do Splita. Ima li netko informaciju i koji detalj o tome?
DeleteAnonymousAugust 7, 2014 at 12:02 AM
DeleteNisam cuo nista o tome, mozda ako google za to, ali mislim to bi mozda bilo preskupo, ZL Zagreb je jedina ZL koja bu imala vlak/tram priljucak kad se terminal svrsi, negdi u 2017 be se sve trebalo srediti, da godinu poslje otvaranja novog terminal. Split ce imati podvoznajk ispod novog terminala jer nova stajanka bi islla sve do mora takda ce cesta ici ispod terminala i stajanke. Moguce je ako u bidcnosti Split dobije tram da tram bu isao sve to ZL Split, ali to je long term stvar, mozda poslje 2025.
Split and Dubrovnik are doing really great, Zagreb not so good, unfortunately, something has to be done with Croatia Airlines before it's too late! Go Croatia!
ReplyDeleteImpressive Croatia, bravo!!
ReplyDeleteOT: Any word on why Air Serbia dropped their planned seasonal Malta service? I don't remember hearing about it.
Also, when can we expect Air France and British Airways to return to Belgrade? As Belgrade is turning into a regional hub, Air France would be a nice addition to feed flights, as you can see Air Serbia has double daily A320 flights between Belgrade and Paris, full. And London also sees good loads and doesn't even top double daily flights, which could happen if British Airways launches flights.
JU has codeshare with BA-AF.
Nobody dropped the Malta services, they're being flown twice per week.
DeleteI know they have a codeshare, but both airlines announced they will eventually put their own metal back on the routes eventually...
Delete2nd anon, my bad
JU doesn't codeshare with BA.
DeleteThis all thanks to New Airlines nothing to do with Croatia Airlines.
ReplyDeletesorry for asking again, but could somebody provide me with loads to TLV on August 8 and back from TLV on August 11. For the return flight its too early, but for other one I am supposing its not. I was not able to refund my ticket due to war situation so I want to see if people are going. Did somebody travel this route lately?
ReplyDeleteBlago ZAG posto tamo slecu 747-777.
ReplyDeleteKoji je trenutno najveci Avion sto slece u Split :)
DeleteSplitski aerodrom ima malu pistu 2.5km dugu tako da ne moze primit velike avione, najveci A321 & B757, mozda A310 & B767 200 u proslosti ali ne vise.
Pula, Dubrovnik & Zagreb imaju 3km piste tako da samo ta 3 aerodroma mogu primiti jumbo jet.
Zagreb i Pula imaju tjedne Jumo Jet sletanja, Zagreb ih ima kroz cijelu godinu, Pula i Dubrovnik samo preko ljeta.
Nisam baš siguran u tvoje tvrdnje. U Split je slijetao VC10 isto i DC10 Air Ourtre Mera, ali se jako dobro sijećam i Atlasovog B747 za vrijeme rata. Prošle je godine i neki šeik došao sa svojim A340. Širokotrupci nisu nepoznanica za ovu zračnu luku...
DeleteZaboravio i L1011
DeletePa 747 su i u Osijek sletali redovito ;)
DeleteB757 Condor i Privelege Style-Vueling, A321 Aeroflot, Transaero ponekad sa B767
ReplyDelete"Long haul/širokotrupne letjelice..." this is how it's been in ZAG this year so far...
ReplyDeleteKorean Air - there'll be a total of 10 rotations (6 out of which by 747-400, 4x by 777-200)
El Al Israel - 767-300, although they mostly use 737-800, El Al has used 767's at least 6 to 7 times this season...
Turkish - so far, only 1 flight with A330-300
Air Tahiti - 340-300 (special occassion, World Cup charter)
Cargo planes - 747-200s, 747-400 and/or A330-300 (at least 1 to 2 times a week)
As for " a bit larger" medium sized aircraft (a321s), so far this year it's been:
- Qatar (almost 95% of the time)
- Lufthansa (5 to 7 times a month)
- Turkish (5 to 7 times a month)
- Iberia (4 times in the summer on Sundays so far)
- British Airways, only 2 flights in July
- TAP (so far 3 flights, but will maintain 321s for every Friday throughout August and a good part of September)...
Noticeable increase in "larger" aircraft. However, ZAG is underperforming big time for the past 3 years in total # of flights and pax...
"Cargo planes - 747-200s, 747-400 and/or A330-300 (at least 1 to 2 times a week" - Not true, there are no regular cargo flights to Zagreb.
DeleteAnonymous, 11:58 AM, hold it up there... don't talk unless you have checked your facts.
DeleteAs a matter of a fact, there is a Friday late night scheduled flight Istanbul - Zagreb - Paris cargo flight (used A300, lately A330-300), and for the past month, you had at least another 2 cargo flights to ZAG.
Perhaps not scheduled, but that's how it's been. I live near the airport, often watch what's happening (plus I keep track on flightradar24 on daily basis).
Krivoj publici se obračaš ! :)
First of all, there isn't such a cargo plane as A300 and A330-300, further proving that you must be confused. Then, would you be kind enough to mention the airline that is flying those regular cargo flights?
Delete747-200F you can see almoust every week few times in Zagreb, colours are white with blue stripes
DeleteWow, that tells a lot, sounds like a phantom. I'm not sure a 747F can even land in Zagreb.
Delete@ anonymous 12:33....Just to let you know, Fedex Express operates the A310 as a cargo aircraft. It could be mistaken for an A300.
Delete@Anonymous 12:33....FYI Fedex express operates the A310 as a cargo aircraft. Can easily be mistaken for an A300
Deleteregular 1 x weekly: turkish MNG cargo arrives from Istanbul and departs for CDG (Friday late night/early Saturday morning), A330-200f - fine, so it's not 330-300
DeleteAlso, this birdy has been coming to ZAG twice weekly ...https://www.facebook.com/ZracnalukaZagreb/photos/pcb.800558403339714/800556856673202/?type=1&theater
MNG cargo have regular CDG-ZAG-IST cargo route with A300 or A330-200F
DeleteHvala na brzom odgovoru :)
Obviously no need for something bigger...but we are all sure your pointless questions are silly
ReplyDeleteWOW 95% cabin occupancy for Etihad daily A319 (default) Abu Dhabi - Belgrade!! I am pretty sure soon they will upgrade to A320 and then possibly to even larger equipment, considering increase in tourism between the two countries, investments, political ties, and BIGGEST - transfer passengers!
ReplyDeleteNew wave coming in with Tirana flights, cheapest to fly Tirana - AUH via Beograd :)
ReplyDeletemalopre na radio vezi u bl,
koliko ukupno?
Јеботе... па то је фантастично! 63 путника отпутовало за Београд? :O
DeleteOT: looks like that the best offer for LJU comes from FRAPORT
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Air Serbia! Almost all flights arrived on time tonight with the exception of Zurich and Paris which is unfortunate given that one of these birds is needed for Beirut tonight.
ReplyDeleteMy humble opinion is that this Beirut nonsense needs to be stopped and the schedule should be revised to resemble that of Tel Aviv. This thing with delays has gone way too far.
Different to TLV, BEY flight has almost all passengers connecting to CDG. If you revise the schedule for BEY, that means you have to revise schedule for CDG as well - and that is not an easy task, having in mind how slot restricted CDG is.
DeleteThis BEY schedule is actually rather beneficial to the airline and the passengers, the only problem is lack of aircraft and the fact that there are only 2 A320 available at the time.
It remains to be seen what will happen with the new timetable due for late October.
Why don't they schedule same aircraft that flies BEY-BEG to continue BEG-CDG? Unless that aircraft goes AOG at BEG, this cold solve the problem.
DeleteDon't forget Zadar, July had over 100 000 pax for first time
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Split for its fantastic results. Split is truly a fantastic city and people are friendly. Would love to visit it again soon.