Adria Airways to launch new routes

Adria to add new destinations from Ljubljana and Tirana

Slovenia’s national carrier, Adria Airways, has announced it will expand its destination network next summer season to include new routes from its hub in Ljubljana, as well as from the Albanian capital Tirana. The airline will launch flights from the Slovenian capital to both Stockholm and Berlin and introduce new services from Tirana to Brussels and Paris. Adria will fly twice per week to the Swedish capital starting April 23, 2015. The first flight to Berlin, where Adria will fly three times per week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, will take place on April 24. The Slovenian carrier has also confirmed it will maintain seasonal summer flights to London and Manchester, which will run from May 16 and May 30 respectively. Tickets for the new routes have already been put on sale.

In line with earlier announcements, Adria will continue to expand its presence in the Albanian capital with new nonstop flights to Brussels and Paris, which will complement its existing services to Frankfurt. Flights to the Belgian and French capitals will be inaugurated on March 31. Earlier this year, Adria Airways’ CEO, Mark Anžur, said in a statement, “Tirana is very important to us and we will continue developing it. We want to grow because it is easier to manage expenses that way. We need to increase the number of destinations and we are planning new direct flights to new destinations”. He added, “We want to develop some other European destinations as well, including Verona. Klagenfurt is not of interest to us. In Pristina, we have a 10% market share and we want to maintain that. In Skopje, we have a 6% market share which is declining as a result of subsidies offered to Wizz Air”.

In addition to its expanding route network, Adria recently announced it would grow its fleet of ten aircraft next year. The Slovenian carrier will record a 10% increase in passenger numbers in 2014, with additional aircraft needed in order to accommodate the growth. In the short-term, Adria plans to wet-lease several A320-family aircraft in 2015 while a total of five or six jets will join the fleet by 2016. Mr. Anžur says Adria is also considering leasing aircraft larger than the A320. Meanwhile, by March next year, the Slovenian carrier will phase out its two remaining CRJ200s from scheduled service. The airline will scrap one of the jets while the other will be used for charter flights. The airline phased out its last A320 in late October. Adria faces growing competition in Ljubljana with Air Serbia to add a second daily flight from Belgrade starting December 12. On the other hand, Turkish Airlines will boost services from Istanbul from daily flights to ten per week next summer.


  1. Anonymous09:05

    Bravo ADRIA, GO,GO...

  2. Anonymous09:12

    Wow... Good for them for actually expanding and doing something to survive. I hope Stockholm and Berlin stay during winter too.

  3. Anonymous09:16

    + addition daily flight from Lodz to Munchen, and daily flight from Lodz to Amsterdam with leased CRJ700 (from Delo 4.11.2014, interview with Marko Anžur)

  4. Anonymous09:21

    Adria is also start to train the polish cabin crew because one of two CRJ700 will be base there.

  5. Anonymous09:23

    Bravo Adria, just go, go, go!!!

  6. Anonymous09:24

    Seems like JU and JP are the only one with a bright future ahead. I hope JP returns to Belgrade soon.

    1. Chance of that happening I think is slim to none, especially with the second daily next summer.

    2. Anonymous14:13

      Second daily starts in a month, not next summer.

  7. JP is doing so well that I think that they could make INI successful. They could fly LJU-INI-VIE a few times per week.

    1. Anonymous09:57

      More like lju vie ini vie lju.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous10:01

    Any spotters @BEG for the EK 747F?

    1. Anonymous10:07

      Flight has been cancelled

    2. Anonymous10:22

      Or BEG website has just removed it as a flight... EK 4933 now at FLV 410 over Sarmellek (HU)

    3. Anonymous10:36

      OO-THD on approach into BEG... seems just a website removal... get cameras ready...

    4. Anonymous10:57

      Just landing right now...
      hope we will see some nice photos ok EK Cargo in BEG soon :)

  9. Anonymous10:05

    Great news Adria is expanding as well, wish them all the best!
    Regards from Beg.

  10. OT: Wizz Air launches its 19th base in Tuzla. Four new destinations added - Oslo Torp, Stockholm Skavsta, Frankfurt Hahn and Memmingen from June 24th 2015.

  11. Anonymous10:29

    Any more info about LCJ?

    1. Anonymous15:24

      what kind of info? :)

  12. Anonymous11:15

    Cestitam adriji na uspesnim experimentima po evropi i balkanu. Kakve su sanse da pocne da leti iz Beograda ka nekim evropskim gradovima te da postavi jedan avion u beg? Hvala.

    1. Anonymous11:19


    2. Anonymous15:23

      Nista time ne bi dobili pored Air Serbije koja je 3 puta veca aviokompanija

    3. Anonymous17:17

      3 times bigger woud be if ASL would carry about 3 mio + PAX...still just 2x bigget

    4. Anonymous18:49

      Actually no.... JU carried more than 2 million already, with an estimate of 2.3 million by year end. W6 carried 480.000 last year while they had two plane stationed in BEG. If you do the math it will say that JU is cca 5 times bigger in BEG.

      Of course W6 has lot more bases and overall is stronger in terms of pax number than JU but in BEG it is not the case

    5. Anonymous20:00

      No one is speaking about Wizz Air but about Adria.

  13. Anonymous11:19

    Никакве јер је ситуација у Београду доста другачија од Приштине, Тиране или Луџа. Не видим ка којим би одредиштима могли да лете а да нису већ покривена или где би могли да конкуришу Визу или Ер Србији.

    Ко зна, можда једног дана пусте летове из Пољске за Београд уз сарадњу са Ер Србијом... мада сумњам да ће се то икада десити.

  14. Anonymous11:56

    Meanwhile in Belgrade. :)

    Photo by Uros Mitrovic.

    1. Anonymous12:02

    2. Anonymous12:32

      +1 :)

      Thank you, looks awesome!

      When is it leaving?

    3. Aэrologic12:59

      In about half an hour from now.

    4. Anybody know what was it doing in BEG?

    5. Anonymous13:42

      It's taking some cargo to Douala. Usually when a big bird arrives to Belgrade it's to take weapons someplace.

    6. Anonymous13:44

      Some more pics:

    7. Nikola14:10

      and the landing video:

  15. Anonymous15:01

    What is with MAD, BCN and LIS??

    1. Anonymous17:26

      They planned BCN or MAD for S15. Maybe is still to come. Let' wait for while

  16. Anonymous15:05

    very important would be LJU-DBV (summer fri/sun), LJU-LED and to consider LJU-OSL or with small plane to push some charter MOW-MBX-POW for summer timetable and some italian Destination ROM or Napoli to Portoroz???

    1. Anonymous16:01

      I agree..... during summer it would be nice to fly LJU DVB and LJU SPU.

    2. Anonymous18:25

      totally agree on DBV and SPU

      and bring back OHD too , but dont charge the same ricilous amount of money like last time

  17. Anonymous16:00

    Do they (AA) have enough free capital for so many new bases? Wizz never showed that they have profit.

  18. Anonymous17:39

    Svaka cast ADR jedino oni i ASL posluju dobro u Ex-Yu.
    Trebali bi manje da sluze LH ali nazalost hoce da se LOT rasturi :(

    1. Anonymous21:09

      Ti zivis u eu gde konkurencija mora strogo da se postuje. Prema tome, niko nece da rasturi lot. Ne zaboravi da su prvi dobili 787. I lete vec duze vreme ka north america. Uostalom, sta moze jedna mala adrijica jednom masivnom lotu? I to iz lodja.. videcemo koliko ce trajati i da li ce opstati linija za munchen. Nadam se da nece slediti politiku ju sa dva daily za rome i athens, a zatim 6 weekly. Nego da mi vidimo kako ce ju pored adrije puniti kabinu u tirani :)

    2. Anonymous21:16

      Pa vi neznate sta se sprema LOTU nece malo ADR malo sama LH i odose putnici preko MUC-FRA ;)
      ASL nece imati problema sa ADR problema u TIA :)

    3. Anonymous22:00

      Pa izvini decko, to tako ide na otvorenim trzistima. Zamisli da dodje wizzair u Nis i otvori liniju za Hahn, Basel i Dortmund?! Pa u tom slucaju bi asl-ov DUS morao da ide sa daily na 4 weekly, a i LH bi morao sa double daily da ide na daily za MUC. A o asl-ovom Cirihu ne smem ni da pricam. To bi bila propast. Tako da sve na trzistu je jedna borba velika. Mozda asl nece imati sa adrijom problema, ali polako, cekaj da vidimo statistiku za neko vreme. Pozz.

    4. Anonymous22:00

      Ne mislite da sam ispao glup sa ova dva komentara mozda niste shvatili :)
      Mozda da prestanem pisem

    5. Anonymous22:21

      Ne mislim da si ispao glup, ali imas predispozicije za tako nesto :) Ali ne brini se, ovo je najobicniji avioblog na kojem mozes da izneses svoje tumacenje poslovanja aviokompanija. Kao sto se novi mnogima ne svidja, a mnogima je fenomenalan, tako i ovo. U svakom slucaju mucni malo glavom pre nego napises bilo sta. Znas. I rajaner preveze godisnje 90 mil putnika pa niko zbog njega nije propao. Cak se naplacao milionskih kazni zbog nepostovanja propisa. Isti taj rajan je otisao iz bud 2 godine pre propasti maleva. Pa nije lh ili af unistio malev. Pozz

    6. Anonymous22:28

      Jeste vi toliko bedno i nisko spali da komentarisete u moje ime

    7. Anonymous22:30

      Лот је на рубу пропасти и они уопште нису тако велика компанија. Прошле године су превезли свега 4.6 милиона путника. Што се тиче њихових летова ка северној Америци, они чак не лете за Њујорк сваки дан! Управо су укинули Женеву, Цирих, Атину, Бејрут...

      А што се Ер Србије тиче, Атина иде сваки дан а Рим се поново повећава од краја фебруара.

    8. Anonymous22:48

      Јер лети ЛОТ за Чикаго и Торонто?

    9. Anonymous22:50

      Da, valjda tri ili cetiri puta nedeljno ove zime. Peking je tri a Njujork valda pet.

  19. JU520 BEGLAX21:57

    JP is codesharing on several JU flts, smart move, so no real need to return to BEG soon.I d also say that LED could be a good summer destination, just don t know muc Economy is located around St. Petersburg. Not good just to depend on leisure traffic.
    Heard something that LX was just filing slots to LJU ZAG and SJJ to keep F7 away from these routes and that negotiations with JP are undergoing re next S15 timetable. One evidence cld be the filing of flights to ZAG. 7 weely flights and 4 different dep times. That makes no sense. Also JP has no no intentions to give up JP 310/311 to ZRH. This flt is aan afternoon flight like the one LX was publishing. Also under current circumstances 4 daily ZRHLJU flts make no sense

    ex YU: pls investigate into this matter, esp LX to LJU ZAG.

  20. Anonymous23:46

    Whats really happening with Adria lately ?
    I was flying to Vienna from Ljubljana and istead of AA we were flying with Trade Air Fokker 100 .

    1. Anonymous23:48

      They are short of planes at the moment with all the recent retirements. This will change next year. That's why they wetlease an F100 occasionally.

    2. Anonymous23:57

      Thanks for info.
      At least its not ATR 72 from Swedish company like in summertime :) F100 is much better jet plane.
      Beside A320 which was retired in october, any other planes are out?


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