Alitalia and Air Serbia to ease European Commission competition concerns |
Alitalia will give up some slots on its Rome Fiumicino - Belgrade route to its European competitors, with the Italian carrier under scrutiny from European Union aviation authorities after 49% of its shares were recently acquired by Etihad Airways. Sources close to the European Commission have told the Reuters news agency that the Abu Dhabi-based airline has been discussing possible concessions to offer in return for European antitrust approval. A person familiar with the matter noted that the carriers “are likely to secure EU approval if they offer minor concessions”. As such, the route between the Italian and Serbian capitals, which Alitalia serves daily, as well as other route concessions, may be freed up to European rivals such as Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines.
The European Commission has said it will decide by November 17 whether it will clear Etihad’s takeover of Alitalia. It did not provide details of the concessions, in line with its usual policy. In previous airline deals, the EU authority has demanded airlines give up airport slots, facilitate rivals’ access to connecting traffic or open up their frequent flyer programmes to ease competition concerns. Maurizio Lupi, the Italian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, says that he sees “no obstacles” to the Etihad - Alitalia deal and expects their partnership to be fully operational by January 1. This is believed to be the first time that Mr. Lupi, who has been a key player in the Italian government’s negotiations with Etihad, has set a specific date for the alliance to launch.
Alitalia and Air Serbia hold a duopoly over the Rome - Belgrade route, making it unclear which other airline could step in to take the conceded slots. Last week, easyJet terminated its three weekly service between the two capital cities due to poor ticket sales. The budget airline is not the first to suspend flights between Rome and Belgrade. In 2012, Wizz Air cancelled the same route citing high seasonality. Wizz originally intended to operate the flights on a seasonal basis but ultimately suspended the service altogether. Both Alitalia and Air Serbia codeshare on each others’ flights on the route. During the first half of the year, Alitalia more than doubled its operations to the Serbian capital compared to last year.
Maybe someone like Vueling could fly the route. That would be great. FCO-BEG flights on Air Serbia are overpriced like most of their flights.
ReplyDeleteFCO-BEG is far from overpriced, you can easily get a ticket for around 100€ return. Adding another airline other than AZ and JU on the FCO-BEG route hasnt shown results.
DeleteJeste oko 100 evrica. Pod uslovom da lete taj dan . ;)
DeleteЕр Србија лети свакодневно за Рим тако да не схватам шта хоћеш да кажеш.
DeleteBogami ne leti! Utorkom ne leti osim kratak period oko Božića i deo marta. Dakle svaki dan leti mesec i pola od ukupno 5 meseci. U ovom momentu i idućih mesec i pola ne leti utorcima.
DeleteHoce da ide po ovom blogu i prica svoje gluposti i pravi se pametan. Nama takvi ovde ne trebaju, ovde bi trebalo da su pametni ljudi, ne trolovi :)
DeleteШест пута недељно је мање више исто као и да лети свакодневно. Александар је написао и представио ситуацију као да лети три пута недељно.
DeleteAleksandar prica gluposti...
DeletePa ponovo uporedjujete LCC sa ASL.
ReplyDeletePa najbolje da daju dzabe karte svima da bi bili vi zadovoljni.
Niko ih neuporedjuje. Alitalia je drasticno jeftinija od Er Srbije a ako je jedina razlika vakumizirani sendvic onda nije ni cudo zasto im Rim lose ide.
DeleteOn CAF there was example for November:
ReplyDeleteBEG-CDG-TLS JU/AF 467 EUR
Why JU code-share connections are so expensive. That is very bad deal with such a high prices, and to fly to France with 1stop for almost 500 EUR is more than expensive?
Maybe because BEG-CDG is always full? Try with some other destination via JU
DeleteAko vec uporedjujete onda trebate znati da su ti letovi iz ZAG sa AF i vi letitite stalno sa njima za razliku od BEG gde prvo letite sa JU pa sa AF :)
BEG-CDG-LYS is 490 €
DeleteTLS from BEG on JU is not very attractive, but all hope is not lost, some good deals to be had with competing carriers
DeleteBEG-MUC-TLS - EUR 206
Pa opet je jeftinije nego sa OS INN-VIE-BEG 619 Eur. Mogao bi za te pare da letim za USA ili negde na Bliski Istok.
evo sad sam pogledao beg-inn preko fra sa lh je 43.611 din sto dodje negde oko 364e. zasto bi bilo ko leteo skuplje za inn kad moze jeftinije. primetio sam da lh iz beg-a daje najpovoljnije cene za bilo gde u evropi. zato cesto i dolecu ovde sa 321.
DeleteTo je cudno zato sto let INN-FRA obavlja OS sa svojim Q400 i onda neznam sto je jeftinije =D to cak nisam ni gledao preko FRA :) nasao sam za 260 EUR preko LH sajta ali se leti preko VIE to mi je jako cudno :) tako da je jefrinije sa LH za dve osobe 520 eur nego sa OS 619 =D
Tako kaze galileo u koji gledam. Slabo pratim originalne sajtove kompanija. Uvek gledam najjeftiniju tarifu. A imas i ovu kombinaciju:
Delete1JU 600 BEG VIE 0700 0835 AT7
2 OS@ VIE INN 0945 1045 DH4
3 OS @ INN VIE 1855 1955 100
4 JU 605 VIE BEG 2100 2220 AT7
Lepa su i vremena i sve. Let vie-inn obavlja tyrolean. Cena 47.320 din ili 395e.
Ja vecinom kupim direktno kartu na aerodromu posto znam kad cu leteti =D
Niko ti ne brani da kupujes gde hoces. Ja uglavnom svuda putujem easyjetom jer je najjeftiniji. Sad mi je zao sto easyjet gasi sve linije ka Italiji. Bas sam jeftino leteo svuda po Evropi. Nije mi vazno da letim Air Srbijom, kao mnogima. Eto skoro sam platio jeftinu kartu preko Milana za Hamburg 105e povratnu. A uskoro cu u Zenevu za 44e povratna. Mislim idem u Lion, ali cu u Zenevi sesti na voz. Svuda mozes jeftino easyjetom. Zao mi da bacim pare na redovne linije. Nemam ja ne znam kakvu platu pa da se kao lozim i letim air srbijom.. Ali moram da priznam da redovno ucestvujem u povecanju broja putnika beogradskog aerodroma :D
DeleteLyon and Belgrade should be connected. Paris is not the only town in France where ther is a serbian diaspora
DeleteAirSerbia added additional flights to Ljubljana in the booking system. They will go with B737.
ReplyDeleteAlso morning / evening flights to Podgorica will go with B737.
Seems like they started adding them today because in Amadeus they have them only until the summer when we go back to the old one. I think they should complete it until the end of today.
DeleteStill, the B737-300 should operate five times per week, two in the morning and three in the afternoon. I for one am happy that the old ladies are still flying with us.
Think of a 737 as a stop gap measure until other planes join the fleet, just a temporary fix.
DeleteOh I don't mind the B733, I would take it rather than the Atr especially since its less noisy and it gets you there much faster.
DeleteI think Air Serbia will become a total success in Ljubljana. For example, for destinations such as Skopje, Thessaloniki, Athens, Moscow... Air Serbia will offer two daily alternatives as all of these flights are operated double daily. These are some fantastic news for Ljubljana!
DeleteThe best and easiest way would be for Alitalia to suspend its Belgrade flights. They would code-share with Air Serbia and there would be enough room for another carrier to step in. Wizz Air or easyJet could reinstate flights or even Vueling could do it, though I doubt that would happen.
ReplyDeleteNo te easiest way would be that Air Serbia suspend Rome flights and code-share on Alitalia and there would be enough room for another carrier to step in.
DeleteThat would solve nothing. If you bothered to read the article you would know that it's Alitalia that is under investigation and that it's Alitalia which needs to give up flights. So yes, the easiest would be for AZ to just suspend Belgrade.
DeleteActually no, Alitalia / Air Serbia have the same part owner so it can be both the give up some slots (which is most likely). Same thing happened with Lufthansa/Austrian on flights to Vienna.
DeleteYes BUT Alitalia and Etihad said that they have offered Alitalia's slots between the two capitals so it has absolutely no impact on Air Serbia.
DeleteOMG! Air Serbia has loaded into its system flights to Dubrovnik and Split which will start in late March 2015!
ReplyDeleteBelgrade-Split 1*3*5*7
13.30-14.40 // 15.15-16.25 Atr-72
Belgrade-Dubrovnik *2*4*6**
13.35-14.40 // 15.15-16.20 Atr-72
I suppose this is a preliminary schedule, it will most likely be modified before the summer season. Tickets start from €100.
That's fantastic. In early April Air Serbia should have about 117 weekly departures to the Balkan cities or 17 daily!
DeleteIm sure there will be changes to the schedule, but its good to see JU back in Croatia. Im sure DBV and SPU will both be daily. After all, we did see a late opening of PUY with 3 p/w and a change to DBV and SPU with more frequencies and with B733/A319. ZAG is the one we should be waiting for.
DeleteHmm didn't they already announce daily flights to Pula? So there is a good chance Air Serbia will have 3 daily departures to Croatia!
DeleteZAG be ready for ASL, see you soon.
DeletePa ovo neme nikakve veze sa Er Srbijom. Alitalija i Etihad su proletos potpisali ugovor o strateskom partnerstvu, koji pošto je Italija u EU mora da odobri EK, pa će Italijani da bi dobili to odobrenje dati određene ustupke drugim evropskim kompanijama. Voja
ReplyDeleteNego jel ima neko informaciju kada ce JU da uvede letove za Oslo? Ili mozda neko zna da li norwegian planira da pojaca tu liniju? Stvarno se mi koji cesto putujemo u Oslo mucimo. Jednom nedeljno direktan let je nedopustiv!!! Znam mnogo ljudi koji zive u Norveskoj, ali stalno negde presedamo, uglavnom u Nemackoj. Uzas. Nekad smo se spustali do Geteborga, ali i tamo je JU prestao da leti.
ReplyDeletePa potrznja ocigledno nije dovoljna ni za 2 nedeljna leta... Skandinavski gradovi su slabiji u smislu putnika tokom zimske sezone, pogotovo Oslo. Mozda zato ASL nece da uvede te letove? Ja bi ise voleo da vidim letove za Madrid, Barselonu, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Amman, Dablin....Mnogo gradova sa kojima ASL jos uvek nije povezana, ali bice kad nabavi jos 15-tak aviona.
DeleteMa potraznja za Norveskom je sve veca i veca! Veruj mi. Svedsku je prebukirao wizzair. Ne znam zasto je ukinuo Oslo Torp, ali taj aerodrom je stvarno mnogo daleko od Osla, a i slabe su mu konekcije ka Bergenu i Trondhajmu. Sa torpa u jednom pravcu bus do Osla kosta 25 eura i to je bas mnogo. Norwegian je odlican i bilo bi dobro da uvede bar 3 nedeljna. Videces, sigurno ce to jednom da se desi.
DeleteNadam se, bilo bi lepo videti to :)
DeleteHvala ti, i ne samo to. Voleo bih da smo iz Beograda direktno povezani sa ham, bcn, led, gla, dub, lys, nce, blq i jos bar 2,3. Ko god, ne mora da leti asl :)
DeleteЈат је имао просечну попуњеност 66% када је летео за Осло током лета пре неколико година. То је стварно фантастичан резултат имајући у виду да је и тада имао конкуренцију на линији.
DeleteI agree. Hambourg should be lanched by Air serbia or air berlin, saint petersburg by aeroflot or air serbia in code share. Lyon and Nice should be perfect for easyjet.
DeleteFor those of you paying attention, today's topic was already mentioned in the last comment of Oct 28 news page.
ReplyDeleteEC is also investigating Air Serbia and this could also affect outcome of that case. Does anyone have answers from that comment from couple of days ago, copied here:
Is there a case number assigned by EC for Air Serbia "ongoing inquiry" as is for Alitalia, for example? It looks like Alitalia might have to make concessions on BEG-FCO route and I'd like to see how will that affect Air Serbia case. If there is no formal case #, is there at least any provisional deadline from EC for Air Serbia? It's quite telling that bureaucrats will likely be done faster with Alitalia (Nov 17, I believe) than Air Serbia.
The main difference is that Serbia is not a member of the European Union so the decision made by Brussels is not legally binding. This is not the case when it comes to Italy and Alitalia.
DeleteThe European Commission will produce a favourable report on Air Serbia-Etihad because everything suspicious was taken care of. Plus, European airline have bigger fish to fry now that Etihad is building up both Air Berlin and Alitalia.
It looks disgusting, a failed optimization for tablets. Instead of making it as a separate option/version, they ruined a very good site. The site is ugly, heavy and lagging on desktops, shame.
Deleteyou forgot to mention what site you are writing about.
DeleteDanas je isla Air Serbia reklama na CNN-u. Svaka cast, odlican reklamni spot
ReplyDeleteI juce na Sport klubu 1 ko je gledau MAN CITY - MAN UTD
Deleteje na stadionu isla Etihad alliance reklama i sa ASL =D
ReplyDeleteBas bi bilo strava da se ovo obistini pa da Nis dobije letove ka Evropi.
Ja napisah neki dan da trebaju da daju subvencije njima.
DeleteAko im budu pristojne cene, sto da ne, ja bih leteo iz Nisa za Cirih.
DeleteBacite pogled na - nova sminka sajta. Sekcija sa letovima i rasporedeom je zivi ocaj.
ReplyDeleteМени се ништа није променило.
Deletejao uzas. od 14:50 do 17:05 nema nijednog redovnog poletanja..
DeleteLooks disgusting.
DeletePa taj zivi ocaj ima duplo vise putnika .
DeleteNajverovatnije ce moj komentar biti obrisan ova provokacija od gore ostavljena =DD
ima duplo vise, ali zato sled.godine u ovo vreme mozda 5% vise =D
DeleteMozda! Ajde da cekamo pa da vidimo ja stedim za katru za ORD koja ce verovatno biti dostupna vec u aprilu, sled. godine u ovo vreme bice i toga ne brini ti nista :)
DeleteHeh, kolko je cesto jat '87 leteo za ord? 2 ili 3 pw?
DeleteImace i dalje 1,5-2 mil vise pax nego ZAG ako ne i vise to garantujem jos kad krenu letovi za YYZ-JFK-ORD ja cu da letim na sve 3 destinacije da vidim kako je leteti sa ASL na te 3 destinacije
Leti gde god hoces, ali neces uskoro imati direktan za INN. Cisto da znas. I nek ima beg vise od zag-a, ali zato srbija nikada nece imati vise aktivnih aerodroma od hrvatske, niti broja putnika. pozz iz Srbije!!!
DeleteАјме... а одакле ти то да неће имати више него Хрватска путника? Ја баш мислим да хоће и то у наредне две године. Аеродром Београд ће већ ове године прећи 4.5 милиона путника што значи да ће разлика бити свега милион и по... то није страшно.
Delete1,5 milijuna putnika nije velika razlika, i to s turistima čiji broj u Hrvatskoj raste svake godine? A, usput, Hrvatska će ove godine imati preko 6,5 milijuna putnika!
DeleteDobro ljudi cemu vise ovo raspravljanje???
DeleteKoliko godina imate, 10? Cinjenice su da:
-ZAG nece stici BEG do 2017. sigurno, jer tada se otvara novi terminal, ovaj sada jedva moze i 4 000 000 putnika da izdrzi, ili ne moze?
-Hrvatska ima vise putnika u vazdusnom saobracaju od Srbije, ali i to moze da se promeni
-Ne mozete 7 aerodroma porediti sa jednim, time samo pokazujete koliko dajete znacaj tom jednom, a vidite da ove druge smatraju dosta manjim, sto i jesu
-Glupe izjave tipa "BEG ce imati ovo i bice ono....ZAG ce imati ono......" su apsurdne i nemaju smisao, osim ako nemate potvrdnu informaciju
-Ne razumem cemu to prepucavanje izmedju Hrvatske i Srbije sto se vazduhoplovstva tice, Hrvatska ima vise putnika, Srbija ima mnogo jaceg avioprevoznika
The end.
Vi ste vise nego smesni pa tih 6.5 mil pax je sa 8 aerodroma a BEG je sam tako da ce on sam vec mozda mozda sledece godine prestici svih 8 ;)
DeleteNeboj se ti za INN mozda jedna aviokompanija razmatra te letove za BEG ako im se bude isplatila jos jedna routa za Italiju posto tu routu nisu jos analizirali i ako dobiju Slot :))
I naravno da ce BEG vec sledece godine imati letove za USA :)
Теби ако смета слободно не мораш да читаш. Ја пишем чињенице и ствари које ће се десити. Између осталог, погледајмо колико је аеродром у Београду имао путника 2009. када су укинуте визе а колико има данас. Ја се поносим на свој аеродром и мислим да ће се овај тренд наставити, посебно сада када Ер Србија наставља да додаје учесталости по региону.
DeleteMoj je duzi, tvoj je kraci. Deca dobila novu igracku, uvek ista prica.
DeleteE taj tvoj ponos ce ti dati kruha. To vrijedi za Hrvate i Srbe.
DeleteТо су чињеница а ја не видим зашто би ту било ичега лоше. Ја сам подједнако био срећан када је Београд прешао Софију и Солун. Овде је само споменут Загреб и Хрватска па сам писао у том контексту.
DeleteПритом, ја сам сигуран да и Немци се радују када неки од њихових аеродрома претекне неки други. Али добро, пошто су то све западњаци, њима је све опроштено.
I'm working at Zagreb airport, today a fight erupted in the departures area between some Bosnian Serbs who were discussing that next time they should fly from Banja Luka thanks to Air Serbia and some Croatian football fans going to Frankfurt. Two persons were wounded (one seriously), one detained. Very sad indeed we aren't able to get beyond our painful past.
ReplyDeleteThat is just so childish... Why can't we just forget the past??? The past is in the past.
DeleteKad dođeš nekome u goste onda se ponašaš kulturno i pristojno, ili ne dolaziš u goste. Kad sam ja ove godine putovao preko Beograda nakraj pameti mi nije bilo provocirati ili išta komentirati, iako se imalo šta. Ali tada bih bio krajnje bezobrazan i nekuluran.
DeleteIstina. Pametno si postupio, ne kao ovi primitici.
DeletePa da su na bilo kom drugom Aerodromu u EU !! komentarisali nebi bilo nista.
DeleteOcigledno obe strane ili su bili pijani ili neke seljacine srpske sto zive u Nemackoj ili negde drugde znam kakvi su oni misle da mogu da rade sta hoce .
Why was my comment deleted?
DeleteNecete dobiti odgovor ko ni ja juce i ako nista lose niste mislili
None of your comments were deleted. The only other comment you posted was at QR921November 3, 2014 at 4:30 PM and it is there.
Deletenemam nista protiv zag-a, ali kada bih u svom gradu imao aerodrom i letove sa istog, ne bi mi palo na pamet da se vozim po 4 sata da bih poleteo sa nekog drugog aerodroma. uostalom asl ima jako povoljne cene karata iz bnx-a za nemacku, a i vremena su dobra. sta cu im ja. nek se bije ko hoce, ali mora za to i da odgovara. zato volim vedranu rudan :)
DeleteČekajte, vi mislite da je "provokacija" ili "nekulturno ponašanje" to što su određeni putnici komentarisali da bi sledeći put trebalo da lete sa drugog aerodroma, drugom avio-kompanijom?! Znate koliko sam ja puta čuo isto to na gejtovima u Beogradu kada kasne letovi, pa nije dolazilo do tuče? Zaboga, nisu pravili nered, nego su međusobno razgovarali o tome kako da lete sledeći put...
DeleteA gospodin koji se ustručavao komentarisanja u Beogradu, ja ga najlepše molim da to ne radi. Ne radi se o nacionalnom ponosu ili državnom interesu, nego da li ste zadovoljni uslugom koju vam je jedno preduzeće pružilo za VAŠ novac i koju sa pravom očekujete! Siguran sam da bi vas i drugi putnici, bez obzira na nacionalnost, u tome podržali - a kompaniji svakako treba staviti do znanja kada nije u pravu i tražiti adekvatnu uslugu i/ili naknadu. To nije nikakva provokacija, nego najnormalnije ponašanje nezadovoljnog putnika koji je svojim novcem platio kartu.
Gluposti, da u Beogradu ja kažem, koja je ovo provincijalna seljačija, idući puta ću letjeti sa Croatiom ili nekom drugom kompanijom Europske unije jer ovi još sto godina neće biti ni blizu toga dobio bih po nosu i to sa pravom. To jednostavno nije prihavljivo. Jer ako tako misliš onda ne odlaziš na taj aerodrom.
DeleteKrelci su provocirali i naglas komentirali, svojoj izjavi nadodali poprilično nacionalističkih epiteta, i na kraju izjavili da od sad lete samo sa srpskom kompanijom. I pazi čuda da se našo neki jednak takav kreten koji ima kratak fitilj i malo pameti, te misli da je branjenje nacionalnog ponosa ponašanje jednako čobanskom ponašanju tih provokatorskih budaletina.
Jedan hrvatski navijac ozbiljno je povredjen, lekari se bore za njegov zivot, jos dvojica srba su privedena.
DeleteNeću nikoga da pravdam, potrebne su dve budale da bi se tako nešto dogodilo, jedna nije dovoljna. I voleo bih da se svi lepo oporave i onda odgovaraju za svinjarije koje prave.
DeleteSvejedno, i dalje mislim da ako smatrate da treba da se kaže da nećete leteti iz provincijalne seljačije, odnosno ako su opravdali takav stav, onda im to treba i kazati. Šta mislite, da mi "domaći" u BEG nikada nismo pomislili to za Air Serbia, u odnosu na recimo Lufthansu? Ili za naš aerodrom u odnosu na minehnski?
Ne treba biti namerno uvredljiv ili bezobrazan, niti lepiti nekakve nacionalističke etikete, ali treba jasno reći kada nešto ne valja i ne štedeti odgovorne. Ako ste zaista pomislili na tu "seljačiju", onda su, verujem, to debelo zaslužili, jer očigledno niste neko ko je došao u BEG sa predrasudom ili a priori negativnim stavom - u protivnom ne biste ni došli. Ponavljam, vaš je novac u pitanju. Uostalom, to vam daje pravo i da ćutite ako želite, ali ja duboko verujem da samo konstruktivan negativan feedback može da dovede do poboljšanja usluge, naravno uz ozbiljnu konkurenciju.
Ako su namerno provocirali sa nacionalistickim komentarima onda za to treba i da odgovaraju bez pogovora...mada ni ti navijaci nisu sigurno bez krivice, ali navijaci su navijaci...
DeleteJa bih se, takodje, uzdrzao od bilo kakvih komentara da sam gost na nekom aerodromu u regionu jer bi to sigurno uvek bilo pogresno protumaceno bilo o kom aerodromu da se radi.
Pozdrav iz Beg.
AB je dobio novog CEO Stefan Pichler je jako veliki strucnjak vratio je Jazeera Airways i Fiji Airways u plus .
ReplyDeleteI zaduzen je za 38 bdpa Fijia posto je CEO necega za turista na Fijiju
OT: 733 to Prague today!
ReplyDeleteOMG see the new website of Belgrade airport.
ReplyDeleteIts a nightmare...
The best airport site became the worst and disgusting shit i have ever seen in my life.
If you dont get a headache from that then you are braindead.
Belgrade Airport Web Design Fail
DeleteAm I blind or I just dont see any changes?
DeleteWhats different?
ReplyDeleteTheir new website is really bad.
J* majku sta je ovo na sajtu BEGa ???
ReplyDeleteI do not like new !!!
ReplyDeleteOT: Split airport
ReplyDelete10/2013 103609
10/2014 116037
Wooow such an increase........
I can't see the new site everyone is talking about. It's still the same
ReplyDeleteScratch that now I see it. Chrome has cookies which need to be deleted.
DeleteAnd yes its absolutely terrible
DeleteSta mu hvali nije tako los :)
Nzm ni ja malo je nekako previse sareno ubija me boja ali ostalo je ok nije se nesto ni promenio isti je gore raspored onih ikonica
DeleteNew CEO hired new head of IT, money had to be used for something (someone) and percents taken, new token for a friend...
ReplyDeleteWhich company and where ?
Deletemajmunska kompanija budaletina
DeleteA-ha ...Croatia Airlines ....
DeleteThe airport director got his eleven year old son a new job obviously...
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to ?
ReplyDeleteI mean are they serious -
The one responsible for this should get fired immediately!
Why on earth did they mess with something that was already perfect? Instead of ruining the best site they should have just updated it regularly!
DeleteThey just wanted to make a site that looks western and all fancy.
^ It does not even look fancy LOL.
DeleteFar from it.
Haha Belgrade is run by idiots!!
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck o.O
Sramota za svi koji su delavci na aerodromu ovoga nova sajta...
ReplyDeleteThey ruined it.
ReplyDeleteIts difficult to navigate,where are arrivals ?
Where are the goddamn departures?????
Goddamn you ass***** ruined it !!!
Seriously experts, what is wrong with a new Belgrade airport web site? It is quite easy to navigate and it is very nice. Can't people here stop with negativity and ridiculing everything and anything. It is pathetic and childish.
DeleteYou should visit a doctor if you really think what you write.I got eye cancer from it.
DeleteSeriously how can somebody like this ?
Have you ever seen the old website?
Thatold site was one of the best worldwide.
Agreed, you need examples so you can fire those who made this site. Here it is:
Delete- on the home page, select English in the top right corner. Then click on the Map. Your page is back in Serbian?!?
- Click on English again, Map page is back in English. Help text says "In upper-left menu you can select level and view of the particular part of the airport. Then, in upper-right menu turn on and off elements of your interest." This is actually wrong, selecting level is in the upper-right, not left, corner. Next: text to select level in upper-right corner of the map is in Serbian ONLY. Good luck understanding what "Prizemlje" is. Same for the menu left of the map, it's only in Serbian. What is "Prodavnice"?
- Let's click on Prodavnice left of map. I see "STR Trafika" with info in Serbian only. Worst of all, there is a tiny picture of a GAP store! Seriously, a GAP store at Belgrade airport!!!
WTF someone needs to get fired over this. You need more examples?
Also it is unusable on mobiles, while very slow on computers. It is optimized for tablets i.e touch screens only, % of which we know how many people use. This reminds me a lot the website, same story. They could at least have offered people the choice between the new and the old version.
DeleteWhy my comment keeps on being deleted?
DeleteAlso it is unusable on mobiles, while very slow on computers. It is optimized for tablets i.e touch screens only, % of which we know how many people use. This reminds me a lot the website, same story. They could at least have offered people the choice between the new and the old version.
At least they could have chosen two different icons for landing and take-off. Miserable.
DeleteAnonymous November 3, 2014 at 11:25 PM: They are not being deleted. Your comment was automatically categorised as spam by the Blogspot platform. It has been retrieved.
DeleteIt shows "loading" and then you wait and see that jumbo nonsense ,i mean ...what the it a joke or do they really want it like this?
DeleteYes,way too much waiting for loading.
DeleteWhat a waste of time.
The quality of pictures is also quite bad!
DeleteHm i think works fine in Firefox (and only in Firefox)
ReplyDeleteCan someone post a picture of the new website for us who can't see it?
ReplyDeleteMeni odlicno radi na chrome-u, mada me je glava malo zabolela od sarenisa, navicecemo se valjda.....kao sto se navikavamo na svakakva g***na koje jedemo i vise i ni primecujemo sta jedemo
ReplyDeletei don't know, the new web site looks ok. it's still one of the easiest navigable airport sites i've seen. and i've seen a lot of them
ReplyDeleteIts not a question of how it works but how it is to use.
ReplyDeleteYes,the old version was perfect.The new one is full of useless information while the most important things are hard to find.
What a failure!
Its time for Belgrade airport to get a whole new management.
ReplyDeleteI really hope for the Arabs to get the concesion!
They for sure would something like this never let happen ! looks as if it was designed by amateurs.
Okay, its nice to try something new . but in this case i have to admit ..i hate the new design too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they will change it?!
That page looks strange so many colors and signs and aah my mind is numb
ReplyDeleteWhat a disgusting design and everybody hates it.
ReplyDeleteAhaha, das ist der Hammer!
ReplyDeleteWar natürlich neugierig zu sehhn wie schlecht die Seite vom Flughafen wirklich ist.
Aber die ist echt der Wahnsinn.Daß die sich überhaupt trauen sowas ins Netz zu stellen.
I use Firefox, and on my laptop looks the same as before or some minor changes I cannot notice?
ReplyDeleteDoes it possibly look different on different web browsers?
I have IE, Firefox and Chrome and the new look is only appearing on Internet Explorer. It is terrible to say the least. Here is a screeshot
I have the old one bookmarked using Firefox, and its still showing it as it was.
ReplyDeleteBut if I enter in google search its showing the new one...
I have to say its really awfull that new one...
We should "flood" them with emails and compalain, demanding to return the old one.
I am certainly going to send them an email to ask them to knock off their annoying behavior. The old site was great, and one of the few websites in this entire country that was done well.
DeleteThe new site has many flaws.
ReplyDeleteWhen you go further to _all arrivals/departures_
the first sight is an awful lot of bloody red fields with useless info .
Then you scroll down and the green _landed at_field is sqeezed with little planes and numbers!
Its an overload of red colour ,numbers and letters that flow into each other.
No wonder you get a headache...
Its too much info squeezed into little place!
The new site looks like a toolbar for toddlers...
ReplyDeleteYou can still use old website at, one should not try to open new terminal map - a complete disaster enriched with numerous 1st grade spelling and translation errors (e.g. informations, launge, "mother and child"), and changed and illogical graphic solutions and icons.
ReplyDeleteComplete disaster.
Klik na "Kargo" pa na "Red Letenja" pa na "Sezonski Red Letenja". Na mapi klik na Istambul i dobijes ovu gresku:
ReplyDeleteNotice: Use of undefined constant lang_flights_seasonal_no_flights - assumed 'lang_flights_seasonal_no_flights' in /srv/ on line 537 lang_flights_seasonal_no_flights
Everyone who does not like the new site, please send a polite and brief email to this address:
Thank you. If they get enough emails, they will have to consider returning the old site. As it is obvious here, nobody actually likes the new site better.
A once good and functional website was destroyed. The English in the site is as embarrassing as the Serbian translations in Air Serbia a/c.
ReplyDeleteOne user here mentioned that Air Serbia's Elevate magazine should include the airport map...lets hope it will not be this map :D
Time, effort and money wasted on this is disappointing, considering that BEG is far from a nice airport.
Hahahha idiots... if you click on the statistics, the last month they have is May! These people are beyond useless! The old website was easy to navigate, don't see why they would change it.
ReplyDeleteIt will take them months to see what mistakes they did.These people are idiots!
DeleteWhat's the point of the small aircraft in the 'departed' icon? It's ugly. Seriously... this is beyond horrible. Then again I guess this is nothing surprising since the airport did place the stickers on their a/c some years ago where it wrote 'do not seat.'
ReplyDeletethese website is a load of trash !!!