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Slovenian state trio to sell majority share in Adria |
The Slovenian government, state-owned Bank Asset Management Company (BAMC) and the state-owned bank DUTB have signed a deal to jointly sell their 91.58% stake in national airline Adria Airways. The government will be selling a 69.87% share in the carrier, BAMC a further 19.63% and PDP will offload its 2.08% stake. The remaining biggest single owners are the Abanka Vipa Bank (4.74%), Hypo Alpe Adria Bank (1.81%) and Unicredit banka Slovenija (1.76%). The sales process marks the second time Adria has been put up for sale, following a failed attempt in August 2012 when the government offered a 74.8% share to potential investors. Under European Union regulation, only a company from inside the block is able to buy a majority stake in another EU-based business.
Adria Airways’ CEO, Mark Anžur, recently said it would be best to offer the carrier to small airlines or financial investors, as big European players have "problems of their own". Mr. Anžur added, “One problem is that a company from outside of the Union can only take a 49% stake. Our choices are limited, so in my opinion we can realistically expect interest from Europe. We would like someone with a strong capital base, someone who would allow us to focus on growth and give us more freedom with our own finances. Of course, we can survive without a partner as well”. Adria has not yet reported its financial results for 2014. Mr. Anžur says passenger numbers have risen about 7% with the company expected to break even.
During Adria’s last privatisation attempt, a total of ten parties submitted non binding offers. Up until now there has been no official word on who made these bids. However, it is believed that Welcome Air, a small Austrian-based airline operating two turboprop aircraft and the Dutch company Panta Holdings, which in 2012 purchased the German airline OLT Express (which has since gone bankrupt), were among the bidders. Also rumoured to have been interested was Germany’s Intro Aviation, a consultancy firm which has turned around several loss making airlines, including NFD (presently known as Eurowings) as well as dBa and LTU International Airlines, which have since been merged with Air Berlin. Unlike two years ago, Adria is no longer under investigation by the European Commission for receiving state aid. The government is now expected to select a privatisation advisor before calling for the submission of bids.
Does anyone know if OU plans on cancelling Pristina flights? From March they are reducing them to just two weekly flights. If they are so weak in summer, God knows how bad the loads will be in winter.
ReplyDeleteNo it's two per week all summer, even if OU does pull the route Air Croatia can easily step in to fill the void.
DeleteOU is just to expencive to fly with them.
Sarajevo - Amsterdam
01.08. - 08.08.2015
Croatia: 321€
Air Serbia: 373€
Lufthansa: 289€
Austrian: 221€
I really don´t know what OU, JP and JU want to achieve with their prices...
It´s even cheaper to fly from Sarajevo to Europe via Istanbul (Pegasus and Turkish) than via ZAG, LJU or BEG.
The same is with Pristina. Prices via ZAG and LJU are rigorous.
What we need in ex-yu is COMPETITION!!!
We need Ryanair, Easyjet, Wizz Air and "more Germanwings".
So call them to come!!
DeleteAnyway, there is Wizz Air from Tuzla!
Good luck to Adria but I'm worried about these "investment companies". They usually don't have a good track record when purchasing airlines.
ReplyDeleteIt all depends on the selling price. If it's high enough than the potential buyer will not be able to make a profit from selling off parts/whole airline but if they bring the price down too much in a bid to attract more buyers than Adria could be in trouble.
DeleteWhy isn't Wizz Air adding more flights in Ljubljana?
ReplyDeleteDidn't expect they would sell such a big share. Will be interesting to see what happens..
ReplyDeleteI think that this is just a fog. There is no or very rare potential buyer in EU to buy 91%. The offer is made for this market only as all non EU buyers are excluded from the start. We all know for European 49% regulations. My opinion is that they do not want JP to be sold at all.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Slovenian law, a shareholder that has more than 90% share, can squeeze out other minor shareholders.
DeleteI agree. They don't want to sell they just pretend to do so because EU is watching. Of course they know interest -as things are standing is low-
DeleteQuestion is how long they can generate losses and how long state will fix them with tax payers money. Everything have limits, Adria is near this limit.
DeleteAnd honestly if Adria will become insolvent tommorow I dont' care If they sell Anzur and whole cabin crew :)) , because they are too expensive with their offers, and I don't understand this guy Anzur what kind of exhibitions he is trying to perform.
I hope other low-cost companies would come to LJU, like Vueling (route to Spain) , Germanwings (route to Germany), Wizz (route to LTN, and Scandinavia), Easyjet (route to STN, maybe Greece ) and others. Now since Fraport is in charge of LJU, Adria will have to pay fees and other costs, which they were before having special price from state owned company and they were paying after 6 months and more...
OT: (Marie France website) In-flight Fashion: Our top 10 cabin crew uniforms; Air Serbia won 2nd place, right after Emirates!
ReplyDeleteMore at: http://www.mariefranceasia.com/lifelove/entertainment-lifelove/top-10-flight-attendants-uniform-63093.html?utm_source=rss_feed&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=yahoo#item=2
Wow! Congratulations to Air Serbia!
DeleteAh, i'm sure they didn't take into account the new Etihad-one, otherwise they would have been on the second place. Also, i believe Cathay has better uniforms than VA. Wizz Air isn't bad either. No surprise Turkish is not on the list, they have no taste.
Wtf is mariefrance site? It could be markočvarko...?
DeleteThe new Etihad uniforms ranked 4th. Personally I don't like them, the purple touches are kitsch.
DeleteMarie-France is a french famous fashion&women magazine.
DeleteTo je inače časopis za "starije gospodje" ;)
DeleteJa eto volim starije gospodje.
DeleteASL uniform prize:
JP OU should merge and get sold to LH. Keep name Adria, headquarter in Zagreb. Management fm Germany, CEO guy fm LH group
ReplyDeletesince this wont happen, JP has no bright future. If they will be gone SK AF AY SN LH LX OS TK JU SU WIZZ AIR EASY could take over and offer flights to LJU
OT: flew ZRHSOFZRH with FB E90
Friday apx 48 pax, today full flight back to ZRH
Serving sandwich and beverages. Wine fm the 7,5 dl bottle
inflight mag ok but nothing special. Cigarettes cheap. They sell 2 cartons for 34 eur only. Toilets clean and fully equipped with soap and paper. Crew talking english without problems. All in all a pleaaant exp. Both flts on time
Disadvantage is that many aircraft are not boarded thru jetbridge gates, despites having severall of them empty. Guy at a Swissport SOF said, it s more expensive to board with bridges and FB rather boards their Airbus fleet than the E190. Terminal 2 is apx 10 years old. Ok but not with many shops. Seating in the terminal ok
FB maintenance done by LH Technik SOF
Next time fly via BEG. :D
DeleteThe Sofia terminal was an architectural disaster hence why its façade collapsed a few years ago.
Almost did, but was on business trip, so every hour counted
DeleteIt's a shame JU doesn't have a night flight to SOF.
DeleteCroatians would never, effectively give up name, CTN, for Adria, even if company based in Zagreb.
DeleteThe gov wouldn't, I would.
DeleteAdria should be a nice name in Croatia, too..
Quite a lot of extra capacity in Belgrade today.
ReplyDeleteAustrian A320
Aegean A320
Qatar A321
Swiss A321
Bucharest has become a standard A319 destination now.
DeleteAny info on the QR loads?
But Bucharest was a more or less A319 destination since the summer.
DeleteHow are the loads on that route?
DeleteJos jedan dokaz da i druge Aviokompanije posluju odlicno u LYBE .
You mean the OTP route?
DeleteWhat's LYBE?
LYBE is ICAO of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.
DeleteYes, on the OTP route. How are the loads and where people mostly travel to/from?
DeleteASL posluje odlicno prema OTP .
DeleteLYBE je ICAO kod za BEG :)
Hahah znam nego se zezam ;)
DeleteOTP nije odlican ali nije ni los. Cesto zna da bude 110 u jednom smeru a onda 40 u drugom. Ali ako treba da izvucem neki prosek onda bih rekao da ima oko 90-95 putnika po letu.
DeleteAjde sada ti lepo meni kazi, da li JU ima linija na kojima lose posluje posto svaki put automatski odgovaras da odlicno posluje na svakoj ruti.
Anonymous at 5:25 PM
DeleteNaravno da ima routa gde lose posluje ali sve zavisi od dana.
Netacno, nema nikakve veze sa danima.
DeleteKoje su to linije, sta su ti rekli?
Pa od mene necete sigurno nista lose cuti o ASL a kamoli na kojim routama lose posluju pa da pisete o tome ponovo mesecima ;)
DeleteVerovatno ti je cilj da nas p"prosvetlis" time sto ces nam "otkriti" da je vecina ASLovih letova lose popunjena, ali pravicu se lud i reci cu ti ono sto znam.
Cuo sam da Tel Aviv ide lose, ako se ne varam pre neki dan su iz Tela Aviva za BEG imali nesto vise od 30 putnika. ZAG ne ide lose, ali desava se da ima malo putnika ponekada. Cuo sam da Skoplje u zadnje vreme nema nesto mnogo putnika, mada bilo je ocigledno da putnika nije bilo dovoljno za dva leta dnevno, pa su drugi let ukinuli posle leta ako se dobro secam. Mislim da im ni Beirut ne ide najbolje. To je ono sto ja znam.
Mislim da je najbolja popunjenost na letovima za CDG, FRA, SVO..
Can somebody post a few sample loads from today's flights
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 11, 2015 at 5:59 PM
DeleteFrom my contact at Zagreb airport, AS load factor is bad on Zagreb - Belgrade route, on good days 40-45% LF, normally 33-35%, on bad days barely 20%.
Midweek is ok, weekends can be bad, worst is Monday or Tuesday, best is midweek. Only twice since route has been established was ATR full, or almost full. JAT/AS is saying that is normal for all new routes, no comment.
Ne bih bas rekao da je Beirut lose popunjen posto uvek lete sa A320,cisto sumnjam da bi njega slali da je losa popunjenost
DeleteDon't worry for JU, they won't brake their teeth on Zagreb, route was launched less than a month ago and this is the slowest period. After all, it isn't the business capital of the world to warrant 100% loads in winter every day. Relax and come back in a few months.
DeleteBeirut is selling fantastically. There was a short period when the loads were around 70 passengers per flight but they picked up in mid-November.
DeleteMost JU routes are doing well, IST is performing wonderfully. FCO also improved since they reduced the frequencies and changed the return times as the flight now offers connections beyond Belgrade.
Zagreb is doing very well. Morning flight to Zagreb and the evening flight to Belgrade are weaker because there are no connections. The other two flights never have less than 47 passengers. You do the maths.
Ja sam te namerno pitao jer hocu konacno da priznas da ovde samo lupas a da pola puta nemas konkretne informacije. Ja razumem da si jos mlad ali to sto neces da kritikujes JU ne znaci da im cinis uslugu vec bas suprotno.
Slightly off-topic, but a big necessity, a new bus line from BEG airport to downtown. For everyone interested, sign the petition:
Anonymous at 11:17 PM
DeleteRazumem i ja Engleski.
Postovani Gospodine ja ne lupam gluposti i ja imam konkretne informacije.
Opet kazem nikad od mene necete cutu nista lose u vezi sa JU a sigurno vam necu reci zeljne informacije da bi dalje pljuvali ASL. Ja znam kako route idu dali odlicno slabi ili vrlo dobro nikad ne ispitujem koliko putnika tacno imaju.
Opet kazem nikad necete dobiti zeljne informacije za pljuvanje ASL. Zato sto postujem sve radnike ASL i one na malim pozicijama i one na velikim pozicijama i oni cine cuda a to su dokazali ove Godione.
Samo coolirajte dete i bice svima ok...
DeleteFor me, ZAG is doing well considering its in the first month and gone double daily from day 1. A low load factor doesnt necessarily mean it is not going profitable, lets not forget that the ATR7 works well on these short sectors.
DeleteFebruary is the slowest month of the year, followed by January and March. Lets wait for the end of April to see how ZAG does.
As for BEY, I was in the holding area with that flight while waiting to board for AUH back in September. I remember it being cramped because both flights were full.
I mentioned a couple of days back that TLV imo would probably fill better being moved to the midnight wave. CAI when announced should as well be a middnight wave departure, and I believe the schedule was supposed to be that way as well.
SOF would be great to see a double daily. Im unsure of the loads, but Im sure a midnight departure there would be ok, or as with ZAG move it to the morning and late afternoon.
The shortage of ATR72's in the fleet is bad, its been like that for almost a year, and its not encouraging that not a word has been said on getting more. So far we just have speculation and nothing more, even more talk is on wide bodies than narrow bodies. Before any wide body comes, at least 5 ATR72's and 5 A319's should join the fleet, with another 10 destinations opened. Regional operations should be a minimum double daily with exception to BNX (however, even this is going to 9 p/w) or any new regional destination (I see OMO and OHD come in). Flights from Nis MUST open, a minimum twice daily operation to BEG.
BEG 1330 INI 1415
INI 1500 BEG 1545
BEG 2330 INI 0015
INI 0445 BEG 0530
A summer route INI-ATH could open with the midnight departure to not keep the ATR on ground for a few hours.
INI 0045 ATH 0315
ATH 0345 INI 0400
From there they can connect to A3 domestic flights. Even with light loads the flight would be profitable, there is some demand for summer charters ex INI, the ac wouldnt be on ground for soo long and could meet demands from Nis. Im sure someone here could play around with the schedules here and see whats there and what works, with the above being just an example. Suggetions? Ideas? Thoughts?
DeleteI dont know what you see in JU, maybe some nostalgia for Serbia, thats all well, but respect for everyone in JU is something I dont have. The crew are fantastic yes, its always nice to hear my language on the announcement, on an airline from my country, but not everything is for praise and it would be wrong to do so. My biggest disappointment was seeing some JAT staff go, they were MUCH better and friendlier than some of the new faces now. JAT staff were always fantastic with me, I have nothing negative from my side regarding MY treatment from them. Air Serbia crew are great, but the ground staff have some way to go. The new girls at BEG can tone down the attitude a little bit especially with colleagues from different airlines. Great changes have been made, but the transition is not complete and alot of work needs to be made, especially the way they handle situations such as delays. It may not always be their fault, but neither is it with the pax. Its what you do that counts, and JU fails every time. I work in the airline industry, its great, challenging at times, demanding, but thats the job description. I see many rooms for improvement with JU. Criticism is good, its a learning tool.
DeleteJa radim za ASL tako da znam tacno kako koja ruta ide i zato sam te i ispravio kada si odvalio za OTP. Ja sam samo hteo da, jos jednom, imamo konkretan napismeni dokaz da si i samo jedna maskota na ovom blogu. Samo da znas da ti se narod smeje ovde u Er Srbiji tako da mozda malo oladi.
Pozz iz Beograda.
ps od svih ruta najgore su WAW, TLV i BUD
DeleteJa sam cuo sa treba da dodju zadnja 2 preostala 2 EY A319 ostace im njihov livery ali sa YU Registraciom i 2 ce doci ali oni ce imati ASL livery .
Sledece 3 regionalne route koje bi ja voleo da se uspostave su KBP - INN - KRK ja mislim da bi sve 3 route bile pun pogodak.
Anonymous at 12:56 AM
DeleteJa vas molim da ne sirite ne istinu.
Neka se smeju ali verujte ne smeju se svi ;)
JATBEGMEL, I really like the schedule you made for INI. I think that might be the best opportunity for INI to get ASL service. Even if the loads aren't very good, the ATRs are economical and the landing fees at INI are cheap and also in BEG because it is a domestic flight. I think it could be profitable.
DeleteAir Serbia needs to take over the last two remaining Etihad A319s, and lease at least two A320s, as well as three or four ATR72s, and then they will be ready for summer 2015, which is coming way too quickly.
INN 12, 2015 at 1:02 AM
DeleteA koje to neistine macko?
Inace macko, zar nick ne bi trebao da ti bude LOWI-NS?
DeleteJATBEGMEL great points. Especially worrying is the fact that there is still no mention of additional Atr's joining the fleet. Instead of, so far the 737's are doing the runs for them. It seems that someone is thinking "it's cheaper to use the B737 that we already own, than to lease an Atr; besides, let's work so that all the destinations will be able to fill the jet any time soon so we won't have to lease additional aircraft" which is of course just wishful thinking and totally unrealistic. Looks like some bean-counters have made it too far into the strategic decision-making for the airline.
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 12, 2015 at 12:56 AM
WAW - That's an Atr route with occasional upgrades. Due to the fleet shortage, the A319 is doing the job.
BUD - Lack of onwards connections to places such as AMM, other places in the near-east and Caucasus (GYD, TBS) and the absence of services to the Romanian secondary cities (an important market from Budapest).
TLV - No miracle solution, competition is fierce and instead of stepping up, JU went down to a pathetic frequency during the winter season what will especially affect the attitude of business travelers towards the airline. The reduction of TLV might have been the biggest mistake of Air Serbia so far in scheduling, this winter season at least.
PS: UT-Air Ukraine recently returned five almost new Atr's, don't know what's been their faith. They would have been the perfect fit for JU, yet they seem to have shown no interest whatsoever.
DeleteYeah that series of five almost brand new ATR 72s would have been a great addition. Probably since they were new, and since ATRs are in such high demand right now, a deal could not happen because the lease rates and down payment would have been really high.
DeleteAerologic, isn't WAW a bit stretching it when it comes to the ATR? Perhaps it could be done with the -500 or -600, but I don't know how much logic it makes to send a -200 on such a route.
Did a bit more research. The UT Air Ukraine ATR 72-500s are all still stored, so they might still be available. They are C/Ns 994, 1000, 1029, 1036, and 1037, and the oldest is younger than 3 years. They are stored at Toulouse and Sonderborg, Denmark.
DeleteThose five ATRs would just slide into the fleet, and JU could add frequncies across all the regional routes, make DBV and SPU year round, and add new destinations. Also they could then offload the 733s from regional routes.
Two Atrs are supposed to join the fleet by spring, negotiations are underway.
DeleteRoutes such as WAW or BUD will underperform until there is no improved midnight wave.
How do you know that two ATRs will join? Where will they come from?
Delete@ Aleksandar
Deleteim glad you liked the schedule :)
@ anonymous
2 additional ATR's is encouraging but I feel more than that is needed since the past year its badly needed. 2 will help of course. Saying that, JU hasnt shown quick entry of a/c into the fleet, I think it was YU-APD who took 10 months to enter service which isnt promising. Lets wait and see.
mali jedva dočekao da objasni kodove
ReplyDeleteOdlicne vesti za ASL i Etihad Equity Alliance:
ReplyDeleteMozda ASL dobije partnera u J Americi AR
Nadam se da ce jedan deo akcija kupiti EY od njih.
We discussed about it yesterday. As i said earlier, i'm both glad and surprised they choose them over GOL or BOA, i guess the ownership structure helped. We might see them lanuching EZE anytime soon for the codeshare to actually make sense which is great, Buenos Aires is a fabulous city.
DeleteWill be great to see both JU and AR in the same alliance, both formerly glorious airlines.
DeleteNebi bilo lose takodje da JU ima codeshare sa njima i iz AUH i FCO.
Jel bi postojao mozda sezonski potencijal za routu EZE-BEG 1 pw :)
Hvala ubapred :)
The fact that AR is yet to place a major widebody order might also be a factor that both parties see common interest in approaching each-other. This will be great for Etihad and give them a major advantage against EK and TK in the region.
DeleteNazalost je i AR ko i JU izabrao A332 umesto 788 koji je dosta bolji od A332 .
What i rather see happening is an extensive codeshare between JU, AR and AZ as well as part of the same alliance.
DeleteTechnically speaking, there is potential for 1 weekly flight between Belgrade and virtually anywhere (almost any major airport in the world), but the question is whether it's feasabile and whether it's the best way to do it, starting from finances to logistics, yields management (especially when you're part of an alliance) etc. Most likely, all traffic between Belgrade and South America will be routed via Rome (with AZ, AR) and Abu Dhabi, what will give passengers many more options than a weekly direct Belgrade-Buenos Aires and allow for higher yields on the route. Last but not least, South America IS )together with Africa) the market where Alitalia should orientate itself in quest for profitability and in order to define itself a place in the global market.
Therefore such an option, as much inspiring as it may seem, looks fairly remote to me.
AZ already flies to South and Central America
DeleteYes, we know that.
DeleteDali mislite kad JU krene sa letovima za ORD dali ce AZ imati codeshare na tim letovima posto oni ne lete za ORD mozda bi preusmerili saobracaj preko BEG.
Interesting article:
DeleteIm waiting for an extensive codeshare agreement to be made with AZ. Lets wait and see, but Im sure it will be interesting. With AZ being the larger airline, AZ will benefit more, but there will be a bonus for JU. I see more destinations in Italy ex BEG as well in co-operation with AZ.
ReplyDeleteCroatian tourist figures released, (nights)
Strani turisti 12.111.174 ;;, 67.694.325 nights
Domaći turisti 1.502.405 7.031.615
UKUPNO 13.613.579 (74.725.940)
grad Zagreb: 910.728 + 51.259 ;;;; (1.573.342+ 85.759)
Nekoloko Azijskoh Zemlja:
Kina 61.061+ HK 15.606 + Tajvan 72.541 (196 000)
Koreja 252.517 (319.229)
Japan 177.806 (250.055)
Australija 124.063 (357.015)
Novi Zeland 25.774 (70.888)
SAD 266.618 ( 726.636)
Kanada 80.555 (231.029)
Brazil 56.817 (124.384)
and so on...
So Koreans averagly stay only one night in Croatia?
Deletethe average is around 1.25 nights, but than you have to consider most arrive as part of a package holiday, 7 days in Europe, normally Zagreb is either their first or last stop, they visit mostly Zagreb or Zagreb and Dubrovnik, Plitivice and Split. Also take this as an average, many Koreans stay longer than 1.25, many only stay 1 night.
DeleteAlso Croatia is just being discovered by Koreans, Japanese and the Chinese, from year to year numbers from these 3 markets are steadily going up, reason why perhaps OU must be sold to one of the carriers from that part of the world.
That being said, number of Aussie and Kiwi visitors is also going up, 150 000 Aussies and 30 000 kiwis are expected this year. Qatar and FlyDubai already looking ahead to this summer season.
2014 was a mix blessing summer for Croatian tourism, western Europe largely stagnated, with all but UK market stagnating or with slight improvements on last year, could be a number of things but bad weather is one factor that has significant impact on Croatian tourism last year, it was terrible weather, took much of July and early August, rains and floods everywhere.
Croatia, Austria, France, Switzerland and Italy were hit hard, while Spain and Portugal had record droughts, only Greece, Turkey and France to a degree had good year. This year 5% growth is projected, but could be a lot more as number of bookings are up by 7%, Zagreb is expected to grow at least 15% this year, especially with number of new airliners coming to Zagreb this year.
We are still awaiting news from SAS Vueling, Czech Airlines, Alitalia, GermanWings and possible return of EasyJet.
If AirCroatia is a real thing, than this is also very promising, Zagreb airport numbers could grow dramatically this year, I predict 2.8 - 2.85 million if all goes well.
I also hope for the arrival of SAS, Czech, Alitalia and for the current carriers to increase their flight frequencies to Zagreb.
DeleteAir Croatia - 99% sure they won't start flying. My line of work is not aviation, but rather the hospitality (work for a croatian hotel chain), which is fairly similar. I hold a higher-ranked managerial position and my line of work is marketing.
From what I have seen from Air Croatia so far, in terms of the sales distribution and communicative activities, all I can say is that their level of thinking/communicating is worse than that of a 8th grade grammary school student...
And I am not even getting into their whole network logic (Purger could comment more on this), and the fact that they have been changing destinations sporadically...
Ljubljana had over 1 mio nights last year.
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 11, 2015 at 11:47 PM
DeleteYes, quite likely, they had 480 000 tourist in 2012, no idea what 2013 and 2014 figures were, but in 2012 they had 770 000 nights, with Ljubljana getting also very popular as a city brake it is quite possible city passed 1 million nights already.
this year Zagreb hopes to pass 1 million visitors, in 1987 and 1988 Zagreb had 1.02 million visitors, and in 1990 985 000, so Would be nice to see this year Zagreb pass 1.02 million visitors, it'll be possible only if growth numbers remain above 10%
Of course, we can survive without a partner as well
Any further escamotage before the new taxpayers subsidy will be allowed?
P.S:.Whi in Eu will buyAdria (as it stands). Chances are so low. They know it. They just pretend that they are selling. Than going on as before (taxpayers money) with little cosmetic. Ignoble. But no morality no problem. Just money (taxpayers) matters.
Slovenia is just pretending they are selling the company, and tricking EU commision and slovene tax payers.
As state owned company, Adria is very important for lots of policital and bussines establishment, who are traveling for free or their companies are working for Adria.
If we are realistic, Adria have too much employes for only 9 aircrafts.
Since from the end of april, there is no more meal included on their flights, so they are acting like a low-cost air company, but the price of a ticket is too expensive.
Number of passengers on some flights is very low and question is if its profitable to fly with CRJ200 with 12 passengers.
Also route LJU-IST which is in the middle of the night is low, Turkish Airlines takes all passengers during the day because of cheaper tickets included with meal and normal timetable.
I hope that Easyjet or Wizz will expand LJU with some other destinations to Scandinavian countries, Greece, Spain...
What Slovenian taxpayer have from Pristina and Lodz Adria hubs?
A319 all the time stationed in Kosovo and used to fly from Pristina and Tirana, and for all other destinations from LJU are CRJ's in use, which are in compare with Airbus, really claustrophobic and uncomfortable for high price ticket.
True. So true.
DeleteSad. So sad.
It's time to shut down this company or to sell it. EU won't allow another bail out. Game over Adria! Angry Slovenian taxpayer.
DeleteIs POW too short for Adria's CRJ-200 or CRJ-900LR? Have they ever tried flying from MBX?