Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo start strong

EX-YU airports start 2015 with passenger growth

The airports in Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo have all recorded double digit passenger growth during the first month of the year, signalling a strong start to 2015. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport recorded its busiest January on record, handling 308.381 passengers, an increase of 13.8% compared to the same month last year. The number of operated flights also increased, from 4.150 last year to 4.506 this January, up 8.8%. Growth was again fuelled by the national carrier Air Serbia, which, unlike last January, operated flights from Belgrade to Beirut, Budapest, Tirana, Sofia, Warsaw and Zagreb last month. During this January, TAP Portugal suspended its flights from Lisbon to the Serbian capital due to poor loads, hinting that the route could turn into a seasonal summer service. In January, Belgrade handled 608.243 kilograms of commercial cargo, an increase of 13.9% compared to 2014. During next week, the airport is set to name a new Supervisory Board, which will be able to approve development projects, such as the announced 20 million euro upgrade of its terminal facilities, announced late last year.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN308.381 13.8

Croatia’s busiest airport, Zagreb, welcomed 150.667 travellers through its doors, an increase of 11% on the same month last year. The number of operated flights grew by 9.4%, from 2.684 in 2014 to 2.936 this January. Foreign carriers attributed to the growth with airlines such as KLM, Flydubai, Air Serbia and EuroLOT all maintaining flights to the Croatian capital unlike last January. Yesterday, the Polish regional carrier EuroLOT announced it would be suspending all operations, including its daily service between Warsaw and Zagreb, from the beginning of April. The airline, affiliated to flag carrier LOT, has not indicated the reason for the decision but its management board says it is committed to keeping its schedule intact until March 31. On the other hand, in a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Air Croatia, said, “We are starting flights from Zagreb on March 30 with three weekly services to Milan, Rome, Prague and Budapest. On Saturdays, we are planning a Stockholm - Zagreb and Oslo - Zagreb service starting June 1”. Other airlines which have confirmed new services to the Croatian capital this summer include Swiss International Air Lines, Montenegro Airlines, Brussels Airlines and SkyGreece Airlines, which will operate seasonal flights from Toronto.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN150.667 11.0

Finally, several days of bad weather did not dampen Sarajevo Airport’s January performance as it handled 43.700 passengers, a notable increase of 21%. The result is made even more impressive by the fact that it saw only 384 flight operations, up by just one flight on January last year. Unlike last January, the airport is now served by Flydubai as well as Germanwings from Berlin, with the latter to suspend the service due to poor loads at the end of the 2014/15 winter season in late March. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s busiest airport processed 104.850 kilograms of commercial cargo, up by 4%. In a statement, the airport said, “We expect to see passenger growth in the coming period as well, which will be aided by the introduction of Swiss flights from Geneva and Zurich”. The new services will launch in April and May respectively.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN43.700 21.0


  1. Anonymous09:04

    Does anyone remember when JU launched SOF and BUD? Was it in March 2014?

  2. Anonymous09:36

    EX YU napisali ste da Eurolot ukida liniju za Zagreb a niste napisali da ju preuzima LOT odmah sljedeći dan.

    1. Anonymous12:18

      Bilo bi smiješno da je ovaj blog napravio takvu omisiju sa ASL. AS/Beogrdaska ZL PR Brigada bi poludila, kako je to moguće. haha

      Ma ok je, svi znamo da eurolot je bankruptirao i da neće više da lete od 31.03 LOT preuzima eurolotovu flotu i destinacije.

      Naravno, to su trebali napraviti već prošle godine, gube novce ljevo i desno a u EU vlade ne mogu dati novce kao prije, tako da je EU norme rade svoje kako trebaju.

    2. Anonymous12:24

      A odakle vam to da LOT prezuima linije eurolota?

    3. Anonymous12:27

      I mene zanima. Odakle ta informacija?

    4. Currently, only the takeover of some EuroLOT aircraft on behalf of LOT has been confirmed by the Polish government, while destinations have not. As soon as they are it will be published. So no, it is not an omission. Reservations on EuroLOT and LOT Polish websites beyond march 31 are no longer possible for Zagreb flights at this point in time.

    5. Anonymous13:10

      Strange, I thought that they would keep Zagreb as the loads have been good. Or maybe they can't because of the ban?

      This comes as great news for OU.

    6. Anonymous13:14

      EX YU odite na web stranicu od LOT-a i pokusajte rezervirati kartu za ZAG pa će te se uvjeriti da je itekako moguće kupiti kartu.

    7. Anonymous13:17

      Anonymus 1:10, do they plan flying to Warsaw? Don't think so.

    8. Anonymous13:29

      AnonymousFebruary 7, 2015 at 1:17 PM

      Yes but K2 was relying on transfer passengers which might have otherwise transited via VIE, MUC, FRA,,, with OU.

    9. Anonymous13:31

      Whatever, they will probably announce on Monday that they will take over some routes and the admin said he will publish it then. Don't get why everyone is getting their panties in a twist. I'm much more interested in these Air Croatia flights. Are they still planning to use Estonian Air Embraers?

  3. Dobre vesti dvocifrenog rasta gore spomenutih aerodrome. Vise nego dobar osnov za nastavak rasta.
    Beogradski aerodrom, posebno je za radovanje buduca
    investicija koja je u gornjem tekstu objavljena. rec je o 20 miliona evra. Svaka investicija je dobro dosla. Glavno je pitanje, kada ulazi glavni investitor da pocne se ostvarivati glavni projekat koj ceka nekoliko decenija. Ta investicija jeste krucijalna za buduci razvoj vazdusne luke aerodrom NIKOLA TESLA BEOGRAD. Ne sumnjam da takav investitor nece doci. Vec u zemlji Srbiji se mnogo kalkulise, mudruje, pa opet toliko puta ispadne "mucak". I pored do sada osvedocenih sporosti, tromosti, bezvoljnosti... Dvadeset miliona evra su samo mala uvertira i naznaka da stvarni preobrazaj Tesle tek predstoji. Svakako ni ostali aerodrom u okolnim drzavama pa i sire ne cekaju skrstenih ruku. Naprotiv.
    Veliki sam optimista za bzi preobrazaj Beogradskog vazdusnog cvora. Prirodno postujuci i zeleci drugima uspeh.
    Rodney & Team. Home of QANTASVILLE II.
    Kraljevo +++ Sydney.

    1. Anonymous17:01

      Radovane ja sam pesimista. Aerodrom ima rekordni broj putnika a ni jedan dinar nije ulozen u preobrazaj. Velike pare nestaju, bice ovo nova afera Kolubara na nekom Insajderu.

    2. Anonymous18:11

      Rodni ima super stil pisanja nevezano za temu. Cim pocnem recenicu znam da je njegov komentar. Svaka cast, bate! Pozdrav iz B. Luke

  4. Anonymous09:54

    Beograd dobro posluje i ima dobar rast, ali ono što je neophodno je da se na aerodrom dovedu kompanije kako bi se stvorila bilo kakva konkurentnost na aerodromu - monopol Er Srbije je dobar samo za nju samo i ni za kog drugog. Za sada karte Er Srbije su što se cena tiče, ali ono što se često dešava u scenarijima kao što je njen je da kada se kreira potpuni monopol cene karata naglo porastu - i za to je konkurencija krucijalna.

    Nadam se da ce se low costeri izmestiti iz BEG i da će doći više legacy carrier-a

    1. Anonymous10:13

      Ја не видим ко би могао да дође од легасија да би се спустиле цене карата. Сетимо се периода када је Ер Франс саобраћао из Београда, били су скоро увек скупљи од Јата. То се исто дешава данас на линији ка Бечу где Остријан и Ер Србија деру као да сутра не постоји.

      Нараву ту су неки као Aegean који су успели да знатно спусте цене карата што је увек добро.

      По мени, једини начин да појефтине карте је ако нискобуџетне компаније наставе да додају летове ка Београду. Нараво база Визера је супер али мени је јако жао што се Изиџет повукао са италијанског тржишта.

      И даље се надам да ће успоставити линије из Немачке или чак из Копенхагена.

    2. Anonymous14:36

      Bordžije opet truju, pa ćemo brojke i činjenice koristiti kao protivotrov:

      Potpuni monopol je u Tuzli gde Wizz drži 100% tržišta. To je po definiciji monopol na tržištu. Nema monopola ali ima dominacije u Atlanti gde Delta drži 80% tržišta. Nema uopšte monopola u Beogradu i Zagrebu gde nacionalni prevoznici drže po gruboj proceni oko pola tržišta.

    3. Anonymous20:41

      AIr Serbia ima 65% u BEG sa intencijom stalnog i rapidnog rasta (oni se šire, a ostali radi dumpinga odlaze). U godinu dana udio u tržištu se povečao za čak 30 postotnih bodova. A kako će bit za godinu-dvije-tri ako se tako nastavi.

    4. Anonymous21:30

      Ер Србија тренутно држи око 55% београдског тржишта. Хтео бих да те подсетим да је Јат имао свега 38% што показује каква је нестварна ситуација била до пре годину дана.

      Луфтханса има преко 60% у Франкфурту али то никоме не смета.

    5. Anonymous22:13

      Lufthansa ima 58% udjela u FRA. Air Serbia ima 65% u ovom momentu (nakon svih ovih povlačenja iz BEG). No, ne brine toliko tih 65%, koliko činjenica da je u malo više od godinu dana udio porasao sa 38 na 65% te trend daljeg odlaska drugih kompanija i vrtoglave ekspanzije Air Serbie. Za očekivati je da će Air Serbia imati 75-80% tržišnog udjela u iduće dvije godine. Što je više nego zavrinjavajuće.

    6. Anonymous22:20

      Докле год Визер има базу у Београду немамо чега да се плашимо. Што се тиче аеродрома Београд и Ер Србије, нормално је да је порастао удео када је Ер Србија довела огроман број трансферних путника. Не заборавимо да ће се однос трансферних и локаних путника знатно променити.

      Између осталог, иако је Визер повукао један ваздухоплов из Београда, њихова перформанса у Србији није тако лоша.

      На крају крајева, коме је Београд скуп сада може да лети из Нишa. ;)

    7. Anonymous22:21

      Хтео бих исто да додам да не знамо тачно колики је удео ЈУ у Београду пошто фирма не објављује своју статистику.

    8. Anonymous22:33

      Pa i EK ima ogroman udeo u DXB
      LH Grupa u INN ima udeo od 60%-70%.

    9. Anonymous00:43

      Hejteru, odakle ti podatak da Air Serbia ima 65% u Beogradu?!?! Ajde stavi link na neki nezavisni sajt gde se to moze proveriti, ako ne mozas onda izmisljas I lazes.

      Croatia ima veci udeo u Zagrebu od Air Serbia u Beogradu, i Lufthansa veci deo u Frankfurtu od Air Serbia u Beogradu. Sta te tu brine, LH i OU ili JU? I ne brine te Wizz sa 100% u Tuzli, cutis kao da nisi procitao taj podatak.

      O kakvom eksplozivnom rastu govoris? Od proslog leta kad je najavljena Tirana, Air Serbija je najavila samo jednu jedinu novu liniju - Zagreb! To je manje od vecine drugih avio kompanija u region, vidi listu novih linija na desnoj strani!

      Dosta trovanja, i hejtovanja, ako imas fakte izadji na crtu, ako ne, vrati se u rupu!

  5. Anonymous10:16

    I am sure Air Serbia played an important role in Sarajevo's growth. In January they mostly operated their A319 on the route, that's quite a jump in capacity!

    1. Anonymous15:03

      Yes, but the JA flight was almost always cancelled so it compensated for it.

    2. Anonymous17:27

      In terms of seat availability yes but not in terms of passenger numbers. JA never had such a good loadfactor primarily because of SJJ.

  6. Anonymous10:30

    Is it me or was today's Banja Luka flight cancelled?

    1. Anonymous11:46


    2. Anonymous12:15

      So? Well was the flight cancelled because of a lack of aircraft or demand?

  7. Anonymous11:56

    What a horrible news today for those who always comment

    insert airline or airport name ----->___________ fail

    today they cannot contribute to this blog with their great insight :)

    1. Anonymous13:21

      Yes this blog is normally full of vile nonsense and aggression,mixed with huge amounts of jealousy.

    2. Anonymous13:36

      Eurolot fail

  8. Anonymous13:37

    I just have a question for Air Serbia Experts !
    -Flying next Saturday from Belgrade to Abu Dhabi, their midday flight (EY72) ! Its written there "oparated by Air Serbia FOR Etihad Airways".. What does it mean? Is it Etihad plane but Air Serbia's crew, since on their 2nd daily in the evening, flight is opereted JUST by "Air Serbia" .... how can i understand it ? ... I wish i have Etihad plane w PTV's ... Thanks in advance for your answers ! ;-)

    1. Anonymous13:39

      It's an Etihad flight operated by Air Serbia. It means it's a JU plane and crew. Sorry. :)
      Etihad will return to Belgrade this June.

    2. Anonymous13:40

      It's an Air Serbia A319, with Air Serbia crew (one crew is from Etihad), Etihad catering, you will get an ipad after departure with Etihad entertainment system.

    3. Anonymous13:55

      iPads also for cattle class passangers !? If so, then its great...

    4. Anonymous13:58

      Yes, I flew in December on this route. Everyone gets an Ipad. They ask you if you want it and write down your seat number.

    5. Anonymous14:01

      Oh I would just recommend that you bring your own headphones if you have them. They give you those small basic ones that they even tell you to keep after they collect the ipads.

    6. Anonymous14:05

      Okay thnx guys for the news..... But a 2nd question which comes on my mind ! ... I booked a flight from Sarajevo to Asia via BEG / AUH.. and it gave me the best and only option with 20 hrs stopover in Belgrade.... Tkt costs some 800 Euros.. Does the Air Serbia/ Etihad provide in such cases gratis overnight stay in Belgrade?

    7. Anonymous14:10

      I don't think they offer anything like that. If your transfer was in AUH you would get a food voucher at the airport. Don't know what passport you hold but if you don't need a visa best to catch the A1 minibus from the airport (it costs 300 dinars - less than 3 euros and you pay the bus driver). It takes you (last stop) to Hotel Slavija where you could stay, or if you prefer a hotel that isn't too expansive but is much better than Slavja you can go to Hotel Park which is nearby. Sorry, that;s the best I can think of.

    8. Anonymous15:05

      PS: Where to Asia are you flying for? :)

  9. Anonymous14:19

    What happened with promised French VINCI report for Belgrade airport? They were announced to produce it in early 2015, hello?!?

  10. Anonymous15:59

    @1:14 PM
    No Zagreb in direct connection!

    1. Anonymous16:10

      They probably did not update their routemap. Lot is here to stay.

    2. Anonymous16:54

      Malo si uvećaj područje Europe i vidjet ćeš da je i Zagreb među ponuđenim.

    3. Anonymous17:34

      No it is not. Lot is cancelling Zagreb, i'm telling you from the sources inside LO. Yields were deep into the red.

    4. Anonymous17:54

      Nonsense. Stop spreading misinformation.

  11. Anonymous16:56

    Update your "new routes launches". Gothenburg-Mostar

    1. Anonymous17:02

      What airline?

    2. Anonymous17:03

  12. Anonymous17:12

    Kad bi u BEG dosli IB-AY-CA-EY cargo ( makar 1 let mesecno ) to bi bilo odlicno .

    1. Anonymous17:25

      molim? IB cargo? Finnair Cargo? pourquoi?

    2. Anonymous17:47

      Samo Etihad Cargo a IB-AY-CA putnicke linije.

  13. Anonymous17:52

    Will SU and JU codeshare on BEG-DBV now that SU is suspending its own flights.

    1. Anonymous17:56

      They already fly to ZAG so they can just code-share with OU, it's more convenient like that.

    2. Anonymous18:01

      I'm sorry, didn't Croatia introduced sanctions to Russia?

    3. Anonymous18:04

      Yeah, they fly, but with much lesser frequency and capacity, it would be logical to codeshare with JU + i wouldn't really look forward to cooperate with the airline of a country that introduced "sanctions" against my own, i'd rather cooperate with the one that didn't i.e JU in this case especially they already codeshare to Tirana, Montenegro etc.

    4. Anonymous02:28

      Why would OU codeshare be more convenient? SVO-BEG-DBV is actually more direct, less miles to fly, there's a lot of BEG-SVO flights so better connections, and pax have to clear security in BEG or ZAG anyway, and passport control either in ZAG or DBV.

  14. Anonymous21:38

    Meanwhile in Athens... :D

  15. Anonymous22:06

    I can't wait for BEG to get daily flights to Tirana! Those are going to be extremely successful. I can already see the night flights being upgraded to an A319!

    1. Anonymous23:15

      Won't it be that way from the summer season?

    2. Anonymous00:32

      Nope, they start with the summer season, so 30.03

  16. Infrormation provided is wrong: EuroLOT has no ties with LOT Polish Airlines at all. Both are state owned though. EurlLOT has informed that all operations will be suspended as of April 1, 2015 as the airline itself will be liquidated due to inability to make profit. On the other hand, LOT Polish Airlines has informed it will take over 4 EuroLOT flights, including Warsaw-Zagreb route. The route will be now, as of April, operated on LO code, 5x weekly and daily from June.

    1. Anonymous21:21

      Hard to believe that. LO is cutting Zagreb.


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