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Croatia Airlines' summer |
The 2015 summer season will come into effect next Sunday, March 29, and last until October 24. According to its preliminary schedule, Croatia Airlines will introduce several new seasonal routes, with the rest of its network and frequencies mirroring those from last summer. The Croatian national carrier will introduce new seasonal services from Rijeka to Munich, which will begin at the start of the summer season and operate until October 11. Furthermore, a new two weekly service between Nice and Dubrovnik will be added from April 24 until the end of the summer season. From Split, the airline will begin a one weekly seasonal service to Skopje, from June 24 until September 10. The carrier’s network from Zagreb remains largely the same as last year, with one weekly flight added on services to Vienna, for a total of thirteen weekly rotations. Although Croatia Airlines suspended flights from Zagreb to London Gatwick two years ago, it will operate two flights to the airport this summer, on April 17 and April 20 only.
The 2015 summer season marks Croatia Airlines’ last under the current restructuring program, which has forced the carrier to limit its expansion and rationalise operations. Unlike last year, this summer there are no major reductions in frequencies to almost any destination. The airline will discontinue its seasonal summer flights between Dubrovnik and Tel Aviv which operated once per week. However, the carrier will still maintain the service from Zagreb, twice per week, from May 19. From Dubrovnik, the airline will run flights to Amsterdam via Pula between June 2 and September 10, while from March 31 to May 26 and on October 6 services will operate nonstop.
Please note that the changes listed below are preliminary and based on current availability in the Global Distribution System (GDS). Furthermore, the table below displays the peak weekly frequency on each route during the course of the summer season. Increases in frequencies, particularly on domestic flights between Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar and Pula, may not come into effect until later on in the summer.
You can now review the 2015 summer season changes for each national carrier from the former Yugoslavia by clicking on the links below. Due to the volatile nature of B&H Airlines’ network and schedule, EX-YU Aviation News will bring you changes for the carrier when operations stabilise.
Departing Zagreb
Departing Split
Destination | Frequency S2014 | Frequency S2015 | Change | Notes |
Athens | 1 | 1 | - | resumes MAY2 |
Berlin | 1 | 1 | - | resumes MAY3 |
Belgrade | 3 | 3 | - | resumes MAY2 |
Dubrovnik | 1 | 1 | - | - |
Dusseldorf | 2 | 2 | - | resumes MAY2 |
Frankfurt | 7 | 7 | - | - |
London Gatwick | 2 | 2 | - | resumes APR24 |
London Heathrow | 1 | 1 | - | - |
Lyon | 1 | 1 | - | resumes APR25 |
Paris | 3 | 3 | - | - |
Munich | 8 | 8 | - | - |
Rome | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Skopje | 0 | 1 | ▲ 1 | starts JUN24 |
Vienna | 4 | 4 | - | resumes APR18 |
Osijek | 1 | 1 | - | - |
Zurich | 4 | 4 | - | - |
Zagreb | 33 | 33 | - | - |
Departing Dubrovnik
Destination | Frequency S2014 | Frequency S2015 | Change | Notes |
Amsterdam | 1 | 1 | - | via Pula from JUN2-SEP20 |
Athens | 3 | 3 | - | resumes APR9 |
Berlin | 1 | 1 | - | resumes MAY3 |
Frankfurt | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Osijek | 1 | 1 | - | - |
Dusseldorf | 1 | 1 | - | resumes MAY3 |
Nice | 0 | 2 | ▲ 2 | starts APR24 |
Paris | 4 | 4 | - | - |
Rome | 2 | 2 | - | - |
Split | 1 | 1 | - | - |
Tel Aviv | 1 | 0 | ▼ 1 | - |
Venice | 2 | 2 | - | resumes APR30 |
Zurich | 5 | 5 | - | - |
Zagreb | 31 | 31 | - | - |
From Pula, Croatia Airlines will operate to Amsterdam (1x per week), Frankfurt (2x per week), Zadar (14x per week) and Zagreb (7x per week). From Osijek, the airline will fly to both Split and Dubrovnik (1x per week).
From Zadar, the airline will operate to Pula (14x per week), Zagreb (7x per week) and Frankfurt (2x per week). Rijeka will see the Croatian national airline operate new flights to Munich (3x per week) and 1 weekly flight to London Heathrow.
Good to see they are not reducing anything after a few years bar the TLV flights from Dubrovnik. Next year should be interesting with the restructuring done I hope we will see some new routes out of ZAG.
ReplyDeleteI hope that next year they finally do what that previous CEO announced and start flying to Sofia, Moscow, Bucharest...
ReplyDeleteExcellent the routes to Venice, Athens and Nice. So tourists from Overseas cank link their Europe travel with convenient direct flights
ReplyDeletePristina 2 times per week?! What's the point.
ReplyDeleteThere is a sizeable Roman Catholic community (mainly Albanian, but some Croats too) in Kosova that has rather close relations with Croatia. There is some O&D traffic between PRN and ZAG as a result, hence rather useful connection even if it's once a week. But, of course, there is a lot more connecting traffic that OU is missing out on through poor connection times, poor frequencies and (at times) poor customer service. Last year I booked a connecting flight via ZAG and my booking was changed twice (within a month) and finally cancelled because the only option I was left with was to fly out of SKP. Their customer service department seemed rather surprised when I refused to fly out of SKP. Well, if I wanted to fly out of SKP I would have booked out of SKP, not PRN. That was the last time I booked a flight with OU.
DeleteAn airline still under the impression that there is an iron curtain. Just look at that route map. They have so much potential to expand to the east. They could have attracted transit pax from the east before Air Serbia even showed up. Why no flights to Dubai? They have got the planes and they have the product. And before someone tells me how Croatia AIrlines is a western European airline situated between Spain and France, let me remind you that every western european airline has made the most out of the East Europe market, even mummy dearest Lufthansa.
ReplyDeleteWell, they do not fly to Dubai because they offer it via Vienna. It's stupid but that's how they work.
Delete@AnonymousMarch 21, 2015 at 11:15 AM
DeleteCause there's no demand for such flights, with growing tourism potential of Croatia there should be such flights but in meantime OU went in to EU imposed restrictions, which impedes airline to expand out of Zagreb till the end of 2015. April 2016 should see new routes and fleet expansion plans, till than OU must do with what it has.
why OU hasn't flown to the eastern markets so far ? Simple. OU catered mostly to 2 markets: inbound tourism market, and market for Croatians who live, work or visit western Europe + US/Canada. With time this will change, but only when OU makes a point to expand/acquire new equipment...
DeleteI wonder why they won't just simply offer one of the two TLV rotations from ZAG via DBV!! That way DBV wouldn't have lost the destination, and from ZAG would still be two flights per week, on top they could also sell the ZAG-DBV leg as it's domestic.
DeleteSPU-OMO-SJJ-TZL-SPU will be very good especially for tourists
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have load factor on Belgrade - Zagreb flights lately?
ReplyDeleteFrom the beginning of operations LF have been 58%, without big difference between months.
Delete58% is really bad, hope in summer season there will be some improvement
Delete58% is not bad considering we are talking about slow months of Jan, Feb and March. It is important that Air Serbia feeds its network through Zagreb flights as most of passengers are transfer ones.
DeleteIt would be interesting to see SF per flight; eg maybe morning ZAG BEG has 80% and evening 40% whilst morning BEG ZAG 40% and in the evening 80%. If that is so, once JU builds more connectivity, SF on all flights will improve.
DeleteI'd say not bad considering all factors and the need to have double daily precisely for connectivity. The rest could be resolved once connectivity bank is improved. That is regarding pure SF, route profitability is another question. But I don't think that 3 months time is nearly enough to draw any conclusions. Good to see more options for ZAG passengers!
Deletecar:~120 EUR
train: 40 EUR (fixed dates promo)
50 EUR (flex dates)
bus: ~50 EUR
air: 110 EUR~150 EUR
At this price Air Serbia can't atract more business travelers. It's still more convinient to use a car because once you reach BG/ZG by air you then need to use taxis or ask somebody to pick you up and the drive you around between the hotel and wherever is that you are going. I think that the right price should be in the 90 to 100 EUR range. That price shouldn't be a loss-making one with an ATR.
I was looking at some prices between Belgrade and Tel Aviv, Greece etc. and all i can tell, besides the routes they launched, Aegean's pricing seems to be much more intelligent than Air Serbia's. For example from Tel Aviv in May, Air Serbia takes you 300$ while Aegean the half of that. Also, everytime there's a promotion, Air Serbia offers it only for round-trips from Belgrade what i find plain stupid.
Deleteand you can measure distance? beg tlv vs ath tlv
DeleteIf they go on like that they can soon pack their coffers in Tel Aviv, looking at that and some other examples i don't know who are the idiots Air Serbia hired in the pricing department.
DeleteSome smart as* like you had to come up. The distances discussed are TLV-BEG vs. TLV-ATH-BEG, but that seems too complicated for you to figure out on your own.
Deletewell in ASL pricing department something is clearly wrong if they sell tickets from Paris to TLV cheaper than BEG to TLV.
DeleteThats all I have to say!
What's even funnier is that BEY-BEG on Etihad is cheaper than BEY-BEG on Air Serbia. One big LOL.
DeleteIt is actually one big FAIL.
DeleteI just came across this ad. SkyGreece is advertising Montreal-Athens promotional fares for $899, all taxes included.
ReplyDeleteThey also allow for 2 bags weighing up to 40 kilos.
Not bad. After all, that flight is around 10-11 hours. Have they started selling Zagreb tickets?
The price is not cheap actually, I found 3 weeks ago flights to Athens with Swiss for 860 Canadian,but of course with 1 bag.So overall decent deal if you have a lot of luggage which people from eastern Europe do, but still dont get how would lets say two pax have 160 kg of baggage. Canadian customs are very THOUGHT on customs so whats the point of bringing food from Greece.
Delete* Canadian customs are tough on food
DeleteNo Zagreb on the map.
wtf are you talking about? of course there is no zagreb on the map because there is no map because their page is still in "coming soon" phase. But you can book zag-yyz on skygreece through e-dreams for 730 euro v.v.
DeleteOf course, that is why there is Athens on the map...stop your lies.
DeleteOnce again, there is no separate page with the map on skygreece page. There is no Thessaloniki, no Budapest and no Toronto there as well. What you call map is not map but ad showing future skygreece flights between Athens and North America. And if anyone is lying here, it's you, not me, because you call map something which is not map, and because flights Zagreb-Toronto can be booked in the way I described before. But I understand how painful must be that Zagreb is connected to Toronto and Belgrade is not. With more long-haul destinations to come soon. Well, mate, sorry, that's life
DeleteTreba CTN u DBV vise da se i bolje brane leti.
OT: Ljudi koriste Tviter za česte poruke a Direktor BEG aerodroma koristi Tanjug. Nije prošlo dan dva a eto nove izjave preko Tanjuga. Ovaj put vesti su još gore, renoviranje aerodroma je sada prošireno na sledeće tri godine! Umesto da je sve počelo da se radi krajem 2013 i bude gotovo do sada! Kaže da će kapacitet biti proširen na 7-7,5 miliona putnika.
ReplyDeleteMalo matematike: ako će ove godine po konzervativnoj proceni biti 5 miliona putnika i uz godišnji rast od 15% (upola manje nego prošle godine a na sličnom nivou kao u prva dva meseca ove godine), to znači da će za tri godine broj putnika biti 7,6 miliona. Pa to je više nego što je on predvideo da će biti kapacitet za 3 godine kada se završe radovi!?!?!? Zašto onda raditi najavljeno kad neće biti dovoljno?
Zašto ne novi T1 kao što je predloženo ovde: http://s9.postimg.org/gdnbfnm1b/BEG.jpg
Čak i da je rast od 10% opet bi se promet suviše približio kapacitetu. Zato treba uzeti razumni kredit, napraviti sve sa slike (+ remote stands) za manje od 3 godine a ne čekati da prihodi polako kaplju i samo od toga graditi. Najgore je najavljeno "osveženje" Terminala 1, jer T1 ima samo ček-in šaltere. Ne vidim kako se od T1 može napraviti savremeni terminal, osim rušenja.
OT: What happened to Air Serbia's flight from Rome last night?
DeleteNe lupaj gluposti terminal 1 je prazna konstrukcija koju mozes da lako modifikujes.
DeleteKoja je poenta linije nica dubrovnik, ko ce njom da leti?
T1 jeste prazna konstrukcija ali kao sto kazu od toga se ne pravi pita. Sta mozes da napravis od T1? Lepsi checkin, prodavnice i slicno, a za ostalo i dalje slati putnike na T2? Gde ces na T1 da napravis odlazecu i dolazecu pasosku kontrolu, preuzimanje prtljaga, duty free, restorane, carinu a tek da ne govorim o nekom otvorenom prostoru sa pogledom na avione kao sto je Sky Court u Budimpesti? Zato ne lupaj gluposti, rusi T1 a ne modifikuj.
DeleteDok je vas pacijenata koji bi sve da ruse znaci ANT dobro radi. Terminal 1 ne moze da se zameni sa nicim nalik na budimpestanski.
DeleteZagreb to Brussels is 12 per week not 11
ReplyDeleteNo, it's 11 - Days 1,2,3,4,5 OU456 and Days 1,2,3,4,5,7 OU4456
DeleteThis is a little OT but does anyone know why it is not possible to book VIE-BWK via ZAG (Saturdays) on OU website? There are actually excellent connections...
ReplyDeleteTomorrow 747F to Kabul guys.
ReplyDeleteThis time it actually must be weapons since I highly doubt its dried peaches:D
DeleteSure about that ;)
DeleteFor those interested there are 138 passengers on today's Wizz Air flight to Larnaca.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for flights from Eindhoven to Zadar