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Air Serbia’s passenger numbers and revenue continue to improve |
Air Serbia is the second national carrier in the former Yugoslavia, following Adria Airways, to report its first quarter results for 2015. During the first three months, the Serbian national carrier handled 453.000 passengers, an increase of 26% compared to the 359.000 travellers welcomed over the same period last year. The airline’s passenger carrying capacity, measured in Available Seat Kilometres (ASK), rose by 15% year-on-year to 795 million. The Serbian carrier saw its revenue soar to 39 million euros during the first quarter, up 44%. The amount of commercial cargo handled also improved, with 875 tonnes of freight processed by the airline, an increase of 61%. On-time performance stood at 86%.
Air Serbia’s CEO Dane Kondić, says, “We have continued to reap the benefits of our growth, which is fuelled by the development of our network and the expansion of codeshare partnerships. Our results continue to demonstrate the effectiveness of our business strategy. This is a great sign for our long-term success”. Air Serbia provided no quarterly profit figures in its statement nor did it report on its average load factor. However, the carrier noted it significantly expanded its network through codeshare agreements with Adria Airways, Aeroflot, Air Berlin, Air France, Alitalia, Bulgaria Air, Etihad Airways, Etihad Regional, KLM and TAROM.
Currently, Air Serbia, together with its subsidiaries Air Serbia Catering and Air Serbia Ground Services, employs 2.300 people. The carrier has reiterated that it will continue broadening its workforce and focus on improving passenger experience over the coming months. Mr. Kondić adds, “As in 2014, we will continue to focus on maintaining financial discipline and control over costs. Nevertheless, this year we are committed to investing in what we firmly believe are key areas that will underpin our future success - further development of our workforce and enhancing the guest experience by innovating our products and services”. Previously, the airline said it would start rolling out on board wireless Internet access across its Airbus fleet and open a dedicated business class lounge at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport during the second quarter. “During this year, we will continue to focus on all aspects our guests’ travel experience by innovating our products and services, providing even more choice, convenience and enjoyment. We are confident that this approach will drive our continued success”, the CEO concluded.
EX-YU airline Q1 2015 passenger numbers:
Airline | PAX | Change (%) |
Air Serbia | 453.000 | ▲ 26 |
Adria Airways | 203.663 | ▲ 8 |
Bravo Adria Airways
DeleteIt is impressive that Adria with its minuscule fleet and 2 million inhabitants carries almost the half of passengers than Air Serbia. Congratulations to Adria and shame especially to Croatia Airlines.
DeleteO cemu ti lupetas? Pogledaj broj prevezenih putnika u 2014.
DeleteBut Adria flies from many other airports, those are not numbers for pax in and out of LJU, while ASL numbers are just for pax from and to BEG...
DeleteJP ima uglavnom regionalne linije koje opslužuje mlaznim avionima.
DeleteMislim da svaki ima bar četiri, a neki možda i pet rotacija dnevno.
Does that mean Belgrade is down 13% in passengers this year with foreign carriers?
ReplyDeleteNo . If ASL increase number of passengers for 26% , that is increase of 13% on BEG as ASL has 50% of all passengers.
Deleteok I see ASL grow by 100k and Beg grow by about 100k too so the foreign carriers are about the same as last year
Deleteguys can you help me to understand:
ReplyDeleterevenue q1 15: 39mio /453k passengers = 86€ revenue/passenger (without cargo) or is the revnue UP by 39 mio YoY?
Obviously, 39 million euros is total income. It seems to me that an income of 86 EUR per passengers/segment is not much at all, could anyone more familiar with the subject comment on these facts ?
DeleteWell ,that is 172 Euro for return trip. Top on that add airport taxes. That is minimum 200 Euro for return ticket.
DeleteMaybe airport taxes are included in the sum of 86 euros. Some people buy tickets thus paying airport taxes, but actually don't travel. Has anybody any idea about that ? Administrator ?
DeleteWhat are suggesting, that AS collects airport taxes but does not pass them along to BEG??? That would be a big no no.
DeleteThe revenue per passenger is extremely low which is why Etihad has ordered JU to halve its network this winter. That's what constant price dumping does. RPP is down at nearly all airlines in the world. Selling dirt cheap tickets doesn't help improve that.
ReplyDeleteBut if they halve their network, wouldn't that be too much of a hit at the base of their business model? It seems to me that would be drastic measures applied too soon, even if financial state of the airline is that bad? Does the state or the airport offer some subsidies and if yes, when does that expire?
DeleteThey increased revenue in winter season and we floating ideas they will reduce network next winter?
DeleteRPP alone does not mean a thing.
DeleteThan wait next year.
DeleteIn regard all difficulty, AIR SERBIA running business, and moving forward as rely serious airline. Presented profit, showing effort of those people who have no rest in effort to raising this great airline. My mind and heart go with them. Lot of greetings from land dawn under constellation of Southern Cross. Rodney, Home of QANTASVILLE 1. Sydney Australia.
ReplyDeleteSorry, where have you found data about profit ? Only the total revenue is quoted in the article, not profit. Have I misunderstood something ?
DeleteAerodrom "Nikola Tesla" u Beogradu ima najveći rast i potencijal u Evropi, izjavila je danas potpredsednica vlade Zorana Mihajlović dodajući da je to preduzeće imalo tri i po puta veći profit u prva tri meseca 2015. u odnosu na isti period lane
DeleteVoleo bih da zavirim u um i psihu svih ovilh ljudi koji tako zdusno brane er srbiju, nekada mi se cini da dozivljavaju i erotsko uzbudjenje od same slike njhovog arapskog grba. Er Srbija nije uspesna, sve je bazirano na protekciji i bacanju para. Zaposleni su neprofesionalni ljudi koji rade kako god i za "daj sta das", a to je i odraz nesposobnosti naseg naroda da se suprotstavi minimalnim platama i uzasnim uslovima rada. I jos jedna stvar - to sto volite avione i citate forume i blogove, ne cini vas profesionalcima, a jos manje vazduhoplovcima. Ostavite vase znaje za flight simulator i razne portale.
ReplyDeleteSvi znamo ko toliko pljuje ASL na ovom blogu jedno preduzece sa Aerodroma BEG bolje radite nesto.INN-NS
DeleteTi zvucis kao bivsi vazduhoplovac! Apliciraj kod LH da vidis kako ces proci sa tim stavom!
DeleteVazduhoplovac, ti ocigledno nisi krocio mnogo van te Srbije koju toliko plujes, da stvarno vidis sta su minimalne plate i uzasni uslovi rada po svetu. A ocigledno si i sam proizvod istog drustva po kome plujes - da bih se stvarao kapital, vise se nemoze sedeti i pusiti kraj zadnjih toaleta u avionu, ne moze se vise nadrkano deliti bajati sendvici po kabini i ne moze se vise galamiti i ogovarati na radnom mestu. Sta moze je da se radio kao konj, kao svuda u kapitalistickom sistemu. Jer da nije te Air Serbije, sve baba-stevke bi danas bile zemaljske stjuardese a nasi piloti rasuti po belom svetu. Tako, Arape u zadnjicu da coknes sto su jednu domacu kompaniju sa ruba propasti povratili, i sada ta ista zaposljava mlade Srbe i Srpkinje, koji bar nesto imaju da rade i zarade u njoj.
DeleteRe:2:54 ali zato kako su te jatove baba-stevke nekad zivele na jatovim DC-10 smanama australija 20 dana, kina, bangkok, pa atinskim 4 dana pa dubai od 3 iili 4 dana, pa kuvajt, damask 727/737, pa leasing svuda po svetu, itd...to ove mlade u er srbiji nikada doziveti nece. bilo je nedisciplne i toga sto kazes, ali su zato krivi rukovodioci sto nisu sankcionisali. radilo se opusteno, za bajate sendvice nije krivo osoblje jer ih ne pravi kod kuce, vec catering, a ovi danas rade pod lupom i stresom, plase se svoje senke...znaci mozes samo da zavidis kako se nekad letelo - i zivelo, a usput i zezalo.
DeleteU um i psihu vas mrzitelja nema potrebe čak ni zaviriti. Ali zarad zdravlja, ne bi bilo loše da za početak prestanete da mrzite.
Delete@3:25 sve u svoje vreme. Ko normalan moze danas sebi da priusti da mu posada negde u svetu čuči danima? Emirates ostaje i na svom najdaljem letu za LAX nepunih 24h.
Delete@3:25 pm ма ти заје*аваш, јеле да? Ма ниси озбиљан сигурно?
DeleteАко си озбиљан, испод које крушке си ти чамио свих ових година?
Meni pijatelj u OS leti 772 i on leti 4-6 puta u mesecu npr JFK i ostaje samo 24 h to ni jedna Aviokompanija ne moze da plati.
DeleteZato nije ni cudo sto je JAT prodat.
Pero, visoko iznad kruske, na 37,000 ft...ahahaha
Delete@4:11pm, па види се да су у питање неки облаци. ,)
DeleteTi si toliko ljubomoran da te svaka pozitivna vest dovodi do ludila.Srecom pa je vecina ljudi na ovome forumu normalna I moze da prepozna dobre I pozitivne vesti.Sve najbolje AirSrbia, svaka cast.
DeleteSvaka cast G Kondicu u i svim zaposlenim u Manegmentu i Pilotima na odlicnom uspehu .
ReplyDeleteI da uskoro se proslavi odlazak na obuku za A330 i WI-FI.
I jos mnogo transfernih putnika u ostatku godine
A i ti ga smaras.
ReplyDelete(Ignore INN-NS)
DeleteШто је најављено затварање неких гејтова на београдском аеродрому данас, шта се то дешава?
ReplyDeleteDolazak velikih Diplomata.
Jel ima neka slika sa tim avionima?
DeleteMozda neko ima, i mene zanima kojim business Avinima su dosli.
Pa sto ne pitas ujku da ti kaze?
DeleteNemacki ministar.
ReplyDelete86€ is the revenue per passenger & total cargo. industry's GPM is at 5-10% - Swiss i.e. has not more than 5% gpm - taking into account the number of employees, salaries - I just doubt that AS is profitable - and we all know they don't pay taxes in BEG. On top of that, this revenue is an increase of 40%+ YoY, which means last year during that time their revenue was at around 20mio....
ReplyDeleteThe guy at Љубитељи аеродрома Београд ultimately deleted his page?
ReplyDeleteIt seems so. Although I doubt he deleted the page himself - probably had some copyright issues.
DeleteWell, it's easy for him to speak of financial discipline when he earns €25.000 per month while ASGS employees earn 60.000 Dinars the most; though on average it is around 35.000. They refused to increase the salaries of those who started working last year from 30.000 to 32.000.
ReplyDeleteWeight and balance employee with 20+ year experience (ex military pilot) earns 42.000 per month.
DeleteI guess neither one of you work for 42K a month. ;)
DeleteWell, I also guess that this is not the right forum to complain about your salary. Perhaps speak to your work superior instead, if you are unhappy with your earnings. Here we discuss aviation. Not employee remuneration. :)
DeleteWell, it's still aviation related so... it's not as if he wrote about the salaries in the ministry of transport.
DeleteG . Kondic je zasluzio svoju platu sto vi niste isli u skolu kao pa zavrsili fakultet . Neverovatno je koliko je narod ljubomoran.
Niko nije duzan u ASL da daje vece plate. Koliko je plata u okruzenju toliko ce dobiti.
DeleteAko im se ne svidja u ASL sirok im je put da nadju bolju firmu od ASL.
DeleteKoji bre pilot zaradjuje 42k mesečno?! Kada lažete, onda to radite sa stilom..
DeleteJa znam samo neke do 20000 usd nikad nisam cuo za 42000.
Mind your own salary, don't think like a slave. Srpska posla.
DeleteRead carefully. Ex military pilot working as a loadmaster.
DeleteKakve veze ima koji je posao radio ranije?!
DeleteKako nema? Covek ima fantasticno iskustvo u vojnom vazduhoplovstvu i zasluzuje bolju platu. Vojni piloti su uvek cenjni na Zapadu. Naxalost to nije slucaj u Srbiji.
DeleteNe lupaj gluposti platu dobija za sadasnji posao. I na vozljubljenom Zapadu je tako.
DeleteNe, nije. U firmama poput Er Srbije na Zapadu je uvek bolja ako imas jace iskustvo tako da ti ne lupetaj ako ne znas.
DeleteO cemu ti pametno brbljas. Pitaj malo penzionisane vojne pilote USAF da li rade kao loadmasteri, posao za koji treba kurs kao i za stjuardese.
DeleteHmm... mislim da si malo pobrkao loncice jer ja ne vidim nigde da je iko spomenuo kurs/obuku.
DeleteOna se podrazumeva i obavezna je za svakog.
Ali iskustvo se na Zapadu ceni i ono je direktno vezano za to koliko ces zaradjivati. Ima cak i naucnih istrazivanja na tu temu tako da...
Iskustvo loadmastera u letenju borbenim avionom? Pazi, to je neprocenjivo iskustvo!
DeletePrestani sa svojim brbljanjem, Zapad nisi ni video. Kad promenis posao oblast rada nema ni seniority.
DeleteVazno da ti jesi.
DeletePet godina u USA.
DeleteOT : Wizz Air is seeking for Cabin Crew in Belgrade. I wounder what do they plan, as they wrote :
ReplyDelete"Due to our planned further expansion in Serbia, we have new openings for cabin attendants at Belgrade base."
Flights from Malmo and Basel to Niš will be operated by Belgrade based crew, that`s some kind of expansion in Serbia :-)
ReplyDeleteGoS Transport Minister announced back in March that bilateral with the USA would be signed in April, now she is pushing back with vague "in the next few weeks" schedule. It is clear she is no control over schedule. As for the actual start date for the flight(s), she is now pushing back from end of 2015 to the first quarter of 2016.
Things are obviously held back by the other side once again. Is the next announcement going to be another postponement of signing of bilateral, perhaps during PM's visit to Washington DC? I don't know, but it sure looks like this issue is just another line item on the laundry list to be negotiated as part of effort to get Serbia closer to the West. I am just not sure GoS and PM are eager to seize this great opportunity and get closer to the US for the mutual benefit.
Anyway, this delay is obviously hurting Air Serbia's long haul plans. Planned expansion was to be effective only if it would feed long haul, but now that it's clear it would not happen by mid or even late 2016, there's no reason for Air Serbia to expand in the upcoming winter schedule.
Posto radite na Aerodromu BEG vecina vas ocde sto pljuje ASL mocete sa uzitkom da gledate A330 svaki dan.
Admin, can you somehow block INN-NS? He is seriously annoying many people on here and he is disrupting normal conversation.
DeleteПустите нашег Жику Обретковића да лупа шта хоће. Нити радим на АНТ нити сам против ЈУ. Нећу да гледам А330 на аеродрому него ћу да гледам Инсбрук са FL370 када са Ер Србијом будем летео за Њујорк.
DeleteI would like to make this clear and I have said this many times before. I do not have the ability to block or ban anyone. I can delete comments, when I find the time, and I do so (when they are outside of the comment guidelines - if I miss it you can always draw my attention to a comment posted outside of those guidelines). The comments section is in real time because the majority of people have the ability to have a civilised conversation/discussion so I don't have to pre-approve comments. I think this generally enhances the quality of the discussion. I understand what you are saying. The best solution is to either ignore the comment that annoys you if it is within the comment guidelines. If it is not I will delete it and I also tend to delete comments that are posted for the sole purpose of creating flame wars.
DeleteSupport the movement to ignore INN-NS.
Delete@ AirCEO
DeleteI think the delays are beyond the control of the GoS. As much as they would want to be able to say how great and efficient they are, they still have to wait for the big OK from USA. Right now it is probably a political game as much of a technical one. But I think summer 2016 is still realistic.
-- Charlie
(Ignore INN-NS)
DeleteTo nije bilo vama upuceno nego je par ljudi pre toga komentarisalo i vi da nesto napisete protiv ASL ne bi usao u svadju sa vama:
A bio sam samo rekao kako novine potvrdjuju moje izvore ali to je iz ne znam kog razloga izbrisano . I necu ponovo to da pisem.
ReplyDeletePostavio si pitanje koje je cini mi se obrisano ali ipak cu da odgovorim posto se ne tice nekog prepucavanja nego je konkreto.
Sto se tice domaceg feed u YYZ mislim da tu i nema bas neke razlike. Opcija je AC i WS. Oni realno gledano iz YYZ lete ka manje vise istim gradovima I sa vrlo slicnim frekvencijama. E sad EY koliko ja znam ima code share sa AC sto znaci da ima vec neki odnos tako da misilm da tu lezi odgovor na ovo tvoje pitanje.
SM, don't feed the troll.
DeleteIt's not feeding, he asked I answered.
DeleteListen, I don't approve his approach either and I rarely (i fever) I hear anything useful from him but I don't go around complaining about it. He has a right to say whatever he wants. You and others can agree or disagree with him, like or dislike him but the fact that your attempts to shut him up are only counter productive. So, my advice to you and everyone else is, mind your own business, if you don't like what he says just skip his post and go on with your life
Delete"if you don't like what he says just skip his post and go on with your life", actually it is my business since he pretty much prevents people from saying something negative about ASL. Why cant he for once ignore criticism towards ASL?
Delete“actually it is my business “
DeleteLOL, please go and read what you wrote again. Do you make living by commenting here? This is educational blog, please relax.
“he pretty much prevents people from saying something negative about ASL”
No he is not. You can still say whatever you’d like and he can’t do anything about it. But the opposite is true as well and you are the one who is choosing to react to what he says.. Only admin can prevent someone by deleting his/her comments
“Why cant he for once ignore criticism towards ASL”
Because both of you are worse than my 2 and 5 year old. Funny , just last night I had this conversation with them. I’m pretty sure I tried to explain my 5 year old that she has to take the high grounds sometimes LOL
DeleteHvala na odgovoru :)
I agree with another anonymous who posted earlier. INN-NS needs to be blocked or banned. His posts hurt any normal constructive conversation on this blog in relation to JU
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Join the movement.
DeleteDa li ste vi retardirani? Culi ste exYu-a. Svi ste skocili kao opareni na povoljnu vest za ASL. Kontrolisite se malo.
DeleteO čemo ti pričaš?
DeleteWe the above are just expressing how annoying INN is. After today I will not mention her name, and completely ignore her.
Power to the people, ignore the troll !
-- Charlie
DeleteYou do not have any normal constructive conversation on this blog in relation to JU.
Delete+1, I am joining the movement!
Delete7:21, yes partially due to INN-NS who prevents us from having one. I cannot say something negative about ASL anymore.
Delete“Imamo cilj da budemo centralni evropski aerodrom”, poručila je Mihajlović novinarima...
Nemo' si ti bre bezobrazan, ko zna bolje nego Zorka da evo BEG samo sto nije prej*bao FRA,LHR i CDG zajedno, one trecerazredne kao AMS,ZRH,IST i da ne pominjem :) A tek kad krenu da dolazu turisti u BEG na H2O, ma kazem ti, ne brini nista, zna Zorka sta potpisuje, i sta prica :)
DeleteYYZ slobodno komentarisete necu vam nista.
DeleteProblem je sto svi znamo ko to komentarise sa Aerodroma BEG,
YYZ I don't think so, today's news is very good for ASL. They will have same percent of people flying with them like AA. And Slovenia is little bit richer state per capita then Serbia and they have markets in Albania, Pristina and Lodz. Big fail actually for them.
DeleteINN-NS, you are becoming feared :D
DeleteOd koga molim vas .
They are afraid of you :) INN has tamed all Air Serbia haters. Even if he's 17 years old, he's mentally stronger than 95% of members of this blog. Big thumbs up kid and keep it up :D
DeleteWhat are you talking about Aэrologic? If you are referring to me I am far from Air Serbia hater. I actually am finally proud of the national airline and would love to see ASL in Toronto. The only thing I wanted to point out is that its ok to criticize even thought there is tremendous improvement and that INN-NS should not rudely respond to people for having a certain opinion.
DeleteCriticizing does not equal a hater!
Nikad necu voditi rasprave sa ljudima koji se potpisu ovde a kritikuju ASL osim njih 2 .
DeleteA svi znamo ko to pise i ko su oni.
Aэrologic =D
INN-NS, ako te JU ne plaća za usluge, javi im se. Zaslužio si neke novce, prisutan si ovdje od 0-24 svaki dan i spreman ih braniti do posljednje kapi krvi. Svaka čast. Ali me čudi da sa toliko godina radije ne izađeš malo vani, družiš se sa ljudima, možda upoznaš neku curu i tako...pusti ovo, smetaš odraslim ljudima a tako si mlad...
Delete+1from Air Serbia LOVER! Inn is hurting the 'reputation' of the company with his primitive self proclaimed defending.
DeleteYYZ - Of course, it wasn't about you. I completely agree.
DeleteSorry for the OT
ReplyDeleteUS white paper on Gulf carriers distorts my academic report.
If somebody is interested, here is an interesting article written by Dr John Frankie O’Connell from Cranfield University in the UK whose research paper was used (or rather misused) in the US white paper on Gulf carriers that serves as basis of US carriers claims about competition from MEB3
Americke avio kompanije su primer monopola i dogovora sa vladom.Npr. ako ste na ugovoru sa njihovom vladom morate leteti sa americkim kompanijama osim ako bas nemate izbora.
DeleteAmeričke kompanije su primer odgovornog poslovanja i efikasnog upravljanja resursima. Nije sramota leteti preko okeana sa B757 i imati malo manje ekrane. Čuo sam da imaju i lošiju ishranu od evropskih na kratkim linijama, ali ishrana u ovom segmentu je nebitna. 70% ljudi u Evropi za ovo koristi LCC i ne naručuje nikakvu hranu. Letovi su suviše kratki da bi ste morali da gladujete.
DeleteNo MEB3 je lako. Država im kupuje avione, gorivo bagatela, pa im je load factor od 30% isplativ. Šta mislite koliko putnika ima Emirates na A388 koji leti za MXP?
Jednog dana će ceo taj sistem da se uruši kao kula od karata, a bojim se da će u to biti usisana i Air Serbia.
"Nije sramota leteti preko okeana sa B757, imati malo manje ekrane i losiju ishranu od evropskih"
DeleteU potpunosti se slazem sa tobom, ali tvoje i moje misljenje nazalost se ne uklapaju u ovde dominantni balkansko-botovsko-nekriticno-nedodirljivo-neuporedivo-profitabilnost je nevazan faktor-moj je veci od tvog- nacin razmisljanja i komentarisanja
"Jednog dana će ceo taj sistem da se uruši kao kula od karata,": Then along goes Airbus and Boeing. Cheers from Cairo.
DeleteThe author wrote it plain and simple " Air Serbia provided no quarterly profit figures in its statement nor did it report on its average load factor."
ReplyDeleteDoes new Switzerland-Serbia bilateral allow for Etihad Regional to operate future BEG-PRN route on behalf od Air Serbia?
ReplyDeleteThe thing which puzzles me is why doesn't ASL paint at least one of their Boing 737 into A319 colors. They would look more elegant compared to simple aviolet sign. They have been using 737 on regular flights lately and I heard on this site that they are planning to use them for at least 2 more years.
ReplyDelete= hypocrisy.
DeleteZorana still doesn't have a definite list of airports that will make Airports of Serbia. One way to explain this is that GoS won't make that call and would instead let future concessionaire draw a list of airports they want to manage/control. It would then make sense for concessionaire to maximize total revenue for all airports. They might try to develop more GA, charter or even some regular traffic on those airports but not at the expense of BEG airport. In effect that would allow Vinci (or whoever becomes concessionaire) to throttle down LCCs at other airports if it threatens BEG and overall revenue and profit. Does this make any sense?
ReplyDeleteWell, it's a shame nothing will become of Vinci. I was really hoping they would take over.
Deletelike I said earlier on this blog, and other forums, AoS should only be consisted of: BEG, INI, LYKV, LYVR and UZC and in future BTY. there's not much philosphy in it, have only airports that have passenger potential, leave other out