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Croatia Airlines looks to adjust 2008 aircraft order |
Croatia Airlines is renegotiating a 2008 order for four Airbus A319 aircraft with the European plane manufacturer in a deal worth 175 million euros. Although the new jets were originally to be delivered by the end of 2013, the order has been put on hold. The carrier has put off the aircrafts' arrival due to its financial situation. Although some have suggested the order was politically motivated at the time, Croatia Airlines has denied such claims, saying the acquisition was a sound business decision. According to reports, Croatia Airlines is considering modifying the deal to four jets from the A320neo family of aircraft, for delivery in 2021. The final price of the modified acquisition is being discussed with Airbus.
The A320neo aircraft are designed to operate quieter with lower operating costs. The single-aisle jet is fitted with engines which Airbus estimates will offer 15% fuel savings and emit 3.600 tonnes less carbon dioxide per aircraft each year. The CEO of Croatia Airlines, Krešimir Kučko, recently said, “We are in discussions with Airbus regarding our order and I am very pleased that they have recognised the situation our company is in, as well as our demands. We are counting on and want to continue our cooperation with them. However, the delivery of these aircraft currently depends on a range of factors”. Qatar Airways will become the launch customer of the A320neo, with entry into commercial service planned for the last quarter of this year. Within the region, Air Serbia currently has ten A320neos on order, for delivery from 2018 onwards.
In the short-term Croatia Airlines is looking at leasing four to six jets, according to statements made by the carrier’s CEO last week. Its fleet expansion will begin next year when it plans to lease two Embraer E190 jets. Croatia Airlines is also expected to enter talks with Mitsubishi over the possible purchase of the Japanese manufacturer’s new twin-engine regional jet, the MRJ90, which has the capacity to seat ninety passengers. The cost-efficient aircraft will perform its maiden flight this year, with deliveries to follow in 2017. “Our aim is to renew our fleet as soon as possible. We have given this serious consideration and could begin renewing our fleet this winter, with the addition of 100-seat jets”, Mr. Kučko said last month. He added, “It is part our medium-term strategy and its realization does not depend on a strategic partner. However, it will impact on the pace of the acquisitions”. Croatia Airlines currently has a fleet of twelve aircraft – two Airbus A320s, four A319s and six Bombardier Dash 8 Q400s. It often arranges short-term wetleases for additional aircraft during the summer months as a result of increased demand.
A320 NEO would be a good fit for Croatia Airlines. Good capacity for summer operations.
ReplyDeleteI know it will never happen, but the SSJ100 is an efficent, capable, and inexpensive airliner. CTN should at least take it into consideration, since the CEO wants a 100 seater.
Could be the stigma attached to it being a Russian built airliner but over all I think the quality and fine detail is lacking what it comes to the SSJ100 compared to other aircraft in it's class.
DeleteJust my opinion.
You are talking just garbage. Italians doing final design for SSJ100.
The aircraft has a host reliability issues. About 4 airlines which have based their operations around the aircraft have already go bankrupt and almost all other airlines who operate the SSJ100 seem to only use the aircraft on average less than 100 flight hours per month where for a brand new aircraft even purchased with a 30% discount to the listed price, you need to fly at least 250 hours per month to cover costs. Even Aeroflot have returned 10 aircraft back to Sukhoi. So from what I can see it will be a brave airline buying this aircraft at this time.
DeleteThey could improve but a major disaster at this time.
It was lavatory issue unlike heavy preproduction 787. Only 2 were delivered to fallen company. And you are coming from country with so many succesful airline startups.
DeleteAnd CA do not have money neither for them. I just do not see European company buying it.
"You are coming from a country with so many succesful airline startups."
DeleteActually, you are right, although you meant opposite, but since 1991, following croatian AOC startups SUCCESFUlLY took-oof, and worked :
Croatia Airlines
Anic Airways
Air Adriatic
Trade Air
Dubrovnik Airline
European Coastal Airways
Limitless Airways
For such a small contry with relatively modest economy, 7 succesful airline startups is not that bad. Prove me wrong, please !
Aren't Dubrovnik Airlines and Air Adriatic bankrupt?
DeleteIsn't Malev bankrupt? Swissair? Sabena?
DeleteAir Adriatic succesfully operated from 2002 till 2007, Dubrovnik Airline 2005 till 2010. Earning money, employing people, boosting HR tourism, paying taxes, having no single serious incident.
I call it succesful start up. Maybe you have different criteria, but readers will decide who has the point.
Air Adriatic and Dubrovnik Airline was operated by the same person but at different times and both were closed suddenly.
DeleteMaybe Purger can explain why...
Regarding Dubrovnik airline, I know from speaking with employers that the MD80 was becoming too difficult in terms or reliability and they were looking at introducing A320s back in 2010 but closed shop. Probably bad timing when you consider the economic situation at that time.
Side note: I come from the land down under which has had a decent chunk of defunct airlines too just like the rest of the world.
DeleteNot true. Air Adriatic was founded and managed by cpt. Dejan Cabric. Dubrovnik Airline was founded and managed by cpt. Zeno Singer. Air Adriatic was 100% privately owned, Dubrovnik Airline was majority-owned by Atlantska Plovidba. Both airlines operated succesfully for long years, and none closed suddenly. Both experienced difficulties long before closing, partly caused by general crisis, partly by bad managing and wrong decisions, in the moment when their growth became too big (Airbus case in DBK and 7-unit-fleet in AHR) and to demanding for current managers who were primarily good in operations, not marketing. But you should check your sources because you stated some misinformation here.
And yes, they were not operating at different times before 2005, 2006 and 2007 they both operated simultaneously
DeleteThanks for the correction, I always thought that Captain Singer founded Air Adriatic too and I did now that Atlanstka Plovida was involved but it simply slipped my mind.
DeleteLooking back I agree that they had major problems in marketing.
Only state supported remained?
DeleteEuropean Coastal - 100% PRIVATE
DeleteTrade Air - 100% PRIVATE
Limitless Airways - 100% PRIVATE
Croatia Airlines, the only one mostly state-owned, but also with minor percentage of private shareholders
Egypt Air ordered 12 SSJ+12 options. It was reported on airliners.net. I personally think that every aircraft will have issues in its testing or early phase of operation. Just look at Boing 787 at the beginning and now no issues at all. Also everybody is forgetting A380 issue Qantas had.
DeleteI have noticed that in Western Europe+Canada there is kind of hate from regular people toward Russians people and products,not government ( its not even political anymore). You might think I am a Russian fanboy but you would be wrong!
Trade air is a joke of an airline with one f100 and only flying charters. Not to mention fail emb120 regional project that has max 5 pax per flight, but mostly 1 or 2. ECA is even worse.
DeleteIs Egyptair a done deal? I just heard that they were interested, but nothing else...
DeleteTrade Air is NOT joke of an airline. They have TWO Fokkers 100, not one. They had THREE Fokkers 100 2011-2013. Among other contracts,they flew for British, Australian, Norwegian Governments, on ALL continents except Americas, as well as on behalf of such airlines as Air France, Croatia, Adria, Air Baltic, Flybe... Number of passengers on Embraer is irrelevant because all EMB flights are subsidized by the State. ECA has 2 planes and plans to grow the fleet to 8. I adore the people who spit an everybody and everything, especially when they don't give one single explanation, argument or fact to back up their claims
DeleteTDR ubedljivo najbolja HR aviokompanija steta sto njima drzava malo nr pomogne.
"There were a few Sukhoi aircraft in Egypt for testing last few days" user from airliners.net. You are right Aleksandar its still not a done deal but with the Egypts current political spectrum which is orienting itself more to Russian who knows what will happen. There were also negotiations with Russia to replace Mig 21 fleet with Mig 29. Maybe Russians want to sell the Mig 29 and the SSJ as a package?
DeleteTalking of cheap quality...
One of the advantages the SSJ-100 has over its competitors is better 'hot and high' performance which is why InterJet from Mexico has purchased the aircraft and did so at a huge discount to the published price but even they seem to be operating the aircraft less than 100 hours per month which makes the discount irrelevant so there must be some underlying issues with the aircraft at this time.
DeleteThe new model is due to be rolled out in 2017, maybe this will be a major improvement but like I said it will be a brave airline buying this aircraft at this time.
Where did you get the 100 hour per month figure? That is not consistent with the fact that Interjet ordered an additional 10 units a few months ago, and they publicly have praised the aircraft for good reliability and fuel efficency.
DeleteInterjet is now the only international customer for the aircraft as the other 3 airlines have gone bankrupt so they are probably the most important customer for Sukhoi and as a result who knows what transpired to secure the additional 10 aircraft. Interjet use the aircraft out of there Toluca hub which is where the aircraft excels because of the high altitude of the airport, 8500ft ASL I believe.
DeleteOf course the airline will praise the aircraft, this is just basic PR and I don't think I have ever heard an airline publicly rubbish its main product which it uses to transport people.
Like most of us here Aviation is a hobby for me as well as it was once my career too and I get a lot of what I write here from a number of different sources a piece them together to present my view on a subject but for what you a specifically asking for was actually quoted from Sukhoi's own SSJ100 service statistics.
'I don't think I have ever heard an airline publicly rubbish'
DeleteI shouldn't use the word 'rubbish' and I am not trying to say that the aircraft is that at all but just in my opinion it is not reliable at this time.
Out of all of the issues, reliability seems to be of the least concern. Interjet has announced above 99% dispatch reliability multiple time.
DeleteThe first source I found:
I am not saying that the SSJ is a perfect plane, it certainly has its share of issues, such as:
-Program delays
-Production ramp up delays
-Early build weight above specs
-Sold to various bottom feeding airlines
-No large supply network, unlike Bombardier and Embraer
-Current political and economic situation in Russia
-Negative stigma of Russian aviation
All of these things are negative, but the design itself, as well as the performance and economic of the plane are not bad. Russians have a long and extremely rich history of aerospace design, and they have the capability and human resources to build a modern airliner. What they currently are having issues with is marketing, support, and building a network and capturing a market share.
The SSJ is still a rather young plane. I think there is still a lot of potential for it to garner a lot more success.
Hope this works, good luck OU!
ReplyDeleteGood option but 2021 is really far away. By that time their A319s will be 23 years old.
ReplyDeleteThey would most probably adjust the order accordingly, so we will see more than just 4 jet ordered, at least 6 to replace the current fleet maybe a few more to account for growth.
DeleteFinally they are doing something about this oreder!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know until when are the 10 planned A320neos to be delivered to Air Serbia? I know it starts in 2018 but when is the last delivery expected?
ReplyDelete2022 for the last one.
DeleteOk, thanks
DeleteSomebody said it will be delivered from 2018. till 2020. every two months one plane.
DeleteO.T.What is with 6 th ATR?One ATR wasnt in servis before coming of ALV, the same thing is now.
So what are the four to six planes the plan to lease? 2 EMB and the rest? If I understand correctly the 4 A319/320neos are not included in this number.
ReplyDeleteLooks like OU will be shifting its focus from restructuring to growth. For this they need to increase capacity by according to them adding 100 seat jets. If they start with 2 Embraer's than you would most likely see 4 more added over the next few years unless the inital 2 Embraers are used as a stop gap means only and they order or go into a long term lease with a completely different type.
DeleteFrom remote perspective CTN posted quite nice results for 2014 : 1.825.000 passengers, turnover 217 mill. euros (119 EUR/PAX), LF 69,2%, only 900 employees. ASL official annual report says 2.3 mill. passengers, turnover 262 mill. euros (114 EUR/PAX), LF 67%. And ASL route distances are longer than CTN's by far. Let's not comment on expenses as this issue is unclear and blurred at ASL.
DeleteOT: "new" Adria 319 S5-AAX already in full Adria livery, source: https://twitter.com/just_spotters/status/603226971091382274/photo/1
ReplyDeleteTurkish pregovara sa Maltom oko prezimanja Air Malte. To je vrlo važna vijest za Croatiu.
ReplyDeleteAir Malta ima 10 aviona kapaciteta otprilike kao i Croatia (mi imamo dva više, ali oni imaju cijelu flotu sastavljenu od A319/320), 37 destinacija što je tu negdje kao i mi, prevezla je 1,76 milijuna putnika dakle kao i Croatia, ima vrlo sezonske putnika prvenstveno turiste, gubitaš je već godinama, malena zemlja, velika konkurencija na matičnom aerodromu. I ako Turkish tu ima interesa onda bi morao imati interesa i za Croatiu. A to bi svakako bilo bolje rješenje nego Lufthansa. No, uz to interes Turkisha bi morao otvoriti i veći trud Lufthanse (koja ne bi smjela pustiti olako svog igrača u svojoj strateškoj zoni interesa), ali i Air Francea, Britisha, pa i Qatara.
One word: BS. Malta is a much higher income country and economy than Croatia, you are comparing apples and pears here my friend. Besides, Turkish didn't succeed to turnaround BH, i don't imagine how would they do it with OU and what they would need it for, it's not like they're in AUH and they need a regional feeder. Turkey (IST) itself is in the Balkans what unlike many in-here they pride themselves of.
Delete(or 'Europe' how they call it)
DeleteTK nece da baca pare na CTN , a pritom je imao i lose iskustvo sa jednim prevoznikom iz ex yu regiona.
You shout not put presumptions but you should find real data. It is not true that Malta market is bigger
Malta 10.582 billion USD
Croatia 59.911 billion USD
Malta 1,6 million per year
Croatia 10,1 million per year
Air passengers
Malta 4,3 million per year
Croatia 6,8 million per year
Comparing apples and pears is Purgers speciality as he thinks Croatia is Germany and Zagreb Airport is Frankfurt which could have 500 routes.
DeleteWhat he misses as always is that Croats are the one of the poorest people in EU and cant pay more then 50 euros for a ticket even if they wanted to.
I would guess that 80 % of passengers on Croatian airports are foreigners and croats living outside the country
Regional GDP per capita in Europe.
At 2:23 And how many Serbian citizens are aboard Air Serbia aircraft. I presume most of them are also foreigners. So please let's not start with that argument.
DeleteTo say that Croats cannot afford to pay 50 EUR for ticket is at least silly. Minimum salary in Croatia is 512 EUR brutto, or 405 EUR netto.
DeleteIn March 2015 medium salary in Croatia was 1.080 EUR netto or 760 EUR brutto.
Croatia is not in very good condition today but still it is not last in EU.
GDP per capita
Croatia 16.100, and worse than that are:
Romania 14.500
Bulgaria 11.900
let me just point that aspirants for EU are in much worse shape:
Serbia 9.800
Turkey 9.500
Macedonia 9.500
Albania 7.800
GDP growth 2005-2014
Croatia +3,2%, and worst are:
Portugal -1,6%
Italy -4,4%
Greece -18,6%
Croatia 17,4%
Spain 25,2%
Greece 26,8%
Life satisfaction by Eurostad
Croatia 6,3, and worst are
Greece 6,2
Cyprus 6,2
Hungary 6,2
Portugal 6,2
Bulgaria 4,8
* Serbia 4,9
Population living under 4 USD per day
Croatia 0,3%, and worst are
Czech r. 0,3%
Estonia 3,3%
Poland 4,3%
Romania 18,3%
Bulgaria 11,3%
* Serbia 7,6%
Population living below poverty line
Croatia 11,1%, and worst are
Czech R. 11,1%
Slovakia 13,2%
Romania 13,8%
Bulgaria 20,7%
* Serbia 24,6%
As for number of foreigners to fly into Croatia, someone who wants to buy Croatia Airlines basically doesn’t care if passengers are tourist, foreigners, domestic or Marsians if they pay for ticket. Croatia is much bigger market than Malta, with more passengers, and much more tourists. And if Turkish is interested in Air Malta for sure they should have more interest in Croatia Airlines.
You could not read on this or other blogs that I thing Croatia has big potential in air traffic and that is even near to Romania or Hungary, and this example of Germany is not even near to my opinion.
Saying TK did make anything out of BH so they automatically won't make anything out of CTN is like saying Real Madrid didn't make anything from Perica Ognjenović, so the same will be with Luka Modrić.
DeleteAnd I am a Serb.
Purger, što će Turkishu Air Malta? Njima je prije bilo kakve kupovine prioritetna stavka dovesti svoje financije odnosno broj administrativnih uposlenika u red. Gube šolde u količinama koje nikomu više nisu prihvatljive.
DeleteŠto će im? EU AOC pa mogu letjeti doslovce što hoće npr. KM: ZAG-DBV ili MUC-FRA...
DeleteKonačno, ako im ne treba zašto vode pregovore?
Panic news from Mr Kucko every second day now, they now they are going bankrupt after summer and there is no buyers so this news are just show for the public that the airline is doing fine and expanding
ReplyDeleteOT: Teriyaki salmon and orasnice, anyone? New Air Serbia menu:
Kaže da će većina namirnica biti iz Srbije. Orada koja se uzgaja u kojem ono srpskom moru?
Deletevećina, iz Srbije - orasnice
Deletemanjina, van Srbije - orada
Samo joshvali Boeing na ovoj listi onda ce imati od svakog po jedan.
ReplyDeleteTako se vidi izgleda ni od jednog nema nista posto je nesigurnost management-a vidljiva posto ne znaju koji avion hoce.
Ne kaze se "hvali". "Hvaliti" znaci pozitivno ocenjivati nekoga/nesto zbog necega. Trebao bi reci "nedostaje" u srpskoj varijanti, "manjka" u hrvatskoj varijanti, ili "fali" u kolokvijalnoj varijanti naseg zajednickog jezika. To je sto se tice forme. Sada sto se tice sadrzaja : management koji je uspeo velike gubitke pretvoriti u pozitivno poslovanje pod EU uslovima bez subvencija, koji ima kratko-, srednje- i dugorocni plan razvoja, koji je u stalnom razmatranju trenutno najbolje razvojne ipcije na vrlo dinamicnom i nestalnom trzistu sigurno ne moze biti predmet ocenjivanja srednjoskolca upitnog znanja i upitnih ideolosko-politicko-etickih nacela. A sto se tice Boinga, kada ga vec spominjes, doci ce i on u Kroaciju, i to tripl seven, kada u Er Srbiju dodje tristatrideset, a mozda i pre
DeletePostovani Gospodine kad vec nekoga ispravljate ne mojte sami praviti greske nije Boing nego Boeing . Drago mi je za CTN sto ce dobiti 77W uskoro .
Opet nisi u pravu. Pises srpslom varijantom naseg jezika, a u srpskoj varijanti sve se pise onako kako se izgovara, dakle "Boing" i "menedzment", a ne Boeing i management kako si ti napisao. I nemoj se lpraviti najpametniji i jutiti na ljude koji ti pomazu da bolje govoris/pises svoj jezik
Deletena srpskom se ne pise Boeing, nego Boing kad vec insistiras na srpskom da pises!
Ja se ne ljutim na nikoga i hvala na ispravci , ali kako cete reci za Gazprom Gasprom .
DeleteNigde u svetu se ne menja ime nekih velikih firmi nego se ime izgovara tacno.
Ne zovem se INI-SNS nego INN-NS .
Sta je sa vama kad svugde vidite SNS .
Ovde ne razgovaramo o IZGOVORU nego o PISANJU; TRANSKRIPCIJI, sto takodje cini jezik, a jezik, izmedju ostalog cini onog ko ga govori. A sto se tice pisanja i izgovora i velikih kompanija : Svi ce, sirom sveta Koka Kolu izgovoriti "KOKA KOLA". Ali ce Kinezi to sto su izgovorili napisati onim nekim njihovim znakovima-slicicama, Arapi ce to sto su izgovorili napisati s desna na levo, onim njihovim talasicima i tackicama, Hrvati ce to PRAVILNO napisati, prema pravilima transkripcije hrvatske varijante "Coca Cola", a Srbi, ili oni koji pisu srpskom varijantom, ce to PRAVILNO napisati "KOKA KOLA". Lepo ti je covek gore dao i izvor gde mozes da proveris da nisi u pravu, ali ti opet glavom kroz zid, i opet jeste ali, i opet da u pravu ste u nacelu, ali ne odnosi se na velike kompanije. Pa pobogu dete, pa hajde jednom priznaj da nisi u pravu kad stvarno nisi u pravu, to coveka izmedju ostalog cini velikim (u vise znacenja), i odraslim. Pa valjda zelis odrasti?
DeleteAha a a Michelin gume cete reci Miselin .
DeleteEvo priznajem ako cete biti srecni ali onda bi tako pisalo i na SRB reklama a ne originalno ime.
DeleteTako je. Transkripcija imas i u drugim jezicima, npr arapski gde nemaju slove 'p', 'g' i 'e', tako da Pepsi je 'Bibsi' (بيبسي) itd. Ime kompanije se takodje prilagodjava arapskom na bliskom istoku, kao sto je KFC 'dažaž kintaki' (دجاج كنتاكي).
Malo je glupo menjati imen firmi po meni .
DeleteDobro upravu ste ali je po meni glupi .
Stvarno ima smiješnih komentara ovdje... Rješenje za CTN će se pronaći u svakom slučaju. Bio Kučko sposoban ili ne, imao on veze i poznanstva ili ne, sudbina cijele kompanije sigurno neće ovisiti o njegovoj samostalnoj odluci. CTN neće nestati i propasti sigurno. Što se flote tiče, zamjena nekih Q400 sa Jet100-seaterima je logična i ne radi se o pretjerivanju. Novi A320 ili 319 kroz narednih 6-7 godina su isto normalna odluka iz razloga koji su već gore navedeni. CTN neće na kraju imati 30 aviona, nego možda 15, 16... Ako ASL opstane sa sadašnjom organizacijom (a ja im to od srca želim) uvijek će imati par aviona više od CTN, a BEG će uvijek imati milju-dvije putnika više od ZAG. Mi ćemo fino jefintije putovati, imati ćemo više destinacija na raspolaganju i pravi entuzijasti će uživati u svemu bez obzira na boje i registracije. Čast onima (a ima ih nekoliko) koji ovdje pišu pametne i suvisle komentare, ali većinom se radi o provokatorima ili derištima koja pojma nemaju i ne znaju šta im je naprijed a šta otraga i nisu još uvijek sigurni da li bi stajali ili sjeli kad uđu u wc. Na forumu o željeznicama prepiru se o tome tko ima više km pruge i više lokomotiva, na forumu o traktorima tko ima većeg i čiji dublji ore, na forumu o gradnji čija zgrada će imati više katova. Odrastite.
ReplyDeleteNaci ce se resenje kao Malev. Vi ne shvatate ko vam je glavna pretnja. Nije ASL.
DeleteAnon 3.37 PM
Off topic, but interesting. Wizzair reported it's first annual report since going public on the London Stock Exchange. Wizzair's operating profits hit 167 million euros!
ReplyDeleteInteresting graph with geographical split of revenues. Their most important market is Great Britain, with 16.3% share. FYR Macedonia accounts for 1.5%, whereas Serbia accounts for 1.1% of revenues.
They are ripe for a sale
DeleteIt has been already a week since LIMITLESS AIRWAYS has obtained its AOC. Passengers flights started 4 days ago. Airbus 320 registration 9A-SLA stationed at Rijeka (Krk) airport and operates flights to/from Scandinavia, yet @Ex-Yu aviation doesn't consider of any relevance the fact that Ex-Yu region has ONE MORE FUNCTIONAL AIRLINE. Interesting!!!
DeleteThis blog is called Ex-Yu aviation NEWS. Back on March 8, it was the NEWS that another one Airbus 320 arrived, supposed to be based and fly out of EX-Yu region.
DeleteAfter 2 and a half months, if we know the definition of news, it cannot be NEWS anymore.
Meanwhile, the airline mentioned:
-trained and hired the crew
-obtained airwothiness certificate for the plane
-obtained AOC
-started operations
-became the EIGHT functional airline with the Ex-Yu AOC. So, it's only seven more, not seventy, SEVEN within whole Ex-Yu. And it makes it very important, it makes it the NEWS.
And it stil hasn't been published here. So I just wonder why?
OT: Among other opportunities, Belgrade Airport will be presented tomorrow to investors in Paris. Vinci is mentioned as one of investors.
ReplyDeleteIt was published that Vinci already signed MoU regarding the airport few months ago. If they wanted they already had the opportunity to find out everything there is to know about the airport. If they are not interested, why show up? Perhaps for Veuve Clicquot and catered canapé? Nah...
Hope that concession deal is already done, let's just wait for official unveiling. It better not be a 'meh' event like airport's last slideware snooze fest, hoping for a real barnburner announcement event!
"Hope that concession deal is already done, let's just wait for official unveiling"
DeleteHopefully since our people set by the ruling party ( all the political parties did this) are unfortunately not able to do anything productive for the airport. How can somebody who has studied medicine and practiced medicine all his/her life become a director of the only airport in the country?
DeleteBice zanimljivo sutra ,ali nesme da se prica.
Well, Vinci just won the concession for both the airport in Santiago de Chile as well as Kandai on Japan....not very likely that they would take on a 3rd airport......
DeleteTiny Belgrade airport is not a problem for them. If they can build new hangar for Chernobil, they can handle BEG as well!
DeleteIt's not just about putting in the money. You need to develop the airport and in order to develop it you need people. If you think that they will put in the money and then leave it to the same people who has ruined it: Think again.
DeleteA sta ce to biti zanimljivo sutra sto ne sme da se prica? A sigurno se objavljuje da sutra uvece stize A330 a prekosutra ujutru pocinju redovni letovi za Peking, Sangaj, Njujork i Toronto
@ 8:16, hahaha! +1
DeleteSami sebi dajete podrsku svaka cast.
DeletePosto ne znate sta ce biti sutra sigurno niste upuceni posto ste Anonymous.
Let me present why nothing will happened: The PM of all PM's is in Albania, none of you have been able to avoid that he just HAS to be on tv everyday of the week explaining to everybody that the world rotates around Serbia. He has to use the visit to Albania to the fullest, specially how a drone with a flag in a soccer game was a HUGE provocation to Serbia and he told that to the Albanian President (who's still laughing)......the man is an idiot, but he is still in Albania. Nobody should think that selling the last asset of Serbia could be announced without him on tv, in Serbia, so that everybody is impressed with him and how he is doing everything for mother Serbia and not confused with the visit to Albania.
DeleteNo 2. Vince, Bouygen's and the Spanish interested has all been to BEG months ago. Since then, silence. No more due diligence or anything else. Just silence.
No 3, in a country were everybody knows everything and are "kums" with everybody and therefore can fix anything, they have all given up on BEG. Not even a rumor anymore.
The case is dead.
No 4. Why go to Paris to present an investors case if a deal is already struck? You should stay in Belgrade and present the deal here.
No 5: Management teams doesn't grow on trees. Especially not for airports. As already stated, Vince has already bought 2 airports this year, having a 3rd team ready to go to BEG and sort out the mess is....not plausible. It's not about the money, it's about the people.
Sorry people, the ship has sailed,
Dzabe ste pisali toliki tekst kad ce LYBE biti uspesan i to jako u buducnosti.
INN-NS let the man write whatever he wants! I also disagree with most of the stuff he wrote but anyhow everybody should express their opinion without somebody saying " dzabe ste to pisali".
DeleteYYZ - you just contradicted yourself ... If you are saying that the guy had a right to say whatever he wanted, then why are you not supporting the same right for INN-NS ? Doesn't he have that same right - whether you "disagree with most of the stuff he wrote" ?
Delete1) A number of times INN-NS has responded in a rude and hateful manner including this time
Delete2) A number of times INN-NS has spread false info about North American flights+China flights
3) I dont mind having discussion with anyone as long as its not rude and unless somebody is writing false info or just trolling
Is that you, nemjee? Maybe not?
Delete"in a country were everybody knows everything and are "kums" with everybody and therefore can fix anything, they have all given up on BEG"
Story goes that Hogan handpicked Kondic for due diligence first and then for the current job because they worked together previously, not because he was Hogan's "kum". People say Bruno over in ZAG had extensive global experience, not "kumstvo".
"It's not about the money, it's about the people. "
Completely agree with you. Great managers are hard to find, but they are out there.
DeleteZa Kinu opet nism ja kriv posto ja ne odlucujem .
A videcemo ako budete leteli sledece leto iz YYZ za BEG dali ce to biti JU , hoce osim ako ne budete leteli nekom drugom kompanijom.
INN-NS nisam ja reko da nece biti letova sledece godine za YYZ nego da ih nije bilo u Martu i Aprilu kako si ti reko. Ja sam reko vec par puta da bi bio vise nego srecan da vidim ASL u Toronto i nadam se da ce se to ostvariti.
Delete* rekao sorry! Moram malo da vezbam pisani Srpski na ovom blogu :D
DeleteAnon at 9:54
DeleteSince then, silence. No more due diligence or anything else. Just silence.
If true, this is creating a strong argument for bringing UAE investor back. Team reached out to EU companies and investors in good faith, time for EU to commit or step aside and let others invest. Only then the ship will sail.
The "kum" reference that I made had nothing to do with Kondic or Hogan. It was more a reflection of how everybody in Serbia claim to know everything even when they have no clue whatsoever, they think a lot and "see" a lot but rarely have the real knowledge. Just like our friend INN-SNS, claiming major things to be announced today....and of course nothing, again proving that INN-SNS is just full of shit.
DeleteThe "kum" reference could be more directed to the PM and the CEO....
Forget the Arabs, they have no interest in running an airport, they run the airline and have a lot on their plate with that.
From time to time we see some headless statement from the Ministry.....creating Airports of Serbia.....last time that was announced was in Feb and to happen in April. Next week it's June.
Investments at zero.
The 4 airbridges that was in the 2015 budget has been cancelled, due to the none existing building to hang them on. When could the extension possibly be ready...2017.
If you reach out to investors, you have to have a product worth investing in. You have to have the numbers right. Does anybody believe for a sec in 27 meur profit for 2014 and 19.9 meur for the 1 qtr 2015......let's bring in the numbers: if you have a company making net 80 meur in profit per year and you offer a concession for 30 years the investors would be sleeping in tents outside the airport just to be first in line.
OT: just like promissed on Monday, first Air Serbia A320 YU-APH with installed wifi equipment is back in the air exactly 20 days after it was taken offline at BEG hangar. Papa Hotel is on it's way to STR.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to official Air Serbia wifi service announcement soon!
well, YU-APJ has had the wifi equipment installed just under a month ago and so far is not being used. Instruction for the crew has been not to touch the wifi panel. By the way things are going, looks like itll be installed on all A319/320 fleet by the years end, with 1 Airbus ac out of service during the summer. What a fantastic idea to bring out aircraft for 20 days of wifi installment at the beginning of the summer schedule.
DeleteNot true .... 3 aircraft will be fitted BEFORE the summer and the remainder will done after the summer season, with everything finished by Mar 2016 ....
DeleteBetter being sarcastic when you have the correct info ... this way, you end up with - well, you know what all over your face
It took three weeks per plane, no need to delay revenue 3 more weeks for another plane. ASL can launch the product with only PJ and PH, and announce they will be progressively rolling out wifi to the rest of Airbus fleet in the coming months.
DeleteJU should of installed all that before the aircraft came into the fleet. But ok, change in plan or a new idea/suggestion arose, maybe from customer suggestions/feedback, not the point, point being that talk of wifi instalation started last year, and could of been better done during the slower winter months rather at the start of the summer season.
Summer schedule has been in effect 2 months now, seasonal flights have started to open, and by your comment yet another will go into the hangar for wifi installation, going by the way it looks, for 20 days.
anyway, i wasnt far off by saying years end.
Which A/C is next for WIFI?
DeleteWhat happened to Air Serbia 737 to Rome, another incident?
ReplyDeleteEK is starting Bologna! Interesting choice, but I feel like this is more competition for the market with EY/AZ alliance. I am like 100% sure either EY or AZ was planning to start AUH to Bologna flights but EK reacted faster. Also its worth saying that its a daily Boing 777-300 and not A330 or at least B777-200. Also BUD will also get the B777-300 from December and I have noticed they do have some competitive fares from BUD.
ReplyDeleteLjudi ovo se zove popunjenost na letu iz 2004 godine na liniji VIE-SIN-MEL-SIN-VIE sa 772 Lauda Air.
To je bio jedan od prvih letova tad.
Jel leteo nekad sa njima iz AUS :)