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Montenegro Airlines sees improved results during first four months |
Montenegro Airlines has seen its passenger numbers improve during the first four months of the year, positioning itself as the fourth busiest carrier in the former Yugoslavia. The Montenegrin airline welcomed 119.713 passengers on board its aircraft, some 8.020 travellers more than the same period last year, or an increase of 7.2%. Fuelling the growth were charter flights, as well as new services to Lyon, Dusseldorf and St. Petersburg. During the first quarter, the airline posted strong figures on flights to its main market - Serbia. It handled 48.730 travellers on services from Podgorica, Tivat and Belgrade, an increase of 16% compared to last year. At the same time, the carrier has also increased the number of operated flights to the Serbian capital by 19%.
The airline saw its passenger numbers more than double on charter flights, with an increase of 54.3%. Montenegro Airlines also noted that passenger numbers on its codeshare services improved 4.5%. The Montenegrin carrier has codeshare agreements with Air France, Adria Airways, Alitalia, Austrian and S7 Airlines. It foresees further passenger growth in the coming months. “Montenegro Airlines has been encouraged by these results which represent an excellent start to 2015. This success comes as a result of charter flights, where out of the planned seventy services for this season, we have already carried out twenty”. The carrier adds, “Further assisting these results was the launch of new services to Lyon, St. Petersburg and Dusseldorf. By the end of June, the national carrier will launch new charter flights to Baku, while flights to Yerevan will operate once per week between July and August”.
The encouraging trends come as the Montenegrin government prepares to sell its national carrier this year. In a few weeks, the airline is expected to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Etihad Airways, which will see the two airlines codeshare on each other’s routes and provide Montenegro Airlines with access to various services used by Etihad Airways at airports across Europe. Last year, the Montenegrin carrier handled 557.000 passengers, a decrease of 5% on the year before. Furthermore, its losses amounted to 9.5 million euros. The airline has been leasing out one of its Embraer jets, as well as crew, in an attempt to generate additional income. The carrier recently began settling part of its 68 million euro debt and has agreed to repay debt owed to the operator of the country’s two international airports - Podgorica and Tivat - amounting to 6.423.390 euros. The debt repayment will start on March 1, 2017 and will be payed off in installments over 108 months.
Yet their financial results are horrid...
ReplyDeleteI love Montenegro Airlines' selective results. They show you passenger numbers but no LF and no revenue but they give you how passenger numbers improved on code share flights. WTF o.O
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that the deal with Etihad will go ahead at all. It seems Etihad's interest in this region is reducing. They closed their office in BEG yesterday. They will cancel their BEG flight. Hardly see why they would cooperate with Montenegro Airlines if they are reducing their cooperation with Air Serbia.
ReplyDelete+1 I wouldn't be surprised if they left JU before the 5 year agreement is up. They contract stipulates that they can without any problem.
DeleteAnd why would they do that? On what do you base such claim? I would appreciate you elaborate on such a big claim. thanks in advance.
DeleteClosing office, suspending flights, asked JU to cut down network, focusing on Alitalia completely
DeleteOut of the ones you list i would consider only Alitalia as a potential reason. However, it would be a complete 180 degree turn on their strategy. They invested in ASL and would lose money by leaving. People should/would lose jobs for such a cock-up. However, if it were true that Alitalia acquisition has changed the strategy what would be more logical is a down-scaling of ambitions for ASL, a re-calibration more than an exit. Which is also bad for ASL and could cost the taxpayers.
Deleteps. and when i say "people would lose jobs" i mean people at the very top. Hence, I do not see them exiting ASL like that. I would see more of horse trading/haggling with the partner (Serbia) over additional subsidies and investments in order to proceed with joint venture in the initially agreed scope. All these are only speculations of course.
DeleteWell, it makes sense to close an office - if they have a strategic partner, why not let it handle all the business. That's the reason for mergers, alliances, partnerships.. to cut costs.
DeleteLH and LX don't have an office in BEG. It's all handled by OS.
Anon at 12:05 gets it: now that EY Partner shop is set up at ASL head office, ASL can take it from here. No need for 2 x A319 when ASL can send 1 x A320 with WiFi to AUH, and it will be packed. Smart thinging.
DeleteYou can sell Etihad tickets at any JU office. You don't have to brand it Etihad Partners shop to sell those tickets. Their office closure is the best indication that they are indeed suspending flights to BEG.
DeleteOk anon 3:54, we discussed this already at least 4-5 times. At the end, everybody other than maybe INN-NS came to conclusion that EY is closing BEG and ASL will go daily during winter.
DeleteSto me ponovo spominjete -, pa posle kad vam napisem nesto bunite se.
I don't get all the negative comments. Good on them. Congratulations Montenegro Airlines.
ReplyDeleteMaybe because they are well known for falsifying all their results.
DeleteBecause it is without doubt one of the most corrupt airlines on this planet. Absolutely everything reeks in the airline. The entire management is made up of sons, daughters, lovers, aunties, uncles of the ruling elite. EVERYONE!
Delete+1. In my humble opinion, its not only Montenegro Airlines that is run like that. It's the whole of the country.
DeleteOT. Seems that BUD is working quite well for Emirates:
ReplyDeleteEmirates Plans 777-300 Budapest Operation from Dec 2015
Update at 0640GMT 22MAY15
Emriates starting 01DEC15 is increasing capacity on Dubai – Budapest route, with the introduction of Boeing 777-300 operation on daily basis. The 777-300 will replace existing A330-200 service.
EK111 DXB0820 – 1135BUD 773 D
EK112 BUD1505 – 2230DXB 773 D
On separate note, the airline is delaying introduction of First Class service to 01DEC15. The airline previously planned to operate 3-class A330-200 from 01JUN15, however it’ll continue to operate with 2-class aircraft until 30NOV15.
Steta sto ponovo nema LYBE na listo destinacija EK .
Why we do not have enough business class travelers.
DeleteEK nema manji avion od A330. Kada bi poslali A330 za Beograd ponuda za Dubai i na dalje bi toliko preplavila trziste da bi Etihad i Er Srbija imali od toga direktnu stetu.
DeleteKo zeli da gleda gleda A330 na ANT moze vec sada da gleda TK kargo A330 ili da saceka da JU dobije svoje. To se odnosi na one koji zive blizu ANT pa mogu tamo da gledaju avione, ljudi koji zive po svetu mogu da gledaju Emirates avione na svojim aerodromima ili po internetu, ne treba da cekaju EK A330 na LYBE.
Veliko je pitanje da li su troškovi wide body EK ili bilo koje druge kompanije za bilo koji ex YU airport naprosto previsoki. Ok, ako se cijene sruše doslovno u podrum možda se može nekako i napuniti, ali nema financijskog smisla, pogotovo što nema značajnog business class demanda ovdje. Pogotovo ne na godišnjoj razini - čak i volumen bi možda mogao ići preko ljeta, ponajviše na Hrvatskoj zbog apsolutno najjačeg incominga, ali tokom cijele godine apsolutno ne vidim baš nikakvu šansu za ex YU - pod uvjetom da se radi o iole zdravim financijskim osnovama. Najjači promet iz Australije je low yield i ultra long haul - a ima ga masom samo u ekonomskoj i opet samo preko ljeta. Isto kao i Japan i Koreja. A319 do A321 ili 737 su mislim ipak jedini realni zrakoplovi ta ex YU. Stoga mislim da EK neće doći nigdje ovjde u bližoj budućnosti. Prije EY i u Hrvatsku jer ima narrow body - da pokupi dio Far East kolača koji postaje sve veći.
DeleteJa samo kazem da bi voleo bilo ko da leti sa A330 za LYBE .
DeleteAli barem na leto cemo imati vece goste od strane EY.
Kakve veće goste?
DeleteYeah, here in Serbia we recently accepted that "guest" in fact means "passenger", not "airplane". Maybe in some Europeans countries it is not like that.
DeleteWas thinking that INN-NS meant bigger airplanes by EY, not more passengers...actually not really sure what INN-NS meant, as usual :D
DeleteOr he meant veće goste, as in bigger or fatter passengers :D
Delete"Ja samo kazem da bi voleo bilo ko da leti sa A330 za LYBE"
DeleteTo je tvoje pravo da volis i da kazes, slobodno. Moje je pravo da te jednog dana podsetim sta si napisao.
Npr 789 ili 332 =D :P
I highly doubt Montenegro Airlines will be sold this year. Every year they plan to sell it and every year they don't. Montenegro Airlines is a great business for extracting cash to finance the ruling party. Absolutely everyone in management is a high ranking member of the party. There is no professionalism whatsoever. Their commercial director is a 20-something year old and is the son of the deputy prime minister!
ReplyDeleteOdlicni rezultati YM , samo jos kad bi ostvarili profit.
AnonymousMay 22, 2015 at 2:02 PM
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that MGX have transported more than 75% of O&D travellers between Belgrade and Montenegro during last couple of months. It smells like a boycott against....
Is that true ?
ASL is short of only two planes for today's evening wave. Not to much. For JU604 to Vienna B733 is stipulated. Rescheduled departure time is 8:30 pm. At the same time all four B733s will be at other airports. Could some international expert, preferably living in Austria, explain how will ASL accomplish the delayed flight.
ReplyDeleteThe real question is when will new ATR go into service?? I bet people at Jat Tehnika/ASL Tehnika are busy taking pictures and drinking coffee inside the plane.
DeleteZnam ja, oni Afrikanci sto su kupili YU-ANP su ga opravili u Jat tehnici pa ce od veceras sa 100% afro posadom da ga ustupaju JU na wet lease. Prvi let je VIE, a onda TIV u ocajnickom pokusaju da saobracajuci mlaznjakom povrate bivse goste koji su sad samo putnici YM
Deleteот: није нас ваљда златни одсјај Мериота заслепео да не видимо ово: у понедељак ће бити тачно месец дана до отварања новог граничног прелаза на Т1, Аеродроми Србије су најављени за април а одлука о концесији је најављена до јуна што је за недељу дана. Вести, трачеви, апдејти?
ReplyDeleteSamo mala ispravka, nije Marriott, nego Courtyard by Marriott.
Deleteisti porodicni biznis, malo drugaciji brending. recimo kao Aviolet by Air Serbia ;-)
Deletenego pusti meriot, sta bi sa aerodromskim pitanjima?
OT zlatna fasadana tom hotelu je dno dna! Pored narodno pozorista....
DeleteA znaci BEG ce imati Marriot? Odmah cu da tamo zanocim, imao sam super pogled u PRG i WAW. Htio sam jednom i na FCO ali sam ipak otkazao.
ReplyDeleteBeograd da, BEG ne :)
Auuuu. Razalostili ste me! Fakat, kad ce bar jedan otel da otvore pored BEG?
ReplyDeleteucrtan je planom na mesto sadašnjeg parkinga.
DeleteOT: Today's rotation for Air Serbia's YU-ALP (AT72) BEG-TIA-BEG-ZAG-BEG-SPU-BEG-ZAG-BEG
ReplyDeleteThat's the new one?
Deleteno its not, that is the atr 72-200
DeleteYU-ALV is a new one.
DeleteAir Serbia CDG-BEG-BEY round-trip 429$. Air Serbia BEG-BEY - 586$. An explanation guys?
ReplyDeleteProbaj da kupis kartu Beg-usa i obratno videces veliku razliku u ceni.
DeleteA što je to čudno? Probaj da kupis Emirates FRA - DXB - BKK je jeftiniji nego DXB - BKK
Deletehttp://centreforaviation.com/news/------------447734 ( engleski)
ReplyDeletehttp://centreforaviation.com/members/direct-news/------------225682 ( ruski )
Vrlo zanimlkjiv potez od strane UN gde da salje A380