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Latest decision affects over 1.500 holiday makers |
The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD) has refused to issue permits to two charter carriers for a second time. Egypt’s Nesma Airlines and Turkey’s Corendon have both been snubbed by the Directorate, affecting over 1.500 travellers who have booked holiday packages to Hurghada and the Turkish coast. The CAD gave no explanation for its decision. Two months ago it initially approved flight requests filed by both airlines saying that they met all necessary standards. However, the two carriers were blocked based on the advisory opinion of the Serbian Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure. At the time, the regulator said, “These carriers did not receive the approval from the ministry, and have therefore been automatically refused by the Directorate”. Both airlines reapplied for a permit since then.
Late last month, the Serbian Parliament adopted changes to the aviation law, which specifies tighter regulation for charter operators. According to the modified Air Transport Law, which came into effect earlier this week, the ministry no longer has a say in which carrier is issued a license to operate flights. That decision now firmly rests with the CAD. The regulator’s decision to withhold permits from Nesma and Corendon has raised questions whether it is acting independently, as it previously said it would issue permits to charter carriers “within an hour or two”. Argus Tours, the tour operator which has been selling holiday packages with transport provided by the abovementioned airlines, said in a statement, “We are concerned with the CAD’s decision which defies logic. Modifications to the Air Transport Law have only formally annulled the ministry’s involvement”.
The Directorate has refused a request for Nesma Airlines to operate all 73 flights to the Serbian capital, while Corendon Airlines has been approved 23 out of its 97 planned services. Argus Tours has suspended sales of its holiday packages to Egypt. According to legislation, tour operators must first conclude agreements with charter airlines before these carriers can apply for a permit. While the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure has admitted that several airlines have been knocked back so as not to generate additional competition for national carrier Air Serbia and its dedicated charter brand Aviolet, tour operators also believe the move is related to the protection of other tour operators who have good relations with the government. Freebird Airlines has previously been rejected from operating charters to Belgrade this year, while Turkish Airlines and Aegean Airlines have been issued a license to run holiday flights from Turkey and Greece respectively.
We'll always have Ada CAD!
ReplyDeleteDragi putnici možete da letite iz Beograda i svi ste dobrodošli ali samo ako letite za Air Sebijom.
ReplyDeleteVaša vlada Severne Koreje filijala Srbija.
Indeed thats true!!!
DeleteSamo dve charter kompanije nisu dobile dozvolu regulatora i to iz dve zemlje sa kojima nemamo potpisan ugovor o charter saobraćaju i gomila vas pise gluposti?! Raspitajte se malo koji likovi vode turisticke agencije u Srbiji i dobijaju publicitet u medijima za par stotina evra.
DeleteHah Jel to na Popovićev račun?
DeleteJeli dve?
DeleteNesma Airlines
Corendon Airlines
Air Cairo - ne može dodatne frekvencije
Gde ti uči matematiku?
Pa i da je dve. Jel to samo? Više od 100 letova, čoveče!
Kada dodaš sve 4 kompanije to je više od 200 letova. Malo li je?
DeleteRadi se o teškom maltretiranju građana, odnosno o kršenju njihovih legalnih i legitimnih, što bi se reklo, prava (da za svoje pare letuju), kao i osnovnih ljudskih sloboda (da se kreću i putuju).
DeleteDrugo, radi se o grubom narušavanju ekonomskih sloboda i prava, o narušavanju principa jednakosti pred zakonom, tj. na tržištu. Pojedina preduzeća se stavljaju u privilegovan, a druga u podređen položaj. Ovima drugima naneta je direktna materijalna i moralna šteta. Ne samo što su pojedina domaća preduzeća izgubila zaradu, nego su se pokazala kao nesolidni partneri što, naravno, srozava njihov, ali i ugled naših kompanija u inostranstvu generalno. I umanjuje njihovu buduću zaradu.
Ovo, takođe, izaziva povećanje poslovnog rizika u Srbiji. Ta je „elementarna“ nepogoda mnogo nepredvidljivija od grada, od nje nema osiguranja, osim da se manete (ćorava) posla. To destabilizuje tržište novca, tj. kredita i povećava kamate.
Treća (grupa) posledica proističe iz svega prethodnog: nesigurnost privatne svojine, nepoštovanje ugovora, nepostojanje pravnog poretka. Sve u svemu – odsustvo pravne države.
Ako su te dve kompanije odbijene sto se nisu obratili nekim drugim kompanijama.?
4 kompanije, ne dvije!
DeleteI koja je data poruka od strane Srbije: ako želite duće godine biti sigurni da će vaši putnici odletjeti na godišnji angažirajte Air Serbiju. Sve ostalo je rizik koji vas može odvesti u propast. Protivno svim pravilima liberalne ekonomije. Jedan aspirant za ulazak u EU tako si nešto ne smije dozvoliti. Ovakve stvari će vas vratiti bitno nazad u šansama za ulazak u EU.
Ali ovo obraćanje sa visine, kao da se Hrvatska bilo šta pita u EU :D
DeleteStvarno to ne razumem a skoro je sve isto kao i pre ulaska u EU . Neka me razume kako god ko hoce .
Na sta su sve spremne agencije dabi zaradile 20, 30 eura! Da im je stvarno stalo do putnika organizovali bi prevoz na drugi način ovako, ljudi pamet u glavu kada kupujete aranžman!
DeleteAnon 2:28
Delete"Ovakve stvari će vas vratiti bitno nazad u šansama za ulazak u EU."
Daj boze da siu pravu, jos kad bi bilo zauvjek, ihhh
@2.28 vas post je dokaz koliko znate i o vazdusnim propisima i o EU ;)
Delete"Ako su te dve kompanije odbijene sto se nisu obratili nekim drugim kompanijama.?"
DeleteThis is a good question to which nobody has an answer. Why did Argus and other agencies affected not contact Atlasjet which flew to BEG 3 years ago, SunExpress, Peagasus, Onur Air, or Tailwind airlines. From the 5 listed I am sure at least two would have accepted the job. For Egypt things are different since there are fewer airline companies, but one which comes to my mind is AMC airlines ( they have 3 or 4 B737-800).
If the ministry is playing dirty you have to respond back not re-apply with the same airline company that already got rejected.
But what makes you think that the ministry would allow it. It doesn't matter what's the name of the company. The problem is that another company would come.
DeleteJednostavno ako i to ne upali mogu da uzmu jednu EU Aviokompaniju ali to je preskupo za njih.
@2:28 liberalna ekonomija?! Vazdusni saobracaj je regulisana delatnost prijatelju.. Srbija sa Egiptom i Turskom NEMA POTPISAN UGOVOR O CHARTER SAOBRACAJU! Sve je stvar medjusobnog dogovora i regulatornih tela tih zemalja.
DeleteI to daje pravo srpskim regulatorima da preferira Air Serbiu, potice monopolizam i diskriminira konkurenciju?
DeleteIsto tako u HR samo turiste koji dodju sa Avionima prevoze HR Autobuske firme a ne EU tako da ne mojte previse pametovati.
Good for AS apparently.
ReplyDeleteI have no comment so I wrote a haiku:
ReplyDeletefoolish leadership
our pain is a harsh winter
Serbia sinking
Why Argus did not try charters from OSI or TSR?
ReplyDeleteor INI..
DeleteSomething in the article is unclear; firstly, is it said that "...tour operators also believe the move is related to the protection of other tour operators who have good relations with the government..." and secondly, it is indirectly suggested the move is related to the protection of Serbian national carrier. So what is the main reason for the move ? Could somebody who is familiar with the issue explain that ?!
ReplyDeleteRead again. It says both and they go hand in hand. Assidtant minuster has a vested intetest in one serbian tour operator
DeleteBut according to the law the decision isn't up to assistant minister, but to CAD. You suggest all of them are bribed, what ? Yes, it is said both, but why should the interests of semi-national carrier and private tour operators go hand in hand ? There are many tour-operators who use Air Serbia's planes, all of them cannot have "good relations with the government", right ? There must be something which prevail over other reasons.
DeleteOcigledno se zali samo Argus tours mozda zaista neko zeli da im stane za vrat bez obzira sto su bezveznjaci.
ReplyDeleteNe zali se samo Argus nego su oni najbucniji. Ova je zelmlja u kojoj se novinari plase da objave ovakve stvari jer se plase pre svega reakcije Air Serbia koja je poznata po izuzetno drcnom i bezobraznom ponasanju prema novinarima, a to ti kazem kao novinar. Toliko je bahat odnos da je direktor kompanije napisao pismo svim medijima krajem prosle godine da se izvini sto imaju los odnos sa medijima. Nista se nije promenilo. Pa sada ti vidi ko sme da se zali i ko sme to da objavljuje.
DeleteBut according to the law the decision isn't up to assistant minister, but to CAD. You suggest all of them are bribed, what ? Yes, it is said both, but why should the interests of semi-national carrier and private tour operators go hand in hand ? There are many tour-operators who use Air Serbia's planes, all of them cannot have "good relations with the government", right ? There must be something which prevail over other reasons.
DeleteYou are seriously surprised that the law is not being enforced? Do you live in Serbia? Just because the law says the CAD should make the decision does not mean the Assistant Minister isn't. I will remind you that the assistant Minister was a security chief at the airport and that somehow qualified him to become in charge of air transport at the ministry. Secondly you have 5 major tour operators in Serbia (Kon Tiki is now also owned by Big Blue) the otherd just sell the packages f the big ones r make some individual bookings on non-charter flights. The assitant minister has an ownership stake in one of them, of course masked. They want to destroy another tour operator. So when that tour operator has to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of people are left without a holiday... voila.
DeleteThen write about ownership stake of assistant minister. But not on aviation blogs. This is good news in any country.
DeleteCould you people please write comments in English? Not all of us know, what I aasume is Serbian. I'm interested to read what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteSome people's English here is not up to scratch, so they express themselves better in one of the ex-YU languages. It is an ex-YU blog, after all. And it would be a pity to restrict such comments, as many of them contribute valuable opinions to the blog.
DeleteJust put their comments into Google translate, and you will get, more or less, the meaning of their messages.
Hello Anonymous June 5, 2015 at 10:34 AM,
Deleteit's nice you're interested in our opinions.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Air Berlin DUS-BEG route not on the new routes launches section? According to beg.aero it launches on September 7th, 6 weekly with Q400
AB will not launch DUS-BEG route any sooner, surely not on September 7th.
DeleteNije mi jasno sto sa Q400 ali jedva cekam da pocnu letovi .
OK, then stay patient and prepare for long waiting. And keep looking forward to them.
DeletePa nebi bezveze tako stojalo na Sajtu samo mi je cudno sto bas sa Q400.
^ On the beg aero site a few months ago they even put that AB is starting BEG with A320 6p/w on 5 MAY and nothing happened. Anyhow if those flights to materialize on Sept 7, isnt Q400 flight to Berlin too long for that aircraft?
DeleteLinija ne ide iz TXL nego DUS a razdaljina vazdusna DUS-BEG je 1250 km a Q400 ima dolet od 2500 km , ja mislim da ce se ubrzo preci na A320 A321 preko leta.
That's the advantage of the Q400, it has greater reach than the ATR because of it's speed.
DeleteAnd they climb like a rocket too.
One of my favorite planes to ride.
To za uzletanje ste upravu cini mi se nekada u INN kad gledam da brze uzleti od 738 :
DeleteA i odlicno je sto ce sav Kargo ostati kod ASL.
Nadam se da ce se desiti ta linija makar i sa Q400.
Just wait for the reaction of Serbian anti-corruption agency.
ReplyDeleteAko se gospodi ne svidja ASL sto se nisu raspitali kod DE ili XQ pa verovatno zato sto nece d ih mole kao ostale da lete sa njima.
ReplyDeleteIli jos bolji predlog neka se ugledaju na poslovni koncept TUI-a i iznajme jedan A321 .
Za 1500 putnika? Nisu ooni toliko veliki.
DeletePa onda im niko ne moze pomoci to ako nemaju vise putnika ne moraju se istresati na ASL . Pametnije im je da kupe bolje buseve kad voze turiste.
Koliko para toliko muzike. Argus je popularan jer je jeftin tako da je privlacan za siromasnije. Oni koji zele buseve neka se voze avionom ili minibusom.
DeleteArgus je juče rekao da traže alternativni prevoz. Kada će to biti nađeno da ljudi ne moraju da otkazuju aranžmane?
DeleteDali neko zna LF AirSerbia poslednja dva dana za bec! Leteli smo 737-300 i bio je dobro popunjen!
ReplyDeletePreko 88 % posto skolarci imaju cetvrtak , petak isto slobodno u Austriji.
Po tebi svaka linija ima preko 80%.
DeleteYesterday evening ASL even used A320 on the route to Vienna. Regarding loads, in May lf was as low as 60,8%, mainly because one third of the flights were operated by jets.
DeleteMene je INN-NS poceo jako da nervira, na pocetku mi je bio i ok sa komentarima, a poslednje vreme vidim da decko zesce laze, imam dosta drugarica koje rade kao CC u ASL i ovo sto on prica je cista laz mislim na LF.
DeleteJa pricam za sredu uvece i Cetvrtak i tu je LF od 78% do 88% naravno da cu da napisem najbolje.
DeleteA vase drugarice pozdravite posto odaju poslovne tajne :)
A ti ne odajes kada najavljujes letove za Kinu i gde god sve? ;)
DeleteJa sam nesto drugo kao prvo a kao drugo nisam ni zaposlen kod njih :) a i da jesam nebi rekao nista lose kao vase drugarice pa ih pozdravite posto dobijaju od te iste ASL platu :)
Ja sam drugi anonimus mada i ja imam prijatelje koji rade za ASL i mogu da potvrdim sve sta su gore napisali.
DeleteA to sto primaju platu od ASL ne znaci da ona ima pravo da tretira svoj zaposlene kao robove...sto nazalost radi.
A ti jesi nesto drugo, nesto krajnje nakaradno. Sa takvim pravopisom ti ne bi bio kvalifikovan da utovarujes kofere u avion a kamoli da radis za JU.
...sem ako ne mislis da to sto znas tri IATA/ICAO koda te kvalifikuje da radis za JU. ;)
DeletePa u aviaciji ja koliko znam se ne koristi srpski nego engleski . Pa ne bojte se necu vam uzeti posao u JU toliko sam pametan i znam da bi svako ziv rekao da sam usao preko politike i zato ne .
Svi smo imali priliku da se uverimo koliko dobro govoris engleski pre neki dan kada si se izblamirao ovde na blogu... Tako da ti ni veza ne moze pomoci a ne znam o kojoj to pameti govoris.
DeleteOcigledno niste jos shvatili da vas namerno provociram i pravim greske iz Engleskog i sprdam se sa vama Anonymous-ima a ja imam najbolje veze to zna svako .
Sirotinjo I bogu si teska..
DeletePrema izjavi kompanije ukupan LF im je 67% sad ako ima neko vremena neka proverava broj aviona, mesta i ukupan broj putnika.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know is there any chance to findwhere to read this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152945489716608&set=p.10152945489716608&type=1&theater
ReplyDeletesome guy shared these loads on FB, i wonder how he gets them. Maybe hes employed in JU or EY and its from their information system?
AF sends Avro RJ85 instead of E-190 to ZAG, so much about great pax numbers someone mentioned yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAs per GDS it is/was one off service. Are you also one of the people here that judges route performance based on one day data? LOLČINA
DeleteI mean, I don't know if AF is doing good or bad here, but come on...
Why is ZAG still not publishing numbers for May?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJust a quick question, would it be possible for countries to start blocking flights for Air Serbia ?
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe Egypt can restrict them and so can Turkey. I doubt they would block them because of other carriers who already have a license.
DeleteSta je istina, ex yu vest ili ovo?
ReplyDeleteKraj agonije turista - odobreni čarteri
Direktorat civilnog vazduhoplovstva Srbije odobrio je turskim avioprevoznicima Korendon erlajnz i Bora džet da obavljaju čarter letove sa Srbijom.
Ah I remember when Bora wanted to operate charter flights from Antalya to Belgrade using their Atr-72s. Lol
Delete"NISU jos uvek odobrili sve letove! Jos uvek nisu odobrili letove do Bodruma odakle se turisti iz Srbije dalje salju za Kušadasi, Marmaris i Bodrum. Dakle i dalje traje agonija za mnoge."
Delete"eh kad bi stvarno bio kraj agoniji... Korendon erlajns je dobio samo 20ak letova i to nijedan polazak u septembru. Znaci opet nista od letovanja."
"Svi letovi za Hurgadu su otkazani kao i vecina za Tursku."
Komentari sa b92
Ex yu je i dalje upravu.
Bora vise ne koriste ATR-72, nego su sve te avione izbacene od upotrebe i sad u svojoj flotu poseduje samo E190 - 8 komada :))
DeleteI am looking at BEG "sezonski red letenja" and there are 2 weekly flights to Barcelona which the chart say is all year round with Vueling. Maybe I am just reading the chart wrong, so would appreciate if somebody looks at it. Also Iberia is code sharing so that is why I am thinking it could possibly go daily.
ReplyDelete^ correction, not daily but go during winter
DeleteS V A K A C A S T M A J S T O R I !!! TAKO SE TO RADI.