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Belgrade aims to maintain leading position with expansion |
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has announced it will begin a multi million euro expansion of its Terminal 2 building by the end of the year, marking the first greenfield project to take place at the airport in years. It comes just over a week after the airport completed the first of three phases of its Terminal 1 overhaul. A contractor for the 15.2 million euro Terminal 2 project has been selected and a final design chosen. The project includes the introduction of new passenger boarding bridges, primarily intended for larger, wide body aircraft. Two common waiting lounges will also be constructed, with the waiting room on the upper floor equipped with four jet bridges, while the second, ground floor lounge, will have four gates with open positions.
The Managing Director of Belgrade Airport, Saša Vlaisavljević, says, “We have to contemplate airport capacities at least several years ahead. Existing infrastructure capacities are sufficient for the current volume of traffic, but responsible business operation entails the timely preparation for expansion”. He adds, “I would point out that Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport will develop its infrastructure, while at the same time purchase equipment with the aim of developing both technically and technologically. This means that, apart from the adaptation and expansion of infrastructural capacities, the airport will constantly be modernised. It is realistic that in the near future Belgrade Airport will take a leading position not only in the region, where it is undoubtedly a leader, but also in Europe”.
Terminal 2 extension |
Despite slowing passenger growth, Belgrade is confident it will continue to see its numbers rise in the coming future and its profits soar. According to Mr Vlaisavljević, the airport is on course to handle over five million passengers this year, with the record figure to be achieved by December. “It is obvious that air traffic is booming in our country, and this trend is still on the rise”, the Managing Director says. The expansion of its Terminal 2 building and the overhaul of its Terminal 1 facility is part of a forty million euro push to expand the airport’s capacity by 35%. Work is exected to be completed by 2017.
Sve, sve, ali ovaj trećerazredni render sa A380 i potpuno neprirodnim proporcijama A319 pored njega... Pa ovo je strašno... Kad vidim takve majstorije nekako mi uvek bude jasno da će BEG zauvek ostati budževina sa tragično neiskorišćenim potencijalom i nikada neće izrasti u ozbiljan aerodrom. Jeste, to je samo jedan beznačajan render ali đavo je uvek u detaljima.
ReplyDeleteNaravno ti si uvek tu sa negativnim komenatrom. Super vest, samo napred BEG.
Deleteako stavite ruž na svinje , to je još uvijek svinja .
DeleteNazivati najveci i najprofitabilniji aerodrom u ex-YU "svinjom", iskazuje samo tvoju sopstvenu zavist.
DeleteAko ga vi sa bilo kojim vasim aerodromom ikada dostignete, a sto nece da se dogodi u skorijoj buducnosti, onda mozemo da pricamo o seoskoj zivini.
ja nigde nisam procitao da je covek uporedio aerodrom sa svinjom, a ako bas hoces, cesto vozim bajs do aerodroma i nazad, trasom linije 72. ne postoji nista prljavije, ogavnije niti ruznije nego li okolina aerodroma, a onaj put koji ide paralelno sa pistom je vise nego ocajan. dok se hvale na sve strane kako svake godine zaradjuju milione, mogli su da uloze na asvaltiranje tog groznog puta. nemam nista protiv, i treba da se razvija aerodrom, ali ne da kad izadjes iz aviona i sednes na autobus ili taxi prvo cime upoznajes beograd budu kese na drvecu i smece pored puta i to bas pored aerodroma. dakle, evo ja cu uporediti nas aerodrom sa svinjcem, jer ne cini aerodrom samo unutrasnji prostor ili pak aerodromska zgrada, vec i prostor oko njega koji je kao svinjac..
Delete@10:52 a da porusimo selo Surcin, mislim bice lepse...
Delete@Anonymous 9:55
DeleteZaista, dovoljno je da pogledamo šminkanje MZLZ
@ 9:55 PM
DeleteBolje biti svinja nego mali mis.
Svinja spada u najinteligentnije životinje.
Deleteto djubre o kojem se prica prave taksisti na parkingu dok cekaju na red. Naravno da bi se menadzment aerodroma trebao pozaaviti time...
DeleteIt's completely impossible to follow today's discussion because it is all in Serbia. It would be nice if you wrote in English.
Delete...or Mandarin.
Delete"It is realistic that in the near future Belgrade Airport will take a leading position not only in the region, where it is undoubtedly a leader, but also in Europe”.
ReplyDeletelol. Is he high?
+1, high? He's walking among stars......
DeleteOT, Split numbers confirmed 271006 or 14.4% increase.
ReplyDeleteCroatia could see a lot more tourist over the next few months then expected because of the situation in both Tunisia and Greece. Does anyone know if extra flights may or have been added as a result of this?
Air Serbia already upgraded Dubrovnik to A319\20 instead of combination of ATR and 319. Loads to Dubrovnik exceeded Air Serbia expectations.
DeleteGreek and Tunisian instability could boost numbers for Croatian tourism, but the question is whether Croatia can handle a large increase in tourists. Nethertheless, it is a supurb country to visit for beautiful beaches and amazing hospitality.
DeleteTunisia you mean?
DeleteSerbs who did not go to Tunisia opted to go to Greece in stead.
Delete"It is realistic that in the near future Belgrade Airport will take a leading position not only in the region, where it is undoubtedly a leader, but also in Europe”
ReplyDeleteOmfg this one was really epic.
Svakako je lepo sto povecavaju kapacitet ovako, ali zar nema nekih vecih planova? Mozda je ovo samo privremeno dok pravi radovi ne pocnu, jer sudeci po ovome nakon svih ovih prosirenja BEG ce imati kapacitet od oko 7 miliona putnika godisnje i to nakon zavrsetka radova 2017, do tada ce verovatno vec imati oko 6 miliona putnika, sta oni misle ksnije da rade?!
ReplyDeleteSamo nacionalno opterecen ili iskompleksiran covjek moze imati problem sa rastom BEG-a.
ReplyDeleteSvaka invesicija u realnu ekonomiju je za pohvaliti!
Drago mi je da BEG raste (koliko toliko), medjutim sam BEG mora raditi na poboljsanju uvijeta za letenje jer aerodrom uopste nije koncepcioniran za tranzit.
A A380 na slici je zaista smijesan! Zasto su Balkanci optereceni "velecinom" i takmicenjem ko ce biti veci, jaci,... ?
BEG nikad nece imati potrebu za A380 ili avionom slicnog kapaciteta. Umjesto toga, BEG se treba okrenuti REALNOSTI.
Sta ocekivati od menadzmenta koji je ocito izgubio svaki osjecaj za realnost?
Siguran sam da kad bi Croatia Airlines kupio neko "jak" poput Etihada, a Zagreb zavrsi "novi aerodrom", da bi BEG skliznuo i izgubio mnogo.
Da bi se prezivjelo u svijetu ekonomije, mora se graditi kvaliteta da konkurencija ne bi pobijedila.
Ovo sto BEG radi nije kvaliteta. Ovo je vise za ismijavanje, a terminal T1 izgleda bas kao bolnica.
Ne znam uopste zasto Etihad ne uplete prste u sirenje terminala i ne "diktira" pojedine stvari.
Menadzment BEG-a kao da nikad nije vidio drugi aerodrom.
Velika steta i bruka za Air Serbiju. Ni Istanbul IST, koji ima preko 50 miliona putnika i 11-12 puta je veci od BEG-a nema slike sa A380, a Atatütk zasigurno ne izgleda kao ambulanta.
Nemojte shvatiti moje misljenje pogresno. Ako necemu zelimo dobro, onda to nesto MORAMO kritikovati da bi bilo bolje.
Zatvoriti oci pred problemima je balkanski mentalitet, a mnogo je poguban za ekonomiju.
Ja zapravo mislim da menadžment BEG ili:
Delete1) Zaista nikada nije video bilo koji drugi aerodrom;
2) Misli da niko ko čita njihova saopštenja nikada nije video bilo koji drugi aerodrom.
Šta god je od ova dva, ne valja.
Uzgred, ako zanemarimo haos sa prtljagom, BEG je manje-više funkcionalan ovakav kakav je, ali zaista ne izgleda lepo. Arhitektonska i građevinska rešenja su na nivou benzinske pumpe na magistrali, a ne aerodroma u glavnom gradu - od parkinga, preko check ina, do dolazaka. Ništa ne valja.
Bolje ista da se radi nego nista a trenutno se pregovara sa stranim investitorom a i cudan smo narod nikad ne znamo da pohvalimo ljude kad urade bilo sta.
Baš tako, INN-NS, ne treba hvaliti ljude kada rade "bilo šta" jer je nekada bolje ne uraditi ništa i pokvariti staro, ali dobro i funkcionalno rešenje, da bi umesto nje napravio stanični WC i palanačku atmosferu u zgradi koja je bila remek-delo industrijske arhitekture.
DeleteProblem sa "narodom" o kome govoriš je što svi sebi dozvoljavaju da rade posao za koji nisu stručni i što veruju da znaju više od onih koji su se za svoj posao školovali godinama, i nakon toga radili ozbiljne projekte u celom svetu. Zato BEG izgleda kako izgleda, i zato se i zadovoljava ovakvim "razvojnim planovima".
Jesu to sitne investicije ali trenutno srbija ima prece stvari gde da ulozi 300 mil usd nego u jedan terminal.
Srbija ne treba da uloži pare u terminal nego koncesionar. Srbija treba da se obaveže da nađe koncesionara i da se koncesionar obaveže da će napraviti novi terminal.
Deletecudan narod jesmo ali umemo i da pohvalimo
Deleteevo ja pohvaljujem BEG uprkos hejterima i naduvanim izjavama
i pohvaljujem INN-NSa sto je naucio da se NE UMEMO pise odvojeno!!
praises should be given when deserved! the only good thing is the idea that change needs to come, not the realisations of such. I have written many times, the time taken to 'improve' BEG for what the result has become is nothing less than scandalous, just like the many 'improvements' seen throughout the city. The worst part is that there is sooo much more to improve on:
Delete- parking
- arrivals hall to be expanded at least by double
- check in area in T2 needs to be expanded
- food court and another cafe or the 2 spaced further
- a new duty free operator as the current one is absolutly criminal!
- smoking room
- automated baggage sorting facility
- the entrance roads to be re-asphalted
- terminal entrance to be drastically improved - suggegstion is to have departures drop off expanded to allow traffic isles which would be good for busses for example
- taxi mafia removed
- airport surroundings cleaned both airside and landside
- terminal signage improved
- standardised announcements for serbian, english and a third language (german, italian, russian and arabic)
- flight displays need to be readable, as the text is too small and the english and serbian is mixed and changes too fast
just a few things that disappoint this airport.
DeleteSpot on Jatbegmel !
DeleteThe area in and outside the airport looks like a warzone. Ugly buildings even ruins -
garbage everywhere .
Kako sam ja cuo do pocetka 2016 treba da se iz asfaltira .
Ponovo se potvrdjuje ozbiljno nastavljanje modernizacija Aerodroma Nikola Tesla. To jeste velika investicija za mogucnosti sadasnjeg statusa Beogradske luke. Zaista potpuno zaokruzenje razvoja ovog aerodrome bice tek prihvatanjem investitora sa privatizacijom aerodroma. Ostalo je poznato u svetu putnicke avijacije... U svakom slucaju, treba biti blago naklon svaka osoba koja moze da voli tu luku. Sigurno sam uvek medju takvim ljudima. Potpuno uveren da ce partner doci za investiciju, razvoj i svoj udeo profita srazmerno ulozenom, biti razvijen taj aerodrome koga ptpuno razvijenog zelimo da imamo, vidimo i koristimo u iducih sest godina.✈☀ Uz ovaj glavni, red je da pomenem njegovog ''malog brata'', Kraljevavcku ✈MORAVU✈. Sa velikog stola mrva uvek ostaje. Primer je Nis. Kraljevo sledece. Zatim Ponikve... Recite da ''to nemoze u Srbiji''. Moze i u hour. ''Kada se rodi, valja ga ljuljati''. Cetvrta godina pocela. ''Promasena investicija''??? Samo dvadeset + miliona evra! ''Sitnica'' za Srbiju? Nije! Mora se zavrsiti. Toliko kosta DVADESET PET MOSTOVA PREKO IBRA!!! Za pametnog je dovoljno. Za mene srecna dogradnja Terminala Jedan i Dva, sa svime ostalim usta se za sada ulaze.
ReplyDeleteRodney & postovaoci Aerodroma Srbije. Sydney✈✈✈Kraljevo. Juli 2015.
Roki, at least you make laugh.
DeleteSeems like JU increased OTP to 10 weekly this winter, TXL is down to 7 flights, again.
ReplyDeleteJU 646
JU 647
The additional three frequencies are operated by the Atr while daily noon flights are operated by the A319.
While STR was reduced to just 4 weekly flights.
DeleteSKG reduced from 5 to 4, not including the busy Christmas period.
DeleteCPH 4
DeleteARN 5
This timetable is depressing.
DUS is also moved from 17.55 to 17.45 which means that it returns at 22.50 in stead of 23.05.
DeleteIt improves connectivity.
@Anon 12:02
Deletewhy? what do you expect of winter timetable?
Moscow will daily, during Christmas period 11 weekly. Stuttgart, Thessaloniki, Warsaw, Copenhagen and Stockholm four weekly. Malpensa and Brussels five weekly. Really depressing.
DeleteDepressing not, but disappointing, well, yes
DeleteThis network can be described as glorified Jat.
DeleteAs the admin said the timetable changes every single week so nothing is for certain, although one thing is that EY did suggest a couple of months ago a list of routes to cut/reduce ( also confirmed by the admin).
DeleteWhat I don't understand is why cut WAW to 4 p/w? Last winter there was enough space for both ASL daily flights and Lot 5 p/w flights. Now there is even a code share with Lot which def helps a bit as well.
Even if some of these changes dont take place, I do not see the need for ASL to have more than 13-14 planes as somebody mentioned yesterday. I guess (just my thought!) that 2 A319 will operate during winter on behalf of EY and then come back during June of next year.
We should wait before we can make final judgement.
DeleteSometimes they first tweak morning flights, at that time booking engine shows only 4pw, for example, and then, two days later, they add evening flights and frequencies change. They are obviously adjusting as we speak (DUS was a great example)... It would not hurt to put the wrath of anonymous on standby for few more days/weeks.
Odlican razvojni plan i naravno ce imati jos mnogo bolji rast od 2016.
ReplyDeletePostavljaju se veci Aviomostovi svako zna zbog cega je to.
a gde su dodatni uogostiteljski kapaciteti? kapacitet od 7 miliona i 2 kafica sa sendvicima u celofanu (air side) koji trebaju da opsluzuju toliko ljudi?
ReplyDeleteJuni je prošao a nema ni reči o koncesiji ni o zajedničkim aerodromima Srbije. Da im treba još malo vremena pomerili bi rok kao što pomeraju za druge projekte, ali o ovome više nema ni reči znači od toga nema ništa. Umesto toga radiće se kao što je najavljeno u aprilu.
ReplyDeleteOd stvari koje će putnici videti su samo T1 i nastavak C hodnika. Osim čarter i loukost putnika koji će videti promene na T1, ogromna većina putnika i dalje ide preko T2 i neće ni imati koristi od radova na T1. Najveća promena je produženje C hodnika i kada krenu širokotrupni avioni tu će u prepodnevnim satima biti dva A330 a sve ostalo je isto kao do sada. Prvo je rok za C7 do C10 bilo leto 2016 a ako je poslednja rečenica vesti tačna sada je to 2017.
Treći terminal koji je na drugim slikama nastavak iza gejta C10 neće ni da pomenu a kamoli da se obavežu da ga jednog dalekog dana naprave tako da su realne šanse da BEG dobije taj T3 pre 2025 minimalne. Ovo je najgora vest u vezi BEG i ASL u poslednje dve godine i ubedljivi razlog da se iz tabora optimista pređe u pesimiste.
Slazem se. Ovi kao da nikad u zivotu nisu videli aerodrom, niti znaju voditi isti.
DeleteOva prosirenja su donekle ok ali zar ne shvataju da ce BEG verovatno preci tih 7 miliona do 2020? Sta ce onda? A sam aerodrom je veoma nefunkcionalan, poprilicno je tesno, terminal 1 im izgleda kao neki zapusteni dom zdravlja, stvarno ne znam sta oni misle da rade, ali ako stvari ostanu ovakve postoje sanse da bi Zagreb mogao da postane ozbiljna konkurencija Beogradu sto se tice tog cuvenog "regionalnog huba", imace novi terminal, jos ako neko ozbiljan kupi OU bice to lose po ASL i BEG...
Nema potrebe za zurbom posto i onako niko nece da kupi CTN:
Žurba je potrebna da se Er Srbiji na korišćenje što pre preda zasebni terminal kao što je ugovorom predviđeno.
DeleteKako ne kapiras da sa ovim "prosirenjima" Air Serbia nista ne moze da uradi i da se siri?
A imaju odlicnu priliku. Apsolutno nijedna zemlja u regionu nema direktan let za SAD i Kanadu tokom cele godine, uzimajuci u obzir dijasporu iz Hrvatske, Srbije, Madjarske i Grcke tamo, Air Serbia bi mogla da napuni te letove iako svi znamo da oni u pocetku nece biti profitabilni, ali imaju odlicnu priliku koju ce menadzment aerodroma da upropasti. Nemoguce je da ne postoji koncesor koji bi napravio novi terminal ako svi znamo da bi to bilo isplativo. Ako neko poput Qatar Airwaysa kupi OU, Air Serbia je u ozbiljnim problemima. Ne znam ko je uopste dao ovom coveku mandat kad je upropastio Jat pre nekoliko godina cega smo svi bili svedoci...
Pa pregovara se sa novim investitorom ali ne zna se hoce li biti postignut.
DeleteMoze ASL da uradi i bice uradjeno a to su letovi za USA i CAN .
A opet kazem da nece biti skoro kupovine CTN.
Kako god da okrenes ova povecavanja kapaciteta su blago receno pateticna. BEG ce dostici 7 miliona putnika do 2020, i sta ce onda da rade? A ujedno nije ni funkcionalno. Mogli su bar da potpuno obnove terminal 1 i daju ga Air Serbiji, vise bi koristi bilo od toga nego ovo dogradjivanje na gejtove koji vec postoje.
DeleteThere is one thing i do not get and that is why all of you think that IF somebody buys Croatia or Adria they WILL become profitable and develop in a positive direction, as if it is a condition, a law 'ubber alles', some sort of mantra. Well, the fact is, the purchase itself has little to do with bringing the airline back to profitability and we can see what hard time JU is having right now (without virtually any serious competition in immediate vicinity) and with all the backing from Etihad.
DeleteEven if Croatia was to be bought, what is the new owner gonna do? Fly to destinations where Air Serbia, Aegean, Turkish, Pegasus, Tarom etc. already fly, dump prices, order 10 new aircraft?
If we try to see through things, we'll notice that outside the old giants of European aviation and the LCC, the European sky is divided between two groups of carriers:
1 - Small to medium airlines hoping to get privatized so that the government could offload the burden
(no warranty of profitability or success whatsoever once the new owner takes place)
2 - Airlines of similar size not expecting anything from anyone and trying to do something by themselves while being ready for any scenario. That is Aegean, Ukraine International, Adria, Air Baltic and to some extent LOT, despite its attempts towards the first option what can be understood due to the public pressure.
More often than not, relying on your own brain yields better results than relying on foreign cash. A hint to be taken by OU, that should maybe better follow Adria's example and apply it in an asymmetrical manner by moving its focus towards the coast and abandon any 'Zagreb hub ideas'.
As in what concerns Air Serbia, we are all starting to become aware by now that money doesn't resolves everything, where already in its second year Air Serbia is backtracking on its developments instead of correcting the intrinsic causes that led to those failures vs. Aegean or Ukraine International (in very difficult situation) who didn't receive a cent from anybody and are still developing, opening lines Air Serbia should have opened with the support from Etihad.
After all, just as in life, once thing is for certain: without reaching an appropriate balance betweens risks and responsibilities, there is no future or prosperity.
Air Serbia seems to be lacking in both.
+ 1
DeleteSkroz te upravu ASL slabo rizikuje vec je trebalo biti letova za KBP IKA TBS idt i da se ima neki Regionalni Avion .
Svako ko ne zeli da rizikuje u zivotu nece nista ni ostvariti.
OT: Etihad Cargo A330F approaching Belgrade
ReplyDeleteDid it bring huge approval to turn on WiFi onboard Air Serbia?
DeleteBucket loads of $$$$s. Only the way Arabs do it.
^ Landed at 16.34 ...
ReplyDeleteAny idea what is it bringing?
DeleteI hope its something big like online checkin for Air Serbia.
DeleteASL next winter timetable is tailored in such a way as to be operated by 13 aircraft ( 6 A319, 2 A320 and 5 ATR ). What will they do with other planes, will they rent them ?
ReplyDeleteat least the good news might be that 737 are to be retired.
Deletebice 6 atr aviona a za dva 319 je vec poznato
Delete"at least the good news might be that 737 are to be retired"
DeleteProbably not, since they will need them again during the summer, plus they will serve as back up during winter.
Da trevba da dodje jos jedan Atr 72 , a da nece biti mozda koja nopva ruta posto se 3-4 smanjuju za sad ;)
Ako Air Serbia bude imala samo 13 aviona nece vise imati najveci broj aviona u floti od ex yu kompanija.
DeleteKao da je to bitno...
Ja volim cajke, za mene je bitno.
DeleteWill there be any new routes by end of 2015 or beginning of 2016? I know this question is not the right to ask with all this cuts but I am just curious.
DeleteIf one was to think logically, these cuts are the best indicator of how unprofitable JU was last year.
DeleteIf their financial perfomance was real then they could have left things as they were and voila.
I have a feeling a few downgrades to frequency might come as 8 more ac go for wifi installation. 20 days per ac....
DeleteActually no, the problem is that loads in winter are abysmal, especially in the morning and on the night returns. This is because people in Etihad think that people in the Balkans don't want to fly at that time of the night (04.00/05.00 departures). Luckily seems like they learned a thing or two since they are increasing night flights to Tirana and Bucharest. Those are needed, big time.
DeleteIs Etihad flying to Belgrade or are both flights to AUH operated by Air Serbia ?
ReplyDeleteAnd if one daily flight gets suspended then the question is which of the two.
Any idea ?
EY72 operated by Etihad as of now. If any will be suspended then that's JU800 (the night flight) although i consider that as highly unlikely.
DeleteThey will suspend EY72 and Air Serbia will take its slot.
DeleteQatar Airways is only waiting for the moment
DeleteEtihad is withdrawing BElgrade.
Expect Doha to become daily nonstop immediately !!!
I dont think they wait longer...
Deletein winter Qatar only has to turn 2-3 of its dailies into nonstops -
3x weekily nonstop to Doha +
4x weekly to Doha via Sofia.
Also it is a better Airline then Etihad -
love their 9abreast on the 777
Zato kad kazem da ce mozda leteti sa 788 ljudi kazu da pricam gluposti.
if EY leaves BEG I am positive QR will be the big winner! I also think that QR has way better service and even planes are more comfy. QR is doing what ASL could not which is partially understood since QR has oil money, and that is even with low LF stay and fight for the market. I also agree with anon 8:11 and then from summer start daily non stop.
DeleteWhat make BEG more important of a destination for QR than BUD, OTP, MSP, ZAG, WAW, and even SOF which is doing way better than BEG as of now? Give me a constructive feedback on this.
Delete^question for INN-NS
Delete"Sofia doing way better then Belgrade as of now.."
DeleteOnly because they are nonstop.
1 LYBE je vazni iz razloga sto ima mnogo vise srpskih ljudi na tim podrucijma nego iz WAW OTP SOF sto ima.
Delete2 ZAG je sezonski za QR i FZ LYBE puni sve tri blisko istocne Aviokompanije solidno naravno najbolje EY.
3 Ima nekoliko najvecih firmi u svojoj blizini LYBE.
4 Slicna im je taktika kao u VIE gde su samo zbog konkurencije od EK koji leti 17 pw poceli da salju 788 i to se jako dobro izborili sa time pa je logicno da ce tako biti i sa BEG za nekoliko meseci godina.
ZAG sezonski za QR i FZ? Jesi li ti normalan? Jel' cujes ti sebe sta pricas? Jel' pogledas ono sto napises. ZAG je za QR NONSTOP cele zime, a FZ uvodi ove zime dodatnu cetvrtu ftekvenciju? Kakav sezonski ZAG? A da ima vise gastosa iz Srbije na Midl Istu to je tacno, ali su zato turisti iz Srbije, kojima btw treba viza za UAE u vrlo skromnim brojkama, za razliku od recimo Poljaka ili Hrvata, kojima je Dubai poslednje dve godine hit. LYBE ima nekoliko najvecih firmi u svojoj blizini. Hahahahahahha...Koje su to majke ti?, hajde jednoj samo ime napisi. "Za nekoliko MESECI GODINA", ovimes i stvarno sve rekao, ne treba vise nista. Interesantno je to sto je kod tebe sve u buducnosti, sve te lepe stvari, a u sadasnjosti nema ama bas nista. I mislim da imas ozbiljan problem, a da li ces ga i kako poceti resavati, to je na tebi
DeleteDovoljno je reci Microsoft ,Delta Holding, PTT Srbija i naravno velicanstveni LYBE i jos po blizini BEG imaju ogromne Firme.
DeleteI naravno sam mislio na Aziju takodje ali videcmo koliko ce BEG da rastura ZAG u narednim godinama cete tek da vidite kao i sada sto radi.
Ja nemam problem nego vi posto stalno ne mozete podneti da je BEG najveci u EX YU .
YYZ you are guilty for inviting INN to this Topic !
DeleteShame over you
EY should fly there double daily ,while AS goes daily to Dubai.
DeleteINN, you are talking complete nonsense. There is no way that QR send widebody to BEG, especially not before WAW, BUD, OTP. Simply no need. As for ZAG and BEG, ZAG is much stronger due overall more demand from Asia and Australia. That is why it is daily non stop and BEG is via SOF. ZAG also beats SOF demand for that matter (again, Aisa and Australia). None of QR routes in Europe are seasonal, just for your info.
DeleteTurkish Airlines iz Istanbula za London upravo radi emergency landing na Surčin, zna li netko zašto?
ReplyDeleteEvo upravo sam primetio i ja, sta se desava??
DeleteНије први пут, други пут ове недеље.
DeleteOT: Turkish Airlines TK1983 from IST to LHR approaches to BEG . What's happening?
ReplyDeleteTurkish Airlines flight #TK1983 from Istanbul to London diverted to Belgrad due to "suspicious item on board"
Seems like it is an Ipad. Lol. Idiots.
DeleteSuspect item onboard #TK1983 identified - an iPad
DeleteAfter crashing 2 a/c in a month it makes quite some sense to look for an iPad.
DeleteWhat aircraft?
DeleteThey totalized two aircraft within two weeks, one in KTM (333) one in IST (320).
DeleteHas anyone noticed FRA will be served with 6 flights pw in winter?
ReplyDeleteIt's too much. It should be completely cancelled. And the name FRA should be forbidden to mention, as it is the center of the Evil of the World, *hub, disgusting
DeleteGreska u sistemu.
HAHAHAHHAHHAAH ne lupaj, nije greska u sistemu vec odavno najavljeno smanjenje saobraaja koje ti hronicno negiras.
DeleteVratite nam Jat Airways koji je oduvek leteo daily FRA i to u podne!!!
Delete"Belgrade Airport will take a leading position ... in Europe”
ReplyDeleteGreat talent for a career in comedy or even politics but serious lack of judgment for airport CEO. Will there be consequences for him if BEG doesn't beat LHR "in the near future"?
INN cicko je tvrdio da su sve to laži o velikim rezanjima frekvencija i linija u zimi 2015.
ReplyDeleteI cicko, što sad kažeš? Jel te bar malo sramota?
The current Banjaluka airport CEO says BNX's expanding too.
ReplyDeleteActually, he's changed the purpose of the garage for the airport equipment. From this garage, he made a hall for transshipment of cargo.
Now, all the equipment's standing outside the garage, on the technical platform.
It seems, all the Managing Board should be dismissed. And the Supervisory Board as well.
The sooner, the better.
OT: Neko je gore pisao da dolaze još 2 ATRa. Ok to sam čuo već par puta do sada, i verujem da tu ima istine. Ali neko je naveo gore smanjenje Airbus flote na zimu, i naveo "već znamo šta će biti sa dve 319ice?"
ReplyDeletePrvi put čujem za to? O čemu je reč?
Ne bi me cudilo da ce ta dva a319 da lete negde za Etihad, pa ce ih vratiti kad pocne letnja sezona.
DeleteU zadnje vreme ASL samo smanjuje frekvencije, sada vec ukidaju Budimpestu a Larnaku prebacuju na sezonsku, imam los predosecaj u vezi svega ovoga...