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Terminal exterior and steel roof to be completed by years end |
The Croatian Prime Minister, Zoran Milanović and the Managing Director of Zagreb Airport, Bruno Mazurkiewicz, have toured the construction site of the new terminal at the country’s busiest airport yesterday, concluding that all work is advancing on schedule. By the end of the year, the steel roof and the exterior of the multi million euro terminal building will be completed. “Things are going well. Permits for the terminal’s use should be issued by the end of 2016, after which the testing phase should begin and that’s it”, Prime Minister Milanović said. The 243 million euro building is expected to open to the public in the first quarter of 2017. “It is important that we can now visualise the new terminal and that Zagreb will be home to a modern European airport”, Mr Milanović added.
Some 1.000 construction workers are on site both day and night. The new terminal will stretch over 65.000 square metres, with 35.000 square metres of concrete and 5.000 tons of steel to be used. The roof structure stretches over 35.000 square metres. The airport will boast eight air bridges, one of which will have the capacity to handle large aircraft such as the Boeing 747 and the Airbus A380, while others will cater for category C type jets such as the Airbus A320. The Barcelona-based ADELTE boarding company has been commissioned to manufacture them. The new generation electromechanical Apron Drive models, which are to be supplied to Zagreb, have two steel-sided sections and the most advanced docking technology, which includes 400Hz Ground Power Units. In addition, the French company ALSTEF was recently awarded a contract to design and install a new baggage handling system at the airport.
Questioned by journalists whether Zagreb Airport will be renamed after Croatia’s first President, Franjo Tudjman, who oversaw the country’s independence from Yugoslavia but was at the same time a polarising and controversial figure both at home and abroad, the Prime Minister said he has “no issue” with it but a formal decision will be made after the terminal is completed. Recently there have been calls, particularly from the country’s centre-right opposition party, to name the airport after former President Tudjman. Meanwhile, Zagreb Airport’s Managing Director, Bruno Mazurkiewicz, previously said, “The construction of the new terminal building is a major investment, which will contribute not only to an increase in air traffic but also to the economy in general. I believe Zagreb Airport will become one of the most important hubs in this part of Europe”.

Looks famtastic! A good investment in my oppinion :)
ReplyDeleteWauuuu..this will be nicest airport terminal in ex yu honestly! BEG needs one of those as well
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, BEG will not have a terminal like this in the next 5 years for sure. Management is a disaster and there is no money for a building like this.
DeleteNa srecu, ovakav terminal ni netreba BEG narednih 5 godina... Oduvala bi ga prva kosava ;)
ReplyDeleteVery nice. The roof looks great
ReplyDeleteSo, once built Zagreb will have the same capacity as SKP, correct?
DeleteNe, imat će veći kapacitet
Delete@ An. 1:25
DeletePlease don't answer the guy in croatian because he obviously doesn't understand that particular foreign language, and even better, don't answer to him at all because his "comment" shows only how jealous and frustrated he is
Well, the fact is, the new "giga mega brand-new" terminal at Zagreb will have only 8 air-bridges, while Skopje already has 6. ZAG will have 5 million capacity while SKP has 4 million. So who is frustrated now?
Delete5,5 terminal 2 + 2,5 terminal 1 = 8 million ZAG, compared to 4 million SKP. Passengers don't board and disembark through air-bridges, but other types of gates as well. Fewer (optimum number) in the first phase is not final number. And I guess by commenting on frustration only you admit your jealousy :)
DeleteNo, i'm sorry to inform you that the old Zagy terminal will be shut-down since it is so outdated and useless like a barn, making objective capacity only 5 million pax.
DeleteEither way, looking at the rate of growth of both airports for the past years and the pitiful state of OU, i'd predict a much better future for Skopje and an actual use of its terminal, unlike in Zagreb.
very sorry to disappoint you, but old terminal is remaining in function. It will be sub-concessioned, and talks with possible tenants have already been held. Old terminal has been thoroughly refurbished during last 2 years, and new operator wouldn't have invested in the object to shut it down year or two later. I'll not comment on SKP, I wish them everything best, and I wouldn't mind that they have the same or more passengers as ZAG but it simply won't happen.
Deleteso, ZAG has flag carrier, even "pitifull", and SKP doesn't have it; OU current fleet based in ZAG is 12 plus 2 TDR whic is 14, compared to 3 Wizz planes based in ZAG; OU announces growth following the restructuring caused stagnation period, and it's questinable whether anything is moving with macedonian flag-carrier plans; MKD has almost no tourism compared to HR, and one part of HR tourists transits via ZAG, and despite all of these, you predict better futur for SKP than for ZAG. So very interesting and so very objective
Deletecompared to 3 Wizz planes based in SKP, sorry
DeleteHow come you explain less than 2.5 million pax?
Deletefantastic question, and I'm glad to answer it :
DeleteOne, ZAG had bad management for long years, which was poltically appointed and didn't care at all about the traffic growth, which has been changed now.
Two, capacity of the airport has been, and still is limiting factor. You should be at ZAG sometimes and see check-in queues streching outside the building and departure aerea full to breaking where people stand close to whichother literary like sardines in the can, which will also be changed with the new terminal
Three, stagnation of the biggest carrier that uses the airport, due to restructuration, which lasts for cuple of months only, and will allow for more transits, more "local" capacity and more diversity in flights&destinations
Four, realtively unfavorable general economic situation, as well as bad economic situation in Croatia, which has been changed lately, too, and which will allow for not only more traffic but higher yields
Five, good work of Tourist Board which succesfully raises (airline) passengers number for destination ZAG year by year, joint ventures with some neighbouring countries in attracting passengers from the distant markets.
I would say that the simple lack of demand is a much more obvious answer.
Deleteabsolutely, you are completely right; private investors invest 300 mil.euro because of lack of demand, KL, BA, LX, IB, TP, QR, opened services to ZAG in the last 2 years, with much more to come because of lack of demand, ZAG got scheduled Toronto flights before BEG because lack of demand, and any fact written here, explained, argumented and backed is unimportant because you, blinded by hatry, decided, with no single word of explanation, that it's lack of demand. Ok, fully agree with you, ZAG numbers are such because of kack of demand, and let me make you happy now, I predict gthat ZAG numbers will be down to 500.000 next year. Satisfied now?
DeleteLast anon,
DeleteStill, you can write all you want but at the end of the day ZAG only welcomes 2,5 million passengers.
Napisao bi vam ja 2-3 stvari ali nesmem ima cenzura danas protiv mene .
Vidim da određen broj BEG/JU navijača stvarno dežura da umanji sve druge...ako vam je tako drago, neka vam. Na kraju dana i nije važno za razvoj drugih. Realno, rast BEG gura kompanija koju financira država i koja omogućuje ustvari nesrbima da jeftino putuju preko BEG, a račun plaćaju srbi kao porezni obveznici. Pa ako je to uzrok boom-a u BEG (mislim da demand prema i iz srbije baš ne cvate), mislim da vam nitko baš i ne zavidi jer ste siromašna zemlja koja nije kao Qatar ili UAE da to isfinancira bez problema. Također, na kraju dana, imate jedan normalan aerodrom u državi (ok, sada je nešto počeo i Niš) i ukupno gledajući je Hrvatska u smislu potraženje debelo ispred vas. To dokazuje i broj operatera koji nisu na državnom proračunu. Samo se vi veselite, siguran sam da se raduje tih par političara i direkotra koji vrte vaše novce i hrane vas sa time da ste velika sila. Kod nas na sreću toga nema....živjeli, dragi moji :)
DeleteNeko je ljubomoran? Ziveo ti nama ;)
DeleteLooking perfect! Good luck, Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteWhat happens with the old terminal when they finish this one?
ReplyDeleteLCC, charter, VIP and general aviation
DeleteThere is also a lot of room for a large cargo facility which would not be ignored by the French for added revenue. So I can see them building something like this once the new terminal is operational.
DeleteIts awesome to see that one infrastructure project in the region is developing as planned.
ReplyDeleteLooking great! Good luck, Zagreb!
Rgds, Eight
Jel stari terminal ostaje u funkciji?
ReplyDeleteLCC, charter, VIP and general aviation
Delete@AnonymousJuly 23, 2015 at 11:36 AM
DeleteWe do't know yet, might be left to use as some sort of add hock facility or knock it down, we'll see at the end of 2017, new operator has no need for old terminal, also new terminal can be extended to handle max 17.5 million passengers per year, this is absolute maximum designed capacity I am referring to, not maximum designed capacity which is around 12.5 million pax.
It would be stupid to keep old terminal knowing new terminal can cater for this.
"new operator has no need for old terminal" is simply not true, otherwise the "old" terminal wouldn't have been almost completely refurbished during last two years. Even if new operator wants to cut costs by using single terminal, the "old" one could be sub-concessioned, and it's the possibility which has already been discussed with potential tenants
DeleteLepo izgleda, ali kako ovo hladiti i grejati a da bude poviljno, pitanje je sad. Jel su se odlucili za geo toplotne pumpe mozda?
ReplyDeleteOvaj sloj krova što se sad postavlja je profilirani aluminijski pokrov, na njega ide 30 cm toplinske izolacije od staklene vune, pa 10 cm zračne izolacije i potom konačni vanjski pokrov krova. Tako da nema nikakvih problema oko grijanja i hlađenja.
DeleteEh, a nije da hrvatska nema po kome da da ime.. Rudjer Bošković, nobelovci Lavoslav Ružička i Vladimir Prelog...
Delete@12.53 hvala na odgovoru.
DeleteSvaka zast za ZAG/LDZA! Moj san je da imamo nesto kao sto je SAS (zajednicku kompaniju) ali znam da se to nikada nece desiti... :(
ReplyDeleteNedaj boze da se to desi .
No, ne biti jalan, INN-NS....
DeleteTo bi bilo najgore iz mnogo razloga koje mogu da naveden.
No, ne biti jalan, INN-NS....
DeleteBas me zanima sto se bacaju pare na A380 gate .
ReplyDeleteKoliki ce biti kapacitet novog terminala?
No, ne biti jalan, INN-NS....
DeleteINN-NS ajd prije nego što se prosipaš i sramotiš tri puta razmisli o onome što ćeš napisati. To NIJE gate ISKLJUČIVO za A380, navedeno je samo da će biti u mogućnosti primiti I najveće avione današnjice kao što su A380 ili B747, inače će to biti gate na koji će se parkirati bilo koji širokotrupac npr A330, B777 i sl.
DeleteI hope the roof doesn't leak. ;-)
ReplyDelete+1 ;)
DeleteSo what if the roof leaks? You place a bucket under and problem solved :)
DeleteWauuu...this will be the nicest airport terminal in ex yu. SJJ could use one of these.
ReplyDeleteAirports design looks very busy, kind of like the Beijing bird nest stadium. Only problems with these modern type of designs is that they age fast.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sad that the proposed airport name might overshadow what is really an awesome project.
Just some negatives of what is probably the first major architectural statement made from the former Yugo in a long time.
Well done Zagreb, Slavoljub Penkala international airport. :)
A replica of his plane would also look amazing inside the terminal meeting her guests.
While I don't necessarily like the proposed name of the airport, I wouldn't call it a negative, but I guess that depends on your point of view (about the person). That being said, I do like the ideal of Slavoljub Penkala international airport, especially based on his involvement in aviation in Zagreb.
DeleteWhat will the winter season look like? Have any airlines announced new flights?
ReplyDeleteNo, I think that ZAG will only see LO again from January. If I am not mistaken, nobody is leaving with KL reducing frequencies a bit from 7 to 5. But good thing is that no operator is leaving the market and no routes are being cut, at least at present.
DeleteAnonymousJuly 23, 2015 at 2:43 PM
DeleteLOT is coming back in January, Alitalia is looking at coming back to Zagreb could be this year late or March of 2016, SAS is holding talks of coming back to Zagreb early next year, Czech Airlines might also start flying for Zagreb from next March or April.Korean Air might up number of operations to Zagreb from 16 to 24 or more, with likely full on service from 2017, JAL might also re-start service to Zagreb with 8 seasonal flights in 2016.
High hopes for Finnair, Agean, EasyJet, Baltic Air, Iberia - year round service and Lingus starting service to Zagreb in 2017.
Right now all the growth at Zagreb airport is driven solely by Foreign Carriers, OU is stagnating due to EU's imposed sanctions.
@ 5:44
DeleteCan you confirm my information, because you haven't stated it, about ZAG talks with Skygreece for year-round flights to Toronto, as well as NewYork flights starting next summer?
@AnonymousJuly 23, 2015 at 5:59 PM
DeleteI don't think SkyGreece is a serious operation, wouldn't really pay any attention to them, and SkyGreece deal with in conjunction with HTZ, and City of Zagreb.
Also I am not sure they'll be around come 2016.
Nice :)
ReplyDeleteDifferent airport, similar statement about becoming "one of the most important hubs in this part of Europe".
ReplyDeleteThis is like chicken and egg question, which comes first? Does airport become important hub first, and then new airport/terminal is built; or is it that new terminal/airport is built and only then it becomes an important hub?
For Doha, passengers came first: Doha became 22 million passenger hub before new airport was opened. Any examples of the opposite, where building a new terminal caused airport to become an important hub?
MUC, the old airport wasn't a hub.
DeleteZAG's case is different: ZAG has abnormally little LCC pax, and the airport is purposefully awaiting to diversify its product so as to offer 2 x different price ranges: LCC and traditional carriers
DeleteMind that no airlines flying to ZAG have subventions, unlike most other croatian airports. And this too is done for a purpose.
Croatia Airlines (national carrier) network, airport infrastructure, good management, national economy, tourism, population catchment area will all play an important role...
ZAG had 2 mil pax in 1979, and it has lost its importance due to many objective factors.
The same factors, once lined up, will help ZAG get back some of the lost markets.
When you are "small" it's easier to grow by stealing a bit from other big players, that is Vienna, Budapest etc.
Remember that most croatians near ZAG actually don't use ZAG, its mostly business people and foreign tourists... at this moment... :)
It is easy for a country to build a hub if they pay massive subsidies to domestic carriers, example of Emirates, Ethiad, Qatar Airways....
DeleteTo become a hub city needs to be attractive enough to attract international business and travelers in sufficiently large numbers to attract many carriers, Zagreb isn't that yet.
Also I think it is very much a marketing ploy by Airport management to glorify their achievements, its good for business.
@Zagreb right now Foreign carriers are taking ever greater chunk of the pie, with 1.27 million pax expected this year, to 1.43 million expected by OU. Zagreb's growth is mainly due to to foreign carrier presence, next year however OU should be able to operate fully and we'll see how things go next year.
next year however OU should be able to operate fully
Deleteand by fully you probably mean profitably. EC will not like OU operating fully and expanding a lot if it leads to losses again.
ReplyDeletehave you considered listing all topics so that they can be monitored for recent posts (similarly to Airliners.net) ? People could then continue discussions on older/popular topics.
Being able to see new comments by scrolling to the bottom would be nice, for starters.
ReplyDeletedoes someone know the passenger figures (total and O&D) for the following destinations to/from BEG:
Thanks in advance!
forgot MLH too
Deletethx :wink:
DeleteWe want connection to Sofia.