Belgrade and Zagreb extend growth streak as Sarajevo improves |
The airports in Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo have all seen their passenger numbers improve in July compared to the same month last year. Belgrade Airport recorded its second busiest month on record (surpassed only by August 2014) with 564.629 passengers handled, an increase of 4.6% compared to July 2014. The result was achieved despite a slight decline in the number of operated flights, with 6.026 operations recorded, down 0.3%. Overall, during the first seven months of the year, the airport cemented its position as the busiest in the former Yugoslavia, welcoming a record 2.702.118 travellers through its doors, an increase of 6.9% on 2014. It is expected to surpass the three million passenger mark during August, however, the airport’s numbers will have to grow at a quicker pace if it is to reach its five million passenger target this year. The number of operated flights increased, with 34.215 operations registered so far this year, up from 33.359.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 308.381 | ▲ 13.8 |
FEB | 264.816 | ▲ 14.1 |
MAR | 315.283 | ▲ 11.6 |
APR | 381.401 | ▲ 3.6 |
MAY | 406.121 | ▲ 5.8 |
JUN | 461.490 | ▲ 2.3 |
JUL | 564.629 | ▲ 4.6 |
Zagreb Airport continued its passenger growth streak by welcoming 278.438 travellers, an increase of 6.8% compared to the same month last year. The number of operated flights also increased, from 3.560 last July to 3.708 this year, up 4.8%. The growth comes primarily as a result of foreign carriers, with SkyGreece Airlines launching its transatlantic seasonal service from Toronto in late June, with healthy loads reported so far. Meanwhile, on June 30, Qatar Airways boosted its operations to Zagreb, increasing frequencies from five weekly services to daily flights. Next month, Brussels Airlines will introduce services from the Belgian capital. During the first seven months, Croatia’s busiest airport handled 1.437.928 passengers, up 7% on the same period in 2014.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 150.667 | ▲ 11.0 |
FEB | 141.833 | ▲ 10.5 |
MAR | 185.693 | ▲ 12.3 |
APR | 197.726 | ▲ 2.7 |
MAY | 235.133 | ▲ 8.0 |
JUN | 248.438 | ▲ 1.8 |
JUL | 278.438 | ▲ 6.8 |
Following a disappointing June, Sarajevo Airport recovered with impressive double digit growth. It welcomed 89.319 passengers through its doors, representing an increase 19.2% compared to the same month last year. Flight operations also grew by 6% to 1.252. According to its Managing Director, Ivica Veličan, the airport is in talks with several carriers over the launch of new flights to the city. “In the coming period we will finalise talks with new airlines. This autumn we expect the launch of new routes from Sarajevo to European destinations”, Mr Veličan said. Commenting on its results so far this year, the airport noted, “We expect to see further growth in the coming period”.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 43.700 | ▲ 21.0 |
FEB | 39.908 | ▲ 12.6 |
MAR | 50.273 | ▲ 9.8 |
APR | 63.064 | ▲ 11.4 |
MAY | 80.143 | ▲ 12.1 |
JUN | 74.855 | ▼ 0.2 |
JUL | 89.319 | ▲ 19.2 |
Belgrade and Zagreb should have made an effort to grow more considering that it is mid season...
ReplyDeleteBut their growth compares with the previous year's mid season. They cannot go double-digit over that benchmark just like that. They now both have organic growth.
DeleteOrganic growth is not good enough. Belgrade wants to become a major hub in this part of Europe and Zagreb wants to increase number of their transfer passengers...5-6 percent is not good enough. Hopefully the numbers will pick later during the year.
DeleteI think ZAG management wants to diversify before going after transfer passengers. They know OU can't turn their airport into a true regional hub.
Deletewe would need to know what is year over year increase in seats offered before saying it is not good enough. Plus, for ZAG at least, load factors are very high during this time of year, so unless significant new capacity is added, I fail to see how can the airport achieve double digit griwth (note that having high % growth on low base is much easier than having it during the busiest part of the year.
DeleteWell, for a start OU can replace some of the Q400 routes with the A319/320 while foreign carriers can send larger aircraft. Another way to do it is to increase the regional network which is pathetic and inadequate. Zagreb needs a link with both Sofia and Bucharest.
DeleteZAG and BEG need to learn from each other. Belgrade should make an effort to attract more carriers and ZAG should motivate more passingers to gravitate towards it.
DeleteMost stupid comment ever.
DeleteZagreb airport's growth is due to foreign carriers growth, OU is stagnating , and numbers are same as last year or really marginal growth of less than 1%. .
DeleteExcellent results. It's going to be a bad day for haters on all sides.
ReplyDeleteIs it realistic that BEG could reach 600.000 pax in August or no way?
ReplyDeleteThey would need an additional 24,000 passengers which is not impossible, especially with the Atlasjet flights which will bring a few thousand passengers on their own.
DeleteThe real challenge will be to keep on growing during the slow winter months.
Why was June such a weak month for the three airports? I remember SKP also had mediocre growth.
ReplyDeleteSarajevo: because of Ramadan.
DeleteSKP had 1337 air craft movements in June 2015, while 1342 in June 2015, meaning that LF probably increased.
Deletesource: http://www.tavyatirimciiliskileri.com/en-EN/Documents/june_2015.pdf
SKP had 1337 air craft movements in June 2015, while 1342 in June 2014, meaning that LF probably increased.
Deletesource: http://www.tavyatirimciiliskileri.com/en-EN/Documents/june_2015.pdf
Bravo BEG, s obzirom na manji broj avio operacija odlican rezultat. Malo ce nam faliti za 5 milona jer ce biti malog pada po svim prilikama novembru i decembru, ali svaki rast je odlicna vest!
ReplyDeleteНавијајмо да Партизан и Воша оду у групну фазу Лиге шампиона односно Купа Европе па да виђамо на Бег-у и по неколико авиона са навијачима у време утакмица. Пре неку годину када су играли са Интером долазили су и са 767
DeleteAirSERBIA is transporting Sampdoria team to Belgrade, they have just landed, flight JU3531 from Genoa.
DeleteYes and they ripped them off for the flight, especially since they will be flying on the archaic Aviolet.
DeleteSeems like OU is bringing back the third weekly PRN flight this winter. The route was reduced to 2 weekly flights in S15.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! PRN needs all the flights it can get as prices are crazy!
DeleteFewer cancellations would be even more appreciated. After two of my consecutive flights were cancelled I stopped flying OU, but would have no issue flying them again if reliability is restored (note, all my flights are connecting ones).
DeleteWow I didn't know they had similar issues in Pristina, I guess the loads were bad or was there some other reasons for the cancellations?
DeleteJel ono Severina na slici?
ReplyDeleteDanas SkyGreece iz Zagreba za Toronto ponovno LF100 % kao i prošlu srijedu !
ReplyDeleteAnd yet there still are people saying that there is not enough potential for direct Balkan - USA/Canada flights...
DeleteА колико се заправо путника укрцава у Загребу и колико их је већ који су се укрцали у Атини?
DeleteU Zagrebu se ukrcao 241 putnik, a iz Atene je stiglo 29.
DeleteПретпостављам да ово нису нови путници већ неки који су преузети од других авио-компанија... занимљиво би било знати од кога су их узели.
DeleteNeki su preuzeti od drugih aviokompanija ali ima i puno novih putnika.
DeleteХвала на одговору. Треба испратити шта ће бити са Скајгрисом мада добро би било за Загреб ако би имали и један недељни лет током зиме. Оно што је најбитније је то да су ови летњи летови постали апсолутни хит.
DeleteДа је наша аеродромска управа била паметна као и она у Загребу данас би и ми имали те летове, барем за Канаду.
SkyGreece navodno planira tijekom zime ne letjeti nigdje, znači prestat će letjeti i za Montreal, JFK, Solun, Peštu.., a onda od ljetnog reda letenja ponovno uspostaviti sve letove ... Ljetni red letenja će biti objavljen 1.10.2015. Ali to su samo planovi, svašta se tu može promijeniti.
DeleteХвала. Могуће је да за следећу годину планирају додатне летове из Загреба за северну Америку. Биће занимљив развој ситуације.
DeleteКако су остале компаније одреаговале на ове летове? Јел су Кроацијан и Луфтханса снизили цене?
Sigurno će povećati broj rotacija za Toronto a moguće da će uvesti i neke nove destinacije tipa Montreal, JFK ili Chicago. Sve se još analizira i dogovara. Ne znam ti sad točno reći da li je LH snizila cijene iz Hr za Kanadu, moguće da malo je ali nisam siguran...a Croatia po starom, za europske destinacije ima cijene kao da su Emirates. Neka ih, polako im stiže sve više konkurencije u ZAG, za nas putnike odlično više mogućnosti.
DeleteI don't understand why there is no link between BEG/ZAG and China. If Budapest/Minsk can support a 4pw in summer, and 3pw in winter:
ReplyDeleteAir China in winter season is revising operational frequencies on Beijing – Minsk – Budapest – Beijing triangle route based on seasonal demand, as the Star Alliance member plans to operate 3 weekly flights, from 25OCT15.
It currently operates this route 4 times a week during summer season.
CA721 PEK1300 – 1720MSQ1850 – 1840BUD 330 135
CA722 BUD2010 – 1240+1PEK 330 135
Source: http://airlineroute.net/2015/08/05/ca-msqbud-w15/
Air China došla u Budimpeštu a Hainan dolazi u Prag.
DeleteSposobni menadzmenti BEG-a i ZAG-a, mada ovi drugi jos i imaju promena na bolje. Da se nije desila ASL, BEG bi sada bio na nekih 3,5mil po godini
DeleteLjubljana airport- July 2015/2014 - 171 772 passengers +16,2 %
ReplyDeleteY2Y results show 11% growth so far... nice LJU
Deletenice for Ljubljana, however it still has ways to go in order to reach its pre-crisis record of 1,67 mil pax from 2008. This year it'll probably break 1,5 mil mark...
ReplyDeleteSince we are sharing numbers, I would also like to post Aegean's July statistics.
ReplyDeleteJuly 2015: 1.473.568 (+19%)
July 2014: 1.233.350
ATH: 453.327 (+37%!!)
HER: 123.684 (+30%)
RHO: 58.212 (+15%)
Growth in Athens is especially impressive (extra 220.000 passengers) as the airline keeps on adding new routes, frequencies and aircraft.
Yes, imagine what results they would have if the country had not gone through it's biggest financial crisis ever in July!
DeleteExactly but ATH management is really smart and they are working closely together with Aegean.
DeleteFor example, a few weeks ago an agreement was signed between Aegean, Athens airport and Singapore Airlines where the three sides will cooperate in order to make SIN-ATH work.
This was an important move, not only because SIA and A3 will work closely together but because Greeks in Australia will have yet another route to fly back home- keeping Athens competitive on all fronts. Mind you, the Persian Gulf carriers have chased away a lot of Asian airlines which used to fly into Athens.
Another great partnership backed by ATH is between Turkish Airlines and Aegean. It's so good that TK will keep on sending widebodies to Athens this winter, just like they did all throughout the summer season.
DeleteMogli bi ste jednom da javite lepe vesti iz Grcke =D
Videli ste slike produžetka C hodnika juče objavljene na Tango 6. Izgleda da će morati da pomere postojeću rendgensku kontrolu na sadašnjem kraju C hodnika da bi napravili prolaz za putnike koji idu do novih gejtova, ili da nađu neko drugo rešenje. Ta rendgenska kontrola na kraju C hodnika otvorena je pre malo više od godinu dana a sad će morati da se seli.
ReplyDeleteRadnje i restorani u tom novom produžetku biće po slikama iza nove rendgenske kontrole koja će biti između C6 i C7. Te nove prodavnice ili kafei će biti dostupni samo onima koji lete sa četiri nova fingera C7 do C10. Putnici za ostalih 16 fingera moraće i dalje da koriste postojeći Duty Free Shop i ostale radnje. Napravio bi se veći prihod i veći promet da se nova ponuda radnji i restorana otvorila u zoni koja je dostupna za putnike na svih 20 gejtova, a ne samo na poslednja četiri. Ako neko kao Costa Coffee hoće da otvori na novom delu, da li im je bolje da prodaju putnicima na samo 4 fingera ili putnicima na svih 20?
imagine what would happen if they made those errors in North Korea
DeleteJust shut up, do you really believe all that nonsense? Don't you remember that in the 90's Serbia was portrayed exactly like North Korea? If to trust the news, there's barely anybody alive in countries half the globe!
DeleteTravelling and making a double-check by yourself would do no harm.
How wide is the runway in Nis when the A320 can turn around without a problem?
It's 45 meters, just like in Belgrade.
It could and should have been much better growth than this.
ReplyDeleteAT while going through it's biggest financial crisis ever in July managed a 20.5% increase over July 2014!