Swiss turns Geneva - Belgrade service into seasonal flights |
Swiss International Air Lines has confirmed it will resume services between Geneva and Belgrade in 2016 following the route’s suspension on October 24, 2015. In April, the carrier announced it would suspend the flights after just two years of operation. However, the airline now says the service will become seasonal, with flights to resume in April 2016. “We are planning to resume this route during the summer timetable in 2016 (from April to October 2016). The flights will be on sale and bookable on around the beginning of October 2015”, Swiss’ spokeswoman, Karin Muller, tells EX-YU Aviation News. She adds, “In the meantime, Swiss continues to offer daily services from Zurich to Belgrade with good connection for passengers from/to Geneva”.
The two weekly flights between Geneva and Belgrade were launched in December 2013, but faced significant competition, with both Etihad Regional and easyJet introducing the service in 2014. Etihad Regional was the first to give up on the route in October that same year, while easyJet continues to maintain flights between the two cities. Meanwhile, Etihad Regional placed its “F7” designator code and flight number onto Air Serbia’s service between Belgrade and Zurich. In return, Air Serbia added its “JU” code onto Etihad Regional’s flights from Geneva and Lugano.
Swiss International Air Lines will maintain its presence in Belgrade with a total of nine weekly flights from Zurich currently scheduled to operate during the 2015/16 winter season. During the first quarter of this year, Swiss reduced its number of operations to the Serbian capital by 17%. Ms Muller notes, “Swiss closely monitors market behaviour. It acts on it and is not influenced by a specific competitor. Serbia is an important market for Swiss as there is a lot of ethnic traffic on the route to Belgrade, both from Serbians living in Switzerland and visiting their relatives in Serbia and vice versa”. According to Belgrade Airport, Zurich was Air Serbia’s busiest route during the first quarter, with the airline handling 34.929 passengers between the two cities, up 23.2% compared to the same period last year,
This summer, Swiss expanded its operations throughout the former Yugoslavia with new flights from Zurich to Ljubljana, Zagreb and Sarajevo. Furthermore, it introduced services from Geneva to Skopje and Sarajevo and seasonal flights from Zurich to Podgorica, which are operated through its subsidiary Edelweiss Air.
some positive news to start the day with :-)
ReplyDeleteMerci Swiss
Great news but I fear from October passenger numbers at BEG will start to decline.
ReplyDeleteIts imminent with JU reducing capacity and a lot of other airlines also reducing flights. Also there will be no LOT until January.
DeleteI estimate that even with the expected number decrease, BEG will still surpass the strategically important 5 million passenger mark, sometime during the last third of December.
DeleteAnyways, good news for BEG. 2015 was definitely the year of shifting and adjusting of foreign carriers to the new Air Serbia reality. I expect that we will see some "old faces" returning to the airport in 2016.
I agree with your last comment. I hope in 2016 we will see some airlines return after the market stabilizes. Personally I would love to see BA return. I know their suspension had nothing to do with Air Serbia as it was during the Jat times but still. They were a good airline with good connections.
DeleteOne thing I don't get: if airlines reduce their capacity towards a certain airport, why does it automatically mean decline in numbers? Passengers will suddenly stop flying or switch to other airports?
DeleteI understand that reduced routes/capacity/frequencies will mean less transfer passengers for JU but what about carriers? If they cut their routes or capacity their passengers still want to fly to BEG and will find an alternative carrier.
tourists = change destination
Deletebusiness = other airport around + rent'a'car
study, family visit, diapora = alternative transportation (bus, car, train...)
The above post is one of the silliest ones I've read in years.
DeleteIs it? You really think that tourist will go to city where they have to make 1 stop? Of course not. They go to destinations where they can come with short travel and with cheap flights.
DeleteOf course if 1stop flight is little more expensive others will use it. But if it is huge expense than passengers will use other airports with direct flights (Budapest, Temisoara, Zagreb, Nis, Sofija). If 1stop flight is very expensive they will use bus, car, train... I know... I am in that position all the time.
Has anyone flown with this route on easyjet? How are they doing?
ReplyDeleteWell: flights are pretty full. In the off season especially you see many foreigners going for a weekend. However, they're probably not seeing much profit as I was always able to find fairly cheap fares.
DeleteEasyjet frequently uses A320 (180Y) instead of A319 (Y156) when flying to Belgrade. In July LF well above 90%.
DeleteI don't get it, if the loads were that good why wouldn't they increase it to three weekly flights?
DeleteEasyjet actually flies 3 times weekly to Belgrade.
DeleteMaybe next summer there are going to be 4 flights. Let's see how they perform well this winter.
DeleteThey could fly GVA-INI year round :D
ReplyDeleteOT: Dubrovnik airport
ReplyDelete7/2014 303993
7/2015 328400
I expected more but still, not that bad.
DeleteGood news - swiss has very good service on this route. It would be even better if they add a couple of flights around the winter holidays :) But I understand their decision: it's hard to maintain year round service with their business model and no premium traffic. Maybe as more CS100/CS300 join the fleet, we'll see more frequent service
ReplyDeleteOT: Ovako će izgledati nadogradnja "C" hodnika na Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd.
Preneto iz Informera. Ali Informer, pa vrh!
Deleteveze nema sa zivotom nema dupli most za prihvat vecih aviona.
ReplyDeletene mora da ima dupli most. Realno ako budu dolazili A330 ili B787 (samo kao primer) onda lako moze da se radi boarding sa jednim mostom. Radio sam licno i znam da moze bez problema. Samo napravis boarding na vreme. Za te avione treba poceti 40-45min ranije boarding.
ReplyDeleteZa vece aviona, tipa 777-300 koji vec prelazi 300+ putnika, tu bi trebalo uraditi dupli most. Ali ajmo da vidimo da prvo oni krenu sa radovima na jesen :)
Zasto nesto napraviti kako treba kada mozemo odslepariti.
DeleteSplit up 11.4% to 433707 for July.
ReplyDeleteZAG is up aswell 6,3 %
Delete2014. 260777
2015. 278438
So 3 airports in Croatia 1 040 545 passengers only in July! Great result! Congrats!
DeleteOdlicne vesti za LYBE .
ReplyDeleteA jos bolje vesti su ova rekonstrukcija koja ce taman biti gotova kad budu letovi krenuli.
Na slici se vidi da se kroz prvi novi aviogejt ulazi u avion sa desne strane hahahahahahahahaaaa Boeing 747 parkiran ukoso i zauzeo dve pozicije, kakve su ovo budalaštine???
ReplyDeleteRealno izgleda vise nego jadno... Sada je u C izlazu obicno velika guzva kako ce tek biti kasnije pitanje je... Ovaj 747 je najjaci...
ReplyDeleteProdužetak hodnika ti izgleda više nego jadno?! A kakav bi ti želo majke ti.. daj i ovo da naprave.. boze kakvi smo mi ljudi..
DeleteMa izgleda dobro to nije problem, nego par pitanja za Mašinprojekt. Ne vidim kako će se dolazeći putnici popeti na sprat iznad po izlasku iz fingera. Vidim samo stepenice što je greška, bez pokretnih eskalatora i lifova biće haos na izlasku iz aviona ako svi moraju peške na sprat iznad. Kad ti ljudi onda staklenim tunelom dođu do kraja kod C7, kako se odatle oni koji izlaze u Beogradu odvojeno provode do pasoške kontrole i preuzimanja prtljaga? Kako će se spojiti ovaj novi deo sa budućim terminalom ako se on bude gradio odmah iza ovog produžetka? Zašto nije iskorišćen deo ovog velikog prostora sa prozorima za Air Serbia Business Lounge?
DeleteLepo covek napisa Informer.
DeleteBEG figures for July published : passengers 564K (+4,6%), operations -0,3%. Source :
ReplyDeleteTrending to just under 5 mil unless new flights are added.
DeleteOve godine ce imati oko 5 a sledece godine oko 5,5 -5,6.
A od toga 1.000.000 za Ameriku i još toliko za Peking, već se uhodali letovi od marta... A tek kad krenu u januaru za INN letit...
DeleteNego INN kako to da već ne lete za INN kad imaš tako jake veze da možeš i karte nabavljat i u kokpite 772 ulazit, i Dodik prijatelj obitljske, a sa managerima Austriana pričaš o kompanijama. Pa kako ih ne nagovori?
Pa sto bi ja nekoga terao da leti negde to mi ne pada na pamet .
DeleteCak i osobe koje nikoga ne poznaju mogu uci u 777 cockpit .
Pa ja nikad nebi naterao ni jednu kompaniju da leti za INN to je glupost.
DeleteIt is forbidden for non operating crew members to access the flight deck inflight let alone pax. Pax MAY be granted access into the flight deck with crew discretion and supervision. Airlines are very strict on this, and people have lost their jobs for granting access to the flight deck to unauthorised people.
Obzirom da Beogradski Aerodrom investira svoj profit u prosirenje Terminala 2 sa modernizacijom opreme i uredjaja, samo nedobronamerni nisu zadovoljni. Medju tim u pogledu otvorenosti, prezentacije izgleda segmenata koji treba da se grade ili se graden nemogu se sa time pohvaliti, niti imaju sanse se uporediti sa drugim aerodromima koji su otvoreni prema zainteresovanim ljudima iz putnicke avijacije. Javnosti uopste. Licno cu se posebno radovati kada bude veliki investitor poceo da investira, gradi u punom profile vazdusnu luku Beograda. O tome je dosta receno. Bez toga, sve sto je radjeno I sto ce se raditi jeste skroman novac Aerodromskog profita. Sa najtoplijim zeljama u toplom letu Srbije, i nadir za ✈MORAVU✈KRALJEVO✈ Rodney, Kraljevo✈Sydney😊☀❇✈.
ReplyDeleteRoki, zašto su ljudi koje daju 'constructive criticism' nedobronamerni? Jel Vi mislite da treba samo hvaliti? Ja hoću najbolje što može za BEG, i kritikovaću (s argumentima) sve što smatram da nije dobro rešenje.
DeleteMolim Vas smanjite malo ton, i budite malo više tolerantni.
Radovane sigurno nece biti terminala kojeg prizeljkujes jos godinama. Ovo je najbolje sto cemo imati do tada.
DeleteIt's funny how Radovan only ever comments when BEG (or Kraljevo) are featured. He is such an aviation expert and yet no other topics interest him.
DeletePostovani Anon 5.31 AM. Dobro ste primetili da prvenstveno paznju poklanjam razvoju avio saobracaja u zemlji Srbiji. Ovaj Portal je osnovan u Beogradu. Bavi se najvise temama avio saobracaja u ovoj zemlji. To i sam cinim. Sto se tice drugih drzava u ovom region Balkana, ne komentarisem. Neka ljudi napreduju napreduju, iskreno im zelim. Nekoeistim njihove usluge ni u cemu. Imaju mir sa moje strane. Ostalo je do ljudi koji se njima bave. U zivotu postupam, da ako bilo kome nemogu pomoci, nikada nemam zelju da odmognem. Ljude ostaviti na miru da zive i stvaraju jeste Sveto geslo koje koliko savest mi dozvoljava iskreno primenjujem. Sto se tice onog dela gde kazete da sam ''kao avio ekspert'', pa ipak sam to najmanje. Koristim uglavno licno putovanja na 176 aerodroma po svetu i 97drzava koliko je u mojoj knjizi letenja. Naravno kao putnik u zadnjih pedesetak godina. Svakako tu je na prvom mestu moj rad i zivot od cetvrt veka provedenih u Qantas-u u Mlaznoj Bazi Sidnejskog aerodroma Kigsford Smit. Naravno povremeno sam prisutan na portalima avio tematike u Australiji, Novom Zelandu, USA, Kanadi, UK... Licnim svedocenjem iskustva drugih po svetu pravim uporedjnja, donosim neobavezne zakljucke. Svakako sa mnogo gresaka. Jedna od osnovnih a Iznad svega obaveznih nacela u putnickoj avijaciji kakvu licno dozivljavam, jeste da volim, postujem ljude koji rade u putnickom vazduhoplovsvu sa putnicima. njoj. Na aerodromima ili avio kompanijama svejedno. One koje preferiram ili koje ne pominjem, moj odnos u zelji I htenju prema njima je isti. Da im bude dobro u svemu. Mirno nebo, bezbedna sletanja i uzletanja. Moja zelja jeste da ljudi koji rade na aerodromima, avio kompanijama, pisu ili ucestvuju u ovoj oblasti da nepostupaju ruzno prema sabesednicima ili onima koji rade ili upravljaju. Svoj novac ulazu... Oni koji upucuju neprihvatljive reci u komunikaciji su zalutali u ovu uzvisenu oblast koja se zove putnicko vazduhoplovsvo. Ljudi kritikuju koliko im je volja, sto je uredu. Narocito ako jedan dinar ili centu nisu ulozili svojeg novca (ja jesam). Eto moje male ispovesti. Sa postovanjem prema kriticarima i koji to nisu. Vas ✈Rodney Marinkovic😊❇☀🌏 Kraljevo✈Sydney.
DeleteOT: Skoro sam leteo za Split sa a320 i tamo i nazad. U odlasku iz Beograda je bilo praznih 3-4 sedista, ali u povratku, PUN KRCAT!! E sad, mene zanima, da li mozda airSERBIA planira za sledecu godinu dnevni let za Split? U stvari, trebalo bi da konstatujem da bi to bila prava odluka menadzmenta, kao i da se Split, ako vec ne godisnje, uvodi od 27.03-27.10, a ne kao proteklih godina od juna do septembra. U aprilu i oktobru ne mora posto-poto leteti veliki avion, moze i propelerac, ali zaista se za taj grad mora leteti tokom citave, a ne poluletnje sezone. U oba smera avion je bio sa preko 50% stranaca, posebno Australijanaca. I jos nesto, da li neko zna kakva je popunjenost na letovima za Pulu i Dubrovnik? Mnogo bih voleo da znam to. Jednostavno mi nije bas realno da za Pulu leti atr samo 3 puta nedeljno. To je jako malo. Verujem da je ovde sigurno neko ko radi na check-in salteru ili mozda na izlazu sa gejta, pa da nam otprilike bar kaze kakva je statistika, jer od kada sam ja na exyu-u, vise od 6 godina, admin se nikada nije pozabavio statistikom, koja bi nama koji dajemo prognoze i procenjujemo bila od velike koristi. Ovako cesto moze da se naleti na najobicnije lupetanje. Jedinu statistiku koju nam admin daje za Beograd jeste broj putnika nakon svakog meseca i eventualno neki sitni procenti o popunjenosti kabine na avionima, ali to nista ne znaci. Ta popunjenost od 70% ne znaci da je za Cirih, Stutgart i za Stokholm jednaka. Hvala na razumevanju.
ReplyDeleteАдмин не може да се бави том врстом статистике јер Ер Србија строго забрањује да се она објављује.
DeleteА што се тиче Сплита, једни славе Олују а други долазак пуног авиона из Београда. Ех Балкане мој. Лепо је нама једна Дубровчанка рекла, нема опоравка Хрватској докле год не слети Јат из Београда.
JU statistics till the end of July for Dubrovnik was 77% load factor with ATR been used only couple of times, altogether 39 flights. To Pula JU was using ATR exclusively, altogether 20 flights with 80% load factor. Statistics for Split is even better.
DeleteWe can make conclusion that Air Serbia is actually doing good business because of Croatia popularity in the world. Sounds sad, but it's true. Serbia just cannot attract so many passengers as Croatia with beautiful coastline and thousand islands can. Air Serbia should fly to Pula, Split and Dubrovnik daily.
DeleteKoji ste to vi sto vam trebaju statistike? Za koji to posao treba?
DeletePa da češće i kvalitetnije provodimo vreme na blogu. Ništa nam ne znači ukidanje linija ili dolazak novih kompanija bez statistika. Što lufthansa ne ukine Beograd kao British i AirFrance, ako joj je loše ovde? Nije British neko ko nema dovoljno letelica.
DeleteBEG numbers are out:
ReplyDeleteAugust 2015: 564.629 (+5%)
August 2014: 539.823
2015: 2.702.118 (+7%)
2014: 2.528.387
Cargo in July: +30%
Mail in July: +43%
I guess similar growth is to be expected in August.
I am really bad in math so please correct me if I am wrong but the airport needs to grow at least 4% (on average) to make it to 5 million this year?
DeleteWell Nemjee you are really bad in maths. Belgrade need nearly 9% growth in last five moths to reach 5 million passengers this year. That will be hard to achieve.
DeleteHahahah thank you for correcting me, 4% did seem a bit too 'modest.'
DeleteGiven the winter timetable I hardly doubt there will be more than 5% growth. I guess this year we are going to have roughly 4,9 million passengers.
Belgrade airport fail.
Delete^^^ How can august numbers be out if only 4 days has passed ;)
Deletebtw since numbers are being talked of, JU800/801 is going just under 100% load everyday the past couple of weeks, just as is EY71/72 (AUH-BEG). EY71/72 is filling its J class better than JU. QR226 yesterday went with 54 pax to SOF (1J / 53Y), leaving roughly 5 seats empty from SOF to DOH (2J / 3Y). BEG-BEY yesterday had a couple of empty seats (under 5). ZRH is also always full.
A few days ago I flew JU513 ATH-BEG and load was 6 J / 144 Y (5 empty seats). A lot of pax transiting to BRU and CDG.
Wow 564K in July.... congrats BEG.... 5 mio in reach either this or next year. Keep going
DeleteGood Lord, I am on fire today! I apologise.
DeleteWould you say that EY's BEG-AUH (EY72) and JU's AUH-BEG (JU801) are performing better than EY AUH-BEG (EY71) and JU BEG-AUH (JU800)?
That would seem logical given departure times and connecting flight departure waves (and arrivals) out of AUH.
To reach 5 mln - the growth shuld be 7.7%
DeleteДанас, на линији Београд Бања Лука, лет из Бање Луке је каснио преко сваке мјере. Путници су изгубили конекције у Београду. А и Ер Србији је зафалио тај А319 за неку другу линију. Добри су ови на Бањој Луци. Прави професионалци. Не би им човјек дао ни три нацртане козе да чувају.
ReplyDeleteИако су сви одговори на мој претходни пост обрисани, па ће можда бити и овај пост, ипак ћу рећи следаће:
не разумијем што су ти IАТА ознаке у том мом посту биле толико битне.
Да покушам некакву верзију за тебе:
Yesterday, 2-hour JU103 held-off at BNX caused many transfer PAX lost their connections at BEG. JU lost another flight due to the a/c trap. PAX were desperate so were both the Captain and the JU Station Manager there.
It was all about an A319 flight with a decent LF. It seems as though everything's fine at BNX until a nice quantity of passengers appears. Yesterday's flight showed clearly, nothing's at its place at BNX! The PAX firstly waited for ages before the check-in desk after which before the passport control counter and then in the departure gate due to the problems with the luggage tags.
Да додам,
у међувремену си уствари одлично уочио да је јучерашњи хаос посљедица неуређености BNX-a to jest већином до управе аеродромског оператора а мање до радника - исправна управа доведе раднике у ред за 5 минута. Управа БНХ-а не зна се ни воде напити, а да су у стању посложити ту фирму, не треба ни помислити.
Након што си критикован, јер си потпуно непотребно стао у одбрану овако неспособне управе, с циљем да се лакше извучеш, убацио си у игру и управу Ер Србије коју, не да нисам критиковао него ни спомеуо. Међутим, тешко се извући кад се непотребно истрчава, и то пред руду, и то упорно, и то сад већ годинама.
Што се тиче управе Ер Србије, од ње очекујем да се коначно једним службеним дописом пожали надзорном одбору Аеродрома Републике Српске, тако да исти једном прогледа и почне се понашати одговорно тако што ће елиминисати негативну селекцију у том јавном предузећу. Аеродроми Републике Српске су екстремни примјер непотизма, корупције и негативне селекције.
Уколико управа Ер Србије то коначно не уради, онда ћу узети себи за право да и њих критикујем. У том смислу, сад већ их критикујем. A ti ih brani.
У јануару 2014-те, шеф зимске службе BNX-a, био је на годишњем одмору! Пао један једини снијег од 6 цм а они нису били у стању очистити и припремити писту.
У априлу 2014-те, мјесец дана им није радио GPU! Питај пилоте ЈУ.
Након тога, у шпицу љетне сезоне, 4 мјесеца нису имали рендген за контрадиверзиони преглед одвојеног пртљага. Питај путнике, који је то тек био хаос! А у питању је био сасвим мали квар.
Да остало не наводим, ево сад кад се Ер Србији десило, да у шпицу сезоне, коначно имају 115 путника у одласку, службе BNX-a нису у стању опслужити тај лет. Службе BNX-a уствари ни не постоје.
За твоју инфомацију, на том лету је било и бар 10 страних држављана. Дакле и пред њима су се осрамотили.
Након оног вишесатног кувања у холу и одлазном гејту оне бараке коју зову путнички терминал, и дувању једно другом за врат, неће тим путницима више пасти на памет да опет користе BNX. Радије ће отићи у Тузлу или Сарајево.
ReplyDeleteEY71 and EY72 does better than the JU flights year round. JU800 and JU801 is highly seasonal. Now, both are full, but in the winter the load can be as low as 30. EY also fills its business class better to AUH as well.
I find this quite curious. If Asian/Australian wave arrives in AUH in early morning (5-7am), I would expect JU flight to perform better (as it departs at 8am) than EY (which leaves AUH at 2am). Same logic can apply to departures from BEG, where EY has a better slot. Why is JU801 underperforming then?
DeleteIs there really that much O&D from AUH? Or demand from other EY destinations (where exactly? India, Africa?)
Sorry, forgot one thing. When buying an EY ticket via their website, one really has to go out of their way to get a seat on EY71, as JU801 is the "default" flight. Actually, you cannot book EY71 if you're arriving from Asia on, you need to use an OTA.
DeleteThis makes JU's performance on this flight even more of a mystery to me.