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Air Serbia becomes first EX-YU airline to offer on board Internet access |
Air Serbia yesterday launched a seven-day public trial of its new “Air Serbia Wi-Fly” in-flight Internet and mobile connectivity services, powered by the Panasonic Avionics Corporation. From October 1, the connectivity service will be gradually deployed across the airline's fleet of Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft, with the entire Airbus fleet expected to be fully connected by the end of the first quarter of 2016. An internal test of the system was carried out on board flight JU112 to Sarajevo earlier this week. Following the test, Air Serbia extended the trial period on one of its Airbus aircraft during which passengers will get an opportunity to test the system for free for the first five days. The first public testing was conducted yesterday on flight JU304 to Brussels.
Passengers on flights longer than one hour and twenty minutes will be given a complimentary voucher for thirty minutes, or 20 MB of Internet access, and they can provide feedback on their experience. Assistance will be provided by Air Serbia's cabin crew, a Wi-Fly Ambassador and technicians from both Air Serbia and Panasonic Global Communication Services (GCS), who will explain the system in detail, help passengers with their first-time access and answer their questions. The in-flight connectivity suite includes Wi-Fi and mobile services, comprising the “Air Serbia Wi-Fly” solution.
Passengers on flights longer than one hour and twenty minutes will be given a complimentary voucher for thirty minutes, or 20 MB of Internet access, and they can provide feedback on their experience. Assistance will be provided by Air Serbia's cabin crew, a Wi-Fly Ambassador and technicians from both Air Serbia and Panasonic Global Communication Services (GCS), who will explain the system in detail, help passengers with their first-time access and answer their questions. The in-flight connectivity suite includes Wi-Fi and mobile services, comprising the “Air Serbia Wi-Fly” solution.
Air Serbia's CEO, Dane Kondić, said, "Before we fully implement our new 'Air Serbia Wi-Fly' Internet and mobile connectivity services, becoming the first airline in the region and one of few in Europe to offer the service, we are providing our guests the opportunity to thoroughly test the service to make sure that it provides a connectivity experience that is as close as possible to what our guests are used to at home or at work". He added, "The implementation phase will ensue immediately after the testing phase and the service will gradually become available across our entire Airbus fleet. We are excited to be able to perfect and very soon pioneer a new communications technology that will significantly enhance the travel experience of our guests”.
Passengers will be able to connect to the Air Serbia Wi-Fly network and enjoy broadband services on their Wi-Fi/WLAN enabled devices including smartphones, tablets and laptops, allowing them to write emails, surf the Internet, and update social media. Pricing for Internet services will start at 4.90 euros for thirty-minute access (download limit 20 MB), 8.90 euros for sixty minute access (download limit 50 MB) and 13.90 euros for access throughout the duration of the flight (download limit 90 MB). The mobile connectivity solution incorporates roaming agreements with other operators and can be accessed by guests through their roaming-enabled GSM mobile phones and smart phones to make and receive phone-calls, send and receive SMS messages and emails, and use mobile data services. Mobile telephone usage will be billed by the passenger’s mobile service providers based on applicable international roaming rates.
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"Wi-Fly" enabled aircraft are recognised by a sticker near the front exit door |
The "Wi-Fly" system becomes available as the aircraft reaches 10.000 feet. Once connected to the network, passengers are redirected to a welcome screen where they are prompted to purchase a plan or enter their voucher code. Passengers are then required to register a username and password, which can be reused on future flights, and can then use the service. The welcome screen also features flight information, news and weather.
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"Wi-Fly" home screen |
Bravo !! Well done :)
ReplyDeleteGood job JU!
ReplyDeleteDoes WiFly enable you to access the internet or is it possible to get movies/music/games as usual IFE systems allow ?
In other news, Air Serbia will be removing its lunch bags as a cost cutting measure. Such a shame as they were really popular with passengers.
ReplyDelete+1. This was the stupidest thing to do. So much waste of money! Finally somebody is thinking over there.
DeleteI think the chronology goes something like this:
Delete1. Removal of metal cutlery.
2. Removal of blankets.
3. Removal of pillows.
4. Removal of meal bags.
I wonder what's next.
They will have metal cutlery, they still have blankets and they still have pillows. I flew with them yesterday.
DeleteBlankets and pillows used to be placed on each and every seat for passengers to use. Now they no longer offer them on shorter flights and on the 'longer' ones you can ask them for one, but at times it happens that they don't load them before departure. I think only AUH has them like before.
DeleteMetal cutlery was dropped and it won't be coming back.
Opa, pa gde ste vi anti ASL botovi, subotom spavate duže?
DeleteMetal cutlery is still in use, you obviously haven't flown with them in a long time.
DeleteMetal cutlery is only offered in business class, plastic ones are offered in economy class.
DeleteMetal cutlery was used on my flights one week ago CDG-BEG - ECONOMY
DeleteGuys metal cutlery is used in economy. What are you on about. I said I flew with them yesterday. I'm not making it up, unlike you it seems.
DeleteThere is no use. They guy who probably never flew with JU made up his mind that metal cutlery is not used in economy so it must be like that. What a silly conversation. Next he will tell you that they removed economy seats and people stand in the rear.
DeleteNo, that's Ryanair. I flew with JU about a month and a half ago to ARN and we got plastic cutlery.
DeleteDoes anyone know what happened with the MXP flight this morning? It departed like 4 hours late on Boeing.
DeleteWell then you were the exception because I flew with them yesterday to LHR and got normal metal cutlery, meal and menu. And I flew with them a month ago from LHR to BEG and got the same.
DeleteAnd no Ryanair has not removed seats actually.
DeleteI know, I was making a reference to their proposal to introduce standing areas in the planes.
DeleteIt's possible that he got a different meal service (and plastic cutlery) if ARN was served with a B733. Also, plastic cutlery is used in Y on flights up to 2 hours, so there's that.
DeleteOn the other hand, I can't believe that scrapping bags is a cost cutting measure. Space, concept and design wise, sure, but cost?! I used to work in publishing, paper bags are dirt cheap, especially when you order by tens of thousands as they sure do.
ASL uses a mix of metal and plastic cutlery. On my flight from BRU to BEG I got metal cutlery and on way back plastic.
Deletepax do tend to take 'souvenirs' off the ac and it wouldnt surprise me that plastic cutlery was used due to a shortage of metal ones.
DeleteHuge amount of blankets and pillows have been removed off the ac by pax. JU have changed their cabin prepartions due to this. It has been like this for quite a while. AUH however is always catered blankets and pillows on the seats, as well as spares in the overhead compartments.
To resolve this once and for all:
DeleteMetal is a standard, but due to shortages caused by the pax taking the items with them, untill a new batch is delivered plastic ones are being used.
Blankets and pillows are loaded on all the flights that depart during the night. A number of blankets and pillows is loaded on every flight but not for everybody.
15 comments about cutlery. God, I think if they bought in an A380 half of you would be spewing venom.
ReplyDeleteThis is great news about wifi and really sets the airline apart. Well done.
Ah but of course, how can a day go by without people such as yourself lecturing others and behaving as if you are superior to the rest of us. <3
DeleteA380? They can't even get an Atr-72.
DeleteSvaka cast Direktoru i ostatku na uspesnom radu i sto pred raspad uvode WI-FI.
ReplyDeleteJos jedan dokaz koliko ASL napreduje naspram ostalih EX YU Aviokompanija i ovaj wi-FI ce svakako biti najpotrebni na letovima za USA .
Postoji li dan kada neces spominjati za te letove za Ameriku? I da li mislis da iko vise veruje u gluposti koje pricas?
DeleteI belive him... religiously
DeleteАдмине ко бога Вас молим да обришете коментаре, досадио је више са тим летовима за америку докле више? То је једном када се помене океј, али сваки дан да помиње то је троловање.
DeleteDa nema vas primača on to ne bi ni pisao..
Deletejel danas 17. septembar ?
DeleteSummer is over ... so where is the agreement that Montenegro Airlines CEO they would sign with Etihad ?
DeleteWhen is Croatia Airlines getting wifi ?
ReplyDeleteSame time as their new lounge
DeleteDoes Croatia Airlines have meals served with metal cutlery, pillows, blankets, wifi or its own business lounge at ZAG airport ?
ReplyDeleteOnly two years ago Jat Airways was celebrating two decades on the verge of bankruptcy. Noone even considered flying Jat, but used LH & friends instead.
DeleteSo, when dissing others, consider how fast things can change in only two years. It works both ways.
Znači Kroacija kao Jat mora da čeka 20 godina neprofitabilnosti, ne bi li bila privatizovana?
DeleteA ne. Samo kažem da nema nikakvog smisla ni povoda kritikovati Croatiju ili bilo koga drugog u kontekstu ove vesti, jer se u ovoj industriji za dve godine može desiti svašta. Dobro ili loše.
DeleteNoboady is saying the word about prices?! I personally think that they are insane.. As the proper airline, not the low cost one, they shouldn't be charging it for they're guest as we are paying full proxe ticket to fly them which is not cheap at all comparing with another airlines. Hmmm.. They pull me down every day more and more..
ReplyDeleteDon't like the service? Think it's overpriced? Then don't use it.
DeleteI really don't understand where people get this sense of entitlement from...
Anon @ 1.03pm .... don't you read the news ? Pricing is reported in all the media .... EUR4.90 for 30mins, 8.90 for 60mins and 13.90 for the duration of the flight ....
DeleteI don't know of any airline which doesn't charge for the service, except for maybe EK which doesn't charge its First and Business class passengers ....
As the above comment stated - you don't like it then don't use it - no one is forcing you to buy anything ....
Norwegian offers free wifi and they are a lowcost airline.
DeleteAccording to the two Anonymouses only those who fly with JU are allowed to criticize it. Nice.
DeleteThose prices are just ridiculous! 14euros per flight.. Come on! Scammers!
DeleteIt is super expensive!
No one is forcing you to use it, just like no one is forcing you to fly Air Serbia ... there are plenty of choices out there
DeleteIt is a scam and the Government is responsible for it.
DeleteSorry, what exactly is the scam ?
Delete14euros per flight just to use the Wi-Fi!
DeleteIn a country that many people work for two days to make 14euros.
Ok, but how exactly is the govt responsible for that ?
DeleteRemember, no one is forcing you to use it ....
In case you didn't know the government is the majority owner of Air Serbia.
DeleteWell, I am paying for Air Serbia so I am entitled to have an opinion. It's not my problem that JU management is incompetent and that they failed to set up a strong carrier- winter timetable is best proof of it.
DeleteIs A319 Yu-APC getting wifi installed right now?
Delete"14euros per flight just to use the Wi-Fi!
DeleteIn a country that many people work for two days to make 14euros."
Air Serbia is a commercial entity, not a social service. Besides, people who work for two days to make 14 euros don't really fly that much.
Not a social service? Of course it is. They keep on begging for financial support from Etihad, the government, the airport...
DeleteThey sucks at being a commercial entity.
DeleteEK wifi is free for a certain small amount of MB's but on many aircraft the charge is USD$1. It is like this in all cabins, that is including premium cabins. On many flights the wifi doesnt work over certain air spaces ie China.
Congratulations! It's nice to see the company going forward.
ReplyDeleteMany comments on this website, have heavily criticised Air Serbia for all the things they didn't have, when comparing them to their regional rivals such as JP and OU - especially no online checkin. In the past 2 mths they have launched online checkin, opened a state of the art business lounge and now this wifi - putting them now clearly well ahead of the pack. It surely can't be difficult to give them praise where praise is due, can it ?
ReplyDeleteThis is all good - why ? Because it puts pressure on their regional rivals to lift their game, surely a good outcome for all travellers, no ?
+ 1
DeleteThe prices are very expensive for Serbian flyers.
ReplyDeleteI think they should introduce special lower cost options for Serbian and other ex-Yu passengers who do not have the money of Europeans.
Niko te ne tera da ga koristis.
DeleteAnon 2:56 is correct.
DeleteThe government forces us to "invest" in Air Serbia so we can ask for Air Serbia to charge Serbian passengers less than it charges Swiss or Dutch passengers.
We don't have the same salaries.
Same as you can buy a Fiat 500 produced in Serbia for much less in Europe or USA than you can in Serbia ... go figure that !
DeleteΙt is a scam and the Gοvernment is respοnsible fοr it.
Delete"I think they should introduce special lower cost options for Serbian and other ex-Yu passengers who do not have the money of Europeans."
DeleteThis would be completely baseless discrimination and probably illegal too.
OT : Hrvatska se konačno još bolje povezuje domaćim unutrašnjim linijama :D :D
ReplyDeleteNa današnjoj je sjednici Vlada donijela Odluku o obvezi obavljanja domaćeg linijskog zračnog prijevoza za razdoblje od 27. ožujka 2016. do 28. ožujka 2020. godine. Ovom Odlukom utvrđuje se obveza obavljanja domaćeg linijskog zračnog prijevoza za kojeg ne postoji komercijalni interes zračnih prijevoznika te se osigurava kontinuitet prometne povezanosti koja je od iznimnog značaja za gospodarski i društveni razvoj regija unutar Republike Hrvatske. Temeljem Odluke Ministarstvo pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture će provesti javni natječaj za dodjeljivanje prava i obveza obavljanja domaćeg linijskog zračnog prijevoza.
Izravne koristi novog programa su snažnija nacionalna integracija (posebice Slavonija, Istra, Kvarner i Dalmacija) te osiguranje međunarodne povezanosti svih regija preko Zagreba, te Splita i Dubrovnika. Neizravne koristi PSO programa su snažnija podrška gospodarstvu i posebno turizmu te društveni razvoj RH kao i stvaranje pretpostavki za kvalitetnije pozicioniranje pojedinih zračnih luka u njihovim područjima obuhvata.
Obveza se utvrđuje za razdoblje od četiri godine i to od 27. ožujka 2016. do 28. ožujka 2020. na linijama koje su subvencionirane i do sada: Dubrovnik – Zagreb – Dubrovnik, Split – Zagreb – Split, Zagreb – Zadar – Pula – Zadar – Zagreb, Osijek – Dubrovnik – Osijek, Osijek – Split – Osijek, te na novim linijama; Zagreb – Brač – Zagreb i to dva puta tjedno ljeti, Osijek – Zagreb – Osijek i to dva puta dnevno i tri puta tjedno cijelu godinu, Osijek – Pula – Split – Pula – Osijek i to dva puta tjedno cijelu godinu, Osijek – Rijeka – Osijek i to dva puta tjedno cijelu godinu i naposljetku Rijeka – Split – Dubrovnik – Split – Rijeka i to dva puta tjedno cijelu godinu.
Unaprjeđenom distribucijom frekvencija i podešavanjem minimalnih kapaciteta, osigurat će se veći broj letova u usporedbi s postojećim PSO programom i to bez povećanja kompenzacije razlike prihoda nad troškovima obavljanja domaćeg zračnog prometa.
Novine u novom PSO programu su uvođenje cjelogodišnjih dvostrukih povratnih rotacija iz Osijeka za Zagreb tijekom tri dana u tjednu uz smanjenje minimalnog kapaciteta zrakoplova, uvođenje cjelogodišnje veze između Osijeka, Pule i Splita dva puta tjedno te uvođenje cjelogodišnje veze dva puta tjedno između Osijeka i Rijeke. Osim toga uvodi se i cjelogodišnja veza dva puta tjedno između Rijeke, Splita i Dubrovnika a važno je naglasiti i uvođenje dodatnog povratnog leta između Zagreba i Brača u ljetnom redu letenja.
So who is paying for this ? Seems like Serbian taxpayers are not the only ones obliged to pay for the expensive hobby of keeping a national carrier flying ....
DeleteThese lines will probably be on board of Trade air which uses Brasilia 120 on domestic routes. However I hope Croatia will take over this route (or even better Trade air with a bigger plane) because Brasilia is usually fully booked and it is hard to find a seat, especially in June-July-August. I'm looking forward to new lines.
DeleteEU allows their member states to fund domestic routes, Anonymous 3:33 PM
DeleteThat doesn't mean the funding is appropriate.
DeleteIt would not be problem if Serbia gives money to Air Serbia to fly from Kraljevo and Niš to Belgrade as Croatia gives to Trade air to fly from Osijek and Rijeka to Zagreb. Serbia gives money directly to Air Serbia to fly from London to Belgrade. That is forbidden in EU. What Serbia taxpayers have from those kind of subsides? Nothing. People in Croatia get a lot from their government.
DeletePeople seem to forget when we had Jat, with a poor service, mass cancelation of flights, mass delays, old aircraft and an indifferent service.
DeleteSerbia for once has benefit from a national carrier which wasnt the case with Jat especially in its final years. Air Serbia may be loosing money for now, but i doubt as much as Jat was.
Air Serbia has raised the quality of air travel for Serbia, hired many new faces and continue to do so and contributes more to the Serbian economy than Jat Airways ever did.
Prices are high as aircraft fills. Air Serbia isnt a social service as mentioned. It isnt a right to fly, rather a choice, just as it is your choice to choose another carrier that suits your schedule and budget.
Considering what we had and the time frame of changes and improvements happening, im quite happy with what i see and look forward to more things coming soon.
Yet for many transfer passengers tickets seem to be the same or cheaper than for us, local passengers.
DeleteBeirut is the most perfect example.
Also, the situation for the employees is far from perfect, especially for the cabin crew. Way too many are leaving, it's not normal.
Deleteits a common thing to see transfer fares cheaper than direct. A quick search will show that.
crew situation was bad for a while in EK with a major paper (wall street journal) making even 2 articles of it. There was a crew shortage for several months in the economy cabin while around 100 were joining the company weekly. LH crew have had several strikes the past year or 2, AF isnt looking good and neither was OS. OU is another example where the have been crew dissatisfaction but it wasnt the appocalyse. Having said that, JU needs to review their policy towards their crew, it is demotivating. But hey, QR is by far the worst company i know, that has appauling attitude and behaviour to its crew, yet it is still growing.
Yeah but this is not normal, transfer fares to Beirut are at times 50% of the fare for the locals. It's crazy and plain stupid.
DeleteYes but you know yourself that the working conditions in AF and LH are nowhere close to those in JU and neither are the salaries.
As far as QR goes, at least they pay well.
It is completely normal and done all around the world, and it is something that airlines must do to remain competitive and make money.
DeleteCompare the prices of BEG to North America via Skyteam and Star, and you will notice that this route is significantly cheaper than flying out of CDG or MUC.
But I guess JU's fare structure and winter timetable are just the newest in a long list of fantasies of those whom wish Air Serbia's failure simply because of party affiliation or nationalism.
List of fantasies that have been claimed as the imminent demise of JU:
-Arabs only iterested in cheap agricultural land or arms industry
-Etihad will take JU's LHR slots
-Kicking foreign carriers out of BEG
-Delays in Airbus delivery
-Negative LF
-JU is bankrupting BEG
-Croatia not giving permits
-Nobody will fly BEG-TIA
Etc, etc I know I have forgot a lot of these conspiracies but whatever.
DeleteCroatia did make a problem with the permits so I don't see what you are going on about. That was a legitimate issue that was later on resolved (via diplomatic channels).
DeleteIt's not normal to sell BEG-BEY for €350 to €450 while your flight from AMS to BEG via BEG is around €200. This is crazy and I can't see how anyone can justify it. I guess it's because neither you or the clown above are flying out of Belgrade on a regular basis. Only a handful of routes are decently priced.
And people complained that the Jat tickets were overpriced back in the day. Just compare JP for example LJU-VIE and JU on BEG-VIE. Then consider what JP offers (nothing really, just seat) and what JU offers. Ticket prices follow supply and demand, look at how expensive for example AUH is atm because it is full. ATH as well.
DeleteAs for QR, they are the least payed of the ME3 and dont forget the living standard is much much higher compared to Serbia. JU crew get fairly decent wages for Serbian standards. Lets not forget that the JU crew do much much much less than that of the ME3 where you like to compare only salary. JU service is a walk in the park compared to that of the ME3, and Im speaking because I know not assume.
Lounge: check!
ReplyDeleteWi-fi: check!
Metal cutlery: check!
Online check in: check!
So when are we going to announce the flights for USA and Canada?
Leave it to INN to troll
DeleteThe prices are ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteThere are some west European routes with Ryanair that cost less than 13.90euros per flight.
The JU management must think that all ASL passengers are rich Arabs from the UAE...
FYI, prices are set by Panasonic who collect 100% of the revenue ... Air Serbia just provides the service .....
DeleteIf you don't like it, then don't use it ....
That is the deal ASL did with Panasonic. And it is a very bad deal for passengers.
DeleteNot all Air Serbia passengers are "poor" Serbs or "rich" Arabs .... Many are "rich' Europeans who will pay for the service if they want to use and can afford it ....
DeleteMoreover, for a "poor" country that you say Serbia is, i have seen more expensive cars on the roads in this country than i have in western European cities ....
So maybe it is just you who is too poor to pay for this service ... in that case, don't use it - simple
Rich Serbs fly on Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian Airlines, not Air Serbia.
DeletePanasonic collects all the revenue? Are you sure that's how it's done with all other customers?
DeleteAre they at least picking up the tab for installation, support, training, maintenance, media licensing, marketing etc?
"Rich Serbs fly on Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian Airlines, not Air Serbia."
DeleteNot true at all. I make something like 10x the average Serbian salary (so let's say upper-middle class by Serbian standards) and I switched all my travel from LH Group to Air Serbia earlier this year. Mostly because the value for money is much better and I was fed up with devaluations of Miles & More, probably the worst European frequent flyer programme at the moment, as well as LH's awful excuse for business class.
Don't make claims you can't substantiate.
Right, I bet you do. Stop lying and making things up.
DeleteAnon @ 5.14pm - there are various revenue share models that Panasonic pffers .... The one that Air Serbia opted for, provides the cheapest rates to the end customer. Had they have opted to share or keep some of the revenue, then it would have worked out more expensive for the end customer, simple as that.
DeleteUltimately, the model that one opts for, is a function of many factors, incl revenue share and then costs such as hardware, software and maintenance.
Purchasing 10 of these units is hardly going to give you leverage in negotiations as would purchasing 100 ....
As someone who was involved in the deal making - this was the best deal that Air Serbia could get. Infact, it would have been much worse without Etihad applying the pressure on Panasonic.
It's a good deal which now puts Air Serbia at the forefront of many airlines
Thanks, makes sense. I was hoping wifi would make a nice aux revenue stream, but just having it onboard is a tremendous advantage. Panasonic equipment is already in use on EY so I thought group procurement similar to Airbus deal would work here as well. I read somewhere that Etihad Partners are now 7th airline alliance in the world by size, and if technology refresh cycles are brought in sync across all partner airlines (not an easy task), it would allow for additional leverage in negotiations... I am stating an obvious now :-)
DeletePrices are not expensive at all. Lufthansa charged me 20 Euros from FRA to YYZ. I am super excited about WiFi service as I am often flying AirSrrbia BEG FRA. Great job guys. Thank you
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what is the bandwith of internet?
DeleteAnti-ASL haters had a couple of rough weeks and their hate is spiking with every good news from ASL. Online check in is major improvement, lounge looks awesome, Panasonic wifi is world standard and pricing is in line with others. I know it hurts but don't expect any empathy for your pain. If anything, pain is going to get even worse in the next year. Stop hating is your only way out.
ReplyDeleteThe only things missing is the announcements for flights to JFK, Chicago, Toronto and Montreal!
DeleteWashington, Boston and Miami should follow.
DeleteFinair is going to fly to Miami all year, why not Air Serbia?
Anti ASL ekipa je skroz ne inventivna danas.
DeleteToday's ASL on-time performance : BEG-MXP 3:00 late, BEG-BUD 1:30 late, SKP-BEG STA 4:10 PM, but still grounded at SKP.
Delete@8:04 Na 96 obavljenih letova u redovnom saobracaju danas, nije lose a?
DeleteIt's ok, we haters are going to enjoy the winter timetable. See you in about a month. ;)
Delete@10:31 svakako, samo uzivajte.
DeleteYou haters are going to hate ASL winter with better LF than before, better profits than before and transatlantic announcement.
DeleteAnon @ 8.04pm and 10.31pm - when is OU going to get wifi onboard as well as its own lounge ?
DeleteAnon 12:26am
DeleteNot sure why you keep bringing up OU when it is clear the the majority if not all the "air serbia haters" are from Serbia.
In a very shoot period of time, Air Serbia has really become competitive with their lounge, check in, and wifi. I must admit I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.
ReplyDeleteAlso something that I ams impressed with is how well they are doing their branding and graphic design, esspecially their printed materials. This is something really rare in our region because it seems most companies in Serbia hire high school students to create their materials.
You don't want to include Elevate into that.
DeleteDetaljan izveštaj o temi, ali samo na srpskom....
hejteri, I am sorry......
ReplyDeleteI found it interesting that there was a Swiftair flight between BEG and MAD today. It was operated by an Atr-72 and the flight lasted roughly 04 hours and 40 minutes!!
a frighter at Tehnika?
DeleteI suppose so otherwise I don't know if they could have made it all the way to Madrid (with loaded cargo).
DeleteI am not sure if it's Farnair or Swiftair that operate those cargo flights from Germany to Belgrade that continue onward to Sofia.
Ovo ludilo ne prestaje koliko su ljudi ljubomorni ali najmanje je Hr ili Bh koji pljuju 99,99 % su Srbi koji sami sebe pljuju to nigde jos u svetu nisam video .
ReplyDeleteI da je najgore treba govoriti dobro je .
"I da je najgore treba govoriti dobro je ."
Tako je, ludilo ne prestaje. Sve vise je patriJota da ne znaju ni maternji jezik.
DeleteUvodi se WiFi i u gradske autobuse, pa vreme je i za WiFly.
ReplyDeleteto i nije neko veliko dostognuce, ljudi traze jeftine letove i interesantne destinacije. A moram da primetim da Air Serbia i nije bash jeftin prevoznik, a za WiFi, snaci cu se i bez toga