Croatia Airlines converts order to A320neos

Croatia Airlines to expand fleet with four A320neos

Croatia Airlines has successfully renegotiated a 2008 order for four Airbus A319 aircraft with the European plane manufacturer. On September 18, the airline's A319 order was converted to four A320neo jets following almost a year of talks. Although the new aircraft were originally to be delivered by the end of 2013, the order was put on hold. The carrier put off the aircrafts' arrival due to its financial situation. The jets are now expected to be delivered to the carrier in 2021. Marie Caujolle from Airbus tells EX-YU Aviation News that four A320neos at list price amount to 424.8 million USD. However, Ms Caojolle adds that Airbus cannot disclose the exact value of its deal with Croatia Airlines, nor the exact delivery dates to the media. The initial order for four A319s was worth 175 million euros.

The A320neo aircraft are designed to operate quieter with lower operating costs. The single-aisle jet is fitted with engines which Airbus estimates will offer 15% fuel savings and emit 3.600 tonnes less carbon dioxide per aircraft each year. In May, the CEO of Croatia Airlines, Krešimir Kučko, said, “We are in discussions with Airbus regarding our order and I am very pleased that they have recognised the situation our company is in, as well as our demands. We are counting on and want to continue our cooperation with them. However, the delivery of these aircraft currently depends on a range of factors”. Qatar Airways will become the launch customer for the A320neo, with entry into commercial service planned by the end of the year. Airbus' test program has been hit by a string of delays. Within the region, Air Serbia currently has ten A320neos on order, for delivery from 2018 onwards.

Croatia Airlines will begin its fleet expansion next year when it plans to lease two Embraer E190 jets. Croatia Airlines is also expected to enter talks with Mitsubishi over the possible purchase of the Japanese manufacturer’s new twin-engine regional jet, the MRJ90, which has the capacity to seat ninety passengers. The cost-efficient aircraft will perform its maiden flight later this month, with deliveries to follow in 2017. “Our aim is to renew our fleet as soon as possible. We have given this serious consideration and could begin renewing our fleet this winter, with the addition of 100-seat jets”, Mr. Kučko said. He added, “It is part our medium-term strategy and its realization does not depend on a strategic partner. However, it will impact on the pace of the acquisitions”. Croatia Airlines currently has a fleet of twelve aircraft – two Airbus A320s, four A319s and six Bombardier Dash 8 Q400s. It often arranges short-term wetleases for additional aircraft during the summer months as a result of increased demand.


  1. Anonymous09:06

    Great news to start the day. Best of luck OU

  2. Anonymous09:13

    Good to see they are finally getting their act together with new planes.

  3. Purger09:34


    - A320neo je daleko bolji zrakoplov, štedljiviji i isplativiji (15% manja potrošnja, 8% manji operativni troškovi, manja buka, 10% manje NOx emisije, 900 km veći dolet, 20 putnika više što ukupno čini čak 20% manje goriva po sjedalu...)

    - A319 se gotovo uopće više ne naručuje (A319neo je neručeno tek 49 od ukupno 4307 primjeraka A320neo obitelji), tj. kompanije mahom naručuju A320 i A321, kupnja A319 za 5 godina i njegova eksploatacija idućih 20 godina bi rezultirala velikim gubicima u poslovanju (pogledajte samo primjer CRJ 200 Adrije koja ih se nikako nije mogla riješiti iako su donosili ogroman gubitak i uništili kompaniju, a zrakoplov je bio superisplativ u momentu kupovine)

    - zrakoplov će se lakše prodati jednog dana

    - konverzijom je isporuka prebačena na 2021. i CTN više neće plačati penale za odgodu isporuke A319 za koje nije bilo novaca (originalno su trebali biti isporučeni 2013.)

    - kada se A319 krenu zamjenjivati sa A320neo biti će stari 21 do 23 godine (prosječna starost im je sada 16,7 godina), A320 su prosječno stari 16 godina

    - Originalni A319 kataloški koštaju 336 milijuna EUR, A320neo koštaju 391,6 milijuna EUR, što je dodatnih 55,6 milijuna EUR

    U svakom slučaju ovu konverziju treba oduševljeno pozdraviti.

    Postojeća flota će do tada izdržati i neće biti ekstremno stara, taman na vrijeme da se krene mijenjati, A319 bi bio totalni promašaj za kompaniju, a A320neo će uštedama u ekplataciji u kratkom vremenu vratiti razliku u cijeni koštanja aviona.

    Konačno i nešto pametno od strane CTN-a.

    1. Anonymous10:56

      Very good analysis but please right in English.

    2. Anonymous10:59

      Pise kataloska cena. Kao sto i u clanku pise kataloska cena ali da Airbus nece da komentarise koja je konacna cena

    3. Purger11:11

      Airbus vrlo rijetko kada iznosi prave cijene, gotovo nikada (prije se time "pohvale" naručioci).

      Za samo 4 komada Croatia nije mogla dobiti neki veliki popust. Nešto malo je ušičarila na činjenici da već ima Airbuse, tj. da ovo nisu prvi koje je kupila, dakle mogli bi reči "popust na vjernost". Znači da cijene nisu bitno niže od kataloških.

  4. Anonymous10:00

    great news. Well done CTN

  5. Anonymous10:04

    Good luck, Croatia Airlines, finally some good news, looking forward to hearing some news about possible new routes in 2016!

  6. Anonymous10:05

    This move indicates imho that OU is thinking of a rather 110-120 seater instead of a 90-100-seater jet as a medium sized plane between the Dash and the then larger A320 fleet. Otherwise they would not have converted from the smaller 319 to 320 for all their four open orders.

  7. Anonymous10:46

    Bravo Croatia!

  8. Anonymous10:48

    Kome da verujem exYu ili Purgeru? 175 milijuna jura vs 336 milijuna jura. U prvom slucaju katastrofa za CTN u drugom ajde OK nece ni izdrzati do '21.

    1. Purger11:25

      Cijena koju je naveo ExYu sigurno nije kataloška cijena A319 u ovom momentu. Možda je to bila cijena kad su se isti naručivali tamo negdje 2008. iako mi je puno premala i za tadašnje cijene. A navodno su ti avioni puno preplačeni, tj. plačeni i više od tadašnje kataloške cijene.

      Večina izvora spominje katalošku cijenu od 84 milijuna EUR, Airbusova posljednja izlistana cijena (1.1.2015.) je 79,1 milijuna, no ona je 10 mjeseci kasnije siguno viša i konačno oni navode "prosječnu katalošku cijenu" što je "izgovor" za izlistavanje niže cijene od realne. Konačno više je za vjerovati neovisnim izvorima jer Airbus u svojim kataloškim cijenama "zaboravi" napisati niz prikrivenih troškova do isporuke.

    2. Anonymous11:27

      U clanku pise danasnja kataloska cena

      Marie Caujolle from Airbus tells EX-YU Aviation News that four A320neos at list price amount to 424.8 million USD.

    3. Purger11:48

      Marie Caujolle je managerica za odnose sa medijima u domeni A320neo, krizni management, Sredozemlje, SAD i Bliski Istok i svakako je relevantan izvor informacija.

      No, izlistana kataloška cijena A320neo na Airbusovim stranicama u ovom momentu je 94,75 milijuna EUR, što je u ovom momentu isto kao i 106,2 milijuna USD (1/4 od 424,8 milijuna USD).

      Neovisni izvori ističu cijenu od 97,3 do 98,1 millijun EUR. Ponovo naglašavam Airbusovo "friziranje" cijena.

    4. Anonymous12:32

      Cijena A319 koja se spominje nije kataloška nego ugovorena!Ista je 40%manja po zrakoplovu od cijene za iste zrakoplove iz prethodne nabave!!!Istina je da je A320 izvrstan zrakoplov i da je ovo jedini zrakoplov koji se kao tip ponovo pojavljuje o obnovljenij verziji,ali je i većeg kapaciteta od A319 i nije li Croatia prodala A320 i jednog poslal u rezalište'(vratila lesoru) govoreći o usklađenju kapacitete baš na uštrb ovog tipa!Promjena koncepta ili ugovaranje nečeg što će netko drugo rješavati!?!

    5. Purger12:44

      40% niža cijena od kataloške nije realna za 4 zrakoplova. Mislim da je to svima jasno, zar ne?

      Bojim se da je ovo bio način dodatne kupnje vremena, a da se ne plačaju penali Airbusu za konstantno prolongiranje isporuke, a po načelu "muko moja pređi na drugoga", tj. da će se za 6 godina time baviti netko drugi (kupac CTN-a ili neki drugi CEO).

    6. Anonymous13:29

      Bojim se da je došlo do nesporazuma,svjesno oli nesvjesno!Cijena o kojoj je bilo riječi je prema Airbus izvorima a iste nije demantirala Croatia bila ugovorena i konačna.nije riječ da je niža 40% od kataloške nego od iste plaćene za zrakoplove koji su u floti,otplaćeni i na kojima je izvšena ispravka knjigovodstvene vrijednosti,na čiji teret, zna se,pa prodaja ispod tako utvrđene knjigovodstvene vrijednosti.........

    7. Purger18:52

      Sorry, ali o čemu vi pričate? O starim zrakoplovima koji su sada u floti ili o novim zrakoplovima koje je CTN naručila 2008. godine i koji su trebali biti isporučeni 2013? Jer i ovaj članak i ja pričamo o ovim drugima...

    8. Anonymous12:52

      Nije mi jasno što ne razumijete?
      Cijena zrakoplova iz 2008 godine je UGOVORENA i iznosi 175 mio eura i NIJE kataloška,
      Ista cijena po zrakoplovu je 40% niža od cijene za iste tipove zrakoplova koji su ugovoreni 1998 godine,i nalaze se u floti Croatie.
      Deklarirana cijena po izvorima Airbusa za A320 neo je 424,8mio eura,ili 2,4 puta veća po jednomzrakoplovu ugovorenom 2008 god.
      ,istini za volju u dobrom dijelu nekomparabilnom sa zrakoplovom A319.
      No, svejedno,izgleda da se povijest ponavlja kad su ovakovi dispariteti u pitanju.
      Vrijeme je izgleda last minute shopinga sa svim popratnim manifestacijama istog.
      Kako je Airbus izvor naveo točnu ugovorenu cijenu zrakoplova iz 2008,a ne katalošku,moglo bi se predpostaviti da je i cijena A320 neo data na istom paritetu.
      Istina je da proizvođači nerado ili nikada ne govore o cijenama,ali daju vrijednosti ugovora ili ih je pak lako naći u statistikama i podacima kupaca,osim u dijelu kontribucija koji su sastavni dio svakog ugovora i u mnogomr mijenjaju ukupne iznose,naravno naniže!
      Valjda je sada svima ova vijest jasnija!?!

  9. Anonymous11:18

    E, da je bilo domace pameti, mogao je i Jat Airways na isti nacin da obnovi flotu i da ima 100% svoje nove avione, a ne 51%...

    1. Anonymous11:32

      Any info on what happened to the 23 or so million dollars paid before by JU?

    2. Anonymous12:00

      Jel to pricamo o onoj sjajnoj "domacoj pameti", visoko profitabilnoj kompaniji koja nam je ostavila par stotina miliona dolara duga?

    3. Anonymous12:08

      We are talking about the money paid before by Serbia for those A320's neos that "supposedly" go to Etihad, even if Serbia is the owner of 51% of everything that Air Serbia owns, be it debts or assets.

    4. Anonymous12:14

      Serbian government paid for A320's that are owned by Etihad?

    5. Anonymous17:07

      23 mil paid for the A319s were used for A320neo order. Both Croatia and Serbia A319 orders were made because of a political favor from France...

  10. Anonymous13:05

    OT - EY 777F at BEG today.

    1. Anonymous16:11

      Neverovatno koliki je rast LYBE sto se tice Kargo prometa .
      Mogu tek zamisliti koliko ce tek rast da skoci kad krenu letovi za JFK.

  11. Anonymous14:11

    Pa nece da proglase bankrot i rese se zaduzivanja. Proizvodjac BCSX takodje je u potrazi za kapitalom to nije sigurno nista.

  12. Дечко Тзар15:25

    OT: If Air Serbia gets Terminal 2 at Belgrade airport as some comments here indicate, Air Serbia can finance their terminal expansion or new terminal development using their own funds. Etihad group raised $700M recently and estimated $10-$15M is going to Air Serbia. Terminal ownership deal would also give Etihad 49% ownership of the Air Serbia Terminal, but probably not the rest of the airport. Would that work for EC regarding ownership issues and future investment in airport infrastructure? Will this step finally enable needed long term terminal growth at Belgrade airport?

    1. Anonymous16:51

      The problem is that if EY invests 15 mio $ in Air Serbia, Serbian government has to match this amount if they want to keep 51:49 ownership ratio. And if they don't keep this, then they'll have problems flying in EU.

    2. Anonymous17:12

      Bla bla bla I am so bored of these same and same comments on here. Give us a break from time to time. You are giving JU way too much credit, it's a struggling airline that is heavily reducing its winter timetable and that will surely not use those millions to invest in the airport when it will need them for operational reasons.

    3. Anonymous17:24

      And this amount of money is "pickin dim" for government of Serbia. One day. They make bigger loses every single day. We are in big debt because AV government they continued retarded economy of BT. 9.85 12.16 14.78 17.72 20.14 22.76 billions of dollars debt since 2008 when you are applauded demission of Kostunica. Plain retards.

    4. Anonymous17:52

      Yes, it's really tiring when people who are clearly not related to ASL come here and present the situation as it really isn't. The matter of fact is that JU is in a really bad place and there is still so much to be done. Some dreamers on here need to wake up.

    5. Anonymous18:31

      AnonymousOctober 6, 2015 at 4:51 PM

      True, but investing only 51% to get new terminal is much better than investing 100% to get the same thing, isn't it?

  13. JATBEGMEL19:05


    Remember that Air Serbia is still transitioning from Jat. Damage done during the Jat Airways years isnt something that is solved overnight. Lets not forget our friends in LH are constantly striking, AF staff a couple of days back stormed the HQ and assaulted management. EK has had issues with crew and QR have had bad PR with former staff speaking of poor work ethics etc, MH will massively retract and lay off staff and TG is not looking good. Grass is not always greener next door is all Im saying. Credit needs to be given where credit is due. Things today may not be ideal, but its not like JU hasnt been changing.

    As for the reductions. In 2014, JU had:
    * 12 new destinations (LJU, ZAG, BNX, PRG, VAR, AUH, OTP, SOF, WAW, BEY, TIA, BUD)
    * pax numbers grew by 68%
    * Increase in flights to: AMS, BRU, TLV, IST, SVO, CPH, ARN, TXL, DUS, ATH, SKG, SKP, LCA, MXP, FCO.
    * PRG, TIA and LJU increased since launch. OTP will increase soon, and SJJ with potential to do so. PRN is on the bucket list. DBV and SPU operate with more frequencies and bigger ac in the summer months - A320 wasnt uncommon in both.
    * Cargo tonnage rose by 67%.

    YU-APC is being fitted with wifi and next on the list is YU-APB. This will continue throughout the winter. If JU decided to launch JFK in March 2016, some adjustments need to be made. After all, CLF 80% is the target which they want to achieve and currently its around 70%. How drastic is it once again the reduction for winter?

    1. Anonymous22:54

      The thing you are missing from your post is that JU is still committing some major mistakes mostly when it comes to the people they hire. The situation is getting pretty bad. A lot of high quality people were either fired or left- even some who came all the way from aboard. In the end, only one person is to blame.

    2. JATBEGMEL23:10


      The same can be said for many companies world wide, however big or small.

      The situation cant get as bad as in 2012/2013 when roughly 50% of the fleet was grounded and the other 50% having reliability issues, RTF's, mid-season schedule cuts from a lack of ac or lack of planning. Saying that however, Air Serbia has plenty of room for improvement that nobody normal can doubt ie: the 1 year contracts and the 20 hour shifts.

    3. Anonymous23:11

      I pogotovu pojedince koje su primili treba da je sramota sto pljuju kompaniju koja im je dala sansu .

    4. Anonymous23:21

      JU stats for September : 276.500 passengers (+10% yoy), operations 1557 (+8%), average LF 77,2%, highest LF AMS 89,5%, ZRH 89% other routes AUH 69%, SKG 68%, VIE 72,5%, BNX 59%.

    5. Aэrologic23:35

      LF has improved considerably.

    6. Anonymous23:50

      Polako se dostize tih 80%
      Gde li su sad ljubomorni verovatno ce reci kako e ovo lazno .

    7. Anonymous23:53


      Trust me, as far as the employees go, quality people are leaving JU. People are not willing to tolerate the bad working conditions there. I am not talking about cabin crew, I am talking about HQ and ASGS. Only obedient morons will be left.

    8. Anonymous23:58

      Ako je JU imala 10% povečanja, a BEG tek 1,3% znači da su sve ostale kompanije imale vrlo veliko smanjenje!!!

    9. JATBEGMEL01:55


      remember, there were issues with charter flights, which have effected the numbers in BEG.

      As for JU bad working conditions, tell that to the thousands in QR. I agree things need to change and that itself isn't in question. Many arguments I have come across is not an argument in the first place and is something normal everywhere. I have said many times in this blog that 1 year contacts and the 20 hour shifts MUST change. The recent salary decrease is just more fuel to the fire, however still is above the Serbian average. In the ME3 they all complain about hours and pay, as well as conditions plus no union, no pension fund, regardless of other benefits. In the UAE and Qatar you can be jailed, fined and deported for striking, with a ban to return to any GCC country. Health care is of poor quality and plus no human factor. We can sit all day with a list or pro's and con's. As I said, is the grass greener on the other side?

      There has been a number of Serbs as well from the ME3 who have returned and work in JU. Every JU crew I have talked to who knows one of the ex ME3 crew say how they laugh at how easier it is in JU.

      I may talk more on crew than ASGS because I know better the crew. As for HQ, I know nothing however Im always interested to talk on it and learn more, once again the pro's and con's list.

    10. Anonymous02:06

      The situation at the HQ is the worst ... trust me. There is such a bad atmosphere and work environment to the point that no one feels like showing up to work and for that only the very top of the management can be thanked. I admit it takes a good manager to produce good results. It takes a much better manager to produce a good result while ensuring that his workers are also satisfied. Unfortunately, the management's outlook on all staff is that they are corrupted thieves. Trust me when I say that 90% of the workforce would chase the management the same way Air France workers were chasing theirs a few days ago.

    11. Anonymous02:43

      What happened with the new website? It was about to be launched then pulled-out.

    12. JATBEGMEL03:31


      Got a feeling it would be one great and long conversation over coffee :)

      In QR we see people literally escape QR on their layovers, going home only taking what they have in their suit case. Yet in Serbia QR is viewed as world class and amazing. EK who is the best of the ME3 had a big issue with a former Serbian staff, who went as far as creating an anti-EK blog - which had to be blocked in the UAE.

      I see both sides and see how there must be a lot of dust in the air transforming the company. It doesn't help that our government is influencing in any part, it is after all the one who put it on its knees in the first place. Vlaisavljevic placed as BEG CEO is a disaster. The politics on Serbian aviation showed its results in august with a drop in pax in a month that is always the best. I can only imagine what the atmosphere is like in JU HQ.

    13. Anonymous07:46

      I'm not surprised at the comments about the top management. JU's Head of Marketing was a notoriously bad worker with horrible performance reviews in one of his previous companies (where I work now). My colleagues were all shocked to learn his current position.

    14. Anonymous10:11


      A good friend of mine went to work as a QR steward. He said that the working conditions are not the best but the pay is good so he doesn't mind doing it for a few years until he puts some money aside. I think there is a reason why QR does it. They want their crew to be mostly young and good looking people so they keep only a few for the long run. The rest are there for maximum a decade and then it's over.

      As far as JU goes, people who want to work there want to stay for life. However, salaries are too low, a regional manager earns 50.000 per month which is nothing for the amount of work they do and in the work environment they are forced to work in. High skilled Serbs have joined JU, some of them even moving back from places like Switzerland and Germany only to leave a WEEK after starting work.

      I know most here will say that if they don't like it then they can leave. Guess what, they are doing it. The most competent people are leaving the airline. They might replace all the old jatovci (which is a good thing) but they are slowly replacing them with young and frustrated incompetent fools.

    15. Дечко Тзар14:47

      AnonymousOctober 7, 2015 at 2:06 AM

      > The situation at the HQ is the worst ... trust me.

      Oh, so you have seen it all and know where is the worst? How does that compare to corporate culture at other global airline HQs you worked for? Is it better at Air France? If you didn't work for them, did you at least work at HQ of large international companies during high pressure situations like mergers where no one goes home for the weekend? Did you at least work at Goldman Sachs as an intern before they put a ban limiting interns to only 7am-midnight hours? How does Air Serbia HQ compare to that? This is how it is in the real world if you want to be on top:

  14. Anonymous19:14

    some of the comments here regarding JU are hard to understand. How hard is it in a little under 2 yrs to undo 25 years of mismanagement and what exactly do people expect ? OU started with a clean slate and what have they achieved over the same period ?

    1. Anonymous00:01

      Clean start? War for 5 year, could not fly from Zagreb almost 1 year, from Dubrovnik, Zadar and Osijek for several years, even from Split and Pula for some months.

  15. Anonymous19:57

    What ASL have achieved is only because of the arabs. What we have done is by ourselves. Keep this in mind.

    Pozdrav iz Zagreba

    1. Anonymous20:49

      Keep in mind da vi niste uradili nista.

      Pozdrav iz prestonice.

    2. Anonymous21:35

      Sour grapes, sour grapes...

    3. Anonymous21:57

      Porudzbina se vodi preko EY zato sto oni imaju vece popuste kod Airbusa ali to obican Anonymous ne zna .
      Da CTN je profitabilan zahvaljujuci leaseback-u .
      ASL je profitabilan sto je dokazala Svetska Racunovodzstvena Agencija . .

    4. Anonymous23:52

      Ne nego se potvrdilo da si ti slagao citavo vreme kada si govorio da je preko 80%.

    5. Anonymous00:04

      Sto je CTN postigla? Pa nitko joj nije poklonio flotu od 30 aviona, slotove, imovinu, hangare kao što je to poklonjeno Air Serbiji (i preneseno kasnije na Air Serbiu, dobar dio tih aviona i dan danas lete za JU)...

      Ali svejedno je CTN:
      - nabavila modernu i novu flotu
      - otvorila zavidnu rutu linija
      - ušla u Star Alliance
      - potpisala vrlo kvalitetna code-share ugovore
      - vlasnik je dobrog dijela svoje flote (za razliku od ASL), hangare i zavidnu opremu
      - ima slotove na najvećim aerodromima

    6. Anonymous00:44

      I rvatska je u dugovima do guse, nema para ni da poruci tih 4 A319 te ih odlaze u nedogled... Podsecam te da ASL ima skoro tri puta vise jetova nego Kroacija.

    7. Anonymous07:49

      Dajte mi pokažite tu zavidnu OU rutu linija hahahah

    8. Anonymous10:04

      Zar nije Luftika dala prve B732? ;)

    9. Anonymous17:32

      Transformirali su postojecu firmu u Air Serbia, svi dugovi su ostali drzavi Srbiji, koje ce jos porezni obveznici tamo placati desetljecima. To je bio pravi monkey bussines ! A sad dali je to vredno kada se gleda malo sirije, to je opet materijal za filozofske rasprave. Jednako postaje onaj Beograd na vodi monkey bussines, kada se pogleda malo bolje ugovor... al dobro, jebiga na kraju Srbi ce sve isprodavat i postat virtualni Vilajet arapski, a toliko su se u historiji borili protiv balija i slicnih :D

    10. Anonymous18:27

      Tebi je sve vezano za Beograd monkey business.

  16. Anonymous09:15

    Pa obzirom da je CTN krenula od nule, a nije imala čak ni slotove na LHR, niti avione, pa ni običan hangar, što je sve JU dobila đaba ruta linija jest zavidna. Čak štoviše ZAG je (a što je i nedavna objava kompetentne institucije dokazala) daleko bolje povezan sa svijetom od Beograda. Beograd ima više linija, ali ima slabu povezanost, nema učestalih linija koje povezuju sve konekcije i valove niti sa jednim ozbiljnim hubom.

    Za razliku od toga CTN ima povezanost u slijedećim hubovima sa svim valovima

    - 5 dnevnih letova prema VIE iz ZAG + 1 dnevni let iz DBV i 1 iz SPU (to je 7 dnevnih polazaka)
    - 4 dnevna leta prema MUC iz ZAG + 9 iz DBV, 1 iz PUY, 3 iz RJK, 17 iz SPU i 3 iz ZAD (ukupno 60 tjednih letova ili skoro 9 dnevno)
    - 4 dnevna leta prema FRA iz ZAG + 11 tjednih letova iz DBV, 11 tjednih iz SPU, 2 tjedna iz ZAD i 2 tjedna iz PUY (to je tjedno 54 leta ili 8 dnevnih letova)
    - 3 dnevna leta prema ZRH iz ZAG + 5 iz DBV i 4 iz SPU (iliti 30 tjednih letova, što je više nego 4 dnevno)
    - 3 dnevna leta prema BRU iz ZAG (manje vikendima)

    CTN povezuje svakodnevno Hrvatsku sa:
    - 1 dnevnim letom za AMS iz ZAG + 2 tjedna leta iz DBV i PUY
    - 1 dnevni let za CPH iz ZAG
    - 2 dnevna leta za IST iz ZAG
    - 9 tjednih letova za LHR iz ZAG + 2 za LGW iz ZAG, 2 za LGW iz SPU i 1 za LHR iz SPU
    2 dnevna leta za CDG iz ZAG + 4 iz DBV i 3 iz SPU
    - 1 dnevni let za FCO iz ZAG via SPU + 2 iz DBV
    - 2 dnevna leta za SJJ
    - 1 dnevni let za SKP iz ZAG + 1 tjedni iz SPU

    Uz to ima letove za neke destinacije
    - 3 tjedna leta za ATH iz ZAG via DBV + 1 iz SPU
    - 3 tjedna leta za BCN iz ZAG
    - 3 tjedna leta za BEG iz SPU
    - 1 tjedni let za BWK iz ZAG
    - 2 tjedna leta za DUS iz SPU + 1 iz DBV
    - 4 tjedna leta za LIS iz ZAG
    - 1 tjedni let za LYS iz SPU
    - 2 tjedna leta za NCE iz DBV
    - 2 tjedna leta iz PRN za ZAG
    - 2 tjedna leta za TLV iz ZAG
    - 2 tjedna leta za VCE iz ZAG

    Domace linije
    - DBV-ZAG 5 dnevnih polazaka u prosjeku
    - SPU-ZAG 5 dnevnih polazaka u prosjeku
    - OSI-ZAG 1 dnevni polazak
    - ZAD-ZAG 2 dnevna polaska
    - PUY-ZAG 2 dnevna polaska
    - BWK-ZAG 1 tjedni polazak
    - nekoliko letova koji nisu za ZAG kao što su OSI-DBV, OSI-SPU, PUY-ZAD, DBV-SPU, RJK-ZAG, RJK-SPU...

    Malo li je za kompaniju koja je nastala u ratu bez ičega????

    1. Anonymous10:03

      Nisu rekli da je Zagreb bolje povezan od Beograda vec Hrvatska od Srbije. To je primarno zbog letnjih carter letova iz svakog evropskog sela.


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