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Zagreb Airport's new terminal takes shape |
The construction of Zagreb Airport's new passenger terminal has intensified with the multi million euro facility expected to be enclosed by the end of the year, as work on the glass facade nears its completion. Simultaneously, the interior fit-out is also underway, while the main contractor, Bouygues Bâtiment International, has begun with the acquisition of technical equipment for the new terminal. Recently, two eleven tonne generators, which will power up the building, were purchased from a Croatian-based company, while the Spanish ADELTE has been commissioned to manufacture eight air bridges and the French-based ALSTEF will design and install a new baggage handling system at the airport. Meanwhile, Aelia Duty Free has confirmed it will open a large 600 square metre store inside the new facility in two years. “It is the next step in leveraging our partnership with Aéroports de Paris, which is also part of the airport consortium. It makes sense for us and for them, and it underlines the strength of that partnership”, Aelia CEO, Ambroise Fondeur, says. IMAT Mobiliario y Diseño has been awarded the production and installation of passenger seats at the new boarding areas. Master Net, a combination of four and five seaters, has been selected for Zagreb.
Permits for the terminal’s use should be issued by the end of 2016, following the commissioning phase, where all the equipment systems needed to operate the entire building are put through a series of rigorous testing procedures before it can be occupied. Some 1.000 construction workers are on site both day and night. The Managing Director of Zagreb Airport, Bruno Mazurkiewicz, recently said, “The construction of the new terminal building is a major investment, which will contribute not only to an increase in air traffic but also to the economy in general. I believe Zagreb Airport will become one of the most important hubs in this part of Europe”.
Zagreb Airport’s new terminal will have the capacity to handle 5.5 million passengers per year, compared to the current 2.2 million, once the first phase of the project is completed. The airport will later be expanded in subsequent phases to reach an annual capacity of eight million passengers, though no firm timeframe has been set for future development. The project involves a total investment of 331 million euros, 243 million of which will be spent on the construction of the new terminal and 88 million for the maintenance of airport infrastructure over the entire period of the thirty-year concession, awarded to the French-led Zagreb Airport International Company (ZAIC). The consortium is made up of Aéroports de Paris Management 20.77%, Bouygues Bâtiment International 20.77%, the Marguerite Fund 20.77%, International Finance Corporation 17.58%, TAV Airports 15.0% and Viadukt 5.11%.

Wow looks very impressive!
ReplyDeleteI just looked at the type of seats they bought that's listed in the article and it's awful. It's the hard metal seats without any cushioning. Good luck sitting or sleeping on that.
ReplyDeleteA šta bi ti? Futrovana i tapacirana sedala sa penom da se prilagodi tvojoj kičmi? Nemoj da pričaš gluposti, skoro na svakom novijem aerodromu su sedala na istu šemu, sve metalna.
DeleteActually most world airports have cushioned seating, especially those that are major transit hubs so people who have to spend a few hours at the airport don't sleep on cold metal. No offence, I just looked at the model on their website. As you can see, their other seat models have cushioning. I presume these are the cheapest as they are simply metal.
DeleteOther than that the new terminal looks fantastic. Great work.
600 sq m duty free? That's huge
ReplyDeleteDa li će novi terminal imati neku vrstu terase za posetioce aerodroma i za one koji ispraćaju/dočekuju putnike nešto kao u Frankfurtu, na to mislim. Jedva čekam da vidim kako će srediti unutrašnjost, u spoljašnjost sam se već zaljubio :-)
ReplyDeleteizgleda da ne
DeleteThat is very impressive!
ReplyDeleteBravo Croatia! By far the best airport terminals in the Balkans!
ReplyDeleteDa li mozemo da prestanemo sa prepucavanjima? Normalno je da onaj koji poslednji gradi dobije najmoderniji terminal. Onaj ko bude gradio posle Zagreba imace najmoderniji terminal i to je tako normalno. Sta ocekujete sada - da neko gradi po standardima i estetici iz 60-tih? Radujem se zbog Zagreba i svih ostalih novih terminala i kompanija u Jugoslaviji. Sadasnji zagrebacki terminal je bio nedostojan glavnog grada jedne Evropske drzave i zato ZAG dobija moderan terminal. Uskoro ce Tivat, pa BEG, SPU i tako redom.
DeleteWhen is BEG getting a new terminal? Are there any real, concrete plans about it or just talk by politicians and their parrots?
DeleteThere are plans to begin extending terminal 2 in December which is by size as big as some airport terminals. There are constant upgrades to the airport. Currently the checkin area is being extended and the second phase of T1 overhaul should begin.
DeleteAnon 11:05 where are those plans?
DeleteAre they published somewhere?
Are there any renderings?
Nothing has been shown, no schedule has been announced or budget.
Just talk.
Yes. There are renders, schedule and budget
Great, thank you Anon 11:11!
DeleteAnd here is more on the entire project.
Last two years at Belgrade airport are painful example of poor planning, slow decision making and lack of vision. Delayed and modified expansion project and upgrades, even if they get completed, are only temporary fixes. Privatisation or concession consultant was announced a yaer ago and nothing happened, just another repeated announcement. Interested foreign parties had two years to work out a deal with the government and they didn't. Airports of Serbia project was another major announcement that ended in colossal failure. Still no firm plans and dates for new terminal, let alone cargo expansion, second runway, hotel etc.
ReplyDeleteHave a look at the forum for an analysis of weekly available seats from Sarajevo Airport, sorted by airline as well as by destination!
wow this turned out great. Can't wait to see what they do with the interior.
ReplyDeleteThe original plan had a 15 meter water fall in a rain forest themed interior, kind of like one big green house.
DeleteLet's hope OU gets its act together so this terminal doesn't go to waste.
ReplyDeleteOT: Split in September 288 038pax, up 18,2%...really above all predictions..
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean that in September they outperformed Zagreb?
Deletethe busiest month in Zagreb this year was August (284000pax)...so yes, they outperformed Zagreb...
DeleteLooking at the number of flights in October, I think we might see another 15% plus month at Split.
DeleteNext summer is going to be chaotic at Split, they really need to get the terminal expansion underway ASAP!
in SPU there will be over 1,95 M pax in 2015
DeleteOh wow... good job Split! I am so excited that my home airport is performing wonderfully!
DeleteI just hope we see more flights during the slow winter months.
I hope that in two years we can become number one in the country!!!! :)
Looking good!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has downloaded windows 10 then they can see the updated google earth image of the terminal. Also, for anyone that's interested you can also see the new military ramp as well as the refurbished air force facilities to the south of the new terminal.
There was an anonymous who a few weeks back said he was going to get a tour of the new terminal. If so, a report would be great!
ZAG i bez dobre nacionalne Aviokompanije pravi Terminal steta sto se u BEG malo odugovlaci ali to ce biti brzo reseno.
Znam za Aviomostove ali samo hocu reci novo je novo a i ovaj trenutni usporava brzi razvoj ASL .
DeleteSortirnica je preko potrebna da da nebi vise kukali ovi sto ga sortiraju .
ne odugovlaci se, vec se planovi redefinisu u potpuno novom pravcu - trebao bi to znati, ako se ne predstavljas lazno. bez uvrede
DeleteSta tacno mislite ko sam ja kad kazete da se poredstavljam lazno ?
predstavljas se kao dobar poznavalac prilika u ANT i ASL. gomila kako ti kazes ljubomornih neznalica kaze da te je stvarnost demantovala. ja ne spadam u tu kategoriju, samo mi nije jasno da su aktuelnosti na BEG za tebe potpuna novost, i dalje bez zelje da uvredim.
DeleteMozda ja to znam ali pokusavam da to malo sminkam .
DeleteMoj moto nije kao vas Sve tudje je bolje kod mene je moje je najbolje pa i ako ne valja.
OT: LJU September:
ReplyDelete157,508 PAX
10.1 % PAX growth
10.6 % cargo growth
14.6 % movement growth
Y2Y growth:
1,135,578 PAX jan-sep
10.8 PAX growth
1.9 % cargo growth
4.1 % movements growth
It is going to be close to 1,5 mio PAX in LJU this year
DeleteJel zna neko kad dolazi A350-900 od AY u LJU?
Zašto bi došao u LJU?
DeleteZato sto na pocetku obilaze sve destinacije gde lete prvi let je bio za AMS i imace letove za ostale svoje Evropske destinacije ali kako vidim LJU nije planiran.
Novi terminal u Zagrebi izgledo impresivno, moderno i prekrasno, svaka čast za novi terminal!!!
ReplyDeleteBravo, Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Sofia. Hope to see our capitals connected some day!
They already are - via Belgrade.
DeleteWe want a direct flight.