Belgrade Airport revises growth forecast

Belgrade Airport halves expected growth rate for 2015

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has revised its growth forecast for 2015 and is now expected to handle between 4.8 and 4.9 million passengers by year's end. While the figure represents its busiest year on record, the growth rate has been halved compared to the management's initial estimates. "This year we will record growth of up to 5%, between 4.8 and 4.9 million passengers", the airport's Managing Director, Saša Vlaisavljević, says. Earlier this year, Mr Vlaisavljević predicated the airport would see 10% growth in 2015. The airport has been affected by a decline in the number of flights operated by foreign carriers over the past few months, although there were still more aircraft movements during the January - October period compared to the same time last year.

Belgrade Airport saw its passenger numbers decline in October. It welcomed 401.542 travellers through its doors, a decrease of 1.3% compared to the same month last year. Furthermore, the airport registered a reduction in the number of operated flights during the month, with 4.870 take-offs and landings, down from 4.908 in October 2014, or a decline of 0.8%. Overall, this year, Nikola Tesla Airport handled 4.169.970 passengers, an increase of 4.3%. During the month, the airport handled its four-millionth traveller over two weeks ahead of last year. While flight operations declined in October, the airport managed to record over 50.000 aircraft movements within a ten month period for the first time in its history. It has now registered 50.489 operations, up 1.4% on 2014. At the same time, the amount of processed commercial freight doubled to 1.192.905 kg.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN308.381 13.8
FEB264.816 14.1
MAR315.283 11.6
APR381.401 3.6
MAY406.121 5.8
JUN461.490 2.3
JUL564.629 4.6
AUG574.654 0.3
SEP491.656 1.3
OCT401.542 1.3

Despite some negative trends over the past few months, Mr Vlasisavljević, who previously managed Jat Airways, says the airport will see record profit this year. "We will record profit of over 23 million euros, which, together with 2014, is a new record", Mr Vlaisavljević notes. The airport expects that the introduction of transatlantic flights will help fuel growth in 2016. As this year comes to a close, monthly figures at the former Yugoslavia's busiest airport are expected to continue to record negative growth since foreign carriers have reduced their operations to the Serbian capital and Air Serbia has scaled back its network this winter season.

Belgrade Airport plans to install five auto bag drop kiosks

Meanwhile, Belgrade plans to purchase five automated baggage drop-off kiosks next year, becoming the first EX-YU airport to offer the service. The self service product allows passengers to check-in their baggage within seconds. The new kiosks will be located in the expanded check-in area at the airport, which will also include an additional seven traditional check-in desks. The airport is overhauling 700 square metres of space for the extended check-in area. A tender to select a contractor to adapt the area closes in February 2016. Belgrade Airport embarked on a forty million euro expansion and overhaul project this year with the aim to increase capacity by 35%.


  1. Beograd na Vodi09:02

    Eto sad!

    1. Anonymous09:26

      hehe.. sada i uvek, BEG u rekordnoj godini. Čestitam!

    2. Anonymous09:37

      Belgrade 2m population. Nikola Tesla airport 5m passengers.

      Budapest 2m population. Ferenc Liszt airport 10 million passengers.

    3. Anonymous15:46

      Budapest is not part of Ex Yu region, why bring it up here? Atlanta pop: 5 million. Atlanta airport: 95 million passengers. Please don't bring Budapest into comparison any more.

    4. Anonymous18:52

      Atlanta is not a city on the Danube a couple of hundred kms from Belgrade. Budapest offers a more worthwhile comparison with Belgrade and what Serbia's capital should aspire to. It also falls very much within the region.

    5. Anonymous19:15

      Not EX YU region, this site covers only ex yu. Belgrade should not limit itself to aspire to be like BUD when they could aspire to one day be much better than BUD.

    6. Anonymous09:57

      No. They need to learn from the Hungarians and improve but the important point is that when it comes to statistics these two cities are very similar in terms of population and geography. A city of 2m people on the Danube should be compared with the other 2m city on Danube and they should ask why one of them gets twice the traffic of the other. It is pointless comparing Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport traffic with that of Ljubljana, for example.

  2. Anonymous09:22

    Are they going to automate all baggage handling (sortirnica) like new Zagreb airport?

    1. Anonymous18:01

      nope, that would require digging underneath he current terminal, adding whole new underground floor size of the terminal and than installing the equipment, $60-70 million, or adding additional floor and re-arranging ground and 1st floor, that would cost additional $40 million, in both cases job would take ages to complete and shut down the entire airport terminal for foreseeable time, perhaps smaller terminal could be used to handle traffic but could cause sever delays and congestion.

      Once completed new Zagreb airport terminal will be best equipped and most capable to handle large volumes of traffic in the entire ex-Yu region, there are plans for fast track check in/E passport and passport processing for EU passport holders, which speeds up passport processing really fast,

      And few other bits to handle large volumes of traffic.

      Not sure if Belgrade airport has any plans for e-passport check ins yet, so far only major airports in the EU have it, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, London all 4 airports, Madrid, Barcelona ,Amsterdam and all the major Scandinavian airports.

    2. Anonymous22:05

      Prestani sa svojim majmunskim lupetanjma gluposti, da si ikada bio na Hitrou znao bi da su sortirnice prtljaga iznad nivoa zemlje

  3. Anonymous09:26

    This was predicted by many forum members. We were named as haters, trolls and similar. But it was clear and the decline will go on, due to the exodus of foreign carriers. The winter schedules is lower in volume than last year, so the decline will be sharper. The reason is the protective policy of the Serbian government towards Air Serbia and agaings all other carriers. At the end it's the taxpayers money that is being wasted, not Mr. Hogans.

    1. Anonymous10:45

      What you and other haters "predicted" was total doom and gloom, whereas we see a 1% decline.

      Even more important, BEG's results are still way above any numbers that would have been achieved without Air Serbia. But your desperation for any given reduction or negative trend is so strong that it beats out any sense for reality.

    2. Anonymous14:32

      By the end of the year the raise will be around 2.5%. Everything was predicted, but the ASL lovers accuesed us of being trolls.

    3. Anonymous16:31

      You and your brethren are not trolls because you predicted such growth. You are trolls, haters and politicians because you interpreted such growth as some kind of an ultimate disaster that would have never occurred if it wasn't for ASL. That is the tiny difference between an objective poster and a troll.

  4. Anonymous09:43

    Area for bag drop machines has been blocked off and covered in tarp weeks ago but tender now closes in Feb. Four month additional delay means something went wrong. And no word on big C concourse extension project that was supposed to start next month, weird.

  5. Anonymous09:58

    Kada CEO podbaci u proceni rezultata za 50% to samo govori da apsolutno ne zna svoj posao, ne prati trendove i stanje u svojoj industriji.

    1. Anonymous10:00

      +1 tako je podbacivao i dok je bio direktor Jata.

    2. Anonymous10:14

      Who could predict ban for so many charter flights and such a decrease of Air Serbia flights this winter ?

    3. Anonymous11:35

      @Anon 10:14
      Anyone with the slightest contact with those airlines.
      He made these comments at the beginning of the year when all airlines have already published their timetables for the summer season.
      And from April we can clearly observe the great reduction in the rate of growth compared with the first quarter.

    4. Anonymous12:38

      Some smart people also predicted that BEG could not forever grow 20% each month and at some point its growth will go back to <5%, then at some point it would boost again if ASL expands again, then it would go back to <5% again, and so on.

      Those same people predicted that the very moment BEG's growth slows down or halts, armies of haters will invade this blog from all directions to triumph on it. DOOM, MASSIVE REDUCTIONS, ALL FLIGHTS DELAYED, LOW LF, WINTER IS COMING...

      We know all these chants by heart. And we know they make you so happy. And it is good that you can have organic happiness because good medications are not easy to get these days. The greatest thing of all is that Air Serbia makes everyone happy, some when it grows and some when it shrinks. But everyone gets happy at the end.

  6. Anonymous10:00

    Pa i ovo su odlicni rezultati, samo u Avg i Oct zabelezen je mali pad na nivou statisticke greske. Generalno rast od 5% na godisnjem nivou je dobar uspeh. Sto se tice stranih prevoznika dobro su zasrupljeni ima ih 14 i obavljaju oko 50% letova

  7. Anonymous10:19

    U novembru i decembru će da bude bar 50 hiljada putnika manje zbog rezanja 62 frekvencije sedmično, što je oko 550 letova mesečno manje. Znači da će da bude tek oko 600.000 putnika na ovu brojku, a to znači da 4,8 do 4,9 miliona nije realno. Znači još manje od 5 odsto povečanja, a jako daleko od procene od 10 odsto.

    U januaru, februaru i martu će te brojke da budu još lošije.

    Direktor pokušava sada da prikaže sve lepo i upravo zato i jest sada prezentovana ova statistika, da se unapred zamaskira loš rezultat koji će da sledi. Što ne napravi pres konferenciju na početku godine za 2015. kao i svi, pa da vidiš bruke? Što sada iznosi podatke a godina još nije pri kraju.

    A što se tiče automatskog čekina super, samo nešto se mnogo odgađa i izdradnja novih gejtova na c konkursu, a i ovaj tender. Ne verujem dok ne vidim.

    1. Anonymous10:21

      Pocastvovan sto imamo tako brine komsije <3

    2. Anonymous10:30

      Zanimljivo da ovaj Anon cita CAF i Purgera. Posto znate kakav je doticni sa elementarnom matematikom, za pocetak ovih 50.000 podelite sa dva.

    3. Anonymous11:39

      Anonymous November 4, 2015 at 10:19 AM

    4. Anonymous12:54

      Hehehe... 600.000.. kako dodje do ovog broja majke ti...

    5. Purger13:01

      Još jednom molim da mi ne stavljate u usta riječi koje nisam napisao. To dal me netko čita ili ne na drugim blogovima ja niti znam niti me se tiće. Pa na koncu, i vi me čitate, ako ste primjetili da su neke brojke napisane, pa zisigurno to čine i drugi.

      Napisao sam na CAF-u da bi se moglo desiti da pad bude 55.000 mjesečno (a ne 50.000) jednostavnom računicom,

      62 tjedne frekvencije manje = 124 tjedna leta manje
      124 leta x 4,5 tjedana u mjesecu = 558 letova mjesečno
      558 x 100 putnika po letu = 55.800 putnika.

      No, tu treba uzeti u obzir i neke druge faktore
      + smenjenje frekvencija u nekim slučajevima znači bolji LF, što znači više putnika po jedinici prijevoza, pa samim time manje letova ne znači i jednak broj putnika manje

      + za očekivati je da neke firme pošalju i veće avione od planiranih zbog povečanog pritiska na smanjeni broj letova

      + za očekivati je i reakcija ostalih prijevoznika na ogromno smenjenje Air Serbije, pa me ne bi čudilo povečanje kapaciteta, pa čak i frekvencija u kasnijim mjesecima zimske sezone.

      + Air Serbia je i prošle godine otkazivala letove i time smanjila broj frekvencija, što znači da realno smanjenje neće biti baš toliko veliko

      - manja frekvencija letova znači i manji broj prihvatljivih konekcija te putnike koji se odlučuju na konekcije preko drugih aerodroma

      - manja frekvencija u nekim slučajevi znači odluku potencijalnog putnika za korištenje alternativnog aerodroma ili vida prijevoza (automobil, vlak, autobus) jer mu ponuđeni dani ne odgovaraju

      - isto znači i manje turista koji su podosta razmaženi i traže određene frekvencije ili biraju druge destinacije

      Dakle, matematika ne može biti toliko jednostavna. Smanjenja će sigrno biti no nitko ozbiljan ne bi se smio nasanjkati na procjenu konkretnih brojki. A i da će se baš obistiniti najpesimističnija brojka od 55.000 putnika, sigurno da neće.

    6. Anonymous17:16

      Dear Purger, first of all you have to concede that the decrease of weekly frequencies is 35, not 62. This is correct figure without any doubt.

    7. Purger18:58

      35 is Air Serbia decrease and you have to put 27 frequencies of other airlines that have decrease this winter (34 decrease and +7 increase = -27 in total).

    8. Anonymous19:18

      No, the figure of 35 Air Serbia fewer flights per week is false. If somebody is claiming that than it is a lie. Right figure is somewhere between 20 and 21 flights fewer compared to last winter, of course on average.

    9. Purger23:08

      So, exYu Aviation was teling us lie?

  8. Anonymous10:44

    Врло занимљиво читати чланак и присећати се коментара "5-5,5 милиона! Како ће аеродром то поднети?! Раст од 20% месечно!" итд... :)

    1. Anonymous10:49

      Znas kakvi su genijalni prognozeri na ovom blogu. Najjaci su likovi koji rade na njemu i ostavljaju kometare o zoni gde ce se raditi automatski prijem.

    2. Anonymous11:40


    3. Anonymous18:16

      INN-SNS Fail

    4. Anonymous22:07

      Hehe, ali cemu se raduju osobe poput vas? Ovo je nova istorijska godina za BEG. Loše?

  9. Anonymous10:51

    Who reckoned 62 fewer weekly frequencies ? It's wrong datum. During winter Air Serbia will have not more than 20 fewer weekly frequencies compared to last winter, all depends on weather conditions. Other carriers will have not more than 15 fewer weekly frequencies.

    1. Anonymous11:14

      Прошле године у Новембру је забележено у просеку 72 полетања дневно. Ова четири дана Новембра не бележе више од 57-8 полетања дневно, што чини разлику од просечно 14 до 15 летова мање у односу на прошлу годину што је око 100 летова недељно мање него прошлог Новембра. Е сад, можда по твојој статистици лете и неки стелтови, не знам, навикли смо на свакојаке измишљотине од актуелног диктатора, па не би било чудно да тако буде и овај пут

    2. Anonymous12:13

      @11:14 evo i ja sam bio malo dokon pa zbrojio:
      Juce odlaznih: 65, dolaznih 62
      Danas odlaznih 61, dolaznih 59
      Sutra odlaznih 65, dolaznih 62

      Tako prijatelju, sta da ti kazem, kratki su ti prsti...

    3. Anonymous12:23

      Пријатељу, бројимо путничке авионе.

      То што дилетанти са БЕГ-а стављају и карго авионе међу путничке је да би се створила илузија разноврсности, тако да преброј понови и прескочи теретне. 56 одлазних и 1 отказан

    4. Anonymous12:29

      Ja koliko znam Avion je Avion i nigde se ne odvajaju to samo kod pojedinaca izgleda ima.

    5. Anonymous12:30

      Pa šta ako ih je 56? Jel to neki loš rezultat? Koliko bi ih bilo da nema Er Srbije i da je Jat otišao u večna lovišta? Shvatite ljudi već jednom da vesti na ovom blogu ne služe da biste vi na njima istresali frustracije nad ovim ili onim političarem. Dozlaboga je odvratno to političarenje sa kojim započinjete i završavate svaki bogovetni dan. Neopisivo smarate i užasno ste dosadni.

    6. Anonymous12:50

      The above-mentioned figure of 35 fewer regular passenger flights per week is absolutely reliable and correct. Not more and not less. And, yes, there are much more cargo flights compared to last winter.

    7. Anonymous13:00

      Новембра 2013 их је било 60 до 65, Новембра 2014 их је било 70 до 74, а Новембра 2015 55 до 60.

      То није лош него поражавајући резултат

      @ ИНН Унуче бабино, упишанко мамин и татин, карго авион превози кромпире, пиштоље и што шта друго, а путничи авион људе. Ове две категорије су раздвојене у статистици.

      Једном када седнеш у авион немој се зачудити када крај себе на другом седиштву видиш човека

    8. Anonymous13:07

      -3 TAP, Lisabon, cancel route
      -5 BH Airlines, Sarajevo, cancel route
      -3 easyJet, Milano, cancel route
      -2 Swiss, Geneva, cancel route
      -2 Swiss, Zurich
      -3 Alitalia, Rome
      -7 Lufthansa, Frankfurt
      -7 Lufthansa, Munich
      -2 Aegean, Athens (bigger plane but less frequencies)
      -35 Air Serbia
      = -69 flights per week

      More flights than last winter:

      +1 Norwegian, Stockholm
      +1 Pegasus, Istanbul
      +1 Wizz, Eidhoven
      +1 Wizz, Gothenburg
      +3 Qatar, Doha
      = +7 flights per week

      So it is -62 flights per week!!!

    9. Anonymous13:08

      Vi ste mene nasli da ucite =D sta koji avion prevozi da i malo shvatate ironiju bilo bi odlicno .
      Koliko se meni cini vi ste izgleda upisanko posto ni jedan Aerodrom ih ne odvaja .

    10. Sačuvaj me bože INN-NS13:11

      Sinko svi aerodromi ih odvajaju, a gotovo ni jedan ih ne stavlja u svoje redove letenja koje objavljuje na netu.

    11. Anonymous14:38

      Ozbiljno znaci onda su u VIE ludi a vi ocigledno ne znate ni sta komentarisete.
      Uzletanje i sletanje se racuna nema veze dali je to Kargo ili Putnicki Avion .

    12. Anonymous16:21

      @1:00 Porazavajući?! 2015 ce biti u najgorem slucaju kao rekordna u istoriji 2014 o cemu pricate?! Cak ni pad od 10% u zimskoj sezoni nece se odraziti bitnije na celu godinu, kako ovu tako i sledecu.

    13. Anonymous21:56

      Zasto exYu ne brise majmune koje pisu o kargu gluposti i provociraju inn nsa. Kargo se prenosi i specijalizovanim i redovnim linijama.

    14. Anonymous23:11

      Cargo ulazi u broj operacija to nitko ne spori, ali sigurno se ne računa u broj putnika, a mi smo ovdje govorili o samnjenom broju putnika temeljenom na broju otkazanih letova.

      Dajte, da se ne ponašamo ko mala djeca!

    15. Anonymous09:09

      Samo lupetate osim Lisabona koji je otpao zbog slabe traznje sve ostale linije su pokrivene na ovom stepenu ekonomskog razvoja nece ljudi ici autobusom ili otkazivati putovanje ako moraju da idu jutarnjim umesto vecernjim letom npr. Zato prestanite da se ponasate kao retardirana deca.

  10. Anonymous11:51

    It would be nice if we could get a breakdown by airline of the difference in the number of flights this winter season compared with last season to see who are reducing and who are keeping stable their number of frequencies.

    1. Anonymous13:08

      -3 TAP, Lisabon, cancel route
      -5 BH Airlines, Sarajevo, cancel route
      -3 easyJet, Milano, cancel route
      -2 Swiss, Geneva, cancel route
      -2 Swiss, Zurich
      -3 Alitalia, Rome
      -7 Lufthansa, Frankfurt
      -7 Lufthansa, Munich
      -2 Aegean, Athens (bigger plane but less frequencies)
      -35 Air Serbia
      = -69 flights per week

      More flights than last winter:

      +1 Norwegian, Stockholm
      +1 Pegasus, Istanbul
      +1 Wizz, Eidhoven
      +1 Wizz, Gothenburg
      +3 Qatar, Doha
      = +7 flights per week

      So it is -62 flights per week!!!

    2. JATBEGMEL13:37

      - JA had poor loads on SJJ-BEG route. They didn't last the entire season due to ac issues.
      - A3 is adding capacity ie seats regardless of them dropping 2 flights p/w.
      - AZ I believe is using bigger ac to BEG ie A319/A320 rather than the ERJ.
      - TP last winter had some issues with its network with ac shortages.

      Would be better to know the change in capacity, that is by amount of seats reduced. There is definitely a reduction.

    3. Anonymous14:52

      Last winter A3 used to fly 5 weekly to Belgrade (not 7), LH used to fly two daily to Belgrade ie. the same as this winter, LX used to fly 9 weekly instead of 8 weekly this winter, TAP ceased flights in early January. According to actual schedule Air Serbia will perform 35 daily flights on average this winter, last winter the figure was 38. The reduction is 20 flights per week. All quoted data are 100% correct.

    4. Anonymous16:11

      LH isn't cutting FRA. It has 2x daily flights except in the slow period (part of Jan and part of Feb) like last year.

  11. Anonymous12:27

    Rezultati nisu nesto ali ne treba zaboraviti ogroman Kargo rast i najveci u ex yu koji takodje donosi ogromni profit bilo bi odlicno da vidimo tabelu sa kargo rastom svih aerodroma.
    I naravno da je velik napredak instaliranje ovih kioska za letove za USA/CAN najvaznije .

  12. Purger12:44

    Iznimno nam je drago objaviti da je Trade Air nakon nekoliko godina priprema spreman za ulazak na tržište A320 ACMI dobavljaca.
    Trade Air je kupio zrakoplov A320-200; opremljen CFM56-5A3 motorima, serijski broj MSN 795. Zrakoplov je trenutno u operacijama prijevoznika SATA International i biti ce dostavljen Trade Airu u travnju 2016.godine. Po dostavljanju zrakoplova planirano je održavanje istoga, kao i radovi na eksterijeru i interijeru nakon cega ce zrakoplov biti doveden u konfiguraciju 180 sjedala.
    Planirani pocetak letenja je u lipnju 2016.godine. na ACMI letovima.
    Zrakoplovi Fokker 100 ce i dalje biti u operacijama Trade Air-a.
    Vaš Trade Air

    1. Anonymous12:47

    2. Purger13:45

      Sorry, nisam vidio. Na mobitelu se ne vide flash news. Sorry...

    3. Anonymous15:15

      Purger, imas pristup na mobilnom na flash news, na liniji "home", sa desne strane imas strelicu, pritiskom na nju ulazis u news.

    4. Anonymous15:54

      Eto nama jos jednog "Dubrovnika"

  13. Anonymous12:56

    EY i YM su potpisali stradeski sporazum sto ce mozda na kraju dovesti do kupovine odlicni bi bili E190 su odlicne za ASL .

    1. Gdje su ti procitao?

    2. Anonymous14:09

      Izaslo je pre sat vremena u lokalnim medijima. Neko je postavio link nize u komentarima.

    3. Anonymous14:41

      Pise za stratesku sarafnju .
      Ali ja mislim da ce to mozda dovesti i do kupovine i da bi se E190 mogli odlicno iskoristiti za ASL.

    4. Anonymous17:26

      Mogu da razmene Embraer za Erbas ili za ATR-ove...

  14. Anonymous13:07

    Belgrade has to feel negative effect of Wizz in Tuzla and Nis, however much many on this forum don't like to hear it. I know for the fact that hundreds of people that used to fly to BEG from Bosnia, now take flights to/from Tuzla

    1. Anonymous13:33

      Volis da lupetas? Wizz je SVO vreme na Tuzlanskom (znaci i kada ima rasta) i dodaje jedan let iz Beograda koji smo raspravljali kako ce uticati na Stutgart nece se smanjiti broj putnika. Broj putnika iz Nisa je zanemarljiv cak i za pad od 1% preko leta su imali 25000 putnika. Ti aerodromi su toliko mali u odnosu na BEG.

    2. Anonymous14:32

      Uzima Tuzla svakako, ali ne neki značajan broj. Sarajlije su dosta koristile i Beograd (znam ih nekoliko), kao sad što koriste Tuzlu, naravno ljudi iz Bijeljine i Zvornika takođe.

      Ipak, neki ljudi iz B&H još uvek koriste Beograd za jeftinije letove, npr za Bove i Luton.

      Ne znam kako je sada ali ranije su bile agencije slične Gea tursu, bavile su se prevozom ljudi iz Bosne do Nikole Tesle.

    3. Anonymous16:25

      Nikad mi nije bilo jasno da neko ide busom ili kombijem po 100 km zbog 50 eura jeftinije karte.

    4. Once you grow up, you will understand that €50 requires days of labor for some people.

    5. Anonymous16:40

      Šta, nije ti jasno da nemaju svi lovu, i da tih 50eur nekome znaci?

  15. Anonymous13:24

    OT: Etihad i Montenegro potpisali dokument o strateškoj komercijalnoj saradnji

    1. Anonymous16:17

      Important first step in what could lead to better management, further investment and partial ownership.

    2. Anonymous16:43

      What you need is better governance and accountability - which this agreement will not even touch

    3. Anonymous17:44

      Idemo BEG-TGD i BEG-TIV od sada 300e. Ziveo monopol!

    4. Anonymous22:09

      @5:44 A do sada nije bilo monopola jel?

    5. Anonymous09:47

      Ti bi mogao da procitas sta je monopol! Montenegro i Serbija su se klali na ovim rutama, pa su cene avio karata bile konkurentne, imale su dogovoren minimum od 95e po pravcu, ali uvek se mogla naci karta danas za sutra po ceni nizoj od 150e.
      Sada kada jedan prevoznik bude to kontrolisao, cene vise nece biti takve. Imam takav slucaj za od do putnike za na relaciji BEG FCO.

    6. Anonymous12:22

      Hehehe... imali su dogovoren minimum?! Pa jel ti cujes sebe?

  16. Anonymous13:31

    Капацитет аутоматских машина је 3 до 4 пута већи од обичног шалтера. Додатак 5 машина и 7 класичних шалтера је огроман раст чек ин капацитета, што се не би радило да Ер Србија нема у плану велики раст. Оно што брине је кашњење тог рада, кашњење платформе за одлеђивање и продужетка ходника Ц. Само се активно ради на новом прелазу Д. Менаџмент опет ћути о свим тим стварима а овде сви трла баба лан о томе зашто неће бити 5 милиона, па то смо знали пре неколико месеци.

  17. Anonymous14:21

    OT: Adria records 13,4% geowth on y2y basis

  18. Anonymous15:59

    any news on Kolavia's crash?

    1. Anonymous16:33

      It happened because of Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous19:46

      Anonymous at 4:33

  19. Belgrade airport need second runwey

    1. Anonymous16:41

      Why ? Outside of Air Serbia's banks, the airport has no traffic

    2. Anonymous17:13

      Yeah, and Vienna needs 7, and Munich 9!

    3. Anonymous17:17

      A zasto?

    4. Anonymous18:47

      Some people are on high... Second runaway may need airports with over 15 mln.

    5. Anonymous19:05

      BEG second runwey (4:33) and runaway (6:47) wow! one can really learn a lot here, both aviation- and language- wise

  20. Anonymous20:27

    Anon 4:41 PM:

    50% of traffic in BEG belongs to carriers other than Air Serbia. Your hatred may be as high as Mt Everest but it cannot change material facts.

    1. Anonymous22:04

      My hatred is as flat as the plains of Vojvodina ... have you seen when the bulk of that other 50% of traffic movement actually is ? It is near enough to Air Serbia's flight times, which means that, between :

      1. 8.30am to 10.30am
      2. 1.30pm to 4.30pm
      3. 7pm to 10.30pm
      4. 12.30am to 5am

      the airport is a ghost town - meaning that there is ample capacity for additional flights to be operated. Once these fill out and the airport becomes "slot constrained" and then becomes grouped with other slot constrained airports, where slots get formally traded, it might make sense to look at another runway. BUT, BEG is a long long way from that .....

      So while you might be lacking in love and in need of a hug, what you need alot of - and fast - is a dose of 'material' reality

    2. Anonymous22:12

      Ne lupetaj ima puno aerodroma od 5 do 10 miliona sa dve piste gde je BEG na granici. Od druge piste ne boli glava. Toliko lupetate da ce se exYu zgrazavati od mojih komentara ali lupetate za 10.

    3. Anonymous22:44

      Good, another one who's just woken up and stepped out of the cave .... welcome to the world .... Probably time to go out and catch some food, eh ?

      You are obviously someone who doesn't understand much about modern aviation - which is ok - so i won't keep you long from your morning hunt for food - but let me tell you something about BIG airports and their needs.

      They need to be customer friendly, which means modern and efficient. Everything nowadays is focused more on the passenger experience. That's what drives value in airports as assets, so it is not unusual to see huge investments being made in airport infrastructure - all in the name of improving the passenger experience to make it much more passenger friendly. Look at what the French are doing in Zagreb as a prime example of this. If you make that better, then people will want to travel to and through your airport, as opposed to the one which is still in the 19th century - like BEG airport is.

      So what i am trying to say, is that if there is any investment that needs to be made in BEG airport, it should be made in terminal facilities and not in building a 2nd runway, for which there is currently absolutely no need.

      Once you get enough traffic and at a critical mass, then the need for a 2nd runway will naturally follow thereafter.

      Hope you stayed till the end of the story - now you can go out and catch some food ....

    4. Anonymous02:06

      Dubai airport has only 2 runway.

    5. Anonymous09:06

      Shabani druga pista je samo u planovima kao i prosirenje terminala kojih takodje ima dovoljno za sadasnji nivo saobracaja neko je ostavljao kada su sadasnji fingeri prazni. Prema tome ostavite se praznih prica naravno da im treba druga pista samo je pitanje da li paralelna sadasnjoj, mesto na kome je aerodrom je vec ogradjeno sa raznih strana.

    6. Anonymous22:29

      ono sto treba jesu pozicije za parkiranje i putnicke cekaonice...

      kakva druga pista... ni ova nije iskoriscena


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