Belgrade Airport records weaker November results |
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has recorded its second consecutive month of declining passenger numbers with both Air Serbia and foreign carriers reducing their operations to and from the Serbian capital in November. The airport welcomed 299.113 passengers, a decrease of 5% compared to the same month last year. The figure was accompanied by a notable decline in the number of operated flights, which stood at 3.907, down 9.7% on November 2014. Over the past eleven months, Nikola Tesla Airport handled 4.469.083 passengers, an increase of 3.7% compared to the same period in 2014. Aircraft movements stood at 54.396, up 0.5%. The airport needs to handle a further 169.495 passengers in December in order to surpass 2014s end-of-year result and register its busiest year on record, which it is expected to achieve.
Despite discouraging trends over the past two months, Belgrade Airport's Managing Director, Saša Vlaisavljević, is adamant the airport will continue to grow in 2016. "Over the past four years, Belgrade Airport has seen its numbers grow year on year. To be more precise, an additional 1.5 million passengers have been added, meaning numbers have doubled. It is interesting to note that this year an average of 13.517 passengers were handled on a daily basis, or 563 per hour, which is nine travellers per minute. Estimates show that our growth trend will continue in 2016 as well, averaging between 4% and 6%", Mr Vlaisavljević says.
Next week, Air Serbia will boost its operations in the lead-up to the holiday season, maintaining a similar number of flights to that of last year, but only until mid-January. At the end of the month, on December 30, Russia's Ural Airlines will launch seasonal winter flights from Moscow's Domodedovo Airport to Belgrade, catering for Russian tourists visiting the Kopaonik ski resort on behalf of the TUI Russia tour operator. Flights will run twice per week for most of the winter season until March 23, 2016. Other than the inaugural service on December 30, all others have been put on sale through the airline's website and are available for booking for individual travel as well. The first three flights are currently scheduled to operate with an Airbus A321, after which the service will be maintained with an Airbus A320. Initially, it was planned for Yamal Airlines to operate the flights. So far, for next year, LOT Polish Airlines, Wizz Air and Air Serbia have confirmed new routes from Belgrade, with LOT resuming flights from Warsaw, Wizz introducing services to Baden-Baden and Air Serbia launching New York City. Flight details for Ural Airlines' Moscow service can be found here, while further information for Wizz Air's Baden-Baden flights can be viewed here.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 308.381 | ▲ 13.8 |
FEB | 264.816 | ▲ 14.1 |
MAR | 315.283 | ▲ 11.6 |
APR | 381.401 | ▲ 3.6 |
MAY | 406.121 | ▲ 5.8 |
JUN | 461.490 | ▲ 2.3 |
JUL | 564.629 | ▲ 4.6 |
AUG | 574.654 | ▼ 0.3 |
SEP | 491.656 | ▲ 1.3 |
OCT | 401.542 | ▼ 1.3 |
NOV | 299.113 | ▼ 5.0 |
Traffic declined in three out of the last four months.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time every other ex-yu airport grew and most of them grew significantly.
Something needs to change and fast!
yeah, CEO needs to be changed ASAP
DeleteYou must be a hater for pointing out the obvious.
DeleteVery bad management. .. fire them all
DeleteAdmin is it possible to find out which airlines and by how much reduced flights?
DeleteThe year started great.
ReplyDeleteJAN +13.8%
FEB +14.1%
MAR +11.6%
What happened after that?
Saša Vlaisavljević
Delete@9:16 verovatno je Sasa kriv sto su kompanije smanjile broj letova u zimskoj sezoni? ;)
Deleteon je kriv što ne radi ništa da privuče nove kompanije, naročito LC
DeleteHe is doing his job. His job description is to help JU in any way possible and protect it from competitors...
DeleteThis is the protectionist 70's methods trying to succeed in 2015...
Of course it fails!
What was his job when he was destroying Jat?
DeleteHe wasn't destroying JAT. JAT was a disaster for decades and nobody could save it.
DeleteAnon 9:57,
DeleteWhat exactly fails? BEG will have an overall annual increase of 2-3%, which comes after an unprecedented expansion last year. You want another double digit growth this year? Another million new passengers? Well, it does not really work that way in this industry.
In addition, foreign carriers do not submit their applications for new routes to Saša Vlaisavljević. They submit them to the Serbian directorate. Also Saša Vlaisavljević has no authority to decide on potential incentives carriers in BEG - the government does it. There is hardly anything that he might do or not do, that would significantly impact the traffic in BEG.
You should ask yourself why so much hate if so many new passengers gained last year have been retained this year. It is anything but easy to stabilize such rapid expansion - not that Vlaisavljević has any credit there but these doom&gloom theories that surround each and every feed on BEG/ASL are slowly losing any touch with reality or common sense.
@ Anonymous December 8, 2015 at 10:17 AM you obviously weren't around to know how much he did destroy JAT.
Delete@9:45 Kriv? Zašta, za dve rekordne godine zaredom u istoriji aerodroma?
DeleteАнонимни од 9:57
DeleteВрага ти знаш како функционише авио бизнис и стопе по којима може да расте саобраћај на неком аеродрому, чим тврдиш да је немогуће одржати такав раст.
Погледај статистику аеродрома Ататурк. Пре 12 година 11 милиона путника. Данас близу 60 милиона. По четири пет година за редом двоцифрена стопа раста, од којих је више година 20+ % годишње.
Раст је могућ, само када се поставе прави људи да раде посао, а не политички испљувци који изводе деструкцију
Ne razumeš ti to zemljače. Na aktivističkom srpskom dijalektu se "rekordna godina" piše i izgovara kao "sveopšta propast iza koje stoji najveće zlo u istoriji čovečanstva poznatije kao Air Serbia". Brojke i materijalna realnost tu ne igraju neku previše bitnu ulogu.
DeletePrethodni post je bio napisan za Anon 11:02.
DeleteŠto se tiče Anon 11:19, ne znam šta bih uopšte mogao da kažem na tvoje poređenje Ataturka i Tesle. Jednostavno sam ostao bez teksta i trebaće mi koji minut da dođem sebi.
@11:24 Naravno da nemate sta da kazete. Vama bivsim JAT-ovcima i ovako nije nista jasno vec par decenija...
DeleteПрошло пар минута, па ако је неко дошао себи може да погледа статистику и види да је деценију и дуже могућ раст, а у већини година и двоцифрене стопе, а у Београду ћемо трљати руке ако у овој години будемо на истом нивоу као и прошле.
DeleteАтатурк је пре 25 година био скоро па провинцијски аеродром, тада није био на листи водећих европских аеродрома, пре 6 година није га било ни на листи 100 светских, а данас је 8-9 место
Доведи назадне на чело и идеш тамо где они једнино знају да се крећу: уназад
@11:48 Naravno da cemo trljati ruke jer je predhodna godina bila istorijska, sta je tu lose?!
DeleteHehehe... super je uporedjivati Teslu sa Ataturkom... ne verovatno... jednu Tursku sa 78mil. stanovnika jedan magalopolis i turisticku velesilu Istanbul sa 15 mil. stanovnika sa Beogradom... fenomenalno..
What is happening to the refurbishment of BEG's A6-A10 gates? Ever since the new management of the airport, we haven't seen any (passenger) visible developments.
DeleteT1 has been reconstructed.
DeleteКао што сам ти већ рекао Ататурк је пре 25 година био скоро па касаба, ЈАТ је тада свакодневно довлачио путнике којима је пунио десетке преко океана. Туркиш је у то време био безперспективна раздрндана компанија са смешном флотом и мрежом линија.
DeleteДанас јесмо неупоредиви, али у чињеници да и Туркиш и Ататурк воде људи који иду напред, а нас воде људи који иду назад
@12:23 Aaaa, sad kapiram.. ranije smo imali sposobne ljude ;) Jel to one sto nam ostavise 300 milona dolara duga od JAT-a? Sta da vam kazem.. sve ste rekli.. Vas problem je sto ne zivite u 2015.. nego u osamdesetim..
DeleteAtaturk je danas tu gde jeste zbog toga što je turska država ubrizgala milijarde dolara u TK. M-i-l-i-j-a-r-d-e. Možda ti misliš da je dovoljno da na čelo kompanije postaviš nekog ko ide napred pa da sa neba padne 300 novih aviona i stotine miliona dolara pokrivenih gubitaka u godinama osvajanja tržišta ali u stvarnosti takav uspeh prvo mora da se PLATI pa tek onda možeš da ga poveriš ljudima koji idu napred kako bi bio siguran da neće upropastiti investiciju.
DeletePrestani da se blamiraš sa tim poređenjem stvari koje su potpuno neuporedive. Zvučiš kao oni penzosi što pričaju kako su Rumuni pre 20 godina u poređenju sa nama bili uboga sirotinja pa to kao treba da nas uteši što su se uloge potpuno preokrenule i sad možemo samo da im zavidimo. I još optužuješ druge ljude da su bivši jatovci, sram te bilo.
Е, ти што оставише не 300 већ ни целих 200 милки дуга су направили током 20+ година, а назадни прешишаше тај износ само за 1 годину
DeleteТурцима се бар виде милиони које су уложили, ми спискасмо паре да би и даље били у минусу
@1:24 Ni celih 200... znam, secam se da su bili uspesni..
DeleteZaista praviš apsurdna poredjenja koja nisu realna.
Usput, ne znam o kakvim nazadnima pričaš kad je prošle godine zabeležen uveliko najveći broj putnika koji je Tesla ikada imao. Nisam neki fan naše vlasti, ali zvati ih nazadnim zbog aviokompanije koja je za 2 godine nabavila 11 novih aviona (pritom pre nego što počneš da lupaš mislim na nove u kontekstu novi za aviokompaniju)i aerodroma koji je imao maltene najveći rast u Evropi je blago rečeno skandalozno, čoveku prosto treba šećer i voda dok ti čita komentare.
A što se Turske konkretno tiče, oni su uložili k'o što neko reče ovde milijarde evra u svoju aviokompaniju i aerodrome. Nije problem, uzmi 10 milijardi na kredit, sagradi treći terminal na Tesli i kupi Air Serbiji 80 aviona, praviće nekoliko godina gubitke koje ćeš pokrivati i eto ti posle toga jedna od većih aviokompanija u Evropi, valjda ćeš tada biti napredan.
Shvati da je scenario da Tesla dodje do ne znam ni ja 20 miliona putnika do 2025 blago rečeno nerealan i da Srbija kao država nema potencijala koliko ima Turska što se tiče avioprometa. Eventualno ako pola aviokompanija Evrope krepa možda bi postojala šansa da Air Serbia bude ono što je Turkish Airlines.
Bring back Wizz Air's 2nd based aircraft by reducing prices and you WILL se numbers boost and stop mediocricuty of protectionism
DeleteWizz would literally NEVER add an aditional million passengers to BEG like Air Serbia did, I don't see how could numbers boost better than this (I mean the number of passengers combined from August 2013, not just this last 2 months).
Moze Wizz da ubaci drugi avion, ali samo ukrcavanje preko busa takav popust moze uvek da dobije.
DeleteMa boli Wizz za mostove. Ni drugde ih ne koriste ako mora da ih plate. Ali BEG niti može da ima toliko gejtova gde će da pristaju busevi za dodatnih 8 dnevnih letova, niti želi da da popust i takvu uslugu. Jer tada bi Wizz bio još veća konkurencija Air Serbiji. A to ne može da CEO dopusti, jer i jest na ovoj poziciji da takve stvari spreči.
DeleteI would like to remind some that Wizz Air brought 450.000 passengers to Belgrade and that's with just two aircraft. If they were really serious about Belgrade as they are about Sofia, Skopje, Bucharest or Budapest... an million passengers is not realistic.
DeleteMaybe their attitude towards BEG will slowly start to change now when they are finally adding frequencies and destinations.
I like Air Serbia but let's not forget how expensive they become the moment they are alone in a market. This winter it's the first time that you can find decent fares for most of their destinations.
*unrealistic, sorry.
DeleteIt's all part of ASL's strategy. Cut capacity to match demand, increase yields, and improve loads. At first I was worried that the load factor would plummet because of decreased connectivity, but it seems like that is not happening.
ReplyDeleteAnd next summer they can perfectly transition to growth again.
DeleteHow come both ASL's passenger numbers are down and also the foreign airlines passengers and flights are also down?
DeleteWhat is it with demand in BEG?
All other airports show big increases.
Anon 9:24
DeleteBEG increased by a million last year. It can't climb forever. It must stabilize. Foreign carriers are losing market share they held in the past because Jat was an extremely weak carrier and now Air Serbia doubled in size.
JU's loads are better not because of connecting passengers but thanks to much lower fares for BEG-originating passengers.
DeleteThe loads on the night flight to Bucharest are quite bad, 20 to 30 passengers. Lower even than BNX. :D
Of course it increased by a million last year. Why THIS year is decreasing in August, October and November?
DeleteEvery other airport in the area grows though. Not just in ex-yu but also the rest of the Balkans.
What happened to this years demand to and from BEG and especially in the last months?
"Anonymous December 8, 2015 at 9:40 AM
DeleteIs TAROM doing better on the route? Do you have any info?
You can't judge an airline's performance on the route besed on a single flight.
DeleteWhat single flight? That's the norm. The night flight is a disaster because of overall bad connectivity beyond BEG.
DeleteAnon 9:48
So you have the statistic for the first say 3 months, 6 months or 9 months for that route?
DeleteAnon 9:41,
Delete1. Add an extra million pax to any of the exYU airports.
2. Try to add another million next year (maintain the same pace of growth).
3. Let us know the results.
BEG with its numbers cannot grow each and every month simply because Skopje and Tuzla do so (with completely different category of numbers).
Anon 10:12
Delete"add another million next year"?
From today's article: "Estimates show that our growth trend will continue in 2016 as well, averaging between 4% and 6%", Mr Vlaisavljević says".
That is the guy who was predicting a 15% rise for this year and now tries to have 0%.
So you can expect the same situation last year.
As the article clearly states (please try reading them before commenting) next year only comfirmed new routes is JFK for JU and Baden Baden for W6.
*next year.
DeleteActually they have the same number of new routes confirmed for next year as Zagreb and more than Ljubljana, Podgorica and Sarajevo.
DeleteAnon 10:22,
DeleteYou did not understand the post you replied to because it is you who comments without reading.
Anon 9:41 (maybe it was you) asked why after the success in 2014 BEG has negative growth in three months this year.
My response underlined the size of growth in 2014. It was unprecedented for the market such as Serbia and for the region such as exYU.
Such expansion/growth in such market/region is impossible to maintain two years in a row. What matters is to stabilize this newly reached number of pax. And that is exactly what we will see in 2015 and 2016.
It does not matter what Vlaisavljević said, he is not there to say or do anything useful. What matters if whether BEG is doing good or bad. 2-3% growth this year followed by another 4-5% next year will be quite OK if we take into account the peak that was reached in 2014. Such peaks cannot repeat year on year and it is not a disaster if they do not - that was the point of my previous post.
Sa Vasom konstatacijom se slazem, postovani Anon 10:12 AM. Izvesno je da ce ova godina nadmasiti proslu. Dali smo sigurni da ce u ovom decembru poceti radovi na produzetku fingera C na Terminal 2.?
DeleteSamo je tri nedelje do 2016 godine. Bila je lepa prezentacija prosirenja terminal. Sada je muk? Dali postoji efikasna i odgovorna sluzba informacija za relaciju preobrazenja... Ne gubim nadu za rast u iducoj i buducim godinama, kao i privatizaciji aerodrome, vec razocaran odnosom vas koji ste duzni da delite vesti drzavne kompanije... Vi se zaista pokazujete tipicne birokrate. Red tape!. Na vasim se krilima nemoze leteti. Sami ih sasecate vasim odnosom: ''Keep in dark''. U nadi da se ugledate na vase kolege sa velikih aerodrome, ostaje mi nada I ''kisela'' sadasnjost.
Rodney & Co✈. Kraljevo✈Sydney
Well, the number of O&D pax is dependent on the economic situation in the country. The more economic development and growth, the more the number of pax. And vice-versa.
DeleteAnonymousDecember 8, 2015 at 12:12 PM
DeleteYes but pricing should be in line with the economic realities, which wasn't the case last year.
A great testament to the quality of the contributors to this site, this was predicted well over 6 months ago and is not a surprise. Anyone that starts a discussion about these figures today will be going through the arguments that have been discussed at great lengths months ago now. The real discussion to be had is what will the trends be in the coming 6-12 months.
ReplyDeleteNo one could have predicted the events in Tunisia, Egypt and recently Turkey and what impact they will have on the Croatian and Montenegrin markets in particular. So, next year should be another interesting one.
P.S. This weekend I flew both A350 and B787. Both with QR, both short flights and both Y class. I have flown the Dreamliner quite a few times and I referred the A350 (at least the QR config). Could have been the novelty though.
Air Serbia stations and trip-report: Istanbul
ReplyDeleteIST-BEG on JU553 yesterday, YU-API circa 40 pax, ~90 pax on the incoming flight. ASL departs at a time when IST is almost empty, queues at security and immigration are very short. A sharp contrast with the early afternoon departure of Jat Airways where 2 hours would barely be enough to catch the flight. There is some improvement in terms of signage and staff that can be found around the airport. The terminal is clean, worn out at places. The lady at check in doing Istanbul for years said this flight was an exception due to low season and that it records 70-80 pax on average, often being full, while summer was constantly overbooked with Air Serbia having no spare A320 to send. What surprised me enough was to notice that much larger airlines such as Iberia or Air France are sending nothing bigger than the A319 to IST, with Turkish probably getting a larger chunk of the route. Gate changed 15 minutes before departure where Madrid was placed to our one, plane late 1 hour from Belgrade - writing these notes during this delay. Structure of pax mostly Serbian O&D. A couple of Asian people were transiting in Belgrade en route to AUH. Service wise the FA's seemed professional, sandwich with drinks and a cookie were served. In a bit of a let down the paper 'gift bag' was dropped making the whole service a bit less ceremonial and leaving it without a specific Air Serbia's touch. However the food was tasty and in sufficient amounts. On the other hand, a plastic envelope with Air Serbia's texture for the safety instructions and in-flight magazine was introduced alike in QR. Landing in Belgrade was done in the densest of fogs, a CAT III approach from runway 12.
All in all, Air Serbia seems to be stabilizing and same goes for product which appears to be constant along all the flights I took this year. As a passenger I would rate it 4/5 the one point removed simply because of an absence of details that would make Air Serbia stand aside and seem exclusive to it's clients. Belgrade airport was as usual very efficient (if to exclude rude police agents in the gate asking passengers to show their passports), in about 10-15 min. I was out. The new Air Serbia transfer desk seemed well staffed and organized.
OT: Adria Airways is taking over MUC-TIA from from LH , 4 weekly
ReplyDeleteGooood for Adria
DeleteMore good news for JP after the Baltic contract.
DeleteThere may be hope after all.
Looks like that someone has a strong interst to keep Adria alive
DeleteI also flew yesterday with Air Serbia aboard a A319 and have a couple of comments:
ReplyDelete- Plane clean and on time
- 1 perser (called herself the Cabin Senior) and 3 flight attendants. The perser was nowhere to be seen during the whole flight apart from boarding and arrival
- No paper bags with catering. 1 flight attendant was serving food - she seemed to be panicking and working like a machine, taking a sandwich, cookie, napkin and wet tissue for each passenger only ushering the word 'izvolite'
- the other two flight attendants were serving drinks. One passenger asked for Coke and was told that only Cola Light was left, which the pax accepted. A few rows later, they ran out of Cola Light so the flight attendant ran to the front of the plane to get more (regular!) Coke. Laziness?
- The Wifi was working, but the mobile network was not working.
- I didn't feel any special hospitality onboard. I fly a lot (not just with JU), and wouldn't call the service out of the ordinary, just regular airline service. I think that A3 has a much better service than JU if we are talking about the region.
Overall, 3/5, which is not bad.
A3, you mean before or after the crisis? Cause right now A3 is pretty crap.
DeleteA3 is the best airline that exists. Best service, best operations, best strategy, best management. Other may think they know something but they don't. A major restructuring of European air traffic is behind the corner, after which no more than 5-6 airlines will remain in the entire Europe (including LCCs). A3 will be the largest and by far the best of them. Even now I don't think any reason for another airline to exist.
DeleteSamo to lepo pisi pod svojim nikom.
DeleteA3 is even better after the crisis and their cabin crew easily the most polite and well presented in Europe.
DeleteNikad vise spontanih JAT-ovih posada, koje su uz osmeh delile skromno posluzenje.
DeleteNot true. Use to get a full hot meal from ATH to BEG now a packet of chips. Personaly I don't mind but your statement that they are better now than before is not true.
DeleteI never had a packet of chips on sn A3 flight, stop saying things tha are not true.
DeleteAnonymous December 8, 2015 at 3:22 PM
DeleteHot meal to Athens? Don't talk utter garbage. Even on the furthermost Jat Airways route, which was Tel Aviv, all you got was a dry sandwich and juice.
Where did i say Jat? I was talking about Aegean. They use to serve a hot meal to BEG (in my case it was some pasta). Now they offer almost nothing. And to the other anonymous I don't care about the meal I just said that the statement that their service is better than before is false.
DeleteI do not get why is the meal on 1h flight so important. You never get it at the train or bus even if it takes hours
DeleteActually, A3 offers on the BEG-ATH route:
Delete- a welcome candy (when all pax are seated)
- a sandwich
- a 7 days croissant (sweet)
- drinks
The same stuff that JU offers, only more presentable and with a smile. And may I also say, at a lower price.
how is A3 doing in BEG in terms of loads?
DeleteWith a smile [unlike Air Serbia]? Was this sarcasm? Have you ever traveled with Air Serbia at all?
DeleteAli jel vam jasno da A3 nece imati A330 u floti nego prevozi samo turiste za grcku i pokusava da imitira TK ali nece uspeti.
Dete to što
Delete- imaju 60 aviona od čega 45 A319, A320 i A321
- 3 A320 dolaze početkom 2016.
- imaju 11 miliona putnika
- imaju 102 miliona EUR profita
- imaju,000 prometa
- imaju 4 huba (Atina, Solu, Sparta i Larnaka), te 6 focus aerodroma
To sve nije bitno? Bitno je da neće da imaju jedan A330 koji bi im donosio gubitke i koji će da dođe kad dođe pravo vreme za njega.
Pa jel ti razumeš kako lupaš, dete?
Sačuvaj me Bože INN-NS +1000!
DeleteHER, not Sparta.
On all other points you are correct.
This year they are going to have even higher profits (they will continue to be Europe's most profitable full service carrier) and will fly about 12 million passengers.
And all that in a country with a bankrupt economy and the worst government in Europe.
Potrosili ste trulezi CTN, AA, MGX, exBH i sada se nadate Grcima?
DeleteSparta is Olympic hub which is part of Aegean.
DeleteSparta doesn't have an airport...
DeleteS obzirom na ovoliki pad avio operacija od 10 procenata, ovo je super rezultat za Beg
ReplyDeletePa i nije baš. Obzirom da su ukinute linije koje imaju najslabije punjenje tj. lf rezultat je očekivan.
DeleteJbg ima ASL veci rast od svih ostalih aviokompanija u exYU.
DeleteBUD i LCA nisu 10 posto operacija!
DeleteNisu u pitanju samo BUD i LCA,nego i smanjenje frekvencija na nekim drugim linijama. A smanjene su one frekvencije u onim danima tj. jutarnje ili večernje kada je lf bio najslabiji.
DeleteNow we officially know how many passengers per hour are handled, but not a single official word or status update from BEG airport about:
ReplyDelete-new T1 check-in area with bag drop machines
-extension of C concourse
-de-icing platform
-valuation prep for privatization
OT: James Hogan mentionet Serbia and NY flights in one interview today:
ReplyDelete"Structurally, we continue to work on how we get economies of scales collectively. As a group we operate 700 aircraft. That means you can take Air Serbia with 10 A320s that we’re able to get the price of A320s at our price, which they would never have gotten as a standalone airline. They’ve just announced that they’re going to operate from June from Belgrade to New York. They could not have even introduced that because they’re taking an aircraft from the family. They have to introduce a whole fleet management group."
To me this indirect confirmation of 10 A320n on order is even more important than the JFK route.
DeleteThe 10 A320 wont belong to JU, they would belong to EY.
DeleteThey will belong 50/50 like structure of the company. Serbia also paid 23 millions for those so i think 6/10 belong to Air Serbia straight.
DeleteNo, none of those are in JU's books as an asset. They belong to Abu Dhabi completely.
DeleteWhat matters is that they actually enter the fleet. JU alone would have never again bought an aircraft anyway.
DeletePeople claim weird things about ownership without any facts, so can i: those neos will belong to Aegean.
DeleteAnonymousDecember 8, 2015 at 9:26 PM
DeleteYou are not funny.
Another OT: Montenegro one-stop security arrangement will come into effect on Feb. 29, 2016.
ReplyDelete"The Commission is also seeking authorization to negotiate safety agreements with China and Japan, along with one-stop security arrangements with Canada and Montenegro which will come into effect on Feb. 29, 2016. One stop security, which is already in force between the EU and the US, allows passengers to transfer onto a connecting flight without being subjected to a second set of checks."
This was expected, but few months ago we were called haters for pointing the obvious...
ReplyDeleteOh sancta simplicitas...
No one denied this would happen. But there is a difference in how aviation enthusiasts interpret it and how haters interpret it.
DeleteSo, yes - you are still haters and you will always be haters. Sorry but that's it.
what's with the Serbs and expressions (words) like "haters" or "leaders of the region"? Always repeating them, some kind of mantra, maybe?
DeleteNe, nije neko hater zato što pokazuje na propuste ili negativnosti.
DeleteDok se ukazivalo na to kako će saobračaj pasti JU-fanatici su tvrdili da je to propaganda hatera, da to neće da se desi.
Sada kad se kaže da se to desilo to je hating.
Dakle, ako ne želim da me se zove haterom onda moram reči da je "-5% odličan rezultat, da su tri meseca negativnih brojeva jako dobar rezultat, da to što još nema ništa od najavljenih rekonstrukcija A6-A10 gateova i izrade novih C gateova, da nisu naručene mašina za self check in, da BEG napreduje u svakom pogledu i da samo slepci ne vide kako je to uspešna kompanija."
Tvoj problem je sto nije pao broj putnika ASLa tako da si obican hejter. Masine za cekiranje su na aerodromu FYI. Prosirenja ce biti. Sve ide polako zbog novih zakona koje su EU debili u nasoj skupstini usvojili.
DeleteEarlier estimates for the airport were in the 5 to 5,5 mil range based on Air Serbia growth. Instead of pointing to Air Serbia for “failure” to grow, why don’t we look at EXTERNAL events that occurred in the past two years that limited number of Air Serbia passengers at BEG, just a random selection:
Delete- two A6 registered Airbus planes in Air Serbia were told they can’t operate in certain EU countries.
- UAE investors interested in airport reportedly turned away by EU in 2013
- EC permanent investigation of Air Serbia
- Regional acquisition of 2-3 airlines reportedly blocked by political means
- Permits for USA flights slower than molasses (for example, bilateral agreed in principle going completely “dark” from Nov ’14 to Mar ’15 or mom LH getting approvals for Eurowings and SunExpress in about month and a half each, while ASL is in the fifth month and counting)
- Neighbours’ reaction “they don’t have approvals to fly here!” when Air Serbia announced ZAG
- No deal yet on PRN flights
- Turkey not letting Air Serbia back to IST from SAW, and so on…
Can you imagine where would BEG and ASL be now if none of the negative external events above happened? Therein lies the explanation for limited growth.
@9:56 Ono bese Srbija u Evropi? Pa koje regulative da usvajaju, Africke, Americke, Azijske?! Sa meseca ili neke svoje?!
DeleteMa da... neće to tako ekipa... Nemože malo bi bili Europi kada nam to paše, a malo ne bi ako nam to ne paše. Način subvencioniranja Air Serbije je potpuno protivan propisima Europske unije. Protiv svih pravila.
Delete@10:52 ..a ti to tako.. bum, bup..Pa ni evropska komisija nije iznela misljenje prijatelju, o cemu ti to?
DeleteDon't forget the financial crisis in Russia which has taken a toll on Russian pax.
DeleteVeci su oni Jeuropa od Jeurope vidis u cemu je problem.
DeleteDakle, niko ne zasluzuje da se zove hejterom samo jer je konstatovao nesto sto ne ide u korist Air Serbiji.
U medjuvremenu- reci da je neko JU fanatik samo jer nije predvidjao apsolutnu apokalipsu i raspad citavog sistema je totalno ok.
I da, BEG napreduje koliko god da to boli, vas problem je sto se koncentrisete iskljucivo na zadnja dva meseca i na sva zvona zvonite cim je nesto lose cisto da potkrepite los razvoj dogadjaja. Bas se pitam gde si bio krajem prosle godine da napises "Svaka cast Air Serbiji na rastu od preko 60% u odnosu na proslu godinu i BEGu na rekordnoj godini"? A jao da, pa to je dobra vest, koga briga onda uopste cim BEG nije u minusu i sve nije uzasno da mozes da napises "vidi nas sto smo pisali da ce ovo da se desi bili smo u pravu jej!", je l' da?
E pa ja sam bio ovde i napisao "svaka čast Air Serbiji" ali sam i napisao da to mnogo košta, mnogo previše i da neće moći u nedogled tako sa dumpingom. A što nakon šta se potroše pare? I očito su se potrošile! A šta će sad da bude to ćemo da vidimo. A na sve to još ulaze i sa jednim A330 što će tek da bude žderanje para. A da je ovo dobro šta se sada dešava nije. Jel nije to samo loše rezanje ruta i polazaka Air Serbije koji će da smanje putnike jer smanjuju moguće konekcije, nego je protekcionizam oterao i strane firme koje plačaju za razliku od Air Serbije.
Delete@ usual trying to put the blame card....People should just be responsible
DeleteOT Wizz Air's Tuzla based aircraft regularly lands at BEG these days. Seems like foggy weather will never end in Bosnia.
ReplyDeleteTuzla is under equipped to sustain all year round ops as well is Nis as well was Skopje. However this has not prevented Wizz Air to base 3 aircraft in SKP and 4th on the way. Revenues are way too good to be thretened with even weeks of driversions. Low vis ops in Tuzla are on the way with somewhat reduced minimum for departure however landing minima will not change for a while which will give us oportunity to see Tuzla flights in BEG quite often.
DeleteOT: the sixth wifly a/c took off: APF
ReplyDeleteAPA, APD, APG and API are left
Thank you!
DeleteOvo je jos uvek dobar rezultat kad znamo sa kakvom se ASL konkurencijom izborila pa cak iVIE ima pad pa se niko ne buni ko ovde od sledece godine treba ocekivati odlicne rezultate.
Eto ga opet provali i ostane živ
DeleteVIE je u cele godine imao povečanje, u augustu 4,8%, u septembru povečanje od 4,3%, u tek u oktobru neznatno smanjenje od 0,3%. A ostali aerodromi u okruženju bitno više. Budimpešta je npr. u augustu 2015. povečala broj putnika za 15 odsto, u septembru za 16,2 a u oktobru za 11,3%. Bucharest ove jeseni raste prosečno za 10% mesečno (ovisno o mesecu 9-11%). Atina je u prvih 11 meseci 2015. porasla za 20%, nakon što je u 2014. porast bio 21%. I Sofija je imala rast od 7%, kao i Zagreb.
Nemoj dete da se opet sramotiš sa brojkama. Što ti nije bilo dosta one sramote kako je Austrian finansijski negativan?