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Wishing all EX-YU aviators marking the holiday today a Merry Christmas
Sretan Božić
Vesel Božič
Have a look at what you read, liked and discussed the most on EX-YU Aviation News in 2015 here and don't forget to visit tomorrow for your latest fix of aviation news from the former Yugoslavia
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Ljubljana |
Best wishes
Čestit Vam Božić!
ReplyDeleteMnogo božjeg blagoslova, mira, sreće, zdravlja i ljubavi svim ljudima dobre volje.
It is crazy how fast time flies. I have been visiting this site daily for three years and it feels like the time has passed in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks to ExYu for great content every day. Very few professional journalists are as impartial as you.
Of all the websites on the internet, this is the only one I have disabled my adblocker for. Quite an honor, in my opinion! :D
Thank you admin. I could not imagine my day starting without reading the news on this blog. Happy holidays to you, too.
DeleteMerry Christmas to everyone!
ReplyDeleteThank you Admin. This portal is the first one I check out every single morning when I take my coffee. All the best for everyone!
ReplyDeleteSretan Bozic.
ReplyDeleteČestit Božić
ReplyDeleteThank you and Merry Christmas. Nice photos :)
ReplyDeleteČestit Božić svima
ReplyDeleteČestit Božić svima
ReplyDeleteSretan Božić
ReplyDeleteSretan vam Božić i uspješna Nova
ReplyDeleteSretan bozic svima koji slave danas
Vesele praznike
ReplyDeleteVesel Božič in vse dobro.
ReplyDeleteSrecan Bozic
ReplyDeletePrvi A332 dolazi iz Indije od 9W .
Agree, here's one of the news from Serbian PM
Delete"Konkurenciju imamo sada u evropskim aerodromima sa kojima ćemo se boriti da ih sustižemo i prestižemo", rekao je Vučić i dodao da će se beogradski aerodrom boriti da prestigne aerodrom u Budimpešti, a da će biti ispred atinskog, jer prestonica Grčke nema letove za SAD.
...Vučić je dodao i da će Er Srbija zaposliti dodatno kabinsko osoblje, oko 120 radnika, kao i 30 pilota za potrebe letova ka SAD.
Uskoro će iz Indije stići i prvi širokotrupni avion erbas A 330, kojim će se leteti za SAD, a Vučić je rekao da se nada da će do kraja iduće godine Srbija uzeti još jedan širokotrupni avion."
Sorry, forgot to put the link
I wrote the posts above (7:03 and 7:04 PM) 'cause I thought they were funny, except for the part about a new plane, not sure about that, but the sentence where he mentions Athens and Budapest is hilarious!
Delete"Vučić je rekao da postoji želja da se uvede let ka Prištini, aerodromu koji se sve više približava zagrebačkom. "
DeleteHahah, actually it's true :D
Well, maybe they'll be catching up with Budapest to some extent, that is true, but overtaking Athens with the Greek huge tourist industry is just impossible.
DeleteBEG will never ever catch up with BUD.
DeleteBEG was way over BUD once.
DeleteSerbian PM is clown. How can he say such a stupid things:
Delete1. Athens airport has:
Dalta: New York
Air Canada Rouge: Montreal, Toronto
Air Transat: Montrea, Toronto
American: Philadephia
United: Newark
UPS (cargo): New York
New York is 6th Athens busiest route with 90.551 passengers in 2014. Toronto was 7th, Philadelphia 8th and Montreal 10th.
2. Budapest airport will have more than 10 million passengers in 2015. Belgrade Airport 4,7 million.
3. This year Budapest Airport will have much more increase of passengers than Belgrade had in record 2014 (whan increase was 25%). This year Budapest Airport increase will be some 13% what is around 1,3 million, Belgrade will have some 3% what is around 0,2 million.
Anon @ 8:48
DeleteA big so what? Much has changed since then.
@ Anon 8:55 PM,
...and it can change again.
DeleteYou don't understand, right! BUD has more passengers increase than BEG, even in BEG record year. And 2015 in more than one million passengers difference in benefit of BUD. How can you be better than one airport if that airport has 1 million passengers more per year than yours?
DeleteWho tells you that trend will continue?
DeleteEven if it will not how many years BEG needs to come close to BUD? Come one, on that way you can say that BEG will be better than FRA in few years hoping that trend will not continue.
DeleteIn this moment ZAG is much near to BEG as it has more passengers increase per year than BEG and just 2 million difference than BEG to BUD where difference is 6 million and where BUD has 1 million new passengers more per year than BEG. Lets be realistic.
BEG can never match BUD numbers because BUD has massive tourist numbers all year.
DeleteThat place has been a major destination for decades.
Also ATH apart from being a major destination by itself is a city of 4 million+.
This year will have 18 million passengers, an increase of 20% compared with 2014.
Any way you look at it BEG's numbers this year are a disapointment.
Sretan Bozic
ReplyDeleteSretno vam Isusovo porodjenje
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating today!
ReplyDeleteBy the way BEG-ZAG flight today was redirected, anyone knows why?
Could it be fog? It's the second time in the last few weeks this happens.
DeleteWhat in the world are they waiting to replace those Atr's? The plane is 26 years old!
DeleteAgree 100 %. If they were making so much money they would repmace thwm. I was reading on b92 in regards to Air Serbia and one commentor had a lunk that ASL has lost 75 million dollars so far this year. Hoping to find that again.
DeleteDon't think that they will be getting any new planes until the NEOs arrive.
DeleteSretan Božić
ReplyDeleteSretan Božić
ReplyDeleteSrecan Bozic svima koji ga danas proslavljaju, narocito nasim prijateljima iz Ljubljane i Zagreba!
DeleteČestit Božić
ReplyDeleteSretan Bozic
ReplyDeleteSrećan Božić Rodney-u.