Belgrade Airport sees busiest year on record

Belgrade Airport handles record 4.7 million passengers in 2015

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has recorded its best year on record in 2015 in terms of passenger numbers and profitability and has cemented its position as the busiest in the former Yugoslavia. It is also expected to have ranked within the top 100 busiest airports on the continent for a second year in a row. Belgrade welcomed 4.776.110 passengers in 2015, over 137.500 more than the year before. Its numbers represent growth of 3% on 2014. The figure was achieved despite a slight dip in the number of operated flights. There were a total of 58.513 commercial departures and arrivals, down 0.3%. Furthermore, the airport processed 13.091 tons of cargo throughout the year, an increase of 25%. Overall, a total of 13.085 travellers passed through the airport on a daily basis or 545 per hour, which equates to nine passengers per every minute. The number of transfer passengers doubled, growing 52% on the year before.

Despite the airport recording its busiest year since opening its doors in 1962, it has also seen its passenger numbers weaken during the fourth quarter of 2015, with three consecutive months of declining figures, a trend which is expected to continue until the end of the 2015/16 winter season in late March. In December, passenger numbers decreased 6.1%. The downward trend over the past few months has come as a result of Air Serbia, which has cut down on its network during this winter season. Ironically, the carrier has also attributed the most to the airport's overall growth during the year following a busy summer.

Belgrade Airport entered the New Year with the launch of two routes, with LOT Polish Airlines resuming flights from Warsaw on January 2 and Ural Airlines introducing services from Moscow's Domodedovo Airport. The latter, which was originally to operate two weekly seasonal flights until the end of the winter season, now plans to run year-round services. Furthermore, Wizz Air will launch flights to Baden-Baden on March 28, while Air Serbia will inaugurate services to New York in June. In addition, Greek airline Ellin Air will operate summer flights from Crete and Rhodes to the Serbian capital during the peak summer months. Managing Director, Saša Vlaisavljević, forecasts for the airport to register 4 %- 6% passengers growth during 2016. It is believed the airport generated a record twenty million euros in profit last year.




  1. Anonymous09:03

    Bravo! Najbolja godina u istoriji! Ali nekima ni to nije dovoljno...

    1. Anonymous09:26

      Najbolja po broju putnika, videcemo finansije. Ne treba zaboraviti da u 2015 nije bilo velikih ulaganja!

    2. Anonymous09:34

      Do kraja treceg kvartala su imali 17 mil EUR profita

    3. Anonymous10:09

      Pa eto nije rekordna finansijski...

    4. Anonymous10:11

      postoji cetiri kvartala.

    5. Anonymous10:27

      Hehe.. naravno, znam kako vam ovakve vesti teško padaju posle tri meseca kataklizmičnih najava ;)

    6. Anonymous10:45

      To da se tvrdi da je sve super jer je ovo najbolja godina je jedan kratkovid nacin da se sagleda situacija. Jeste, najbolja je godina ali trend koji trenutno vidimo nije dobar.

      Mislim da je svima jasno kao dan da situaciju u ASL nije tako fabulozna kao sto neki tvrde ovde.

    7. Anonymous11:08

      Gde si bio u prvom kvartalu da kažeš kako imamo odličan trend? Naravno ignorisao si ga i tražio bilo šta čime bi mogao da popljuješ taj rast. Sad kad je najzad naišao jedan loš kvartal odmah si definisao trend. Šta ćeš ako se taj trend u martu ponovo preokrene i krene da raste? Naravno opet ćeš ga ignorisati i tražiti nešto da popljuješ rast.

      Ovde niko osim onog nesrećnog INN ne tvrdi da je situacija u ASL fabulozna. Jedino što je fabulozno ste vi hejteri koji apsolutno svaku vest i svaku cifru pokušavate da predstavite kao znak sigurne propasti. Bilo bi smešno kada ne bi bilo žalosno gledati kakve sve logičke vratolomije izvodite kako biste sve cifre i rezultate prikazali kao negativne.

      Čuj, "trend"... Gospode isuse...

    8. Anonymous11:11

      @10:45 Četvrta godina za redom sa apsolutnim rekordom je kratkovidost? Mozda je pravo vreme da proverite dioptriju. Situacija u ASL naravno da nije fabulozna za vas hejtere koji izvrćete činjenice i uspehe a radujete se manjem broju putnika u dva meseca kao da ne znate da ih godina ima 12. Mogu da vam kazem jedino da će ova godina biti najfabuloznija u istoriji civilne avijacije na ovim prostorima u protekle dve i po decenije kako na Tesli tako u ASL.

    9. Anonymous11:20

      Ништа се не брините за "успех" аеродрома у наредном периоду. Влаисављевић се кратко упознавао са тереном, па су први резултати његовог вредног и умног рада видљиви тек у четвртвом кварталу.

      Сада, када је ухватио залет, нема разлога да не настави са "успешним" урнисањем аеродрома, баш као што му шеф странке урнише државу

    10. Anonymous11:28

      @11:20 Da, kriv je jer je ASL drasticno redukovala zimski red letenja..

    11. Anonymous12:38

      Nikad ja nisam rekao da je sve fabulozno opet izvrcete reci a u ostalom ni u jednoj kompaniji nije sve sjajno pa tako da ne znam sta ocekujete .
      Ne mozete pojedine radnike preokrenuti na pravi rad kad to nisu navikli pa jos se hvale mladjim kolegama kako je nekad bilo bolje pa onda i oni ovde pljuju po svojoj novoj kompaniji .

    12. Anonymous12:58

      Ne znam ko mi je veci hit, hejteri ili navijaci. Mozda ipak navijaci jer su hejteri barem iskreniji dok se navijaci nesto kao pretvaraju da su bolji a ustvari su isti kao i hejteri samo sto su na drugom spektru.

      Ali ipak mi je najbolji INN-SNS koji je u sasvim drugoj ligi.

    13. Anonymous13:15

      at 11:28 AM
      Naravno, kad je sve karte bacio na jednu kompaniju. Naravno da je kriv! Nesto ne vidim da je doveo neku novu kompaniju, mogao bi da ode na seminar do Zagreba da mu objasne par stvari

    14. Anonymous13:47

      Kako da ima 2,5 MIL putnika .

    15. Anonymous14:00

      Nije morao da ode jer novi prevoznici ne dolaze u Zagreb zbog toga što su impresionirani pozivnicom od Fraporta već zbog toga što im stagnacija OU otvara prostor na tržištu kao i zbog toga što je Hrvatska ušla u EU pa je to otvorilo nove mogućnosti na tržištu. Tu je još i razvoj Zagreba kao turističke destinacije. To nisu zasluge Fraporta već tržišnih okolnosti.

      Mogao je i Vlaisavljević da odsštampa lux pozivnicu i pošalje je svim prevoznicima, samo što oni ne bi došli. Ne bi došli jer za razliku od OU koja stagnira JU je u ekspanziji. Što se tiče Srbije kao destinacije tu se poslovne prilike sužavaju za razliku od Hrvatske u kojoj rastu, pa je to još jedan razlog da strani prevoznici zaobiđu BEG. Na kraju je tu grad Beograd koji ima nekakav turistički potencijal ali je on uglavnom lowcost karaktera i tu se W6 blagovremeno pozicionirao.

      Tako da može Vlaisavljević da dubi na glavi ali to ne znači da će strani prevoznici pohrliti na BEG. Isto tako ako sutra OU ojača i postane ozbiljan regionalni igrač samo gledaj kako će broj stranih prevoznika na ZAG da se smanji uprkos svim magičnim svojstvima Fraportove uprave.

    16. Anonymous14:44

      at 1:47 PM
      Bolje i 2.5 a da izgleda pristojno, nego 5-6, a da te sramota u wc da udjes

    17. Anonymous15:24

      @1:15 Nije on doveden da "baca karte" na bilo koga, vec da sinhronizuje rad aerodroma u simbiozi sa ASL a ne da joj pravi konkurenciju pobogu?! Obe kompanije su u vecinskom vlasnistvu drzave, zasto bi radile jedna protiv druge?!

    18. Anonymous17:21

      Rade jedna sa drugom protiv interesa gradjana Srbije, bas lepo. Ne zna se ko je onda manje sposobniji, Vlasisavljevic ili Kondic.

    19. Anonymous17:40

      Pa neka nastave samo tako pa ce obe firme puci na kraju, samo sto ce BEG preziveti dok JU malo teze. Ali ajde da me ne napadnu da sam hejter nadam se da ce se JU konacno uozbiljiti i da ce poceti da posluje kao prava firma.

    20. Anonymous18:10

      Sreća naša da ih vi ne vodite.

    21. Anonymous18:20

      Sto sreca bre zemljace? Pa uskoro ima da pricamo svako lane sve bolje i bolje. Nije kao da su ovi definicija uspeha.

    22. Anonymous19:54

      Srbi su univerzalne sveznalice od fudbala do vazduhoplovstva.

    23. Anonymous20:13

      Budimo realni, ni mi (Hrvati) tu puno ne zaostajemo haha, svi se razumiju u sve!

  2. Anonymous09:05

    Congratulations :)

  3. Anonymous09:15

    So we will see another quarter of decline and after that the numbers should start rising again. It remains to be seen whether it will be enough for a 4-6% growth. I guess it will depend on whether ASL will again cut frequencies in October or try to keep them. JFK route performance will also be an important factor, along with its main feeder routes. Either way it is going to be another interesting year.

  4. Anonymous09:19

    With Ural, Lot I think the numbers will improve.

  5. Definitivno 2016godina mora biti godina veceg rasta broja letova, bar 10% povecanja broja putnika. Godina gradnje produzetka Terminala 2. Ulazak investitora u vlasnistvo Beogradske vazdusne luke. Nesumljivo da je uspeha bilo I do sada u zadnjih dve, tri godine. Medjutim rekonstukcije, dogradnja bar sedam aerodroma u okolnim zemljama ne daje Beogradu mogucnost na mudrovanja i prolongiranja pravog brzeg potpunog razvoja projektovanog aerodrome. Kapaciteta od preko deset miliona putnika. Razvoj Srbije u iducih deset godina mora imati cetiri potpuno dinamicna aerodrome. Prirodno Aerodrom Nikola Tesla jeste prioritet svih prioriteta vazdusnog saobracaja Srbije. Privatizacija jeste osnov buducnosti izlaska iz ''samo-upravljacke'' ere. Ni najmanje ne sumnjam da je ova godina presudna za buducu poziciju Srpskog komercijalnog vazduhoplovstva. Politicari, svi koji ste u poziciji odlucivanja, na vama je odgovornost do pune transformacije vazdusnih luka Srbije. Time vill tell.
    Rodney Marinkovic. ✈KVO✈SYD✈ 😊🌏☀✈✴

    1. Anonymous09:46

      10%? Radovane, iz vaših usta u Božije uši. Mislim da bi 4, 5% bio veliki uspeh.

    2. Anonymous11:57

      10% ili ništa. Molim fino.

    3. Anonymous11:59

      I think that many people should first read some books on Economics before making comments. Growth doesn't come because you happen to want it, or because it seems like a nice number. Your comments are shortsighted, like those of people that spend EUR 2 billion building an airport in Spain thinking that people will fly just because there is an airport. There are many inputs to growth. Economic development is one. You cannot have strong traffic growth if you don't have a functioning economy. There is a limit to everything. Flights to New York? Didn't it cross your mind that some other airlines will lose passengers because of this? Unless you get a lot of (low yield) transfer pax, the final numbers from this flight will not be that big... It's not me pessimistic, it's just being realistic.

    4. Anonymous13:29

      +1 MILLION

  6. Anonymous11:12

    Rezultat je dobar, u odnosu na okolnosti. Te okolnosti su najvise uticale da se ne krene sa planiranom dogradnjom c7-c10, vec se krece u renoviranje a6-a10. Ocigledno je da ce se ovaj zastoj u modernizaciji uskoro osetiti kroz broj putnika i operacija. Trebalo je vec krenuti u privatizaciju, sada se vec debelo kasni.

    1. Anonymous11:20

      Kako da ne. Sav rast će stati i pretvoriti se u slobodan pad jer nije počela dogradnja c7-c10. Da zatvaramo mi to odmah, propast je u svakom slučaju neizbežna pa da ne gubimo vreme...

    2. Anonymous13:29

      pa jos 2014 je dostignut operativni max. dakle bez prosirenja i investicija ne postoji mogucnost da se ostvari bolji rezultat.

    3. Anonymous13:30

      ali posto je odgovor cinican onda bolje zatvorite to sto ste trebali da zatvorite pre 3 godine, a ne da mrcvarite aerodrom

    4. Anonymous15:18

      @1:29 operativni maksimum nije dostignut jer je on 5.5 milona putnika, sa ekstenzijom hodnika C, BEG je miran još 5 do 10 godina.

  7. Anonymous12:05

    OT. Etihad will stop operated with Jet Airways aircraft on 01.04.

    It seems that A6-EYC (Jet Airways) is first A330

  8. Anonymous12:20

    Don't understand what you are trying to say.

    1. Anonymous12:34

      Gospodin pokusava da vam objasni da je A6-EYC prvi 330 sto ce doci .

  9. Anonymous12:41

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Marko Lukić14:36

      Wait, A330 is not comming till 2017? :(

    2. Anonymous15:22

      Ne mojte da mi kradete identitet tako frustrirani
      Svaka cast svima koji su imali zaslugu na ovom fantasticnom rezultatu sto je ostvario LYBE .
      Ova godina ce biti jos rekordnija otvaranjem novih linija i dolazak prvog A330 na prostore EX YU.
      Nadam se takodje da ce doci jos koja nova kompanija.

    3. Anonymous15:50

      ... ne zna se ko je frustriraniji ti ili ovi paćenici koji sa tobom polemišu.

    4. Anonymous00:55

      Oni ne mogu samnom da se raspravljaju pa zato kradu identitet zato su oni frustriraniji.

  10. Anonymous13:45

    What is BEG's O&D performance YoY (non transfer pax) ?

  11. Anonymous14:22

    Build a train terminal and you will see an increase in weekend travelers. Too inconvenient at the moment. Belgrade has a lot to offer.

  12. Anonymous18:33

    Admin it would be very interesting to make a comparison about the 2015 results of all ex-Yu AND the rest of the Balkan airports to better see the trends.
    Good things are going to come to the region in the years to come.

  13. Anonymous19:46

    Meanwhile in Cyprus, a country with a population of 800.000 recorded in 2015 7.6 million passengers passing through the country’s International two Airports.

    Approximately 5.3 million passengers passed through Larnaca International Airport during 2015, an increase of 1.6 per cent in relation to 2014.
    An increase of 8.6 per cent in passenger traffic was recorded at Paphos International Airport, where approximately 2.2 million passengers used Cyprus’ second International Airport in 2015.
    All that during a year that the country's national carrier Cyprus Airways shut down suddenly in January.

    BEG has a lot of catching up to do...

    1. Anonymous19:49


    2. Anonymous20:31

      you cannot compare Serbia to Cyprus

    3. Anonymous21:38

      Cyprus has only 800.000 people and TWO international airports.
      Serbia has 7 million+ people and just ONE real international airport for them.
      Also unlike Cyprus it has a national airline.

    4. Nemjee21:41

      Cyprus <3

      Let's not forget that the island welcomes around 2.2 million tourists every year, the rest is O&D.

      I think Pafos saw such an increase because of all the Russian tourists.

    5. Anonymous21:42

      Anonymous January 8, 2016 at 9:38 PM

      Also unlike Cyrprus, it does not have almost 3 million tourists per year, it is not a member of the European Union, it is not a member of the Schengen Zone, it is not an island in the middle of the sea.

    6. Nemjee21:49

      1. Cyprus is not in the Schengen Zone.

      2. Cyprus had 1.450.000 tourists in 2015 while tourism contributes to roughly 20% of the island's GDP.

      3. Cyprus is in the EU but it had strong passenger demand even before the accession.

      Let's also not forget that Tymvou airport takes quite a few passengers from both Larnaca and Paphos.

    7. Nemjee21:50

      *sorry 1.450.000 is for the first seven months which means that during the whole year they had about 2.2 million.

    8. Anonymous23:13

      OT: ATH 18 million plus passengers for the year, an all time record.
      19% year on year growth!

    9. Nemjee23:23

      I guess it's just a matter of time before they start expanding the terminal.

    10. Anonymous09:48

      Geez, lecturing Serbia by using the example of an island that can only be accessed or departed by plane... This is probably some advanced stage of the hate plague.

    11. Anonymous10:23

      A country of 800.000 does so much better than a country of 7 million.
      And that island doesn't even have a national airline......

    12. Nemjee12:19

      Yes and a small island at that that has three international airports all competing against each other. Mind you, Cyprus used to have sea links with many neighboring countries (Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Israel...) but they all failed because people simply preferred to fly.

    13. Nemjee12:22

      But if you have an issue with Serbia being compared to Cyprus feel free to use some other country like Hungary or the Czech Republic.

    14. Anonymous18:37

      Cyprus is a big tourist destination unlike Serbia. You just can't compare them. Also Cyprus is way richer country...

    15. Nemjee08:54

      Last anon,

      Of course and I already wrote that here a few months ago. Cyprus and Croatia can be compared while Serbia is in the same league as Hungary, Romania, The Czech Republic and so on.

  14. OT: I posted some interesting international news articles in the 'Global' section on the forum. Have fun reading them!

  15. Anonymous22:40

    It's very good to see ASL growing in BEG but not a good thing to see other carriers with fewer frequencies such as LH: now 2 daily MUC instead of 3, LX with daily fight in winter instead of 2, OS - less flights to VIE, Wizzair fewer frequencies to current network, etc. ASL is clearly dominating the market which is definitely hurting more growth.
    We need to see new tough players in the market!

    1. Anonymous22:46

      LH will operate a daily flight from FRA for most of the January.

    2. Anonymous22:46

      I noticed in the system that LO will operate some flights with the E75 so I guess the loads are not as bad.

  16. Marko Lukić jr.23:43

    More passengers in 2015:

    214.456 Skopje
    202.743 Split
    156.827 Zagreb
    138.912 Pristina
    137.500 Belgrade

    ...still think it is a good result?

    1. Anonymous23:46

      Don't know how you got PRN figures. They have not been published.

    2. SKP figures are not published yet too..

    3. Marko Lukić alterego08:29

      I have lot of data which are not published yet and will not be published at all.

      So, again, question is do you still think BEG results are good?

    4. Anonymous09:43

      Yes, they are good.

    5. Anonymous10:06

      Pa da je jedan putnik više, be možeš to uporedjivati jbt?! Hahaha

    6. Anonymous18:40

      The figures of SKP are published. Double check ;)

    7. Can you tell where are they published coz i cant find them separately for OHD and SKP.

  17. Anonymous23:54

    Admin, please clarify "The number of transit passengers doubled, growing 52% on the year before."

    Good job for BEG!

    What is worrying, from a broader perspective, is that O&D growth appears to be negative.
    I think that O&D is a good indicator of state of the economy, standard and attractiveness as tourist/business destination.


    1. Anonymous00:06

      Also O&D passengers are the ones that pay fares that are profitable for the airline.

    2. Anonymous00:08

      The number of people transiting through BEG onto another flight increased 52%.

    3. Anonymous10:52

      So did it 'double' (i.e. + 100%) or 'increase 52%' ?

      Anyone with O&D fogures, please ?


    4. Anonymous18:41

      @ Anon January 9, 2016 at 10:52 AM

  18. Anonymous00:16

    Bucharest's Henry Koanda airport will have almost 10 million passengers in2015!

    1. Anonymous18:43

      Next year there will be a real boosting of PAX @ OTP. The predictions are for 11.5 mln.


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