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Wizz Air marks major milestone in Macedonia |
Budget airline Wizz Air yesterday carried its two-millionth passenger on flights to and from Macedonia since launching operations there four and a half years ago. The carrier, which dominates at Skopje Alexander the Great Airport, inaugurated flights from the city in June 2011 and has since constantly expanded its Macedonian network. In October 2012, Wizz Air established base operations in Skopje and now has three aircraft and 84 employees stationed in the capital. Last June, the airline started operations from its second Macedonian airport - Ohrid. Underlining its commitment to the country, Wizz Air recently announced three new routes from Skopje, connecting the city with three European capitals - Berlin, Copenhagen and Bratislava, which will launch on March 21, 22 and 27 respectively.
Wizz Air is now the leading airline in Macedonia, with a total country market share of 58%, offering 24 routes to eleven countries from its two Macedonian airports - Skopje and Ohrid. Last year, the carrier handled 734.931 travellers on its flights to and from Alexander the Great Airport, an increase of 31.9% compared to 2014, accounting for a passenger share of 50%. Furthermore, from Ohrid it carried am additional 60.000 travellers during its first year of operations. With three new routes from Skopje this summer, the airline has more than one million seats on sale for 2016, representing capacity growth of 22% on 2015.
Speaking at a press conference in Skopje yesterday, Gyorgy Abran, Wizz Air’s Chief Commercial Officer, said, “We are thrilled to celebrate this memorable milestone of two million Wizz passengers to and from Macedonia. We started our operations in 2011 in Macedonia and since then, we have earned the trust and loyalty of our Macedonian passengers, becoming the airline of choice in the country". He added, "With the establishment of our Skopje base and the continuous expansion of our low-fare network, we created a number of local jobs while stimulating tourism and the aviation industry. We now have three aircraft based in Skopje, each operated by Macedonian crews speaking the local language and providing excellent on-board service on every flight. We will keep on delivering low fares and services to best meet the needs of the Macedonian travelling public”.
Wizz Air's Macedonian route network, summer 2016 |
Congratulations to them. Will they expand from Ohrid? Those numbers are pretty good for one year.
ReplyDeleteToo bad Mr. Abran didnt comment about the future plans in SKP. The three new routes are great, but they come thanks to cutting frequencies from other routes. Skp wont get its 4th aircraft in 2016, but what about 2017?
ReplyDeleteWhat else can they really add. They have included basically everything. The exception is Moscow but I don't think they can even if they wanted because it is subject to Macedonia-Russia bilateral and Wizz is a Hungarian company so they couldn't fly the route.
DeleteProblem with Istanbul and rest of ex-Yu are again bilaterals. The rest is fine. Rome would probably be a good choice.
DeleteSLO and CRO are meanwhile in the EU ;) no bilaterals needed
DeleteW6 don't offer east Europe-east Europe routes. The first exception in Bratislava.
Delete@LastAnon Wizz does offer east europe - east europe routes, in Romania they fly Bucharest-Cluj, Bucharest - Budapest, Budapest - Tirgu Mures and Budapest - Bourgas to name few.
DeleteIn my opinion, the most they can add are summer seasonal routes for tourists.
Delete@LastAnon They do, in places where they already have 9-10 based aircraft. Not quite there yet.
Deleteis BEG-LCA seasonal?
Delete@ Anon January 28, 2016 at 11:05 AM,
DeleteThe Romanian routes of W6 were announced just few days ago due to the "war" between W6 & FR. So, the examples aren't relevant. The case with Bourgas is diffent. Bourgas is a major lasure resort and they're offering only seasonal flights.
There is BUD-IEV, BUD-WAW, VNO-IEV etc.
DeleteThey're hungarian company, so it's normal to offer some connection from BUD. Don you think so?
DeleteAnon 11.48,
DeleteNo, BEG-LCA is a year-round route, it operates every Sunday at 06.40. During the summer and the holidays they usually add a flight on Wednesdays.
wow well done. They added capacity each year which is great. I wish them all the best
ReplyDeleteImpressive numbers. Well done Wizz.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what were W6's best performing routes from Skopje in 2015?
ReplyDeleteMalme, Basel, London, Geteborg.......
DeletePretty easy. Just follow the number of frequencies operated.
DeleteOT According to annual report, Air Serbia handled 2,55 million passengers in 2015 (plus 10,5% compared to 2014) with average LF 70% (plus 3% compared to 2014). Best LF recorded on routes to Split, Malta, Zurich, Paris, Pula and Dubrovnik.
ReplyDeleteBEG-OHD resuming or not?
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping in 2017 Wizz Air will base a fourth aircraft in Skopje. It will be interesting to see how Wizz will respond if Ryanair comes to SKP.
ReplyDeleteThey already did respond by launching those 3 routes.
Deletein other words: they stole BTS,SXF and CPH from Ryanair
DeleteBasically, most important secondary destinations are covered. UK flights are highly unlikely because Macedonians still need a visa (but many of them already have been granted Bulgarian citizenship so who knows)? Maybe new destinations such as MAD, MAN, BHX...?
When I read how much traffic Wizz has in Macedonia, I can only say that JU OU and JP have failed in Macedonia. Those carriers , I feel, had plenty of chances to dominate in that market but failed to do so.
ReplyDeletePay them for each PAX as W6 was paid and they will dominate for sure.
DeleteTHEY FAILED by trying to rip off the pax with EXORBITANT FARES. now they have it back straight in their face
DeleteIf JU JP and OU priced their products properly, they would have had a larger share of the market. I am actually surprised with ASL being so low. With all the hype I for sure thought that they would have more traffic out of Skopje.
Deletethe hype about ASL is only on this blog, believe me
DeleteOT According to DBVinfo Turkish Airlines starts 4 weekly seasonal service to Dubrovnik from 27.6. to 29.10.!
Makes sense, from October Turkish citizens will be able to enter the Schengen zone without a visa. Don't know if Croatia will be in Schengen by then but I am sure they will remove the visa requirements as well.
DeleteTurkish citizens will not see the visa regime lifted in years, let alone in October. TK will introduce the flights because there is a decent demand for Dubrovnik in Turkey - even with visas required.
DeleteWell, who knows what will happen in the end. However, I remember that TK gave up on DBV flights the same time Croatia had to introduce visas for Turkish citizens.
Delete'A senior government official has signaled a change in Turkey’s long-standing visa policy that envisages the removal of visas with as many countries as possible in a bid to align with the EU’s policy, as part of ongoing talks over visa liberalization for Turkish citizens starting from late 2016.
The signal was given by Turkish EU Minister Volkan Bozkır in a meeting with a group of reporters in Brussels on Dec. 3, when he was asked whether Turkey would have to impose visas to countries whose citizens need to get visas for their travel to EU’s Schengen countries.'
Za pocetak ce ljeti ici linija, kasnije se produzuje i na zimski red letenja.
DeleteDa ASL ima slican ili veci udeo trzista na BEG vec bi bilo 80 komentara kako to nije posteno.
Визер држи 58% македонског тржишта а Ер Србија око 50% српског. Зар то није сличан удео? ;)
DeleteJeste ali sto se ovde ne dize uzbuna od 80 komentara kao kad je ASL u pitanju ?
DeleteA jel se to odma brani W6 zato sto jos drze liniju za LCA ;)
Откуд знам, то немој мене да питаш. Ја сам те само исправио.
DeleteЈа сам укупно летео два пута са Визером за Ларнаку. Они ми не одговарају зато што лете једном недељно, увек идем преко Атине а тек ћу сада ићи када крећу Емирати да лете. Тако да не, Ларнака и Кипар немају никакве везе са мојим коментаром.
Greska jeste bila ali tih 8-10 % je za njih veliko .
DeleteI niko nikog ovde ne mora ispravljati ako se pogresno izrazi ako nema nekog razloga .
Хахахахаха ок.
DeleteA posto je smesno cini mi se da si rekao da se ne obracamo jedan drugom
Још је смешније што си ти први прекршио, и то неколико дана пошто сам те замолио да не одговараш на моје постове. :*
DeleteJesam zbog jedne normalne stvari iz avijacije a ne zbog prepravljanja recenica , a moze se pisati vezano o tome a ne da se pametuje da je slicno.
DeleteIzgleda se pravi cirkus ali to je zato sto A3 nece imati A330 pre ASL.
Ја ти нисам исправио граматику или правопис већ сам ти рекао да оно шта си написао везано за ваздухопловство није тачно. Ти можеш да тврдиш супротно колико хоћеш.
DeleteНе схватам какве везе има А3 или А330 са овом дискусијом. И сам знаш да су они компанија каква би Ер Србија требало да постане једног дана.
Елем, толико од мене. Поздрав!
Moja greska sto meni ne deljuje isti udeo od W6 i ASL razlicita su misljena .
DeleteDa trebalo bi ali nece posto ce doci samo A330 za sad .
Opet kazem moja greska sto imam drugo misljenje .
OT: Nice graphic ofd ASL A330
Ko zna, zna. A ko ne zna, uvali se na budžet.
ReplyDeleteKo zna, leti za Memingen i Sandefjord? It's been discussed ad nauseam how this is an entirely different product from legacies. Oh, and by the way, the only reason why Wizz is not flying this much from BEG is that they are not being given cold hard cash from the state budget as in SKP. So who exactly is "na budzetu" here?
DeleteCold hard cash, as in, peanuts?
DeleteSo sorry ASL's business model is bogus. Don't take it out on others.
Ha ha ha, classic! Both JU and W6 are actually similar in another way. W6 would not be alive it wasn't for hundreds of millions of finacial injections from key owner(s) over years. Death of the old domestic airline Malev accelerated its growth. Main investor has a goal to grow Wizz into attractive target and flip it for profit, but no serious interest has been shown so far. When you think about, this might one day in the far future be the story outline that describes Air Serbia trajectory as well.
DeleteSpeaking of Jp, Ou and JU, it is more of happy news for Macedonians that these airlines are not doing so good.
ReplyDeleteTrue, unlike Macedonian national carrier hahahaha
DeleteTomorrow LX B777-300will touch down in ZRH at around 0915h. Ferry flight ex Boeing Everett.
ReplyDeleteB777s will do many Europe rotations in the coming months. GVA LHR FRA BCN HAJ ATH VCE PRG. Unfortunately no BEG. Any idea how we could get LX to operate it to BEG?
ATH is quite popular when it comes to these special flights. I remember EK also sent its A380 and LH its B748.
DeleteThat said, Swiss seems to be doing quite well in Athens. Over the holidays they've been sending their A333 almost daily for a week. At time they add a second A321 on the night flight.
As for BEG, I fear that the airport itself is not that interesting for them as it's 'low profile' especially when compared to BCN, PRG or FRA.
Yeah, they are even lowering capacity in winter to 8 weekly flights and reintroducing the Avro Jet, so I guess no big birds :(
DeleteSame goes to LH, MUC will be served twice daily with E95, they used to fly A320.
I think FRA was reduced to a daily flight for most of January, don't know about February. I flew VIE-BEG on an A319 recently and we were only 60 passengers onboard.
DeleteDa ponudite Lindt LINDOR Schokoladen-kugeln Routen Manageru :P mozda onda dodje za BEG.
And how to accept that ASL cant see competitor in Wizz air-
ReplyDeleteWizz was reason to stop winter flights to Larnaca.Why ASL?
OT: Krešimir Kučko: Croatia Airlines planira ekspanziju
i jedan veoma bitan deo
Aviatica: Iako je politika kompanije da ne komentariše poslovanje drugih kompanija, moram da vas pitam za situaciju sa Air Serbijom i za njihovo zauzimanje hrvatskog tržišta. Kako to komenatišete?
Smatramo da je sporno to što Air Serbia prodaje karte prema petoj i šestoj (vazduhoplovnoj) slobodi što je zabranjeno prema pretpristupnom ugovoru koji je Srbija potpisala sa Evropskom unijom. Naš interes je samo da se prava poštuju isto kao što smo i mi poštovali kad smo bili u istoj poziciji kao što je i Air Serbia danas. Oni lete dva puta dnevno do Zagreba malim avionom i određeni odliv tržišta se naravno oseti, ali to nije ništa zabrinjavajuće niti to remeti naše planove i odnos snaga na ovom tržištu.
da li taj čovek zna šta priča? i on mi CEO
Pa CEO na Balkanu obično ne zna ništa.
DeleteNije nista nova rekao. Isto kao i prosle nedelje ovde.
DeleteCan it really be possible that the CEO of Croatia Airlines does not know that offering connecting flights on two different flight numbers does not equate to fifth or sixth freedoms of the air?
DeleteOoooohhhh, he does not know, trust me!!!!
DeleteDo you want some more examples of his basic unknowledge in air business?
Yeah let's hear some, Purger. I need a good chuckle.
DeleteWhat about QR, TK, FZ... are they also violating these alleged regulations?
ReplyDeleteIR porucio 21 A320 Ceo,24 A320 Neo,27 A330,18 A330-900 Neo, 16 A351 i 12 A380.
Nadam se da ce im u budocnosti biti i BEG makar sezonska linija .
SWR 7771 now on Flight Radar 24