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Air Serbia adds a quarter of a million passengers in 2015 |
Air Serbia has posted strong operational results in 2015, seeing growth in passenger and cargo volumes during its second full year of operation. The airline carried 2.550.000 travellers last year, representing an 11% increase over 2014. During the year, Air Serbia operated 32.384 flights, covering 29.5 million kilometres, including seasonal services operated by its dedicated charter brand Aviolet. The carrier registered a notable increase in its average cabin load factor which stood at 71% in 2015, up 4% on the year before. In addition, its Available Seat Kilometres (ASKs), a measure of its total passenger carrying capacity, increased by 3% to 3.65 billion. Air Serbia's on-time performance at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport also improved, growing 8% to 86%. The overall on-time performance average for the entire Air Serbia network during the year amounted to 84%.
Air Serbia's market share at Belgrade Airport stood at 53% in 2015. The airline's cargo division also saw growth in the total volume of freight and mail flown, which increased to 3.756 tonnes, representing a year-on-year increase of 39%. Air Serbia widened its virtual network during the year by signing new codeshare partnerships with Aegean Airlines, Air Baltic, Air China, Air Europa and LOT Polish Airlines, bringing the total number of active codeshare agreements to fifteen. As a result, the airline's total codeshare network grew to 78 destinations in 2015, up from 23 the year before. At the end of 2015, Air Serbia’s fleet consisted of twenty aircraft, after it added a sixth turboprop ATR 72-500 in May.
The carrier's CEO, Dane Kondić, said, "2015 was a year of strong operational growth at Air Serbia which clearly demonstrated that our development strategy is working and we are continuing to strengthen our business model. We continued to meet our growth objectives, carrying 250.000 more passengers and 1.000 additional tonnes of cargo, and at the same time made a substantial contribution to the Serbian economy through increased trade and tourism”. He added, “We set a very solid foundation in 2015 for continued growth this year, the pinnacle of which will be the launch of non-stop services to New York. Two years down the road and Air Serbia has really found a spring in its step, we are a more confident airline with a clear focus on our commercial mandate and our guests”.
The company said it focused on improving the passenger experience during the year, with the opening of its Premium Lounge at Nikola Tesla Airport, the introduction of wireless on board Internet, web check-in and a new-look website. The airline’s financial results, which are audited by international accounting firm KPMG, will be announced once the audit is finalised in the coming weeks.
Congratulations Air Serbia.
ReplyDeleteSo here are the annual passenger results
Air Serbia - 2.55
Croatia Airlines - 1.85
Adria Airways - 1.04
Loaf dactor results
Air Serbia - 71%
Croatia Airlines - 69%
Adria Airways - 68%
It would be great if all 3 carriers went over 70% once and for all.
DeleteWell done :)
ReplyDeleteProsečna popunjenost kabine 70%.. Eeeejjj...
ReplyDeleteDa, to je 4% više u odnosu na prošlu godinu i 7% više u odnosu na poslednji LF koji je Jat zabeležio. Povećanje od 7% za dve godine je sasvim dobar rezultat, pogotovo ako se uzme u obzir povećanje kapaciteta.
DeleteNo. 71%. Excellent improvement, year on year.
DeleteNo wonder as they can dump prices with such state aid. We'll see the real picture once they enter free market game.
DeleteYou professional haters are so predictable and pathetic...
DeleteJust like you cheerleaders are too.
DeleteWell, cheerleader activity on ASL news is something like: 'Good news', 'Bravo', etc. On the other hand, your hate spreads into a widespread political campaign, trolling and staggering demagogy. You successfully destroy any civilized discussion on ASL with your online activism. Why admin tolerates this is beyond me.
DeleteNo, cheerleading on ASL news looks exactly like your post, Anonymous 10:45! On the other hand, congrats to Air Serbia from Croatia!
DeleteI expect professionals to note more than just LF and number of passengers. I am an amateur and my prediction is on this site, this is from my comment exactly a year ago on March 2, 2015 at 4:51PM: "Things I would like to improve: Load Factor should be easy to get into more comfortable 70’s for 2015. On Time Performance (outside of standard 15 min) for a budding hub airline, while head and shoulders above parent Etihad, must get into solid 80’s to further improve airline image in the region".
DeleteI called my numbers right and ASL even exceeded my expectations. As I said yesterday, ASL is now a rock star in terms of punctuality, extremely important for a hub based operator. I am not aware of any "professional critics" here with a better prediction.
Imagine if JU had the same cabin configuration as all major players in the market (meaning slim seats which equates to more seats per plane) what their CLF would be :) I am not sure how they plan to use the A320NEOs once they arrive...
DeleteBy the time the A320NEO do arrive, JU would be a bigger carrier, well over 3 million pax. Lets look just this season, JU will reopen JFK, increase SOF, OTP, SPU, DBV, BEY and many more destinations. On top of this there should be more destinations to open (LED, OHD). By 2018 JFK will not be alone in the long haul network, with another A330 said to join by the years end as well from 9W. JU is showing positive trends which is good whilst brand recognition is increasing around the region. JU still has options for more regional expansion to fuel more transfer pax to otherwise weak O&D destinations, Spain to give an example.
Actually, what interests me is what will finally replace the DC9, and what is installed to replace the ATR fleet.
DC9 zamena bi bilo odlicno da je E195 .
DeleteATR zamena nadam se da nije Q400 nego ATR 72-600 .
Could it have been 2.8 million had they not butchered the winter timetable?
ReplyDeleteNo it could not.
DeleteThey didn't cut down the winter network for no reason. There are people who have dozens of years of experience in airline management who work in the company and they have concluded that making some cuts this winter is what was best for the company.
DeleteBetter to have 2.55 million last year and then some more stable growth this year than having 2.8 million last year and then 0 the next year because the company has to shut down.
Huh? What a silly comment. So you are saying that if they kept a decent number of frequencies in winter that they would have gone bankrupt? Hurry up, inform all serious European airlines about it. lol
DeleteThis is basically a JU press release, of course everything will be rosy.
First of all, I think you should look up what hyperbole means.
DeleteSecond, comparing Air Serbia to airlines based in developed countries with much lesser seasonality and a greater number of business passengers doesn't make sense.
All I am saying is that ASL has professionals that have access to data that we don't have, and they have concluded that what is best for the company is to reduce their winter timetable.
Facts make your hate hurt you even more, last Anon? Pity...
DeleteWhat if we compare JU and BT? ;)
DeleteLast anon,
You are wrong, facts are in favour of us 'haters.'
Of course they are. There is no positive news in this world that you lot could not twist and turn into another object of your crazy hate. Therefore anything is in favour of your obsessed political agenda.
DeleteFact is that you haters are the most narrow-minded leaches, who cling onto explanations that have been put down on numerous occasions. Fact-less, populist, nonsensical comments. It gets so boring disproving you over and over again.
DeleteBravo - Go Air Serbia Go!
DeleteSamo napred!
DeleteNajbolja ex-Yu avio kompanija.
JU's market share at BEG is 55% not 53%.
ReplyDeleteJU market-share in February was only 49%.
Delete@ Anon March 2, 2016 at 10:33 AM
DeleteYou call a market share of 49% - ONLY? This is a huge percentage...
In your only base? Your fortress hub where you are heavily subsidized by both the airport and the state and also able to restrict access to non EU airlines?
DeleteYeah, it is huge percentage...
What percentage would then be realistic in your opinion?
DeleteAnd can you name one non-EU airline that received restricted access to BEG?
DeleteAnd also Turkish and Egyptian charter airlines.
JU received restricted access in Turkey as well so give me a break.
DeleteAnon 12:06,
DeleteTK's access to BEG is limited under the bilateral agreement between Serbia and Turkey (and vice versa). Even so, TK has 2x more flights to BEG than JU to IST, and there is also Pegasus on top of that.
Charter restrictions cannot be compared to scheduled legacy services.
Will you suggest an appropriate share for JU in BEG?
What about the FEB figures? Anyone has an idea?
ReplyDeleteIn February JU has transported 127.700 passengers (-5,5% yoy) and has operated 950 RT flights (-8,5% yoy). Average LF stood at over 63% which is up 6% compared to February 2015.
DeleteFeb makes for only 5% of annual passengers and less than 5% in revenue. Good JUL/AUG can easily offset a slow JAN/FEB.
DeleteOdlični rezultati za 2015. Mislim da će 2016 biti još za koji procenat bolja i da u svakoj narednoj godini mogu se očekivati sve bolji rezultati i veći broj putnika. Sve čestitke AS
ReplyDeletePa vi niste normalni..Firma napravila 23 miljuna evra gubitka kojeg su preko spina odpisa duga pretvorili u plus. Ako je to za cestitati onda vi svi nemate pojma o tome sta je uspesan biznis. Pa lahko je povecati broj putnika kad drzava odpisuje dug
ReplyDeletePosto ti ocigledno znas sta je to uspesan biznis onda se bavi time i uzivaj, a mani se hejtovanja i smaranja...
DeleteHa ha. Morao je i komsija, iz ciste zavisti, da nesto prokomentarise. Gledaj svoja posla i vasu kompaniju, koja bih mogla da poradi malo na svom load faktoru i broju putnika.
DeleteU poredjenju sa otpisanih 90 miliona iz prosle godine, uspeh je otpisanih 20-tak ove...
DeleteOT: "Tokom februara na Aerodromu Nikola Tesla registrovana je do sada najbolja redovnost polazaka aviona na mesečnom nivou, saopštio je beogradski aerodrom.
ReplyDeleteU proteklom mesecu 93% letova započeto je bez kašnjenja, bilo je svega 1% letova sa tzv. velikim kašnjenjem od preko 60 minuta. Na uzorku svih obavljenih letova prosečno kašnjenje iznosilo je manje od 4 minuta – navode sa Aerodroma."
Lijepo vrijeme pomaze, nam sta...
DeleteJeste vreme pomoglo. Ako bude više snega i mraza iduće zime pa još dva velika A330 počnu da se guraju sa ostalima za odleđivanje, i ako bude dosta magle a ne zamene stare ATR72-200 sa novim, biće gori rezultati. Možda će biti gotova platforma do sledeće zime?
DeletePlatforma za odledjivanje bi trebalo da bude gotova u junu.
DeleteNije pocelo nista da se radi a jun je tu za tri meseca pa ne verujem
DeleteDe-icing platform I doubt will be finished by June as no work has began, while I doubt even a tender has been made for the works.
DeleteSame for the C hall expansion in T2.
Airport management is not competant to have lights bulbs replaced on time let alone engage in infrastructure improvements!
Are they going to keep using the 30 year old 737's and 25 year old ATR72's?
ReplyDeleteThey must be coming to end of life? To loose 6 aircraft from the fleet would hurt growth.
They need to lease much newer A320s and ATRs.
DeleteNot only to substitute the old JU fleet but to allow for growth too.
@ Anon March 2, 2016 at 11:11 AM
DeleteFirst they have to renovate their fleet and only then to expand it.
It is a waste of limited resources to renovate 25 year old classic 737s and ATRs!
DeleteGet read of them and LEASE much newr airplanes.
Lease rates are low than they have been in the last few years plus you greatly increase dispatch reliability and decrease costs of operation and servicing.
Kondic said they will replace ATR fleet in 2017-2018
DeleteWhat about Aviolet 737s?
DeletePa skoro su tražili pilote za 737 tako da skoro sigurno ostaju i tokom leta.
DeleteOne of the original fleet goals was to order 10 A320ceo for delivery in 2015 but that ended up being A320neo order, obviously not available for 2015 delivery. Boeings had to stay as leasing more Airbus planes for primarily charter ops didn't make sense. Dash Q400 was early consideration for ATR replacement, but that was dropped. Goal from 2013 was to have 20-24 narrowbodies in 2016 so JU is on the low end of that scale with more planes to join the fleet this year.
DeleteAhhhh... po 100 put, ASL 733 su vremesni po godinama ali relativno su mladi po ekploataciji zbog sankcija 90tih.. Taj tip aviona se jako puno koristi u charteru sirom Evrope. Avione slicne starosti imate i u Lufthansi, Austrianu...
DeleteDa je urađen refurb kabine kao na A319, svi ovi znalci ne bi reč rekli o B733...
DeleteZaista, možda je trebalo potrošiti malo novca na to. Neki su u prilično lošem stanju - u estetskom pogledu - a neki zaista smrde unutra, kao da su se sedišta u nekom momentu ubuđala...
slazem se! samo na jednom renovirana untrasnjost. Inace to je miris cigareta jos od vremena od kad je bilo dozvoljeno pusenje(98me?)
DeleteAnonymous 1:17 PM
DeleteBoth LH and A3 have retired their 737s long ago. And so has FR.
Very few and small/financially troubled airlines still fly them in Europe.
@2:04 LH ima jos 7 x 733 starosti 25 godina.
DeleteAnonymous March 2, 2016 at 2:19 PM
DeleteCorrect, they will all retired after this years summer season.
Alright, and having in mind that JU's 733s didn't fly for at least four years, and that when they did during the 1990s their utilization was way below max, they still do not need to retire.
DeleteI havnt flown the B733 since they were rebranded as Aviolet however back as JU they were solid aircraft however what was disappointing was to see duct tape the hidden magic in Jat Tehnika who used it everywhere. The cabin was decent, I remember even YU-ANJ had those blue leather seats Jat installed into a couple of ac.
Delete"Duct tape - never a good sign."
Delete2015: 2.55M / CLF 71% / 20 ac
ReplyDelete2014: 2.30M / CLF 67% / 19 ac
2013: 1.40M / CLF 64%
2012: 1.36M / CLF 73%
In 2013 Jat had a net income of -69.3 million Euros. Jat also had more than half the fleet grounded, with hundreds of flights cancelled last minute due to a lack of aircraft and scheduled maintenance. We also seem to forget the hundreds of delayed flights, many due to aircraft break down without replacement.
Average fleet age drastically dropped as Air Serbia, pax numbers have more than doubled, codeshare destinations drastically increased, onboard product drastically improved, CLF has increased (2006 it was 58%) while the minus is 3 times smaller.
JU went from being a disaster to being a regional leader, carrying 700.000 more pax than OU whilst more than double that of JP. JU offer pax better amenities compared to competitors in the region. 2016 will once again be another year of growth.
JATBEGMEL by regional leader you mean just ex-yu leader, right?
DeleteYour obsession with what "region" exactly means is really worth a prize.
DeleteSo what do you mean by regional leader?
DeleteAmong which countries?
just the ex-Yu?
The Balkans?
Southeastern Europe?
Eastern Europe?
What exactly?
You guys really should stop using "regional leader" since it means nothing and we do not know what encompasses the region when you say that. JU CAN be considered a ex yu leader to certain extent, but wider than this area no.
DeleteIf we talk about region then I look at Bulgaria ,Romania, Albania and Greece. Then I would say rhat Aegean is the leader.
DeleteOh, enough. "The region" is a PC synonym for Yugoslavia. But, you know, certain people are afraid of the word, or act disgusted when someone says it, so they came up with "the region".
DeleteIt's Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia does not exist.
DeleteIt ended for good 25 years ago.
But, you know, certain people are afraid to face that reality, or act disgusted when someone mentions it, so they came up with naive descriptions of "regional leadership" to feel better.
Yugoslavia is over. RIP!
Region could be called "Ex Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes", technically that is correct. Or it could be called West Balkans and then add other countries as needed.
Deleteits amazing how many here are only for pute hate rather than to engage in one thing - enjoy a passion for aviation while discussing topics from the ex-YU.
As in region I meant the ex-YU. We can as well look at Eastern Europe and see only a handfull of carriers with a larger operation than JU - TK, SU, A3, LO, Wizz and PS. Even returning back to the Balkans, we have JU at 3rd place with TK and A3 with larger operations. For Serbia and for what BEG offers, its a great acheivment!
It is a fantastic achievement!
DeleteGo Air Serbia!
Good news from Belgrade airport too!
I agree the results for BEG are good. They would have been better if they didn't have to write off ASL's debt which was owed to them.
DeleteIt was a legitimate decision of the owner and it's about time you guys get over it and carry on with your lives.
DeleteSve cestite za jos jednu super poslovnu godinu kao sto sam i rekao da ce biti .
ReplyDeleteSamo bi jos povecao flotu za 2 A319 i 1 A321 i poceo Destinacije : IKA, AMM,HEL,TBS,GYD, DUB i cak mozda MAN.
I jos 2 ATR 72-500 za Destinacije : DBV (preko cele godine) , INN,NUE i nekoliko destinacija u Rumuniji , pa cak mozda i ESB .
As always too optimistic, but lately you have been making more sense. If you did not mentioned things like A321 and routes like MAN or even DUB I would have wrote +1.
DeletePostoji nekoliko destinacija gde bi se jako isplatio A321 kao sto su ZRH,CDG, AMS i jos neke .
DeleteMAN nije mozda dobar predlog ali sta hvali DUB , morace jednom biti i ekspanzije prema GB.
"Postoji nekoliko destinacija gde bi se jako isplatio A321 kao sto su ZRH,CDG, AMS i jos neke"
DeleteFrom June-September and during 2 weeks in December for sure, even 2 A321 would work but then what? You have to look long term, not just because they need it for 4 months.
Aman dečko nauči više da hvali i fali nije isto i da te reči imaju potpuno različito značenje!
DeleteTwo weeks ago Ex Yu Aviation announced Kiev and St Petersburg as new Air Serbia destinations, and Ohrid last week. Is this official now? And what happened with lease for second A330?
ReplyDeleteDrugi A332 dolazi sigurno samo dali krajem ove godine ili pocetkom sledece.
It was announced by Sinisa Mali not ex-yu aviation.
DeleteNews were published here:
So just a fantasy?
DeleteFor those interested, Norwegian Air Shuttle has declared Belgrade as it's primary airport in the Balkans as far as future expansion goes.
ReplyDeleteExpansion in this region that is.
DeleteGreat news for BEG and Serbia, not so good news for JU.
DeleteThe more the merrier. Norwegian is a really good airline.
DeleteWell first step was increasing Oslo to 3 flights p/w. I think Stockholm will be 2 p/w. Not bad, but I still see a lot of potential for them especially during summer season.
DeleteNemjee do you have a link of the place that you read that? If so, could you please post it.
DeleteNo link as it was mentioned today during a meeting. This process is only beginning now so there will be more information to come soon.
DeleteAre they going to bring 787 to Belgrade?
DeleteWhat does 'primary airport' in the Balkans mean? Starting routes from BEG with a BEG based plane? With 3pw OSL flights...
Delete"Are they going to bring 787 to Belgrade?"
DeleteIn what fantasy world do you live?
"What does 'primary airport' in the Balkans mean? Starting routes from BEG with a BEG based plane? With 3pw OSL flights..."
That is a good question but I am sure Nemjee doesn't have the answer since he said that "it is only the beginning more info to come". To me primary would be having daily flights to Oslo, 4 p/w to Stockholm and 4 p/w to Gatwick where they have a base.
DY is just a part of a large wave of Norwegian investment that is to come to Serbia. The airline itself stated that BEG is their primary airport in the Balkans regarding future expansion. They didn't give more details but more will be announced in the future. My guess is that they might bring back CPH-BEG which was operated, if I remember correctly, just one season.
DeleteThe way I understood it is that they will link BEG with some of their other hubs/focus cities. Who knows, maybe they will consider opening a base here though this would harm JU more than W6.
These are bad news for ASL.
DeleteI think that Zagreb would be a much better choice for Norwegian: less competition, minimal ULCC activity, and a motivated management.
DeleteBut I think Norwegian is exactly the type of shake-up that Air Serbia needs. Aegean, Lot, and Air Baltic all have high competition from LCCs, so they have had to compete greatly. Overall this has made them into more competitive airlines.
You can read about this phenomenon here:
Sorry to put a dampener on things, but Norwegian is NOT allowed to base any aircraft in BEG. They do not have a Serbian AOC. They can night stop, as can any airline, but they are not permitted to base any aircraft in BEG
DeleteWizz Air doesn't have a Serbian AOC if you didn't know ;)
DeleteWrongfully so, that prevents them from launching many interesting routes.
DeleteYeah like which ones? TLV? MOW? They are all already taken care of so it's not like they are losing much. If DY wants a base here they will get it.
DeleteWizz Air is NOT entitled to have a base here and moves are in place to address this. Air Serbia doesn't have those rights in the EU and no EU registered carrier should have those rights in Serbia either
DeleteThe airport would go bankrupt if Wizz is to leave. Who else would foot the bill? JU sure won't do it because they will have the US nonsense and it would bankrupt them.
DeleteBEG needs Wizz and no steps are being taken. If they were then W6 wouldn't be adding Baden Baden.
BEG needs more airlines - it doesn't just need Wizz. And what Wizz needs to do, is work to the same rules that the other EU registered airlines work to when flying into BEG.
DeleteWizz doesn't fly to ZAG and it isn't going bankrupt.
The fact that you make such a comment, reflects on the poor work that BEG airport is doing in not attracting any significant new airlines to fly into BEG
ZAG is not going bankrupt because OU is paying all of its dues, they are not a leech surviving at the expense of the airport and other carriers that fly there.
DeleteJU needs to stop pretending that they are some sort of regional leader and to realize that they are insignificant. Only when they face music they will be able to start growing and expanding.
Anonymous 7:25 AM
If YU is insignificant, than your little trivial OU airline is beyond irrelevant. Like a train that everybody missed.
DeleteAir Transat is a holiday airline and they offer many affordable Adriatic vacation packages with their once a week Zagreb flights. Some non-holiday, non-charter, non-LCC legacy airlines (like BA, AF etc) also offer hotels, cars, cruises or vacation packages on their web sites or through partner sites. Air Serbia site and travel sites like Expedia do not have any Adriatic (TIV, TGD, DBV etc) or Greece vacation package bundled with New York - Belgrade flights, or any other flights. Expedia and other sites do offer Belgrade hotels and car rentals (but nothing else), and Air Serbia site offers only tickets. It is time for Air Serbia to start adding and promoting hotels, river cruises and vacation packages to drum up inbound demand.
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice EX-YU put up the timetable for Croatia Airlines new routes? Fokker 100 for Lisbon flights stands out to me.
They confirmed new routes today.
DeleteAir Serbia promotion for JFK ends tomorrow and prices will go up. Very few cabin seats are unavailable when looking at various dates in July and August. Bad news for Air Serbia.
ReplyDelete1) There never was a legit promotion (maybe politicians got it for only 399 euros) since just by doing a simple search you will find that there are at least 3-4 cheaper options to and from BEG to JFK. EX: Aeroflot is cheaper by like 400 US on some days
Delete2) As I said many times before, those seat maps when booking mean nothing when it comes to TOTAL bookings. On certain days you can have full planes and yet most of seats are free when looking at the map
BTW I am not defending JU or trying to make false impressions about how bookings are going.
How do people check those seat maps? Just curious, and I can't seem to figure it out.
DeleteI thinks it is absolutely normal and actually mandatory to price non stop service between the cities above those with a connection. It is not normal to expect it any different. Comparing BEGJFK JU Vs SU/LH etc is one thing and for sure JU must price it higher and has every argument to do so - JFKOTP/SJJ/SOF etc...now that is where if you see JU charging higher will most probably result in low ultimate sales (unless fare is higher cause you already achieved reasonable loads or for some reason you expect to get it at later stage at higher fare). I am no JU hater/lover, but that is basic common sense.
Delete"I thinks it is absolutely normal and actually mandatory to price non stop service between the cities above those with a connection."
DeleteI totally agree with this under normal sales times, but what I was trying to say that there is really NO promotion since prices are in the range where they should be under regular times and definitely not something even close to 399 euros as being told to the public by media.
Monkey eating a banana under the moon. Bad news for Air Serbia.
DeleteYep... sta da vam kazem, bice ovo jako losa godina za vas sa izjavama: "Bad news for Air Serbia."
DeleteSo, it's past midnight and the lowest price I see on the route is 440 euros - very decent.
DeleteRandom dates in low season - late Sep, October and on.
DeleteOf course it's ex-BEG.
ticket prices always vary from market to market. Tweek the searches around abit, maybe instead of USD search in Euro. Ticket works out cheaper with the conversion as the Euro has fallen to the USD :)
DeletePromotional fares dont mean that all the seats in the certain class will be 1 price. Aparently sales have been going well and that should be pushing ticket prices higher (supply/demand).
Najbolji su mi ovi koji konstantno pisu "very bad news for AS". To me bas nasmije, jel taj covjek ima imalo znanja o avioindustriji ili samo lupa reda radi?
ReplyDeleteMapa sjedenja nema nikakve veze sa prodajom karata, ja sam kupio kartu za 11 Jula JFKBEG jedan pravac I nisam uzeo sjedalo,posto planiram da trazim sjedalo u redu za spasavanje I bicu dosta ranije na terminalu posto mi konekcija iz Toronta stize dosta ranije I imacu priliku da budem medju prvima u redu da trazim to mjesto.
A i ti ides Deltom u 6:00 ujutro? Ja sam tu u prvim redovima, pre tebe cu izaci iz aviona i otici do Air Serbia da trazim exit row, valjda ostane neki i za tebe.
DeleteOT: Sarajevo +6,66% in February!
ReplyDeleteVery good. And this month arrives Air Arabia
DeleteNadam se da ce uskoro i CSA poceti sa prodajom karata za Sarajevo!
DeleteWhy in the hell would they want to fly there?
Deletehigh demand.
ReplyDeleteReally like it! The A330 already will be part of the family! ;)
What about the 737-200? Are they gone?
737-200 are flying for Aviogenex
DeleteJU never had the B732.
DeleteThe B732 (YU-ANP) belongs to AGX.
Jat used it from time to time as compensation for
maintenance. That and the Jat fleet was falling apart.
Deez nuts!
Hahahah :D
DeleteAir Serbia has once in a lifetime opportunity to capture events building up to the first flight and then the inaugural flight to New York. They are probably already working on it, but if they are not: partner with a production company/TV channel and create 30-60 min video that will promote this achievement. Document internal steps to create long haul route, bring A330 into Air Serbia livery (similar to great ASL ATR72 repaint video), refurbish interior, design of catering and IFE product, crew training, interviews with pilots, airport prep (similar to Air Serbia close-up video), A330 first arrival at BEG with air-to-air shots, prep for a first flight, glimpse of JU500 DC-10 history and shots of NYC/JFK, then first flight with A330 rigged with many GoPro cameras (attached to landing gear, galleys, several in cockpit etc similar to parts of 1st LH A380 flight video into SFO at http://www.smithsonianchannel.com/shows/mighty-planes/airbus-a380/1003002/3361526 and shortened version of https://youtu.be/37nuY95ARpY), departure event at BEG, inflight interviews, arrival and water cannon salute at JFK etc. Don’t drop this golden opportunity to capture this process, promote it commercially and keep it for posterity!
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that JU still doesn't have a PR and a chief commercial officer?
DeleteWhere have you been all this time ? if you are going to criticise, then you should do so knowing your facts - which you clearly don't. It has had a Head of Corporate Affairs for the past 4 months and the position of CCO was made redundant 12 mths ago.