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Czech Airlines pushes back Sarajevo plans to 2017 |
Czech Airlines has cancelled plans to launch flights from Prague to Sarajevo this summer season. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, the carrier's spokesperson, Daniel Šabik, said, "The regular scheduled route between Prague and Sarajevo, which we considered and planned to start during the 2016 summer season will not be launched this year". However, the airline has not given up on its plans to introduce flights to the Bosnian capital. "We have decided to postpone it to the 2017 summer season", Mr Šabik noted. Czech Airlines initially planned to operate four weekly flights between Prague and Sarajevo from mid-May with a mix of regional ATR 42 and ATR 72 turboprop aircraft.
Despite the cancellation of its Sarajevo service this year, Czech Airlines is going ahead with plans to introduce flights from Prague to both Zagreb and Skopje, which will be launched on April 27 and May 19 respectively. Tickets for both routes are already on sale through the airline's website. The Czech carrier will compete directly against Croatia Airlines on services to/from Zagreb, as its Croatian counterpart has announced the introduction of four weekly flights to the Czech capital from May 21. Czech Airlines use to operate services to Sarajevo, Zagreb and Skopje prior to its restructuring, which commenced in 2011 in an attempt to curb losses. However, the airline now aims to carry transfer passengers from the region, who will connect onto its network from Prague.
Sarajevo Airport swung back to growth in February after underperforming in December and January due to poor weather conditions, which saw a number of flights cancelled and diverted. Sarajevo Airport welcomed 42.567 passengers last month, an increase of 6.7% on 2015. A total of 713 flight operations were recorded, while the amount of handled cargo totalled 146.206 kilograms. During the first two months of the year, Sarajevo Airport saw 83.775 travellers pass through its doors, an increase of 0.2% compared to the same period last year. This March, the airport will welcome Air Arabia, which will launch scheduled flights from Shajrah in the United Arab Emirates.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 41.208 | ▼ 5.7 |
FEB | 42.567 | ▲ 6.7 |
Very professional of them
ReplyDeleteThe airline is pretty shambolic so I'm not surprised.
DeleteDoes anyone know the reason why? Did they predict bad sales or postponed it for technical reasons?
ReplyDeleteyou asking too much
DeleteI assume operational reasons. CSA wanted to fly to SJJ during nighttime and depart early morning. It is all at time when SJJ is closed and I doubt they were willing to open up the airport just for CSA and its ATR42. So they probably told CSA to move the times and CSA didn't have the spare aircraft during the day and neither did any other time suit them as their proposed times fit perfectly for transfer passengers to catch the departure wave from Prague to other destinations.
DeleteDoes anyone knows the reason for the nighttime closure? Is it mainly financial or it's the fact that the airport is located in densely populated area? I used to live across the street basically and even though we got used to it very quickly , we almost knew the timetable by heart.
DeleteOne of most stupid things SJJ insist on. Air Serbia, Croatia Airlines, ČSA and who knows who else want to lend after 22:00 hours. If not they can not make their waves and rather does not fly second (late evening), Air Serbia for example. So, it is more than stupid that SJJ does not see it is necessary for them to be opened at least from 5:30 to 23:30
DeleteIf the noise is the reason they could restrict operations with less noisy turboprops. In Toronto, there is a Toronto Island airport where only Q400s operate and it's quite OK
DeleteJets taking of at nighttime from SJJ is really loud. Residential areas are se close that the neighborhood across from the main street is called Aerodromsko Naselje. Village of Butmir (old airport name) on the other side of the runway might even be worse since there is no tall structures in between.
DeleteExcuse me but the airport wasn't built yesterday. What were these people thinking when they were moving in? Because of them the whole city is being held hostage.
DeleteThat's like saying that BEG has to remain closed because people in Ledine and Surcin get woken up in the morning when the Atrs start arriving.
Sorry for the OT...
ReplyDeleteStarting October: Skopje - Doha 3x per Week with Qatar Airways.
What's the point of posting the same thing every day without a source?
DeleteThis might be the first unwise decision of Qatar Airways in a long time. They should have rather gone for SKG.
Deletema nemoj
DeleteVia Zagreb. Strange choice...
DeleteSorry, but where you find the news about this article(Doha - Skopje)
DeleteSKP will not be via ZAG, it will be non stop service, same as SJJ (if launched which is basically considered as done deal within QR sources).
DeleteThere are many destinations in Eastern Europe/Near-East Qatar needs to launch before Skopje...namely:
I believe that SKP is there to additionally fill QR new AU routes. Competition in that respect is limited with FZ 2 weekly as only relevant 1 stop competitor. Who knows, maybe they open some of these you mention as well, apparently ITB will be used to announce 12 new routes - but SKP and SJJ are basically a given.
Deletei stil hope for DOH-SKP-SJJ-SKP-DOH with local rights on SKP-SJJ
DeleteSKP is via ZAG. You can try to book a flight on their website and will see it.
DeleteYes, haha, but with OU on ZAG SKP...Different airlines completely, not DOH SKP QR only service. That way QR 'flies' to SKP via IST etc...hell, they fly to every single place on the planet :D
DeleteI'm sure that QR will give better price thatn OU on that route...
DeleteDOH SKP is not served by QR not OU..it is simple interline. And if you expect low cost price on direct DOH SKP....don't, QR usually charges nice premium over other airlines 1 stop option. Take TK SKP DOH price and add some EUR on top of that, probably 100-150.
DeleteIs there any truth to this claims? One thing I know is that QR is supposed to attend some type of a show in Germany were they are supposed to announce a number of routes.
DeleteWell it's supposed to happen
Trade air ce poceti operirati jos neke linije iz Zagreba:
ReplyDeleteOd 20.5. - Brussels
Od 21.5. - Copenhagen
Od 13.6 - Athens via Dubrovnik (koja uz barcelonu prelazi na year round, a Tel Aviv i dalje ostaje sezonski)
Od 26.5 - Barcelona (koja postaje takoder year round).
Znaci li to da bi OU mogla uvesti jos linija buduci da je prepustila neke svoje linije Trade Air-u? Vrijeme ce pokazati. Ali sretan sam sto su Atena i Barcelona konacno year round :)
So Purger told us much before announcements:
Delete- Croatia Airlines will open Lisabon, St.Petersburg, Milan, Prague
- ZAG-PRG frequency will be -2-4-67 not 3 times per week
- Trade air F100 will fly for Croatia Airlines
- Limitless Airlines will fly Dubrovnik-Teheran instead of Swiss carrier
So there are just 3 information to be confirmed:
- Adria Airways CRJ900 to fly for Air Serbia
- Trade Air to fly Jeatstream on PSO OSI-ZAG (6 times per week), and 2 times per week on OSI-PUY, OSI-RJK, PUY-SPU, RJK-SPU-DBV
- Qatar Airways 787 to fly on Doha-Zagreb route from summer 2017
I think we should give him a credit, not to write that his "sources" are not good and are just like INI-NS.
Prvo naucite da citate pa onda dajte komentar ili se potpisite da vidimo sta vi znate .
Je li ovo znači da linija iz ZAG preko DBV za ATH postaje cjelogodišnja linija? Koliko puta ce ici zimi?
DeleteGovori se da bi ATH i BCN trebale biti cjelogodišnje. Daj bože, no to je ipak neprovjerena informacija.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteINN ovako nešto se ipak nisam nadao od tebe. Kada kompanija uzme neku kompaniju u wet-lease kako bi pokrila svoje linije i letove tuđim avionima, to niti je let TDR, niti njihov broj, niti će ga oni prodavati, nego isključivo OU, a TDR je tu tek prijevoznik. Naravno da se to ubraja u OU, to je linija OU koju za nju operated Trade Air, za koji mjesec možda netko drugi ili sama OU nabavi zrakoplov. TDR tu neće imati čak ni code-share. To je isto kao kad Dolomiti lete za Lufthansu ili HOP! za Air France, ili što će Adria letjeti za Air Serbiju, a u prošlosti je Aviogenex letio za Jat.
DeleteNo, to su ipak osnove zračnog prometa, jako si me razočarao INN. Stvarno to nisam očekivao od tebe.
Mislio sam da ce imati code-share , sto sam razocarao ne mogu ni ja sve znati zato sam i pitao.
INN, od prvog momenta govorimo o WET-LEASE avionu. U igri su bili Estonianovi, Lufthansini, Adrijini i Tradeairovi avioni. Na koncu su se odlučili za Trade air. I kao što se ne bi pisali Adriji da se odlučilo za njihov CRJ 900, tako ni ovdje nema govora o bilo kakvom drugom slučaju. Ni u jednom momentu opcija nije bila code-share, tako nešto ovdje nisi mogao pročitati. Niti si ti pitao za išta drugo nego za wet lease. U wet lease slučaju na vlastitim linijama, kao što je ovdje slučaj na Croatijinim linijama, smješno je i govoriti da bi se ti putnici pisali Trade airu, a ne Croatiji.
DeletePa jel onda uzimaju i ta 2 od Estoniana ili samo od TDR?
DeleteNiko ziv nezna
DeletePricalo se za ES-ACC i ES-ACB, obadva su jos od 24.02. u East Middlands kod firme AirbourneColors na farbanja, a sad dali ce stvarno biti ofarbani u "CA" boje, ili je to bila "patka", to cemo vidjeti....
DeleteWithout bringing a strong low cost airline to Sarajevo numbers will constantly hover around 800,000 at an annual level. First I thought the problem might have been protectionism of B&H Airlines. But then they went bankrupt. Then I though the problem might be the airport CEO. But then he was sacked. So what is the problem? Wyt doesn't a low cost airline base an aircraft in Sarajevo? It is the only way it could surpass one million passengers in a single year.
ReplyDelete+ 1
DeleteBut my guess the main problem with Sarajevo are fess plus its lacking anything above CAT I. That's why the airport was closed during most of December and part of January. No LCC will would risk having its operations disrupted for that long.
+1 9.43
DeleteBasically it is a small airport with only a few passengers, pathetic management, constant bad weather, low quality ILS and requiring special training for pilots to land there. Not hard to do the math.
DeleteExplains why they didn't put tickets on sale for so long.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know how Air Arabia ticket sales for Sarajevo are going? I hope we don't see the same thing happen as it did with their Tuzla flights.
ReplyDeleteno Bosnian can afford Air Arabia prices. Have you checked their fares? Low cost haha!
DeleteQuite well, they announced additional flights...
DeleteGood news for Adria, Lufthansa and Air Serbia, for especially for Austrian and Croatia who have so many flights to Sarajevo and perfect connection to PRG via VIE and ZAG
ReplyDeletePRN February 2016 pax figures have been released by the Kosovar CAA:
~105,000 pax - up ~21% vs February 2015.
Both January 2016 and February 2016 pax figures are the best ever recorded by PRN for these two months.
Good numbers. This is kind of related to the topic - has CSA ever flown to PRN? Seems like a good market for them.
DeleteNo, CSA has never flown to PRN. However, they asked for and were assigned slots just before they began cutting their routes to the Balkans (back in 2013 if I recall correctly). However, I have not heard any word about their intention to reconsider the route.
DeleteCongrats. Those look like some serious numbers. What is the reason behind a strong Feb? Jan was expected, this looks structural now.
ReplyDeleteOT ZAG
ReplyDelete2/2015 141833
2/2016 153077
Go Zagreb!
DeleteNearly 8% up. Not bad!
DeleteDobre vesti za OS i ASL i dalje ostaju glavni sto se tice trzista u SSJ.
OU leti 13 puta tjedno za SJJ , dok ASL samo 7 puta, tako da, prije bih rekao da su dobre vijesti za OS i OU ;) .
DeleteA OU ima tako dobar Hub sistem i toliko transfernih putnika da je to ocigledno ;)
DeleteOS i ASL su glavni u SJJ .
Za potrebe SJJ svakako ima dovoljno transfernih putnika, svakako vise nego ASL, ipak ne lete uzalud 2x dnevno (osim nedjeljom kad lete samo vecernji let), dok ASL samo 1x dnevno :) .
DeleteIako Beograd je aerodrom broj 1 u EX-Yu prostorima, to nitko ne osporava i ASL je postao glavni lider, ali nije BEG Heathrow niti ce ikad biti. A uostalom OU pocinje ponovno konkurirati ASL-u. ;)
Niko nije rekao da je BEG LHR ali je zato DXB u EX YU ;)
DeleteJa ne vidim u kojem delu je OU konkurencija ASL napisite mi gde ? Mozda usluga tokom leta , Mozda Wi-Fi ili mozda u OTP , SOF ?
Eto dobre vesto za OU , OS i ASL u SJJ ali sad mi objasnite gde pocinje da konkurira ASL .
A videcemo sta ce biti u LED .
Evo jos jedna informacija.
DeleteU 2015. godini, prema statistici SJJ aerodroma, OU je prevezla iz SJJ za ZAG; 61 215 putnika, dok je ASL za BEG iz SJJ prevezao samo 28 842. Toliko o tome :) .
Dobro za to ali mi objasnite gde to OU pocinje da konkurira ASL od sad kao sto kazete gore :)
I sta kazes sa INN-SNS?
Delete'Konkurira' na liniji za LHR, BRU, AMS, CDG, FRA, CPH, ARN... a uskoro i na MXP, PRG...itd
DeleteTo sto JU ima wifi ne znaci nista. Sem toga posluga je malcice iznad proseka. Putnika na kraju uveg gleda cenu.
Konkurira upravo u odvlacenju putnika iz Sarajeva, Pristine i Skopja, kao i Dubrovnika i Splita.
DeleteNitko ne osporava cinjenicu da je ASL trenutno najbolji, to bez daljnjega, pogotovo sada nakon uvodenja JFK samo ce potvrditi status lidera, ali ako vodstvo ASL tu ne odigra pametno, te da se upostavi kasnije da linija ne bude isplativa, jako ce se lose pisati ASL-u ;) .
Ne zaboravi da se uskoro otvara novi Zagrebacki aerodrom, i vidimo dosta veliku ekspanziju novih linija, tako da nemoj se iznenaditi ako Zagreb postane Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Airport ex-yu regije ;) .
&TimtamMarch 4, 2016 at 1:05 PM
DeleteEvo jos jedna informacija.
U 2015. godini, prema statistici SJJ aerodroma, OU je prevezla iz SJJ za ZAG; 61 215 putnika, dok je ASL za BEG iz SJJ prevezao samo 28 842. Toliko o tome :) .
Regarding ASL figures it's wrong information. For ASL correct figures are 39710 passengers and 357 flights on route BEG-SJJ vv in whole 2015. LF was 65,2%.
Da OU konkurira sa duplo vise putnika prema ARN to vam je odlicno uporedjenje .
DeleteDa pogotovu prema MXP i PRG gde ASL leti duplo vise puta .
OU sigurno vodi to mogu reci prema FRA od gore navedenih Destinacija a na ostalim Destinacijama ASL ima vise transfernih putnika.
Posluga nije samo malo izmad proseka u ostalom cemo i videti ko ce dobiti pobedu u LED.
I u ostalom G TimTam se sam nasao prozvan.
Pa evo vidis, sad je OU konkurencija ASL-u na linijama za MXP i PRG, a i uskoro i na LED. Danas-sutra kad se uvede i ARN, bit ce i tamo konkurentan ASL-u ;) .
DeleteA putnici ce uvijek uzeti gdje je karta jeftinija, jer vecini nije u interesu imati neki preveliki komfor, pogotovo ne na kratkim letovima, nego im je u interesu proci sto jeftinije i cim prije doci na odrediste ;) .
DeleteTako da vidimo i ako ASL ima manje letova da ima skoro 40000 pax i to nije lose .
DeleteVec nekoliko godina najavljujete te silne Aviokompanije da ce doci ali ne dolaze vise ih ide prema SPU i DBV direktno i to sezonski .
Odlicne vesti sto se otvara novi Terminal ali posto hocete da postane ATL mora stici duplo veci Aerodrom u toj regiji koji ce jedini biti odlicno povezan sa USA i Bliskim istokom .
I nadam se da ovo nece brisati Admin da se vidi .
INN-NS i Tim Tam cisto kao informacija, JU nece leteti za LED. Izabrali su KBP umesto LED.
DeleteVidi vam se znaje kad uzimate ARN u ovo uporedjenje gde CTN ni ne leti .
DeleteSad ste sami sebi upali u rec mislite da ce neko sa duplo manje letova biti konkurencija .
Ja u ostalom i ne znam sto ste se nasli prozvani gore kad nigde nista spomenuto nije o OU .
DeleteCjena jeste vazna, ali isto tako postoji dobar segment putnika (kao bussines) koji gledaju i duzinu konekcije, FF program, postojanje biznis lounge itd.
+1 INN
Delete@AnonymousMarch 4, 2016 at 1:34 PM
DeleteCan you give us more informations, why they opted for KBP instead of LED, operational reasons or simply the finances/market research? Thanks!
SM neosporno postoje business putnici kojima je to bitno. No, kao što vidimo Air Serbija ima popunjenost business kabine vrlo lošu. Najčešće 1-2 putnika, često niti to, tek u top sezoni nešto više. To je zanemariv broj putnika.
Delete1. Na liniji za SJJ leti ATR i tu je Q400 svakako bolji avion, udobniji, brži, tiši, prostraniji, bizno mlađi... pa je i OU svakako bolja opcija po većinu putnika.
2. ZAG ima i bolje devijacije iz SJJ nego BEG i to za sjevernu, središnju, zapadnu i jugozapadnu Europu, dok je BEG to tek za istočnu i jugoistočnu Europu. Samim time su i troškovi tranzitnih putnika daleko niži preko ZAG. Znači i zarada po svako putniku je bitno veća.
3. Sa 13 frekvencija dnevno, broj konekcija na neka linije (AMS, CDG, FRA, MUC, ZRH, VIE, BRU) penje se na 13 tjedno, tj. dva leta skoro svaki dan. Putnik iz SJJ doslovce može otići do tih destinacija i vratiti se istog dana. To u slučaju Air Serbije ne može. Prema većini destinacija nema konektiranosti čak niti svaki dan (let je u srednjem valu i ili ima let iz SJJ do destinacije ili nazad, a tek za SVO, CDG, VIE i ZRH koji imaju po dvije dnevne frekvencije svakog dana moguća je svakodnevna konekcija)
4. OU je konkurentna spram JU na linijama iz SJJ za LHR, AMS, CDG, BRU, CPH, FRA, MUC, VIE, ZRH, WAW, PRG, MXP, SPU, DBV, PUY, SKP, TLV, dok je JU konkurentna samo na TXL, FCO, IST (no tu je TK puno prejak sa nonstop letovima) i SVO. Naravno, JU ima daleko više destinacija koje opslužuje a ne opslužuje ih OU ili code-share partneri (AUH, ATH, TGD, DUS, ARN, IEV, BEY, OTP, SOF, LJU, JFK, STR, TIA, SKG, VAR, no na dobrom dijelu njih ova konekcija nije konkurentna jer u BEG treba čekati ili 8 sati, ili u većini slučajeva cijelu noć). OU sama leti za LED, BCN, LIS, OSI, PRN, ZAD.
5. I na kraju P2P putnika prema ZAG ima više nego prema BEG.
I zato ne treba čuditi da ZAG ima dalekovi više putnika iz SJJ nego BEG, te da je broj ponuđenih sjedala
p2p je veci za ZAG jer je BEG neuporedivo blizi i lakse je ici drumom izmedju dva grada nego sto je to slucaj sa Zagrebom. Ali sama potraznja je neuporedivo veca sa Beogradom.
DeleteOprosti, gdje sam ja rekao da OU leti za ARN?
Samo sam rekao da danas-sutra kada ce letjeti za ARN ce biti takoder konkurencija za ASL.
Malo citanja s razumijevanjem ne bi skodilo da primjenis :) .
Ja se nisam nasao nicim prozvanim, samo sam htio ispraviti navod da vijest o neuvodenju linije Prag-Sarajevo nista ne znaci za OU - dapace vise znaci za OU nego za ASL jer ipak OU ce letjeti za PRG a i za MXP sto ce samo preoteti vise putnika ASL i OS sto se tice SJJ trzista.
Ponavljam ti: citaj s razumijevanjem, znam da si jos mlad ali kad dodes u realan svijet to ce te jako skupo kostati - ne razumijevanje procitanog. Mlad si i pametan, i nemoj si to kvariti takvim ponasanjem. Pozdrav.
Ja sam uopsteno pisao i sa onim Gospodinom gore .
DeleteJa nigde nisam naveo OU gore samo sam rekao da su dobre vesti za OS I ASL posto su to za mene bitne kompanije ili sam trebao napisati sve i jednu sto leti za SJJ i tako je doslo do ne sporazuma. Pozdrav.
Doslo je do 'nesporazuma' kada si krenuo da tvrdis da je JU jaca od OU u SJJ.
DeleteNije mozda u SJJ ali je je na ostalim mestima i to mnogo jaca .
INN to naprosto nije istina. OU nudi više sjedala na apsolutno svim destinacijama na kojima je u direktnoj konkurenciji sa JU. To sam jednom ovdje napisao. OU je daleko jača i u SKP, i u SJJ, i u SPU, DBV i PUY. Na ostalim feeding destinacijama se ne kose. Ako si zaboravio taj moj post evo da ti ga ponovim:
Comparison of JU, JP and OU in inter-exYu routes
Number of seats per week (13.474):
6806 Croatia Airlines (50,5%)
4988 Air Serbia (37,0%)
1680 Adria Airways (12,5%)
Number of flights per week (171):
82 Croatia Airlines (47,9%)
69 Air Serbia (40,4%)
20 Adria Airways (11,7%)
Numbers of routes (19):
8 Croatia Airlines (42,1%)
7 Air Serbia (36,8%)
4 Adria Airways (21,1%)
Sarajevo (3)
OU 13x Q400, 988 seats per week
JU 7x AT7, 462 seats per week
JP 4x CR9, 336 seats per week*
Skopje (3)
JP 7xCR9, 588 seats per week*
OU 7x Q400, 532 seats per week
JU 7x AT7, 462 seats per week
Priština (2)
JP 6x CR9, 504 seats per week*
OU 3x Q400, 228 seats per week
JU no flights
Podgorica (2)
JU 21 x AT7, 1386 seats per week
JP 3x CR9, 252 seats per week*
OU no flights
Split (1/2)
OU 22x A319 and Q400, 2148 seats per week
JU seasonal route
JP no flights
Dubrovnik (1/2)
OU 22x A320 and Q400, 2358 seats per week
JU seasonal route
JP no flights
Pula (1/2)
OU 6x Q400 via ZAD, 231 seats per week
JU seasonal route
JP no flights
Tivat (1)
JU 7x A319, 896 seats per week
JP and OU no flights
Ljubljana (1)
JU 12x AT7, 792 seats per week
JP and OU no flights
Zagreb (1)
JU 12x AT7, 792 seats per week
JP and OU no flights
Zadar (1)
OU 6x Q400, 231 seats per week
JU and JP no flights
Banja Luka (1)
JU 3x AT7, 198 seats per week
JP and OU no flights
Osijek (1)
OU 3x EM2 by Trade Air, 90 seats per week
JU and JP no flights
* presumption, no official data of the equipment
Purger, aren't you some sort of aviation "expert" ? If you were, then you would know that the only route in which OU and JU are in "direct" competition, is BEG-SPU and that is only an a seasonal basis.
DeleteWhat you have outlined above is pure fantasy and only shows how very far away you are from even being an "amateur".
All you have done is to show where each airline flies to and in how many seats they offer - all very interesting and no doubt factual - but has no bearing on which carrier offers more on a direct competitive basis.
It is like comparing apples and oranges - both are fruits - but that is where the comparison begins and ends.
Surely, you can do better than this ?
The only real comparison is one which compares the O&D schedules and capacities, as well as market segmentation, purpose of travel etc etc.
And my friend, that is something that neither you nor I can do, rather, it takes sophisticated modelling in which to perform such a meaningful analysis.
Stick to your otherwise good insights and commentary, rather than trying to present some sort of deep and meaningful analysis - which this isn't.
His analysis also includes Croatian domestic cities which JU isn't allowed to fly and yet his analysis is about routes in which JP, JU and OU are "direct competitors".
DeletePAH-LEASE !!!!
Pa niko nije rekao da nemaju vise letova ali nemaju vise putnika i ako imaju vise letova ukupno.
Competition is everywhere one fly and have connections via their hub and other company fly via their hub. So in SKP competition is Austrian, Air Serbia, Adria, Croatia, Turkish...
DeleteIf you have SKP-BEG-AMS and SKP-ZAG-AMS that is competition. The same thing is in SJJ, SPU, DBV and PUY (last three seasonally what is part of year with most of passengers, isn't it).
But also any airport in region is for sure competition to fly from. So many people from Boka Kotorska use Dubrovnik (Croatia), and even from Dubrovnik county use Tivat (Air Serbia). Of course since we have OSI-ZAG route there is less passengers from East Slavonija to use flights from BEG. The same thing is with passengers on BNX-BEG flights that would use ZAG instead.
If you don't understand that well, than we don't have nothing to discuss. I remember that CTN CEO Kučko also fight me when he claimed that ASL is not any danger to CTN. By this logic that they compete just in SPU route, ASL is no danger and not so ever influence to CTN. And for sure CTN has less passengers in SKP just as accident and that did not have anything with ASL expansion in that market?!?!?!?! Just funny coincidence!?!?!?!?!?!
One thing is seats offered, another one the actual number of passengers carried.
DeleteAnd we saw by statistics that OU has much more passengers in SPU, DBV, SJJ, SKP... than JU.
ReplyDeleteWW daje zanimljivo ime prvom A330-330 TF-GAY i nastavljaju sa zanimljivim imenima .
I pritom konfiguracija je 340 sedista.
I think the main reason for this were opening hours at SJJ which makes you wonder why the hell they would let a customer go just like that.
ReplyDeleteAdmin, I believe there is difference between cancelling a planned route and postponing its launch. Hence, the headline is incorrect and misleading.
ReplyDeleteYour reports includes the following quote: "We have decided to postpone it to the 2017 summer season." Why not use the same term?
Hey Buddy, give it a rest.
DeleteI am glad they cancelled it, that route had no ground, same should go for Skopje.
Deleteanon @1.43 is Aэrologic
DeleteYou see ghosts everywhere?
DeleteI think he is right, 1.43 style is typical Aerologic.
ReplyDeleteAmerican Airlines i Air Serbia potpisale međukompanijski ugovor o saobraćaju
Zadovoljstvo nam je da objavimo da su kompanije American Airlines (AA) i Air Serbia potpisale međukompanijski ugovor o saradnji (Interline Traffic Agreement - ITA), što je prvi korak prema bližoj komercijalnoj saradnji. Ugovor je stupio na snagu 28. februara 2016. i važi do daljnjeg. Obe ugovorne strane su potvrdile da 2. marta pokreću međukompanijsko izdavanje elektronskih karata (Interline Electronic Ticketing - IET), a cilj je da se IET uvede u fizičku proizvodnju do 30. marta 2016. Ove mere su prvi koraci ka čvrstom partnerstvu između Air Serbia i najznačajnijeg američkog avioprevoznika.
Uf, fascinantno, a code share? Ne?
DeleteAko ćemo o JFK-u DL je duplo jača od AA.
DeleteOne more nail in the haters' coffin.
DeleteAnon 5:45 is right, but then again AA is fine as well. They have flights to most important destinations in US and Canada like Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Dallas, Boston,etc.
Deletethis is only interesting for the BEG pax because the mentioned cities can be reached with 1 stop connections from all exyu countries with LH,OS and TK respectivly
DeleteWOW! Yessss! This is HUGE! Air Serbia has to prove itself on this route and codeshare might one day follow. Keep in mind AB has JU's codeshares to ORD and MIA right now. This might, just might help switch from T4 to T8 at JFK. Congrats to both AA and JU, I always believed this would happen.
DeleteIt's an interline agreement lol. Calm down.
Deleteit's a sure sign things are moving in a right direction
DeleteIf somebody is interested… I was just checking AA timetable from/to YYZ and how it lines up with the ASLs JFK flights. YYZ-JFK-BEG, 45min connection time on days 1,2,4 and 2h 20min on 5,6. Going back (BEG-JFK-YYZ) it’s 3.5h connection on 1,2,4 and not possible on 5,6 (ASL flight lands too late). I took YYZ as an example because that’s probably the worst case and personally place I’m the most interested in. AA has multiple flights from any major US city to JFK so in those cases pax should have no problem finding decent connection.
DeleteOf course this is just AA and just JFK. LGA has more flights but then in my case wouldn’t be applicable. Also, it doesn’t include any possible AC cooperation (most of their NYC bound flights are to Newark and LaGuardia though).
SM you are familiar with the ex-yu diaspora near YYZ? How strong are the ties? Do people travel often?
DeleteAir Serbia has an interline agreement with 60+ carriers, they will still pop up lower than AF, LH or other flights. Nothing to get too excited about. Fanboys should be reminded JU has an interline with Delta as well.
DeleteDoes anyone remeber when JU signed interline with Air China for flights via Vienna and how certain fanboys reacted haha
DeleteThere is tons of Serbians, Croats, Macedonians and to a lesser extent Bosnians and Slovenians around YYZ. Just as an example, there is five Serbian Orthodox Church and monastery in Milton (half hour drive). My daughter's school,about 30-40%of kids are Serbian and Macedonian. If you consider cities like Kitchiner, Hamilton, Niagara Falls (which are within an hour drive) than there is a lot more. I’m not so familiar with Croatian community but I know there is a lot of them as well especially in Mississauga and Oakville (suburbs of Toronto) and they go back to Croatia a lot. Heck, their prime minister and president lady all came from Ontario. Compared to Serbs, even those Croats that were borne here go back often, have properties there etc. Serbs that came after WW2 don’t go often but bunch of that came recently go all the time. Also there is some traffic in the reverse direction with family and friends visiting (Canadian government seems to give visas more often than ever and Croats don’t even need visa for a while now). Every time I go to the airport to wait for someone you hear our language at teh departure level. One other market that they shouldn’t forget if they decide to start YYZ is Ukraine. There is a LOT of them here, they even have a annual street festival, Greeks too.and there is no direct flights but also a lot of options. Because of all of this I was a bit surprised that YYZ wasn’t their first choice. The problem I think is that a lot of this traffic is very seasonal in nature. Big players have that market covered very well, especially OS and LH, now even LX with BA and AF/KL being somewhat secondary choice. A lot of people uses AC/ASL interline, there was some good options last couple of years.
I am optimistic for Toronto's chances of being the next Air Serbia longhaul destination, which I believe will come sooner rather than later because having only a single aircraft and longhaul destination for longer than necessary is neither wise nor profitable.
DeleteNow that JFK is satisfied, I think there really are only three other destinations that could realistically be launched: Toronto, Chicago, and Beijing.
I think BEG-YYZ makes a lot of sense because it is only about 85 nautical miles longer than BEG-JFK, so the YYZ flights could have a similar schedule to the JFK flights. Both PEK and ORD are a bit further than these two aforementioned destinations so it might take a bit more work to get them to fit.
@Anon at 11:31
Delete"Fanboys should be reminded JU has an interline with Delta as well"
If you are flying from ATL to BEG of course it makes sense for DL to interline with JU, Air Serbia can take those ATL passengers from many EU hubs DL flies to. None of that matters in light of new JU JFK-BEG flight.
What is needed now is DL (and Delta Connection etc) interline to JFK, feeding into new JU501 flight to BEG. That's what matters for new Air Serbia flight, to have interline partner feed from all over US into JU501. Goal is not to take passengers to AMS, CDG etc where JU was already taking them further to BEG for decades. That's why new AA interline matters!
JU and DL interline covers all of the US via AMS, CDG... cities without a direct link to Europe are served with a two stop option. I am sure that the interline will be expanded to include JFK as well.
DeleteHowever, if you are flying from BEG to LAX then the interline with DL will not be ranked as your first option, it will be all the way down. Your first options will be those via MUC, FRA, FCO...
Take BEG to SLC as an example. The interline includes Salt Lake City but when booking it's really difficult to find it. The easiest way is to go on Air France and fly on their codeshare, while never boarding their aircraft. That's why JU needs a code-share partner in order to survive in JFK.
I still believe that for JU it would be better to serve the rest of the US via CDG, AMS and FCO while the JFK flights should be filled with European and Middle Eastern passengers. Connecting at a US airport is not a pleasant experience.
ReplyDeleteG. Kučko je do sada javno, polujavno ili kuloarski iznosio svakakve planove za CTN. Evo ih kronološki:
1. Nabavit će se novi A319
2. Nabavljaju se CRJ 900
3. Prolongiraju se kupnja novih A319, no iznajmljuju se A319 i A320 od Adrije jer su jako jeftini a otvraju se linije poput DMO.
4. Najbaljanju se CRJ1000
5. Nabavlja se CSerija
6. Nabavljaju se Embraeri 190
7. Razmišlja se o Mitsubishi MRJ
8. Umjesto A319 kupuju se A320neo (potpisano)
9. I opet se nabavljaju CRJ 900 ili možda ipak Embraeri 190 (navodno postoje dvije struje u CTN-u)
Ide se u otvaranje novih linija, najavljene su dvije, ali za to svakako ne treba dva regionalna jeta, već bi i jedan bio previše. Regionalac mora odraditi minimalno 25 rotacija tjedno, a dvije linije sa 3 frekvencije su 6 rotacija tjedno, što je sa ostalih 20-tak. Znači ili se otvara više linija ili se paralelno sa novim linijama povečavaju frekvencije postojećih linija, ili se, nedaj bože, dio flote A319/320 mijenja sa regionalcima?
Najnovija razmišljanja (3 mjeseca prije pokretanja sezone) je:
1. Uzeti u wet leasu CRJ od bankrotiralog Estoniana, koji su sada u vlasništvu (ili posjedu) Nordic Aviation Group nove kompanije koja treba nastaviti tamo gdje je stao Estonian, a koji ih daju za kikiriki jer ih trebaju zaposliti godinu dana da bi zadržali posade i avione prije pokretanja operacija krajem 2016. Avioni su NG, stari tek 4 godine i ne baš mnogo raubani. Navodno bi na na ovaj način vidjeli kako im CRJ paše u operacije pa bi nakon sezone eventualno uzeli dugoročni leasing ovog aviona.
2. No, još uvijek je u igri i Embraer 190/195, za koji navodno druka Kučko. Lufthansa ih još uvijek ima na lageru nakon zatvaranja Augsburga i vrlo je vjerovatno da je upravo to deal.
3. Pregovara se i sa Tradeairom, pa su čak i rađene kalkulacije za letove sa Fokkerom 100, no postoji i neke druge mogućnosti da se operacije preko Trade Aira rade sa nekim drugim avionima.
I na kraju uzela se najjednostavnija opcija. Koliko je ona dobra ipak je stvar malo duže rasprave.
CRJ or ERJ, what does it matter? Both are good options. If there is indecisiveness at Croatia Airlines, they will run out of time and the competitors will tighten the noose from all sides.
DeleteRight now the airline industry is in a major upswing. Fuel is cheap. Everyone is making money.
crj bi lepo legao i asl- u. ovo sa fokerima je samo jos jedna glupost u nizu kroacije. kao da namerno urusavaju nekad sasvim solidnu, a danas vrlo ugrozenu kompaniju.
DeletePricalo se i o nekakvoj bazi u Sarajevu
DeleteLufthansa ima za ljeto cak premalo regionalnih aviona, tako da ja mislim nema nista o Embrejeru.
DeleteSwiss je zbog toga morala preuzeti GVA-MUC, tako da i Swiss trebala se rijesiti nekih ruta, da bi mogla 4 puta dnevno za MUC.
Kuckova lutanja koja recimo se mogu procitati iz medija, gdje je davao razne informacije i spominjao svaki puta drugi model aviona, je dokaz da ta firma Croatia Airlines i nema neku strategiju.
DeleteDa im nema subvencija drzave od kojih dobivaju dobru zaradu i raznih racunovodskih mahinacija sa prodajom i iznajmljivanjem aviona i motora i ne znam cega sve... u glavnom to je sve luk i voda.
Budimo realni CRJ900 (tko je ikad letio s njim) je bolja opcija od Embreaera pa i Dash8.
Nikako se nemogu nacuditi gluposti i onima koji su isli takve Q400 DH8 avione nabavljati, pa to kada recimo s tim avionom letis, trebaju ti radnicke one slusalice za buku :)
Ako uzimamo u izbor Embreaer, puno jeftinije bi bilo recimo CRJ900, posto LJU je blizu servisna baza a i type rating preskolovanje recimo dijela pilota sa DH8 na CRJ900 bi isao brze nego na Embreaer.
CA bi mogla iznjamit jos koju A319 i koji regionalac, i pokusati i voziti kakve charter letove kao sto to cini Adria..