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Skopje Airport closes in on Pristina as both see strong passenger growth |
The main airports in Kosovo, Macedonia and Slovenia have all seen their passenger numbers improve in March, with Skopje closing in on Pristina as both recorded double digit growth. In addition, the three registered strong results during the first quarter.
Pristina Airport continued to see its passenger numbers improve into March. It welcomed 124.048 travellers through its doors, a jump of 21.9% compared to the same month last year. During the first quarter, the airport handled 349.947 passengers, up 18.4%. Last month, easyJet introduced new flights from Berlin to Pristina, while the airport will see a number of new scheduled routes during the summer season, including Adria Airways' two weekly service to London Gatwick, as well as Air Berlin's new flights from both Hamburg and Stuttgart. It comes as the airport launches a new two-year incentive scheme in a bid to attract carriers and encourage exiting operators to boost their flights.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 120.531 | ▲ 12.8 |
FEB | 105.368 | ▲ 21.6 |
MAR | 124.048 | ▲ 21.9 |
Skopje Alexander the Great Airport saw another strong month with 120.668 passengers handled. The figure represents an increase of 26.4% on the same month last year. The airport handled just 3.380 travellers less than its traditionally busier counterpart in Pristina and was well ahead of Ljubljana, which it overtook last year to become the fifth busiest airport in the former Yugoslavia. In March, Wizz Air launched flights from the Macedonian capital to Berlin, Copenhagen and Bratislava. During the first quarter, Skopje Airport welcomed 331.943 travellers, a notable increase of 25.8% compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, Macedonia's second international airport - Ohrid - registered 4.221 travellers, up 194.6% on March 2015. Combined, the two airports saw 1.082 flight operations, an improvment of 15%.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 109.097 | ▲ 23.6 |
FEB | 102.178 | ▲ 27.6 |
MAR | 120.668 | ▲ 26.4 |
Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport recorded passenger growth of 3.3% during March, handling 93.923 travellers. The number of aircraft movements also improved, totalling 2.501, or an increase of 2.1%. During the month, LOT Polish Airlines launched services from Warsaw, which will see it compete directly against its Star Alliance partner Adria on the route. This summer, Ljubljana Airport will offer 220 scheduled flights per week, with Aegean Airlines to launch services from Athens in June. During the first quarter, Jože Pučnik Airport handled 245.466 passengers, up 3.9% on the same period in 2015. This is despite an overall decrease in the number of operated flights which stood at 6.425, down 3.2%.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 73.567 | ▲ 0.6 |
FEB | 77.976 | ▲ 7.9 |
MAR | 93.923 | ▲ 3.3 |
Skopje Airport is doing amazing. So far over 86100 passengers more than last year!
ReplyDeleteGood numbers. It will be interesting to see how summer will go. This will be the first year without major Wizz Air increase in flights (despite new routes, the number of flights remains the same because others were decreased)
DeleteBut wait, have they added any new aircraft or routes in the past 4 months?
DeleteActually I just realised that Wizz added most of its new destinations from SKP last year in June and July so the numbers will be very high until then.
DeleteI guess that they've entered those new markets and now it's time to fill those seats. What will be interesting to see is how they managed the addition of extra frequencies where it's needed, I guess by using aircraft from outside of SKP.
Deleteno, they decreased Malmö, Basel and others. This was a step to prevent Ryanair from starting those flights
DeleteQatar Airways is coming to Skopje in 5th October they should have tickets on sale mid July
Delete@Nick is the date official?
DeleteHere is info http://www.exyuaviation.com/p/qatar-airways-schedules-skopje-flights.html
DeleteI'm aware of that @Anon 11:49, but I checked QR website this morning and still nothing shown when I check for tickets between SKP and DOH
DeleteFor some reason SKP on QR is no longer present in GDS at all.
DeleteMay be they have first to decide to which city it will be paired.
DeleteWhat's causing the growth at PRN?
ReplyDeletePRN is merely beating its 2013 figures. These figures represent simply a slow recovery from the demise of Belle Air Europe.
DeletePersonally, I really like SKP airport design. I might have boring taste but I like those modest yet modern designs.
Is AMS JU's most profitable and successful route? I see that it was increased this summer and it almost exclusively gets the A320 along with ZRH. The aicraft was move from CDG which was downgraded to an A319 due to a worse than expected performance.
I'm not sure how profitable it is since it is mostly filled by transit passengers flying to North America, the same is for CDG
DeleteI don't get what you saying? What does it matter what category of passenger fills the flight? As long as it's full. And AMS are almost always at capacity.
DeleteIt matters because according the the SPA signed with KLM, JU earns around €7 per sector on BEG-AMS for all passengers heading to NA.
DeleteDoes that mean €7 per passenger? If so, then it is insane for AS to continue this arrangement.
Delete€7 per passenger, per segment. It's a deal Jat signed that was renewed by Air Serbia. They have no choice, they have to continue it since they don't work with Lufthansa no more. Also if you checked the connectivity with AB it's pretty bad, especially to ORD.
DeleteCouldn't they funnel these passengers via other airlines (Alitalia).
DeleteI guess JU's flights to NY will take big chunk of these passengers.
I wonder how much will the launch of JFK influence the loads JU has to/from AMS/CDG.
DeleteNe treba zaboraviti da jedan deo tih putnika ide i dalje za Kanadu,Juznu Ameriku i dalje destinacije u USA .
Cicko, niko to i ne zaboravlja ali to je irelevantno ovde kada je sektor BEG-AMS 7 evra, nezavisno od toga gde putnik ide. ;)
DeleteIt will be a crazy year if Ryan Air also adds flights to SKP this winter. Also Qatar is coming this November. What I am concerned about is that they haven't actually put tickets on sale, while they have for Sarajevo.
ReplyDeleteStill think they might pair it with BEG, ZAG or SOF.
DeleteI don't think because of duty times of crews
DeleteThey won't. Slot request times were published here a week or two ago and they show that the SKP flight departs back to Doha an hour after landing in SKP and will operate nonstop.
Delete@ AnonymousApril 13, 2016 at 11:27 AM
Delete1 hour is enough for them if the crew is based @ BEG or SOF.
I'm sure that they will pair it to 1 of the 2 cities. Probably it will be SOF, because they have bad experience with pairing to BEG. They didn't get 5th freedom to ESB nor to SOF.
Hi guys, how come this flight has departed 45 minutes early? Did they inform the passengers and move it up because of Brussels?
Пре ће бити да се ИТ "генијалцима" задуженим за одржавање сајта, исти скршио по ко зна који пут па даје небулозне податке о летовима. Ено ни сада сајт не ради
DeleteOt: Air Serbia was topic of the day only once in April, and that was based on T6 interview. Very strange. Must be a calm before a big storm ie. A330 reveal.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe there isn't much to report on until the summer timetable kicks in? Also, JU was reported on when the number of passengers declined at BEG.
DeleteThere was lots of news last month so its normal
DeleteIt's an ex-yu aviation website, not an air serbia website. If you want your daily feed of air serbia, go on their website or engage on their social media channels
DeleteThere are no more news about MAT Airways, Belle Air, BH Airlines, Sky Srpska, Dubrovnik Airline, Avigenex etc. Only a few survivors are left and I don't mind more news.
DeleteWell done to both airports. Thats an impressive growth! Great start for 2016.
ReplyDeleteCould Skopje overtake Pristina this year?
ReplyDeleteNope, PRN has a good run. Getting close though!
DeleteIf no visa liberalisation takes place for Kosovars until next year then I would say SKP will surpass PRN!
DeleteCongrats to all 3!! Whats interesting about Skopje's numbers is that in 2012 it had 0 months with 100,000 pax and this year for the first time all 12 months will be six digits.
ReplyDeleteMoja djelatnica + jedna osoba u pratnji, u top sezoni ide za Tivat.
ReplyDeleteOdlazak oko 10.7., povratak oko 14.8. +/- 5 dana
Air Serbia
225 EUR naviše
Croatia Airlines
84 EUR naviše
Tu je Air Serbija krajnje nekonkurentna. Čak i da nemaju lokalni prijevoz to Tivta (a imaju) plačanje taxija bi bilo bitno jeftinije nego razlika u cijeni. Ušteda skoro 300 EUR za dvije osobe.
Beograd-Tivat je najprometnija linija iz Beograda tokom leta. Nemaju potrebu da snize cene za transfere da bi napunili avion.
DeleteHehehe... verovatno bi ASL, ZAG-BEG-TIV-BEG-ZAG trebala dati za 100eur?
DeleteDragi Purgeru, ako znaju da im je zrakoplov pun u tom periodu godine jer pola Srbije ide dolje, zašto bi uopće trebali promet iz Zagreba, a pogotovo se uspoređivati sa cijenama ZAG DBV koji je btw domaći, a Tivat međunarodni let? To je peak period, top potražnja za BEG-TIV i mislim da je abeceda businessa na djelu. Drugim riječima, ne moraju uzeti 100% market share-a ako time gube novce tj ispuštaju vrijednije putnike. To bi bilo neštpo kao da OU npr u AUG matchira LHR-ZAG sa LHR-BEG-ZAG da ulovi par extra putnika po smiješnim cijenama a ima pune avione engleza i amerikanaca koji uredno plaćaju više.
DeleteJa ne znam cemu to sluzi Gospodin u zadnje vreme kad komentarise to iskljucivo radi o ASL i to skoro uvek u nekom negativnom kontekstu .
DeleteTih 30 pw letova pune drugim putnicima ne brinite se.
Ma imao bi on poantu u ovom slučaju da se ne radi o top sezoni. Inače priznajem da se može reći da je cijena možda pretjerana, ali ako kompanija očekuje izrazito visoka punjenja nema razloga uopće davati ikakve niže cijene niti se opterećivati odljevom putnika (kapacitet je ograničena kategorija).
DeleteAko je činjenica da je punjenje toliko veliko onda se ubaci dodatan kapacitet, pa i oni letovi sa A330 koji su mogući u neke dane a kada je avion u BEG.
DeleteJer cijena dva kratka leta od 220-310 EUR (ovisno o danu) svakako jest pretjetjerana.
Nema potrebe za halabukom, nemojte je dizati. Dao sam samo jedan primjer u kojem je Air Serbija nekonkurentna (i sam ga koristim nekoliko puta godišnje kada idem u Crnu Goru gdje idem za DBV + rent'a'car) i koji je indikativan i zanimljiv u konekekstu konkurentnosti dva prijevoznika na makro-lokaciji.
Ovaj primjer je svakako dobar pokazatelj:
1. Da bi CTN trebala uvesti mini-bus Zračna luka Dubrovnik - Herceg Novi - Tivat - Kotor jer zbog konkurentnosti bio bi putnika iz Zagreba, Osijeka, Rijeke, Splita i Pula via DBV za Crnu Goru + putnika na linijama koje lete iz DBV)
2. Ako Beograd-Tivat i jest popunjen, onda ovakva situacija svakako smanjuje potencijalne putnike na legu ZAG-BEG jer ne mogu nastaviti dalje za TIV. Vjerovatno su isti takvi primjeri i iz trećih tržišta (LJU, BNX, SKP, SJJ), što zbog nedostatnih kapaciteta na legu BEG-TIV smanjuje broj konrektiranih putnika iz exYU feeding destinacijama do BEG (koriste OU do DBV posebno u slučaju SKP-ZAG DBV ili u slučaju JP LJU-TGD + rent'a'car, u slučaju BNX autom do ZAG pa linija do DBV)
INN na ovaj tvoj djetinjasti komentar se neću ni osvrtati.
Pa nema veze sto je detinjast kad je istina .
Možda bi stavljanje npr A330 bilo overkill te bi pala prosječna cijena u većoj mjeri nego što bi se smanjio cost per seat...svašta je moguće. Također, možda se pax iz ZAG mogu usmjeravati na druge linije putem pricinga i akcija revenue managementa a ako je potebcijal prema TIV iz ZAg tolkiko jak i relevantan, sigurno da će neki platiti visoku cijenu. I to je u peak sezoni dovoljno.
DeleteS druge strane, slažem se da je u off sezoni ta razlika prevelika, osim ako load factror i financije letove BEG TIV i dalje ne opravdavaju nisku cijenu iz ZAG. S obzirom na to kakve ostale cijene nudi JU iz ZAG za druga odredišta (vrlo kompetitivne), kao i žestoki dump sa EY, sklon sam vjerovati da im na TIV doista ne trebaju putnici iz ZAG po sličnim cijenama kao ZAG DBV. No, možda se i varam naravno.
A svaki putnik se danas broji i važan je!
DeleteZapravo glavni argument je da ako je let BEG-TIV-BEG toliko skup (radi potrežnje i nedostatka kapaciteta) isto demotivira potencijalne putnike na konektiranim legovima
LJU-BEG-LJU (alternativna LJU-TGD)
ZAG-BEG-ZAG (alternativa OU za DBV)
SPU-BEG-SPU (alternativa C3 za DBV)
OSI via BEG (alternativa OSI-ZAG-DBV)
PUY-BEG-PUY (alternativa C3 i OU za DBV)
SJJ-BEG-SJJ (alternativa SJJ-ZAG-DBV)
SKP-BEG-SKP (alternativa SKP-ZAG-DBV)
BNX-BEG-BNX (alternativa automobil pa ZAG-DBV)
A sve ove linije vape za putnicima i u top sezoni. Koliko ih je iz ZAG dnevno? Zanemarivo. A koliko ih je iz LJU, ZAG, SPU, PUY, OSI, BNX, SJJ, SKP sveukupno dnevno? Ne baš zanemarivo, zar ne?
ono što sam htio reći je da možda namjerno ne povećavaju kapacitete da bi lakše ostvarivali više cijene, da ne znamo koliko prometa gube, tj koliki im je market share iz HR za TIV (ili iz bilo koje druge zemlje), kako bi promjena reda letenja/shiufta kapacitea utjecala na yield i balans networka tokom ljeta itd. Evidentno mi je da nisu glupi tze da postoji jak razlog zašto je BEG TIV skup i ograničeniog kapaciteta.
DeleteNemoj se ljutiti, ali tvoj uzorak nije reprezentativan a čini mi se da si vrlo osjetljiv na cijenu što u peak sezoni može naići na nesklad želja putnika i rezon kompanije. Čak mi se čini da je u top sezoni 85EUR povratna ZAG DBV ZAG (ako je tako) možda prejeftino...
No, kako mi ne znamo koliko je tih putnika Purgeru, možemo pretpostaviti da analize kompanije ukazuju na to da imaju npr 88% share-a prema TIV što znači da ne propuštaju buseve...eventualno propuštaju putnike spremne platiti karte za autobus :)
Šalim se malo, ne mislim ništa loše, razmjena mišljenja!
Ako se ne varam sad su se po prvi put isto umesale i Turisticke Agencije .
Ma naravno, sve to stoji, i zato i jesmo ovdje da razmjenjujemo mišljenja. Naravno da sve to može biti dio strategije, no činjenica je da takva taktika na TIV (kao primarnoj turističkoj destinaciji Srbije) svakako ne podržava strategiju stvaranja huba u Beogradu sa prihvatljivim konekcijama.
DeleteU svakom slučaju šokiralo me i ovo za Dubrovnik. Ne pamtim u zadnjih 3 godine da sam kupio kartu za manje od 1.100 kn (150 EUR) za Dubrovnik.
Kako god, moja djelatnica leti za Dubrovnik i dalje autom za Tivat. Šteta... ;-)
Drago mi je da se slazemo da se ne slazemo, haha...
DeletePurger, it is a simple thing called supply and demand. Air Serbia don't need to be dumping fares in July and obviously are not, as they seem to be doing a good job when it matters most - in the midst of the season.
Deletethe fact that you can buy such a cheap fare on Croatian Airlines in the middle of the tourist season, says what a poor job they are doing - both in pricing and in the demand for this route
84 EUR is normal price for 55 minutes flight (even without PSO, and ZAG-DBV is PSO financed). 225-300 EUR for two flights of 45 minutes with ATR 72 sure is not, even in top season.
DeleteIf fligths are full at high fares, then it is normal. Supply and demand, very simple.
DeleteYour logic works only if flights are lightly booked and low fares would fill thgem and bring financial advatage, otherwise it is poor revenue management perfrormance. Fares are not evaluated only per mileage....
And to put extra capacity (Airbus A330 on days they are not flying, late evening flights when they return from regular flights, early morning flights before regular flights, two rotations instead of one in feeding wave what can be done as TIV is extremely short flight of just 45 minutes...)?
DeletePRN postupa pametno sto se koncentrise na U2 svaka cast .
ExYu Admin,
ReplyDeletejust checking on suggestions for blog format.
You are doing great job and cover most (if not all) things in civil aviation in ExYu.
However, given that ExYu is relatively small, it is hard to bring stories that generate high interest and activity every single day. On the other hand popular topics age quickly in the current format, which doesn't give any visibility over recent activity (i.e. views, posts).
Perhaps on the home page, below current daily topic, you don't need to list the entire text of recent articles, but rather have the table similar to Airliners.net, which sorts 20 top topics.
Also, you could allow people to start new topic, so that we can reduce 'off topic' posts
I believe that such format would generate steadier stream of visitors and activity.