Zagreb, Pristina and Sarajevo airports grow

The airports in Zagreb, Pristina and Sarajevo have seen their passengers numbers improve in April, while their counterpart in Belgrade recorded weaker figures when compared to the same month last year.

Serbia's main airport welcomed 365.335 passengers through its doors, a decrease of 4.2% on April 2015. This is despite the number of operated flights increasing 5.4% to 4.980, indicating poorer loads on existing services. However, during the month, the airport surpassed the one million passengers mark and handled 1.235.349 travellers during the January - April period. The figure represents a decrease of 2.7%. As a result, the airport welcomed 34.529 fewer passengers this year. The number of flight operations has also decreased modestly so far by 1.5%, when compared to the same period in 2015.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN290.580 5.8
FEB266.660 0.5
MAR313.174 0.7
APR365.335 4.2

Zagreb Airport continued its growth streak in April by handling 202.282 passengers, up 2.3%. This is despite the number of operated flights decreasing a notable 5.6% to 3.284. The airport is expected to see its figures continue to improve into May, with the recent launch of Czech Airlines' service to Prague, while Croatia Airlines will commence four new seasonal routes in two weeks and Air Transat will introduce its summer service from Toronto in June. The leisure airline has upped capacity on its planned service to the Croatian capital and will now use the slightly larger Airbus A330-300 aircraft instead of the -200 version. The jet has the capacity to seat 375 passengers (twelve in the Premium cabin and 363 in economy), which is thirty seats more than the previously assigned aircraft. Overall, Zagreb Airport handled 711.669 passengers so far this year, up 5.3%.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN156.947 4.2
FEB153.077 7.9
MAR199.201 7.3
APR202.282 2.3

Pristina Airport continued to see its passenger numbers improve into April as well. It welcomed 143.367 travellers through its doors, a jump of 14.9% compared to the same month last year. During the January - April period, the airport handled 493.314 passengers, up 17.0%. Strong growth is expected to continue this summer season with Adria Airways to introduce a two weekly service to London Luton, while Air Berlin will launch new flights from both Hamburg and Stuttgart. Furthermore, following a European Commission proposal this week for the European Union to lift visa requirements for Kosovan citizens for short-stays in the Schengen area, the airport is poised for strong growth. General Manager, Haldun Fırat Kokturk, previously said, "Visa liberalisation will make a significant impact and will develop air transport. The people in Kosovo are young, they like to travel, and when they have a chance they will”.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN120.531 12.8
FEB105.368 21.6
MAR124.048 21.9
APR143.367 14.9

Sarajevo Airport also saw growth last month, with its passenger numbers up 8.0% on 2015 for a total of 68.085 travellers. The number of operated flights remained mostly unchanged to last April, with 963 aircraft movements recorded compared to 968 last year. Overall, during the past four months, Sarajevo Airport handled 205.298 travellers, up 4.2%. On the other hand, the number of flight operations decreased 2.1% to 3.187. This decline is mostly a result of a weaker January when the airport was closed on several occasions due to poor weather conditions.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN41.208 5.7
FEB42.567 6.7
MAR53.438 6.3
APR68.085 8.0


  1. Anonymous09:03

    Why did flight operations decrease in ZAG? I think its the second month in a row.

    1. Anonymous20:12

      I'd Imagine TAP stopped flying to Zagreb, however TAP is returning in 2017, OU also had not returned to summer schedule.

      However May and subsequent months should prove positive for Zagreb.

  2. Anonymous09:08

    Quite poor results for Belgrade. Pristina Airport is doing very well this year. Visa liberalisation will surely fuel further growth.

    1. Anonymous09:26

      Belgrade will see exponential growth from June onwards, which should cancel out the slowdown over the first 4 months. Three new continental and one intercontinental routes are being launched next month by JU, so all on track for a fantastic summer in Belgrade.

      Does anyone have Niš numbers, btw? I presume they are having fenomenal start to the year.

    2. Anonymous09:29

      20,388 so far this year in Nis.

    3. Anonymous09:30

      Yeah but what will happen in winter when we go back to the weak schedule?

      So did someone else besides JU underperform in BEG? I saw that QR had a 90% increase in passenger numbers. Both Etihad and Flydubai fly out full. Air Serbia to AUH is so-so.

    4. Anonymous09:37

      This winter will be a much stronger schedule than last winter.

    5. Anonymous09:38

      How do you know?

    6. Anonymous09:40

      They will have more destinations than last winter and there is talks of them getting another A319 this winter.

    7. Anonymous09:49

      Na sastanku prošle nedelje nije se spomenuo A319 već se pričalo da ako se bude bilo para nabaviće se još jedan Atr-72.
      Prošle godine Etihad je trebalo da prebaci svoja dva A319 ali zbog nedostatka u njihovoj floti taj plan je otkazan. Zato su i dobili novu livreju.

    8. Anonymous10:36

      @Anonymous 9:26 AM
      Do you know what the word "exponential" actually means?
      It is NOT 4 new destinations.
      That does not save an airport that has over 170-180 flights a day most of the year.
      The decrease in load factor is the most worrying trend for me. Every other airport in the region seems to be improving but not BEG.
      Also how exactly do you know that ASL will increase its winter schedule next year?
      Are you Dane himself?

    9. Anonymous11:37

      I wonder how the author of the article calculated the decrease in the load factor? I am not saying it didn't happen, but one must remember that flights operated can be both pax as well as cargo flights. Cargo saw big increases in numbers. Could it be that the flights ops increase come from them?

    10. JATBEGMEL12:55

      Cargo has been increasing big time in BEG. Silkway is coming often to BEG with their B744's, TK with the A330, not to mention recently we have had a few IL76's flying out to JED.

      Dane reported that CLF and yield had increased regardless that number of flights have dropped. The CLF for 2015 did jump 4 points after all. But as much as Dane did say good things about the reductions for winter, I think they went a bit too far with it and probably will not do as much this winter as last.

  3. Anonymous09:09

    New Zagreb terminal looks fantastic on the photo. Can't wait for it to open.

  4. Anonymous09:17

    wow nice to hear about Air Transat boosting capacity, even if its just by a few dozen seats.

  5. Anonymous09:24

    New Zagreb terminal looks amazing, hope for some new photos these days. Who knows which shops will open there in 2017?

  6. Anonymous10:01

    This is bad news for BEG.

  7. Anonymous10:03

    Beg had a barely (+0.5%) February because this yeas it had 29 days.

  8. Anonymous10:24

    Does anyone know why there are two Aegean flights today? The second one is scheduled to arrive at 11.40 and is operated by an A321.

    1. Anonymous11:35

      Olympiacos football club playing friendly with Red Star.

  9. Anonymous10:26

    Go Pristina!
    Excellent growth.

  10. Anonymous10:38

    From Pristina Adria Airways will launch flight to Luton not Gatwick. Also Express Airways will launch seasonal flights from Prishtina to Malmo, Dortmund and Hannover. Tickets are on sale at

  11. Anonymous11:00

    this old school look rules. never change it please

    1. A-Happy-Reader12:37

      Admin, the old design is great. Please bare in mind the simple GUI and user-friendliness of the design if and when you consider changing it. THANK YOU for going back to the old design - LOVE iT!

    2. Anonymous13:00

      this design is ex yu av identity, upgrade is ok but change was fail

    3. Anonymous13:22

      So no more the scary U. Thank you very much.

    4. Anonymous20:52

      +1000000 NL-BG

  12. Anonymous11:04

    It is almost 100.000 passengers lost since August in Belgrade (98.000).

    1. Anonymous11:15

      Wow, I didn't realize they were so many!
      Do we know which airlines are mostly responsible?

    2. Anonymous11:18

      Pretty much Air Serbia and Air Serbia only.

    3. Anonymous11:25

      Air Serbia said that last year they had a record year in terms of passenger numbers.
      What is going on?
      Is it just the winter schedule?

    4. Anonymous11:32

      Belgrade Airport also had a record year in 2015. It is just the winter schedule because Air Serbia reduced capacity significantly. Their CEO talked more about it here. Third paragraph

    5. Anonymous11:54

      JU had lower numbers since Autumn and it continues like that so far this year.
      Last year though they recorded great increases until summer so overall they had increased no. of passengers compared with 2014.

    6. Anonymous12:09

      Thank you for all the info!

    7. Anonymous12:51

      BEG airport expects to overcome 5 million passengers this year???? Yeah...right dream on!

    8. JATBEGMEL13:06

      Remember last summer there was huge problems with charter flights, dropping by as much as 10% which also impacted numbers in BEG. But JU mostly the reason to the drop in pax.

    9. Anonymous13:47

      JU's numbers have been dropping since last August.

    10. JATBEGMEL15:16

      JU numbers started to drop with the reduced winter schedule. Overall for 2015 they did have an increase in pax. This year should bring them closer to the 3 million pax (2.7 million is my guess).

    11. Anonymous23:24

      No. First drop was experienced during August last year, well before winter started.

    12. JATBEGMEL23:58

      BEG numbers dropped in August (1.800 pax less) because of the charter flights fiasco. JU numbers grew.

      BEG in September was in a plus (roughly 14.000 more pax) and in October they dropped by just over 4.000 pax when JU reduced the schedules.

    13. Anonymous07:29

      Like I said, the first month when Air Serbia experience a drop in passenger numbers was in August. ;)

  13. Anonymous11:43

    Pozdrav svima, upravo se ukrcavam na KLM u ZAG za AMS, leti 737-700 i LF je 100%, jučer stigao iz AMS sa 737-900 LF također 100%, ne krazumijem zašto ne uvedu double daily flights jer rasturaju na ovoj liniji. Frend je trebao ici danas samnom za AMS ali nije bili više ni jednog slobodnog mjesta.

    1. Anonymous11:55

      Amsterdam je među najbolje popunjenim linijama iz Zagreba, čuo sam da KLM svakako planira uvesti drugi dnevni let.

    2. Anonymous12:39

      KLM povečava 737-700 na 737-900 od 6. mjeseca i tako će cijelo ljeto. Isto tako i Air France sa A318 na A319, iako često leti i sa A320 i A321 na toj liniji. I Qatar, Transat, Turkish, British, Lufthansa, Aeroflot... dolazit će sa daleko većim avionima od planiranog. Prijašnjih ljeta Zagreb je povremeno, vrlo rijetko kada imao veće avione od planiranog, a sada je to pravilo, a ne izuzetak. Zagreb is on fire!

    3. Anonymous12:46

      Cestitke iz BG, uz komentar da su nabrojane kompanije povecanjem kapaciteta zapravo minorizovale ulogu OU koja sad definitivno odlazi u istoriju. Jucerasnja tema je tek negiranje realnosti i sve sto je navedeno nece se desiti.

    4. Anonymous12:51

      Koga briga za OU? Kao hrvatski porezni obveznik smatram da im se i previše davalo za malo učinjenog posla, šteta jer i dalje mislim da imaju potencijal, ali, ako ne mogu i ne žele, onda doviđenja! rado ću letjeti i drugim kompanijama i raduje me dolazak nekih novih igrača na tržište, kao i ovo povećanje kapaciteta!

    5. Anonymous13:14

      OU ne da ne može nego NE ŽELI. Prodaju maglu kako linije za Skandinaviju nisu isplative hahahaha. To mogu nekom drugome pričati. Naravno da su isplative a to se pokazalo linijom za Goteborg dva puta tjedno prije par godina jedne sezone. Linija je imala LF 92% ali su ju oni naravno ukinuli. Ne smije ni prismrditi skandinavskom tržištu jer je to zlatna koka za Star Alliance tj sav promet iz ZAG izvan sezone a bome i tijekom sezone za sjever ide preko VIE,MUC i FRA i tu su pare!!!

    6. Anonymous13:26

      Anonymus 1:14, potpuno se slazem s tobom. I jos nesto, i mene bas briga za OU, ako nece ili ne zele nek prepuste trziste drugima. Ko ih sisa.

    7. Anonymous13:33

      Osobno me nije briga jer leti Croatia Airlines ili ne.

      Za Zagreb trenutno leti 17 domaćih kompanija:
      Air Europa
      Air France
      Air Malta
      Air Nostrum
      Trade Air

      Ljudi ovdje ne shvačaju da je Hrvatska dio Europske Unije i da je svaka kompanija sa sjedišem u Europskoj Uniji domaća kompanija. Mene osobno interesira da letim jeftinije, brže (po mogućnosti bez presjedanja a ako ne onda sa minimalnim vremenom konekcije) i povoljnije (ff program, bolja usluga, kvaliteta prijevoza, udobniji avion, sigurnija kompanija...). A jel se kompanija zove KLM ili Croatia potpuno mi je svejedno.

    8. Anonymous13:44

      Svi dobro znaju da je Hrvatska dio EU, ali nekima je domaca (nacionalna) kompanija jako bitna za identitet naroda (takvih je u Hr puno) a drugima je to zadnja rupa na sviralu.

    9. Danijel15:50

      I ja bih izabrao Croatiu ako je tu negdje sa ostalima. Ono sto ne razumijem, kako kompanija, uzasno lose vodjena, a koja ipak ima 1.9 milijuna putnika, nema potencijala? Uvjeren sam da ima, cak i bez privatizacije, ali uz ljude koji znaju.

    10. Anonymous15:51

      Da ima i takvih, ali sve manje. U današnje vrijeme u EU je jako teško uopće reči čije je firma. Swiss i Austrian su Njemački, a u stvari jedva tek 50% kapitala je tamo njemačko, no pitanje je i jesu li te njemačke firme koje su investirale u LH zapravo njemačke. Ryanair je navodno irski, ali malo toga irskog je tamo. Wizz je mađarski ali zapravo je kompanija engleska, no bog te pitaj tko je pravi vlasnik te kompanije. easyJet je kombinacija svega i svačega, vodi se kao engleska kompanija, ali osnovao ju je i glavni dioničar je Grk. Iberia je kao španjolska, ali zapravo je vode britanci, no i tu je pitanje koliko je britanskog kapitala unutra. Alitalija je kombinacija talijanskog, arapskog i francuskog kapitala, no i kod talijanskog i kod francuskog je pitanje koliko je "stranog" kapitala unutra.

      Čija je zapravo Adrija u ovom momentu. Priča se njemačka, pa neki kažu iranska, ali svakako nije slovenska.

  14. Anonymous13:57

    JU has been in steady decline for the last 9 months.
    Because it represents more than half of all flights in and out of BEG its performance has a big impact in the airports numbers.
    So no surprise in BEG results.
    What is needed is for the management to attract more low cost carriers and routes in the airport.
    This is how SKP and PRN have such great increases in passengers.

  15. Ja sam u petak imao uvid u prodaju karata za JFK i sam ne mogu verovati kolika je popunjenost i interes za taj let. Mislim da niko nije očekivao ovako nešto ali svaka čast. Letovi u letnjoj sezoni puni 70-80 procenata. Zanimljivo je videti da je biznis klasa veoma tražena pa čak i rasprodata na par letova.

    1. Anonymous14:46

      I think Purger mentioned that OU had a plan for transatlantic flights with a single plane, but had 3 destinations. JFK, ORD, YYZ (schedule below). Would it be possible for Air Serbia to have similar schedule, or at least two destinations in the US, rather than 5 weekly to NY ? It seems that plane will be underutilised.

    2. Anonymous15:02

      Hot Lane, možeš li nam, molim te, objasniti gdje si imao uvid u prodaju letova za JFK?

    3. JATBEGMEL15:04

      JU intended several years back JFK 3 x p/w and YYZ 2 x p/w with a B762, but they never materialized.

      If your targeting O&D sure, more destinations and less frequencies, but JU is going after transit as well and needs the frequencies. Even now many destinations only get a couple of connections per week.

      Would be interesting to see where the transit demand is the highest.

    4. Anonymous15:19

      I somehow doubt that people travelling to YYZ will use JFK because you would have to clear customs in USA which is a pain. To ORD I don't see a problem, there must be 50 daily flights between JFK & ORD. in the future I see both YYZ & ORD good for 2-3 weekly flights.

    5. Anonymous15:34

      Hot Lane, I think it was expected to have great loads during summer months. How are loads from October?

    6. Anonymous15:41

      “Prodaja je 70 odsto veća od očekivane. Bila bi još bolja, ali ljudi ne veruju dok ne vide avion”, naveo je Vučić."

    7. JATBEGMEL15:45

      I don't think JU is going after YYZ pax from JFK. JU has convenient connections via AMS for this. JFK is more O&D and connecting traffic ex BEG.

      US airports I agree are not convenient for connecting.

    8. Anonymous20:27

      Connections from JFK will depend on AA interline which is not yet loaded in the system last time I checked. Clearing customs at JFK for YYZ will slow things down only for flights arriving from BEG.

      For flights departing YYZ via JFK, new US kiosk-based preclearance at YYZ is a breeze and once JU/AA interline is in place, baggage should be checked all the way from YYZ via JFK to BEG.

    9. Anonymous21:29

      Vise je destinacija u prici sa dolaskom novih A330.
      Ali svakako pre toga bi trebalo jos da se uspostavi barem 2 dnevna leta prema svkom Gradu na Balkanu gde se leti.

    10. JU520 BEGLAX21:46

      AA would rather fly to BEG or ZAG than ZRH. Loads ex ZRH are unsatisfied. AA operates ZRH-PHL 06may to 31sep and daily year round ZRHJFK.
      Tmrw both flights around 60 pax each. AA ex ZRH is barely never full. Some exceptions during holidays and weekends.
      C class ZRHJFK load factor around 80%, however Y class is less than 50%

  16. Anonymous14:30

    It seems PRN is booming! Great job. Im happy for Sarajevo as well. Wonder how SKP did in April? Any info?

  17. Anonymous14:47

    LYBE ce se od leta popraviti ali slican rast kao prosle godine bi trebao da se ocekuje sa dolaskom novih Aviona od sledece godine.
    Bilo bi takodje odlicno kad bi EY krenuo da salje wide-body.

    1. Anonymous14:48

      te tvoje fantazije mi ulepsaju dan

    2. JATBEGMEL15:12

      widebody is too much capacity for AUH-BEG. July, August and September the flights in both EY and JU are over booked. However, EY have now increased capacity with the A320 (+30 seats in Y). Sending the A321 during these months would be ideal. JU could send the A320. But EY and AUH have big capacity issues. EY with a shortage of a/c and AUH T3 struggles to accommodate departure pax.

      JU loads to AUH have improved a lot since last winter but more work needs to be done. I notice a lot of 2 stop connections on AUH generally from PRG, ZAG, LJU and SVO.

    3. Anonymous22:36

      Pa vi kad bi znali kako se osvajaju trzista nebi pisali da su to fantazije.

  18. Anonymous16:44

    OT:In 2017 Teheran-Sarajevo Iran Air with A320

    1. Anonymous17:06

      Source? Is it confirmed? Starting from when?

    2. Anonymous17:11

      Source: flyingbosnian.blogspot and newspapers

    3. Anonymous17:23

      Which company will operate the flights?

    4. Anonymous17:35

      Iran Air

  19. Anonymous17:04

    What is going on with BEG and JU?
    Didn't JU got back to it's summer schedule since 27 march? This means that the whole April have been in SUMMER SCHEDULE and not in WINTER.
    Please, cut the crab about this winter schedule as the whole month wasn't in it.
    We need some professional explanation!!!

    1. Anonymous17:27

      You don't need professional explanation. You are a typical stirrer. All it takes is some common sense to see that the summer increases in JU, with new routes, will take place from next month.

    2. Anonymous17:30

      We're talking about summer schedule, not increases. The increases have nothing to do with the summer schedule, but that they are starting in Summer. Currently the schedule is the same it was 1 year ago e.g. April 2015.

    3. Anonymous17:39

      No it's not. There's no Budapest, plus some decrease from winter schedule have been carried through. As I said, increases to BEG will be seen from next month.

    4. Anonymous18:00

      Can you please explain why every airport in the greater balkan region,let's say from Athens to Chisinau sees a steady increase of passengers numbers while belgrade is not?

    5. Anonymous20:45

      Is there anybody from you experts who can answear anonymous 06:00 PM question?? I'm curious too!!

    6. Anonymous21:17

      AirSERBIA had 186,5K PAX in April which is down 6,5% yoy, ops. were up 0,5% yoy, passenger load factor was 65,5% which 2,8% worse yoy.

    7. Anonymous21:27

      @ Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 9:17 PM
      Which clearly states that the problem isn't with so called "winter schedule" as the company already since the end of March is on it's "Summer schedule".
      Clearly the problem is with the management of the company.
      So, let's conlude - 0.5& up in OPS & 6.5% down in PAX...

    8. JATBEGMEL22:19

      The numbers are unofficial and we have a lot of conflicting numbers pop up from time to time.

      I don't think its bad management, more of a bad move that is clearly having a knock on effect. JU is as much transit oriented as much as O&D. JU lost transit pax during the winter months. This month if not next should show growth once again and continue to the years end with:

      - new destinations: HAM, LED, KBP, JFK and OHD.
      - frequency upgrades: SOF, OTP, DBV, SPU, PUY, AMS, TIV, TXL, MLA, TIA.
      - 31 extra flights per week.
      - 2 more ac from JU (CRJ9 and A332)

      BEG will have:
      - Wizz to Baden Baden
      - AWEX to ZAD, POW and Brac.
      - Ellin Air to HER
      - Qeshm Air to IKA
      - EY upgauge from A319 to A320.
      - QR direct to DOH.
      - FZ with an addition flight to DXB.

      BEG suffers unfortunately from a bad management. There is an article here from a few years back on Sasa Vlaisavljevic's effect while he was director for Jat.

      Last, we are not "experts" but aviation enthusiasts who enjoy aviation. I have an opinion as do all and a forum is there for us enthusiasts to discuss aviation. Unfortunatly it seems to get spoiled by people who come inciting trouble with unnecessary comments.

    9. Anonymous23:41

      So what with extra frequencies and new destinations or whatever else??? If the load factor is steady under 65% in every flight there is no point to talk about increasing passengers numbers in BEG airport!

    10. JATBEGMEL23:51

      Going by your logic, even if the new flights have as you say 65% CLF it still is an increase.

      Since you like numbers, you will notice like all ex-YU airports that BEG is very seasonal. The summer months can be more than double than the winter - without the increases.

      Average CLF in 2015 for JU was 71% growing by 3%

    11. Anonymous00:20

      For me the situation is simple:first serbia has no domestic network and number two and I don't wanna sound cruel but the major customer of an airport is its own country's residents,so if the majority of serbian people has no economic facility to travel by air,yet,you don't have to expect much.

    12. Anonymous01:01

      Space after , and .

    13. Anonymous01:24

      The saddest thing for me is to see a decent knowledgeable person, versed in aviation business replying to inflamatory comments, probably written by a person who, occasionally, takes a flight and that sums up their experience.

      Listening is a skill we never really developed in this part of the world. If you don't have something meaningful to say, stay quiet and read what others have posted - learn! If you're only here to spread negativity, get a life, become a happy person, it will vastly improve your time on this earth.

      And thank you JATBEGMEL, Nemjee, Purger, JU520, and other contributors who are missed while away, such as Q400 or Visit Kosovo for your perseverence and patience first of all, and all your information and analysis. It is very much appreciated. Sadly, sometimes all the replies you get are just rubbish. Sorry to those who I've unintentionally omitted and all the anonymouses who also contribute to this blog daily, of course, apart from Ex Yu.

    14. Anonymous08:53

      Also ZAG, SPU, DBV, LJU, PRN, SKP... are highly seasonal but still had much more passengers during this winter unlike Belgrade that lost 100.000 passengers since August.

  20. Anonymous17:37

    OT: Impresive influx of Iranian tourists to Serbia. From 24 June, weekly flights from Teheran, bringing 300 tourists each.

    Also, upcoming groups of tourists from Ethiopia, expected to start arriving soon.

    1. Anonymous17:42


    2. Anonymous21:17

      Teheran would be perfect for JU, as many have already mentioned. However, not sure if Etihad would allow that ?

    3. JATBEGMEL21:51

      AUH is a zoo that is only getting worse. AUH currently is struggling with current capacities. Having said that, EY is restricted in Iran as to the amount of frequencies it can operate.

      A stronger JU network benefits EY as well. More JU pax who sign into the EY Guest program are potential EY customers.

      Personally I think JU should restart IKA. I think it is a lack of aircraft that is holding them back.

    4. JU520 BEGLAX22:49 has been a while since i flew last time over AUH. Quite unpleasant experience. Do you know when the new terminal will open?

      Agree with u that JU should restart IKA

    5. JATBEGMEL23:41

      @ JU520 BEGLAX

      the Midfield terminal should open mid next year but I think it will be delayed.

      Departures at T3 struggles with demand, with only 5 desks at passport control, and one allocated for GCC passports. Lines go as far as the beginning of the check in desks. The staff are inefficient. EY staff at times are rude and some lack basic English. EY 'improved' for example their staff travel counters from T1a to a small room in T3 that is tight with staff waiting outside in the corridors. This is seen as you enter the terminal from SkyPlaza parking.

      Last time I flew out of AUH, they kept calling pax from flight after flight in the passport control, moving them to an 'express lane' that was bigger than the normal line. A number of pax in the express lane were offloaded from flights due to congestion in passport control.

      Arrivals is just like in BEG with illegal taxi drivers looking for customers to rip off.

      In the winter when there is fog, the situation is even more chaotic.

      The list goes on. I'm sure something will look familiar. Your not missing much by staying away from AUH.

  21. JU520 BEGLAX05:00

    Thanks JATBEGMEL for the detailled information. Much appreciated

  22. Ja sam u petak imao uvid u prodaju karata za JFK i sam ne mogu verovati kolika je popunjenost i interes za taj let. Mislim da niko nije očekivao ovako nešto ali svaka čast. Letovi u letnjoj sezoni puni 70-80 procenata. Zanimljivo je videti da je biznis klasa veoma tražena pa čak i rasprodata na par letova.


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