The CEO of Croatia Airlines, Krešimir Kučko, says foreign carriers have shown no real intention in acquiring a stake in the company, despite initial interest from Turkish Airlines. The comments come as the carrier's privatisation process enters its third year. "No one has given a firm offer. The state hired a consultant who was supposed to prepare the privatisation procedure. However, they only completed part of the job and tried to see what sort of interest there was on the market", Mr Kučko says. Last May, the Croatian government formally selected the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to seek out potential investors by October 2015. "The company should be recapitalised as soon as possible, so as to allow it to develop and grow. That is a guarantee that national interests will be protected, not privatisation. We can expand at respectable pace using our own resources, but the market can take on more", Mr Kučko adds.
In May, Turkish Airlines confirmed interest in its Croatian counterpart following several weeks of speculation. The airline’s Chief Human Resources Officer, Abuldkerim Cay, said his company saw an equity investment in Croatia Airlines as a good business opportunity, adding that a potential deal would benefit both sides. However, Zlatko Širac, Croatia Airlines' Chief Operating Officer, says, "That is far from a serious or firm offer. Nothing will come of it. To our knowledge, at this point, there is no interest from other companies to acquire Croatia Airlines". The state recently removed the carrier from a list of companies of strategic importance, with the aim of making it eligible for a possible sale. However, with fresh parliamentary elections called for September, it will be up to the next government to deal with Croatia Airlines' future.
Mr Kučko says the company is planning for a future without a strategic partner, noting, "We have developed a strategy for the next five years through the use of our own resources, without factoring in a strategic partner or privatisaion. If someone shows up who wishes to acquire us, it will be up to the state to decide". He adds, "We maintain year-long flights from Croatia to the world. We operate to the largest European airports which are linked to the rest of the world. On the other hand, we have foreign carriers which frequently fly to Croatia. Around 100 airlines connect the world with Croatia, while during the winter there is only ten of them. Therefore, in case someone buys Croatia Airlines they can do as they please. All of our routes are unprofitable during the winter but we earn enough during the summer to cover the first and fourth quarters. However, it is important that we maintain flights and link Croatia with other countries throughout the year. A partner could discontinue unprofitable routes and then during the winter Croatia would no longer be connected to the rest of the world", Mr Kučko concluded.
"A partner could discontinue unprofitable routes and then during the winter Croatia would no longer be connected to the rest of the world"
ReplyDeleteWow, srsly? Then better not even try to sell it and put some more taxpayers' money in it... < /logic>
How is this even possible - "All of our routes are unprofitable during the winter"?
ReplyDeleteYeah does that mean Zagreb-Frankfurt isn't profitable during the winter either?
DeletePrevise letova dnevno za Frankfurt. Got it? Hraniti mamu LH putnicima se ne isplati.
DeleteHas the CEO of JU said this there would have been over 200 comments here that's for sure.
DeleteTo be honest this was the expected outcome. Management seems quite pleased with it.
ReplyDeleteTraže kupca, a mole Boga da ga ne nađu!
ReplyDeleteI'm dispointed in the whole Croatia Airlines prioritization process. First of all I was hoping it would be much quicker, that there would be more interest because the airline certainly has potential.
ReplyDeleteHow much money did the IFC get for their services?
ReplyDeleteAir Serbija je u junu imala 0,3% manje prometa nego u istom periodu lani. -0,3% nije velik pad, ali vrlo je razočaravajuć razultat jer u usporedbi sa prošlom godinom:
ReplyDelete- otvorene se tri nove europske linije Air Serbije (Hamburg, Kiev, St.Petersburg)
- otvorena je nova linija za SAD Air Serbije
- otvorene su nove linije drugih kompanija (Wizz, Qeshm, Ural, Yamal)
- Air Serbija je povečala broj letova na nekim starim linijama
Dakle bilo je za očekivati ozbiljan porast, a ne pad prometa!!!!
Malo si pobrkao. Nije Er Srbija imala pad prometa on 0.3 nego Aerodrom Beograd.
DeleteQeshm pocinje da leti tek od sredine jula, a Yamal uopste ne leti za Beograd.
Delete- HAM, KBP i LED su krenuli u drugoj polovini meseca, JFK u poslednjoj nedelji
Delete- FKB 2 puta nedeljno, DME isto (i to u vrhu sezone), QB kreće u julu, jednom nedeljno
- JU nije bitnije povećala u odnosu na prošlo letnji red letenja
- drastično manje čartera nego prošle godine, naročito ka Turskoj i Egiptu
Anon 9.52 +1
DeleteCharters are the key for this unsucsesfull June. I hope that AirSerbia's new routes will cover that damage from the charters in July and August.
Purger, why didn't you write that on Tango6?
DeleteTih 1.470 putnika minusa je stvarno malo, da bi se smatralo "razocaravajucim".Nove linije su startovale u drugoj polovini meseca (Hamburg 15.06, Kiev 16.06. a jFK 23.06) Glavni "krivac" ovog laganog minusa je pad u charter saobracaju. Tradicionalno tokom letnje sezone najveci broj chartera leti prema Turskoj. Egiptu i Tunisu. Zbog teroristikih akcija u ovim zemljama najveci broj putnika je odustao od putovanja. U julu mozemo ocekivati rast od par posto.
DeleteMislim da je danasnja tema mnogo zanimljivija i bitnija od pada broja putnika na BEG od svega 0.3%.
DeletePa to reci Purgeru koji je pokrenuo.
DeleteQeshm Air has cancelled all charter flights to Belgrade, Yamal do not fly to Belgrade at all, Ural downgraded Belgrade flights to one weekly and is going to leave Belgrade.
DeleteSource please last Anon.
DeleteUral will keep on flying to Belgrade this winter season, one weekly flight on Sundays.
DeleteAlso, I don't recall Yamal flying to Belgrade. Didn't they fly into INI?
Prilicno cudan komentar or vas Purgeru. Nisam to ocekivao
DeleteIskreno razočaravajuće je. Dakle, te nove linije su bile pola mjeseca, pa samo to je 32 leta sve sa Airbusevima (JFK sa 250 putnika u jednom smjeru), što znači nekih 10.000 sjedala. Nadalje cijeli mjesec je bilo više frekvencija na pojedinim linijama Air Serbije, ima novih linija koje nisu Air Serbia i više frekvencija i/ili kapaciteta na linijama nekih drugih kompanija (Qatar npr.)...
DeleteKonačno, prvi letovi za JFK su bili prepuni radi novinara, političara i VIP-ovaca... Samo tu govorimo o preko 1.000 putnika. I promotivni letovi za Hamburg, St.Petersburg i Kiev su bili puni novinara, političara i VIP-ovaca.
Uz sve to Beograd je trebao imati par tisuća u plusu, a ne minus.
Iskreno očekivao sam bar 7-8% plusa u Beogradu.
Malo sam pobrojio i charter linije iz Beograda. A danas sam na Dnevniku RTS čuo da nema niti otkazivanja letova, a niti otkazivanja aranžmana za Tursku. Konačno turskih i tuniških chartera nije ni prošle godine bilo previše, a večina chartera iz Beograda je za Grčku, tek manji dio je za Tursku i Tunis:
Delete31 linija za Grčku, Crnu Goru, Italiju, Španjolsku, Bugarsku...:
Aegean (Corfu, Heraklion, Rhodes)
Avio Let (Almería, Aqaba, Barcelona, Burgas, Catania, Cephalonia, Chania, Chios, Corfu, Girona, Heraklion, Karpathos, Kos, Lamezia Terme, Lefkada, Lemnos, Mytilene, Palermo, Palma de Mallorca, Preveza, Rhodes, Samos, Santorini, Skiathos, Thessaloniki, Tivat, Zakynthos)
Ellinair (Heraklion)
tek 11 linija za Tunis i Tursku:
Air Cairo (Hurgada)
Avio Let (Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman, Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh)
Corendon (Antalya, Bodrum)
Nouvelair (Enfidha, Tunis)
Anadolujet (Antalya)
Moze da bude i 300 cartera za Tursku, broj ljudi koji tamo ide je drasticno opao.
DeleteG. Purger,
Deletekako komentarisete zaista neprimerena kasnjenja na linijama Q400 CTN u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja. Linija SPU-BEG kasni po pravilu vise od jednog sata, a i linija ka ZAG nije nista bolja.
Postovani Purgeru,
DeleteOd vas sam iskreno ocekivao da cete uzeti puno ucesce u komentarisanju nenalazenja kupca od strane OU-a i pored svih obecanja iznetih ovde pocev od Garude preko LH,TK, Aegean i koga sve ne.
Umesto toga vi kao da zelite da skrenete akcenat sa te teme, pocinjete sa komentarisanjem poslovanje prvo JU pa posle ANT kad vam je skrenuta paznja da je BEG imao -0,3% a ne JU.
U svom postu navodite da su sve nove linije iz BEG izvedene sa Airbusovima a bice ipak da su linije KBP i HAM obavljene sa CRJ900 ciji je kapacitet ipak manji od A319.
Takodje, vi kao strucnjak bi trebali znati da se od odredjene novo uvedene linije ne moze odmah ocekivati fenomenalan rezultat vec da je potrebno vreme da bi se ona razradila i da je pola meseca jako malo za izvodjenje bilo kakvih zakljucaka pogotovo sto niti jedna od tih linija nije svakodnevna.
Nazalost politicka situacija u Turskoj i severnoj Africi je daleko od dobre tako da se to sigurno ogleda u broju letova. Vi ste nam ovde pobrojali trenutno broj cartera iz BEG ali realnija slika bi bila tek kad bi uporedili broj cartera ove i prosle godine kao i broj putnika na njima. Uzevsi sve to u obzir -0,3% i nije uopse los rezultat posto sam siguran da nas u julu ceka plus u broju putnika na BEG. Pozdrav
Kakav postovani kad je samo jedan lik koji se bavi samopromocijom. Da je profi ne bi imao vremena da pise logorejicne napise. Provali se svaki put kad nesto napise recimo pogledajte Hanoverski aerodrom od 2000 godine broj putnika ide gore dole 5.2 miliona putnika bez ikakve drame i pravdanja.
DeleteA Kroacijino sranje sa neplacanjem putnicima je vec po stampi i internetu.
Ja sam o Croatiji višekratno napisao svoje mišljenje i nema ga potrebe ponavljati iz posta u post. Kompanija je dostigla svoje dno, ne vidim perspektive za istu. Prolongiranje prodaje je produkt prvenstveno vrlo lošeg stanja kompanije, a potom i katastrofalnog odnosa aktera prodaje prema istoj. Nekoliko puta sam pisao relevantnim osobama što i kako bi trebalo napraviti oko prodaje. No, to je gubljenje vremena i situacija kao da se govori zidu. Ti ljudi niti su sposobni, niti kompetentni da obave prodaju, a još su manje kompetentni voditi kompaniju. Ovo što sam sada rekao jasno ponavljam već godinama.
DeleteObzirom da je poznato kako sam ja ekstreman kritičar Croatije onda je doslovce smješno reči da sam pokušao temu "prebaciti" na drugu stranu. Zašto, do vraga? Pa ja ne da nisam advokat Croatie nego njen najgori progonitelj.
I da se vratimo na temu. Još jednom naglašavam da je jučer Dnevnik RTS izjavo da nije bilo otkazivanja niti letova, niti putovanja prema Turskoj i Tunisu. Trenutno boravim u Srbiji i pratim lokalne medije.
Broj letova i potencijalnih putnika prema ove dvije destinacije u ukupnom broju putnika iz Beograda je vrlo mali i on nema krucijalnog utjecaja na ukupne rezultate.
Konačno, stanje u Turskoj i Tunisu se reflektira i na druge aerodrome u široj regiji pa oni ipak bilježe porast, a ne pad prometa. Indikativno, nije li?
Mene osobno vrlo brine što pojedini ljudi na ovom blogu stvari oko zračnog prometa doživljavaju toliko osobno, rekao bih čak intimno. To je business kao i svaki drugi, nije egzistencijalno pitanje pojedinca, ne bi smjelo biti čak ni pitanje nacionalnog ponosa.
Pad putnika u Beogradu se treba analizirati, ustanoviti razlozi, poglavito što je do već ozbiljan trend od 8. mjeseca prošle godine, uz tek par minimalnih odstupanja u zelenu zonu tijekom tog vremena, i to kao izolirani kratak slučaj.
Kada se situacija analizira i kada se ustavnove razlozi onda treba poraditi na tome da se trend izmjeni. Vrlo jednostavno.
Jer ako je pad tijekom zime rezultiran smanjenjima Air Serbije kao poslovnom potezu sa ciljem smanjenja troškova i povečanja yielda, onda je bilo za očekivati da će 6. mjesec imati povratak u zelenu zonu i to ne samo povratak, nego ozbiljan rast. To je bilo logično i očekivano.
U tom svjetlu ZL Beograd mora shvatiti da je ovaj trend sada ozbiljan. Traje već 11 mjeseci i ZL Beograd mora hitno poduzeti ozbiljne mjere da isto suzbije. Do sada nisam potencirao ovo kao problem, nisam iznosio zaključke jel bi isto bilo neozbiljno i tendenciozno, ali sada isto mora brinuti. I trebalo bi zabrinuti sve aktere na ZL Beograd da ih navesti da nešto hitno naprave. Dok je još vrijeme i dok nema ozbiljnih posljedica po samu ZL Beograd.
Zabijanje glave u pjesak, traženje razloga koji nisu bitni i koji nisu ništa drugo nego nerealan izgovor, samo problem produbljuje, a ne rješava ga. Umjesto traženja izgovora treba tražiti rješenja.
To me it seems like the current managment is staying long-term but aren't they up for reelection in August?
ReplyDeleteThey will probably chosen again.
Delete* probably be
DeleteI would actually like to see how their plans to develop bases outside of Croatia works out.
DeleteRelated to Croatia Airlines. They cancelled their flight from Split to Belgrade yesterday. No explanation given to passengers, they said passengers won't be compensated and can book a flight with them on Friday instead. Nuts!
ReplyDeleteI think they have issues with their Q400s. Last Wednesday many flights were delayed as well because of a technical problem with one Bombarier.
DeletePassengers wont be compensated for a cancelled flight?!? What crap service.
DeleteNo! it's crazy. It even made the news. No explanation whatsoever why it was cancelled and there were no weather issues.
DeleteBut they are obliged to compensate passengers for cancellations, according to EU laws. There is no way around it. Just press them consistently.
DeleteAh yes. Croatia is in EU and in EU there are some rules - unlike in Serbia. Nice to see these infamous rules in practice.
DeleteWrong, anon 2.43. Air Serbia is subjected to the same rules because it flies to EU. More importantly, it is actually way more generous with refunds and compensations than some major EU legacy carriers. I had my cheapest ASL tickets fully refunded twice because of illness/family urgency. Lufthansa flatly refused to do the same in similar situation and made a major bother of my ultimately successful attempt to get a compensation for 8 hours delay in a different situation.
DeleteAccording to information provided to passengers they had softvare issue in Split so therefore they could not start flight SPU-BEG yesterday.
DeleteIt is interesting they do not want to compensate passenger. Based on what? According to EC Regulation 261/2004 they are obliged to compensate passengers as there was no strike, danger weather conditions or instable political situation especially taking in consideratin they were holding passenger in BEG for 5 hours!
@ Nebojša it wasn't their fault (airport had the issue), so they don't have to compensate anyone. It is the same as if the weather caused the cancellation.
DeleteThey do,however, have to provide those people with accommodation and food according to that EU regulation .
If you follow that logic then also the sickness of a crew would be understood as reason good enough compensation not no be paid, but due to that reason I got compensated by LH. It is not reason good enough as it was software problem introduced by the airline.
DeleteOn the other side there was no other airline that cancelled the flight from SPU yesterday but only OU to BEG. I think that full compensation must be paid
Not the same logic because an airline employs its crews and therefore anything to do with the crew is airline's fault.
DeleteSame cannot be said for an airport, so you can't expect compensation for that.
OU might have opted for a cancellation over a very long delay, and other airlines may not have really had that choice (that Dash probably had another rotation from Split that would have been severely affected, could breach crew hours etc)
Computer technology used on airports is owned by the airline and its functioning is their responsibility as well as crew they are hiring.
DeleteI am not only saying that other airliners did not cancel their flights, but I am saying that OU also did not cancel any other flight but this (OU336). Needless to say this flight was planned to depart from Split at 16:20 so they had more than enough time to reschedule the crew and/or aircraft.
was in SPU the same check in software/network problem as in Rome?
DeleteThis is reminding me more and more of Jat's 5 year privatization.
ReplyDeleteI actually think that Croatia Airlines would have developed the most under some far east Asian carrier, for example Garuda. That way you avoid becoming a feeder and are instead being fed passengers from Asia by your owner.
ReplyDeleteI hope OU gets a partner because there is strong competition in the region. Etihad has control of JU and Aliatlia, Qatar has control of Meridiana and LH is looking to strethen control of Brussels Airlines and SAS.
ReplyDeleteGde ti tu vidis strong competition in the region?
DeleteAnonymous July 19, 2016 at 10:51 AM
DeleteYou are kidding, right? LOL!
Daj se saberi kakva je to konkurencija kada LH pretvara SAS u konkurenciju LCC kompanijama?
ReplyDeleteSkopje, 19 July 2016: Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe, today announced a new route from Skopje to Hanover in Germany. The new service will commence on 1 November and will be operated with two weekly flights, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Tickets are already on sale at starting at only MKD 1,199 *
Seems like they are quite desperate for new destinations when they are launching these random destinations.
Deletehaters gonna hate
Deleteno airline is launching "random" destinations
Are they going to decrease frequencies from some other routes?
DeleteBerlin from 2 to 4 operation every week started from 31.10.2016
Deletelast anon: that is maybe Tuzla
DeleteNothing at BEG... we need FR! Wizz, go away!
DeleteOh wow. Such jealousy. How to try and spin great news negatively.
DeleteBerlin going from 2 to 4 weekly in winter (!) and new line to Hannover answers the question of ''what will happen when subventions run out". A great business model paired with an underserved market - self sustaining development! Great job!
could this mean 4th based aircraft?
DeleteRyanair you better hurry up
Yeah they are doing well when they have no competition. Wait until MAT is back or until FR launches flights. Let's see them how they perform then. Maybe then they won't charge me 200 euros to fly.
DeleteIf they base a 4th aircraft, should we assume that they will increase the frequencies of those lines that were reduced due to introduction of Berlin, Bratislava and Copenhagen?
DeleteAre all SKP flights operated by a SKP based aircraft? If not then maybe a 4th aircraft would takeover some of them?
DeleteYes all flights operated by SKP base, also 2 flight with W rotation from Basel to Ohrid and 2 flight from Basel to Nis.
DeleteThanks. Maybe a 4th aircraft will be used to serve another W destination with Nis.
Deletethis is not good for Pristina.
Deletelol in the end INN-NS who said this all along turned out to be right.
ReplyDeleteLucky Guess
DeleteOT: Wizz starts flying from Billund and Berlin to Tuzla from October and December :)
This is great. Amazing Tuzla
DeleteSKP success with Berlin fueling TZL. Good to see. Good luck!
DeleteExpected outcome of this 'privatization' that has only wasted money.
Isn't that the company that started recently with ZAG flights?
That's the one.
DeleteHow are pilots controlled for intoxication and how (un)usual are these kinds of incidents?
DeleteOT, about to fly Zagreb to Doha with Qatar. Apparently only one seat left.
ReplyDeleteZagreb peak period = very busy and seems like you have less room than in Split. Looking forward to the new terminal.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as you pass passport control you have very small waiting area, and duty free shop, that is it. There's only enough room for around 500-550 passengers in entire waiting area.
DeleteCheck in area is also small with only 10-12 check in desks if my memory serves me well. With 7-8 flights leaving at the same time, check in would collapse. My last flight out of Zagreb, check in took 50 min to process 160-170 passengers.
I'd imagine if you had more than 3 air planes leaving check-in would collapse.
I think Check-in can handle maximum of 5-6 departures per hour any more and they'd have constant delays and collapse.
So how do they handle the morning wave of departures? Does the airport turn into a zoo?
DeleteThis is Zagreb's entire check in area, there are 20 check in desks and if you have only 4-5 check in staff working you'll wait for a long time to get your stuff checked in.
Delete1-8 check in desks are separated by offices, i didn't notice that before, my bad, however I've only seen 9-20 being used for check ins. or about 12 desks at any given time.
They can only handle 6 aircraft per hour at most and waiting time :( Last time I flew out of Zagreb, check in Q had 160-170 passengers waiting for 45-50 min, I think there were 5 flights out, Frankfurt, Paris, London (where I was flying), Amsterdam & Split.
At one point there were 300 people waiting in the check in Q but many opted to for self service after waiting for 30 min in the Q, once the staff realised two check in desks won't do, they started separate check in for Paris, Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt and Split, and things started to move fast, with in 20 min 170 people in front of me have been checked in, however another Q built really fast behind me, didn't pay attention to how many people were behind me as it became really frustrating after all this wait, i simply wanted to be out of there.
I think if all 12 check in desks work, or around 6 flights per hour, they could theoretically handle around 700 passengers per hour, but that would put strain on staff if this had to be done during the entire shift.
As I've said earlier on, I've never seen 1-8 check in desks ever being used, not even when airport is swamped with traffic. no idea what 1-8 check in desks are for to be honest. I fly out to Zagreb and out of Zagreb a fair bit, at least 3-4 times per year. Never seen 1-8 check in desks ever being used.
BTW new terminal will initially have 32 check in desks, however this can expand to 80 check in desks if needed. The new terminal apron is also quite large 575x175m, so it'll be able to handle at least 20 aircraft per hour.
new terminal - plenty for room for expansion and loads of aircraft positions, at least 12 up to 20 will be available. Old terminal will become a 12000sqm cargo terminal, largest in the region, initial capacity 100-250 000tons, projected traffic at least 30 000 tons by 2020.
and duty free shop you have to pass to get to boarding area, old terminal, quite small duty free shop i think 300sqm,
@ last anon
DeleteNice info you got there.
They probably do handle 700 per hour or even a bit more during the morning wave. I guess the staff can stand it because it's only for the wave, and not throughout the entire shift.
Check in 1-8 are used for companies that are not Star Alliance like Air France, KLM, Aeroflot, Germanwings, Norwegian, Air Serbia, Air Transat, British Airways, Iberia, Air Europa, flyDubai, Qatar, El Al, Tunis Air, Vueiling...
Delete@AnonymousJuly 19, 2016 at 5:51 PM
DeleteNo i don't think so, I tried once to use 1-8 check in desk and no one was there to help me out, a lady who works pointed me to the main check in area, she didn't say why they no longer use 1-8 check in, but self service might be reason, I think 1 through 8 are reserved for self service if someone is there, Air France, KLM were also checked in in the same check in area when I was flying out. In new terminal yes, this will be separated with most likely Star alliance having 1-12 check-ins and the rest for others.
However presently not sure this is the case @old terminal.
Do you have some evidence of 1-8 check in being used by non-Star Alliance ??
Evertime i was flying from zagreb i used checkin 1-8 because i was flying with klm to amsterdam and brussels airlines to brussels. They use this checkin area
DeleteTK only 'shows interest' you would think they just want to peek into everyone's business and see the finacials up close and then say they're not interested
ReplyDeleteOT: Nice video of first Air Serbia flight to New York
OT: Sorry guys just an explain if someone can. Yestarday some anonymous wrote that BEG airport june:460.020 pax, wikipedia wrote 435.691, who is right and who is wrong?
ReplyDeleteGo to the airports website. The numvers are published.
ReplyDeleteevo potvrde onoga sto smo znali - turkish se nikada nije ozbiljno interesovao za OU. tokom zimske sezone ide tuzniji deo, odnosno suocavanje sa realnoscu. prica o nabavci novih bombardier masina je takodje fingirana. nema nista od te nabavke, vec je izglednija fuzija ili drugi oblik saradnje sa TDR.
ReplyDeleteDakle ovako,
ReplyDeleteulaskom velike kompanije na prostor zapadnog balkana omeđen je koridor aviosabraćaja. Jedna veća kompanija, čarter kompanije i lowcost kompanije. U tom smislu treba analizirati buduće aktivnosti, ukoliko ne dođe do neke neočekivane promjene na širem prostoru.
Apsolutno se slazem sa tobom, posto otkada je Hrvatska u EU, "Zapadni Balkan" cine Srbija, BIH, Albanija, Makedonija, Kosovo i Crna Gora. Sto se tog "zapadnog balkana" tice u pravu si. A CTN/OU ce za nekoliko godina biti veca i jaca od JU/ASL, koliko god to sada mozda izgledalo drugacije. Cirlidersi i fanbojsi navalite :)
DeleteČuo sam razne fantazije o promenama koje ulazak u EU donosi, ali prvi put čujem da isti menja geografski položaj jedne zemlje.
Delete"A CTN/OU ce za nekoliko godina biti veca i jaca od JU/ASL, koliko god to sada mozda izgledalo drugacije."
DeleteOvog komentara se ne bi postideo ni INN-NS u najboljim danima.
Anonymus 2:18, Zapadni Balkan je izmisljeni pojam od strame EU da smjesti u isti kos sve zemlje s ovog podrucja. Geografski pojam je Balkan, i Hrvatska je nedvojbeno na Balkanu.
DeleteZapadni Balkan: Hrvatska, BiH, Srbija, Crna Gora, Makedonija i Albanija.
DeleteHello everyone. I have a question. I need to go to Mostar. What's the fastest way to get there from Belgrade? By car or is it better to fly into SJJ or DBV and then to drive to there?
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, any help is appreciated.
SJJ to Mostar takes about 1:45-2 hrs.
DeleteDBV to Mostar is more like 2:15-2:30. The border crossing there normally isn't busy, but might be on Saturday and Sunday evenings (day trips returning).
Car should take some 6.5 hrs maybe? 7.5 tops I'd say. You do want to avoid going via Bg-Zg highway into Croatia as that border crossing gets super busy. Zvornik is what I use on my trips to Belgrade. I can give you a detailed route and how long it took from Jablanica to Belgrade -just add 35-40 min to get to Mostar (or a bit more to get some jagnjetina ;) )
And you can't miss jagnjetina from Jablanica :-D
DeleteGreat! Thanks. We will definitely pass by Jablanica. :D
DeleteNemjee have you figured out which route you're taking? I can share the detailed route I take.
DeleteAlso, in case you don't have a place to sleep at, i can suggest a really nice one, just above the Old Bridge; great location, nice owners, roof terrace with a view and fair price. Lmk if you're interested
Sedi i vozi, koji got put izaberes uzivaces u predivnoj prirodi. Neces puno vremena ustedeti ako budes letio. Sretan put u svakom slucaju.
ReplyDeleteHvala! Mada i dalje mislim da bi letovi izmedju Beograda i Mostara imali smisla..
DeleteJU 501seems to be on the fasttrack tonight. JFK-BEG planned in 6h59min
ReplyDeleteETA: 0409h instead of 0530h