Trending in September

Starting today, each first of the month, EX-YU Aviation News will bring you a list of the most popular stories over the past thirty days based on the number of pageviews, giving you the opportunity to revisit news you might have missed.

September continued to prove that new route launches generate the most interest. This week’s announcement of Transavia’s planed new flights to Belgrade and Ljubljana topped the month as the most popular news story and the second most popular news item ever published on EX-YU Aviation News since it went online on June 1, 2008.

The full list of the top ten trending stories this September can be viewed below:


  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Anonymous16:45

    What was the most popular story of all time?


    2. Hvala EX-YU Aviatio za ovu vrstu pregleda. Ovakav nacin pokazuje svrsishodnost ovog portal i nivo zainteresovanosti ucesnika u razmeni ideja i misljenja na ovom sajtu. Mislim da bi dobra ideja bila, da slicno ovoj rubrici koju ste poceli da objavljujete svakog prvog u mesecu, to isto pokusate da pprosirite sa mesecnim, ili barem dvomesecnim objavljivanjem trendova za svaki continent posebno. Uveren sam da na svakom kontinentu se nalazi bar po jedna osoba koja bi saradjivala sa Vama na o vom blogu. Naravno bez honorara!. Mozda se ova ideja nece dopasti?. Ali sve jedno. I taj region i njegova problematika su sastavni deo globalnih kretanja civilnog saobracaja u svetu. Ostalo je do Administratora... Takodje smatram da bi novembar mesec mogao u trend da objavi i eventualno (obecano od autoriteta Vladev Srbije) otvaranje polu decenijskog, zatvorenog Terminala aerodroma Morava Kraljevo. Cutanjem se ne aktivira nista u danasnjim vremenima. Pa ni Aerodrom Morava. Verujem da ovo nije off topic. Spostovanjem. Rodney Marinkovic. Home of Qantasville 1. Kings Park, Sydney AUSTRALIA.

  3. Anonymous01:02

    Great idea Mr. Ex-yu Aviation.


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