Air Serbia to terminate Abu Dhabi service

Air Serbia will discontinue its daily flights between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi at the end of the 2017 summer season, on October 29, exactly four years since the route's launch. In a statement, the carrier said the move will "allow Air Serbia to redeploy the A319 currently serving the market on shorter routes to maximise returns". It added, "The carrier will outfit its Airbus A319 and A320 narrow-body aircraft with slimmer seats to increase capacity and better utilise its aircraft by focusing on flying to European markets". Despite decent loads on its Abu Dhabi operations, the service is one of its most expensive with eleven hour retun flying time and crew rest in the Emirati capital.

Air Serbia's CEO, Dane Kondić, said, "After conducting an extensive review of our five-year business plan, we have taken the decision to consolidate our network by focusing on our European routes. As part of this, we will be increasing the seat density on our Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft with seats which are better-suited for our shorter flights". He added, "We will also be suspending our second longest route, Belgrade - Abu Dhabi, which will enable Air Serbia to increase the utilisation of our narrow-body Airbus fleet and maximise returns. These steps will increase revenue and help to balance the seasonal fluctuations in our traffic, enabling Air Serbia to keep up a strong pace of growth and mitigate the escalating cost of fuel and other services in the aviation industry".

Etihad Airways will continue operating daily flights between the two capital cities, which are codeshared by Air Serbia, as well as Montenegro Airlines, Air Seychelles, Jet Airways, Sri Lankan Airlines, Virgin Australia and Oman Air. Abu Dhabi was the first new service launched under the Air Serbia brand in late October 2013. This year, the Serbian carrier has discontinued flights to Istanbul and has not resumed its seasonal services to Kiev and Varna. On the other hand, it will launch flights to Venice on June 1. In a recent interview with EX-YU Aviation News, Mr Kondić said the airline plans to rationalise its operations prior to any future network growth.


  1. Nemjee09:03

    I bet Larnaca is next in line for the guillotine.

    It will be interesting to see if they do something/anything with this 'extra' aircraft. My guess is that winter timetable won't see any major increases especially since they wanted to lease out YU-APD.

    1. Anonymous09:43

      from winter timetable together with Tel Aviv and Beirut

    2. Anonymous09:45

      ^ not true.

    3. Anonymous09:52

      naravno kao i sve do sada !

    4. Anonymous10:44

      Stupid moves if become reality.
      Instead of enhancing their network in eastern Mediterranean and eastern Balkans to feed the JFK flight and decrease its loses they are cutting destinations.

  2. Anonymous09:04

    Shame :(

  3. Anonymous09:07

    The AUH roues are the worst performing for both JU, AB and AZ. They are just flown to increase Pax flow for EY. Once EY entered those companies, they forced them to fly the routes. It is just a very expensive prestige route for all etihad companies. So in the wake of current events just a logical step to cut losses.

    1. Anonymous09:08

      I think you are right. Alitalia ended Venice - Abu Dhabi, Niki ended Vienna - Abu Dhabi as far as I am aware.

    2. Anonymous09:21

      DUS-AUH also cancelled by AB.

    3. Anonymous10:32

      But airBaltic from winter sezon will fly Riga-Abu Dhabi (look their inflight magazine).

    4. Anonymous11:31

      Unlike JU, airBaltic is a properly run airline.

    5. Anonymous12:52

      STR-AUH also was cancelled in 2016, operated by EY part owned AB, too.

    6. Anonymous16:21

      Anon at 11.31pm - with air baltic, you have to pay for everything. So if this is what you mean by being properly run, then i guess JU's mgt is on the right path ....

    7. Anonymous16:54

      The main difference being that BT never pretended to be more than what it is, a hybrid carrier. On the other hand JU has no clue what it wants to be.

    8. Anonymous19:19

      Just like BA I guess ....

    9. Anonymous20:49

      BA is in a downward spiral, just like JU. It won't be pretty for either one.

  4. Anonymous09:08

    This is a crazy decision, one one side they are leasing a plane and on another they are claiming they need a plane from Auh service. It seems that the left foot doesn't know what the right one is doing. The seating in the A319/320 is already with very limited legroom, adding more seats will make it even worst! Sorry to say bu this airline seems to be on the decline.

    1. Anonymous09:12

      I agree that the airline is heading in the wrong direction (thanks management!) but the new seats will be differently designed, they are the new generation of slim seats.

      By the way, since JU is a government owned company they will have to announce a public tender for the refit of their cabins. I wonder if they will respect the law or not.

    2. Anonymous09:14

      The seats have already been ordered and are in production. The first will be added next month.

    3. Anonymous09:14

      So no public procurement process. Wonderful.

    4. Anonymous12:29

      JU secured years ago decree which frees the company of any public procurement process. It's on JU's willingness to go for it or not

    5. Anonymous22:09

      Why they didn't install those slim seats in the first place?

  5. Anonymous09:11

    The crew can sleep in the plane

  6. Anonymous09:14

    This is sad... they need the capacity for European flying and then they want to kick APD out of the fleet. Can someone explain to me the logic here?

    1. Anonymous09:28

      Having one aircraft bound to a route which is generating low yields is very, very expensive. JU on the other hand has to fight WIZZ and an ever expanding RYANAIR in Serbia. This erodes the yields on European routes. A pax that flew to Vienna from Nis for instane will do so to Bratislava from Nis direct, for a fraction of costs. This in sum is a big pain in the as for JU, which they can only fight by lowering yields. They in turn put more seats in the aircraft to compete on COST. In the end someone will lose out, as the market is not indefinitely large.

  7. Anonymous09:15

    Sada cete da se gurate u avionu ko sa Er Kroejsha. Trt butik.

    1. Anonymous09:23

      Nije njima Kroejsha uzor vec Wizz Air. Vidis da ce imati istu kabinu a usluga na letovima im je vec manje vise ista. Sledece sto ce najaviti je da ukidaju Kopenhagen zarad Malmea...

      ...ili, imajuci u vidu da su u firmi ostali samo jatovci, mozda cemo videti neki flashback poput BEG-CPH-ARN. lol

    2. Anonymous10:16

      U Kopenhagenu ionako ne zive njihovi putnici. Malme je keva.

    3. Anonymous10:20

      Ali Kopenhagen je pravo mesto za sve butik firme. ;) Dane to sigurno zna, vidis kako super vodi firmu, uskoro cemo biti tamo gde smo bili 2010. godine. Cak ce leteti i Boinzi

    4. Anonymous10:56

      Kopenhagen je dobar za presedanje za Ameriku, ali posto imaju svoj let jbg
      i jos sa Norvezanima tamo nemaju sta da traze. Mislim Malme pokriva wizz. Mislim tesko da tu mogu da prodju pored nordijaca u celom regionu.

  8. Anonymous09:15

    Must say that my expectations with a switch to Sabre would bring some better online booking experience. The other day I was purchasing a ticket online and honestly I was about to give up as I could not enter my FF number for several attempts, always coming up with error message.Finally bought the tkt without entering my FF number. The only positive is ability to purchase the seat of choice including X leg room seats near the exit.

    1. Anonymous09:21

      Actually one way or another you have to pay for your seat unless you want it to be assigned to you automatically. Just so that you know, the system is programmed to always give out middle seats so as to force people to pay the seat fee.

  9. Anonymous09:21

    They are for all practical purposes giving up on Australia (lots and lots of diaspora), Far East, India, and all these other markets in which they had a foot in the door through this service. It's a pity and a very short sighted move. Of course ex-yus from Australia can still book themselves on the JU code but that doesn't do anything to distinguish the Etihad hard product from the other ME3 1-stop options. Even the Jat in its pretty sad days was able to maintain the Dubai service. After giving up on so much (IEV, LED, WAW, VAR, AUH,...) it does seem like JU is folding back into a less relevant regional player...

    1. Anonymous09:23

      LED is operating normally.

    2. Anonymous09:28

      Not really, LED is operating seasonally and with JU you never know what might be back and what might not.

    3. Anonymous09:46

      Well its a fight between WIZZ and JU.JU was far too weak for BEG to let WIZZ in just to increase PAX numbers. In the end it will fold like a cardhouse.

    4. Anonymous11:06

      He meant IST.

  10. Anonymous09:26

    As soon as the summer timetable took effect we could see a number of delays, on Saturday SVO was late 5 hrs departing BEG, today it is Berlin, what is going on at JAT, does anyone know the reason for this?

    1. Anonymous09:29

      People were not properly trained to handle the new system so problems arise. Unfortunately Dane refused to allow a budget for proper training of airport staff.

  11. Anonymous09:28

    it is very strange, somebody who reports improved profit and revenues come with fleet downsizing and numerous cuttings in operations.They will probably announce delay of NEO fleet in coming months, and wait sign from main stakeholder to cancel JFK service.

    1. Anonymous09:32

      New York is NOT being suspended and is not even being considered for suspension. I can tell you that first hand. That route is untouchable for various reasons and all stakeholders have agreed to that. As for neo no decision has been made yet but they are looking at delaying deliveries.

    2. Anonymous09:39

      anon 9:28 to anon 9:32

      actually you have just confirmed my words

    3. Anonymous11:03

      Anon 9:32 is correct. As long as SNS governs the JFK route stays.

    4. Anonymous12:37

      EY is deciding on everything, or almost everything in JU, no matter they "on paper" own "only" 49% stake in JU.
      And SNS doesn't own EY. And yes, PM/president/allmighty will try to keep JFK, for some ridiculous "prestige", but it's EY to decide on JU''s JFK future, not SNS. And Hogan, who was SNS "player" in EY, is gone. And AUH suspension was the first move EY made towards JU after Hogan was gone. And JFK is the next, it''s just the matter of the months. Cheers!

    5. Anonymous12:54

      According to the European Comission and the United States Department of Transport, effective control at JU is with the Serbian government.

    6. Anonymous13:05

      Videli smo neki dan u slucaju Alitalije Hogan je bio spreman da baci jos para, ali su radnici rekli ne. Sada ih vadi IT vlada jos neki mesec. Ovde ljudi zestoko mesaju upravljanje kompanijom i dnevne odluke kao sto je ova. Videcemo kako ide nabavka novih aviona i sta ce uraditi sa nabavkom regionalnog aviona. Tri aviona razlicitog tipa kao sto je CA letos je cisto ludilo. Nisam siguran da Mali ima mozga da se tu snadje.

    7. Anonymous14:51

      I just wonder how is Hogan an "SNS man" when he didn't even consider investing in JU (or even codesharing) until he got a word from the Emir of Abu Dhabi on the matter. If anything, he was the one looking after EY interests. Tie-up with JU certainly wasn't his idea.

      And having that in mind, why do you believe Hogan's departure will change anything in EY-JU relations for the worse? Emir is still alive and well, as far as I know, and he's not going anywhere.

    8. Anonymous16:38

      @ An.2:51
      Emir is the owner. Hogan was emir''s employee. Hogan idea was to buy share in JU (not only SNS, Dinkic started the deal, SNS finished it, and Hogan got his compensation as well, of course). Employee Hogan had to ask emir for the permission to spend his money. Emir gave the permission. But then emir found out that Hogan was spending too much of his money and Hogan was fired. Dane was "the bridge" which "connected" "serbian effective control over JU" with "EY''s effective deciding on everything in JU" according to Hogan''s ideas and deals (JFK included). Again, Hogan fired, Dane lost in space, and JFK suspension the only next logical step.

    9. Anonymous17:39

      Anonymus 1:05, krivo si vidjeo. Hogan nije htio dodatno uloziti u AZ a radnici su odbacili sporazum koji je kompanija potpisala sa sindikatima. Sporazum je bio bolji za radnike od prijasnjih najava, ali su ga ipak odbacili. Ali ne vjerujem da ce firma propasti, pretvorit ce je u nesto drugo, to su vec napravili mislim 2008.

    10. Anonymous19:16

      Sad ces jos da me ubedjujes da ne znam sta sam procitao ili da ti znas sta Hogan misli iako prica drugacije. Aman odakle vam ti takvi seljacki maniri.

  12. Anonymous09:36

    jednostavno konkurencija je zestoko odgovorila na ekspanziju JU i u hodu je prestrojavanje - nazalost sa malim sansama za uspeh. naplata od 30 eura za check-in ce ih kostati vise nego avantura sa amerikom. sada krece talas pucanja feeding linija, po meni prvi na spisku je zagreb.

    1. Anonymous10:34

      Check-in je besplatan na svim aerodromima osim na BEG gde je besplatan ako se cekirate on line.

    2. Anonymous10:35

      ZAG can be downgraded to daily, there is enough pax.

    3. Anonymous13:31

      If ZAG goes to one daily, they might as well cut it cause they get no connectivity. Double daily or at least 10 weekly is a must. Daily cannot work because then in one direction you lose connectivity; what would you sell?

    4. Anonymous15:49

      I think there is O&D pax between ZAG and BEG... 1 daily MUST work.

    5. Anonymous16:21

      But again you need more than daily as otherwise times for p2p are not competitive. P2p part that pays more than bus or car I mean.

  13. Anonymous09:38

    JU managers in charge of sales should learn from some in-house others, when they announe (better write announced) the introduction of new services they tipically did it oficially 1-2 weeks prior to the service start, on the other side discontinuation is announced months ahead. Very strange politics that make no business sense.

  14. Anonymous10:11

    Tako je i Jat airways krajem 2011 ukinuo liniju za Dubai, I'm so sorry!

    1. Anonymous10:15

      Pa znas kako, danas imaju svega nekoliko destinacija ka kojima ni Jat nije leteo. Uskoro ce imati goru ponudu, stvarno tuzno sta dve, tri osobe napravise od firme.

    2. Anonymous10:29

      Zbilja tužno šta uradiše te dve, tri osobe.. dupliraše broj putnika u odnosu na Jat airways a ovih 11 airbuseva, tri Atr-a i 10 novo narucenih aviona su vazduh..

    3. Anonymous10:36

      Svaka čast, pun pogodak...

      Hejteri će se naslađivati danas ali si ti objasnio u 2 rečenice....

    4. Anonymous10:41

      Ali sto volim kada narod krene da izlavi te stare floskule o dupliranju flote i putnika. Brate, to je bilo u pocetku, u danima slave dok se imalo kesha? Ajde da pricamo o uspesima u proteklih godinu i po dana?

    5. Anonymous10:42

      Nije lako hejterima. Četiri godine gledaju kako Er Srbija raste, piju lekove za smirenje i jedva su dočekali nešto što njima izgleda kao loša vest pa se raduju. Eh kad bi znali da je ovo dobra vest za Er Srbiju ne bi im bilo dobro.

    6. Anonymous10:43

      Povecanje broja putnika i LF. Jednostavno.

    7. Anonymous11:33

      Vama cheerleadersima bi i gasenje same firme nekako bilo dobro za Er Srbiju. Svako povlacenje je jos jedan poraz za firmu, nema tu sta dobro da bude. Sem ako ne smatrate da je i ukidanje waw, bud, var... bila dobra stvar?

    8. Dejan12:26

      Anon 11:33 AM

    9. Anonymous12:27

      Naravno da li ti mislis da treba da se leti tamo gde se stize flotom minibuseva i nema transfer putnika. Problem je sto se ne sire, ne sto ne lete na ta mesta. Ove godine samo Venecija koju su trebali u startu da uvedu. Za transferne putnike i ponekog iz Srbije.

    10. Anonymous12:35

      Da je dobro nije,ali je i činjenica da od kada su startovali sa ovom linijom desile su se neke stvari. Skoro svi gradovi u regionu dobili su dobre direktne veze sa Dubai,Dohom i nije realno očekivati da će moći više da pune avione sa tranzitnim (npr Zagreb dobija Emirates,Qatar vec skoro duplo,Sarajevo FlyDubai,Skopje Qatar,CG..). Sa druge strane povecala se konkurencija u BEG. Od svih njih ASL ima najgori proizvod . Mogu da čekaju ili da urade nešto. Ovako će mozda EY uvesti A321/A330 kapacitet ce biti isti,bolji proizvod a ASL će pojacati jutarnji talas.

    11. Anonymous12:53

      Pitanje je da li Dane ide ili ne. Naravno da aviosaobracaj vise nije isti posle dolaska EY u BEG. Oni su jedini barem na papiru profitabilni. Sad sto ne pokusavaju da razvijaju Ankaru, Lyon, Nicu sezonski, ponovo Kijev ili nesto drugo tamo, Aman, pa i taj hebeni Teheran on je blizi sat vremena leta od AbuDabia, neletenje za Bratislavu zbog duopola sa Austrijancima, nemaju codeshare za spaniju i portugal.

    12. Anonymous13:52

      Naravno da je dobra odluka kao i par drugih koje su doneli u poslednje vreme. Ali nekom ko sedi na splavu, udara mu Long Island Ice Tea u glavu i zato kuje Jat u nebesa, naravno ne razume zasto je ovo dobro.

    13. Anonymous14:02

      Ja preferiram Pure Leaf, ali ne sluze ni jedan na splavovima. Ne siri dezinformacije.

    14. Anonymous14:30

      Vidis da jedino sto zna da radi je da siri dezinformacije. Cak se osmelio da kaze kako je ovo dobra stvar za JU.

      Taman im treba dodatni kapacitet za Evropu, posebno sada kada iznajmljuju YU-APD. LOL!!

    15. Anonymous15:25

      YU-APD se iznajmljuje u zimskom periodu kada nije potreban i kada sve kompanije u regionu lete sa polu praznim avionima. Vraća se u aprilu.

  15. Anonymous10:19

    They can use the plane to start Tehran IKA

    1. Anonymous10:22

      Please explain, how is Tehran better choice than AUH?

    2. Anonymous10:58

      Nema zasad konkurenciju.

    3. Anonymous11:17

      hahahahahahahahahahahaha- that was a good one :)

    4. Anonymous14:10

      They can try CAI, increase ATH to double daily, fly to BUD and IEV again.
      All options that would greatly help the JFK route loadfactors and profitability.

    5. Anonymous16:13

      Whether they have given up from Prishtinë ?

  16. Anonymous10:38

    People were saying that this needed to be done for a year.
    And we were called "haters" by the exact same people who now say it is a great decision...

  17. Anonymous10:43

    This is what was written yesterday.

    EY starting A321 from 30 Oct to BEG, A332 over peak Dec and Jan period, back to A321 till March then A332 daily from S18 - can't disclose the source...

  18. Aэrologic11:02

    The problem is not that they are cutting AUH but that they are not expanding anywhere. Air Serbia is almost absent from Eastern Europe with the exception of Moscow, LED seasonal and Bucharest. We in Kiev we have to feed money to Turkish, LO or OS in order to reach Serbia. Planes were full last year. All in all, with each step ahead, Air Serbia is making its competitors stronger and giving less reasons to people to fly JU. They're trying to cut costs but not to increase the revenues by flying to places where they could really make money, at the condition of proper marketing and investment in the route. I'll repeat once again, last year I didn't see JU on billboards anywhere except in Montenegro. Air Serbia is becoming an O&D carrier where it'll fight Wizz Air/Ryanair for the same routes and loose. Greetings from Kiev.

    1. Dejan11:09

      Fully agree!
      Cutting Kiev where they faced no competition was a stupid move.
      They could use it to feed their European network and especially the JFK flight.

    2. Anonymous11:34

      Especially now when visas are about to be suspended for Ukrainian nationals.

    3. What did you expect ? As if Serbia and Belgrade are heavily underserved, powerful business and tourist center...
      Not saying that serbian market is puny...but voth ASL and BEG got a bit overthemselves 2013-15... so this consolidation of operations makes absolute sense.
      MFurtherr. Kindic and Hogan did not say that Serbia needs to work on their deatination product for no reason...
      Future organic growth of 5% to 6% a year would be more than decent...

    4. Anonymous14:13

      Ukraine is country/market with 40 million people!
      And JU had no competition on the route. And no LCC can come in and trash yields either. It would be a great contributor not only to the ex-Yu markets from BEG but also to the rest of Europe AND especially to New York.

    5. Anonymous14:37

      Imaju oni svoju direktnu liniju za Ameriku koliko treba da im oboris cenu karte da im se isplati. Okanite se vise punjenja linije za NYC sa svakog moguceg aerodroma imate fiksaciju sa njom.

    6. Aэrologic16:39

      Half of the passengers on the flights from Kiev were to New York.

    7. Aэrologic16:45

      Air Serbia didn't need to keep Kiev, they could have introduced LWO with Atr-72. LOT is flying double daily there now. I want to say only one word: f*uck.

    8. ^true, which is quite surprising considering the amount of options from Kiev to NYC area.

    9. Anonymous17:33

      Aman po kojim cenama? Nije cilj prevoziti putnike sa gubitkom vec nesto i zaraditi. Ako Hasidi lete iz NYC za Tel Aviv za 800 -1000 dolara bolje je od nekog iz Kijeva za NYC za 450 Jura. Da li to razumete? Ne vredi puniti avion sa takvim putnicima. Iz Bejruta lete za Pariz i NYC. To ne znam koliko se isplati.

    10. Aэrologic18:47

      Let's extrapolate a bit on this:

      - Kiev had ZERO marketing from day one and it's a surprise it performed even that well

      - Air Serbia published a shameful/stupid picture of the city for the route launch like of Blok 62 in Belgrade, where the person who posted it from the PR department should have been fired upfront

      - O&D tickets were far from cheap at around 300$ and there was a lot of O&D pax

      - Adria's FA's i spoke to as i'm flying standby were shocked when they learned the route has just started seeing such good loads averaging more than 70%

      - Air Serbia WASN'T selling tickets to anywhere beyond Italy and the Balkans {banghead}

      - All the other airlines are increasing Kiev, LWO, ODS

      So there must be something wrong?

      Seems there is a market that Air Serbia was unable to capture?

      Like in BUD, like in WAW, like in BEY where Aegean is reaching DOUBLE f***ing daily!

      "Ako Hasidi lete iz NYC za Tel Aviv za 800 -1000 dolara"

      In order to reach THOSE prices you need to INVEST in routes and product, from marketing till customer fidelity, just look at QR in BEG and the job they've done in three years, from being clearly the underdog.

      Of course at the beginning you'll be selling tickets at whatever price, but that's called capturing market share the alternative being to be left with nothing than flights to gasterbeiter routes to France and Germany, retreating from one market after another BEFORE reaching the critical mass or investing proper resources for the routes to function.

      Once again, how come it's ok to drive those pax from ZAG or SOF at 300+ Euros but not from Kiev at 450? With that logic you can shut down the company completely. Air Serbia is entering a very dangerous playing field where they'll be competing head-on with Wizz Air/Ryanair for the same market.

      The same thing happened in BUD and WAW:

      - No marketing, no promotions
      - Fares too high right from the start
      - Not enough feeding routes in MENA
      - Absence of strategy for bringing tourists to Belgrade and stimulate O&D
      - Absence of long-term planning (visa liberalization this year in Ukraine) amongst other and market potential

      Air Serbia is slowly but surely sliding to Jat.

    11. Anonymous19:28

      Факт је:

      - сви национални превозници у источној Европи расту
      - сви аеродроми који су горе поменути расту са 10-20% годишње

      А где је JU?

      Укида једну линију након друге.

    12. Aэrologic19:28

      The guy works in an airline and he can't speak English. I'm sure his knowledge of aviation is as bad as his level of English if not worse.

      Prices are not a fixed thing but an actual value-ratio and you need to reach them through the service and consistency you provide, choices you offer to passengers.

      I mean, i guess all the other Euro carriers flying to Ukraine or Budapest must be crazy. I am sure Vassilakis from Aegean is mad for opening Yerevan, Teheran, etc. same as LOT. Yet Aegean goes from strength to strength while JU goes from bad to worse.

      You're just stupid, ignorant and incapable.

    13. Anonymous19:31

      Osim LOTa svi su u cabru. Pogledaj sta je radila Adria na Baltiku, gde je RO, sta trpe sad u Sofiji pored Wizza i RA. Nemoj mi iznosti retardirane price da nacionalni prevoznici rastu kad to nije tacno. Misli mrzi ti slobodno AS, ali nemoj mi iznositi lazi. Nacionalni prevoznici su uglavnom u problemima i pored niskih cena goriva. Uglavnom imaju visak zaposlenih i losu strukturu flota kao CA i AS. Ne citam samo ovakve blogove vec i sire.

    14. Aэrologic19:37

      Why don't you start speaking in English? I don't even consider Adria or OU as serious national carriers and JU should have precipitated their downfall by putting them out of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia. Was there ever such a plan? RO is doing fine but then again, why need to compare yourself to the worst? LO, A3, PS, B2 are enough of examples to show you that THINGS CAN BE DONE BETTER and that retreating is not the solution but only increases the already negative trends. Will see you around in a year or two, maybe less.

    15. Aэrologic19:41

      To every problem there's a solution. If you're still there it means you're not doing enough in solving them, end of the story.

    16. Anonymous19:41

      Alo Vassilakis from Aegean
      ima proizvod koji se zove Grcka Dane ima Gorana Vesica budaletinu iz Kraljeva da mu razgoni turiste.
      Ne radi Aegean transfer tih putnika nego ih dovodi u Grcku. To Alitalia ne moze ni da pomisli pored LCC kompanija. Tu pucaju njihovi upravljaci. Docice momenat kada ce i na njih nasrnui. Mislis da se isplati sto je AS uveo Veneciju? cim malo razrade ulece wizz ili RA preko Trevisa 30 km severno od venecije.

    17. Aэrologic19:42

      Then shut down the company and that's it.

    18. Plane Mad19:46

      Aэrologic at 6:47 PM
      Great post!

    19. Anonymous19:53

      Ekonomija nije samo ono sto se uci pored picinog parka vec i istorija.
      Wizz finansira ekipica iz Teksasa.
      Videcemo koliko ce trajati. LOT je finansiran zbog Poljaka koji su ludi kao 30ih i idu Rusima uz nos i e/p im je smesan 3 milijarde necega prema 3o miliona toga. To je namaknuto nekim muljanjima time ne mogu da pokriju gubitke iz prehodnih godina. A gorivo dve godine dzabe.

    20. Aэrologic20:00

      The reason i'm insisting on Eastern Europe/MENA/Caucasus (Krasnodar was by the way mentioned) from day ONE is because those markets CAN'T be penetrated by European low-cost carriers and that should be Air Serbia's strategy from day one. Aegean is doing just that. You won't tell me double-daily from Tel Aviv or Cairo are tourists going to Greece for God's sake??!

    21. Anonymous20:02

      Najbolje da prodamo nekom tajkunu, koji ce nam.

    22. Anonymous20:16

      Samo nemoj da skaces sa baltickih na egejske letace. Ejdzin je zaista sada uspesan, ali ponavljam ti imaju jak osnovni proizvod puno putnika za Grcku. Znas li koliko je sada Turaka bilo u BEG?
      Nemamo mi mnogo veze sa kavkaskim narodima osim sto smo spucali AN 12
      u brdo iznad Jerevana. Krasnodar je Rusija tamo imamo sljakere. Prodati im rvatsko i montenegrinsko primorje mozda.

    23. Nemjee20:37

      What are you going on about? Aegean has the tourist industry but why don't you take a look at the list of airlines that actually serve, not only Athens, but Greek islands as well.

      In addition to having to face Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa, Swiss, Alitalia... and many other airlines which have several daily flights into Athens, Aegean also faces stiff competition from Ryanair (base at ATH) but also from easyJet and as of last year Volotea.
      Many Greek airlines have come and gone, Olympic included. Most of them were pushed into bankruptcy by Aegean which has a vision and a serious management.

      After reading all your posts I seriously don't understand what you are proposing. On one hand you say that JU should stay away from connecting passengers while at the same time you say that they can't compete with lowcost carriers. So what are you proposing they should do?

    24. Nemjee20:40

      I would like to add that two years ago, Aegean served FCO and MXP with a single daily flight.

      In S17 they will offer two daily flights to both cities with their high density A321s. In addition to that, during the height of the summer season they will add three additional flights to Milan bringing the total to 17.

      If they were to follow your logic then they should have never increased either one of these cities because both routes were operated either by Alitalia, easyJet or Ryanair.

  19. Anonymous11:16

    Can somebody tell me how on earth Etihad have lower cost on this route? I think that Air Serbia had to take those flights from Etihad, not the opposite.

  20. Anonymous11:19

    So why ZAG will grow to the ME significantly with the arrival of Emirates in 4 weeks time, BEG will lose frequencies.

    1. Anonymous11:20

      Qatar is boosting frequencies and Etihad capacity.

    2. Anonymous11:36

      It's not BEG that is downsizing, it's JU.
      Don't forget that BEG got daily Atlasjet flights as well as all sorts of charters from TLV.

    3. Anonymous12:40

      Znaci leti imamo Izraelce, a zimi Arape sa sirokotrupnim avionima. Zanimljivo.

  21. JU520 BEGLAX11:19

    Now room for an EY widebody to BEG?

  22. Anonymous11:25

    I still don't get it. A319 will be "temporarily" leased in summer, JFK by the end of October because of "aircraft maintenance", no more KBP (no more visas for Ukrainians in June), no more morning flights form SOF, less flights to BRU and now AUH. Okay, I agree that they are changing their business model but the cuts are way too much I'm afraid.

  23. Anonymous11:48

    e da su svoj tzv butik model na vreme transformisali na LCC/hibridni model i plasirali ga za pocetak u Nisu, sada bi mogli da likuju. ovako su trajno izgubili Nis, a u Bgd se lagano povlace pred konkurencijom.

  24. I wonder if they regret leaving Dubai now....

    It's a shame that they can't for obvious reasons deploy the A330 to Abu Dahbi when it is not used for NY. Would free up the A319 and could still keep Abu Dahb. They would be a more competitive too in terms of price and product offered to Asia / Australia compared to Turkish, Qatar etc.

  25. Anonymous12:50

    This move tell us that they will reduce flights during winter, they gonna lease someone their A319 and on the other hand they cut flights to AUH? Ok, it makes sense after winter for next summer when they will have that A319 who has performing on this route and it tells us that they think about their future and future of European market that it makes huge changes, for example British Airways charge passengers for food on flights under 5 hours, their capacity on A320 is up to 177 passengers! I just want to remind you that Wizz Air on same aircraft has 180 seats! I am not comparing those two companies and their business models and everything, but if you want to compare seats and your legroom it's pretty much the same.

    On another topic, why Air Serbia wants to boost their capacity on A319 and A320 aircrafts, lets compare them with Lufthansa on flights to FRA and with Swiss on flights to Zurich and with Alitalia on flights to Rome:
    1) Air Serbia has (so far) 128 seats on A319 and they had 155 seats on A320
    2) Lufthansa can have 138 seats on A319-100 and 168 seats on A320-200 (at maximum)
    3) SWISS has 138 seats on A319-100 and from 168-180 on A320-200
    4) Alitalia has 138 seats on A319 and 165 seats on A320
    From this, you can see how Air Serbia is behind everyone with capacity on this routes, they need to improve this because if they put bigger prices on same routes with this companies, everyone will choose less expensive ticket on this short flights.

    If they want really to make difference as they said, they should never think about on board sales of food and they should focus on be better then Swiss, Lufthansa and everyone else with their on board service. I think this is te only way to keep passengers and company alive.

    And about EY flights, I think Air Serbia will have flights after EY landing in BEG to every single local city in ex-yu so when they return to BEG they can catch that EY72 flight to AUH (if timetable of EY stays the same) and that tells us that mornings in BEG will be hell for every employee :)


  26. Anonymous12:51

    No more large subventions, no more large expansion. It was nice while it lasted, but it seems to me that our new wings of Europe are now becoming "one more typical hybrid wings of Europe'. Only now they realized how much money they're loosing so they will completely change their original strategy of 'a boutique airline'. First they launched a huge amount of new routes in the first 2 years of operation, and now they're terminating more and more routes in order to "consolidate their European network" LOL what? I bet their European winter timetable will be even worse than the 2015/2016 one, I mean just take a look at the summer one. This big joke should have been shout down by the government back in 2013, Serbs should have done the same thing Hungarians did with Malev. A large amount of carriers would start BEG flights and in the same time you would have much more low-cost routes, so everyone could choose as they wish. I bet the passenger growth would've been the same or even larger and Serbs would generally fly more, because many Serbs who can't afford to fly legacy carriers (many of whom are basically an expensive RyanAir) would fly with LCCs, instead of giving their money for subventions to an airline which has now turned to a hybrid pay-for-all-on-board-including-oxygen model.

    1. Anonymous12:57

      I would much rather support a local company that hires 2500 locals than Hungarian/Swiss employees who to a avoid paying tax don't want to register aircraft in Serbia.

    2. Anonymous13:10

      Well watch out, that same airline you would support will continuously keep downgrading it's product until it eventually literally becomes a 'high-cost but low-cost' joke. It also charges much more Serbs who fly from BEG than those who transfer there (!!!). For example, their flights to New York are cheaper for someone who is transferring in BEG from FYROM/Albania/Croatia etc. than for Serbs themselves. That is outrageous if you ask me, especially considering the fact that low-cost presence in Serbia is rather limited, which leaves Serbs no choice whatsoever.

    3. Anonymous13:57

      Evo ga opet ovaj subventions

    4. Anonymous14:12

      Omg....It is a profit oriented company and not charity organization! Communism is over
      Name me one company that does not charge you more on a non-stop flight?!

    5. Anonymous14:28

      Omg... Wizz Air.

    6. Anonymous14:38

      Wizz? hahahah
      Try flying to NYC with W6 then, they will surely give you even a discount for being a Serbian citizen

    7. Anonymous14:46

      "Name me one company that does not charge you more on a non-stop flight?!"
      Well that's the problem - there are not many, especially when it comes to legacy carriers, many of whom have an awful service considering their prices. Low-cost business completely transformed (I'd rather use the term 'destroyed') air transportation as a whole. Because of low-cost models spreading like a cancer, more and more carriers are adopting to the market and downgrading their product. Flying stopped being an actual experience, nowdays it's just a way of moving from point A to point B, and it's a shame. Just look at what BA is doing right now, soon they'll be charging oxygen on board.

    8. Anonymous15:12

      dear admin: there is one word here in the thread (@anon 1.10) that needs rewriting.


    9. Anonymous16:44

      Low cost provided the ability for everyone to fly. It did not destroy anyone or anything. While I would avoid LCC for longer routes, for intra European routes they are a blessing.

    10. Anonymous19:09

      Lowcost proved everyone could fly... as long as they got subsidies and preferential treatment from airport management.

    11. What once was a privilege of certain few is treated as a commodity now a days. Like it or not, get used to it.It's not going to change for sure.

  27. Anonymous12:58

    O ljudi moji vi se prepucavate a istina je da JU puca po svim savovima i uvodi kao satro neke nove modele poslovanja i sve u pracu downgrading-a celokupnog servisa. Dok stede sa jedne strane s druge se razbacuju, sef pilota je stranac, placaju ogromne pare za neke toboz konsultante koji prodaju maglu itd. Otici ce JU u istoriju daleko ranije nego sto se predpostavljalo.

    1. Pismenost na nivou, pretpostavljam...

  28. Anonymous13:43

    JU is toast and so is the entire Etihad Partner Airline project. Pity - I think it was a worthwhile effort.

    Personally I am done with JU and I regret it a lot - all flights with them in previous 3 years have been a lovely experience. I wish it lasted longer.

    Haters on this blog still suck and will always suck, together with their poor hater mindset.

  29. Anonymous13:57

    They might as well terminate themselves if they keep downgrading their network, frequencies and product like this. This airline is really becoming a joke ever since JFK was introduced. This is probably just the beginning. Our beloved prime minister's desire of having a link to NWC will cost them much.

  30. Anonymous14:16

    Venice won't survive long, unfortunately
    Cant see it winning against low cost at TSR, SOF, SKP but let's see

    1. Anonymous14:30

      Ne verujem da oni gadjaju LCC turiste inace brze stignes do Venecije kolima sa 140 autoputem nego let preko SKP. 3 sata autobusom dole, cekanje na ukrcavanje, let. Sad ako ides sam ok je TSR.

  31. Anonymous15:52

    Radio sam na aerodromu do skoro, za Abu dabi popunjenost Er Srbije je bila oko 40%,
    Etihad isto.

    1. Anonymous18:21

      daily A320 on BEG-AUH could be enough

    2. Anonymous18:29

      Pričaš nebuloze, Etihad ima popunjenost iznad 80% svaki put.

    3. Anonymous18:30

      Da, zato je među zadnjima ukinuo A319 za BEG

    4. Anonymous20:02

      40%? Kako brate pričaš tako kad je Etihadov let a i ASL stalno pun u zadnje vreme? Burazer koji radi dole uvek ide preko nas jer su oni uvek 100% puni!

    5. Anonymous20:38

      Ma kakvih 40% na Etihadu, budalaštine... Do februara me posao vodio svake dve nedelje preko AUH u Aziju - Economy je ili krcata ili ima tipa 2-3 slobodna mesta zbog nekih noshow. Tu i tamo padne upgrade upravo zbog toga što je Economy oversold.

  32. Anonymous20:37

    here is how will interview with dane look like in 2020

    "commenting on JU discontinuing it's last service to TIV and returning it's last airbus to lessor, CEO Dane Kondić said: "we have now 7 years of experience behind us and we are continuously working on making our network more effective and improving our bottom-line result, so we concluded that we shouldn't fly at all as that would be the best thing serbian taxpayers. our extensive review of 5yr plan has shown that "subsidies" line was getting fatter each passing year, so we just decided to cut the bullshit of faking profit and land all of our planes. also oxford economics study has showed, that by doing that, our impact on serbian economy would quadruple to ~7000,00 billion euros. next year we will do a thorough review of whether we should overhaul engines of our 40y boeing fleet, to see if we can squeeze couple of bucks there and maybe start flying again"

    1. Anonymous22:05

      HAHAHA you win the internet.

    2. Anonymous02:30

      In 2020 Air Serbia will carry more than 3M passengers, it will operate NEO planes and add third widebody to the fleet. People will laugh at Anon @ 8:37 comment on how wrong haters were in 2017.

    3. Anonymous08:18

      Oh man, give it a rest. We all know none of it will come true unless Dane is gone and Vucic stops meddling.

      Also, for the past two years you guys have been writing similar scenarios while the airline has been moving in the opposite direction.

    4. Anonymous09:17

      Lol. Fill Neos with what passengers? Pay Neos with what money?
      Either those planes will be cancelled or Serbia will have to cough up many millions for somebody else stupid ideas

    5. Anonymous13:35

      Same money is used to lease Airbus fleet now. Neos will be paid over time.

    6. Anonymous21:58

      amount of money used to lease planes that should be paid over 25y is equaled with planes bought through bank loan which should be paid over 5-10y as an industry standard. you're a joke buddy

    7. Anonymous00:47

      Etihad placed an order, Air Serbia will lease to own from them.

  33. Anonymous22:01

    So where did all those stories about KRR, IKA and earlier BJS come from? What happened to the investments made to transform BEG into a mini Balkan hub? I'm very disappointed with Etihad.

    1. Aэrologic22:41

      The logic is the less work the better.

  34. How come will they fill these planes which have more seats when they can't fill this configuration?! :D

    We've read here that Alitalia is losing 500k euros every day, does anyone know about JU?!


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